How to write a selling headline that will captivate the reader. How to Write Effective Copywriter Magic Words Headlines

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

Research shows that in only 20% of cases, after reading the title of an article, a person begins to become familiar with its contents.

If you know what copywriting is, then you’ve probably heard about the most selling headlines (perfect headlines). The title of the text plays the most important role. It depends on him whether the audience will be hooked by the topic and whether he will want to get to know it more deeply. A selling headline for an ad, landing page, article or news convinces every person to read any text, and its meager brother sends the majority of your potential clients to another site so that they take their money there.

What are selling headlines and how to write them

In headlines, every word matters. If one of them is wrong, then it can negatively or, conversely, positively affect the whole advertising campaign. Headings are the first thing that catches everyone's eye. They either attract or repel. Titles for materials are required for websites, letters, advertisements, on banners, in articles, press releases, in general, wherever content comes after the “psychological hook”. They set the mood for the rest of the content and enable sales.
Have you written a wonderful text, but there are no sales? Pay attention to its name. So let's figure out how to write nice title, which will attract visitors to you and turn them into buyers.

Rules for writing headlines

  1. The headline should compel reading.
    Interest in the text is based on the feelings that arise in a person after reading the text above. To increase interest, you can use special techniques, which we will discuss later.
  2. Be unique.
    If the phrase is repeated by your competitors, then you are no different from them and your product is no better. Then why should customers buy a product or service (hereinafter referred to as T&S) from you?
    An example of a standard call at the top: “Order TiU before 10/01/2018 - and you will receive a cap as a gift!” Here’s another example: “Happy New Year, parents! Again 25%." Will you notice someone who blends into the crowd, or will you be attracted by an out-of-the-box thought?
  3. Convey a specific idea.
    In order to arouse interest, it is necessary to give people information by which they will understand whether the material provided will interest them or not. For example: “We miss you.” What's it about? we're talking about? Perhaps someone died? Or are some things missing? There's really no specifics here.
  4. Communicate urgency.
    This rule is not always applied, but it is very effective for sales copy. It is necessary to limit the client’s time so that he does not forget to make a purchase (order a service). Here it is better to limit yourself to strict dates rather than set vague time frames (1 month, 3 months, etc.). Write specifically: “Until 01.10.2018.”
  5. Provide benefit to the audience.
    A person always wants to know what useful things he will learn after reading your text. Example: “We write an advertising article in 5 minutes!” The reader understands that the material will teach him to quickly write a useful article.

Not in every case it is possible to follow all 5 rules. Please note: the first rule is the most important. If in addition to it you managed to use two more, then your headline is a selling one.

It’s worth noting that headlines aren’t just used in regular sales. For example, writing the right headline for Instagram or another social network is no less important. After all, in this case, you are not selling T&U, but views, while earning likes and reposts. And when a visitor reads any information article on the site, you receive a high rating. This means that almost any headline should be selling.

We've covered the basic rules for writing headlines. But each headline can also be enhanced using special techniques in order to arouse initial interest among the target audience.

How to arouse interest, or methods of strengthening

  • Pronouns "you".

Headlines with the words “you”, “you”, “your”, “yours” are more popular. This way you personalize the person by addressing him directly.

  • Present.

Readers love content that makes them feel important: giving gifts, giving something for free.

  • Lists and encouraging words.

Use numbers supplemented by the words “each”, “should”, “how”, etc. For example: “5 rules that every parent should know” or “10 rules: how to sell effectively.”

  • Tailor your headline to your target audience.

Each person needs an individual approach. What pleases the bull cannot please Jupiter. For example, you can use slang words to send a message to young people, but this technique is completely inapplicable to older people. Or if you are addressing fans of a particular sport, then poetry lovers will not understand the message. For different types the target audience (hereinafter - TA) needs different headlines.

  • Catchy quotes.

The use of well-known phrases with their slight modification inspires trust among the target audience. For example: “A car is not a luxury, but your constant companion.” The first part of the phrase is taken from a famous work.

  • Metaphors.

The meaning of this technique is to endow the TiU with the properties of an object. For example, perfume can be endowed with the properties of lightness and freshness of the wind, a car can be compared to a cheetah, etc.

  • Lexical repetitions.

You can deliberately repeat the same thing twice important word to draw attention to it. “New day - new you!”

  • Alliteration.

Using words with many identical consonants. “Direct, stubborn, simple” or “It’s easy to love summer.”

  • Antithesis.

This is a contrast. For example: “The chest is sunken, but the back is like a wheel!”

  • First person.
  • Allusion.

Draws attention to known facts. "You will become beautiful like Cindy Crawford."

  • Hot topics.

Conduct a dialogue with your target audience and cover what interests them. “How not to go crazy - a teenager in the family.”

  • Regular verbs.

Incentive verbs and verbal nouns form the correct attitude towards TiU in the reader. “Count and earn” or “Money loves counting.”

  • Brevity.

Short phrases attract more attention. How less words, those more weight everyone. “The Prince and the Pauper” is short and succinct. Less commonly used for selling texts.

  • SEO - 2 birds with one stone.

If headlines are posted on the Internet (landing pages, websites, web pages), do not forget to use keywords. This way you will promote your web resource in searches.

  • Honesty.

You may not say something in the title, but after reading the material, the visitor should not feel disappointed. For example: “Pugacheva had an accident!” The visitor clicks on the name and gets to the news that the singer’s personal driver scratched the car of a Moscow resident when he was returning it. At the same time, there was no one inside the car. The headline deliberately attracts the reader to read material that is useless to him in a dishonest way.

  • Questions.

Another technique for communicating with the reader, offering to solve his problem. “Is excess weight bothering you?”

  • Negation.

Starting from denial, you can interest some people. “Never sell T&U quickly.” This technique should be used very carefully.

  • 5 senses
  1. Including the reader's vision: "How to spy on competitors' tips."
  2. Smell: “How to remove odor in the refrigerator.”
  3. Rumor: “5 words no woman can resist.”
  4. Taste: “The bitter truth about sweet lies.”
  5. Touch: “Run your hand over his cheek.”

Formulas for creating beautiful headlines

Mathematicians love to derive all sorts of formulas. This process did not bypass the headlines either. Let's look at the basic techniques with which you can write a beautiful title.

  • TSOKRO = Number + Definition + Key + Explanation + Promise.

“10 reasons why a woman can change and change her life.” By the way, reinforcement was used by repeating one word.

  • Betteridge's Law.

Ask questions carefully because every question has a negative answer. “Do you dream of living outside the city?” “No, I don’t dream,” someone might answer.

  • <Делайте>How<пример>.

In this case, you start from a positive example: “Write like Daria Dontsova.” More advanced option:<Делай>How<кто-то>without<негативных последствий>. “Write like Daria Dontsova, but don’t repeat yourself in books.”

  • Compound adjectives + unique nouns.

“The smallest nuances”, “infectious examples”, “brilliant ideas”, etc.

  • <Цепляющая основа>or<Подзаголовок>.
  • Do you want (want)<что-то получить, сделать, добиться чего-либо>?

Encourages the reader to click on the title. Ideal for social networks: “Do you want to get 10,000 subscribers for free?”

  • Reverse model:<Желаемое> + <Вопрос К ЦА>

“We got 1,000 subscribers. Why do you have less of them?” or “To Thailand for only 10 thousand rubles.” Will you go?

  • Secrets.

This formula intrigues you from the first word: “The secret: how to take first place in Yandex.” Another, Strengthened formula, which is more mysterious: “Few people know how to attract visitors to the site.”

  • The easiest way<решения проблемы>.

The headline should hit vanity, pride, problems, fears. Example: “The most quick way get on the first page of search results."

  • A call to pride.

Make a ____ you can be proud of.
“Create a simple website you can be proud of.”

  • Everything you need to know about ____.

Expanding the reader’s knowledge: “Everything a tourist needs to know about Sochi.”

  • <Цифра>things you need to know for<решение проблемы>.

5 things you need to know to lose weight.

  • "How" headings.

Usage of this word(“how”) is often simply necessary. Similar names also have their own effective formulas:

  1. How.. . do something to.
  2. How _ if _.
  3. How _when_.
  4. Both<цифра>steps.
  • Offer + bonus.

“10 options on how to get people to subscribe to your channel for free. Option number 3."

The most effective headlines - what are they?

  • Contains approximately 8 words. Short titles can also be effective, but not always. And long ones are completely ineffective.
  • Have a dash or colon.
  • Supplemented with a relevant image. The human eye receives an additional “hook”.
  • Includes numbers. It is the indicators that inspire trust among the target audience.
  • They ask a question.
  • Address the reader directly (you, your).
  • End with one exclamation mark.
  • Lead to any guides.
  • Phrases in sentences are emotionally charged. Sentences that press on the senses evoke emotions that encourage you to familiarize yourself with the material.
  • They make bold statements.
  • Formalism is excluded. Content should be above form. If you can’t work according to the formulas derived, just be unique.
  • Present information in a positive way (without negation). “Don’t you want to be rich?” will work worse than “Do you want to be rich?”
  • The words used are: amazing, smart, history, huge. And they don’t use the words: inform, celebrate, grow, win.
  • Encouragement to take action. "Get 5 tips for free."

The most common mistakes in headlines

  • Intrigue revealed. All important information appears in the title before the text. Then why read it? Example: “In order to sell, set a minimum price and promote the product.”
  • Screams. Don't use a bunch of exclamation points and words in capital letters. "ALL!!! TO THE ELECTIONS!!! NEW CAR!!!"
  • Every word is capitalized. "How to Defeat Laziness."
  • Inappropriateness. A real example is given below. Causes laughter and, of course, provokes. But somehow it’s not suitable for a serious online publication.

  • Length. Be brief. “Alla Pugacheva spoke in the Kremlin on August 28, and she addressed the audience with congratulations.”
  • Too many punctuation marks. “Vladimir Putin held a meeting at which he expressed his position that it is generally necessary to raise the retirement age.”
  • Appealing to the wrong target audience. “The Liaron device is garbage! Try Aimaton! A slang word was used for the target audience of people of retirement age.
  • Hackneyed phrases. Be unique. For example: “If you want to lose weight, ask me” is a bad option.
  • The name means nothing.

  • Doesn't encourage action, doesn't intrigue.
  • Ambiguity. “The Moscow administration has replenished the zoo.”
  • Stylistic, grammatical and other errors. “Schumacher woke up and turned out to be a duck.”
  • Makeweights. The use of unnecessary unnecessary words spoils any title.
  • Contradiction with the content of the material. If the name of the material is one, but the text talks about something else, then this is a bad name.


  • Write several options and then choose the best ones.
  • Test your audience.
  • Choose the most clickable title.
  • Bring the material to life.
  • The title of the text is its most important part.
  • Readers must believe you, become interested and finish reading, otherwise all the work done will be useless.

Four header functions. A successful headline has 4 important functions:

  • To attract attention.
  • Audience screening.
  • Transmits the entire message.
  • Creating reader interest in the text. Most people skim read, so your headline only has a moment to grab the reader's attention.

Don't use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. We have learned to recognize the “shape” of words on an unconscious level. Words printed in capital letters appear as RECTANGULAR PRINTED BLOCKS, so the person viewing the page will miss the entire message.

Simple and clear. Do not use abbreviations, jargon or Difficult words. A well-written title with body text should be easy to understand for a 7th grade student.

Don't underestimate the client's intelligence. The decision to spend your hard-earned money is never easy. People need exact facts and guarantees that they receive Best offer. Today's consumers can't stand even a hint of airs, dances, tricks and songs from salespeople.

Target your audience. Try to immediately outline the audience in the title. If you try to reach everyone, you will end up with uncertainty and no one will be impressed. When selling a cure for kidney stones, mention kidney stones in the title.

Accuracy. Don't write blind headlines that don't make anything clear about your offer. The title should be self-sufficient so that the reader does not have to read its meaning into the text. He still won't read the text.

Engage your senses. Engage maximum amount senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to captivate the reader’s imagination. Remember, “Sell the taste, not the steak.” It is important to imagine not a piece of meat, but the aroma of seasonings, the juice sizzling on hot coals, the smell of the most tender tenderloin and the stains of barbecue sauce on the chef's new apron.

Captions that spark curiosity. Add entertaining captions under each photo. People are always looking at images, and good photo with an intriguing caption will definitely attract the reader's attention.

Get ready! Gather all the information you can about your product and target audience to find a “click” to use in your headline. The best headlines come to mind during the process of researching information when writing an ad. Good text and a successful headline are not possible without effort and preparation.

Use a thesaurus. When writing your title, look up each of your words in a thesaurus to find the most accurate synonyms.

Sand until shiny. Rework the title, rearrange the word order, and come up with several versions, never stopping to think about a better option. Choose the best one. A good headline takes more time than the body copy. Look from a new angle, in a different direction, or scroll various options, trying to see your title through the eyes of the reader so that it is not boring and can intrigue.

  • Try to touch the reader’s selfishness on an emotional level. A high-quality headline should contain an element that has a motivating effect. These may be the following emotions:

    • fear
    • need
    • wish
    • curiosity
    • real news or interesting statistics
    • nagging question
  • Learn from the masters. Creating a working title from scratch is not easy. Successful copywriters use proven formulas that get results by rewriting classic models that have stood the test of time. The following is a list of successful headlines that can be used as a foundation for almost any situation:

    • “Lord, give me strength to move on” (fear/curiosity/selling insurance)
    • “God give my children the strength to survive this”
    • “How to get people to talk about your food” (vanity/curiosity)
    • “How to Save Up to 15% on Car Insurance Before November 20th” (accuracy/timing/incentive)
    • “How to increase your pension by 14.55% by the end of the year” (accurate statistics)
    • “How to Reduce Home Insurance Costs by 28%”
    • “How to quickly relieve strain on tired eyes” (an exact solution to a common problem)
    • “How doctors quickly get on their feet” (expert revelation/curiosity/authority)
    • "How to retire in 15 years when you're 40" (hard numbers and facts)
    • “How to quickly pump up your abdominal muscles and make others envy you” (hurt vanity)
    • “Do you know the 7 most common mistakes in the advertisements? (curiosity)
    • “7 mistakes on the first date” (curiosity)
    • “Is your husband proud of your culinary talents?” (vanity)
    • “How to win arguments and convince people” (double benefit)
    • “Quick test for pregnant women” (attracting a specific audience through curiosity)
    • “At first they laughed, but then I started playing...” (curiosity, interest)
    • “This face cream made me jealous even best friend"(vanity/curiosity)
  • The title is the part of the article that the reader will see first. This is why you need to write good headlines that will attract readers to the site, interest them and convince them to stay on the site. But how come up with and write the title of the article, which everyone would like and arouse interest. There are many headline writing techniques used. long years We will talk about leading marketers and the best in this article.

    What is an article title and why is it needed?

    Heading- this is a part of the text in which the main idea of ​​the article is expressed in a condensed form. The title of the article is at the very beginning, which means that readers will see and read it first, and that is why it should be written with high quality.

    Very often, articles have one main heading and several subheadings. Subheadings are needed to break the article into meaningful sections for easier reading or finding the necessary information.

    The main heading is the title of the article and is the most important. And if you want to, you will need to learn how to write headlines that arouse the reader’s curiosity and interest. For the webmaster, writer of articles for your site yourself, this is an equally important task, since the quality of the title will determine how many users, having opened a page of your site, will remain reading the article in full, and will not close it in a second.

    Goals and objectives of the title (title) of the article

    Let's figure out what goals you need to set before writing a title for an article. After all, the header has certain tasks that it must perform. So, let's get started.

    Every article title First of all, it must inform the reader. Inform about the content of the article, what problems the article can solve, and how it can help. Based on the title, the reader should understand whether there will be any benefit from reading this article. Example: “How to come up with and write an article title?” – this heading informs that this article can help in writing headlines.

    Also, the purpose of the title of the article is to attract the reader's attention. No matter how useful the information in the article is, if the title does not arouse interest and curiosity, no one will know about it. We’ll talk about how to write a “catchy” title for an article below.

    The purpose of subheadings is to distribute the material by degree of importance, to distribute the material into semantic parts. The subtitle, first of all, should be informative, explaining to the reader what he will learn from this part of the article.

    Rules for writing headings (titles) in articles

    At writing a title To the article you need to adhere to some rules that should not be neglected. Let's look at them:

    1. The title (title) of the article must be related in content to the text. The title should reflect the essence of the article, without diminishing or exaggerating the factors described in it. It is important to meet the reader's expectations.
    2. Non-compliance of this rule– this is disrespect for the reader. Few users will want to return to a site that did not meet their expectations. This means that if you write for your website, you will lose visitors. If you work as a copywriter, then it is unlikely that they will buy articles that do not follow this rule.

      This rule also applies to subheadings. Their title must also correspond to the content of the article section. Otherwise, the reader will have confusion in finding information on the page.

    3. No need to write too much long titles articles. The title should be short and succinct. Try to write article headings (titles) of no more than 7-9 words.
    4. IN search engines There are restrictions on the length of the article title that can be displayed when providing search information. The length of the article title that will be displayed varies around 65 characters with spaces. So try not to go beyond these limits.

    5. Do not use abbreviations when writing the title of your article. This is especially true for little-known abbreviations of words used in narrow circles. In rare cases, use only those abbreviations that are known and used by the majority of users. Example: “social network” – having used this abbreviation on the Internet, most users will immediately understand that we are talking about a social network.
    6. Try to write an intriguing, catchy and catchy title that will arouse interest and curiosity in the reader. But don’t forget the main thing: the title of the article should be informative and not deviate from main point articles, so don't go too far.

    Heading design: to put punctuation marks in headings or not?

    Design of article headings raises no less questions than their writing. Is punctuation necessary in headings or not? Every novice copywriter or webmaster who writes their own articles asks this question. But this question is not the only one! Let's consider the most popular questions regarding the design of headings:

    • Capital letters in headings. It is extremely rare to find articles whose titles use all capital letters or every word with a capital letter. Firstly, this is extremely doubtful from the point of view of visual perception. A title consisting of capital letters can hardly be called beautiful and easy to read. Also, search engines do not like such headings.
    • Use capital letters in headings following exclusively the rules of the Russian language. Use capital letters in article titles only at the beginning of a sentence. If the title consists of several sentences, capitalize the beginning of each sentence.

    • Commas in headings. Commas in article headings are placed according to the rules of the Russian language. And if you don’t put them, you can harm not only the perception of the title by readers, but also worsen the ranking of the site in search engines.
    • Is there a period in the title?? There is no period at the end of a one-sentence title. However, if this sentence is interrogative or exclamatory, then question marks and exclamation marks must be inserted. Example of a title: “Period in the title”, “Is it necessary to put a period at the end of the title?”, “You cannot put a period at the end of the title!”.

    If the title consists of two or more sentences, then you need to put a period between the sentences. In the last sentence at the end of the title there is also no period. Example of a heading: “Design of headings. Placement of punctuation marks."

    How to write a beautiful title (title) of an article?

    We have figured out the rules for writing and designing headings. Let's now talk about how write a nice title that would interest the reader. They are often called catchy headlines. There are some ways to structure an article title that have been used for years and work great.

    • Question title. This type header is the most common and at the same time effective. The question in the title of the article suggests that this article solves a specific problem. The question in the title indicates that the article contains the answer and should be read.
    • Also, a question title arouses interest and curiosity in the reader, prompting them to look for the answer to it in the article. Example of a title: “How to come up with a title for an article?”, “Why do you need a title?”

    • Heading with numbers. Numeric headings are also quite common. The most effective of them are those indicating the number of steps that can be taken to solve the problem. Example of a title: “How to write a beautiful title in just 5 steps?”
    • The use of numbers in headings is not limited by the number of steps. You can also indicate the number of ways to solve the problem. Readers will like this because they can always choose an alternative. Header example: "10 the best ways write the title."

      Whatever the wording, the numbers in the title have an attractive effect. But when indicated turn-based strategy solving the problem, the article becomes a kind of instruction. The same can be said about question headings. And it is articles written with such a title and style that are most popular.

    • Negative headline. Let's look at an example right away so you understand what we're talking about. Example of a headline: “How to avoid making mistakes when writing a headline?”, “10 critical mistakes when writing a headline.”

    There is a fear factor in these headlines. The title voices some problem that the reader may encounter and immediately makes it clear that its solution is in the article. None of us want to face problems; we try to avoid them. That is why headlines that say they can help with this are very popular.

    These are perhaps the most popular and effective types of news article headlines that most copywriters use. It can also be effective appeal to the reader in the title. An example of such a headline: “Do you want to learn how to write beautiful headlines?”

    It is best to write the title in the present tense. This can create a sense of immediacy and is more likely to encourage the reader to read the entire article.

    The headline can tell a success story, it doesn’t matter whether it’s yours or someone else’s, it can be equally effective. Moreover, good decision will use a first person title. Example headline: “My proven technique for writing headlines.”

    Use the following words when writing in the title: best, effective, efficient, easy, fast and others. Such words will emphasize the peculiarity and usefulness of the information described in the article. Example of headings: “How to quickly come up with an article title?”, “The best and most effective types of headings”, “3 simple ways write the title."

    It could also be efficient use the words "secret". It can create a little intrigue in the reader, arouse his curiosity and interest. Example headline: “Secrets of Writing Effective Headlines.”

    As you can see, most of the ways of writing headings in the examples given are combined. I recommend that you experiment by coming up with headlines for articles, combining the methods described above. Using these headline writing techniques will provide you with buyers on any article exchange.

    How to come up with a title (title) for an article?

    How come up with an article title, if there is no idea? In fact, everything is very simple. Layouts good headlines can be seen on many popular information sites. It’s even better if these sites are similar to the chosen topic for the article, but this is not necessary.

    You can also take the idea of ​​constructing a title from printed literature. To do this, just buy any information and entertainment newspaper or magazine and read them. Then you can easily come up with a title for the article.

    I don’t suggest copying verbatim the text of other people’s headlines. To come good idea, sometimes just seeing something like this is enough. Moreover, if you are a beginner in writing articles, it will be difficult at first to come up with a title yourself. There is no need to try to invent a wheel at the beginning of your journey. It’s enough just to take a ready-made working model and rework it for your article.

    How to write an SEO title?

    SEO title- this is a title that is written taking into account keywords article and is aimed at improving its position in search results for the main query. If you came up with and wrote a title that is related in meaning to the text of the article, then it will already contain keywords. However, in some cases they need to be modified.

    The first step is to choose the most important keywords for the topic of the article. It will be even better if you select a whole keyword phrase, but this is not necessary. Then go to the WordStat keyword research site. You can access it using this link: WordStat.

    Then enter a keyword or phrase. Let's look at an example of using this service using the key phrase “write a title” as an example. Then we add the word “how” through the “+” sign. Now we have an example of question headings that don’t even need to be processed, since this is the form in which users were looking for information.

    Use all the above methods and you will always succeed come up with and write headlines, which will blow all readers away. And if you are going to make money on articles by selling them, then they will definitely be popular on any article exchange.

    And you will learn many more useful information for the work of a copywriter and everyone involved in typing.

    Hello everyone, guys!

    Do you think it's really important to know how to write headlines? Most likely, your answer will be positive. And I have no right to argue with this, because this part of the text is of great importance.

    Absolutely all novice copywriters are very concerned about this issue. Today we will learn how to create great headlines for selling texts and informational articles.

    What to do before writing a title?

    Every action has a beginning. Writing a headline begins with a trivial analysis of the target audience. That is, before you start writing an article, and therefore a headline, you need to find out what the audience wants.

    Everyone’s favorite Wordstat () will help you find out what the audience wants. Let's look at it with an example. Let's say I want to write an article about how to cook borscht. We enter this query into Wordstat and look at what else people are looking for for this query:

    Pay attention to the queries that I highlighted in red: + how to cook delicious borscht and + how to cook borscht step by step recipe with photo. Having done such a small action, we have found what our target audience needs and can safely use it in the title, but more on that a little later.

    Advice: Internet copywriting is primarily about sales and promotion in search engines. Therefore, use Wordstat keyword statistics to more accurately target your target audience, as well as for better promotion in search engines.

    Writing a title

    Great! We know what people are interested in the target audience. Now you need to learn how to write a headline correctly.

    • Question. The title consists entirely of a question. In our case, the entire key phrase will serve as the title. Example: How to cook delicious red borscht? Step by step recipe;
    • Availability of numbers. Numbers make the headline more attractive, effective and specific. Example: 3 recipes for delicious red borscht;
    • Intrigue. For most members of the human race, especially female, it is important to know all the secrets. The interest in such things is just off the charts. Why not use this in headlines? Example: Secret way cook delicious red borscht;
    • Appeal. Reaching out to people also works well. Example: Do you know how to cook delicious borscht?;
    • Problem. It’s quite possible to put pressure on the readers’ sore point. Example: Not tasty borscht? Recipe for delicious red borscht;

    You can also play with combinations of the above methods.

    So, a selection of 200 catchy and working headlines for texts, slogans, appeals, advertising, marketing, SMM and simply for general development.

    1. ___ reasons to use ____
    2. Why is ____ popular with tens of thousands of customers?
    3. ___ answers to question _____
    4. NEW! _________
    5. SENSATION! _________
    7. FREE! ___________
    8. ATTENTION! ___________
    9. CAUTION! __________
    10. THIS IS INCREDIBLE! _________
    12. Are you _______?
    13. How do I _______
    14. Secrets found ______
    15. Who else wants ______?
    16. Find out how I _______
    17. Give me ____ and I _______
    18. How to make _____ with your own hands?
    19. How to increase ______ several times?
    20. I also used to think that _________
    21. Special offer For ________
    22. Special offer for _________
    23. What is ______?
    24. If you _____, you can _____
    25. Who said that _______?
    26. ___ myths about _____
    27. ____ advice about _____
    28. ______ are required
    29. Are you sure that _____?
    30. ___ main advantages _____
    31. ___ main disadvantages _____
    32. Do you know enough about _____?
    33. Finally it happened: __________
    34. Do you recognize _______?
    35. How do you understand that you are _____?
    36. Revolutionary innovation in _______
    37. What is the difference between ____ and ____?
    38. We have proven that ________
    39. In the end, you ______
    40. All you need is – __________
    41. How to save money on _____?
    42. New way ______
    43. Look how easy it is to _____
    44. How to earn ____ thanks to ____?
    45. What to do if _____?
    46. ​​The whole truth about _____
    47. Crushing effect ______
    48. The shocking truth about ______
    49. How to _____ without any risk?
    50. THIS will help you ______
    51. Do you _______
    52. Now you don’t need _____
    53. Protect your ______ with ______
    54. You are invited to ________
    55. Latest news O ________
    56. One day ______
    57. Are you ready for _______?
    58. What don’t you know about _____
    59. How to get ahead of your competitors with _____?
    60. Briefly about the main thing ______
    61. Do you make these mistakes in ______?
    62. A simple recommendation For _______
    63. Last chance for _______
    64. Warning for _____
    65. Who else wants ____?
    66. _______ from any computer
    67. Guaranteed source ______
    68. ______ only now and never again
    69. Reveal secrets about ______
    70. I say “NO” __________
    71. I say “YES” __________
    72. Important improvement in _______
    73. How to force yourself to _______?
    74. Cure yourself from ________
    75. The story of how _______
    76. People deceive you when _____
    77. Existing features _______
    78. Our best product: ____________
    79. Exciting fact about _______
    80. How much does _______ cost?
    81. Healing power _______
    82. How to overcome the fear of _____?
    83. How much does _______ actually cost?
    84. You should see THIS ______
    85. Looking for ______?
    86. ______ prevents you _______
    87. ____ creative ideas for _____
    88. Save time with ______
    89. Why can’t you ______?
    90. If you are worried about ________
    91. ___ dangerous symptoms _____
    92. Each of these ______
    93. How to save ________?
    94. ___ secrets that can _____
    95. You don’t know about ______?
    96. Improved version ______
    97. Get a discount on _______
    98. Little-known methods ______
    99. Only for those who _______
    100. A New Look on ______
    101. How to succeed in ______?
    102. Fantastic story O _______
    103. How can ______ be several times faster?
    104. Plan the perfect ______
    105. How to get rid of ________?
    106. Today I ________
    107. Today you ________
    108. How to rationally use _____?
    109. ____ proven steps to _____
    110. Make ________ work for you
    111. Imagine you ______
    112. What would you do if _____?
    113. What do I hate about ______?
    114. Improve your performance in _____
    115. ______ is already nearby
    116. You still can’t ______?
    117. The only important thing about ________
    118. Why do people _____
    119. How to start _______ correctly?
    120. Unforgivable mistake _______
    121. How to avoid _______?
    122. A great way to _______
    123. What should we expect from _______?
    124. A relaxing way to _______
    125. _______ is absolutely easy!
    126. Phenomenal breakthrough in _______
    127. Unexpected news about ______
    128. If you are _____, then _______
    129. Amazing opportunity for ______
    130. How to defeat ________?
    131. Limited Edition _____
    132. Professionals reveal their cards: _______
    133. Don’t know what to do with ______?
    134. How to win ______ over to your side?
    135. Revolutionary formula _______
    136. Experience the thrill of _______
    137. Ideal solution for ______
    138. ______ has just appeared
    139. Advantages and disadvantages of ________
    140. Fast way ______
    141. An unexpected turn in _______
    142. What is the success of ________?
    143. Gain an advantage thanks to ______
    144. How many more times do you need ______?
    145. ___ practical advice For ______
    146. How to get the most out of ________?
    147. Zero risk in ______
    148. TOP 10 reasons why _____?
    149. There is nothing better than _______
    150. _______ of your dreams
    151. Sensational message from ______
    152. Time-tested: _________
    153. A breakthrough has been made in _______
    154. Live like ______
    155. “Three pillars” ____________
    156. ____ ways to ____ and make money
    157. How to improve your _______?
    158. How ____ made me ______
    159. Announce _____ loudly with ______
    160. Non-standard solutions for ______
    161. Behind-the-scenes secrets ______
    162. Amazing way to _________
    163. When is it appropriate to _________?
    164. A miracle happened: ________
    165. What are ______ keeping silent about?
    166. Finally you can ______
    167. Urgent message about ______
    168. Are you tired of _______?
    169. ________ that really work
    170. How to avoid making mistakes in _______?
    171. ________ of the future
    172. How to develop _______ in yourself?
    173. Have you always wanted to ________
    174. How to choose the right ______?
    175. This method will help you ______
    176. How to enjoy _______?
    177. You need to know this when ________
    178. ___ questions to ask ______
    179. All the pros and cons ________
    180. The most unusual _________
    181. How many times can you _______?
    182. 100% guarantee ____________
    183. Increase your earnings by ______
    184. Save money with _________
    185. What can ________ teach you?
    186.Are you tired of ________ yet?
    187. Probably the most ________
    188. How to learn ______?
    189. ___ examples ______
    190. One of the best ______
    191. Read only for those who ________
    192. The fastest way _______
    193. ____ true reasons _____
    194. What does _____ actually mean?
    195. Get access to _____
    196. Save ___% on _____
    197. It’s hard to believe, but _______
    198. Captured by ________
    199. Get the most out of _______
    200. What is hidden behind ______?__