Olga is cool express. Igor Krutoy, biography, news, photos

Igor Krutoy’s wife is Olga, an amazing woman. She achieved a lot in life on her own, without the help of her famous husband. At her age, Olga Krutaya looks simply magnificent - a young beauty, there is no other way to call her.

Krutoy's first wife

In his youth, as well as now, Igor was a very attractive man. His first wife, Elena Krutaya, agreed to marry the composer on the third date. In those years, Igor did not work, which greatly irritated his young wife and, already pregnant, she left Igor. Igor Krutoy divorced his wife. Ex-wife tried in every possible way to prevent his communication with his born son Kolya, but in different ways he still saw the boy. As an adult, Nikolai communicates with his father and always turns to him for advice. Unfortunately, life turned out in such a way that the son repeated the fate of his father and also got divorced in his early years.

Igor Krutoy's wife Olga - photo

Olga's biography begins in 1963. She was born in the city of St. Petersburg. Her family was not very rich, her father was a communist who lived by the rules and tried to adjust the whole family to these rules, and her mother was a quiet and calm woman who looked after the house.

As a child, Olga was a very obedient child, but as she grew older, her father’s boundaries no longer suited her. The girl constantly argued with her father about the fact that she was an adult and should not listen to anyone about how long she should go out and what to wear. But the father believed that he was the head of the family, which means his word is above all. As a result, thanks to her character, Olga was able to achieve her goal. In many ways, character and perseverance helped the girl become who she is now.

After school, the girl received an economic education. Initially, she wanted to choose a different direction, but to spite her father, she chose economics. Despite the fact that it was an unconscious choice, she never regretted it, since education greatly helps her to run a business competently. At the age of 19, the girl got married and a child appeared in the family - daughter Vika. Some time after the birth of her daughter, Olga went to visit a friend in America. After staying there for a while, she fell in love with this country and decided to stay there. Olga took her daughter and settled down abroad.

Meeting Igor Krutoy

In the fourth year of Olga’s stay in America, Igor Krutoy arrived there with a concert. The girl and her friend decided to attend this event in order to have a little rest and remember Russia. It so happened that the tables of the future spouses were located nearby. Igor immediately drew attention to the attractive lady and asked her for her phone number, saying that he wanted to chat the next time he was here. In fact, Krutoy simply fell in love at first sight with this woman. A month later, Igor called Olga and invited her to a meeting. Krutoy's future wife did not think at all about any serious relationship, and besides, she was married. But after communicating, the young people began an affair.

Two years later, Olga and Igor got married. They arranged gorgeous wedding, where many were invited Russian stars. The newlyweds could not decide on a place to live, so Olya remained in America, and Igor Krutoy in Russia, since he loved this country very much and could not leave.

In 2003, a child appeared in the family - daughter Alexandra. The couple still only communicated a few times a month when Igor came to America. Maybe that’s why their personal life is not collapsing - they just don’t have time to bother each other. The couple's children get along well with each other, and Igor considers Olga's daughter his own and even gave her his last name. Igor Krutoy with his wife Olga and daughter Alexandra, as well as Olga’s daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, in the photo.

Now Krutoy’s wife has her own perfume business, which brings in sufficient income. Despite the fact that the woman is over fifty years old, she looks simply gorgeous. Many people think that it's a matter of plastic surgery, but Olga Krutaya denies this and says that she only uses creams, and she owes her beautiful appearance to genetics.

Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya prefers to be in the shadow of her husband, while not forgetting about herself.

About Olga Krutoy's family

Olga says that her father was a very strict man, a communist, so they raised the girl, instilling in her traditional family values. Olga’s mother was always with her father, taking care of her daughter and son. Therefore, Olga learned from childhood that the husband should be the head of the family, and the wife should be the modest keeper of the hearth. That is why she prefers to remain in the shadow of her husband and not declare herself loudly.

However, Olga adds, she has always been a rebel at heart, a free person who demands flight. But she was forced into a framework. The family even declared a curfew. When all the friends were out until nine, Olga was home at seven like a bayonet. The girl barely won the right to wear jeans in the 70s. Her dad thought it was vulgar; in his opinion, girls should wear dresses.

The girl went against her dad after college. She chose a path that was directed in the opposite direction than her father had planned.

In 1991, Olga, after college and a little practice, went to visit a friend in America. And then I decided to stay there. After this decision, the parents were shocked. The girl simply called home and said that she would not return. By this time, Olga already had a daughter, Vika (also against the wishes of her parents, the girl got married at 19). After six months of living in America, she took her daughter to live with her.

Igor Krutoy and Olga

Igor and Olga met in 1995 in America. The girl came to one of the concerts of the Russian performer “Song of the Year” with friends. At a banquet after a concert in Atlantic City, she was introduced to the composer: they sat at neighboring tables. But Igor was with his mother and sister, so the acquaintance was fleeting. True, at that time Olga had already lived in the USA for several years, was married and was raising her daughter Victoria.

And Igor Yakovlevich was just going through a divorce from his first wife. The soil for the development of a novel is not the most suitable. But a month after they met, he returned to America, found Olga’s phone number, called and offered to meet.

A romance broke out between Olga and Igor, which ended in a wedding two years later. The celebration was celebrated on a grand scale: they rented a restaurant for 160 people, which could not accommodate all the guests. Therefore, a day later another banquet was held. All the celebrities from the memorable “Song of the Year” walked at the wedding: Laima Vaikule, Vladimir Vinokur, Valery Leontyev, Lev Leshchenko, Irina Allegrova and others.

“Olga and Igor are those people who found each other,” says Igor Nikolaev about the Krutykhs. – They have a wonderful daughter, whom they gave to each other. What could be better?

Igor Krutoy and his wife Olga: a large family

“It so happened that a kind of viewing of the future wife took place in Miami with Alla and I’s direct participation,” said Philip Kirkorov. “Everything was romantic: everyone was young, Alla and I celebrated the anniversary of our relationship, wrote beautiful songs, and the waves roared outside the windows... Igor and Olga simply had no chance not to fall in love. And the fact that they are still together is their great joint achievement.”

“We have been together for many years. Time passed so quickly that we didn’t even notice. This is probably a good indicator,” says Olga.

Igor Krutoy has a very busy work schedule. But, despite this, Olga does not complain to her husband that he devotes little time to his family.

Meanwhile, the couple lives on different continents. Olga is in Monaco or the United States almost all the time, and Igor is constantly in Moscow. This is probably the secret to a successful relationship. Spouses simply do not have time to get tired of each other. However, the Cool ones don’t break up for long. Either Igor comes to Olga, or vice versa. Most long term separation is three weeks. At the same time, the spouses constantly call back.

The story of how Igor Krutoy and Olga met

“There are such beautiful women!” thought Igor Yakovlevich when he first saw his future wife and added that when they saw Olga, all the men wanted to propose to her, and he was no exception.

Olga doesn’t remember her thoughts, because at the time of the first meeting Igor was not alone. Besides, she didn't even know who he was. Olga left to live in the United States before the composer became recognizable.

“We met in the same company, there wasn’t even a spark between us. Then we started talking, I began to like Igor more and more. In the end, I realized that he is very charming and warm person"- says Olga.

Since the couple lived in different countries, then there could be no long-term romance. Already at the third meeting, Igor proposed to Olga. The cool one who makes decisions very quickly. Olga, on the contrary, is cautious and indecisive. But the feelings were already strong even then and the woman could not refuse.

By the way, after meeting Olga, Igor Krutoy wrote and dedicated to her the song “I love you to tears,” performed by Alexander Serov.

Olga Krutaya remembers very well the day when Igor called her from Moscow to New York and played music without words. The composition was very strong, she admits, touching and beautiful. And it was at that moment that the woman realized that her husband was a composer with capital letters. Igor Nikolaev wrote the lyrics for the song, and they perfectly complemented the music. Olga was simply delighted with such a unique gift; she was overwhelmed with feelings even at the moment when the composition became popular.

Perfume business of Olga Krutoy

In 2011, Olga Krutaya presented her perfume. Her acquaintance, the French perfumer Nezhla Barbir, prompted her to come up with this idea. The woman was so impressed by Igor Krutoy’s music that she suggested creating a perfume rather than a musical composition.

First, the Opus pour Homme fragrance for men was born, and then the women's version of Opus pour Femme. We presented the scents in Riga. They were united under a single brand OKKIi, whose name is the initials of the star spouses.

Education of Olga Krutoy

Olga Krutoy has a financial education (St. Petersburg State University economics and finance - FINEK). Now she is doing business abroad. By the way, her profession was useful in everyday life. The family lives in several apartments, and Olga tries to keep everything in her hands. As a thrifty person, unlike her husband, she manages the family budget.

Children of Olga Krutoy

Olga's daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, was born in 1985. Igor Krutoy managed to make friends with her and win her trust; according to the documents, the child is already “his own” and bears his last name. And the composer is raising Vika like his own, even helping her a little in her profession. The girl is building a career as a singer.

Olga and Igor’s common daughter Sasha was born in 2003. And she has already been on stage. In 2009, at the New Wave, the girl first appeared in public as a singer. The parents did this in order to understand whether Sasha needed the life of an artist. By the way, now Krutaya Jr. is already mastering the basics of music. She learns, however, not from her father, but from a teacher.

Summer 2014 eldest daughter Olga Krutoy Vika got married. Igor Krutoy led the bride to the altar like his own father. Many stars of domestic show business were invited to the ceremony. It turned out to be a big and luxurious holiday.

I remember as a child I was embarrassed by my last name - what is it, a “hard-boiled egg” or what? At school they called me “Cool.” And with Igor it turned out funny. His success coincided with the emergence of a new meaning for the word “cool.” And our surname began to sparkle with new colors. When I got married and changed my last name, Igor could not forgive me for this: “How could you? For what?" And I did this because I remembered for the rest of my life how his first wife refused to take Igor’s last name right at the registry office...

Once in the Kremlin, Boris Yeltsin awarded cultural figures. And so he announced: “The composer is Cool.” Igor replied wittily: “Boris Nikolaevich, you are still cooler.” The President really liked it, he grinned in response: “Well said.”

Igor has always been a modest, private person.

But for me, he remained just a beloved brother, on whom I can rely in difficult times. It turns out that my brother is the greatest reward in life. And somewhere there is punishment... All my life I have tried to compare men with my brother. The comparison, unfortunately, was not in their favor...

Igor is a family man by nature. There were novels, with many stars he was “married” by rumor, but he was waiting for the one who would become main woman his life. And Olga became such a woman. It was a crazy, stunning romance, they fell in love with each other at first sight. Igor began to compose extraordinary songs. I remember my brother came to visit me in Philadelphia, sat down at the piano and began to play an unusually beautiful melody. I asked: “What is this? What is it called? He replied: “It’s called “Olenka” ...”

The result was the song “I love you to tears...”

I remember very well my first meeting with Olga. At that time, he and his brother didn’t even know each other. This happened in New York. Igor and I had dinner at a restaurant. Suddenly a very beautiful woman accompanied by a man. We both looked after her, completely stunned by her beauty. A few years later it turned out that it was Olya...

I remember that after they met, Igor called me in America and asked me to find out Olya’s last name: “I want to buy her a Mercedes and I don’t know how to register for it...” I immediately rushed to feverishly make inquiries...

Olya was able to give her brother a feeling of home.

Igor closes the door behind him and finds himself in a place where he can be himself, where he is loved and appreciated. With the advent of Sashka, everything in our family changed. For some reason, Igor stubbornly waited for the boy. I wanted to name my son in honor of my dad - Yasha. And all the time he turned to Olya’s belly: “Yashka woke up. Yashka is hungry. Yashenka needs a walk. Yasha will listen to music now.” Suddenly he calls me one day and says in horror: “A girl... We’re having a girl...” He was in such despair that I laughed: “Are you crazy! This is such a joy. You’ll be the first to run to buy dresses, socks, bows, hairpins!” “No,” Igor could not calm down. “I wanted a boy so bad!” And how he loves his Sasha now! And she kisses him every minute. Touchingly kisses your bald head and says: “I adore you, like the sun, like the sky!” And Igor melts like ice cream... Sashka dotes on dad and keeps repeating: “I will only marry you!”

Igor laughs: “What are we going to do with mom?” “She will find someone else... At worst, the three of us will live together.” By the way, my brother still plays football and taught his little daughter. Sasha happily kicks the ball like a boy!

Igor is the ideal of beauty for a seven-year-old daughter! Sasha considers a man who has hair to be ugly. She's sure that a real man must be like dad! Once she found a photograph of Igor with hair, looked at it for a long time, and then said with horror: “Oh God!”

It is symbolic that she was born in the same American medical center, in which my brother had surgery.

Igor’s diagnosis sounded like a death sentence.

Required the most complicated operation. My brother sent my mother to Karlovy Vary so that she would not have to guess about anything, prepared all the papers, and wrote a will. The operation lasted twelve hours, then he spent a month in the hospital. Olya and I kept watch at his bedside for days. This time brought us very close. Mom called me and asked anxiously: “Where is Igor? I can't reach him." I reassured him: “He’s at rehearsal. He's in the studio. The telephone doesn't work there. Everything is fine...” And she kept having disturbing dreams... Thank God, the doctors’ diagnosis was not confirmed. The surgeon who operated on his brother was delighted with his courage and nicknamed him “Iron Igor.” And in Russia they started a rumor that Igor Krutoy had died. Someone bribed the nurses and secretly took pictures of the emaciated Igor lying in the ward... The operation divided his life into two parts.

It was as if he had a reassessment of values. We are all convinced that Sasha was sent to Igor by God...

The path that led Igor to success was not covered with roses. When they tell fairy tales about him, they say, “I woke up famous in the morning,” don’t believe it - it’s not true. Behind this lies a lot of work, a lot of disappointments, doors that did not open, and searching for yourself. But he did it! It’s not without reason that they say: “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!”

The brother's life is structured in such a way that every success is followed by a serious decline. And for some reason all his misfortunes happen in a leap year. IN leap year Dad died, Igor had an operation on Leap Day, he had an accident on Leap Day serious conflict with Channel One.

Now this is already a thing of the past, but then Igor did not even approach the piano for some time.

Material from Mercury magazine No. 64 Winter 2017/18

Text: Inna Osinovskaya (“How to spend”)

On the eve of the New Year, Olga Krutaya, the wife of composer Igor Krutoy, an image maker, a businesswoman, met at the Cristal Room Baccarat with her longtime friend, vice president and fashion director of TSUM Alla Verber, to talk about the latest fashion trends, about plans for the holidays, and at the same time try on looks from latest collections leading designers.

Alla Verber: Surprisingly, Olya, we meet less often in Moscow. And so - all over the world: in Monaco, and in New York, and in Paris... The world has become so small! Many people think that traveling is great, but in fact it is work: sometimes you have to pack things for two or three countries and think through outfits for several occasions and for several climate zones at once.

Olga Krutaya: You're right! Recently I flew from New York to Milan, then to Moscow, and from there to Sochi and back to Moscow. In Sochi I was at the International Festival of Youth and Students, in Europe - at my friend’s birthday party, opera singer. I had to think through everything right away... I always have a whole wardrobe with me in my suitcase! A lot of shoes, a lot of bags for each dress, so that I could calmly, slowly, choose the right look before the event.

A.V.: But every country has its own unspoken dress code.

O.K.: Yes, take New York, where I spend half a year. There is a cult of sports proper nutrition, in other words - the cult of casual. Even if you are not a housewife, but a working woman, and even if you are wearing a suit, you can still be wearing sneakers.

A.V.: And if in New York on evening event They announced black tie, then hold on. It will be such black tie! Recently, Carine Roitfeld hosted an evening in New York. I put on a Saint Laurent jacket, shoes with sparkles and was completely underdressed... And if I had dressed like that during the day, I would have stood out from the general picture: during the day, most New Yorkers look very simple, not like Muscovites.

O.K.: Alas, in the world Lately everyone began to dress very simply. Heels, cosmetics, grooming - all this goes somewhere, unfortunately... But in Moscow people look bright, in every sense! In Moscow you make more demands on your appearance.

A.V.: We can easily go out during the day in a sable vest and jeans in combination with stilettos. To be honest, I feel comfortable in Moscow. I like this approach, all this femininity: I prefer skirts and dresses over trousers.

O.K.: I prefer trousers, especially leather ones. And while abroad I realize that although I fit into the cityscape, I always look a little more luxurious than my New York girlfriends.

A.V.: Olya, you have amazing taste, but you are not subject to the whims of fashion.

O.K.: Thank you, dear! From every brand I try to buy something iconic, something really beautiful... Sometimes I can afford to be extravagant. I recently bought fuchsia Balenciaga shoes with long pointed toes. Wear it with an evening dress. It turned out elegant! I love Balenciaga, I adore everything that Tom Ford does, the aesthetics of Givenchy are also very close to me, not to mention Saint Laurent - the brand has had such interesting collections lately. But I like evening dresses from Zuhair Murad - this is true glamor. And thank you that all this can now be bought in Moscow!

A.V.: You know, I’m honestly proud that today we can offer such big choice, which I don’t see anywhere - neither in London, nor in New York, nor in Dubai. Do you remember, ten years ago, you and I wandered around London, went shopping, reveled in the beauty and luxury shopping centers. And today you don’t have to go anywhere!

OK. Wherever I am, I always come to you for shopping, to Tretyakovsky, to TSUM... You always have the most top-notch things, you are a buyer by vocation.

A.V.: Today, being a buyer is a pleasure. Designers do so many interesting things. When I go to Fashion Week, I’m just torn. I come to the Milan show of Dolce & Gabbana - I want to buy only their things. Then Parisian Week comes, I go to Valentino - that’s it, my heart is given to Valentino. I go to Saint Laurent, to Givenchy - and I think: where was I before?! What interesting solutions, what juicy details...

O.K.: Details are everything. For example, I prefer classic style, but with interesting accents: a bag, shoes, a bracelet can make the image individual...

A.K.: And this is especially true. A woman tries it on - and her face immediately changes, transforms!

O.K.: I am very careful when it comes to jewelry. As for earrings, I wear mostly diamond studs, neatly and without provocation. If I put it on, I can do without it. And if they are big, then you don’t need anything on your neck. I mostly prefer colorless stones, but sometimes I want colors - I like sapphires, emeralds, and pink diamonds. I prefer brands; I wore a beautiful necklace with sapphire at the New Wave competition. I am a big fan of jewelry. - and our love with the jeweler Jacob Arabo is mutual: he once told me that I wear jewelry correctly, that I have talent.

A.V.: He's right. I like that Italian women wear the most beautiful clothes right hand- they gesticulate a lot, and the decorations on the right are more noticeable! It’s the same with perfume, by the way: you need to apply perfume to your wrist so that your interlocutors can smell the aroma.

O.K.: Beautiful version. Perfume is applied to the wrist because it opens up better, because that’s where the pulse is. Perfume, I must say, is my weakness, I can spend hours in perfume shops. I buy them and give them to my friends...

A.K.: And you do it yourself, don’t be modest.

O.K.: Yes, my perfume company is already seven years old this year. I'll tell you a secret, I'm just now finishing work on a new fragrance. I wanted to do it under New Year something tart, spicy and at the same time fresh and fashionable. This will be a unisex perfume.

A.V.: Perfume is a win-win gift option, but you need to choose it with soul, thinking about the person to whom you are going to present the fragrance. It's time for you to make your own clothing line, with your taste!

O.K.: Took it off my tongue! There is an idea to create a capsule collection - Evening Dress and aroma. Do you think it would be interesting?

A.V.: Of course! I'm just choosing what to wear for New Year. Traditional solutions - red, black, sparkling accents, velvet, silk... We want to celebrate in Russia with snow and luxury. Where will you meet?

O.K.: We’re still thinking. I am now more concerned about the series of pre-New Year social events; there are many of them to come. I try to accompany my husband at presentations, at ceremonies, at parties, I try to grace him with my presence.

A.V.: Olya, you will brighten any event with your presence, let’s just see each other more often, and not only in Milan and New York. And how is it today, in our beloved Moscow.

Earrings, white gold, diamonds

// Photo: Salynskaya Anna/PhotoXPress.ru

Today it is difficult to imagine that the creator of numerous hits, composer Igor Krutoy, once did not even have money for food. Only decades later he would become a famous musician, producer, organizer of competitions and very popular person, whose army of fans will number millions. All his life, Igor Krutoy, who will celebrate his 63rd birthday at the end of July, had women around him. Each of them played a role in the fate of the maestro.

An incorrigible romantic, girls always liked him. I fell in love myself. Igor Krutoy proposed to his first wife Elena on their third date. She agreed without hesitation. The young people got married in 1979 in Leningrad. The celebration was modest, the guests gathered in Elena’s small apartment. They set a long table and ran around the neighbors for forks and spoons. In a word, it was noisy and fun. But family life turned out completely different.

26-year-old Igor Krutoy did not have a regular income, which made his young wife very nervous. As a result, Elena left her husband while pregnant.

“I am grateful to her for this, for her honesty, for the fact that she made such a decision, because every year it would have become more and more tragic,” Igor Krutoy will say decades after the divorce.

For some time, Elena tried to prevent communication between her father and little son If. Igor Krutoy admitted that sometimes he had to be cunning and ask the boy’s nanny to arrange a date for him with the heir. But later everything fell into place. After bad experience family life Igor Krutoy tried to protect his son from irreparable mistakes. But young man Still, I had to go through a divorce, practically repeating my father’s fate.

After ten years of bachelor life, in the early 90s, Igor Krutoy met the woman who became his destiny. At one of the banquets in America, Igor was introduced to the bright and beautiful business lady Olga. “I didn’t even think that women could be so beautiful,” recalls his first meeting with future wife Igor Krutoy. But there was no question of romance. Olga was married and raised a daughter. And Igor had a job waiting for him in Moscow. But their love turned out to be stronger than distances and conventions. At one of the following meetings, Krutoy proposed to Olga.

“I went all-in,” Igor Yakovlevich recalled in an interview. “We haven’t had any relationship yet, but I’ve already made an offer.” He immediately asked the question: “Will you be my wife?” And she immediately agreed.”

The meeting with Olga filled the composer’s life with new meaning. Thanks to this woman, Krutoy wrote his most beautiful and lyrical songs. “They fell in love with each other at first sight,” said younger sister maestro Alla Baratta. – Igor began to compose extraordinary songs. I remember my brother came to visit me in Philadelphia, sat down at the piano and played a beautiful melody. I asked: “What is this? What is it called? He replied: “It’s called “Olenka.” The result was the song “I love you to tears...”.

The couple have been together for more than twenty years. In 2003, Olga gave her husband a daughter, Sasha. And they still live in two countries - Olga in America, Igor in Russia. “I’m in demand here,” says Igor Krutoy. - Of course, we miss you very much. But we try to see each other more often. We usually spend the summer together somewhere in Europe.”