The birth of Dmitry Malikov's second child. Dmitry Malikov published a tender photo with his little son

Little, who gave birth to a child in the family of Dmitry and Elena Malikov six months ago surrogate mother, — the stars are practically not shown to the public. However, several photographs of the baby are already circulating on the Internet - thanks to the artist’s video, in which he showed his son for the first time. Today, 48-year-old Malikov shared another shot with the baby, taken just during the filming music video. In the black and white photo, the singer tenderly holds his son in his arms, but the boy's face is not visible.

Dima, how does fatherhood suit you!!! Just a delightful photo, touching, tender, sincere, pure...

Dima, you are the best young dad and a handsome man in full bloom. Dima, take care of yourself, your family, your children need you, you have so many interesting things in life - your first steps, your son’s first word.

It is a great blessing that another child has appeared. Everything will be fine, and something tells me that perhaps he will be a composer, like you. Late children are always very talented! And Stesha is wonderful older sister(the authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note edit.),

— fans write to Malikov.

Let us remind you that the birth of another child from the Malikov couple became known at the end of January. The boy was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, and soon the happy parents received information about the new addition to the family.

The Malikovs have an eldest daughter - . Elena Malikova also has a daughter from a previous marriage, Olga, whom Dmitry raised as his own. The singer considers his stepdaughter's daughter, Anya, to be his granddaughter.

“When I recorded this video, the main event of the past year of my life had not yet happened, namely, the birth of my son! And now it has happened, and I am absolutely happy! I wish the same for you! Thanks for the congratulations and kind words! They support and inspire me very much,” (spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - editor’s note) - said Malikov.

Publication from Dmitry Malikov(@dmitriy_malikov) Jan 28, 2018 at 1:04 PST

"Hooray! Well done guys! This one has beautiful couple there should be a lot of children!!!”, “Dear Dimochka, happy birthday! And only forward! From scratch! And your little son will grow up to the joy of everyone!”, “May all your dreams come true! Although the main thing has already been fulfilled - you have become a dad for the second time,” “Bravo! You opened up to me so unexpectedly,” the subscribers congratulated.

The child was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg from a surrogate mother. The name of Malikov’s heir is still kept secret, as is the name of the woman who gave birth and carried the child.

But Elena has already shared the first photo. In the photograph, a woman kisses her beloved husband, and her daughter Stesha sits between them and holds her little brother in her arms. The caption to the photo reads: “I was the only child in the family. Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I turned 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. My very little daughter Olya saved me from the horror of what happened. Simply because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically - I met Dima, thanks to him I found wonderful family: he, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, ours
wonderful daughter and son... Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players there are in it, the stronger it is! ❤”

Some Internet users are sure that at this age it is too late to have a second child and even condemned Dmitry and Elena for this. What do you think?


    0 March 15, 2016, 5:13 pm

    Dmitry Malikov Jr. with his uncle, Malikov Sr.

    17 year old nephew famous singer Dmitry Malikov - Dmitry Malikov Jr. - is actively interested in the restaurant business, plays sports and is friends with many stars Russian show business and their children. What else do we know about Inna Malikova’s son?


    Dmitry Malikov Jr. is the son of 39-year-old singer Inna Malikova and her mysterious ex-husband- businessman Vladimir, about whom very little is known. Dima is also the nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov and his namesake. The guy spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photo on his Instagram account. In profile young man many photos with mom Inna, uncle Dmitry and cousin Steshey.


    Malikov Jr. is seriously interested in the restaurant business. He learns to cook in the kitchens of popular restaurants together with recognized chefs, delighting his friends and family gourmet dishes, visits factories in various countries to better understand the intricacies of cooking. Whether the young man dreams of becoming a chef in the future is still unknown.

    Dima is not threatened by the calories gained during numerous feasts - he is actively involved in sports. The young “restaurateur” loves cross-country skiing, which he rides in Austria. Malikov Jr. often posts selfies from the gym, where he is not too lazy to stop by after school.


    Looking at Dmitry Malikov Jr.’s Instagram, it seems that he best friend almost all celebrities of Russian show business. Dima publishes photographs with enviable regularity with Valeria, Joseph Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov. Despite the serious age difference, Dima gets along well with celebrities and invites them to dinners, surprising them with his culinary talents.

    Malikov Jr. is also friends with peers: Arseny Shulgin - the son of Valeria, Philip Gazmanov - the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Nikita Novikov - the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and many others.

    Dmitry Malikov and Stas Mikhailov

    Instagram photo

    One of the most popular performers of the Soviet and Russian stage is Dmitry Malikov. He is his luxurious hair and drove women crazy with his radiant eyes.

    In the mid-90s of the last century, a talented performer suddenly stopped singing and began to fruitfully study classical music. It was in this capacity that the European and American public recognized and fell in love with him.

    Dmitry Malikov is currently an exemplary family man, husband and father. He recently had a baby long-awaited son, which the star of the 90s himself told about on Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret for a Million”.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Malikov

    In the 80s of the last century, the artist became incredibly popular. At this time, he begins to host the show program “Wider Circle”. His style, unusual for that time, attracts numerous girls who know everything about the star, including height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Malikov.

    The artist recently turned 47 years old, which he truthfully and frankly told on the TV show “Secret to a Million.” With a height of 183 centimeters, the popular performer weighs 85 kilograms.

    Dmitry Malikov, whose photo in his youth and now can be easily found in social networks, goes in for sports, leads healthy image life.

    Biography of Dmitry Malikov

    Dimochka, as the future artist’s parents called him, was born in the early 70s of the last century in the center of the capital’s metropolis. The father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich and mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna of the popular artist sang in the VIA "Gems". Dmitry was not raised alone. He has younger sister Inna, who also performs songs, but unlike her brother, she is not as popular.

    In his childhood, the future singer was fond of sports, dreaming of becoming famous football player. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, who dreamed of seeing Dima become a great pianist, he ignored music lessons. But at the age of 14, to the surprise of all his relatives, the young man began to study at a music school. After some time, Dmitry could be seen at the piano. Among other things, he began to compose songs that were later performed by the most popular performers Soviet Union: Sofia Rotaru, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Katya Semyonova. They performed compositions by a talented young man and his father’s VIA “Gems”.

    At the age of 20, the talented young man sang his own composition. It was then that the biography of Dmitry Malikov became popular. He began playing keyboards in the Gems group, which was headed by his father.

    After college, the artist studied at the Moscow Conservatory. It was at this time that he became incredibly famous. Together with Katya Semyonova, the young man hosted the popular show program “Wider Circle”.

    Since the 90s of the last century, Dmitry has become increasingly interested in playing the piano. In 1992, the pianist toured Europe, causing a sensation everywhere.

    Dmitry wrote large number songs and compositions. The artist played in 3 films and several show programs. Malikov is also appreciated by professionals. He was awarded 15 prizes.

    Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

    The personal life of Dmitry Malikov has attracted the attention of his many fans since the late 80s of the last century. It was from this time that many of the most popular artists were considered to be the popular musician’s companions. According to rumors, he was a member of romantic relationships with Katya Semyonova and some other artistic colleagues.

    Since 1992, Dmitry has been in a relationship with his current wife. At first they lived in civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania, the couple officially registered their marriage. It recently became known that the couple recently had a son, who was given to them by a surrogate mother.

    Family of Dmitry Malikov

    Dmitry Malikov's family was artistic. His father in the early 70s of the last century organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which became a kind of symbol of the Soviet era. Then he and his wife sang in it.

    It is not surprising that the children of such creative people did not follow in their footsteps. First Dmitry, and then his younger sister Inna became performers.

    Currently, the popular artist’s singer is his daughter Stefania. Dmitry himself writes songs for his favorite, which immediately become popular and go to the people.

    Children of Dmitry Malikov

    The children of Dmitry Malikov are loved by the popular Russian composer and performer. He does not divide them into his relatives and his adopted ones. Olga Malikov considers his wife’s daughter from her first marriage to be his own. He adopted a girl in school age and gave her an excellent education.

    The Russian pop star of the early 90s of the last century loves his daughter Stefania very much. He posts a large number of her pictures on his Instagram page.

    Recently it became known that a son was born in the performer’s family. The composer and singer Dmitry Malikov himself spoke about this in the show program “Secret for a Million”.

    Son of Dmitry Malikov

    At the end of January 2018, the Soviet and Russian pop star again became a father. A boy was born into the family, who was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Dmitry Malikov himself announced this joyful event when he came to the studio of the show program “Secret for a Million”. What name was given to the heir is still unknown.

    The son of Dmitry Malikov, according to the singer himself, was born healthy. His weight is 3.7 kg and his height is 53 cm. The couple are very happy about this event, but so far they have not given any information about their son, carefully protecting him from excessive attention of journalists.

    Dmitry Malikov’s daughter – Stefania Malikova

    At the beginning of the new millennium, the popular pop singer became a father for the first time. His wife gave him a daughter, whom they decided to name Stefania. From childhood, the girl amazed those around her with her talent. She dreamed of becoming a popular performer. For several years, Dmitry did not say anything about his beloved heiress, but in 2013 he himself posted pictures of his daughter on his Instagram page.

    IN school years Stefania really loved music and literature lessons. Mathematics made her indignant. But despite this, the beloved heiress of the popular performer of the 90s of the last century graduated from school with an excellent certificate. In it only the hated mathematics is worth a four, and in other subjects there are fives.

    Now the girl is studying at Moscow state university named after Lomonosov. She celebrated her 18th birthday by receiving gifts from her parents and grandparents.

    The daughter of Dmitry Malikov, Stefania Malikova, has been performing on stage since 2016. She performed several songs that were written for her by her father.

    The girl very successfully participates in modeling shows. She recently very successfully presented a new collection designed by the famous Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin.

    Stefania is currently dating Leonid Gruzdev. Young people are planning to get married in the future.

    Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

    True love overcomes all obstacles. When Dmitry met his wife Elena, she already had a schoolgirl daughter. The popular performer soon adopted the girl. She became his beloved eldest daughter.

    After school adopted daughter Dmitry Malikov - Olga entered MGIMO. After receiving her specialty, the girl went to France for an internship. Currently, she is one of the most sought-after photographers in the Russian Federation.

    In 2015, Olga married businessman Jamal Khalilov. In 2016, a girl was born into the family, who was named Anechka. The popular performer himself proudly wrote about this event on his Instagram page.

    Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

    In the late 80s of the last century, young people met. Dmitry was only 17 years old, Natalya was a year older, but the girl had already been married and divorced. Katya Semyonova introduced the future common-law spouses on the “Wider Circle” program. They started dating. Just a few weeks later, the lovers began to live together.

    The cloudless happiness lasted for almost 3 years. But then the couple began to move away from each other. After meeting with Elena, Dmitry did not hide anything. He honestly and openly told his ex-wife that he fell in love with someone else. ex common-law wife Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya did not hold back her husband. They separated peacefully and without mutual accusations. Still ex-spouses Sometimes they communicate, congratulating each other on holidays and significant events.

    Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

    In the early 90s of the last century, the artist met a woman from whom he immediately lost his head. He was not stopped by the 7-year age difference and the presence of a child with his chosen one. Soon the lovers began to live together. After 2 years, the popular performer officially adopted the daughter of his common-law wife. After the birth of his daughter Stefania, Dmitry Malikov and his beloved woman officially formalized their marriage.

    Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, is successful in everything. She takes care of the house and children, and designs her own clothing models. The woman played in several films. Currently, she is taking care of a little son who was born to the couple by a surrogate mother. Elena herself suggested that Dmitry resort to her services, since she had already crossed the 50-year mark and could not give her husband a child herself.

    Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov

    Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov are very active by the popular performer. Here you can find out a lot of information about life and creative activity artist, and various sources allow you to supplement your knowledge as much as possible.

    On his Instagram page, the 90s star posts numerous photographs taken both during the time of his popularity and now. There are many photographs of his beloved daughter Stephanie.

    Pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki also exist. They are hosted by fans of a popular artist who tell fans about their idol.

    And Elena Malikova, who have been together for 25 years, became parents for the first time in 2000. Now their daughter Stefania Malikova is 17 years old, she is studying at MGIMO and taking her first steps in show business. In general, she has become quite an adult and is about to fly out of her parents’ nest. But star parents You definitely won't be bored. Yesterday it became known that Dmitry and Elena Malikova became parents again. True, this time with the help of a surrogate mother.

    The Malikovs' second child was born in St. Petersburg. So far, neither the singer himself nor his wife have commented on the event. By the way, for Elena Malikova the child became the third. She has an eldest daughter from her first marriage. She also graduated from MGIMO. In addition, she studied in Paris. Eldest daughter Elena is married and has already become a mother herself. She and her husband, businessman Jamal Khalilov, are raising a daughter, Anna.

    Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stefania at her last call at school

    Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stefania, who went to first grade

    Information about the birth of Dmitry and Elena Malikov’s second child was confirmed in an interview with Channel Five by the singer’s mother Lyudmila Vyunkova. She also noted that now she is all worried. Meanwhile, journalists have already managed to find out how much it cost star family surrogate mother services. According to media estimates based on the price list of an elite St. Petersburg reproductive medicine clinic, where the Malikovs’ second child was born, the birth of a second child cost about two million rubles.

    Also on at the moment it is known that the singer himself has not yet seen his son. At the time the boy was born, Dmitry Malikov was on tour in Yekaterinburg. The artist told media representatives that he needed time before he could give a full comment.

    Dmitry and Elena Malikova in 1993

    Dmitry Malikov with his daughter Stefania in photographs from the family archive