Show business homosexuals. Restless Russian users of the Dvach resource have done a great job of finding “secret” gays on Russian TV

Domesticshow business stars are regularly suspected of homosexual tendencies.Maxim Galkin is credited with an affair with a comedianSergei Drobotenko, Oleg Menshikov - with a young actorNikita Tatarenkov. "Gay Rumors" Stick Around Valery Leontiev, Boris Moiseev, Sergei Penkin, Nikolai Baskov, Sergei Lazarev, Mitya Fomin... But not a single artist has ever openly admitted his sexual inclinations.

Around 2007 show business stars Dima Bilan a serious scandal broke out. Latvian media reported about the upcoming wedding Dima Bilan with a certain 27-year-old Rovens Pritula. It was reported that Dima Bilan I have a long relationship with the guy romantic relationship. Myself Dima Bilan He immediately disowned the rumors.

- This is some kind of nonsense! - was indignant then Dima Bilan. – Who could have come up with something like this? Although I'm already used to rumors.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans are still discussing his sexuality, because not a single affair of his with a girl has ever led to a trip to the registry office.

Fuck an old man and you'll have a song

A few years ago, they were accused of having special sympathy for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. show business star Mitya Fomina. This happened after the publication of his explicit photographs, allegedly thrown onto the Internet ex-lover. In the pictures Mitya Fomin photographed completely naked.

Scandalous famous director horror theater Gauguin Solntsev does not hide: many people in show business really prefer unconventional relationships. Gauguin Solntsev says that he constantly receives intimate proposals from the powers that be.

“Young boys come from the periphery and, in order to appear on the screen, do everything they are told: they give you a dick, and they substitute your ass,” he says Gauguin Solntsev.– It’s very difficult to get through in any other way. I had a “wolf ticket” for several years when I refused intimacy with one very famous producer. TV channels stopped filming me; no one wanted to take my songs. I was perplexed: why is this happening? And then an acquaintance said to me: “Don’t you know that they already called and recommended that you not be on the air!” Nothing has changed since Soviet times. IN show business Not only is the gay theme widespread, but even... pedophilia. This is not talked about much, but it is true.

Gauguin Solntsev assures: several very famous artists achieved fame precisely thanks to their unconventional relationships.

- IN show business you have to choose: either moral principles, or fame,” continues Gauguin Solntsev. – You will come, you will fuck the old man or he will fuck you, as was the example of our very famous artists, and you will become show business star, your song will be put into rotation. No song? You...beat him again - and you will have a song! Some artists become bi: they are attracted to girls, but they are forced to periodically sleep with men!

If you don't like gays, don't turn on the TV!

Critic Artemy Troitsky believes that there is a gay mafia on the stage that does not allow heterosexual artists to appear on the big screens. According to the critic, in Russian show business“being gay is fashionable and trendy.”

– I can say with absolute certainty that many heads of radio stations and television channels are not indifferent to this topic and are happy to promote artists with whom they are close intimate relationships, - stated Artemy Troitsky. – This has not been a secret for a long time. How to get rid of gays on the stage? If a person doesn’t like faggots, he has every opportunity not to see them, since all these representatives gay exist on television. I don't watch music, so I don't see it Maxim Galkin, Dima Bilan, Boris Moiseev, Nikolai Baskov... They can be listed for a long time.

– What gay mafia? It's even funny! – another music critic wonders Sergey Sosedov. - Why then? Alexander Peskov was the release on Russian television ordered? And only after the intervention Alla Pugacheva His wonderful concert was shown on one of the central channels. This is for me Alexander Peskov told. No matter how talented a person is and no matter what orientation he is, he will not be shown anywhere without money. Now everything is decided by financial ties.

By the way, Sergey Sosedov one of the first to openly list the names of famous gays. In one of the interviews, he named familiar names to everyone: Sergey Lazarev, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov….

“I didn’t declassify anyone,” explains Sergey Sosedov. - Everyone knew about it. Why does this topic resonate so much? There have been many famous gays in history: military leaders, writers, and artists. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. And the entire male ballet, starting from Nijinsky and ending with Nuriev and Baryshnikov!

Fans show business stars they are perplexed: why do artists not want to be sincere and do not want to advertise their sexual orientation? Critic Sergey Sosedov I’m sure that artists are afraid of losing their main audience.

“The main audience of our artists is female,” explains Sergey Sosedov. – Girls who attend performances and concerts see their idol as an ideal man. They vote not for songs, but for the image of the hero. For what show business stars will they admit that they are gay? The romantic image will immediately disappear. Girls will understand that this man is busy and will stop going to his concerts! Only artists who have created their own image and who have something to say to the public are capable of such revelations. The rose must mature and bloom on its own. I think that we should expect real revelations only in a few years...

How can you tell if an artist is gay?

They are also given away by the way they dress: tight jeans of an expensive brand, a tight T-shirt, a baseball cap with a protruding forelock, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, scarves tied around the neck, silver ring on the little finger.

They adore their body: they often visit the solarium, beauty salons, gym...

They quickly marry after a short romance: usually after 35 years, often to a wealthy girl, and then do not have children together for a long time.

Dmitry Ilyinsky

The issue of sexual orientation today seems to be of no concern only to babies and salespeople in intimate goods stores. However, as a rule, it is not customary to talk openly about one’s sexual preferences. However, many stars are not afraid to tell the whole world about who they want to see in their bed. We offer you a portion of celebrity revelations first-hand.

Cate Blanchett (46)

The other day, the Hollywood actress shared in an interview that she had affairs with women. When asked if she had to try on the role of a lesbian, Blanchett replied: “On screen or in life? “Many times in life.” What news!


Megan Fox loves to talk about her bisexuality. She once said in an interview with Esquare magazine that it is better to sleep with a woman who does not sleep with men. But apparently, this does not apply to Megan herself; she gives herself complete freedom.

Amber Heard (29)

Newly-made wife A (51), when asked about her affair with artist Tasya Van Ree (age), always answered: “If I’m dating a girl, that doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian.” We willingly believe, it’s not for nothing that Depp had his eye on her...

Brian Molko (42)

The lead singer of the group Placebo comments extremely curiously on his personal life: “I am neither heterosexual nor homosexual. I am sex myself. And if every time you enter a room you think: “Everyone here wants me,” then everyone will really want you. Everything depends on our thoughts."


Angelina's stormy youth did not pass without sexual adventures with girls. In the 90s, Jolie dated model Jenny Shimizu. Shimizu once spoke about her relationship with the actress: “It was the peak of my career, I was daring and self-confident. But I felt that Angelina was not the kind of girl you spend the night with and then banish from your life the next morning. We had a wonderful relationship. We became very close and experienced very strong emotions. Our meetings did not always end in sex. Sometimes we would go to Cambodia and climb in the jungle."

Michelle Rodriguez (36)

Michelle Rodriguez has always openly stated that she is more attracted to girls than men. The actress dated Zac Efron, and then she was in a relationship with Cara Delevingne (22). Increasingly, she can be found in female company.

Cara Delevingne (22)

But the model herself, after her relationship with Rodriguez, apparently decided to learn more about the girls. Kara has repeatedly posted pictures of her kissing women. There were rumors that Delevingne was dating singer Annie Clark.

Tom Hardy (37)

But who really surprised us was Tom Hardy. “I’m done with the experiments, but I’ll say for sure: there is so much more in relationships with men! You know, I have a little femininity in me, and among gays there are so many real men.” Tom also admitted that he doesn’t feel courageous at all: “Many people think that I look courageous, but I don’t think so. Inside I feel like a woman. I would like to be a boy, but I don’t feel like one.”


Drew Barrymore also had a fun youth. “I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendships there is always physical love. And if you ask me if I like women, I will answer yes. Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally put more than one of them into bed.” There were also rumors at one time that Barrymore and Cameron Diaz were having an affair. She also had a very close relationship with Courtney Love (50).

Cameron Diaz (42)

In turn, Diaz fully supports Drew’s opinion and believes that “it’s completely normal when one girl is attracted to another girl.”


Draws attention to women and Lady Gaga: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but my boyfriends don’t understand this. They're scared that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and do not need a third person in our relationship.” But it seems that Lady Gaga's latest boyfriend, actor Taylor Kinney, supports her in everything.

Marlon Brando (1924−2004)

Even in his youth, Marlon Brando admitted that he had sexual experience with men. “Many people have had it, others just don’t talk about it, but I think there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Freddie Mercury (1946−1991)

Many considered Mercury to be gay, he did not deny this, but at the same time he was in love with Mary Austin, to whom he dedicated the song The love of my life.

Christina Aguilera (34)

But Christina Aguilera’s husband Jordan Breitman even left her, unable to bear the singer’s love for the fair sex.

Madonna (56)

She is famous not only for her famous kisses with young people and Christina Aguilera. There have always been a lot of rumors and gossip about her unconventional orientation. Madonna herself says that she adores the female body.


Recently Miranda Kerr admitted in an interview with GQ that she had relationships with both men and women. Still, appearances are deceiving!

Gillian Anderson (46)

“When I was in school, I had a long-term relationship with a girl. And it was a wonderful time,” Gillian Anderson once admitted.


But Miley Cyrus, after breaking up with Liam Hemsworth, seemed to go all out. We don’t know whether she really had relationships with girls, but she answers questions about this with giggles and continues to kiss women. For example, !

Mika (31)

English singer Mika talks about his sexual orientation: “I have never labeled myself. I would say that I have never limited myself in life... I have never limited myself in who I sleep with... If you need a term to define me, call me bisexual."

Domesticshow business stars are regularly suspected of homosexual tendencies.Maxim Galkin is credited with an affair with a comedianSergei Drobotenko, Oleg Menshikov - with a young actorNikita Tatarenkov. "Gay Rumors" Stick Around Valery Leontiev, Boris Moiseev, Sergei Penkin, Nikolai Baskov, Sergei Lazarev, Mitya Fomin... But not a single artist has ever openly admitted his sexual inclinations.

Around 2007 show business stars Dima Bilan a serious scandal broke out. Latvian media reported about the upcoming wedding Dima Bilan with a certain 27-year-old Rovens Pritula. It was reported that Dima Bilan I have a long-term romantic relationship with the guy. Myself Dima Bilan He immediately disowned the rumors.

- This is some kind of nonsense! - was indignant then Dima Bilan. – Who could have come up with something like this? Although I'm already used to rumors.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans are still discussing his sexuality, because not a single affair of his with a girl has ever led to a trip to the registry office.

Fuck an old man and you'll have a song

A few years ago, they were accused of having special sympathy for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. show business star Mitya Fomina. This happened after the publication of his candid photographs, allegedly thrown onto the Internet by a former lover. In the pictures Mitya Fomin photographed completely naked.

Infamous horror theater director Gauguin Solntsev does not hide: many people in show business really prefer non-traditional relationships. Gauguin Solntsev says that he constantly receives intimate proposals from the powers that be.

“Young boys come from the periphery and, in order to appear on the screen, do everything they are told: they give you a dick, and they substitute your ass,” he says Gauguin Solntsev.– It’s very difficult to get through in any other way. I had a “wolf ticket” for several years when I refused intimacy with one very famous producer. TV channels stopped filming me; no one wanted to take my songs. I was perplexed: why is this happening? And then an acquaintance said to me: “Don’t you know that they already called and recommended that you not be on the air!” Nothing has changed since Soviet times. IN show business Not only is the gay theme widespread, but even... pedophilia. This is not talked about much, but it is true.

Gauguin Solntsev assures: several very famous artists achieved fame precisely thanks to their unconventional relationships.

- IN show business you have to choose: either moral principles or fame,” continues Gauguin Solntsev. – You will come, you will fuck the old man or he will fuck you, as was the example of our very famous artists, and you will become show business star, your song will be put into rotation. No song? You...beat him again - and you will have a song! Some artists become bi: they are attracted to girls, but they are forced to periodically sleep with men!

If you don't like gays, don't turn on the TV!

Critic Artemy Troitsky believes that there is a gay mafia on the stage that does not allow heterosexual artists to appear on the big screens. According to the critic, in Russian show business“being gay is fashionable and trendy.”

“I can say with absolute certainty that many heads of radio stations and television channels are not indifferent to this topic and are happy to promote artists with whom they have close intimate relationships,” said Artemy Troitsky. – This has not been a secret for a long time. How to get rid of gays on the stage? If a person doesn’t like fagots, he has every opportunity not to see them, since all these representatives of gay people exist on television. I don't watch music, so I don't see it Maxim Galkin, Dima Bilan, Boris Moiseev, Nikolai Baskov... They can be listed for a long time.

– What gay mafia? It's even funny! – another music critic wonders Sergey Sosedov. - Why then? Alexander Peskov was the release on Russian television ordered? And only after the intervention Alla Pugacheva His wonderful concert was shown on one of the central channels. This is for me Alexander Peskov told. No matter how talented a person is and no matter what orientation he is, he will not be shown anywhere without money. Now everything is decided by financial ties.

By the way, Sergey Sosedov one of the first to openly list the names of famous gays. In one of the interviews, he named familiar names to everyone: Sergey Lazarev, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov….

“I didn’t declassify anyone,” explains Sergey Sosedov. - Everyone knew about it. Why does this topic resonate so much? There have been many famous gays in history: military leaders, writers, and artists. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. And the entire male ballet, starting from Nijinsky and ending with Nuriev and Baryshnikov!

Fans show business stars they are perplexed: why do artists not want to be sincere and do not want to advertise their sexual orientation? Critic Sergey Sosedov I’m sure that artists are afraid of losing their main audience.

“The main audience of our artists is female,” explains Sergey Sosedov. – Girls who attend performances and concerts see their idol as an ideal man. They vote not for songs, but for the image of the hero. For what show business stars will they admit that they are gay? The romantic image will immediately disappear. Girls will understand that this man is busy and will stop going to his concerts! Only artists who have created their own image and who have something to say to the public are capable of such revelations. The rose must mature and bloom on its own. I think that we should expect real revelations only in a few years...

How can you tell if an artist is gay?

They are also given away by the way they dress: tight jeans of an expensive brand, a tight T-shirt, a baseball cap with a protruding forelock, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, scarves tied around the neck, a silver ring on the little finger.

They adore their body: they often visit the solarium, beauty salons, gym...

They quickly marry after a short romance: usually after 35 years, often to a wealthy girl, and then do not have children together for a long time.

Dmitry Ilyinsky

Experts in the "Show Business News" section of the online magazine "Stock Leader" report that the pop singer made her statement during a heated discussion on the topic of the law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality with TV presenter and journalist Anton Krasovsky, who himself had previously openly admitted to unconventional orientation. The pop star said that she strongly supports such a legislative initiative, but in her personal opinion, for closed door lovers of such same-sex relationships can do whatever they want: the only important thing is that they “don’t shout about it at every corner,” reports

Valeria gave out the names of the so-called. "openly gay" modern Russian stage, who turned out to be Boris Moiseev and Sergei Penkin.

The singer’s words caused great indignation from the stars Russian show business. In particular, the outrageous Ksenia Sobchak expressed dissatisfaction, accusing the performer of “snitching.” Lolita Milyavskaya also supported her in this. She noted that at first the BBC journalists turned to her as a person who is well known in the country for supporting modern gay culture, and this does not include the propaganda and spread of same-sex love. But since the singer’s English is not perfect, she was unable to discuss such a topic on air. As a result, Valeria was invited to television, who expressed her personal opinion in excellent English, Lolita notes.

Milyavskaya stated that before naming names and saying such things, Valeria should have asked permission from her colleagues, since this is a clear violation of the boundaries of her personal life.

In turn, the media, developing the theme of the scandal that flared up, recalled the singer Valeria’s famous video for the song “Break it all,” where the artist herself is present in the frame in a very explicit scene with several girls at the same time.

Valeria has already commented on Ksenia Sobchak’s attack, calling it just another provocation. She admitted that she cooperates and is friends with homosexuals and has nothing special against this phenomenon.

And Dzhigurda named more names, but no one criticized him

As previously reported by experts from the “Russian News” and “Show Business News” departments economic publication for modern investors "Stock Leader", at the end of this March in the television program " Iron ladies" the shocking actor Nikita Dzhigurda named the names of the most important gays of Russian show business. At the same time, he made a call for them to openly tell everyone about their orientation. He connected this request and call with the fact that after the adoption of a law that would prohibit promote homosexuality, they will no longer be able to do this.

Dzhigurda directly addressed individual artists from Russia with a request to stop acting like cauldrons and ladies' men. All these guys - Leontyev, and Bilan, and Kirkorov, and Lazarev, and even Nikolai Baskov himself, who so ardently portrayed novels with Oksana Fedorova, then with Anastasia Volochkova, noticed Dzhigrud. He is sure that before it is too late, they all need to come out of their underground and admit their homosexual orientation. Come out with banners and do a truly masculine act!

Among other things, Nikita Dzhigurda expressed his personal hope that in the very near future each of the above-mentioned artists will go to trial. Once accepted new law, then anyone who can admit to his unconventional orientation will be able to be put on trial, because he is engaged in propaganda of this, Dzhigurda stated.

Let us recall that a few days ago the Russian State Duma adopted a law banning any propaganda of homosexuality. This is what caused a great resonance in the global community. It even got to the point that the heads of individual states made an open call to immediately cancel passed law. Among Russian stars Serious debates and discussions also broke out in show business. One of the first to support the adopted legislative act Valeria spoke. Ksenia Sobchak and Lolita went against her statements.

With the light hand of the media public opinion The idea has firmly taken root that show business - both domestic and world - is simply replete with representatives of sexual minorities. Is this true? And if true, then why are gay people so attracted to this particular field of activity?

What is it: the desire to stand out, an innate “carnival in the soul” or a painful manifestation of complexes, a protective mask? The question hangs in the air - no one has ever, at least in Ukraine, tried to understand the problem. Perhaps fundamental to modern popular culture. Some are afraid of quarreling with friends, others are afraid of not pleasing strong of the world That being said, it’s simply not profitable for someone to be featured on such a scandalous topic.

According to the pop performers themselves, there are several reasons for the saturation of show business with gays, but the main ones lie in the very essence of the craft. The showman lives by publicity, constant attention to his person, he needs camera flashes and voice recorders always flashing in front of his face. Far from the bustle of parties, film sets and presentations it fades, withers, dries up before our eyes. The worst thing for such a person is to become a “mere mortal.” It is the enormous, irrepressible attention to their person that most homosexuals crave. And the point here is not to compensate for the love lost in childhood: usually potential gays in childhood are assiduous, neat, polite, smart and therefore cause the insane delight of the entire female half of the family.

So they have enough love. However, from the moment of realizing one’s difference from others - and what a difference! - and until the very end of their lives they are gnawed by a cruel feeling of inferiority. It is the attempt to make up for their inferiority that pushes them onto the stage.

Understanding “show business” wider than the stage, we can say, writes “Gordon Boulevard,” that the desire of gays to express themselves as clearly as possible is manifested in various fields- fashion (Andre Tan, Alexey Zalevsky), pop (Shura), television (Anatoly Yarema), cinema (Evgeny Mironov), etc. Perhaps the point here is also the open-mindedness of creative people, their sometimes disastrous desire to “try everything” .

No matter how blasphemous it may sound, even the Creator created the world out of boredom. “To diversify boredom is a gigantic task,” wrote Balzac. “Isn’t this what explains the creation of the world?” A person looks for evidence of his talent in many areas: for example, Leonardo da Vinci, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Pushkin were geniuses not only in one field of art. Encyclopedists of the Enlightenment generally believed that only by possessing knowledge of several sciences and arts, one could create something wonderful, truly outstanding. By the way, many of them, starting with da Vinci, were prone to homosexuality...


However, let's return to our sheep. Not all performers who position themselves “on the topic” really are so. (The word “topic” among its own refers to everything that is in one way or another related to gay life.) As is known, both domestic culture and the domestic stage are always about a decade behind Western ones. What was fashionable there 10-15 years ago and has already become quite boring, blooms and smells here, without even intending to go out of fashion. The exception is, perhaps, the Russian duet “Tatu”, whose performance style, by the way, has already been dubbed “pedo-pop”.

“Tattoo” initially speculated on the “theme”: two half-naked nymphets on stage, singing piercing love songs, and lesbian motives in the lyrics were obvious. We all know very well what an incredible, resounding success Tatu enjoyed in their homeland. And the reason for this is not only in a well-thought-out and constructed promotion - but also in the bet on people who are bored by the monotony and want something piquant and unusual.

But there are kitchens where spices are added to almost every dish... But what’s even stranger is that Tatu managed to win sympathy and popularity in the West, seemingly satiated with such things. After all, if we take, for example, French literature, then interest in the topic of gays and lesbians faded away somewhere in the mid-80s of the last century. And then suddenly - and in queens!

There are plenty of paradoxes in the Tatu story. The promotion of the duet included doubt among listeners/viewers about the girls’ orientation: that is, the doubt is not that they are traditional, but just the opposite - that they are unconventional. The most interesting: aggressive behavior Yulia and Katya allowed them to subsequently, without any special problems, survive the revelation of the truth that they were not lesbians, but simply a product of successful PR. Yulia Volkova’s pregnancy added fuel to the fire. Moreover, the press never figured out who the father was, but Yulia had affairs with the most “ cool guys" of the Russian scene, having realized the main advertising truth of promotion: the more brazenly you behave, the more popular you become.

IN different times title gay icons held different stars: from Marilyn Monroe to Alla Pugacheva. The spread is huge. Currently, according to polls, the pedestal of “the most revered star among gays” is occupied by Kylie Minogue, who recently defeated cancer. What's the secret? Groovy and quite lyrical compositions, the lyrics of which can be attributed to both heterosexuals and “gays”, extraordinary appearance, quite provocative - but without excesses! - behavior: in general outline, this is the image of Kylie. Colorless compositions a la Orbakaite or Aguilera will not buy the gay public. They also cause disgust overweight men like Valery Meladze and Nikolai Baskov.

In general, the mystery of turning this or that performer into a favorite of gays has not been studied at all. You can run wild as much as you like, sing about “such a complicated, not that kind of love,” get into leggings and tank tops - and remain completely unheard. After all, it’s one thing to appeal to practically omnivorous and unpretentious housewives, and quite another thing to appeal to people who have first-hand knowledge of promotion. In essence, both - only at a lower level, household level- gays have to exercise every day. Their world is cruel: a pimple or a wrinkle can sometimes cause more trouble for representatives of this clan than for ordinary people - a visit from the tax office or a stolen wallet. That's why gays are so fascinated by proper PR. It is for this reason that Alla Borisovna, an unsurpassed master of PR moves, became their idol.

Perhaps only a Russian pop diva can advertise herself the way she, by the way, also appears in foreign ratings gay icon. Wrong promotion means almost the death of the performer (performer) in the eyes of the gay community. And it doesn’t matter who this promotion is aimed at and how handsome the performer is. Let's say that the fact that Gwen Stefani is trying to look like Madonna is unlikely to add points to her in this environment.

Among the gay icons are, of course, Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor. Here, most likely, a kind of “bitchiness factor” comes into play. This is why gays are so attracted to the flamboyant Joan Collins, the elderly star of Dynasty. Naturally, cute showmen also fall into the rank of gay icons. Thus, David Duchovny and Brad Pitt were extremely popular at one time. Now the hype around the “old boys” has died down. For quite some time now, the walls of gay men's homes have been covered with posters of the handsome face of metrosexual David Beckham. However, the further, the more new gay male icons are promoted - Ashton Kutcher, Elijah Wood, Daniel Radcliffe.

What about us? Apart from the aforementioned Alla Pugacheva, perhaps no one aspires to the status of a gay icon in the CIS. (A caveat should be made here: it is necessary to distinguish an “icon” from a performer popular among gays. One of classic signs The “icon-likeness” of the performer is that they begin to parody him in drag shows. In our country, Pugacheva, Zykina, Rotaru, Bilyk, Minnelli, Madonna and Timoshenko are “rewarded” with this honor - with rare exceptions).

The fact that Irina Bilyk enjoys the status of a gay icon is not surprising. There is, perhaps, no more shocking character on the Ukrainian stage. Frequent - almost always successful - changes in image were borrowed by Ira from Madonna and the unforgettable Bowie. Amazing talent and captivating spontaneity make her similar to Monroe and Minnelli. Moreover, in Bilyk’s repertoire there are several directly “gay” songs: these are, first of all, “Drugs” (“Vin lyubiv yogo, vin lyubiv її, vin saying: “I am vilniy!” his sim’i”), as well as the song - hint “You are an angel.”

The musical preferences of Ukrainian gays are very diverse. Here are the black Gaitana, and the “violent” Irina Allegrova, and the glamorous “Non-Angels”, and the sexy Dima Bilan, and the many-sided “ VIA Gra", and the brilliant Serduchka. There are also quite unexpected personalities on this list, such as: Oksana Bilozir (her hit “Gorobina Nich” in the capital’s gay club “Androgyn” is played several times a night), the group “Okean Elzy” (very much to the liking of those who are always fighting with society’s misunderstanding of gays “I won’t give up without a fight...”) and “Jeremiah’s Lament” (“And there you go, after all…”). Naturally, they almost never sing about gays directly, so we have to listen to lyrics about “natural” love, about the suffering and experiences of heterosexual couples.

Gay men fall in love with performers for a variety of reasons. They love Gaitana for her rather friendly statements about “gays”, promoted by the domestic media, Allegrova - due to the “bitchiness factor” mentioned above, Bilan - it’s quite clear why. However, one should not conclude from this that gays are fans of pop music exclusively. This is far from true.

Many residents of pleshki have repeatedly amazed me by demonstrating their love for, say, Aria, opera and jazz. Jazz, by the way, uses special attention gays As, indeed, classical music, which is most likely explained by the widespread unconventionality of conservatory graduates.


Most often, gay themes on stage are a bright mask, an invented image, a kind of gutta-percha figurine that can do any somersault. Probably the most ingenious of these images is Verka Serduchka. Everyone knows that Danilko himself, in essence, is very far from the thickly rouged madam splashing with witticisms and surzhik, who hides a too pragmatic look that does not suit the image under huge sunglasses.

Serduchka began as nothing more than a pop stunt, a slapstick technique - and someone’s ingenious willpower moved her first to amusing stars, later to shocking TV presenters, and now Danilko-Serduchka has become a real superstar. Moreover, it is unlikely that any other real transvestite would enjoy the same love of the people. After all, Verka is one of her own, she laughs at transvestites, at the celebrity party, at everyone in general. Kitsch is the key to her success, her mask. And how different the real Danilko is from the virtual Serduchka - this became obvious four years ago, when Andrei released his instrumental album and shot a video for the song “Doll”. And if the clip is due to the presence in it of a rather handsome young man- still enjoyed at least some success, the album was a complete failure...

The mastodon of the stage, Boris Moiseev, has been staying afloat for 15 years, in no small part thanks to his remarkable PR abilities. In these matters, Little Borya is a master. Either he will remove an extra rib, then he will declare to the whole country that he is not gay at all, then he will “cheat and leave” either his lover or his partner Nilda Fernandez, or he will “dance” a duet with Gurchenko.

All his “inventions” go off with a bang. Few people manage to “juggle” the public like this: usually all attempts to imitate Moiseev end in shameful failure. Those who did not manage to get on the big stage can only cultivate such, so to speak, “images.” Let us not, however, be so harsh towards the younger generation - may God grant them the ability and strength to create on stage what Little Bora managed to create.

However, Moiseev cannot be called popular among gays, although no one will be surprised by his sold-out concerts, and most of the hall is filled by women. Why don't gays like him? Too fake! The gap between the mask and the face is very large - and it is quite obvious that under the papier-mâché is hiding not Little Borya at all, but someone else, far from being so glamorous and amusing.

At the turn of the century, the Shura star flashed brightly - and then went out. Then there was a lot of talk about the missing front tooth, about the uncertain marital status- and, probably, for the first time the issue of orientation was seriously raised. In this sense, Shura played a very important role both for the domestic stage in particular, and for all “our” gays in general.

However, Shura’s mask came off quickly enough. At first, this seemingly happy and carefree creature turned out to have a lot of health problems, and later it turned out that he did not want to continue his career as a singer, having decided to limit himself to a satisfying life on his earned image and the completely respectable craft of a fashion designer. In general, Shura is the pop embodiment of the pleshka; perhaps this is precisely the secret of his success and downfall. After all, every inhabitant of the pleshka is outwardly quite pleased with himself, successful, attractive, well-groomed, but inside there is pain, confusion, and often a desire to commit suicide...


But! Are they gay? It seems like yes, but maybe not. Of course, it is indecent to pry into someone else’s personal life. However, everyone is fussing over the details. love affairs Britney Spears or Pink! Why are the so-called “gays” passed over in silence?

In addition to those who openly promote the “topic,” there are a number of performers whom many, not without reason, tend to suspect of being unconventional. Here is Philip Kirkorov, who has sincerely separated from Alla, and Dima Bilan, who is tearing the soul of all gays without exception, and “young, but early”, and the frontman of “Green-Gray” Murik... To whom has not rumor attributed blueness? Some - like Kirkorov, Lazarev and Bilan - are actively promoting these rumors in the media.

One might object: in such cases, what is desired is often taken as reality. Yes, that's true. But there is something else catchphrase: There is some truth in every joke. And in the fairy tale there is a hint. What, for example, caused the rumors about Kirkorov? His support for the young Belarusian performer and his excessive enthusiasm for the dancers from the musical “Metro” he staged. PR on a pseudo-image did its job: the song “An Ordinary Story” became one of the anthems of Russian gays. Bilan is not far behind Philip: amusing information about his alleged engagement to a mysterious boyfriend has circulated throughout the media. It would not be an exaggeration to say that gays throughout the former Soviet Union are eagerly awaiting confirmation of information about Dima’s unconventional orientation. And Dima successfully maneuvers, knowing full well that while there is no certainty, he is at the top - when everything becomes completely clear, his fame will burst like a soap bubble.

Sergey Lazarev fueled the “thematic” controversy around him with constant quarrels and convergences with his duet partner Vlad Topalov. Moreover, the latter - according to the classic “good-bad cop” scenario - played the role of an aggressive homophobe. Now the guys' paths have completely diverged - and the hostility is gone. And it wasn’t hostility, but banal business.