The strongest jaws in the animal world. The strongest jaws in dogs


Below is a list of ten animals with the most powerful force bite in the animal kingdom. There are animals that should also be on this list, but they are not here due to the lack of research into the strength of their bite due to the problematic or expensive nature of this measure.

A notable exception is the large White shark, however, there is only theoretical data. Tasmanian devil, apparently, has the most powerful bite in relation to the size of its body (about 14 atmospheres).

10. Leo

Bite force – 41 atmospheres

An unexpected position for the “king of the jungle” (although he never lived in the jungle). Lions are the only social cats in the world. They love to cooperate so much when hunting that this may be one of the reasons why they have evolved to have a bite force comparable to that of a panther or other similar cat.

Another reason may be hunting habits, since the lion strangles its prey by biting its trachea, that is, there is no need for a strong bite. Lions, as a rule, hunt at any time of the day, but often go for large prey at night. They also need water, so they drink daily, but can live for about five days without it.

9. Tiger

Bite force – 71 atmospheres

Most great view The cat family, the tiger is a solitary hunter. Its body length can reach 3.5 meters, and it can weigh up to 388 kg. It hunts and stalks its prey at night. Like lions, they tend to bite their victims' throats to reduce the flow of air and blood to the animal's head.

Their bite is very powerful, almost twice as strong as a lion's bite. IN wildlife Fewer tigers exist than in captivity. They generally avoid people, however, attacks on people and livestock have been recorded throughout the world.

8. Spotted hyena

Bite force – 75 atmospheres

Most sources claim that a hyena's bite force is 75 atmospheres, however, Wikipedia says higher figure, but there are no other sources confirming the information in the online encyclopedia. Speaking about the fact that the hyena has one of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, it should be noted that as a result of its attack, even the bones of a giraffe are crushed.

The reason for its bite force is that it needs to get at least some food after lions and other large predators leave the remains of their prey.

Even though they look like dogs, hyenas are actually more closely related to cats. It has been discovered that a hyena can kill a dog with a single bite to the neck. Contrary to popular belief, hyenas hunt, and ironically, lions often steal their food. Like lions, they are very social and cooperative animals.

7. Grizzly bear

Bite force – 81 atmospheres

This North American subspecies brown bear known for its incredible size and aggression. Despite its large size, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h. They feed mainly on berries and nuts, but also hunt. In Yellowstone national park they were spotted and filmed while hunting game.

Grizzlies are considered more aggressive than other bears. It is believed that due to their size, these bears cannot climb trees, which is why they developed this defense mechanism to get food for themselves. This is likely the same evolutionary path that gave the bear its powerful jaws, which help it defend against wolves and other attackers.

They can weigh from 270 to 450 kg. They can pose a danger to humans if frightened or if they are with cubs, but in general they rarely, if ever, hunt humans.

6. Gorilla

Bite force – 88 atmospheres

Some people may be surprised to read this, given the vegetarian nature of these creatures. However, gorillas are the formidable "residents" of this list. Their jaws are primarily adapted to chewing tough plants like bamboo, which gives them incredibly strong jaw and neck muscles.

The gorilla has traditionally been seen as large scary monster, but in last years her image became “softer.” They are our closest relatives after chimpanzees, and their numbers in the wild are rapidly declining, with about 700 mountain gorillas now remaining. Gorillas can climb trees, but usually live on the ground in communities of up to 30 individuals led by a dominant male. Gorillas are generally gentle creatures and pose no danger to humans.

5. Hippopotamus

Bite force – 124 atmospheres

This is one of the most powerful herbivores. The hippopotamus belongs to the category of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Living in a specific territory, and being very aggressive, there are known cases of attacks on small boats and their crews. Scientists were only able to measure the bite force of the female hippopotamus because males are extremely aggressive.

The word hippopotamus (Hippopotamus) comes from the Greek "river horse" because of its incredible love to the water. The hippopotamus's closest relatives are whales and cows. They belong to the order Artiodactyla, so camels, horses and goats are also relatives of the hippopotamus.

4. Jaguar

Bite force – 136 atmospheres

The jaguar's bite is the strongest among all cats, moreover, it has the most strong bite among all mammals. Being the true king of the jungle, the jaguar lives in the territory from Mexico to Argentina. The jaguar kills by biting its prey on the head. Like most others big cats(except for the lion) the jaguar is a solitary killer.

Among the victims of this animal are anacondas and caimans. Its bite is so strong that it can easily bite through even a turtle's shell. The animal got its name from an Indian word, which translated means “one who kills with one jump.” Although smaller than its African and Asian cousins, the jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. The largest populations of jaguars, according to recent data, live in Belize.

3. American alligator

Bite force – 145 atmospheres

The American alligator is one of only two species of alligator remaining in the world, the other being the Chinese alligator. Its population is about 5 million, with more than 1.2 million living in Florida, with the rest settled in Texas, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. They share this territory with crocodiles.

Their diet includes mainly fish, turtles and small mammals. In a recent National Geographic study, scientists measured the bite force of an American alligator to be 145 atmospheres, however, it is worth considering that the study involved fairly small alligators, so it is likely that the figure could be higher.

2. Saltwater crocodile

Bite force – 251 atmospheres

Saltwater crocodiles were rated highest by the National Geographic team in bite force measurements. However, they again measured the strength of several small crocodiles. Experts say that if the strength of a small crocodile is converted into the strength of a 6-meter monster, then it can reach up to 480 atmospheres. These monsters live in East India, South-East Asia and Northern Australia.

Saltwater crocodiles eat everything that comes their way. Australians affectionately call them "pickles", however, they are not at all affectionate when it comes to this giant. They are responsible for the majority known cases attacks on people, but on their conscience no less human lives, than on the animal located on the first line of our list.

1. Nile crocodile

Bite force – 340 atmospheres

In an experiment conducted by National Geographic, the bite force of a Nile crocodile was estimated to be lower than that of a saltwater crocodile, but most other sources say 340 atmospheres. Nile crocodile, as a rule, is almost the same in size as saltwater crocodile, and accordingly the force of its bite is approximately in the same range.

These two are interchangeable when it comes to placement on this list, and their bite force will vary depending on the difficulty of measuring it in a crocodile the right size. Nile crocodiles feed mainly on fish, but like their brothers, they attack anyone who has the audacity to cross their path. This applies to zebras, birds and even small hippos.

Recall that 1 atmosphere = 101,325 Pa.

Leo - 40 atmospheres. Oddly enough, the bite of the “king of beasts” is not considered the strongest when compared with other representatives of big cats. However, it is quite enough to hold prey and then tear it to pieces.

Tiger - 71 atmosphere. The largest representative of big cats and one of the most impressive predators on the planet. The mass of some Amur tigers reaches up to 380 kg, and their bite is almost twice as strong as the bite of a lion.

spotted hyena- 74 atmospheres. Hyenas have some of the most powerful jaws of any mammal, specifically designed for crushing bones. Hyenas easily eat the completely gnawed remains of the prey of other predators, if necessary, even chewing the bones of a giraffe.

Grizzly bear - 81 atmospheres. The largest subspecies of American brown bears live in Alaska. Their mass can exceed 450 kg, and their jaw strength exceeds that of many big cats. Brown bears, as a rule, do not hunt people, but they often show aggression when defending their territory.

Gorilla - 88 atmospheres. Luckily for most of the gorillas' natural neighbors, they are vegetarians. But to protect their group, the largest of the monkeys use not only their paws, but also their powerful jaws, capable of biting through almost anything.

Hippopotamus - 124 atmospheres. Surprisingly, many people still consider hippos to be the good-natured hulks from children's books. In fact, they are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, incredibly aggressive and territorial. With one bite they can kill a lion or a crocodile, let alone a person caught in the tooth?

Jaguar - 136 atmospheres. The winner in bite force not only among all big cats, but also among all mammals on the planet. Jaguars are the only predators that kill prey by breaking its skull with their jaws. Moreover, they often hunt cows.

Mississippi alligator - 144 atmospheres. For crocodiles and alligators, nothing is more important than a correctly placed bite, so they take three prizes. Mississippi alligators are large enough to attack people, but they rarely do so, preferring to feed on fish and turtles.

Saltwater crocodile - 251 atmospheres. Heavy artillery was used. The largest reptiles on the planet grow up to 7 meters in length and weigh up to two tons. Sometimes they attack pleasure boats, biting through them.

Nile crocodile - 340 atmospheres. Those same “big evil crocodiles”, because of which children, and not only them, should not go for a walk in Africa. Nile crocodiles are slightly smaller in size than saltwater crocodiles, but they more than make up for this with truly monstrous jaw strength. Seasoned crocodiles can kill and eat even adult male lions, not to mention other predators of the savannah.

Which animal do you think has the strongest bite? A lion? Hyena? Turtle? Or maybe something smaller, like a piranha? The answer may surprise you. There is a famous saying that says: " Big fish eats small fish” and if you look at how nature works, there is a lot of truth in this statement. It is especially true in the animal kingdom, where most animals survive using a wide range of tactics and evolutionary characteristics. As you may have guessed, bite force is one of many characteristics that help animals not only in their search for food, but also in self-defense. It is for this quality that today we will compile a list of the most “successful” representatives of the animal kingdom. Bite strength means a lot - from the beautiful Siberian tiger to the fearsome polar bear, we present to you the 25 most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

25. Orca, PSI: 19000 ~ unknown

Until now, it has been impossible to accurately measure the force of a killer whale's bite. However, based on incidents involving orcas in captivity, it is estimated that their bite force may exceed 19,000 PSI. Since this is just a guess, this moment the killer whale gets only 25th place.

24. Piranha, PSI: unknown

If we speak in the context of boxing, then the piranha would emerge as the absolute champion in its weight. The force of her bite exceeds her body weight by 30 times, this is simply unheard of in the animal world. However, its exact strength has never been measured.

23. Leopard, PSI: 300–310

The leopard is one of the five "big cats" of the panther genus and is found in many parts of the world, such as parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Western Asia, Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and even Siberia. Renowned for its athleticism and speed, the bite of a leopard is definitely something to avoid.

22. Tiger shark,PSI: 325

This marine animal may be one of the deadliest dangerous predators ocean and definitely looks very scary. However, its bite force is only 325.

21. Wild Dog, PSI: 340

The wild dog is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and is considered the largest member of its genus in Africa. Don't let her appearance deceive you; in terms of bite strength, she can compete with cougars.

20. Puma, PSI: 350

The puma is considered the largest wild land mammals in the western hemisphere and one of the fastest animals. They do not have the strongest bite, however, they have muscular jaws and long fangs that are adapted to bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

19. Wolf, PSI: 406

The wolf is one of the most famous and well-studied animals. They also have one of the most paradoxical relationships with people. The wolf is a remarkable hunter; they usually hunt in packs in order to kill animals that are much larger than themselves. The wolf boasts an impressive bite force of 406 PSI.

18. Mastiff, PSI: 556

The Mastiff has the strongest bite of any domesticated dog. Even a Rottweiler, Pitbull or German Shepherd cannot compare with him.

17. White shark, PSI: 669

Although sharks should generally have the strongest bite of any fish, this shark's bite is surprisingly weak. However, this may be due to the fact that sharks do not need a strong bite, as they do most of the damage with their teeth.

16. Leo, PSI: 691

It was sad to see the “king of beasts” in such a low place, but it was obvious that his bite was not his main advantage. However, lions have quite a strong bite, which earned them a place on this list of the 25 Strongest Bites.

15. Jaguar, PSI: 700

The jaguar is scary not because of its powerful bite, but because of the way its teeth are designed: they can penetrate the skull and are capable of breaking through the shell of a turtle. For comparison, jaguars have the strongest bite relative to body weight among the entire cat family.

14. Brown bear, PSI: 850

The humble brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of the north North America, Europe and Asia. It is the most widespread bear in the world and has an impressive bite force of up to 850 psi.

13. Kodiak, PSI: 930

The Kodiak lives on the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska, from which it borrowed its name. This is the largest subspecies of brown bear and one of the two largest representatives of the bear genus. The second is the polar bear.

12. Amur tiger.PSI: 950

Amur tigers not only have incredibly powerful jaws, but also very sharp teeth, with which they dig into the throats of their victims.

11. Snapping turtle, PSI: 1000

According to a bite force test done by Dr. Brady Barr of National Geographic, the snapping turtle has a bite force of approximately 1,000 PSI.

10. Bengal tiger,PSI: 1050

Bengal tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are famous for their strength and power. Despite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid people, but the few that don't are responsible for the deaths of many people in India, where they live.

9. Hyena, PSI: 1100

This not-so-cute and scary animal, which we learned about as children while watching The Lion King, has teeth that are specially adapted for eating rough food, as well as crushing and digesting large bones. Their milk is rich in calcium due to the huge amount of bones included in their diet.

8. Polar bear,PSI: 1235

Polar bears are among the strongest and toughest mammals on the planet, and as such, they also have a very powerful bite. Their diet consists mainly of seals, which are by no means soft-skinned, but their teeth are also adapted for a vegetable diet.

7. Grizzly Bear, PSI: 1250

The grizzly bear is a majestic and dominant symbol of wild and primal power. They are omnivores and have very strong teeth. Their incisors are relatively large, as are their canines. Unlike most other animals, their teeth are also adapted for a vegetable diet.

6. Snout shark, PSI: 1250

Bullnose sharks have the strongest bite of any fish, but their strength is only half their power, because they also have very sharp teeth.

5. Gorilla, PSI: 1300

The teeth of typical male gorillas are white and large, but not very sharp. However, they have very strong neck and jaw muscles, which make their bite very strong.

4. Hippopotamus, PSI: 1821

Hippos may not look like they have a strong bite, but the truth is that these huge animals have very strong jaw muscles. Even though they are herbivores, their bite is considered the strongest of all mammals.

3. Mississippi alligator, PSI: 2125

The Mississippi alligator is rare story success in breeding an endangered animal. This species was saved from extinction. The Mississippi alligator is one of the most vicious and deadly predators in the world, and its bite ranks third on our list.

2. Nile crocodile, PSI: 5000

The Nile crocodile has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most vicious man-eaters in all of Africa. The exact number is difficult to say, but it is estimated that about 200 people die every year in the jaws of the Nile crocodile. It ranks second on our list.

1. Saltwater crocodile, PSI: 7700

To put it bluntly, the saltwater crocodile is the most large reptile, living on our planet at the moment. It is also the largest terrestrial and coastal predator in the world. The length of males of this species can reach 6.7 meters and weight 2000 kilograms. They also have the strongest bite of any animal in the world.

Good afternoon friends!

10. Leo
Bite force – 41 atmospheres

The King of Beasts opens our rating! Lions are the only social cats in the world. They love to cooperate so much when hunting that this may be one of the reasons why they have evolved to have a bite force comparable to that of a panther or other similar cat. Another reason may be hunting habits, since the lion strangles its prey by biting its trachea, that is, there is no need for a strong bite. Lions, as a rule, hunt at any time of the day, but often go for large prey at night. They also need water, so they drink daily, but can live for about five days without it.

9. Tiger
Bite force – 71 atmospheres

The largest species of the cat family, the tiger is a solitary hunter. Its body length can reach 3.5 meters, and it can weigh up to 140 kg. It hunts and stalks its prey at night. Like lions, they tend to bite their victims' throats to reduce the flow of air and blood to the animal's head. Their bite is very powerful, almost twice as strong as a lion's bite. There are fewer tigers in the wild than in captivity. They generally avoid people, however, attacks on people and livestock have been recorded throughout the world.

8. Spotted hyena
Bite force – 75 atmospheres

Most sources claim that the bite force of a hyena is 75 atmospheres, however, Wikipedia says a higher figure, but there are no other sources confirming the information in the online encyclopedia. Speaking about the fact that the hyena has one of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, it should be noted that as a result of its attack, even the bones of a giraffe are crushed. The reason for its bite force is that it needs to get at least some food after lions and other large predators leave the remains of their prey. Even though they look like dogs, hyenas are actually more closely related to cats. It has been discovered that a hyena can kill a dog with a single bite to the neck. Contrary to popular belief, hyenas hunt, and ironically, lions often steal their food. Like lions, they are very social and cooperative animals.

7. Grizzly bear
Bite force – 81 atmospheres

This North American subspecies of brown bear is known for its incredible size and aggression. Despite its large size, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h. They feed mainly on berries and nuts, but also hunt. In Yellowstone National Park, they were spotted and filmed while hunting game. Grizzlies are considered more aggressive than other bears. It is believed that due to their size, these bears cannot climb trees, which is why they developed this protective mechanism to get food for themselves. This is likely the same evolutionary path that gave the bear its powerful jaws, which help it defend against wolves and other attackers. They can weigh from 270 to 450 kg. They can pose a danger to humans if frightened or if they are with cubs, but in general they rarely, if ever, hunt humans.

6. Gorilla
Bite force – 88 atmospheres

Some people may be surprised to read this, given the vegetarian nature of these creatures. However, gorillas are the formidable "residents" of this list. Their jaws are primarily adapted to chewing tough plants like bamboo, which gives them incredibly strong jaw and neck muscles. The gorilla has traditionally been seen as a big scary monster, but in recent years its image has become "softer". They are our closest relatives after chimpanzees, and their numbers in the wild are rapidly declining, with about 700 mountain gorillas now remaining. Gorillas can climb trees, but usually live on the ground in communities of up to 30 individuals led by a dominant male. Gorillas are generally gentle creatures and pose no danger to humans.

5. Hippopotamus
Bite force – 124 atmospheres

How can one not remember the bearded joke about poor eyesight... This is one of the most powerful herbivores. The hippopotamus belongs to the category of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Living in a specific territory, and being very aggressive, there are known cases of attacks on small boats and their crews. Scientists were only able to measure the bite force of the female hippopotamus because males are extremely aggressive. The word hippopotamus comes from the Greek for "water horse" due to its incredible love for water. The hippopotamus's closest relatives are whales and cows. They belong to the order Artiodactyla, so camels, horses and goats are also relatives of the hippopotamus.

4. Jaguar
Bite force – 136 atmospheres

The jaguar has the strongest bite of any cat and has the strongest bite of any mammal. Being the true king of the jungle, the jaguar lives in the territory from Mexico to Argentina. The jaguar kills by biting its prey on the head. Like most other big cats (except the lion), the jaguar is a solitary killer. Among the victims of this animal are anacondas and caimans. Its bite is so strong that it can easily bite through even a turtle's shell. The animal got its name from an Indian word, which translated means “one who kills with one jump.” Although smaller than its African and Asian cousins, the jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. The largest populations of jaguars, according to recent data, live in Belize.

3. American alligator
Bite force – 145 atmospheres

The American alligator is one of only two species of alligator remaining in the world, the other being the Chinese alligator. Its population is about 5 million, with more than 1.2 million living in Florida, with the rest settled in Texas, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. They share this territory with crocodiles. Their diet includes mainly fish, turtles and small mammals. In a recent National Geographic study, scientists measured the bite force of an American alligator to be 145 atmospheres, however, it is worth considering that the study involved fairly small alligators, so it is likely that the figure could be higher.

2-1. Saltwater crocodile and Nile crocodile.
Bite force – from 251 to 340 atmospheres

The first and second places were shared by the Sea and Nile crocodiles. Saltwater crocodiles were rated highest by the National Geographic team in bite force measurements. However, they again measured the strength of several small crocodiles. Experts say that if the strength of a small crocodile is translated into the strength of a 6-meter monster, then it can reach an incredible 480 atmospheres. These monsters live in Eastern India, Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. Saltwater crocodiles eat everything that comes their way. Australians affectionately call them "pickles", however, they are not at all affectionate when it comes to this giant. They are responsible for most known attacks on humans, but they are responsible for as many human lives as the Nile crocodile.

In an experiment conducted by National Geographic, the bite force of a Nile crocodile was estimated to be lower than that of a saltwater crocodile, but most other sources say 340 atmospheres. The Nile crocodile, as a rule, is almost the same in size as the saltwater crocodile, and accordingly its bite force is approximately in the same range.

There are animals that should also have been on this list, but they are not here due to the lack of research into the strength of their bite, because of the problematic or expensive nature of this event.
A notable exception is the great white shark, whose bite force is only theoretical.

And the Tasmanian devil, apparently, has the most powerful bite in relation to the size of its body (about 14 atmospheres).

For reference: 1 atmosphere is approximately equal to 1 kgf/cm2 (1.0333)

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The main force of a human bite comes from chewing teeth and muscles, it is extremely powerful and reaches a maximum pressure of over 113.4 kg. In general, the average human bite force in kg is 45-68. Some sources report that people do not use their full force when chewing food.

In fact, our teeth are strong enough and the bite force of a person is enough to chew on a cinder block. Amazing, right?

A human being bitten by a human is obvious, but in some cases the victim is unaware
(for example, when the victim was drunk) or does not want to tell others who bit him (for example, because of a hand injury during a fight).

Be careful with cuts above the knuckles if they occur in combat, especially when the cuts were caused by another person hitting the mouth.

Why is a human bite dangerous?

Is it possible to become infected with HIV through a human bite? In addition to tissue trauma, infections due to oral flora are added, this becomes a serious problem for the body.