The largest reptile in the world. The largest animal in the world: description, habitat and interesting facts

The largest animal in the world is the blue whale. This is a truly gigantic animal, considered the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. An adult whale can reach 30 meters in length. The weight of the whale is about 180 tons. This weight is equivalent to 8 passenger aircraft. The whale's heart weighs about 600 kg and is the only organ of its kind of this size. What does such a large animal eat? The blue whale's diet includes plankton and krill, small shrimp-like creatures. A whale needs 1.5 million kcal per day, which means that it eats at least 40 million krill every day.

The blue whale reigns in the ocean, but on land the largest animal is African elephant. Male African elephants reach 7.5 meters in length and 3.3 meters in height. Such large individuals weigh at least 6 tons. But the females of this species are slightly smaller than elephants. They grow no more than 6.5 meters in length and 2.7 meters in height. In weight, they are also significantly inferior to males and reach 3 tons. No one would risk being an enemy to such a large animal. But, unfortunately, baby elephants can become prey to lions or crocodiles.

If the African elephant is in every sense the largest land animal, then the giraffe is undoubtedly the tallest. Weighing about 1.5 thousand kilograms, male giraffes sometimes reach 6 meters in height. Moreover, 2 meters of this is the length of the neck. And this is not the point large quantities vertebrae - there are only seven of them - and in their disproportionate lengthening.

Among predators, the Southern Elephant Seal is considered the largest. In a pair of southern elephant seals, the male is clearly dominant in size. If the female is no more than 3 meters in length, then the most big male The southern elephant seal reached 6.85 meters and weighed 5,000 kilograms. Elephant seals hunt squid and fish. They dive and stay underwater for about 20 minutes. If during this time it was not possible to catch anyone, the elephant seal dives again.

On earth among predators the crown is shared Polar bear and Kodiak bear. Many people have heard about polar bears, but the Kodiak bear does not have such fame. Kodiak bears are a subspecies of brown bears. You can meet them on the islands of the Kodiak archipelago. It is difficult to award victory to any of these bears, since their sizes are approximately the same: height is about 1.6 meters, and body length is about 3 meters. Bears weigh at least 1000 kilograms.

Of the reptiles, the saltwater crocodile occupies the lead. Other names are combed and spongy crocodile. These crocodiles live in areas ranging from the coast of Northern Australia to Southeast Asia and the coast of India. The length of an adult crocodile often exceeds 4.8 meters, and weight varies from 500 to 1000 kg. Saltwater crocodile active predator. Its victims are usually insects and mollusks, fish and crustaceans. But crocodiles are jealous of protecting their territory and will therefore attack anyone who wanders into it. When attacking, the crocodile tries to drag the animal into the water - there it will be much more difficult for the victim to resist the predator.

The largest amphibian in the world lives up to its name - Chinese giant salamander. This is the largest of all salamanders in the world. The length of the salamander is approximately 1.5 meters. They live in lakes and rivers of China. But these days, the Chinese giant salamander is on the verge of extinction. For her life, she urgently needs a clean and very cold water. But environment becomes polluted, and salamander meat is considered a delicacy.

Among the rabbits became the champion Belgian Flanders. These rabbits are domesticated and were bred back in the 16th century. Belgium became their homeland. A large individual of the Belgian Flanders can weigh 13 kilograms.

The ostrich ranks first among birds. Ostriches live in Africa and Arabia. A male ostrich often reaches 2.8 meters in height and weighs 156 kilograms. Ostrich eggs are also record holders - weight ostrich egg approximately 1.4 kilograms. But the ostrich won the championship not only for its size, but also for its speed. When running, an ostrich can reach speeds of up to 97.5 km/h.

The most unusual and largest arthropod in the world is the spider crab. This is a type of sea crab that lives near the coast of Japan. The weight of such a crab is about 19 kilograms, and the span of the first pair of legs reaches 3.8 meters. The spider crab feeds on shellfish and animal carcasses. Spider crabs can be considered long-lived, as their life expectancy is 100 years.

Top 10 abnormally large animals Video

The fauna of our planet is incredibly rich various types the most amazing creatures. There are simply huge and very tiny, very tall and very short specimens.

And such unique features Absolutely all groups of animals have it, be it mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians...

Which of all the animals is the biggest in the world? Let's look at this issue as carefully as possible...

- huge inhabitant underwater world. There is no animal on Earth that is superior to the whale in its gigantic sizes.

The blue whale is the true ruler of the oceans.

And the dimensions blue whale truly colossal: it grows up to 30 meters in length, and the mass of this mammal is more than 180 tons. At birth, the cub of this giant already weighs more than 2 tons and reaches 7 meters in length!

African elephants are land giants.

As for animals that live exclusively on land, the largest representative here is the African elephant - it can gain weight up to 12 tons! On average, males of this animal species weigh about 6 tons, their length is 6–8 meters, and their height is up to 3.5 meters.

Female elephants are much smaller - up to only 3 tons, they reach only 5.5 - 7 meters in length, and their height is 2.8 meters.

Giraffe - there is no one higher than him!

The tallest animal in the world is... of course! It is classified as an artiodactyl mammal. Its habitat is Africa.

A giraffe can grow up to 6 meters in height, and the weight of an adult male is 1600 kilograms, while for females it is only 840 kilograms.

A giant among aquatic predators considered to be the southern elephant seal.

The weight and size of males are usually five or six times greater than the dimensions of females, which weigh almost 400 - 950 kilograms and reach 3 meters in length! It turns out that males of this species weigh up to 4000 kg.

But among land predators, the following stand out: the polar bear and the Kodiak. It is very difficult to find out which of them is larger than the other, since they are almost similar in their enormous dimensions! These bears reach a height of 1.7 meters and a length of about 3 meters.

The Kodiak is one of the largest predators on the planet.

The largest weight of a polar bear, established by researchers, is 1004 kilograms, and the weight of a brown bear is 1135 kilograms.

Among the reptiles now known on our planet, the largest is the saltwater (also known as saltwater) crocodile. Its habitat ranges from Northern Australia to Southeast Asia, as well as the southern coast of India.

The male of such a crocodile weighs approximately from 400 to 1000 kilograms, and its length varies from 4 to 5.5 meters. But especially long-lived crocodiles can exceed 1000 kilograms in weight and 6 meters in length.

Who is the largest among amphibians? It turns out that the most outstanding in size is the gigantic Chinese salamander.

Its length is 1.8 meters. But since they are often caught and consumed as a delicacy (by the Chinese themselves), these animals rarely manage to grow to such a size.

Among such funny animals as rabbits, there are also record holders. The Flemish giant was bred in the 16th century in Belgium. What is remarkable about this “eared ear,” you ask? Its weight! This rabbit is a domestic breed and weighs as much as 12.7 kg.

The giant flying fox is not a representative of the fox family. This is a huge bat, also with a golden crown. It is found in tropical forests Philippines. At the moment, the largest specimen of this “chanterelle” weighs 1.5 kilograms, and its length is 56 centimeters (with a wingspan of almost 1.8 meters)!

Capybara is the largest among its kind.

The animal named capybara is the largest among its relatives. This creature lives in many tropical forests of South America and the Andes. Settles mainly near water. The length of an adult individual reaches approximately 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height. This unusual mammal weighs as much as 105 kilograms

Among fish, the largest are bony fish. Sunfish are a clear example of this. The weight of such fish reaches an average of 1000 kilograms, and the length exceeds 1.8 meters.

The largest representative of snakes is the green anaconda. The length of the largest individual in the world is 7.5 meters, and the weight of such a giant is 250 kilograms. But there are stories about larger individuals.

The ostrich is the largest flightless bird.

In the world of birds, the record holder is the ostrich. It lives in Africa and Arabia. The height of an adult representative of these flightless birds can exceed 2.8 meters and weight 156 kilograms. The ostrich egg weighs 1.5 kilograms and is the largest in the world. Ostriches, as you know, cannot fly, since their wings are undeveloped. But their legs are very massive and strong, which allows the bird to reach running speeds of up to 98 kilometers per hour!

In the pelican family, the Dalmatian pelican surpassed everyone in size. He lives in South-Eastern Europe, India and China. This bird lives mainly in swamps and small lakes. In length it reaches a little more than 180 centimeters, and weighs about 160-170 kilograms. The wingspan of this pelican species is more than three meters.

- another giant of planet Earth. It lives in the waters near the Japanese islands. It is called a giant among all arthropods, since it weighs about 19 kilograms, and its length, including its paws, reaches 3.9 meters. Oddly enough, small mollusks serve as food for this sea giant. The lifespan of this long-legged crab in natural conditions can exceed 100 years.

The Japanese spider crab is a long-liver of the sea.

Photos taken from the Internet.

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Large organisms on the planet are measured not only by their large size and dimensions, but also by their weight, body length, and neck height. According to all these parameters, a rating of the largest animals on the planet was compiled and presented to you for your consideration. You will learn about each of them in detail - size, appearance, behavior, body characteristics and many, many interesting facts. The largest animal on our planet is considered to be, and below are the 10 largest animals.

The largest animals in the world.

10 Anaconda and the reticulated python

Anaconda. Photo - National Geographic. The largest animals in the world.

Unable to distinguish between these two snakes, we wrote them down in one paragraph, and now we’ll tell you why. Two large snakes, whose length can exceed 8 meters and weigh 100 kg are considered the longest in the world. According to some sources, people have encountered an anaconda over 11 meters long, but there are no officially registered sizes of the aquatic creature. And all because the snake lives in dense jungle thickets - in the rivers of the Amazon, and a thorough study of its size on at the moment causes difficulty.

It is known that the anaconda reaches a weight of 100 kg, it can swallow quite large prey and hunts in the water, sometimes surfacing to bask. The case when an anaconda swallowed a 13-year-old Indian boy can be considered an exception to the rule; in order to take such a “step,” the anaconda must be very hungry. In general, the snake’s behavior is characterized by calmness towards people, unless, of course, they interfere with its hunting. Otherwise, the snake may bite and cause sharp teeth quite a large and painful wound.

The Anaconda snake has a beautiful gray-green skin color, with scattered dark spots in a checkerboard pattern, larger on top and smaller on the sides. The habitat of the massive snake is the tropics of South America. It can be found in Ecuador, Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru. Anacondas are also found on the island of Trinidad, Guiana and Guyana.

The reticulated python is also a huge and massive boa constrictor, which feeds on small animals, but lives mainly on the surface, loves to rest in trees. It swallows food whole and even attacks domestic chickens. Habitat: all of southern and southeast Asia, including the islands.

9 Colossal Squid

Colossal squid

Sometimes “Colossal” is replaced by the name “Southern”, and another name for the squid is Antarctic. It is the most massive and largest squid in the ocean. You could say this is a monster from depths of the sea. The maximum estimated size is – 12 meters in length, and weight – 750 kg. The largest invertebrate is a giant or colossal squid was found in the waters of the Ross Sea in 2007 and officially registered. Its length was 10 meters, but this is also a lot, especially for a squid, which people are used to cooking in the kitchen and eating, isn’t it? Surely many residents of the coastal regions of Antarctica, especially fishermen, really want to catch such a monster and evaluate their capabilities. But this is quite difficult to do, because the squid lives at a depth of 2000 meters.

The colossal squid has a large polarized eye (about 27 cm), which allows it to see at depth. These are “reactive” hunters of the depths, for fast movement they use their own engine. Habitat: north of Antarctica to southern Africa and southern New Zealand. This prevalence makes the squid a resident of the entire southern border of the world's oceans.

8 Giraffe

The tallest giraffe in the world is the giraffe. The giant's height is about 6 meters and weighs almost 1 ton. This spotted animal with a huge neck can, if not frighten, then surprise with its size and features. appearance. The small head on a very strong muscular neck has two horns covered with hair.

What allows the neck to bend and get food from trees and how does blood flow inside the body? Just The massive heart of a giraffe is capable of processing up to 60 ml of blood, and the blood itself is thick in composition. The giraffe is protected from vascular problems that can lead to death by a valve inside its neck. When the head is tilted, strong pressure and blood flow are blocked in the vein, so the animal feels good and the brain is not overloaded.

Dark spots are scattered throughout the giraffe's body; each individual animal has its own individual pattern; you will not find two identical giraffes based on this feature. The giraffe can run fast and reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour. This is not the limit if it is on a dry surface of the earth, without potholes and swampy places, which the giraffe avoids. Narrow hooves are uncomfortable walking through swamps and overcoming obstacles, especially since The giraffe's gait is also special - first the two front legs move, then the hind legs. Where can you see this superb big animal? In nature reserves and reserves of African countries. These are mainly savannas in southern and eastern Africa.


The combed crocodile takes 7th place in our ranking. This is the most big crocodile Of all, its length reaches 7 meters. One head of a crocodile of this species can weigh more than 200 kg, and the entire reptile can weigh 2000 kg (2 tons!).

It lives in sea waters and swamps of Australia, India, and Asia. This is the only representative of reptiles that can move freely in salt water, but they still prefer fresh creeks and rivers. Hunts buffalos and other artiodactyls that approach the water. Undoubtedly such large predator It can also attack a person when the crocodile is hungry - it doesn’t care who it attacks and most likely, when a person approaches the water, it will attack unnoticed.

IN at a young age crocodiles eat invertebrates, small vertebrates, the larger they become, the wider their diet, the larger the prey should be. The most interesting thing is that predators can eat poisonous frogs and other creatures, without harm to your health. Macaques, hares, jackals, badgers, gibbons, otters, and crustaceans can also become victims of the Saltwater Crocodile. A large crocodile can feast on orangutan, wild pig, antelope, and leopard. And this is not the entire diet of the formidable predator; it is known that they eat their own kind.

6 Bull Gaur

In 6th place is a cloven-hoofed ruminant - the Gaur bull, its size can be compared with the size of a Polar bear. But Gaur is a little larger and heavier than the “northern bear”. The length of the bull's body reaches 3.5 meters, and its weight is more than 2000 kg.

The bull's horns point upward and are shaped like a crescent. And the color of the short fur is brown, slightly reddish. The heavyweight is under protection and is listed in the Red Book. This bull does not look like an aggressive bison, although it is the same in weight and larger in size. He has the appearance of a domestic, good-natured ox, and for good reason, because some peoples have already managed to tame the animal and domesticate it. By the way, the domesticated Gaur has a name - Gayal. These bulls are really not aggressive, they stay in groups and feed on herbaceous plants. There is a threat to the life of the bulls themselves - this is their extermination by people to obtain nutritious meat, as well as dangerous diseases that infect groups of Gaurs.

The habitats of the Gaur are countries such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Nepal, Malaysia, Vietnam. Bulls live mainly in forests, avoiding open areas.

5 Elephant seal

The southern elephant seal is a giant among seals, its weight can reach 4 tons, and the length of the body is 6 meters. It got its name from the folds of skin on the nose; when the male is excited, the folds swell and turn into a bubble. And the elephant is really almost as big as the African elephant in size. The skin color of a seal is also gray, but there is something different between a pinniped and a land animal.

The elephant seal is an active predator that moves on peculiar limbs - flippers. He does it quite well high speed and in water it can cover a long distance - up to 4800 km. Interestingly, elephants rarely stay on ice - during molting and breeding. The pinniped elephant has enemies in the form of killer whales and leopard seals, so it is not easy for them to survive in such conditions. Elephant seal numbers have declined since the 19th century. Human “hunting” of elephants for their valuable subcutaneous fat also contributed to the population decline.

The animal lives in the subantarctic zones, inhabits the Orkney, Sandwich and Shetland Islands.

4 White Rhino and Hippopotamus

This is the second largest giant of our planet after the elephant and the fourth largest animal in the ranking. White Rhino – land mammal. Males achieve stunningly heavy weight- up to 5 tons, and such a giant can grow up to 4.5 meters. The rhinoceros has two horns, the front one is larger and is designed for clearing bushes and various thickets of plants. Unlike other rhino species, the white one has a wide muzzle and upper lip. This is due to nutrition - white rhinoceros eat terrestrial food rather than bush food; with such a lip it is easier to grab tasty grass from the ground and eat it.

Rhinoceros horn, its fat and blood are used in Asian folk medicine. Poachers are still paid huge sums for the corpses of poor animals. There are only 12-13,000 of them left in Africa. The habitat of southern rhinoceroses is the savannas of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia. The northern representative is slightly larger and lives in the Congo and South Sudan.

But not only is the rhinoceros so heavy, it has another “brother”, one might say a twin brother, only without a horn - this is a hippopotamus. Its dimensions are also quite large, judge for yourself - with a body length of 4.5 meters, they weigh more than 4.5 tons and can compete with rhinoceroses in weight.

Aquatic terrestrial animals have ancient roots, and their fangs are still hunted today. It was believed that the ancestors of animals with huge mouths were pigs, now it is believed that whales. The hippopotamus is distributed throughout the South and Central Africa and is considered the most aggressive animal on the mainland.

3 Savannah or African elephant

Most likely you are wondering how much does an African elephant weigh? African ( Loxodonta africana) The elephant is considered the largest land animal on the planet. It is also called - Savannah elephant and it is many times smaller than the blue whale, but larger than other representatives of the animal world. The height of the African elephant reaches 4 meters, and the length is 7. The mass of the African elephant is about 10 tons. Most large elephant and the largest animal in the world is a male elephant weighing more than 12 tons. The elephant was shot in Angola and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

Proboscis mammals appeared on the planet 2 million years ago. Elephants are the only representatives of animals that have an appendage - a trunk, a kind of extension of the lip. With the help of their trunk, they can drink, eat, lift heavy objects and even care for their young. If an African elephant weighs about 10 tons, then the weight of its trunk can fluctuate around 120-140 kg, but it is quite flexible and allows the elephant to perform various manipulations with it.

The African elephant's habitat has shrunk from 30 million square meters before. km, now it’s only 5.3. The population of large elephants is concentrated mainly in Mali and some other African countries, but there the animals are protected by national parks.

2 Sperm whale

In second place is a huge cetacean mammal - the sperm whale. It cannot be confused with another whale as it has a large head interesting shape what distinguishes an animal from others. The size of this whale is about 20 meters, but males are always larger than females. The giant of the deep sea weighs 20-50 tons. Its body is almost black in color and rough to the touch. Edging white around the mouth, presumably in order to attract the main prey for the sperm whale - squids, which notice everything bright and thus themselves swim into the mouth of the sperm whale.

The special rectangular head has another interesting “content”. It contains a bag with spermaceti filling. Previously, it was believed that this was sperm used by males, but now they have conducted more detailed studies of the composition of this liquid. It turns out in hardened form - it is a wax-like substance from which candles, lipstick and ointments can be made. In connection with this fishery, the sperm whale became a victim of whaling organizations. Now this type hunting is banned, and wax in production is replaced by synthetic substances.

Among other things, the spermaceti sac is used as a lens for echolocation and a kind of float. This way the whale can make a loud sound and communicate with other whales, look for food and learn about danger. The whale's only enemies are killer whales, which can drive a young sperm whale to the bottom and deal with it there; the second enemy is man. The sperm whale itself loves to feast on fish and the previous representative of the rating - squid. The life of sperm whales has not been fully studied, and to this day research is being conducted regarding their behavior, which, by the way, is quite aggressive behavior.

Their habitat is the entire world ocean; sperm whales prefer tropical areas and do not like cold northern currents. The sperm whale also prefers to stay further from the coast.

1 Blue whale

The largest animal in the world from sea ​​creatures- the blue or blue whale is also the largest when compared with land animals. The size of the ocean giant can be compared to the height of a 9-story building. The length of the blue whale reaches 33 meters, and its weight exceeds 145 tons! Sometimes they reach a weight of 200 tons, a staggering size! Despite the fact that the whale practically lives on a diet of small krill, its size is growing every day. A newly born blue whale weighs about 3 tons; at first it feeds on milk, but very quickly switches to a regular diet.

The most interesting thing is that it is not yet possible to weigh the blue whale itself with accuracy, and it is possible to determine the weight of the giant only in parts. The female blue whale is always heavier than the male and can weigh about 180 tons. It is also known that the heart of a blue whale weighs up to 2000 kilograms, which is almost the size of a car. The tail is compared to the wing of an airplane, and the tongue of a blue whale is compared to the size of an elephant! True, the pharynx is not at all comparable to such huge parameters - the diameter of the throat is only 10 cm. It is capable of producing loud, but low-frequency sounds, called infrasounds. This is how they exchange information with relatives and learn about danger or simply communicate.

The skin color of this species of whale is gray-blue, and in sea ​​water it looks blue. The slender and elongated body is “decorated” with barely noticeable spots gray, and under the whale’s lower jaw there are numerous folds (about 70 pieces). The whale's wide head tapers slightly toward the end, acquiring an oval shape; small eyes are located very close to the mouth. The respiratory organ is located at the end of the head and looks like two holes, through which whales can release a fountain when they approach the surface of the water.

The distribution area or vomit (from the English blue whale) is the entire world ocean.

Diversity natural world our planet is amazing. Thousands of life forms inhabit the oceans, land and airspace. Today we have selected the most impressive representatives of the fauna and included them in Top 10 largest animals on Earth.

And to more clearly demonstrate the impressive difference between the species inhabiting the same planet, let’s say that the smallest animal on Earth is the pig-nosed bat, weighs a maximum of 2 grams and has a length of no more than 3 cm.

10. Giant green anaconda

the most big snake on Earth. This close relative of the python lives in the tropics of South America. The maximum recorded body length is more than 7.5 meters, and the weight is 250 kilograms. The Asian python surpasses the anaconda in length, which is 9.7 meters, but loses in weight.

9. Capybara

the largest rodent on Earth. These cute animals live in South America. Adult capybaras grow up to 1.5 meters in length and can gain up to 105 kg in weight. By the way, these rodents happily live next to humans.

8. Giant golden-crowned flying fox

- the largest chiropteran animal on Earth. These live bats in the Philippines. The fox's body size is about 55 cm, weight is 1.5 kg, but the wingspan is very respectable - up to 1.8 meters.

7. Chinese giant salamander

largest amphibian on Earth. The length of the salamander reaches 180 cm. These live amazing creatures in China, where their meat is revered as a delicacy, so few salamanders grow to their maximum size.

6. Saltwater crocodile

the most large reptile on Earth. These huge predators live on the coast of Northern Australia, Southeast Asia, and also on east coast India. The weight of a male individual can reach 1 ton, and the length ranges from 4 to 5.5 meters. The saltwater crocodile is an aggressive predator that attacks any animal that invades its territory.

5. Polar bear and Kodiak bear.

Almost equal in size. The height of both animals exceeds 1.6 meters, body length is about 3 meters. The largest individuals weigh more than 1 ton. By the way, brown bears can mate with whites, producing offspring capable of procreation.

4. Southern Elephant Seal

largest predator on earth. Males of this species are 5-6 times heavier than females and weigh from 2100 to 4000 kg. The elephant seal's body length ranges from 2.4 to 3 meters. An overweight animal has a hard time on land, so most of the time elephant seals spend in the ocean.

3. Giraffe

tallest animal on earth. The height of a male giraffe is 5-6 meters, and average weight– 1600 kg. Extraordinary long neck makes up almost half the animal's height. By the way, the spotted color of a giraffe is unique, like human fingerprints.

2. African elephant

largest land animal on Earth. Males are 3.3 meters high, 7.5 meters long and weigh about 6 tons. Naturally, with such dimensions, an adult elephant does not have natural enemies. But its cubs are vulnerable and are often attacked by lions and crocodiles.

1. Blue whale

largest animal on earth. The length of this giant reaches 30 meters, and its weight is 180 tons. This whale's tongue weighs about 2.7 tons, the same as the average one. indian elephant. And its heart is comparable in size and weight to a Mini Cooper. Uncontrolled fishing has affected the number of blue whales - the total number of individuals does not exceed ten thousand.