Ants teleport. Instant teleportation of atta ants - Dostoevsky

It is unlikely that, without knowing all the circumstances of the experiments, one can immediately agree with the hypothesis of “teleportation”. But the fact that the ant community is superbly organized simply arouses admiration for the wisdom of nature. It is also unclear whether Atta ants are completely blind, or whether they simply have very poor vision.


If a person could master teleportation, which has been characteristic of ants for millions of years, we would soon reach the most distant stars! ( Ivan Sanderson)

Atta ants are insects of the American tropics. However, they are also presented in warm parts North America several varieties, and one of them even got into the state of New Jersey. These creatures live in communities in their own underground cities, engaged, like a person, in agriculture and succeeded in this no less, if not more, than a person. But the attas also came up with something else, so incredible that it almost defies our logic. They seem to be able to teleport!

Incredible attas live in multi-million ant megacities, reaching 15 meters in diameter and 6 meters in depth. Life here is extraordinarily complex, and the cities themselves are served by almost the same public utility systems as our megacities. But unlike ours, these systems function flawlessly. The basis of ant farming is the cultivation of small fungi on a substrate of leaves and petals obtained from the outside world. The entire life of the city, and primarily the reproduction of offspring, is connected with these agricultural works.

Reproduction is occupied by one or, at best, several huge queens, each of them several thousand times larger than the largest worker ant. Eggs come from the queens in a continuous stream, and the queens themselves are on a strict diet, which is monitored by nurse ants - this allows you to breed one of several types of adult ants in accordance with the needs of the city. Each queen receives only one type of food and lays the same eggs.

Radial roads with underground passages and canopies that protect from heavy rains, ring roads and even with cloverleaf-type interchanges. On the roads, streams of ants walk out without a burden, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them. Weighing thousands of these leaves, experts came to the conclusion that their weight is at least twice that of an ant.

Having tied a thin colored thread around one ant, scientists traced its path out of the city. He moved without stopping towards the lonely standing tree, which was about four hundred meters away. Then he climbed up this tree, climbed onto the crown, selected a leaf and began to bite off a piece from it. In the evening, while monitoring the return of an ant loaded with a heavy burden back to its city, scientists witnessed the formation of a real traffic jam.

The twig that the ant was dragging fell onto one of the ant roads. The incoming and outgoing streams of ants mixed over several meters. Suddenly, several larger police ants appeared among them. There was a dump for about two hours, but the ants raked old leaves and all sorts of rubbish aside and built a workaround, along which the workers immediately moved.

The researchers had a question: where did police ants come from so quickly, which under normal conditions disperse many meters from each other?

That same night, scientists conducted an experiment on a 60-meter-long ant road with very heavy traffic. They installed surveillance devices and then blocked the road. A minute later the ant policeman appeared. Having crashed into the ant crowd, he moved his antennae (atta blind) and forced them to throw leaves on the side of the road.

Other policemen rushed from the city, who acted in the same way, and then began to drive away the unloaded ants from the barrier arranged by the scientists. Meanwhile, the road began to be detoured. Part of the police forces stuck around the barrier in order to direct the approaching ants, who had already dropped their load, into the city, showing them the direction to go around. And so new way paved. The ants were returning for the previously abandoned cargo - strictly along the left side of the road. They did not interfere with the oncoming traffic of workers returning with cargo along the new road to the city.

This opposition to the ants marching into the city again made scientists wonder: how did the ants know what to do, did the police tell them about it or not? Scientists decided that information about an unexpected obstacle on the road was transmitted to the anthill through sequential contact with antennas. However, the question arose: is it possible to transmit information at such a speed using antenna contact? An analysis was carried out, and here are its results: even if 60 thousand ants simultaneously turned in one direction and instantly touched each other with their antennas, the signal would have been transmitted a hundred times slower than the speed at which the police arrived! Consequently, atta has a telecommunication system, and not mechanical, not through touch.

This is not a video system - after all, the police are underground, and the police have no eyes. Smell is also highly unlikely (although it is now believed that odors are electromagnetic in nature). Nevertheless, attas can transmit information over distances of approximately three to five kilometers, and its transmission occurs at a speed many times greater than any possible mechanical action.

There are several hypotheses on this score: electromagnetic, telepathic, acoustic. If the secret is in acoustics, then either the police ants in the depths of cities are endowed with some kind of supersensitive receiving organs sound signals, or the information is transmitted by some special ants. Could these be police patrol ants? Hardly, at least not until the police arrive at the scene where something is happening.

Dr. H. Forrest discovered that ants different types They make sounds by clicking their paw joints, rubbing their paws and closing their jaws. She also became convinced that ants are capable of producing much more complex sounds using so-called chirping organs, reminiscent of those found in grasshoppers and locusts. Dr. Forrest believes that the sounds that arise can easily be heard by a person with keen hearing who is close to the insects. As proof, she presented tape recordings of the sounds of twenty-five species of ants.

Maybe this explains everything? No, most likely last word hasn't been said yet. Having assumed an acoustic connection, we will be forced to assume that the sounds made by ants must constitute a language through which information is transmitted. Any police officer can send a signal. Someone needs to determine its origin and take appropriate action. What kind of language is this? Unknown...

An even more incredible observation regarding atta still defies explanation. This is teleportation. This term is widespread among parapsychologists and mystics. Initially, the term meant the instantaneous transfer of objects from one point to another, even through a solid medium (abbreviated MP).

Until recently, serious science, if not ignored the very idea of ​​​​the possibility of teleportation, treated it with fear.

IN recent years The orthodox people, especially nuclear physicists, who allow tunnel transitions of microparticles, began to talk about this in a low voice. However, there are reports of large-scale MPs occurring both in nature and in laboratories.

The fact that instantaneous transfers exist would revolutionize all technology. But our lives would change so much that we might regret it and impose strict restrictions on them. Perhaps teleportation is what helps atta.

Atta queens only eat and reproduce. While still small, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found new city. When the queen gives birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her egg conveyor.

To protect the queen, worker ants build a chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its lowermost part there are a number of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement and the passage of midwives who monitor the eggs, as well as a trench for the eggs.

Often these chambers reach the size coconut, they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and the thickness of the walls can be several centimeters. If you get to this chamber and carefully cut off the side of it, you can mark the uterus with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle (this large insect occupies the entire chamber).

As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies, or the worker ants transfer her to another place. Sometimes she continues to lay eggs, although she is colored. However, if you close the chamber tightly for just a few minutes, the uterus will disappear!

Without a trace!

This fact could be explained by the fact that the ants kill the queen and then remove her remains through the lower small holes. But don't forget about the paint! There was no trace of her.

Further excavations and searches in the same anthill, sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants in the experiment: a few tens of meters from the place where the queen disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which there was that same queen with all identification marks in the form of spots of paint - she felt great, took food and laid eggs! And this was observed time after time.

Isn't this MP? And if not, then tell me how this happens? They want to convince us that the atta removes a concrete chamber 30 cm long, digs a tunnel with a diameter of 8 to 10 cm and a length of about several meters, digs another cavity 60 cm long, pushes the uterus into it and then builds it around it. new camera- and all this in a few hours. This assumption does not stand up to criticism, since all reports say that the uterus disappears from such chambers within a few minutes - without even destroying the chamber.

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to propose a teleportation system for the most important members of ant society?

From the point of view of some experts, there is something unpleasant about all this. Such things clearly contradict everything we have been taught, what we are used to seeing and what we like. But is this really more annoying than electric current, which, being connected to one end of a metal wire, performs at the other end useful work? After all, until very recently, no one had a clear theory of what electricity was.

Sound passes through matter, light passes through matter, so why can't matter pass through matter? In any case, matter is 99 percent made up of holes, and it is probably possible to penetrate through it in the same way as any of us can pierce a metal mesh with a stream of water.

If we manage to accept the principles of MP, exit to deep space and even other galaxies may turn out to be extremely simple - perhaps it will all come down to just leaking through space!

Atta has to go up and collect leaf scraps. Radiating from the anthill are radial roads with underground passages, canopies protecting from heavy rains, ring roads and even with interchanges like “ maple leaf" Streams of ants scurry along the roads - empty ones go out, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them, reminiscent of huge sails on miniature boats. By weighing thousands of these leaves, experts concluded that their weight is at least twice that of an ant. At least in the species we studied.

Now let's get to the fun part.

Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new city. When the queen has given birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her “conveyor” of eggs.

To protect the queen, worker ants build a concrete chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its very lower part there are a number of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement and the passage of “midwives” monitoring the eggs, as well as a trench for the eggs. These chambers are often about the size of a coconut, although they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and the walls may be three inches thick. The approaches to these cameras in some cities are also concrete.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle.
As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear.
This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill her and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city, sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the uterus disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which was the same uterus with all the “identification marks” - it is magnificent felt herself, ate food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this instantaneous movement? And if not, how does this happen? Atta remove a foot long concrete chamber, dig a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, dig another two foot long cavity, push the queen into it and then build a new concrete chamber around it? It is impossible to imagine that atta ants in a short time - no more than an hour, even several hours (while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber) - time manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long, build a new “concrete chamber” and drag the queen there.

The mystery of the atta ants has not yet been satisfactorily explained. So far there is no acceptable evidence of the phenomenon of teleportation and no one has yet proven that teleportation experiments can be reproduced - and this is precisely the basis scientific proof any phenomenon. However, in recent years they have begun to talk about teleportation in a low voice in the scientific world, primarily among nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to the instantaneous movement of an equally microscopic scale.


Telecommunication simply means communication through distance or distance. Most of our senses - and do not forget that we have at least two dozen of them, including hunger, thirst, a sense of balance, electrical impulses and heat radiation - are means of communication, however, most of them work “for reception”.

The incredible attas live in underground cities that house many millions of inhabitants - these cities can be up to 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. Life here is unusually complex, and the cities themselves have the same developed services and administrations as our megacities, only unlike ours; their systems function impeccably.

Atta civilization is based on agriculture. It consists of growing certain small fungi, which are planted in nurseries from leaves and petal trimmings. Ants collect leaves and flowers from outside and bring them to cities. The life of the city, and, first of all, the reproduction of the population, is connected with these agricultural works.

Reproduction is occupied by one or, at best, several huge queens, each of which is several thousand times larger than the largest worker ant. Eggs come from the queens in a continuous stream, and the queens themselves are on a strict diet, which is monitored by “nurse” ants - this allows one of several types of adult ants to be bred in accordance with a predetermined, consciously determined and regulated plan affecting the entire population of the city. They not only regulate the number of inhabitants, but also determine the diet of each one accordingly, so that he grows into an ant. certain type, worker or otherwise. Like bees, they can create new types of queen fertilizers in any quantity required. However, the queen only gets one type of food, and all the eggs produced by that queen are the same.

As I said, the atta has to go up and collect leaf scraps. Radiating from the anthill are radial roads with underground passages, canopies that protect from heavy rains, ring roads and even “maple leaf” type interchanges. Streams of ants scurry along the roads - empty ones go out, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them, reminiscent of huge sails on miniature boats. By weighing thousands of these leaves, experts concluded that their weight is at least twice that of an ant. At least in the species we studied.

Having tied a thin colored thread around one ant, we traced its path from one of the exits from the city and saw that it moved without stopping to a lonely tree, which was about a quarter of a mile away. Then he climbed this tree. We observed it from a nearby tree about 200 feet high, using special binoculars with a point light source. The ant climbed into the crown of the tree, selected a leaf and began to bite off a piece of it.

One evening, following one of our marked ants, who, staggering from his burden, was returning to his city, we witnessed a real traffic jam: a very decent-sized twig, which “our” ant was dragging, fell onto one of the atta roads. The incoming and outgoing streams of ants mingled for several yards. Suddenly, several larger “police” ants appeared among them. We watched the dump for about two hours, but in the end they raked old leaves and all sorts of rubbish to the side and built a bypass path along which the “hard workers” immediately moved.

That night, an idea struck me: where did the “police” ants come from so quickly, which under normal conditions disperse many yards from each other or “patrol” intersections and “maple leaves” in groups of five or six?

I didn't wait until morning. The Attas were working nearby, so I got up, got dressed, woke everyone up, we lit all the lanterns and immediately came across a large atta road about 200 feet long that led to one of the entrances to the city.

When we installed necessary equipment and everyone went to their places, and blocked main road. The “traffic” was very intense, there had been light rain recently, the time was 1.30 am. The result of my actions is ordinary chaos.

Nothing happened for about a minute. Then a “policeman” appeared, apparently on routine “patrol,” although he was in a terrible hurry. He crashed into a crowd of onlookers, moved his long antennas to the right and left (atta blind), forcing those whom he touched with them to throw leaves by the road, and, continuing to wield his antennas, moved further into the crowd. A minute later, several more “police” ants appeared and began to act in the same way. These policemen came from the direction of the city and began to drive the unloaded ants away from the roadblock until they formed a heap, which soon began to rotate in a clockwise direction. Meanwhile, something was happening on the opposite side of the road barrier. First, the road was carefully laid out with two rows of fresh greenery, and this process moved into reverse side, and at such a speed that we could barely keep up with him! The policemen and some “workers”, without a load, poured into the flow of ants rolling towards them, shook their antennas, and the throwing of food gradually became “instantaneous and simultaneous.”

Suddenly, a phalanx of policemen appeared on the road out of the city, walking in lines of about five to ten ants - line after line, “shoulder to shoulder.” When this army arrived at the scene, the first rank simply wedged itself into the mass of “hard workers” and they instantly rushed towards the city, while the police only “trimmed” the outer edge of the column and directed it along the road.

Meanwhile, many policemen stuck around the barrier on all sides and met the approaching ants (that is, those who were heading into the city, but without a load, since the very first patrolmen had already run along the line and forced everyone to drop their load), directing them around.

The police then organized suitable ants into cleanup teams. old road and laying a temporary bypass - they built the bypass amazingly quickly, and new streams of ants that came out of the city for leaves were also involved in this work; Meanwhile, the approaching ants returned for their cargo and headed into the city by a new circuitous route. But the most amazing thing was that all the “hard workers” who were returning for their load walked not along the road, but along its left “side”, while those who did not have to abandon their load moved in a stream along the main road.

This is a counter movement. the ants marching into the city again made me think: how did they know what to do, did the police tell them about it or not?

At that moment we decided that information about an unexpected obstacle on the road was transmitted to the anthill by simply known method serial contact with antennas. However, the question arose: is it possible, using an antenna contact system, to transmit information at such a speed as was done in our case?

The easiest way to figure this out was to create an obstacle at a given distance from the entrance to the city and place people on both sides with stopwatches. Then you just had to do the math. We did this, then again and again. The results couldn't have been more convincing.

The procedure involved very complex mathematical calculations regarding the length of the ant, the emission of its antennae, the density of the ants, their average distance from each other, and the like, but general results boiled down to the following: even if 60 thousand ants simultaneously turned in one direction and instantly touched each other with their antennas, the signal reaching the city would be a hundred times slower than the speed at which the “police” and “soldiers” arrived!

Consequently, atta has a telecommunication system, and it is not mechanical, that is, it does not operate through touch.

It is unlikely that this was a video system - if only simply because the police are underground, out of sight, and the police do not have eyes. Smell is also highly unlikely, although it must be said that odors are now believed to be electromagnetic in nature.

However, the fact remains that the atta can transmit information over a distance of approximately two to three miles - we're talking about about the transfer of information about a fact that requires certain actions - and the transfer of this information occurs at a speed many times greater than any possible mechanical devices.

There are several hypotheses. One of them comes down to electromagnetic signals - but keep in mind, the Russians seem to have proven that human telepathic signals do not fall on the electromagnetic spectrum. They placed subjects susceptible to hypnosis in special devices that were shielded from electromagnetic waves, and discovered that the telepathic connection was not interrupted. Another type of signal is simple audio communication, that is, sound waves.

If it's all about the latter, then we have an alternative. Either police ants in the depths of cities have some kind of hypersensitive organs for receiving audio signals, or information is transmitted through all ants (or through some special ones). Could these be regular police patrol ants? In my opinion, it is unlikely, in any case, not before the policeman arrives at the place where something is happening - or starting to happen.

Dr. Helen Forrest from Rutgers University recently reported the results of a long-term experiment studying different types of ants. She discovered that these insects emit various sounds by “clicking the paw joints, rubbing the paws and closing the jaws.” She also became convinced that ants are capable of producing much more complex sounds or groups of sounds using the so-called “chirping organs,” somewhat reminiscent of those found in grasshoppers and locusts. These "chirping organs" are like two miniature washboards that can vibrate against each other in different ways. Dr. Forrest also stated: “The air vibrations resulting from vibration can be heard without any amplification devices by a person who is close to the insect and has fine hearing.” As evidence, she presented magnetic recordings of the sounds of twenty-five species of ants!

There must be an explanation. Or is this the last word on atta telecommunications?

If this is so, then I would like to add that the sounds made by ants must constitute a language by which detailed and precise information is transmitted to right moment and at the required distance. Any police officer can send an SOS signal. Someone needs to not only accept it, determine its origin, but also take appropriate measures. This is probably a pretty wild idea, but let's move on to something that requires even more incredible explanations.

The next and even more incredible observation regarding atta cannot be explained at all. This is the ability to teleport. This term, although widespread among parapsychologists, Forteans and mystics, has not yet, to my knowledge, been adequately interpreted or defined. The word was originally intended to describe instant transfer hard objects or “matter” from one point to another, and above all through another solid medium. In other words, it is "instant transfer", or as I prefer to abbreviate it, MP.

This concept, or rather the conviction that this is possible and exists in nature, was very fond of mystics, but until recently “serious” science, if not ignored this idea, then, in any case, treated it with fear.

In recent years, even the orthodox, primarily nuclear physicists, have begun to talk about this in a low voice, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to MF of the same microscopic scale. Nevertheless, we have many reports of large-scale MFs occurring both in nature and in laboratory experiments.

But so far we do not have any specific satisfactory or acceptable evidence of this, and no one has yet claimed that MP can be reproduced artificially - and this is the basis of scientific proof of anything. However, if it were possible to prove the existence of MP, it would revolutionize the technology to its very foundation. But. at the same time, our life would probably change so much that, I am afraid, the practice of MP could be regarded as undesirable and strict restrictions would be imposed on it.

There is every reason to believe that perhaps teleportation is an integral part of the atta's life.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle.

As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear.

This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill it and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city (as you understand, from the very beginning of this chapter we are talking about an anthill), sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the queen disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which contained the same uterus with all the “identifying marks” - she felt great, took food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this MP? And if not, how does this happen? They would have us believe that the atta removes a foot-long concrete chamber, digs a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, digs another cavity two feet long, pushes the queen into it, and then builds a new concrete chamber around it - all this in a few hours. This assumption does not stand up to scrutiny, since all reports say that the uterus disappears from such chambers within a few minutes - without even destroying the chamber.

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to assume that the Atta, with their advanced telecommunications system, also created a teleportation system for the most important members of their society, triggered in case of emergency?

From the point of view of some experts, there is something very unpleasant about all this. Such things clearly go against everything we have been taught, everything we are used to seeing, and everything we like. But if you think about it, why such a negative reaction? Is this really more annoying than an electric current, which, being brought to one end of a metal Wire, does “useful work” at the other end? After all, until very recently no one had a clear theory of what electricity was.

Sound passes through matter, light passes through matter, so why can't matter pass through. matter? In any case, 99 percent of matter consists of “holes,” and anyone can pierce through fine wire mesh with a stream of water from a hose.

If we manage to understand the principles of MT, reaching deep space and even other galaxies may be extremely simple - perhaps it will come down to just a matter of "trickle down" to the stars.

Listened to it on the radio today mysterious story about teleportation in atta ants and found it now. Very interesting, I recommend reading it.

Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new city. When the queen has given birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her “conveyor” of eggs. To protect the queen, worker ants build a concrete chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its very lower part there are a number of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement and the passage of “midwives” monitoring the eggs, as well as a trench for the eggs. These chambers are often about the size of a coconut, although they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and the walls may be three inches thick. The approaches to these cameras in some cities are also concrete.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle. As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear. This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill her and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city, sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the uterus disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which there was the same uterus with all the “identification marks” - it is magnificent felt herself, ate food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this instantaneous movement? And if not, how does this happen? Atta remove a foot long concrete chamber, dig a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, dig another two foot long cavity, push the queen into it and then build a new concrete chamber around it? It is impossible to imagine that atta ants in a short time - no more than an hour, even several hours (while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber) - time manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long, build a new “concrete chamber” and drag the queen there.

The mystery of the atta ants has not yet been satisfactorily explained. So far there is no acceptable evidence of the phenomenon of teleportation and no one has yet proven that teleportation experiments can be reproduced - and this is precisely the basis of scientific proof of any phenomenon. However, in recent years they have begun to talk about teleportation in a low voice in the scientific world, primarily among nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to the instantaneous movement of an equally microscopic scale.

There are all kinds of creatures on our diverse planet, and we strive for the stars, instead of looking at our feet. After all, sometimes even in the very little creature more mystery than in a huge city!
Meet: Atta ants. Tiny insects, which have succeeded in agriculture no less than humans, have well-established communication, and the queen is capable of teleportation! And that's not all...

What kind of ants are these?

The ants that created this system are called attia, a tribe of the myrmecological group of insects in the family Formicidae, or ants. Among the attia, the most famous is the atta species - like most of its relatives, it is an insect of the American tropics. However, the tribe is represented in the warm parts of North America by several varieties, and one of them has even reached New Jersey. These creatures live in communities in their cities, which are located underground.

This is the only known form of life on Earth that, like humans, is engaged in agriculture, and they did not succeed in this less than a person, if not more. But the Attas also came up with something else, in which they are head and shoulders above us, this “something” is so incredible that it almost defies our logic. In short, this is definitely a telecommunications system, and perhaps a fully developed, working teleportation system.

Atta civilization is based on agriculture. It consists of growing certain small fungi, which are planted in nurseries from leaves and petal trimmings. Ants collect leaves and flowers from outside and bring them to cities. These cities can reach 16 meters in diameter and 7 meters in depth. The life of the city, and, first of all, the reproduction of the population, is connected with these agricultural works.

Atta has to go up and collect leaf scraps. Radiating from the anthill are radial roads with underground passages, canopies that protect from heavy rains, ring roads and even “maple leaf” type interchanges. Streams of ants scurry along the roads - empty ones go out, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them, reminiscent of huge sails on miniature boats. By weighing thousands of these leaves, experts concluded that their weight is at least twice that of an ant. At least in the species we studied.

Now let's get to the fun part.

Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new city. When the queen has given birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her “conveyor” of eggs.

To protect the queen, worker ants build a concrete chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its very lower part there are a number of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement and the passage of “midwives” monitoring the eggs, as well as a trench for the eggs. These chambers are often about the size of a coconut, although they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and the walls may be three inches thick. The approaches to these cameras in some cities are also concrete.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle.
As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear.
This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill her and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city, sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the uterus disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which was the same uterus with all the “identification marks” - it is magnificent felt herself, ate food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this instantaneous movement? And if not, how does this happen? Atta remove a foot long concrete chamber, dig a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, dig another two foot long cavity, push the queen into it and then build a new concrete chamber around it? It is impossible to imagine that atta ants in a short time - no more than an hour, even several hours (while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber) - time manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long, build a new “concrete chamber” and drag the queen there.

The mystery of the atta ants has not yet been satisfactorily explained. So far there is no acceptable evidence of the phenomenon of teleportation and no one has yet proven that teleportation experiments can be reproduced - and this is precisely the basis of scientific proof of any phenomenon. However, in recent years they have begun to talk about teleportation in a low voice in the scientific world, primarily among nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to the instantaneous movement of an equally microscopic scale.


Telecommunication simply means communication through distance or distance. Most of our senses - and do not forget that we have at least two dozen of them, including hunger, thirst, a sense of balance, electrical impulses and heat radiation - are means of communication, however, most of them work “for reception”.

The incredible attas live in underground cities that house many millions of inhabitants - these cities can be up to 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. Life here is unusually complex, and the cities themselves have the same developed services and administrations as our megacities, only unlike ours; their systems function impeccably.

Atta civilization is based on agriculture. It consists of growing certain small fungi, which are planted in nurseries from leaves and petal trimmings. Ants collect leaves and flowers from outside and bring them to cities. The life of the city, and, first of all, the reproduction of the population, is connected with these agricultural works.

Reproduction is occupied by one or, at best, several huge queens, each of which is several thousand times larger than the largest worker ant. Eggs come from the queens in a continuous stream, and the queens themselves are on a strict diet, which is monitored by “nurse” ants - this allows one of several types of adult ants to be bred in accordance with a predetermined, consciously determined and regulated plan affecting the entire population of the city. They not only regulate the number of inhabitants, but also determine the diet of each accordingly, so that it grows into a certain type of ant, worker or otherwise. Like bees, they can create new types of queen fertilizers in any quantity required. However, the queen only gets one type of food, and all the eggs produced by that queen are the same.

As I said, the atta has to go up and collect leaf scraps. Radiating from the anthill are radial roads with underground passages, canopies that protect from heavy rains, ring roads and even “maple leaf” type interchanges. Streams of ants scurry along the roads - empty ones go out, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them, reminiscent of huge sails on miniature boats. By weighing thousands of these leaves, experts concluded that their weight is at least twice that of an ant. At least in the species we studied.

Having tied a thin colored thread around one ant, we traced its path from one of the exits from the city and saw that it moved without stopping to a lonely tree, which was about a quarter of a mile away. Then he climbed this tree. We observed it from a nearby tree about 200 feet high, using special binoculars with a point light source. The ant climbed into the crown of the tree, selected a leaf and began to bite off a piece of it.

One evening, following one of our marked ants, who, staggering from his burden, was returning to his city, we witnessed a real traffic jam: a very decent-sized twig, which “our” ant was dragging, fell onto one of the atta roads. The incoming and outgoing streams of ants mingled for several yards. Suddenly, several larger “police” ants appeared among them. We watched the dump for about two hours, but in the end they raked old leaves and all sorts of rubbish to the side and built a bypass path along which the “hard workers” immediately moved.

That night, an idea struck me: where did the “police” ants come from so quickly, which under normal conditions disperse many yards from each other or “patrol” intersections and “maple leaves” in groups of five or six?

I didn't wait until morning. The Attas were working nearby, so I got up, got dressed, woke everyone up, we lit all the lanterns and immediately came across a large atta road about 200 feet long that led to one of the entrances to the city.

When we installed the necessary equipment and everyone went to their places, he blocked the main road. The “traffic” was very intense, there had been light rain recently, the time was 1.30 am. The result of my actions is ordinary chaos.

Nothing happened for about a minute. Then a “policeman” appeared, apparently on routine “patrol,” although he was in a terrible hurry. He crashed into a crowd of onlookers, moved his long antennas to the right and left (atta blind), forcing those whom he touched with them to throw leaves by the road, and, continuing to wield his antennas, moved further into the crowd. A minute later, several more “police” ants appeared and began to act in the same way. These policemen came from the direction of the city and began to drive the unloaded ants away from the roadblock until they formed a heap, which soon began to rotate in a clockwise direction. Meanwhile, something was happening on the opposite side of the road barrier. At first, the road was carefully laid out with two rows of fresh greenery, and this process moved in the opposite direction, and at such a speed that we could barely keep up with it! The policemen and some “workers”, without a load, poured into the flow of ants rolling towards them, shook their antennas, and the throwing of food gradually became “instantaneous and simultaneous.”

Suddenly, a phalanx of policemen appeared on the road out of the city, walking in lines of about five to ten ants - line after line, “shoulder to shoulder.” When this army arrived at the scene, the first rank simply wedged itself into the mass of “hard workers” and they instantly rushed towards the city, while the police only “trimmed” the outer edge of the column and directed it along the road.

Meanwhile, many policemen stuck around the barrier on all sides and met the approaching ants (that is, those who were heading into the city, but without a load, since the very first patrolmen had already run along the line and forced everyone to drop their load), directing them around.

The police then organized suitable ants into teams to clear the old road and build a temporary bypass - they built the bypass amazingly quickly, and new streams of ants that came out of the city to collect leaves were also involved in this work; Meanwhile, the approaching ants returned for their cargo and headed into the city by a new circuitous route. But the most amazing thing was that all the “hard workers” who were returning for their load walked not along the road, but along its left “side”, while those who did not have to abandon their load moved in a stream along the main road.

This is a counter movement. the ants marching into the city again made me think: how did they know what to do, did the police tell them about it or not?

At that moment we decided that information about an unexpected obstacle on the road was transmitted to the anthill by a simple and well-known method of sequential contact with antennas. However, the question arose: is it possible, using an antenna contact system, to transmit information at such a speed as was done in our case?

The easiest way to figure this out was to create an obstacle at a given distance from the entrance to the city and place people on both sides with stopwatches. Then you just had to do the math. We did this, then again and again. The results couldn't have been more convincing.

The procedure involved very complex mathematical calculations regarding the length of the ant, the emission of its antennae, the density of the ants, their average distance from each other, and the like, but the overall results boiled down to the following: even if 60 thousand ants simultaneously turned in one direction and instantly touched antennas of each other, the signal reaching the city would be a hundred times slower than the speed at which the “police” and “soldiers” arrived!

Consequently, atta has a telecommunication system, and it is not mechanical, that is, it does not operate through touch.

It is unlikely that this was a video system - if only simply because the police are underground, out of sight, and the police do not have eyes. Smell is also highly unlikely, although it must be said that odors are now believed to be electromagnetic in nature.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that attas can transmit information over a distance of approximately two or three miles - we are talking about the transmission of information about a fact that requires certain actions - and the transmission of this information occurs at a speed many times greater than any possible mechanical device.

There are several hypotheses. One of them comes down to electromagnetic signals - but keep in mind, the Russians seem to have proven that human telepathic signals do not fall on the electromagnetic spectrum. They placed subjects susceptible to hypnosis in special devices that were shielded from electromagnetic waves, and found that the telepathic connection was not interrupted. Another type of signal is simple audio communication, that is, sound waves.

If it's all about the latter, then we have an alternative. Either police ants in the depths of cities have some kind of hypersensitive organs for receiving audio signals, or information is transmitted through all ants (or through some special ones). Could these be regular police patrol ants? In my opinion, it is unlikely, in any case, not before the policeman arrives at the place where something is happening - or starting to happen.

Dr. Helen Forrest from Rutgers University recently reported the results of a long-term experiment studying different types of ants. She discovered that these insects produce a variety of sounds by “clicking their paw joints, rubbing their paws, and closing their jaws.” She also became convinced that ants are capable of producing much more complex sounds or groups of sounds using the so-called “chirping organs,” somewhat reminiscent of those found in grasshoppers and locusts. These "chirping organs" are like two miniature washboards that can vibrate against each other in different ways. Dr. Forrest also stated: “The air vibrations resulting from vibration can be heard without any amplification devices by a person who is close to the insect and has fine hearing.” As evidence, she presented magnetic recordings of the sounds of twenty-five species of ants!

There must be an explanation. Or is this the last word on atta telecommunications?

If this is so, then I would like to add that the sounds made by ants must constitute a language by which detailed and precise information is transmitted at the right time and over the right distance. Any police officer can send an SOS signal. Someone needs to not only accept it, determine its origin, but also take appropriate measures. This is probably a pretty wild idea, but let's move on to something that requires even more incredible explanations.

The next and even more incredible observation regarding atta cannot be explained at all. This is the ability to teleport. This term, although widespread among parapsychologists, Forteans and mystics, has not yet, to my knowledge, been adequately interpreted or defined. The word was originally intended to describe the instantaneous transfer of solid objects or “matter” from one point to another, and primarily through another solid medium. In other words, it is "instant transfer", or as I prefer to abbreviate it, MP.

This concept, or rather the conviction that this is possible and exists in nature, was very fond of mystics, but until recently “serious” science, if not ignored this idea, then, in any case, treated it with fear.

In recent years, even the orthodox, primarily nuclear physicists, have begun to talk about this in a low voice, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to MF of the same microscopic scale. Nevertheless, we have many reports of large-scale MFs occurring both in nature and in laboratory experiments.

But so far we do not have any specific satisfactory or acceptable evidence of this, and no one has yet claimed that MP can be reproduced artificially - and this is the basis of scientific proof of anything. However, if it were possible to prove the existence of MP, it would revolutionize the technology to its very foundation. But. at the same time, our life would probably change so much that, I am afraid, the practice of MP could be regarded as undesirable and strict restrictions would be imposed on it.

There is every reason to believe that perhaps teleportation is an integral part of the atta's life.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle.

As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear.

This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill it and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city (as you understand, from the very beginning of this chapter we are talking about an anthill), sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the queen disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which contained the same uterus with all the “identifying marks” - she felt great, took food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this MP? And if not, how does this happen? They would have us believe that the atta removes a foot-long concrete chamber, digs a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, digs another cavity two feet long, pushes the queen into it, and then builds a new concrete chamber around it - all this in a few hours. This assumption does not stand up to scrutiny, since all reports say that the uterus disappears from such chambers within a few minutes - without even destroying the chamber.

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to assume that the Atta, with their advanced telecommunications system, also created a teleportation system for the most important members of their society, triggered in case of emergency?

From the point of view of some experts, there is something very unpleasant about all this. Such things clearly go against everything we have been taught, everything we are used to seeing, and everything we like. But if you think about it, why such a negative reaction? Is this really more annoying than an electric current, which, being brought to one end of a metal Wire, does “useful work” at the other end? After all, until very recently no one had a clear theory of what electricity was.

Sound passes through matter, light passes through matter, so why can't matter pass through. matter? In any case, 99 percent of matter consists of “holes,” and anyone can pierce through fine wire mesh with a stream of water from a hose.

If we manage to understand the principles of MT, reaching deep space and even other galaxies may be extremely simple - perhaps it will come down to just a matter of "trickle down" to the stars.

“...If a person could master the knowledge that tiny ants have possessed for millions of years, within a few years we would have reached the farthest stars!...”

Frankly, I myself have never been interested in insects. But recently I came across Ivan Sanderson’s book “Beasts” and, having read up to the fifteenth chapter and the atta ants, I realized that I had no strength to remain silent about it. So, meet: paranormal ants atta from North America.

What kind of ants are these?
The ants that created this system are called attia, a tribe of the myrmecological group of insects in the family Formicidae, or ants. Among the attia, the most famous is the atta species - like most of its relatives, it is an insect of the American tropics. However, the tribe is represented in the warm parts of North America by several varieties, and one of them has even reached New Jersey. These creatures live in communities in their cities, which are located underground.

This is the only known form of life on Earth that, like humans, is engaged in agriculture, and they have succeeded in this no less than humans, if not more. But the Attas also came up with something else, in which they are head and shoulders above us, this “something” is so incredible that it almost defies our logic. In short, this is definitely a telecommunications system, and perhaps a fully developed, working teleportation system.

Atta civilization is based on agriculture. It consists of growing certain small fungi, which are planted in nurseries from leaves and petal trimmings. Ants collect leaves and flowers from outside and bring them to cities. These cities can reach 16 meters in diameter and 7 meters in depth. The life of the city, and, first of all, the reproduction of the population, is connected with these agricultural works.
Atta has to go up and collect leaf scraps. Radiating from the anthill are radial roads with underground passages, canopies that protect from heavy rains, ring roads and even “maple leaf” type interchanges. Streams of ants scurry along the roads - empty ones go out, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them, reminiscent of huge sails on miniature boats. By weighing thousands of these leaves, experts concluded that their weight is at least twice that of an ant. At least in the species we studied.

Now let's get to the fun part.
Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new city. When the queen has given birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her “conveyor” of eggs. To protect the queen, worker ants build a concrete chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its very lower part there are a number of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement and the passage of “midwives” monitoring the eggs, as well as a trench for the eggs. These chambers are often about the size of a coconut, although they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and the walls may be three inches thick. The approaches to these cameras in some cities are also concrete.

If you get to the chamber in which the queen is located and carefully cut off the side of it, you will see that the entire chamber is occupied by a large insect, which can be marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle.
As long as the camera remains open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies or the worker ants move her to another place. Sometimes she just continues to lay eggs, albeit colored. However, if you close the camera for just a few minutes, something will happen. The uterus will disappear.
This could be explained - and was previously thought - by the fact that the ants kill her and then remove the remains. But do not forget about the paint, which in some cases was applied in the form of a very bizarre pattern.

Further excavations and searches in the same city, sometimes lasting several hours, stunned all participants: a few tens of meters from the place where the uterus disappeared there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which was the same uterus with all the “identification marks” - it is magnificent felt herself, ate food and laid eggs! This has been observed time after time.

Is this instantaneous movement? And if not, how does this happen? Atta remove a foot long concrete chamber, dig a tunnel three to four inches in diameter and several yards long, dig another two foot long cavity, push the queen into it and then build a new concrete chamber around it? It is impossible to imagine that atta ants in a short time - no more than an hour, even several hours (while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber) - time manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long, build a new “concrete chamber” and drag the queen there.

The mystery of the atta ants has not yet been satisfactorily explained. So far there is no acceptable evidence of the phenomenon of teleportation and no one has yet proven that teleportation experiments can be reproduced - and this is precisely the basis of scientific proof of any phenomenon. However, in recent years they have begun to talk about teleportation in a low voice in the scientific world, primarily among nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitesimal particles of matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore not a barrier to the instantaneous movement of an equally microscopic scale.