What is the name of Dim Dimycha's girlfriend from the fixies. "Fixies" - the story of the creation of little people

    Fixies have already become well-known cartoon characters who communicate with children. The main characters of the cartoon are called Nolik and older sister Simka. Their parents' names are Papus (father) and Masya (mother). The wisest fixie is Grandfather. There are also classmates of the main characters: Igrek, Fire, Shpulya and the beautiful Verta.

    How can you see fixies at home? read.

    Fixies' names:

    Verta (January 15) - Simka’s classmate and the most beautiful girl in the classroom. She is green and about 11 years old.

  • What are the names of fixies?

    Little people, people's main assistants in repairing equipment, have unusual names. The head of the family is called Dedus, he teaches at the School of Fixies. Papus and Masya are the parents of Simka (an orange girl) and Nolik (the smallest blue fixie). Simka's classmates are Igrek (lilac little man), Shpulya (yellow girl), Fire (red fixie), Verta (green beauty girl).

    Vector’s name also appears in the cartoon; this is the bravest fixie.

  • The children's animated series Fixies first appeared on screen in 2010. It talks about the lives of little people who, remaining unnoticed by people, help them take care of electrical appliances and fix broken household appliances.

    The main characters of the cartoon are a family of fixies, consisting of three generations. The oldest Dedus, he has a lot of experience, which he willingly shares with young people in a special school for fixers. Representatives of the middle generation Papus and Masya. They are the parents of a girl, Simka, and a boy, Nolik.

    Like all young fixies, Simka and Nolik attend classes at school. Ygrek, Shpulya, Verta and Fire are also studying in their class. The latter has an explosive character and loves to play various pranks, for which he often gets punished by his teacher Dedus. In addition, in the Ventilation series the name of Vector’s bravest fixer is mentioned.

    Fixies- heroes of the cartoon series who fix breakdowns inside equipment.

    The name is Fixies So:

    Fixik Nolik (the youngest)

    Fixik Simka (Nolik's sister)

    Fixie parents Masya and Papus

    Fixie Dedus, it is clear that he is the oldest of all fixies

    Simka's classmates - fixies Fire, Shpulya, Verta and Igrek

    The names of these little interesting people who help technology are:

    1.. PAPUS- is the best master;

    2.. MASYA- as it’s not difficult to guess, this is Papus’s wife and mother of the children;

    3.. SIMCA- daughter of parents Papus and Masya, a very talented and active girl;

    4.. ZERO- Simka’s brother and son of his parents, an inquisitive and kind boy;

    5.. DIM-DYMYCH- friend of Nolik and Simka, he is a real person, curious and smart boy, a little older than Nolik in years, but younger than Simka.

    6.. GRANDFATHER- the main sage of the family, quite strict, but fair;

    7.. Other characters - FIRE, IGREK, SPOOL, VERTA- they are all from 9 to 11 years old, Simka’s classmates.

    Who are the fixies? Big, big secret... I think everyone who has younger brothers, sisters or a child has heard this wonderful melody.

    This is one of those cartoons that really develop a child. It tells about the structure of this or that element and presents the science in a language understandable to children. It’s not scary to let children near this cartoon.

    You can calmly trust Nolik, Simka, Dedus, Papus, Masa, Zhuchka, Kusachka, DimDimych, Shpula, Verta, Fire, Igrek and Professor Chudakov - they will not teach bad things to children.

    Fixik Simka- a girl with orange hair and a suit of the same color.

    Fixik Nolik- Simka's little brother.

    Fixik Papus- dad of Simka and Nolik.

    Fixik Masya- mother of Simka and Nolik.

    Fixik Dedus- narrator.

    Fixik Fire- Simka's classmate.

    Fixik Igrek- Simka's classmate.

    Fixik Spool- Simka's classmate and friend.

    Fixik Verta- Simka's classmate.

    FIXICS - Russian animated series, which was released in 2010 and was shown in a children's program Good night kids.

    FIXIKI- these are little people who live inside devices and in cars, they take care of equipment and troubleshoot problems, they often turn into cogs so that people cannot find out about them


    The girl is a fixie, she is 9 years old, she is a very cheerful, kind, smart, determined girl and the best student in the class.


    Simka's brother, he is 5 years old, is a good-natured boy, but he often skips classes, so he has little knowledge, experience, and no own opinion, often falls into difficult situations, from where he cannot get out.


    Simka and Nolik's dad, a jack of all trades, a very talented fixer, performs heroic deeds and tries to avoid DimDimych.


    Simka and Nolik’s mother, Papus’s wife, a cheerful, cheerful, clean, decent mother. Tries to avoid DimDimych.


    Strict, pedantic, fair fixer. He knows a lot and is very different from all the fixies.


    An eight-year-old boy, very curious, a dreamer, always forgets about caution.

    A wonderful animated film that helps my child understand this world.

    By the way, I also enjoy watching it. And in our country they can make good cartoons; there is more than one Disney in this world. And we need to attract children to watch these things rather than all sorts of Spongebobs.

    As for the names of these little people, they are all presented in the picture below. It seems to me that it is very clear.

15:08 - 13.11.2017

All children and most adults love cartoons. Thanks to modern technologies The creation of cartoons, animated series, and full-length animated films has long been on stream, so choosing the best cartoon from the whole variety of proposals is a very difficult task. We will tell you about one of the most popular domestic animated series, whose characters have already fallen in love with millions of children.

What did we initially know about fixies? And practically nothing! However, when they were mentioned, the chorus of the title song of the series immediately came to mind: “Who are the fixies? Big, big secret! Let's try to figure it out and discover this big cartoon secret.

Parents of the animated series

The animated series was created based on the story “Guarantee Men” by Eduard Uspensky. Yes, yes, the same Eduard Uspensky, who came up with everyone’s favorite stories about Crocodile Gen and Cheburashka, Prostokvashino, based on whose script the cartoons about Uncle Au, octopuses, and kolobok investigators were created.

The idea of ​​the series belongs to the animator Alexander Tatarsky (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling”, “Wings, Legs and Tails”).

What is the cartoon about?

The animated series talks about little fictional people called fixies, who are well versed in technology and enjoy fixing it, telling children about the structure and operating principles of this or that equipment.

“Fixies are little people who live in cars and devices, take care of them, repair them, clean them, and lubricate them. People don’t realize this, they think that if a broken device sat for a while and then started working again, it happened by itself. In fact, nothing just happens,” this is how the creators of the series answer the question about fixies.

How did fixies appear?

When something is done well, they say that it was made with soul. The craftsmen left a piece of their soul in the devices; these pieces of the soul turned into little masters - fixers who continued to live in the devices. Now almost all things are made not by people, but by machines in factories. Therefore, fixies have to raise their children themselves and teach them to be smart.

The attitude of fixies towards people

Fixies try to avoid people. They are afraid that people, having learned about fixies, will begin to catch them and keep them in captivity, like pets. Or even worse, they will drag you into their scientific laboratories and conduct scientific experiments there.

Heroes of the series

Nolik and Simka

The main characters of the series are the fixies, brother and sister Nolik and Simka. Nolik - fixie blue color. He still has a little knowledge and experience, which does not prevent him from becoming the initiator of the most interesting experiments. Because of his mischievous nature, he often creates problems, which Simka and his friends help him solve. One day Nolik broke the ban and decided to talk to the boy DimDimych, thanks to which the fixies acquired a new friend. Simka is a smart and active orange fixie girl. She understands technology better than many and loves to demonstrate her knowledge.

Papus, Masya and Dedus

The parents of Nolik and Simka are a pair of fixies Papus and Masya. Masya is a beauty, a wonderful wife and housewife, she is well versed in kitchen appliances, she loves it when everything is clean and tidy. Wears a purple suit. Papus wears a beard and green clothes, and has dreamed of flying into space since childhood. He hates weekends. Also a member of the family is Dedus, Nolik and Simka’s grandfather. The authoritative Dedus teaches at the school of fixers, which we will describe below.

Fire and Verta

At the same time, the fixed heroes are Fire, Verta, Shpulya and Igrek. Fire is a fixie boy in a red suit. Fire is the life of the party, a brave and energetic child, and together with Nolik he often gets into funny troubles. Verta is Simka’s classmate. A beautiful, purposeful girl, dressed in an emerald-colored suit. Verta takes care not only of her appliances, but also of her appearance, which she is very proud of.

Ygrek and Shpulya

Ygrek is one of the smartest students at the school of fixers. Shpula likes Ygrek - best friend Simka - a kind and honest girl. The spool is strong and tall, taller than anyone else in its class. “Shpulya is friends with everyone, helps everyone and makes peace with everyone,” is how Simka characterizes her.

Professor Chudakov and DimDimych

Genius Genievich Chudakov is a talented scientist and an old friend of fixers. It was he who allowed the fixists to organize a school in his laboratory. He is smart, but absent-minded, so without the help of his little friends it would be difficult for him. DimDimych is a boy of eight years old. Like Chudakov, he is privy to the secret of fixies. Together they carefully protect this secret from other people.

DimDimych's parents

Dmitry and Lyubov Kudykin are the parents of DimDimych. Despite their busy lives, they love their son very much and even unwittingly participate in his adventures. They consider DimDimych a dreamer, so they would not believe in the existence of fixies, even if he told them about them.

Bug and Nipper

Zhuchka is a spider, a tiny friend of fixies. The bug crawls everywhere without asking, but when it appears on the screen, it instantly hides. Kusachka is DimDimych's dog, who considers fixies a danger, therefore protecting his owner from them.

School of Fixies

Fixies study in schools, with no more than 10 students in each class. Lessons take place using a variety of devices, so kids learn how the equipment works and learn how to care for it while working in a team. In addition, parents take little fixies on excursions to various devices.

Features of fixies

Fixies, like people, are afraid of the cold, electric current, fire and much more. That is why they must be extremely attentive and careful. Fixies, although small, are much larger for their size. stronger than people. They are able to lift things 100 times their weight. Fixies do not eat human food. Devices provide them with vital energy. In science this is called symbiosis!

Instead of a resume

“The Fixies” is an excellent domestic animated series that will tell even adults a lot of new and interesting things. And in an accessible and exciting manner, he will reveal to children such a prosaic, but at the same time magical world modern technology. He will talk about friendship, the importance of mutual assistance and kindness. Once you get acquainted with the cartoon, you will probably believe a little in miracles and in the fact that little fixie heroes really exist!

The house in which fixies live is a happy one. These little people tirelessly make sure that all equipment is always in perfect working order. Their life is full of adventures, because being so small is not so easy. There is always a possibility of falling somewhere, falling, or being locked in one device or another. Moreover, the dog is constantly trying to catch up...

Probably this one full of dangers life taught fikis to be so friendly and always come to the aid of each other. Some people should take a closer look at them to learn kindness and mutual assistance. But, alas, that is impossible. Fixies carefully hide from people, especially dangerous moments just turning into little cogs. True, some lucky people still manage to make friends with them!

Description of the heroes

Simka is the pride of her parents. This is an obedient, responsible girl. She studies well at fikiski school and looks after her younger brother Nolik. And she is also a wonderful friend: she will never leave you in trouble, she will always come to the aid of anyone, be it a fixie, a person or even a dog. However, if a girl sees that someone is doing something bad, she can teach them a lesson. She has enough imagination to come up with a plan on how to do this, so that the person or fixer himself realizes that he is doing wrong. Simka also has his own little secret: the girl is a little in love with her classmate Igrek, although she tries to hide it.

This is the youngest and most restless of all fixies. He is interested in absolutely everything, he tries to figure everything out on his own, and constantly gets stuck in different stories. You can find Nolik in the most unexpected places: he either finds himself locked in the freezer, or locked in the TV remote control, which the dog Kusachka hides under the sofa. It’s good that you have real friends nearby who are always ready to help. Nolik is often scolded, but still loved for his kindness, cheerful disposition and responsiveness.

This is the head of a small family of fixers. Most of all in life he likes to work. When all the equipment in the house is working properly, he begins to get bored. He once dreamed of becoming a space fixer, and was preparing for his first flight beyond the Earth. However, the rocket launch occurred while Papus had a day off, and spacecraft flew away without him. Since then, he doesn't like days when he doesn't have to go to work. And Papus is very strong and kind. He is always ready to run to the aid of those who are in trouble, and you can be sure that he will find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

Simka and Nolik’s mother is wonderful. Although she is strict, she is still very kind. Together with Papus, she is busy fixing equipment all day long. But still, her main concern is her children. Like any other mother, she constantly worries about them, and is very upset when they get into trouble. Masya spends a lot of time teaching her son and daughter all the intricacies of how fixers work.

Grandfather is the wisest of all cartoon characters. It seems that he knows everything in the world. He is ready to share his knowledge with everyone. Grandfather works at a school for fixers, where he teaches the younger generation of little helpers all the intricacies of working with technology. Although he is a strict teacher, he is always ready to help his students, not only during classes, but also in life.

Fire is a little fixie, he goes to school with Nolik and Simka. And this is the most mischievous and active boy in the class. He is always ready for adventure, without them life seems boring to him. However, just like studying at school. Fire is one of those guys who prefers to do rather than think. Of course, this does not lead to anything good, and all sorts of troubles often happen due to the fault of this fixer.

The smartest of all the students at the school of fixers. Most of all, he likes to spend time gaining more and more new knowledge. They often helped out the whole motley group of little people. Everyone loves and appreciates the Igrek, even though they consider him a little boring. Everyone knows: you just have to ask, and he will definitely come to the rescue, he will never leave a friend in trouble.

All fixies are very kind creatures. However, Simka's friend Shpulya surpasses everyone. She is ready to be friends with everyone, take care and protect. This girl is ready to do anything for her friends; she really likes to play and study with them. It is almost impossible to quarrel with her; dear Shpulya is always ready to give in. She is very worried when other fixies quarrel and tries to reconcile them at all costs.

The most beautiful girl in the class. She is fashionable and stylish and loves to take care of her appearance. Instead of tools, her helper contains a hair dryer, a comb and a mirror. She, of course, sometimes wonders a little, but her friends Simka and Shpulya still love her very much, because they know for sure: if necessary, Verta will forget about her hair and manicure and will come running to the rescue.

Other characters

The most ordinary boy. He goes to school, is sometimes lazy to do his homework, loves to chat with friends, play and use the computer. In general, he is no different from millions of other guys. But one day he was very lucky: he managed to meet real fixies. They quickly learned to play together, and that friendship taught Dim Dimych a lot. From the little people he learned responsibility and hard work. I also began to be more attentive to my things, to protect and care for them.

A small dog living with Dim Dimych. Everyone considers her harmful, especially the fixies, which she likes to run after barking loudly. However, this is not at all true. Inside Nipper has the heart of a faithful and brave dog. She dreams of becoming a service dog to protect people and save them from harm. She has already proven her abilities when she saved all the inhabitants of the apartment, noticing a faulty socket and calling the fixers for help.

Genius Evgenievich Chudakov

They say about such people: he is simply crazy! Indeed, Professor Geniy ​​Evgenievich is so absorbed in his work that he may not notice anything around him. He is capable of forgetting to eat and drink coffee, losing his umbrella and keys. But you can be 100% sure of one thing: Genius Evgenievich will always complete his work on time and well. For this reason, he enjoys special respect from the fixies, with whom he managed to make friends when he was a little boy, such as Dim Dimych.

A faithful assistant to Genius Evgenievich, she can’t get used to the strange things that happen in the professor’s laboratory. Strange sounds, objects appearing out of nowhere and the whisper of thin voices frighten the impressionable Lizonka. After all, she doesn’t even suspect the existence of fixies! Despite everything, the girl continues to work with Chudakov. After all, who else but her will make sure that he at least sometimes interrupts his work to eat and sleep.


A little funny spider has been living in the house of Dim Dimych and his parents for a long time. He is as restless and curious as most fixies. Therefore, he also gets into all sorts of stories, and Dedus uses them to tell the guys about this or that device or phenomenon.

Dim Dimych's parents are wonderful! Dad works on television, hosts a travel program. Due to his duty, he himself has to travel a lot around the world. From different exotic countries he brings all sorts of interesting souvenirs. And when his boy grows up a little, he will definitely take him with him to Africa. Their mother will be waiting for them at home. She works as a dentist, and that profession is worse than a boxer. But still she is very sweet, kind and caring. And Dim Dimych’s mom and dad love each other and their son very much. This is kind and friendly family. This is probably why the fixies chose their house to settle.

The house in which fixies live is a happy one. These little people tirelessly make sure that all equipment is always in perfect working order. Their life is full of adventures, because being so small is not so easy. There is always a possibility of falling somewhere, falling, or being locked in one device or another. Moreover, the dog is constantly trying to catch up...

Probably, this life full of dangers taught the fikis to be so friendly and always come to the aid of each other. Some people should take a closer look at them to learn kindness and mutual assistance. But, alas, that is impossible. Fixies carefully hide from people, in especially dangerous moments they simply turn into small cogs. True, some lucky people still manage to make friends with them!

Description of the heroes

Simka is the pride of her parents. This is an obedient, responsible girl. She studies well at fikiski school and looks after her younger brother Nolik. And she is also a wonderful friend: she will never leave you in trouble, she will always come to the aid of anyone, be it a fixie, a person or even a dog. However, if a girl sees that someone is doing something bad, she can teach them a lesson. She has enough imagination to come up with a plan on how to do this, so that the person or fixer himself realizes that he is doing wrong. Simka also has her own little secret: the girl is a little in love with her classmate Igrek, although she tries to hide it.

This is the youngest and most restless of all fixies. He is interested in absolutely everything, he tries to figure everything out on his own, and constantly gets involved in different stories. You can find Nolik in the most unexpected places: he either finds himself locked in the freezer, or locked in the TV remote control, which the dog Kusachka hides under the sofa. It’s good that you have real friends nearby who are always ready to help. Nolik is often scolded, but still loved for his kindness, cheerful disposition and responsiveness.

This is the head of a small family of fixers. Most of all in life he likes to work. When all the equipment in the house is working properly, he begins to get bored. He once dreamed of becoming a space fixer, and was preparing for his first flight beyond the Earth. However, the rocket launch occurred while Papus had a day off, and the spacecraft left without him. Since then, he doesn't like days when he doesn't have to go to work. And Papus is very strong and kind. He is always ready to run to the aid of those who are in trouble, and you can be sure that he will find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

Simka and Nolik’s mother is wonderful. Although she is strict, she is still very kind. Together with Papus, she is busy fixing equipment all day long. But still, her main concern is her children. Like any other mother, she constantly worries about them, and is very upset when they get into trouble. Masya spends a lot of time teaching her son and daughter all the intricacies of how fixers work.

Grandfather is the wisest of all cartoon characters. It seems that he knows everything in the world. He is ready to share his knowledge with everyone. Grandfather works at a school for fixers, where he teaches the younger generation of little helpers all the intricacies of working with technology. Although he is a strict teacher, he is always ready to help his students, not only during classes, but also in life.

Fire is a little fixie, he goes to school with Nolik and Simka. And this is the most mischievous and active boy in the class. He is always ready for adventure, without them life seems boring to him. However, just like studying at school. Fire is one of those guys who prefers to do rather than think. Of course, this does not lead to anything good, and all sorts of troubles often happen due to the fault of this fixer.

The smartest of all the students at the school of fixers. Most of all, he likes to spend time gaining more and more new knowledge. They often helped out the whole motley group of little people. Everyone loves and appreciates the Igrek, even though they consider him a little boring. Everyone knows: you just have to ask, and he will definitely come to the rescue, he will never leave a friend in trouble.

All fixies are very kind creatures. However, Simka's friend Shpulya surpasses everyone. She is ready to be friends with everyone, take care and protect. This girl is ready to do anything for her friends; she really likes to play and study with them. It is almost impossible to quarrel with her; dear Shpulya is always ready to give in. She is very worried when other fixies quarrel and tries to reconcile them at all costs.

The most beautiful girl in the class. She is fashionable and stylish and loves to take care of her appearance. Instead of tools, her helper contains a hair dryer, a comb and a mirror. She, of course, sometimes wonders a little, but her friends Simka and Shpulya still love her very much, because they know for sure: if necessary, Verta will forget about her hair and manicure and will come running to the rescue.

Other characters

The most ordinary boy. He goes to school, is sometimes lazy to do his homework, loves to chat with friends, play and use the computer. In general, he is no different from millions of other guys. But one day he was very lucky: he managed to meet real fixies. They quickly learned to play together, and that friendship taught Dim Dimych a lot. From the little people he learned responsibility and hard work. I also began to be more attentive to my things, to protect and care for them.

A small dog living with Dim Dimych. Everyone considers her harmful, especially the fixies, which she likes to run after barking loudly. However, this is not at all true. Inside, Kusachka has the heart of a loyal and brave dog. She dreams of becoming a service dog to protect people and save them from harm. She has already proven her abilities when she saved all the inhabitants of the apartment, noticing a faulty socket and calling the fixers for help.

Genius Evgenievich Chudakov

They say about such people: he is simply crazy! Indeed, Professor Geniy ​​Evgenievich is so absorbed in his work that he may not notice anything around him. He is capable of forgetting to eat and drink coffee, losing his umbrella and keys. But you can be 100% sure of one thing: Genius Evgenievich will always complete his work on time and well. For this reason, he enjoys special respect from the fixies, with whom he managed to make friends when he was a little boy, such as Dim Dimych.

A faithful assistant to Genius Evgenievich, she can’t get used to the strange things that happen in the professor’s laboratory. Strange sounds, objects appearing out of nowhere and the whisper of thin voices frighten the impressionable Lizonka. After all, she doesn’t even suspect the existence of fixies! Despite everything, the girl continues to work with Chudakov. After all, who else but her will make sure that he at least sometimes interrupts his work to eat and sleep.


A little funny spider has been living in the house of Dim Dimych and his parents for a long time. He is as restless and curious as most fixies. Therefore, he also gets into all sorts of stories, and Dedus uses them to tell the guys about this or that device or phenomenon.

Dim Dimych's parents are wonderful! Dad works on television, hosts a travel program. Due to his duty, he himself has to travel a lot around the world.

He brings all sorts of interesting souvenirs from different exotic countries. And when his boy grows up a little, he will definitely take him with him to Africa. Their mother will be waiting for them at home. She works as a dentist, and that profession is worse than a boxer. But still she is very sweet, kind and caring. And Dim Dimych’s mom and dad love each other and their son very much. This is a kind and friendly family. This is probably why the fixies chose their house to settle.

When we went to visit the fixies, we could not even imagine that such a warm and friendly welcome awaited us. Oksana Gukasyan - executive producer of the series "Fixies" and Daria Morgunova - co-author of the script concept for the series "Fixies" and director of public relations, not only showed "Mamsila" the holy of holies of their favorite children's series, but also answered our questions in detail.

Who came up with the series "Fixies" and how are they connected with "Guarantee Men" by Eduard Uspensky?


“At first, our producer Georgy Vasiliev had the idea of ​​​​creating a large Russian animation project with an eye on both Russian and international audiences.

Vasiliev, now the creative producer of the “Fixies” project, has always been his locomotive. He began to look for allies in the animation world and met. This happened in 2005, but the cooperation, very joyful, active and fruitful, unfortunately, was short-lived, because in 2007 Alexander Tatarsky died suddenly.

We remember Alexander Mikhailovich as an inexhaustible source of creative ideas and paradoxical jokes. This man-magnet rallied around himself a lot of young animation forces at the Pilot studio.

By the way, cooperation with “Pilot” was one of the reasons why our company is called “Airplane”.

Back in 2005, traditional original animation existed, one might say, in a nature reserve. The animators gathered once a year at the Suzdal festival, where everyone communicated with each other, but their films did not receive access to Russian television screens.

Television at that time preferred to buy foreign animated series: it was cheaper and made it possible to plan the broadcast schedule according to a single standard. Nobody was interested in Russian original animation, because it produced one-off films that were inconvenient for modern TV channel programming.

And here's for big project Vasiliev and Tatarsky began to look for a theme, a plot idea. It was Alexander Mikhailovich who advised us to pay attention to the story “Guarantee Men” by Eduard Uspensky.

For Alexander Mikhailovich, although in reality he was over fifty, he was always characterized by the special look of a child. This is a rare and very valuable quality for an artist!

Tatarsky said: “When I was a five-year-old boy, I was very interested in who lives inside technology. I remember that as a child I thought about this all the time...”

Tatarsky and Uspensky had known each other for a long time: for example, the famous “Plasticine Crow” was created by Tatarsky based on poems by Uspensky. Our team contacted Eduard Nikolaevich and acquired the rights to film the story. But it immediately became clear that, despite the brilliant creative idea at the core, transferring it to the screen literally now no longer makes sense. Many of the realities in it are outdated.

In the mid-seventies, when the story was written, there were large radios and huge televisions, so the warranty men who lived in this technology were the size of a mouse. And in 2005 the time had already come for small mobile phones, and it became clear that technology is rapidly developing and becoming more and more compact.

Of course, the characters in the story simply would not fit into such a technique, and it was necessary to find some new image for them. And for international market the phrase “warranty men” looked long and difficult to translate.

We began to come up with English-language neologisms. We were helped by a bilingual girl, a philologist, who suggested several options for names. Then we gathered focus groups in St. Petersburg. These were English speaking people from different countries, of different ages and professions: diplomats, scientists, journalists, nannies, trade representatives, sailors... They all sat at an oval table and discussed with them different options titles.

They reacted sharply negatively to some, but the word “The Fixies” caused positive emotions, they immediately said: “Yes, yes, yes! We understand this, this is great! Here you immediately feel the combination of words - a small magical creature - and to fix - to fix.” That is, they immediately heard that these were little people who were repairing something. And since there was such an unambiguous positive reaction, we settled on this name. Thankfully it's like this trademark was still free for registration in almost all product categories, which we took advantage of.

And “Fixies” is the Russian version of the English neologism “The Fixies”.

Do cartoon characters have real prototypes?


"It is difficult to name specific real prototypes. Our characters are, rather, collective images. We can say that fixies are humanoid creatures. This means that their prototypes are people. With different characters, actions and relationships. The fixie community is very similar to human society.

The main fixie characters are children, because they evoke maximum emotions in our target audience. It is important for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren to follow the example of movie characters, and they are looking for those who would be like them.

We deliberately made sure that there were no negative heroes in our world. To develop a plot, you don't necessarily need a pathological villain who destroys everything in his path. Problems arise in everyone's life when they need to prove themselves in some unconventional way. This is what becomes the basis of conflict for our stories.

In each episode, we discover some facet of our characters’ character and try to look at them from different angles.

But we have a few characters that we have a more ironic attitude towards. For example, this is Professor Chudakov’s assistant, Lizonka. She is not a negative hero, she just constantly struggles with something strange and incomprehensible to her. After all, she doesn’t know about the existence of fixies. And this constantly creates a comic effect.

Or the dog Kusachka, who lives in DimDimych’s apartment. She hunts little people with glowing heads. True, in one of them we tried to talk about her true intentions, and it turned out that inside she is a noble character with a great desire to help, it’s just that no one understands her dog language.”

How do teachers and psychologists evaluate the series?


“In each episode, we try to convey some important idea, a moral: for example, “being greedy is bad,” “think before you act,” or “remember the feelings of others.” We always talk through all these pedagogical points.

When we read reviews and articles about our cartoons not only from parents, but also from psychologists, we understand that we are moving in the right direction. Our cartoon is traditionally considered useful content for children."


“At the same time, in creativity we rely more on our own instincts and intuition than on the work and consultations of psychologists. Unfortunately, we are faced with the fact that psychologists make very straightforward, unambiguous demands regarding artistic creativity.

For example, several years ago at the level normative act it was proposed to introduce a rule that in a children's cartoon there should be no more than three colors on the screen. How to implement this? Artistic creativity is more complex. We try to adopt the positive experience of children's literary and film classics rather than follow the rules that are formulated by psychologists today."


“Sometimes in the series we tell quite complex things from a technical point of view and we get feedback even from adults: “We didn’t know before that it works like that!” Or: “Oh, thank you very much for telling me how to remove stickers from items!"

We believe that our series is useful for children to watch with their parents."

Why does it take so long for series to be created?


“When the script for the series has already been written, and it goes into the hands of the director, the stage of creating the picture itself lasts 3.5-4 months. But the initial stage - coming up with a story, writing a script - is unpredictable. It can take from 1.5-2 weeks to 6-9 months Until we are sure that our story is interesting and cool, we do not launch the series into production.

We take this very seriously. Therefore among large quantity authors with whom we are always ready to cooperate, until the final stage ready-made script Not everyone gets there. However, we have a strict production schedule, and the episodes, like it or not, must be released in a clear sequence.

Writing a script for The Fixies is very difficult.

It is necessary to take into account a huge number of nuances. The scriptwriter must remember that fixies are very small, and he needs to learn to look at the world through their eyes, to feel himself on a different scale. Remember that the action of our series is limited to only two settings - DimDimych’s apartment and Chudakov’s laboratory.

Building new sets is very expensive and unprofitable for the series, so we can’t go outside, drive a car or take a bus around the city, or go into the forest. We have to constantly look for different moves, options for playing out the plot.

For example, in the series, in order not to come up with some big location, we built a box that contains basketball hoop, and it looks pretty realistic. All these microlocations can be created using simple objects: a pen, an eraser, an eraser, a button.

In the series, the drum set for Nolik consists of paper clips, some tubes - in a word, from scrap materials."

But the most difficult thing is to build dramaturgy, to tell the story from the beginning through the conflict and climax to the denouement."

From the editor:

Behind the scenes of the children's series is huge world, where talented and hardworking people work: director, screenwriters, animators, actors, producers and many others. Details about how stories are born and come to life can be found in the videos.

The interview was recorded by Vilena Kotova.