Full video walkthrough of the game. The magical world of the Sega console and the good old computer games The Lion King 2 Sega walkthrough

The game is based on the script of the famous Disney cartoon "The Lion King". You control a young lion cub Simba, who, with your help, must complete all 10 levels of the game and turn into a strong adult lion. In the game you will find many tricky puzzles and exciting stages.


At the first level, you start the game and control the young lion cub Simba. Simba has the following moves and abilities:
Pounce - used to destroy enemies and jump;
Growl - used to stun and stop enemies for a while or even destroy them. To make your growl the most powerful, wait until your meter is completely full. Growling also allows you to change the direction of the monkeys in the "I Can't Wait to Be King" level;
Tackle - to make a tackle, press the joystick down while running. A tackle allows you to flip enemies upside down (for example, porcupines).

Level 1: Lionlands

This level is very easy. Jump on your enemies (but jump on their backs, not on the thorns and horns) and hit them. Try to collect useful things on this level. There is an energy booster on the level (it is located on the left side of the level) and it is quite difficult to take it, but it will be easy for you to collect other useful things. Make sure you touch the picture of Simba's face. This picture plays the role of a starting point (i.e. if you are killed at this level, then you start the game from this place, and not from the beginning of the level).
Just before the end of the level you will see a stone tower. Climb onto it and go down, here you will find a symbol in the form of a circle (this is an additional continuation). The boss in this stage is the hyena. If she jumps on you, run under her and get further away. If the hyena stops and starts breathing heavily, jump on it and hit it in the back. It will take you about three hits to kill a hyena. At the end of the level you will hear the voice of the giraffe Musafa: Your kingdom is where the light has been."

Level 2: I can't wait to be king

The events in this level are very close to what happens in the cartoon after Simba says, "Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" At the beginning of the level, jump on the rhino horn. (And don't forget to growl at the monkeys throughout the level.) The monkeys will carry you onto the giraffe's head. Now you must jump from the head of one giraffe to the head of another and do it as quickly as possible. Giraffes are so stupid that they can throw their king (future king) into a pond. Eventually you will end up on a tree. Growl at the two pink monkeys, and then jump on the rhino horn. The monkeys will carry you onto the giraffe's head, and he will throw Simba onto the ostrich and the ostrich will quickly run forward. Now, if you see an arrow pointing up, you must jump up to avoid the stupid pink rhinoceros lying in your path. If you see an arrow pointing down, quickly duck down to avoid hitting the nest. If you see a double up arrow, you will have to double jump to avoid both the nest and the rhinoceros. After this, Simba will jump off the ostrich, slide down the giraffe's neck and land next to the starting point (Simba's head). Now you will have to jump as accurately as possible. But since you can take an extra life every time before a risky jump, you will eventually be able to complete this part of the path. Jump from tail to tail, take an extra life, and then jump further to the left and try to land in the hippopotamus's mouth. Then take the continuation symbol, go left and up, then right and try to jump onto the giraffe's head on the right (the furthest one). Then you will be caught on an ostrich again and will have to avoid rhinoceroses and nests. But now you won't see a single auxiliary arrow. Here is the sequence of actions with which you can easily pass this part of the path: jump, duck, jump, jump, duck, double jump and immediately duck, duck, jump, double jump and another jump. You are now nearing the end of the second stage. Jump on the second rhino horn and take an extra life. Then growl at the monkey closest to the first rhinoceros, jump on the rhinoceros, and then push off from its back and jump forward. You will find yourself on the shore of a pond. Growl at the monkey that is near where you land. Then go back to the left, jumping from one log to another (but do it quickly, as the logs will start to sink). Don't forget to take an extra life. Dash onto the rhino's back and then jump forward. You will find yourself at the end of the level. If not, then growl at the monkey next to Simba and you will be taken to the exit from the second level.

Level 3: Elephant Graveyard

In this level you will meet many hyenas and vultures hiding among the remains of elephants. At the beginning of the level, go left and kill the hyenas that come your way. Then drop down and go right. Don't take the thing that lies on the left ledge, as it is an energy reducer and you don't need it at all. Jumping onto the bridge, you must kill the hyena waiting for you there, and then jump onto the ledge located on the left. Jump up, then jump onto the ledge and grab the prize level icon. Then continue through the level. Jumping from one bone to another, make your way to the left. There you will have to fight several vultures. Wait for them to rush at you, then jump on them and kill them. You must deal 1-2 hits to each vulture (the number of hits depends on the difficulty level). Then go right, but remember that the bones are rotten and may break under Simba. You can take an extra life by swinging from the end of the bone and then jumping to the ledge on the left where the extra life is located. When you reach the lower right corner of the level, you will see two water fountains. You must climb to the top of the crevice as quickly as possible. If Simba touches the water, he will die instantly, so be careful. With the help of quick jumps you can reach the top unharmed. After that, go left. Here you will find many vultures and hyenas. The areas you will walk through are very dilapidated. Two of your jumps and you'll fall down. Then you will again have to overcome obstacles with two fountains. Then go left and don't forget to take the continuation sign, which is located under the spiral column. Then go back upstairs. Jump on the elephant skull and go left to the end of the level. There is a ledge above the hole. Enter the hole to exit the level.

Level 4: Escape

In this level you control Simba. who is running along the road towards you, and vultures are trying to catch up and tear him apart from behind. You not only have to dodge the vultures, but also have to avoid the rocks that are flying behind you. You can know when a rock is approaching when you see a flash on the screen. This will also give you an idea of ​​the rock's location. As soon as you see the rock, count to four, and then jump and you will be able to dodge it. If you see a slow vulture from behind, you can simply run in front of it for a while and dodge the rocks.

Level 5: Simba's Banishment

Scar (the main "boss" in this game) ordered the hyenas to kill him! Simba is in big trouble. This is a difficult, very difficult stage, because here you will have to dodge falling rocks, avoid rolling stones and jump very precisely. First of all, jump down and go left. Stay away from the rock on the right side, it is very difficult to walk under it without getting hit by falling rocks. Kill the enemies you meet and move forward. Then you will see a rock on the left side. Jump down the crevice and roll up to the small passage in the lower left corner. This way you will avoid the falling stone. But at the end of the passage you will come across another stone that will roll towards you, so run as quickly as possible. At the end of the rocky ladder, duck and roll to the left. Now you need to go through several columns. Then you must jump down and go to the right. You will see several small stone platforms with spikes between them. You must jump from one platform to another. You need to jump very accurately. Touch the continuation symbol (Simba's head), as it will be very disappointing if you fall on the spikes and have to start the level from the beginning. Walking a little to the left, you will meet a whole flock of porcupines. Turn them over on their backs and jump on them - the porcupines will be finished. Now, before you leave this level, you need to do one more thing. You have to jump onto a bunch of small platforms and knock them down to the ground, otherwise they'll crush you when you run. After this, run into the thorny bushes and leave this level. Finally, the hyenas will shout to Simba: “If you come back here again, we will kill you, HA!!!”

Level 6: Hakuna Mecca

Translated from Japanese, the name of the level reads: "Don't worry." But if you want to pass this level, then you will still have to worry and worry. First, remember that it is better to avoid fights with opponents at this level. You'll have to go down and put yourself at a disadvantage in the fight. The first part of this level is almost straight, and you won't have to worry about choosing a road. But this part of the level will end as soon as you reach the continue symbol (Simba's head). Here you will have to overcome several rocky and slippery ledges. From the continue symbol, jump over the first platform and jump onto the second ledge. Hold the joystick to the right to prevent Simba from sliding backwards as you walk through the slippery puddles. You will get there after you overcome the second crevice. Continue to the right and you will find yourself in the place where many fans of the game "The Lion King" abandoned it because they could not overcome this obstacle. This is a waterfall with falling logs. To overcome it, it is best to first jump onto the slow-moving logs, then wait until two logs appear in the center of the waterfall and you are within jumping distance of them. Jump over these logs and you'll get to the top of the waterfall! If you fail to overcome the waterfall on the first try, keep trying. Since you have no time limit, you can go through this place as much as you like. If you fall down, try to land on the left side on the rocky ledge from which you began your journey to the waterfall. When you get to the top, go to the right side and avoid the black crusader spider. Don't even try to touch it, otherwise you will die. Carefully climb the ledges to the top of the rock. Remember that you can look up or down if you hold the joystick in the up or down position (you can also look up and down when Simba becomes an adult, which happens in level 7).
When you reach the end of the stage, you will have to defeat the Gorilla Monster. If you approach him while he is standing still, he will smash your head with his fist. You need to use a "Hit and Run" strategy, and you should only hit him when he throws rocks at you. Rush towards him and run onto his back, and then quickly jump back. After a few hits, the Gorilla will try to run away from you and jump onto a higher ledge. Continue to hit him using the described tactics - and you will win. You can then leave this level.

Time has passed...


Now Simba has grown up and become stronger. He no longer has attacks, but instead uses his powerful paws in fights with enemies.
His growl became much stronger and louder. Now he has the following techniques and attacks:
Paw Strike: Press the button Y- Simba will hit the enemy with his paw;
Two-paw kick: press the button X- Simba will stand on his hind legs and hit the enemy with his front legs;
Low Paw Strike: Crouch and Press Y- Simba will hit the enemy in the legs and knock him to the ground;
Overhead Paw Strike: Press down and button X, when you jump on an enemy, Simba will hit him with his paw in the air;
Throw: press the button X and Simba will throw the enemy off the screen, but first you must stun the enemy with a growl.

Level 7: Simba's Fate

This level is not that difficult, but here you will also have fun with rolling stones and pits with spikes that you need to jump over very accurately. Defeating enemies in this level is not that difficult, given Simba's new abilities. Here you will have to fight hyenas, leopards and monkeys. Leopards are easiest to defeat by roaring at them (after which they will freeze for a while) and then using a throw for an easy victory. It will be more difficult with hyenas and you will again have to use the “Hit and Run” tactic. Run away from them when they jump and hit them when they are resting after jumping. Monkeys are easily killed with one blow of the paw. The level itself does not contain many mysteries, and you will only have to go forward all the time, but here and there there are places where Simba will have to linger to kill a pack of hyenas or leopards. When you kill all the enemies, Rafiki will open the way forward for you and you can continue passing the level. In addition, when you see a stone in the wall that is entwined with a vine, then approach it, but not too close, jump up and hit it with your paw. After this, the stone will fall. If the stone remains in place, then come closer, jump and again try to knock it out with your paw. Under the stone you will find some necessary item. In addition, the level has a hidden passage to the bonus level, which is located next to the continue symbol. There is also another power boost at the end of the level, which is hidden under another rock covered in vines. This item increases the power of Simba's growl.
When you reach the end of this level, Simba will look up to the heavens and hear his father's voice: "You must earn your place in the circle of life..."

Level 8: Be Prepared

The name for this level is chosen very well, since at the beginning you need to prepare for the fact that here you can lose all your lives! This is the most difficult stage in the entire game. Here you will meet leopards, and packs of hyenas, as well as many harmful and dangerous bats that love to push Simba into lava gorges. Try to lure your enemy out of the pack and fight him one on one. First of all, take care of bats, as they pose the greatest danger to you. One hit will not be enough to kill the bat. If they approach you, use a strike with two front paws (button X). Another nuisance at this stage is mini-volcanoes. To overcome them, you must jump over them very accurately and, most importantly, in a timely manner. At the beginning of the level, go to the right side and keep all the tips listed above in mind. When you reach a crevice, on one edge of which there will be a rock, and on the other - a rise of animal ribs, then jump down. There you will find a secret passage. It is located on the left side of the wall. There you will find a power booster that will increase the volume of Simba's growl. Then go forward and you will see two triangular rocks located in a small depression. You have to hit them three times to make them fall out of the wall. Pull out the left rock by hitting it with your paw and jump into the resulting gap to get the continue symbol. But under no circumstances touch the rock while it is falling, otherwise you will only achieve the death of Simba. Then you need to go to the left and you will reach what is considered the most difficult place in this game. You'll have to take a few hits from the bats, so be prepared for that. Stand on the left edge of the piece of wood and constantly use your two front paws for a while (button X) to kill as many bats as possible. If you see that there are not a single bat left around you, you can jump up and take an extra life. If there are a lot of mice around you, then, having taken life, you will immediately lose it, as you will be pushed into the lava. When you get to the rock ledge, don't stop fighting the mice, otherwise you might miss the next wooden platform and have to die. Then keep moving forward. Soon you will see another extra life. If this life is not surrounded by bats, then take it; otherwise, let it hang where it hung before. Of course, if you took the first extra life, you can take the second and fall into the lava, and then take the first life and the second again, etc. This way you can gain nine lives. Anyway, when you reach the second rocky ledge, you don't have to jump onto the next wooden platform and you have some time. Climb to the top ledge in the rock and run quickly to the left, otherwise you will be crushed by one of the falling stones. Continue to the left and jump from one stone pillar to another. Now you need to jump onto another wooden platform - this will take you to the last part of this stage. As always, watch out for the bats and kill them.
Then climb the rock and take the life increase (it will be very useful to you). After that, go left and take the continuation symbol, otherwise you are unlikely to be pleased to go through all these gorges with bats a second time. Now you are near the end of the stage, but you have one more obstacle to overcome, and a very difficult one at that. You need to dodge and dodge boulders falling from above, and also jump over fire-breathing volcanoes. You start on the right and slowly and carefully need to work your way to the left. I wish you good luck! To the left is the exit from this level.

Level 9: Simba's Return

This stage is an ordinary labyrinth.
Fast way. At the beginning of the level, head all the way to the right and enter the last cave on the right side. Then go into the next cave, and when you come out, look into the cave next to you. Coming out of the cave, you will see another hole on the left. Go in there.
Coming out of it, you will see several caves next to you. Explore all the caves and collect strength and life enhancers. Then go into the second cave on the right side. After that, go into the hole on your left, and then climb up the cliff and look into the second cave on the right side. Kill the hyenas that come your way and go all the way to the right. Here you will find the exit from this level.
The way to increase strength. At the beginning of the level, go to the right and enter the second cave on the right. Then - into the cave on your right. Coming out of the hole, go all the time to the right until you hit the wall and take the life increaser (which will be very useful to you at the next stage in the battle with the ominous Scar). Go back to where you came from and go into the same cave, but now you have to climb onto the rocky ledge above you. Jump over the pit with stakes and take the strength booster. Return to the start of the level and follow the path described in the "Fast Path" section until you reach several caves. This time, enter the fourth cave on the right side. Go through all the caves on your way and exit the fifth cave on the right, located in the same place where you entered (where there are several caves). Now follow the path described in the "Fast Path" section to the end of the level and you will find yourself at the end of the level. Now you have a decisive battle with Scar...

Level 10: Lions Rock

This is the very last level in this game. It's time to take care of "good" Uncle Scar once and for all. The first time you will meet him is at the very beginning of this stage. The second time you will encounter him is in the middle of the level, and then at the end. When fighting him, never use a strike with two front paws (X button), otherwise he will use his favorite deadly maneuver (Scar pounces on Simba and tears him to pieces with his claws). Use a simple paw kick, as well as a dad kick to the legs and a jumping kick. If you get the opportunity, use the throw. When you scare him enough, he will grin and run away from you. Go to the left side, jump from one rock to another and kill the hyena, then go up, fight the enemy and do not forget to dodge the fiery flashes that burst out of the ground. Then go to the right, but be careful not to fall down, otherwise you will again find yourself at the beginning of the level and you will have to go through the entire path described again from the beginning. Jumping from rock to rock, you must climb up the right wall and climb to the top of the rock. Then jump to the left. Fight the hyenas that are waiting for you here and continue to the left. Try to keep as much life as possible, as there is no continue symbol in this level and if you die at the end of the level, you will have to go through it all over again, jump onto the rocks and, jumping from one ledge in the rock to another, make your way to the top . Here you will meet Scar for the second time. Use the same tactics as in the beginning. After you've chased him away, go right. Now you need to climb to the top of Lion Rock. Pillars of flame burst out of the ground, and you must be careful of them. If you have enough life, then you can go straight through the fire, otherwise, go around it in a circle. Continue climbing up the rock until you reach the top. Then go left and this is where you will meet Scar for the last time. The last battle in the game...

" LION KING" (Russian Version)

Adventures . 1 player 10 stages Disney / Virgin / Westwood Rating - 9 (10)

A Disney masterpiece and that's it.

The game is not designed for stupid passage - there are levels in which you need to show remarkable ingenuity and intelligence.

It was a long time ago. Once upon a time there was a lion cub Simba with his dad, mom, aunt, uncle (let’s remember this guy) and other relatives. Simba's father ruled the entire household within a radius of many kilometers. They lived without grieving until Uncle Scar felt the urge to try himself as a ruler, and Scar, in alliance with the hyenas, set up a state government. coup. The dark period of dictatorship began.

But time passed, the lion cub Simba grew up, and then the moment came when he challenged Scar and his henchmen.

Each boss needs to be killed in its own way, for example, on the hyena - the boss of the first level - you need to jump only when it gets tired and starts wagging its tongue (you will see for yourself). In addition to the usual stages, there are several more cute bonuses in which you play as the lion cub's friends - Timon and Pumbaa.

The game is full of secrets, secret passages and everything that is inherent in good games.


Level 1.


Simba's first adventures take place in the lap of primeval nature, where there are many African beetles and reptiles. This is a fairly easy stage where you can learn how to roll, jump and use a growl. Jumping from platform to platform, make your way to the exit in the northeast corner. Carefully search all suspicious places to collect more prizes - among them there is an additional CONTINUE. Listen carefully to the advice of Leo the Father, with which he guides Simba on his journey.


If you pick up the brightly colored beetle, you will enter the premium stage at the end of this level. Catching beetles is a very useful activity.


Meeting the Hyena at the end of the level does not bode well for the lion cub, but when she gets tired and begins to breathe heavily, youth will have an advantage. Jump on her back - and victory is yours!

Level 2.


At this level you can see how poorly trained rhinoceroses are. They butt Simba painfully and send him straight into the clutches of the monkeys, who, overheated in the sun, do not understand that they have a LION (albeit a small one) in their paws, and throw Simba around like a ball. While this level continues the light-hearted playfulness of the previous one, Simba will have to be more intelligent and calculating in many ways.


Stand next to two pink monkeys and roar at them to change their position on the branch: they will throw you in the right direction.


Sliding down the giraffe's neck, you will find yourself on an ostrich, which will immediately begin to run. Pay attention to the right side of the screen. When the arrow appears, you must immediately either jump over the hippopotamus or bend down so as not to hit the nest - depending on which direction the arrow points. If you see a double arrow, you need to jump a second time mid-flight to avoid colliding with a nest on the tree. If you time it right, you'll end up on the ostrich again.


To cross the river, you need to jump from the wagging tail of one hippopotamus to another. When the tails veer to the right, press the joystick in the same direction and jump. Don't forget to pick up life refills and Continue.

Before jumping off the hippopotamus, growl at the pink monkey to get him to move out of his way.

Level 3.


The elephant cemetery is a very gloomy place, littered with giant bones and the remains of huge animals. Here Simba is chased by hyenas and ambushed by vultures. They really want your bones to stay here too. You can’t kill all the hyenas, there are too many of them in this cemetery, but you definitely need to kill two at the beginning of the level and three at the end. As for vultures, it is better to hit them by jumping on them without waiting for them to take off.


Already at the very beginning of the level, two hyenas are waiting for you near a protruding pile of bones. Run left and wait for them to jump. And when they stop to catch their breath, jump on them yourself.


After defeating the hyenas, rush back to the left. Here you will find a premium beetle on a ledge made of bones. But be careful not to grab the red beetle with the blue head. It is poisonous and takes away vitality.


After carefully walking along the row of bones, jump to the hole in the upper right. But don't move any further to the right, instead rush back to the left and jump at the last moment. So you will receive a vitality replenisher at the last ledge.


You must use your fingertips to make very fast jumps from ledge to ledge. The fountain gushes high, and you will end if you even touch it. Press the jump button as quickly as possible.


Don't be lazy to make a detour on your route. Go back and find an icon that gives you an extra continue. Although a continuation is never superfluous!

Level 4.


Little Simba faces big trouble when he encounters a herd of panicked bulls on his way. He must rush as fast as he can so as not to be trampled by frightened animals running who knows where. But in a hurry, he should not forget about large stones that he could trip over. This is a serious problem for a baby. But you will prove that the lion is one of the fastest animals.

Stay to the right until the first wave of bulls runs through, then move to the center.

When you see the slow bull approaching, take a place slightly to the right of him.

When the stone flickers on the screen, count to four, then jump to avoid tripping. However, some need to count to three, others to five. Who counts and how does he run?

In the same way, jump over two stones lying together.

Immediately after two stones, quickly turn left.

Level 5.


Everything is shaking under your paws. At this stage, Simba finds himself in a much harsher world, and he has to rely only on himself. He needs to make his way through a labyrinth of platforms, and a hail of stones falls from above. Difficult level! Listen for falling stones; good hearing is no less important than agility and speed.


If you roll over the wall on the left, you can restore energy by picking up a beetle.


You can shorten your path by rolling head over heels to the left through the wall. You'll fall into a cave below where there's a beetle prize. Jump up, get out and scratch to the right, otherwise you won't be crushed by a huge cobblestone.


If you continue to the right without taking a shortcut, a huge rolling boulder will follow you. Try not to let him catch up with you, and roll head over heels until you meet a porcupine on the way. Roll under it, the stone will not reach you, and at the same time you will slam the porcupine.


Here another large rolling stone will follow you. Keep your feet away from him and dive to the left in a timely manner when the ground begins to disappear from under your feet.


How to protect yourself from porcupine quills? As you approach him, roll forward head over heels and knock him over onto his back, then pounce on his soft belly. Once you've dealt with the porcupines, continue left.

Level 6.


Hakuna Matata is not just a level, it is a way of thinking, a philosophy, so to speak. Simba learns about it from a couple of his jungle friends. However, the most humane philosophy does not eliminate the need to fight, if necessary. There are a lot of poisonous toads and spiders here, try to avoid them, as this teaching advises, but when the opportunity is right, pounce on them. There are many prizes here - search all the tempting corners in search of treasures.


Making your way back to the upper levels, you will find yourself in a place where you will have to jump from platform to platform. Time your jumps carefully. If you miss, you will be carried away by the river running below, and you will have to climb up again to make another attempt.


Press and hold the joystick to the right and jump from this point. The river you find yourself in will shorten the path considerably.


In this section you need to cross the waterfall, using falling logs as support for your feet. Try to step on slow-moving logs, keeping your path to the bridge at the top.


At the end of the level you must deal with a large gorilla. Do not approach her while she is eating. Wait until she starts throwing stones, and then rush at this ill-mannered ape. Be patient. Attack only when it does not threaten you.

Level 7.


From this level, troubles pour into you like a torrent. Papa Lion is killed by his treacherous brother, and Simba decides to take revenge. Fortunately, with the victory over the big gorilla, Simba became a truly mature lion, ready to test his agility against increasingly ferocious enemies. Now Simba has two attacking techniques: he can smear with one paw and, standing on his hind legs, grab onto the enemy with both front paws. Both methods are good.


One after another, flocks of leopards attack, but the wise Simba is able to deal with them all without getting hurt. Just stand still and throw your paw forward.


You will have to wade through vines, including those that are holding huge stones from falling. Stay away from these rocks. However, keep in mind that some of them fall in very advantageous places for you, allowing you to climb over thorny bushes or climb onto a high platform.

Search the area below and you will find a premium beetle, partially hidden by vines.


As you walk under this large rock, it will fall down and follow you down the hill. Before it's too late, press the joystick to the left and jump off the edge of the platform so that you don't get crushed by the stone.


Now take care to increase the power of the growl by finding a source of energy. Picking it up will expand the range of Simba's growl. The king of the jungle must have a powerful roar!

Level 8.


At this level, Simba enters a cave where his acquired abilities will be truly tested. Lava in the cave flows from everywhere, fiery drops flow down from the ceiling, hot fountains erupt from under your feet. It feels like you were thrown into the mouth of Vesuvius strictly on the last day of Pompeii. In addition, bats fall on you from above, and flocks of leopards attack.


In the first cave with three geysers, jump up and hit the triangular stone above your head with your paw. After three hits, he will fall and punch a hole in the ground. You will be able to go through the hole and decide where to go: left or right. We advise you to take the left path.


Don't stop to fight. Time is limited, and you still need to get to the log that will take you across the lava lake. If you fight continuously, you will miss this opportunity.


You need to get ahead of another rolling stone. Press the joystick to the right and forward. Pause here to find a source of energy replenishment. Entering the rocks, find the hidden

a passage leading to a bug that increases the power of Simba's growl.

WAIT AND WATCH If you rush forward, you may get hit by falling boulders. Stand on the platform, watching the falling stones and waiting for the moment when you can sneak forward in front of the next falling stone.

Level 9.


This level is a maze of caves, and it's easy to get confused as to which direction leads. There are hyenas hiding around every corner, so it's not easy to stay alive until you reach the exit. Here you can find a couple of lives and bugs that restore strength.


If you don’t want to waste time looking for beetles that restore strength, you can take a shortcut by choosing the most direct route leading to the main enemy of this level. Enter the last cave on the right and make your way past the pack of hyenas. There is no "Continue" here, so look for all the bugs along the way that increase the power of the growl.


Here you will see entrances to caves that, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to reach.


After entering the second cave and fighting past the hyenas, go all the way to the right. Behind the rocks you

find a source of energy that will prolong your life.

Level 10


It's time for Simba to prove that he is worthy of being the king of the jungle, and Pride Rock will serve as a means of doing so. Of course, his uncle Scar, his father’s killer, also claims a place on this rock. If Simba wants to overthrow him from the throne, he will have to endure the most difficult fight of his life.


Hitting with one paw will not allow him to get closer to Simba, but will not harm him either. You need to knock him down with a throw, after which Scar will run away to train before the decisive fight.


Avoid lightning strikes on your way here. A difficult route, but still shorter than the route around the fire.


The final meeting with Scar will be a decisive battle to the end. If Simba wants to sit on the throne and accept the responsibilities that come with it, he must prove his strength and valor in battle. As a rival, Scar is the most dangerous of all. Without hesitation, strike first. Throw your opponent until he is exhausted. Then push him to the edge of the abyss and throw him into the abyss.


A - roar. Little Simba's roar can cause an enemy to jump or turn upside down.

B - paw strike. Adult Simba can fight with both front paws.

C - jump. Baby Simba can destroy enemies by jumping on them.

right+down - somersault forward.


1. At the prize level (BONUS) with a pig - if you press A, B or C, the pig will “explode” and all the prizes on the screen will disappear. And you can't catch a butterfly or a black beetle. If this happens, the BONUS will end.

2. To exit to the menu that allows you to set immortality and start the game from any stage, you need to enter OPTIONS and type: right, A, A, B and “START”.

A Disney masterpiece and that's it.

The game is not designed for stupid passage - there are levels in which you need to show remarkable ingenuity and intelligence.

It was a long time ago. Once upon a time there was a lion cub Simba with his dad, mom, aunt, uncle (let’s remember this guy) and other relatives. Simba's father ruled the entire household within a radius of many kilometers. They lived without grieving until Uncle Scar felt the urge to try himself as a ruler, and Scar, in alliance with the hyenas, set up a state government. coup. The dark period of dictatorship began.

But time passed, the lion cub Simba grew up, and then the moment came when he challenged Scar and his henchmen.

Each boss needs to be killed in its own way, for example, on the hyena - the boss of the first level - you need to jump only when it gets tired and starts wagging its tongue (you will see for yourself). In addition to the usual stages, there are several more cute bonuses in which you play as the lion's friends - Timon and Pumbaa.

The game is full of secrets, secret passages and everything that is inherent in good games.

Level 1


Simba's first adventures take place in the lap of primeval nature, where there are many African beetles and reptiles. This is a fairly easy stage where you can learn how to roll, jump and use a growl. Jumping from platform to platform, make your way to the exit in the northeast corner. Carefully search all suspicious places to collect more prizes - among them there is an additional CONTINUE. Listen carefully to the advice of Leo the Father, with which he guides Simba on his journey.


If you pick up the brightly colored beetle, you will enter the premium stage at the end of this level. Catching beetles is a very useful activity.


Meeting the Hyena at the end of the level does not bode well for the lion cub, but when she gets tired and begins to breathe heavily, youth will have an advantage. Jump on her back - and victory is yours!

Level 2


At this level you can see how poorly trained rhinoceroses are. They butt Simba painfully and send him straight into the clutches of the monkeys, who, overheated in the sun, do not understand that they have a LION (albeit a small one) in their paws, and throw Simba around like a ball. While this level continues the light-hearted playfulness of the previous one, Simba will have to be more intelligent and calculating in many ways.


Stand next to two pink monkeys and roar at them to change their position on the branch: they will throw you in the right direction.


Sliding down the giraffe's neck, you will find yourself on an ostrich, which will immediately begin to run. Pay attention to the right side of the screen. When the arrow appears, you must immediately either jump over the hippopotamus or bend down so as not to hit the nest - depending on which direction the arrow points. If you see a double arrow, you need to jump a second time mid-flight to avoid colliding with a nest on the tree. If you time it right, you'll end up on the ostrich again.


To cross the river, you need to jump from the wagging tail of one hippopotamus to another. When the tails veer to the right, press the joystick in the same direction and jump. Don't forget to pick up life refills and Continue.

Before jumping off the hippopotamus, growl at the pink monkey to get him to move out of his way.

Level 3


The elephant cemetery is a very gloomy place, littered with giant bones and the remains of huge animals. Here Simba is chased by hyenas and ambushed by vultures. They really want your bones to stay here too. You can’t kill all the hyenas, there are too many of them in this cemetery, but you definitely need to kill two at the beginning of the level and three at the end. As for vultures, it is better to hit them by jumping on them without waiting for them to take off.


Already at the very beginning of the level, two hyenas are waiting for you near a protruding pile of bones. Run left and wait for them to jump. And when they stop to catch their breath, jump on them yourself.


After defeating the hyenas, rush back to the left. Here you will find a premium beetle on a ledge made of bones. But be careful not to grab the red beetle with the blue head. It is poisonous and takes away vitality.


After carefully walking along the row of bones, jump to the hole in the upper right. But don't move any further to the right, instead rush back to the left and jump at the last moment. So you will receive a vitality replenisher at the last ledge.


You must use your fingertips to make very fast jumps from ledge to ledge. The fountain gushes high, and you will end if you even touch it. Press the jump button as quickly as possible.


Don't be lazy to make a detour on your route. Go back and find an icon that gives you an extra continue. Although a continuation is never superfluous!

Level 4


Little Simba faces big trouble when he encounters a herd of panicked bulls on his way. He must rush as fast as he can so as not to be trampled by frightened animals running who knows where. But in a hurry, he should not forget about large stones that he could trip over. This is a serious problem for a baby. But you will prove that the lion is one of the fastest animals.

Stay to the right until the first wave of bulls runs through, then move to the center.

When you see the slow bull approaching, take a place slightly to the right of him.

When the stone flickers on the screen, count to four, then jump to avoid tripping. However, some need to count to three, others to five. Who counts and how does he run?

In the same way, jump over two stones lying together.

Immediately after two stones, quickly turn left.

Level 5


Everything is shaking under your paws. At this stage, Simba finds himself in a much harsher world, and he has to rely only on himself. He needs to make his way through a labyrinth of platforms, and a hail of stones falls from above. Difficult level! Listen for falling stones; good hearing is no less important than agility and speed.


If you roll over the wall on the left, you can restore energy by picking up a beetle.


You can shorten your path by rolling head over heels to the left through the wall. You'll fall into a cave below where there's a beetle prize. Jump up, get out and scratch to the right, otherwise you won't be crushed by a huge cobblestone.


If you continue to the right without taking a shortcut, a huge rolling boulder will follow you. Try not to let him catch up with you, and roll head over heels until you meet a porcupine on the way. Roll under it, the stone will not reach you, and at the same time you will slam the porcupine.


Here another large rolling stone will follow you. Keep your feet away from him and dive to the left in a timely manner when the ground begins to disappear from under your feet.


How to protect yourself from porcupine quills? As you approach him, roll forward head over heels and knock him over onto his back, then pounce on his soft belly. Once you've dealt with the porcupines, continue left.

Level 6


Hakuna Matata is not just a level, it is a way of thinking, a philosophy, so to speak. Simba learns about it from a couple of his jungle friends. However, the most humane philosophy does not eliminate the need to fight, if necessary. There are a lot of poisonous toads and spiders here, try to avoid them, as this teaching advises, but when the opportunity is right, pounce on them. There are many prizes here - search all the tempting corners in search of treasures.


Making your way back to the upper levels, you will find yourself in a place where you will have to jump from platform to platform. Time your jumps carefully. If you miss, you will be carried away by the river running below, and you will have to climb up again to make another attempt.


Press and hold the joystick to the right and jump from this point. The river you find yourself in will shorten the path considerably.


In this section you need to cross the waterfall, using falling logs as support for your feet. Try to step on slow-moving logs, keeping your path to the bridge at the top.


At the end of the level you must deal with a large gorilla. Do not approach her while she is eating. Wait until she starts throwing stones, and then rush at this ill-mannered ape. Be patient. Attack only when it does not threaten you.

Level 7


From this level, troubles pour into you like a torrent. Papa Lion is killed by his treacherous brother, and Simba decides to take revenge. Fortunately, with the victory over the big gorilla, Simba became a truly mature lion, ready to test his agility against increasingly ferocious enemies. Now Simba has two attacking techniques: he can smear with one paw and, standing on his hind legs, grab onto the enemy with both front paws. Both methods are good.


One after another, flocks of leopards attack, but the wise Simba is able to deal with them all without getting hurt. Just stand still and throw your paw forward.


You will have to wade through vines, including those that are holding huge stones from falling. Stay away from these rocks. However, keep in mind that some of them fall in very advantageous places for you, allowing you to climb over thorny bushes or climb onto a high platform.

Search the area below and you will find a premium beetle, partially hidden by vines.


As you walk under this large rock, it will fall down and follow you down the hill. Before it's too late, press the joystick to the left and jump off the edge of the platform so that you don't get crushed by the stone.


Now take care to increase the power of the growl by finding a source of energy. Picking it up will expand the range of Simba's growl. The king of the jungle must have a powerful roar!

Level 8


At this level, Simba enters a cave where his acquired abilities will be truly tested. Lava in the cave flows from everywhere, fiery drops flow down from the ceiling, hot fountains erupt from under your feet. It feels like you were thrown into the mouth of Vesuvius strictly on the last day of Pompeii. In addition, bats fall on you from above, and flocks of leopards attack.


In the first cave with three geysers, jump up and hit the triangular stone above your head with your paw. After three hits, he will fall and punch a hole in the ground. You will be able to go through the hole and decide where to go: left or right. We advise you to take the left path.


Don't stop to fight. Time is limited, and you still need to get to the log that will take you across the lava lake. If you fight continuously, you will miss this opportunity.


You need to get ahead of another rolling stone. Press the joystick to the right and forward. Pause here to find a source of energy replenishment. Entering the rocks, find the hidden

a passage leading to a bug that increases the power of Simba's growl.


If you rush forward, you may get hit by falling boulders. Stand on the platform, watching the falling stones and waiting for the moment when you can sneak forward in front of the next falling stone.

Level 9


This level is a maze of caves, and it's easy to get confused as to which direction leads. There are hyenas hiding around every corner, so it's not easy to stay alive until you reach the exit. Here you can find a couple of lives and bugs that restore strength.


If you don’t want to waste time looking for beetles that restore strength, you can take a shortcut by choosing the most direct route leading to the main enemy of this level. Enter the last cave on the right and make your way past the pack of hyenas. There is no "Continue" here, so look for all the bugs along the way that increase the power of the growl.


Here you will see entrances to caves that, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to reach.


After entering the second cave and fighting past the hyenas, go all the way to the right. Behind the rocks you will find a source of energy that will extend your life.

Level 10


It's time for Simba to prove that he is worthy of being the king of the jungle, and Pride Rock will serve as a means of doing so. Of course, his uncle Scar, his father’s killer, also claims a place on this rock. If Simba wants to overthrow him from the throne, he will have to endure the most difficult fight of his life.


Hitting with one paw will not allow him to get closer to Simba, but will not harm him either. You need to knock him down with a throw, after which Scar will run away to train before the decisive fight.


Avoid lightning strikes on your way here. A difficult route, but still shorter than the route around the fire.


The final meeting with Scar will be a decisive battle to the end. If Simba wants to sit on the throne and accept the responsibilities that come with it, he must prove his strength and valor in battle. As a rival, Scar is the most dangerous of all. Without hesitation, strike first. Throw your opponent until he is exhausted. Then push him to the edge of the abyss and throw him into the abyss.


1. At the prize level (BONUS) with a pig - if you press A, B or C, the pig will “explode” and all the prizes on the screen will disappear. And you can't catch a butterfly or a black beetle. If this happens, the BONUS will end.

2. To exit to the menu that allows you to set immortality and start the game from any stage, you need to enter OPTIONS and type: right, A, A, B and “START”.



Publisher: Virgin Interactive Developer: Westwood Studios Genre: 2D Platformer Release Date: Dec 8, 1994


A Disney masterpiece and that's it.

The game is not designed for stupid passage - there are levels in which you need to show remarkable ingenuity and intelligence.

It was a long time ago. Once upon a time there was a lion cub Simba with his dad, mom, aunt, uncle (let’s remember this guy) and other relatives. Simba's father ruled the entire household within a radius of many kilometers. They lived without grieving until Uncle Scar felt the urge to try himself as a ruler, and Scar, in alliance with the hyenas, set up a state government. coup. The dark period of dictatorship began.

But time passed, the lion cub Simba grew up, and then the moment came when he challenged Scar and his henchmen.

Each boss needs to be killed in its own way, for example, on the hyena - the boss of the first level - you need to jump only when it gets tired and starts wagging its tongue (you will see for yourself). In addition to the usual stages, there are several more cute bonuses in which you play as the lion cub's friends - Timon and Pumbaa.

The game is full of secrets, secret passages and everything that is inherent in good games.


Development Team/Team:

Creative Director/Producer Louis Castle
Genesis Programming Rob Pover
Assistant Programming Ronald Picket-Weeserik
Programming Support Milo X. Ballan
Progamming Support David Dettmer
Lead Designer Seth Mendelsohn
Assistant Designer Erik Yeo
Background Art Joseph B. Hewitt IV
Background Art Kevin Oxlans
Background Art Hans Piwenitzky
Background Art Arron Powell
Animation Cleanup Doug Verhaal
Animation Cleanup Barbarajo Shillings
Animation Cleanup John Perdraja
Animation Cleanup Mike Muehlendorf
Animation Cleanup Kenn Sweard
Audio Direction Paul Maudra
Genesis Music and Sound Matt Furniss
Executive Producer Brett W. Sperry

Secrets and Walkthrough/Secrets

Debug menu

In the OPTIONS screen, highlight SOUND FX and enter the code - FORWARD, A, A, B, START.

Any level, immortality

To switch levels and set immortality, you need to enter OPTIONS and dial the code A, A, B, START. Two lines will appear - in the first you can put immortality, and the second allows you to select a level by clicking on it with a cross.

How to defend yourself

1. High jump with claws extended. It helps to deal with green and blue creatures (be careful with the blue one - when it dies, it explodes, so it’s better to jump away at this moment.)
2. Against porcupines you need to use a tackle or growl, and then, when it turns over, it is better to jump on the enemy. During the game, try to collect gray insects - they restore life or supplement strength.
3. When fighting a hyena, wait for the moment when it gets tired and starts breathing heavily - at that moment, jump on it and immediately jump away. Two jumps is enough.

Helpful Tips:

In Simba`s Exile, the biggest danger awaiting you is the rocks falling from above.
- In this version of "The Lion King" you can get through the herds of animals in a very easy way. On the left side of the herd, jump up and grab the blue hippopotamus's face, climb on top of it and run along its back. And watch out for the tail.
- When you touch the little blue bug in Pridelands, it will explode. So, as soon as you touch it, immediately jump to the side - you will remain unharmed.
- Go to the far right cave in the first “cave” room in Simba`s Return, otherwise you will wander endlessly.
- The ostich double jump is very difficult. You have to jump twice when you come across an obstacle with a hippopotamus and nests. Jump over the hippo and immediately make another jump.
- Move quickly when you reach a cliff with a stream of green water (in Elephant Graveyard). The easiest way is to jump to the right and climb onto the left slope, from which you will begin your climb.
- A blue "premium" beetle sits on top of a tree in the upper corner in Pride lands. Grab it and you can visit Timon and Pumba at the end of the level.
- To get over piles of bones, simply roll through them.
- There are hidden lives and credits in the levels. So, at the first level you can take out a loan. This is done like this: go up to the platform with two green creatures, there you will see a ledge that you can grab onto. Climb onto it and go down. There, kill the porcupine and, before reaching the right side of the wall, roll straight through the wall. Go down there - the credit is yours. To get out, you need to climb onto the platform with the porcupine, kill it and roll in a ball to the left.
- At the second level you will be able to scare pink monkeys with your growl. The frightened monkey will roll over on the branch. If you position the monkeys correctly and then jump on the rhinoceros, he will throw you up, and the monkeys will catch you and throw you over the water or the giraffe.
- At the end of the second level you need to perform the following operation: scare away the monkey, jump on the rhinoceros, and he will throw you to the second tree. There, scare another monkey and go back along the logs. Jump on the rhinoceros, and the monkeys will throw you first to the second, and then again to the first tree. You'll end up at the top of a tree, where you can scare off another primate. That's it, now jump on the rhino once again, and if you did everything correctly, you will find yourself on the third level.
- When riding an ostrich, follow the arrow directions. If the arrow points up twice, double jump.
- On the sixth level, when you pass the waterfall, you will see a gorilla throwing coconuts at you. If you come close to her, she will hit you with her paw. You need to jump away from coconuts or jump on them. Wait for the gorilla to stand up, and then jump towards it and immediately jump away. Thus, you must drive her to the highest platform. Look - there is another platform at the top that you can jump onto. Climb onto it and from there jump on the gorilla three or four times. She will become furious, jump onto this platform herself and hit it with her paws. The platform will collapse - your next enemy is defeated.
- On the eighth level you will see
three small volcanoes (one of them is extinct). There is no further road - a dead end. To get out, you need to jump onto the first or second volcano, from which lava periodically erupts. From there, jump onto the sharp stone that hangs from above and hit it with your paw. After several hits, the stone will fall and break through the ground into the second part of the level.
- At the end of the eighth level you will see four of the same volcanoes. Lava erupts from them and hits the ceiling, from where boulders fall. The task is to avoid being hit by either lava or rocks. After some time, a large boulder will fall from above and clog the first volcano, then the same will happen to all the others. Now jump onto the volcano on the far left and it will take you to the ninth level.
- At the end of the ninth level you have to kill the brother of Sivma’s father, his name is Shrash. Hit him until he starts licking his paw. Then go up to him and start throwing him over yourself. The throw is performed by pressing the FORWARD + Y buttons. You need to throw it so that the enemy falls to the edge of the cliff, but there is room for Simba between him and the edge. Now throw the enemy over you, he will fall down the cliff and die.

Video walkthrough of the game Part 1