Who was Kiriyenko in the government? WITH

Sergey Kiriyenko

Sergey Vladilenovich Kirienko
2nd Prime Minister Russian Federation
April 24, 1998 - August 23, 1998 (acting from March 23, 1998)
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
March 23, 1998 - April 24, 1998
Birth: July 26, 1962
Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR, USSR
Birth name: Sergey Vladilenovich Izraitel
Father: Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel
Mother: Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko
Spouse: Maria Vladimirovna Kiriyenko
Children: Vladimir, Lyubov, Nadezhda (born 09/25/2002)

Sergey Vladilenovich Kirienko(born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian statesman and political figure, from April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of Russia. Head of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

Sergey Kiriyenko born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi in the family of Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel and Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko. Father is a graduate of Moscow state university, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, in different times head of a number of departments at the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Institute of Water Transport Engineers - scientific communism (1980-1990), political science (1990-1992), humanities and social sciences (1992-1995). Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.

Sergey Kiriyenko- graduate of the famous Sochi high school No. 7. Graduated in 1984 from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers and the Academy national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993. Member of the CPSU since 1984.

Labor activity Sergey Kiriyenko began as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard after serving in the ranks Soviet Army in 1986.

In 1986-1991 Sergey Kiriyenko- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1997 Sergey Kiriyenko- worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: CEO joint stock company"Concern AMK"; Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya"; President of the oil company NORSI-OIL.

In 1997-1998 Sergey Kiriyenko- First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Government of Sergei Kiriyenko

From April to August 1998 Sergey Kiriyenko- Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Sergey Kiriyenko was appointed acting head of the Government after the resignation of the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin. The State Duma twice - on April 10 and April 17, 1998 - refused consent to approval Sergey Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government. Only on April 24, 1998, after the third vote on his candidacy, Kiriyenko was approved by the State Duma as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation with 251 votes. On the same day, Yeltsin signed a Presidential Decree on the appointment Sergei Kiriyenko Chairman of the Government.

When forming a government Sergei Kiriyenko the only noticeable change was a sharp reduction in the number of deputy prime ministers and the abolition of the positions of First Deputy Prime Ministers. Boris Nemtsov, Oleg Sysuev and Viktor Khristenko received the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers. A definite sensation was the appointment of Yuri Maslyukov, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade during the reshuffle in the Government on July 22, 1998.

Sergey Kiriyenko together with Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais, he became known as a “young reformer” who tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. The implementation of reforms was actually undermined by a sharp decline in oil export prices, which led to instability in the financial markets and higher cost of service government debt RF.
August 17, 1998 office Sergei Kiriyenko after the IMF refused to provide a credit line, it stopped paying GKO-OFZ coupons, effectively declaring the first default on domestic debt in world economic history. Resigned by the President of the Russian Federation.

The result of the default was the liquidation of the GKO-OFZ pyramid, a reduction in government spending on debt servicing, but also a surge in inflation and a strong fall in the ruble exchange rate. The long-term result was large-scale import substitution and increased competitiveness of domestic production, which became the initial link in the economic recovery of the 2000s. People associate Kiriyenko’s short four-month premiership only with the crisis of 1998, which led to mass impoverishment of the population and became entrenched in Sergei Kiriyenko nicknamed "Kinder Surprise".
After the State Duma of the Russian Federation blocked the candidacy of V.S. twice. Chernomyrdin for the post of new head of the Government, under pressure from the parliamentary majority, the government of E.M. was formed. Primakova.

Further career of Sergei Kiriyenko

In 1999 - candidate for mayor of Moscow (11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), leader of the Union of Right Forces list in the elections to the State Duma. The list received 8 percent and was ranked fourth. On the eve of the elections, Kiriyenko, on behalf of the Union of Right Forces, met with Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin and handed over to him the bloc’s program prepared before the elections.

In 1999-2000 Sergey Kiriyenko- deputy State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Since May 18, 2000 Sergey Kiriyenko- Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.
Since 2001 Sergey Kiriyenko- Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament.
November 14, 2005 Sergey Kiriyenko dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative as a result of personnel changes carried out by the president. November 15 appointed head Federal agency on atomic energy of Russia (Rosatom).

December 12, 2007 Sergey Kiriyenko relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job - general director of the Rosatom State Corporation, created on the basis of the agency.
Sergey Kiriyenko- Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2000)
In 2010, in the ranking of top executives of the Kommersant newspaper Sergey Kiriyenko took V place in the Electric Power Industry category.
In 2010, the monthly salary of the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, was 1.5 million rubles.

Personal life of Sergei Kiriyenko

Married. Children - Vladimir and Lyubov, youngest daughter Nadezhda born in 2002
Holder Sergei Kiriyenko third dan in Aikido. In 2005, he was elected Chairman of the National Aikido Council of Russia (President of the Aikido Federation “Aikikai of Russia”).

On January 14, 2007, at the Kagami Biraki ceremony, which took place in the Hombu Dojo (main hall World Center aikido in Japan), the decision of Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba (grandson of Morihei Ueshiba) to award 3rd dan of aikido Aikikai was announced.

* Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 24, 2010) - for great contribution to the development of the nuclear industry and many years of effective public service
* Order of Honor (December 12, 2005) - for services in strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work
* Medal of Anatoly Koni
* Order St. Sergius Radonezh I degree (ROC, 2003)
* Order St. Seraphim Sarovsky II degree (ROC, 2006)

General Director of the state corporation "Rosatom" since December 2007. Sergei Kiriyenko has been working in the nuclear industry since November 2005, when by presidential decree he was appointed to the post of head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom). During the reorganization of the industry, which took place directly under the leadership of S. Kiriyenko, the agency was transformed into a state corporation. Before working at Rosatom, he was the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District for five years. In 1998 S. Kiriyenko became the youngest head of government in Russian history, taking up this position at the age of 35. Most Russians strongly associate his short four-month premiership with the August 1998 crisis, which erupted after Russia declared a default on its obligations and led to mass impoverishment of the population.

Biography of Sergei Kiriyenko

Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962. in Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His father, Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, was a philosophy teacher, later defended his doctoral dissertation and headed the department of social sciences at the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers. Mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko - an economist by training. After his parents' divorce, S. Kiriyenko lived with his mother and graduated from high school in Sochi.

In 1979 went to Gorky to visit his father, where he entered the shipbuilding department of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers. Having received in 1984 higher education, S. Kiriyenko got a job in his specialty - as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard. However, he did not work there for long, combining work with the position of secretary of the Komsomol factory committee. Already in the late 80s, he, along with other Komsomol leaders, organized the multi-profile “Joint-Stock Youth Concern” (AMK) in Nizhny Novgorod, and soon became its president. At the same time, S. Kiriyenko was studying political career and in March 1990 became a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies.

S. Kiriyenko received his second higher education in 1991-1993. at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, specializing in finance and banking. After graduating from university, he became chairman of the board of the Nizhny Novgorod social and commercial bank "Garantia". The close cooperation of the bank with the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region and its head Boris Nemtsov strengthened the positions of both the bank and S. Kiriyenko. Among the clients of "Garantia" was one of the largest enterprises in the region - the NORSI oil refinery. In 1996 S. Kiriyenko, on the recommendation of the Nizhny Novgorod governor and the government of the Russian Federation, became president of NORSI-Oil. In this position, he managed to solve a number of problems at the plant, in particular those related to debt to oil suppliers.

S. Kiriyenko's career growth was accompanied by various accusations. Thus, articles appeared in a number of media outlets where his managerial talents were explained by allegedly taking Scientology courses. S. Kiriyenko was also accused of mandatorily sending his subordinates to Hubbard College. S. Kiriyenko himself has repeatedly denied that he is a follower of this sect, banned in many countries. Nevertheless, rumors about his connection with Scientologists accompanied him until his premiership and the subsequent one in 1999. participation in elections for the post of mayor of Moscow. However, Yuri Luzhkov, who ran for this post and won, was also accused of having connections with Hubbardists. The press at that time also liked to remind S. Kiriyenko of the patent he registered in his youth for the “Stop on Time” lottery, in connection with which they called the future prime minister “the father of the domestic scam.”

Scandals did not stop S. Kiriyenko in May 1997. receive an appointment to the post of First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy and move to Moscow. Promotion by career ladder had to do not so much with R. Hubbard as with B. Nemtsov: it was he, being at that time Deputy Prime Minister and at the same time the head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, who invited S. Kiriyenko to become his deputy in the ministry. In September of the same year, S. Kiriyenko became deputy chairman of the Russian Government Commission for coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of production sharing agreements (the famous PSA). In October, he headed another commission - on issues of access of independent organizations to the gas transportation system of RAO Gazprom, and also became one of the state representatives in AK Transneft. Already in November 1997. S. Kiriyenko replaced B. Nemtsov as head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy.

The next stage in S. Kiriyenko’s career was the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He was appointed acting head of government by order of Boris Yeltsin on March 23, 1998, immediately after the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin was dismissed against the backdrop of the deteriorating economic situation in the country. The State Duma twice refused to approve the candidacy of 35-year-old S. Kiriyenko proposed by Boris Yeltsin - at the first meeting on April 10, and at the second on April 17. The meetings were held on Fridays, so by the third vote, S. Kiriyenko’s nickname “Friday” was assigned to him in the Russian press. Later, after the State Duma finally approved the head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for a new position on April 24, the surprise of the appointment of the young prime minister brought S. Kiriyenko a new and more durable nickname - “Kinder Surprise”. After the August default, it acquired a sharply negative connotation.

The position of head of government was the peak of S. Kiriyenko’s career. Many considered this appointment to be technical, since the economic situation in the country that had developed by that time left little doubt about the impending crisis. Expectations were confirmed - August 17, 1998. Russia defaulted on its obligations, as a result of which Russians lost all their savings overnight amid a rapid rise in prices, a fall in the exchange rate of the ruble and the collapse of the banking system. Boris Yeltsin responded to sharp criticism of the actions of the state by dissolving the government and the resignation of the young prime minister, placing responsibility for economic crisis to the cabinet of ministers. Thus, S. Kiriyenko's premiership lasted only 4 months - from April 24 to August 23, 1998.

After August 1998 S. Kiriyenko did not hold any positions in the executive branch for two years. During this period, S. Kiriyenko, along with long-time partner and ally Boris Nemtsov, as well as the head of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais, was among the leaders of the democratic party "Union of Right Forces", participated in the elections in 1999. was the leader of the SPS faction in the State Duma.

Since coming to power in 2000. new president - Vladimir Putin, the extremely unpopular prime minister had the opportunity to return to real politics, although not yet in Moscow. As the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, S. Kiriyenko returned to Nizhny Novgorod again. In May 2001, while remaining plenipotentiary, S. Kiriyenko took up another post - chairman of the Russian State Commission on Chemical Disarmament.

In 2005 V. Putin signed a decree appointing S. Kiriyenko as head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom). According to one version, this appointment was facilitated by the senior young reformer, ex-Minister of Finance, comrade-in-arms in the Union of Right Forces and at that time head of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais. In his new post, S. Kiriyenko replaced Alexander Rumyantsev, who was appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Finland. S. Kiriyenko’s arrival at Rosatom was marked by structural changes in the industry, which were in many ways reminiscent of the re-creation of the Soviet-era Ministry of Medium Machine Building.

The task of the new head of the agency, in particular, was to form a unified structure that would unite the entire chain of the nuclear fuel cycle in the civilian sector. The result was the creation at the end of 2007. OJSC Atomenergoprom, designed to unite the assets of the “peaceful atom” in the Russian energy and industry. The state corporation Rosatom, formed on the basis of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency on December 12, 2007, became the unified center for managing both the civilian and weapons sectors of the nuclear industry. To create it, a special federal law"About the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". The head of the soon-liquidated agency was appointed General Director of the State Corporation "Rosatom". S. Kiriyenko remains in the position of head of the State Corporation "Rosatom".

With the arrival of S. Kiriyenko at Rosatom, significant changes began in the nuclear industry, which were generally positive. With the participation of S. Kiriyenko’s team, they prepared important documents on the organization of the industry, nuclear energy development programs have been adopted, plans have been developed for active entry into the world market. Under S. Kiriyenko, progress was achieved in international relations with a number of countries on nuclear issues: the issue of non-discriminatory access of Russian uranium to the United States has been practically resolved, several intergovernmental agreements on the use of “peaceful atoms” have been signed (including with the United States), and major foreign contracts have been concluded.

S. Kiriyenko is married and has three children – a son and two daughters. IN free time practices aikido and, along with the minister natural resources and ecology by Yuri Trutnev, is co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts.

Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko (born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) is a Russian statesman and political figure, from April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Russian Government. Head of Rosatom Corporation. Holder of the third dan of Aikido, president of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia.

Sergei Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi. Father - Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, graduated from Moscow State University (later Doctor of Philosophy, professor and head of department at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute), mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kirienko - Odessa Economic Institute.

Member of the CPSU since 1984.
S. Kiriyenko is a graduate of the famous Sochi secondary school No. 7. He graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers in 1984 (where his father headed the department) and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993.

He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard after serving in the Soviet Army in 1986.
In 1987-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: President of the joint stock company Concern AMK; Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya"; President of the oil company NORSI-OIL.

In 1997-1998 - First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

From April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Kiriyenko was appointed acting head of the Government after the resignation of the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin. The State Duma twice - on April 10 and April 17, 1998 - refused to approve Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government.

Only on April 24, 1998, after the third vote on his candidacy, Kiriyenko was approved by the State Duma as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation with 251 votes. On the same day, Yeltsin signed a Presidential Decree appointing Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government.

When forming the government, the only noticeable change was a sharp reduction in the number of deputy prime ministers and the abolition of the posts of First Deputy Prime Ministers. Boris Nemtsov, Oleg Sysuev and Viktor Khristenko received the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers.

A definite sensation was the appointment of Yuri Maslyukov, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade during the reshuffle in the Government on July 22, 1998.

Kiriyenko, along with Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais, became known as the “young reformer” who tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. During the reforms, a policy of borrowing on the foreign market was actively pursued, including with the help of IMF loans, which caused the public debt to increase by $22 billion.

In August 1998, Kiriyenko's cabinet stopped payments on GKO-OFZ coupons, which led to the devaluation of the ruble and the financial crisis. After the 1998 default, he resigned, which was immediately accepted by the president on August 23, 1998, making Kiriyenko's government one of the shortest in Russian history.

In 1999, he was a candidate for mayor of Moscow (11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), leader of the Union of Right Forces list in the elections to the State Duma. The list received 8 percent and was ranked fourth. On the eve of the elections, Kiriyenko, on behalf of the Union of Right Forces, met with Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin and handed over to him the bloc’s program prepared before the elections.

In 1999-2000 years - deputy State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Since May 18, 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

On November 14, 2005, he was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative as a result of personnel changes carried out by the president. On November 15, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (Rosatom).

On February 4, 2008, he was relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job - general director of the state corporation Rosatom, created on the basis of the agency.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2000)

Married. Children - a son and two daughters.

Has third dan in Aikido. In 2005 he was elected chairman of the National Aikido Council of Russia.

* Order of Honor (December 12, 2005) - for services in strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work
* Medal of Anatoly Koni
* Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree (ROC, 2003)
* Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, II degree (ROC, 2006)

March 23 - April 24, 1998 Head of Government: Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin President: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin Religion: Birth: July 26(1962-07-26 ) (57 years old)
Sukhumi, Abkhazian ASSR, Georgian SSR, USSR Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Burial place: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Dynasty: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Birth name: Sergey Vladilenovich Izraitel Father: Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel Mother: Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko Spouse: Maria Vladislavovna Kirienko Children: Vladimir (born 1983), Lyubov (born 1992), Nadezhda (born 2002) Party: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Education: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Academic degree: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Website: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Monogram: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Awards:

Confessional awards:

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Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko(born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian statesman and political figure. First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia since October 5, 2016.


Sergei Kiriyenko was born into the family of Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel (07/09/1938-02/02/1995) and Larisa Vasilyevna Kiriyenko. Father is a graduate of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, at various times he headed the departments (scientific communism (1980-1990), political science (1990-1992), humanities and social sciences (1992-1995)).

Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.

Sergei Kiriyenko is a graduate of the famous Sochi secondary school No. 7.

He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard.

In 1986-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol. In March 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: General Director of the joint stock company Concern AMK; Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya"; President of the oil company "NORSI-OIL" Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .

In 1997-1998 - First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Kiriyenko government

On August 17, 1998, Kiriyenko’s cabinet, after the IMF refused to provide a credit line, stopped payments on GKO-OFZ coupons, effectively declaring the first default on domestic debt in world economic history, and was dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The result of the default was the liquidation of the GKO-OFZ pyramid, a reduction in government spending on debt servicing, but also a decline in production and household incomes, an acute banking crisis, a surge in inflation, and a strong fall in the ruble exchange rate. At the same time, the sharp devaluation of the ruble led to large-scale import substitution and an increase in the competitiveness of domestic production - which became obvious already during Primakov’s short premiership.[[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ] . People associate Kiriyenko’s short four-month premiership only with the 1998 crisis, which led to mass impoverishment of the population, and the nickname “Kinder Surprise” that stuck with it.

After the State Duma of the Russian Federation twice blocked the candidacy of V. S. Chernomyrdin for the post of new head of the Government, under pressure from the parliamentary majority, the government of E. M. Primakov was formed.

Further career

Since 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament.

On November 14, 2005, he was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative as a result of personnel changes carried out by the president. On November 15, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (Rosatom).

On December 12, 2007, he was relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job - General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom, created on the basis of the agency.

On October 5, 2016, V.V. Putin dismissed him from the post of General Director of Rosatom and was appointed First Deputy Head of the Kremlin Administration.

In 2010, the income of the head of Rosatom amounted to 18 million rubles.

Personal life

Wife - Maria Vladislavovna Kiriyenko (before marriage - Aistova). Children - Vladimir (born 1983), Lyubov (born 1992), Nadezhda (born 2002).

Vladimir Kiriyenko in 2008-2011 served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhegorodpromstroybank, from 2011 to 2016 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhny Novgorod Capital LLC. At the end of September 2016, he was appointed to the position of Senior Vice President of Rostelecom, where he will be involved in corporate marketing, coordinating the commercial activities of the operator’s macro-branches and new areas of business development. He is a co-founder of Titanium Investments, a company engaged in investing in venture projects, with an initial capital of $47.8 million, owns a power plant in the Vladimir region and projects in Moscow and the Moscow region (with shares from 5% to 20%). .

Activities in the field of culture and sports

In 1998, he took part in the award ceremony for the online literature competition “Teneta”, and in 1999 he was among the organizers of the “Unofficial Moscow” arts festival.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 24, 2010) - for his great contribution to the development of the nuclear industry and many years of effective public service
  • Order of Honor (December 12, 2005) - for services to strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work
  • award weapon - registered smoothbore carbine "Saiga-12"
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (June 8, 2016) - for his great contribution to the preservation of the architectural ensemble of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st degree (ROC, 2014) - in consideration of assistance to the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and in connection with the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree (ROC, 2003)
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st degree (ROC, 2012)
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, II degree (ROC, 2006)
  • Order of Honor (Armenia, 2012).

Write a review of the article "Kirienko, Sergei Vladilenovich"


  1. // Know ours. Central Jewish Resource.
  2. Kiriyenko Sergey Vladilenovich. - Sem40, 05/18/2000
  3. Alexander Konovalov. Russian news agency "Novosti" presents 10 major events 1998 in Russia. - RIA Novosti, 12/28/1998
  4. Irina Nagornykh. . - Kommersant, 06/27/2001. - No. 110
  5. Dmitry Pinsker. Unlucky. - Results, 08/28/1998. - No. 34
  6. . Newspaper "Kommersant" No. 176 (4476) (09/23/2010). Retrieved September 23, 2010. .
  7. . Komsomolskaya Pravda. .
  8. "Slon.ru" 09/28/2016
  9. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No. 1468 “On awarding the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, to Kiriyenko S.V.”
  10. . // Official website of the President of Russia. Retrieved May 27, 2016.
  11. . “Vesti” online newspaper (02/08/2012). Retrieved February 8, 2012. .


  • on the Rosatom website
  • Kiriyenko, Sergey - article in Lentapedia. 2012

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Excerpt characterizing Kiriyenko, Sergei Vladilenovich

The day was pleasant, sunny and warm, although autumn was already very confidently in the yard. A light breeze rustled in the last remaining leaves, spreading around the juicy smell of honey, mushrooms and the last warmed sun rays earth... As it should have been, a kind, deep, “golden” silence reigned in this peaceful place of Eternal Peace...
As usual, I sat down on my grandfather’s bench and began to tell him all my latest news. I knew that this was stupid and that, even with my greatest desire, he could not hear me in any way (because his essence lived in me from the day of his death), but I missed him so much and constantly, that I allowed myself this tiny, harmless illusion in order to, at least for some short moment, return that wonderful connection that I had until now only with him alone.
So quietly and peacefully “talking” with my grandfather, I completely did not notice how the same miniature old woman came up to me and sat down next to me on a small stump. I don’t know how long she sat with me like that. But when I returned to “normal reality,” I saw radiant, not at all senile, people looking at me affectionately. Blue eyes who seemed to be asking if I needed any help...
- Oh, forgive me, grandma, I didn’t even notice when you came up! – I said, very embarrassed.
Usually it was difficult to approach me unnoticed - some kind of internal sense of self-defense always triggered. But such boundless goodness emanated from this warm, sweet old lady that apparently all my “protective instincts” slowed down...
“I’m talking to my grandfather...” I said embarrassedly.
“Don’t be ashamed, dear,” the old woman shook her head, “you have a giving soul, this happiness is great and rare.” Don't be ashamed.
I looked with all my eyes at this frail and very unusual old woman, completely not understanding what she was talking about, but for some reason feeling absolute and complete trust in her. She sat down next to me, affectionately hugged me with her dry, but very warm hand like an old man, and unexpectedly smiled very brightly:
- Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine. Just don’t rush to find out the answers to everything... it’s too early for you, because in order to get answers, you must first know the right questions... And they haven’t matured for you yet...
Only many years later I was able to understand what this strange, wise old woman really wanted to say. But then I just listened to her very carefully, trying to remember every word, so that later more than once I could “scroll” in my memory everything that was not understood (but, as I felt, very important for me) and try to catch at least a grain of what could would you like to help me in my ever-continuing “search”...
“If you took on too heavy a load, you’ll break…” the old woman continued calmly, and I realized that she was referring to my contacts with the dead. - Not all people are worth it, dear, some must pay for their actions, otherwise they will unreasonably begin to believe that they are already worthy of forgiveness, and then your good will only bring evil... Remember, my girl, good should always be SMART. Otherwise, it is no longer good at all, but simply an echo of your heart or desire, which does not necessarily coincide with who the person you gifted truly is.
I suddenly felt uneasy... It seemed that this was no longer being said by a simple sweet old lady, but by some very wise and kind sorceress, whose every word was literally imprinted in my brain... She seemed to be carefully leading me along the “correct” path so that I , still small and stupid, did not have to “stumble” too often, performing her, perhaps not always very correct, “tender-hearted deeds”...
Suddenly a panicked thought flashed through my mind - what if right now she just disappears?!.. After all, I really wanted her to share as much as possible with me and teach me as much as possible!..
But I understood that this would be precisely the “getting something for nothing” on my part that she had just warned me about... Therefore, I tried to pull myself together, drowning out my raging emotions as much as I could , and childishly rushed to honestly “defend” her rightness...
– What if these people simply made mistakes? – I didn’t give up. – After all, everyone, sooner or later, makes a mistake and has every right to repent of it.
The old woman looked at me sadly and, shaking her gray head, said quietly:
– Mistake is different from mistake, dear... Not every mistake is atoned for with mere melancholy and pain, or even worse, just with words. And not everyone who wants to repent should get their chance to do this, because nothing that comes for free, due to the great stupidity of man, is not valued by him. And everything given to him free of charge does not require effort from him. Therefore, it is very easy for someone who has made a mistake to repent, but it is incredibly difficult to truly change. You wouldn't give a criminal a chance just because you suddenly felt sorry for him, would you? But everyone who has insulted, wounded or betrayed their loved ones is already to some extent, albeit an insignificant one, a criminal at heart. Therefore, “give” carefully, girl...
I sat very quietly, deep in thought about what this wonderful old woman had just shared with me. Only I, so far, could not agree with all her wisdom... In me, like in every innocent child, an indestructible faith in goodness was still very strong, and the words of the unusual old woman then seemed to me too harsh and not entirely fair. But that was then...
As if she had caught the train of my childishly “indignant” thoughts, she affectionately stroked my hair and said quietly:
– This is what I meant when I said that you are not yet ripe for the right questions. Don't worry, honey, it will come very soon, even perhaps sooner than you think now...
Then I accidentally looked into her eyes and literally got chills... These were absolutely amazing, truly bottomless, all-knowing eyes of a person who was supposed to live on Earth for at least a thousand years!.. I have never seen such ones. eye!
She apparently noticed my confusion and whispered soothingly:
– Life is not exactly what you think, baby... But you will understand this later, when you begin to accept it correctly. Your lot is strange... heavy and very light, woven from stars... Many other people's destinies are in your hands. Take care of yourself, girl...
Again, I didn’t understand what all this meant, but I didn’t have time to ask anything more, because, to my great chagrin, the old woman suddenly disappeared... and in her place a vision of stunning beauty appeared - as if a strange transparent door had opened and a flooded sunlight a marvelous city, as if entirely carved out of solid crystal... All sparkling and shining with colored rainbows, shimmering with the sparkling edges of incredible palaces or some amazing, unlike anything else buildings, it was a marvelous embodiment of someone’s crazy dream... And there, on sat on the transparent step of the carved porch little man, as I later saw - a very fragile and serious red-haired girl who waved her hand at me in a friendly manner. And suddenly I really wanted to approach her. I thought that this was probably some kind of “other” reality again and, most likely, as had happened before, no one would explain anything to me again. But the girl smiled and shook her head negatively.
Up close, she turned out to be a very “tiny” person, who could have been given at most five years of age at most.
- Hello! – she said, smiling cheerfully. - I'm Stella. How do you like my world?..
- Hello Stella! – I answered carefully. – It’s really very beautiful here. Why do you call him yours?
- But because I created it! – the girl chirped even more cheerfully.
I opened my mouth in shock, but I couldn’t say anything... I felt that she was telling the truth, but I couldn’t even imagine how such a thing could be created, especially speaking about it so carelessly and easily...
- Grandma likes it too. – The girl said enough.
And I realized that she was calling “grandmother” the same unusual old woman with whom I had just had such a nice conversation and who, like her no less unusual granddaughter, put me in real shock...
-Are you completely alone here? – I asked.
“When?” the girl became sad.
- Why don’t you invite your friends?
“I don’t have them...” the little girl whispered quite sadly.
I didn’t know what to say, afraid to upset this strange, lonely and such a sweet creature even more.
– Do you want to watch something else? – as if waking up from sad thoughts, she asked.
I just nodded in response, deciding to leave the conversation to her, since I didn’t know what else could upset her and didn’t want to try that at all.
“Look, it was yesterday,” Stella said more cheerfully.
And the world turned upside down... The Crystal City disappeared, and instead it burned bright colors some kind of “southern” landscape... My throat caught in surprise.
“And this is you too?” I asked carefully.
She nodded her curly red head proudly. It was very funny to watch her, as the girl was truly and seriously proud of what she managed to create. And who wouldn’t be proud?!. She was a perfect baby who, laughing, casually, created new incredible worlds, and immediately replaced the boring ones with others, like gloves... To be honest, there was something to be shocked about. I tried to understand what was going on here?.. Stella was clearly dead, and her essence was communicating with me all this time. But where we were and how she created these “worlds” of hers was still a complete mystery to me.
– Is there something you don’t understand? – the girl was surprised.
– To be honest, yes! – I exclaimed frankly.
– But you can do much more? – the little girl was even more surprised.
“More?..” I asked, dumbfounded.
She nodded, tilting her red head comically to the side.
-Who showed you all this? – I asked carefully, afraid of accidentally offending her.
- Well, of course, grandma. – As if she said something for granted. – At the beginning I was very sad and lonely, and my grandmother felt very sorry for me. So she showed me how it's done.
And then I finally realized that this was truly her world, created only by the power of her thoughts. This girl didn't even realize what a treasure she was! But my grandmother, I think, understood this very well...
As it turned out, Stella died in a car accident several months ago, in which her entire family also died. All that was left was grandma, for whom there was simply no room in the car that time... And who almost went crazy when she learned about her terrible, irreparable misfortune. But, what was most strange, Stella did not end up, as everyone usually did, on the same levels in which her family was. Her body had a high essence, which after death went to the most high levels Earth. And thus the girl was left completely alone, since her mother, father and older brother were apparently the most ordinary, ordinary people who were not distinguished by any special talents.
– Why don’t you find someone here, where you live now? – I asked again carefully.
– I found... But they are all kind of old and serious... not like you and me. – The girl whispered thoughtfully.
Suddenly she suddenly smiled cheerfully and her sweet little face immediately began to shine like a bright sun.
- Do you want me to show you how to do it?
I just nodded in agreement, very afraid that she would change her mind. But the girl was clearly not going to “change her mind”, on the contrary - she was very happy to have found someone who was almost her same age, and now, if I understood something, she was not going to let me go so easily... This “ perspective" completely suited me, and I prepared to listen carefully about its incredible wonders...
“Everything here is much easier than on Earth,” Stella chirped, very pleased with the attention she received, “you just have to forget about the “level” on which you still live (!) and focus on what you want to see . Try to imagine it very accurately and it will come.
I tried to disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, but it didn’t work. For some reason this has always been difficult for me.
Then, finally, everything disappeared somewhere, and I was left hanging in complete emptiness... A feeling of Complete Peace appeared, so rich in its completeness that it was impossible to experience on Earth... Then the emptiness began to be filled with a fog sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, which became more and more and became more dense, becoming like a brilliant and very dense ball of stars... Smoothly and slowly, this “ball” began to unravel and grow until it looked like a gigantic sparkling spiral, stunning in its beauty, the end of which was “sprayed” by thousands of stars and went wherever - into the invisible distance... I looked dumbfounded at this fabulous unearthly beauty, trying to understand how and where it came from?.. It couldn’t even occur to me that it was really me who created this in my imagination... And yet, I couldn’t get rid of the very strange feeling that THIS is exactly what it is my real home
“What is this?” a thin voice asked in a stunned whisper.
Stella stood “frozen” in a stupor, unable to make even the slightest movement, and with eyes as round as large saucers, she observed this incredible beauty that had suddenly fallen from somewhere...
Suddenly the air around us swayed violently, and right in front of us a glowing creature. It looked very similar to my old “crowned” star friend, but it was clearly someone else. Having recovered from the shock and looked at him more closely, I realized that he was not at all like my old friends. It’s just that the first impression “fixed” the same ring on the forehead and similar power, but otherwise there was nothing in common between them. All the “guests” who had come to me before were tall, but this creature was very tall, probably somewhere around a full five meters. His strange sparkling clothes (if they could be called that) fluttered all the time, scattering sparkling crystal tails behind them, although not the slightest breeze was felt around. Long, silver hair shone with a strange lunar halo, creating the impression of “eternal cold” around his head... And his eyes were the kind that it would be better to never look at!.. Before I saw them, even in the wildest imagination it was impossible imagine eyes like these!.. They were incredibly bright pink color and sparkled with a thousand diamond stars, as if lighting up every time he looked at someone. It was completely unusual and breathtakingly beautiful...
There was something mysterious about him distant space and something else that my little childish brain was not yet able to comprehend...
The creature raised his hand with his palm facing us and mentally said:
- I am Eley. You are not ready to come - come back...
Naturally, I was immediately wildly interested in who it was, and I really wanted to somehow short time hold him back.
– Not ready for what? – I asked as calmly as I could.
- Return home. - He answered.
From him came (as it seemed to me then) incredible power and at the same time some strange deep warmth of loneliness. I wanted him to never leave, and suddenly I felt so sad that tears welled up in my eyes...
“You’ll come back,” as if answering my sad thoughts he said. - But it won’t be soon... Now go away.
The glow around him became brighter... and, much to my chagrin, he disappeared...
The sparkling huge “spiral” continued to shine for some time, and then began to crumble and completely melted, leaving behind only deep night.
Stella finally “woke up” from shock, and everything around immediately shone with a cheerful light, surrounding us with fancy colors and colorful birds, which her stunning imagination hastened to quickly create, apparently wanting to free herself as quickly as possible from the oppressive impression of eternity that has fallen upon us.
“Do you think it’s me?” I whispered, still unable to believe what happened.
- Certainly! – the little girl chirped again in a cheerful voice. – This is what you wanted, right? It is so huge and scary, although very beautiful. I would never stay there to live! – she stated with complete confidence.
And I could not forget that incredibly huge and such attractively majestic beauty, which, now I knew for sure, would forever become my dream, and the desire to one day return there would haunt me for a long time, for many years until, one fine day, I finally find my real, lost HOME...


Sergei Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi in the family of Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel and Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko. Father is a graduate of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, at various times the head of a number of departments at the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Institute of Water Transport Engineers - Scientific Communism (1980-1990), Political Science (1990-1992), Humanities and Social Sciences (1992- 1995). Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.

Sergei Kiriyenko is a graduate of the famous Sochi secondary school No. 7. He graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers in 1984 and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993. Member of the CPSU since 1984.

He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard after serving in the Soviet Army in 1986.

In 1986-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: General Director of the joint stock company Concern AMK; Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya"; President of the oil company NORSI-OIL.

In 1997-1998 - First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Kiriyenko government

From April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Kiriyenko was appointed acting head of the Government after the resignation of the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin. The State Duma twice - on April 10 and April 17, 1998 - refused to approve Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government. Only on April 24, 1998, after the third vote on his candidacy, Kiriyenko was approved by the State Duma as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation with 251 votes. On the same day, Yeltsin signed a Presidential Decree appointing Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government.

When forming the government, the only noticeable change was a sharp reduction in the number of deputy prime ministers and the abolition of the posts of First Deputy Prime Ministers. Boris Nemtsov, Oleg Sysuev and Viktor Khristenko received the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers. A definite sensation was the appointment of Yuri Maslyukov, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade during the reshuffle in the Government on July 22, 1998.

Kiriyenko, along with Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais, became known as the “young reformer” who tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. The implementation of reforms was actually undermined by a sharp decline in oil export prices, which led to instability in financial markets and an increase in the cost of servicing the public debt of the Russian Federation. On August 17, 1998, Kiriyenko’s cabinet, after the IMF refused to provide a credit line, stopped payments on GKO-OFZ coupons, effectively declaring the first default on domestic debt in world economic history. Resigned by the President of the Russian Federation.

The result of the default was the liquidation of the GKO-OFZ pyramid, a reduction in government spending on debt servicing, but also a surge in inflation and a strong fall in the ruble exchange rate. The long-term result was large-scale import substitution and increased competitiveness of domestic production, which became the initial link in the economic recovery of the 2000s. People associate Kiriyenko's short four-month premiership only with the crisis of 1998, which led to mass impoverishment of the population, and the nickname “Kinder Surprise” that stuck with it.

After the State Duma of the Russian Federation blocked the candidacy of V.S. twice. Chernomyrdin for the post of new head of the Government, under pressure from the parliamentary majority, the government of E.M. was formed. Primakova.

Further career

In 1999 - candidate for mayor of Moscow (11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), leader of the Union of Right Forces list in the elections to the State Duma. The list received 8 percent and was ranked fourth. On the eve of the elections, Kiriyenko, on behalf of the Union of Right Forces, met with Russian Prime Minister Putin and handed over to him the bloc’s program prepared before the elections.

In 1999-2000 - deputy of the State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Since May 18, 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

Since 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament.

On November 14, 2005, he was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative as a result of personnel changes carried out by the president. On November 15, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (Rosatom).

On December 12, 2007, he was relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job - General Director of the Rosatom State Corporation, created on the basis of the agency.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2000)

In 2010, the income of the head of Rosatom amounted to 18 million rubles. Thus, his monthly salary is 1.5 million rubles.

Personal life

Married. Children - Vladimir and Lyubov, youngest daughter Nadezhda, born in 2002.

Holder of third dan in Aikido. In 2005, he was elected Chairman of the National Aikido Council of Russia (President of the Aikido Federation “Aikikai of Russia”).

On January 14, 2007, at the Kagami Biraki ceremony, which took place in Hombu Dojo (the main hall of the World Aikido Center in Japan), the decision of Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba (grandson of Morihei Ueshiba) to award 3rd dan of Aikido Aikikai was announced.

  • All successors of Sergei Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government for 13 years (from 1998 to the present) are older than him in age.
Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich

Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich- Russian statesman and political figure. First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation since October 5, 2016. According to the Kommersant newspaper, Hero of the Russian Federation (2018). Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (April - August 1998). Became the youngest head of government in the history of the Russian Federation (at 35 years old). General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (2005-2016).


Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich, born July 26, 1962, native of Sukhumi.

Relatives. Wife: Kirienko (maiden name Asitova) Maria Vladislavovna, born 10/13/1962. Kiriyenko met his future wife in the ninth grade of a Sochi school. Married since 1982. Maria Vladislavovna graduated from Gorky medical school, a general practitioner by profession.

Son: Kirienko Vladimir Sergeevich, born on May 27, 1983. Graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a degree in finance and credit. Since 2005, he has been a member of the board of directors created by his father at Garantiya Bank. In December 2005, he merged the Garantia bank with JSC AKB Sarovbusinessbank, and headed the board of directors of the latter, at the same time he was a co-owner of this bank. On at the moment Vladimir Kiriyenko owns 99% of the shares of Capital LLC, which in turn owns agricultural holding enterprises, management companies for housing and communal services, as well as a tourist and health camp. In 2016, Vladimir Kiriyenko was appointed to the position of Senior Vice President of Rostelecom.

Daughter: Kiriyenko Lyubov Sergeevna, born on March 23, 1990. In 2005 she graduated from the Slavic-Anglo-American School (SAAS) Marina, and in 2010 she graduated from the Faculty of Management of the State University graduate School economy". She worked as an assistant at the Aborigen company and as a junior manager at the Mikhailov and Partners PR agency.

Daughter: Nadezhda Sergeevna Kiriyenko, born September 25, 2002. A student of an elite Moscow school.

Sister (step-sister): Kotelnikova Anna Vladilenovna, born on May 31, 1974. Occupied leadership positions in large commercial structures of Nizhny Novgorod. Also in the mid-2000s, she worked at the Garantiya bank, which was created by Kiriyenko. During the years when Kotelnikova worked at Garantiya, the co-founder of this bank was Kiriyenko’s son Vladimir. At the moment is general director in a commercial structure, which is also owned by Kiriyenko’s son.

Awards. On July 5, 2018, reports appeared that Vladimir Putin, by a closed decree, awarded Sergei Kiriyenko the title of Hero of Russia. The Kremlin declined to comment on this matter. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 24, 2010) - for his great contribution to the development of the nuclear industry and many years of effective public service. Order of Honor (December 12, 2005) - for services to strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work. award weapon - registered smoothbore carbine "Saiga-12". Medal of Anatoly Koni. Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (June 8, 2016) - for his great contribution to the preservation of the architectural ensemble of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st degree (ROC, 2014) - in recognition of assistance to the Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius and in connection with the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree (ROC, 2003). Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st degree (ROC, 2012). Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, II degree (ROC, 2006). Order of Honor (Armenia, 2012).

State. The Rosatom Corporation published on Friday a declaration of income and property of its CEO Sergei Kiriyenko and his family. He earned a total of 16 million 358 thousand 702 rubles at the end of 2009. The main part of the income, according to the declaration, was the salary at his main place of work, taking into account payments for handling information constituting a state secret. As of the end of last year, Kiriyenko owns land plot in the Moscow region total area 7 thousand 116 square meters with residential and commercial buildings with a total area of ​​1,498.6 square meters. The head of Rosatom also owns six acres of land in the Nizhny Novgorod region. His wife, Maria Kiriyenko, owns an apartment and a garage in Nizhny Novgorod with an area of ​​200 square meters and 12 square meters, respectively, and her daughter owns an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​250 square meters as personal property. The declared annual income of the wife of the head of Rosatom for 2009 was about 69 thousand rubles, Interfax reports.

Hobbies. He enjoys hunting, fishing, scuba diving and the martial art of Aikido. President of the National Aikido Council of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia.


  • In 1984 he graduated from the shipbuilding department of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers (now Volzhskaya state academy water transport).
  • In 1993 - the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (now Russian Academy National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation) with a degree in Finance and Banking.

Labor activity

  • In the period from 1985 to 1986 he served in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces.
  • After being transferred to the reserve, he worked as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard. At the same time, he was the secretary of the Komsomol factory committee and the first secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol.
  • At the end of the 1980s, he became the general director of the AMK youth concern.
  • In 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies.
  • From 1993 to 1996, he headed the board of the Garantiya bank. At the same time, he was a member of the Council on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1996 he became president of the oil company NORSI-Oil.
  • In 1997, he was first appointed first deputy and then minister of fuel and energy of the Russian Federation.
  • In April 1998, he was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. In August of the same year, he was dismissed along with the entire cabinet of ministers.
  • In December 1998, he headed the All-Russian public political conservative movement “New Force”.
  • In 1999, he became co-chairman and leader of the Union of Right Forces electoral bloc. In December of the same year, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation, where he became the leader of the Union of Right Forces faction. He was also the chairman of the Russian State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.
  • In 2000, he was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.
  • In 2005, he became head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Since December 2007, he has been the General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.
  • On October 5, 2016, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.