Lyceum of the Higher School of Economics Gagarinsky. Rules for forming an individual rating for a lyceum graduate (2019)


What is the HSE Distributed Lyceum

Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics: brief history, figures, facts

As part of the creation of a system of pre-university training for high school students in Moscow, in 2014, the Higher School of Economics opened the Lyceum, as well as its specialized classes and groups (hereinafter referred to as lyceum classes/groups) in Moscow schools, which provide pre-professional education for students in grades 10-11.

Moscow schools in which lyceum classes are opened are assigned the status of “Higher School of Economics Distributed Lyceum School” (hereinafter referred to as the HSE RL school).

Distributed Lyceum HSE is a union of lyceum specialized groups and classes of educational organizations of secondary general education and the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Higher School of Economics Lyceum, a form of cooperation and interaction between them.

Interaction between the schools of the RL HSE and the National Research University Higher School of Economics is carried out on the basis of cooperation agreements.

In the spring of 2015, cooperation agreements were concluded with 20 schools of the Higher School of Economics within the framework of the HSE Distributed Lyceum project.

The concept of the project at the stage of creating the HSE RL

For high school students of the HSE RL, this is an opportunity to receive a lyceum education according to the HSE Lyceum programs, standards and areas of study at the HSE National Research University on the basis of their educational organizations.

Project goals:

  • Achieving a high level of specialized training for students in grades 10-11.
  • Attracting motivated and talented schoolchildren to the number of HSE students who have been trained in adapted educational programs created on the basis of the goals, directions and standards of the HSE Lyceum and the University.

10th graders: "St. George's Day" - change of educational direction / ind. curriculum

Dear 10th graders!

During the period from December 3 to December 13, 2019, you can submit application (download) about moving to another area of ​​study or about changing the individual curriculum within one’s area of ​​study. The document must contain the parent's signature confirming consent. For more information on the procedure for transferring to another field of study or changing the individual curriculum, see the memo. Be sure to read this information before applying!

Memo for a 10th grade student about changing the direction of education / changing the individual curriculum within the direction of education

  1. Think about your decision.
  2. Discuss your decision to transfer with your parents (legal representatives).
  3. Conduct an interview with the senior teacher of the building or the curator of the Distributed Lyceum, and present with arguments the proposed changes to the individual curriculum.
  4. Write an application for transfer (from one direction to another or about changing the individual curriculum within the chosen direction).
  5. Sign the application from your parents (legal representatives) / obtain their consent with your choice.
  6. Submit an application during the period from December 3, 2019 to December 13, 2019, for training in classes of the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - to the curator of the Distributed Lyceum (office No. 40, B. Kazenny), for training in specialized classes (office No. 36, B. Kazenny) - to the secretary.
  7. Find out which subjects (in case of “academic differences” in the curricula) will need to be mastered independently and passed until March 1, 2020. Academic differences arise when changing a basic level to an advanced level in an academic subject and when adding a new academic subject to an individual curriculum.
  8. Write, if necessary, a paper on a core subject (classes of the Distributed Lyceum). The schedule will be agreed no later than December 16, 2019.


    Writing a specialized subject

    RL "Humanities"


    RL "Economics and Social Sciences"

    Mathematics (in depth), Social studies/history

    RL "Oriental Studies"


    RL "Design"

    Sociocultural awareness

    RL "Psychology"


    RL "Jurisprudence"

    Social science

    RL "Economics and Mathematics"

    Mathematics (profile)

    RL "Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics"

    Mathematics (major), computer science/physics

    RL "Natural Sciences"

    Chemistry, biology

  9. View the decision on the application
    • for training in classes of the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - with the curator of the Distributed Lyceum;
    • for training in specialized classes - with the senior teacher of the building.
      A) in case of a positive decision and your consent to the terms of the transfer (if there is an academic difference), obtain from the senior teacher of the building information about the date, time, and place of the intermediate certification in the disciplines of “academic difference”;
      b) in case of a positive decision and disagreement with the terms of the transfer, withdraw the application from the senior teacher of the building on time until January 9, 2020.
  10. Review the order to change the individual curriculum from the curator of the Distributed Lyceum or senior teacher before January 9, 2020.
  11. Start training sessions January 9, 2020 in accordance with the individual curriculum approved by order of the director.

Remember! It is no longer possible to change the direction of study in 11th grade!!!

For further clarification on training:

  • in the classes of the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics You should contact the class curator of the Distributed Lyceum - Lyudmila Ivanovna Akovantseva ( e-mail: [email protected]);
  • in specialized classes - to senior building teachers:
    - on B. Kazenny - Olga Borisovna Borutskaya ( e-mail: [email protected])
    - on B. Trekhsvyatitelsky - Natalya Sergeevna Filippova ( e-mail: [email protected]) or Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov ( e-mail: [email protected])


For all questions related to recruitment and training in grades 10-11 at the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, you can contact the curator of the Distributed Lyceum

Akovantseva Lyudmila Ivanovna

e-mail:[email protected]

The lyceum, part of , opened in September 2013. This is the first educational institution in Moscow that began to work according to the new standard of secondary education.

Enrollment for now is only for 10th grade.

First, at the application stage, future lyceum students choose one of six areas: socio-economic, mathematics and computer science, humanitarian, legal, oriental studies, design. Then, after entering the Lyceum, they complete the formation of their curriculum. If someone, having begun to study seriously within the framework of the direction that he initially chose, realizes that he made a mistake with his choice, then he will be able to change it.

There are no traditional classes at the Lyceum. Students are divided into groups depending on their chosen curriculum. Classes are taught by experienced school and university teachers who develop original programs using the methods and resources of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The Lyceum develops theoretical thinking and meta-subject skills necessary in any profession. Several foreign languages ​​are taught at the Lyceum: English, German, French, Spanish.

Education is free - the Lyceum is subsidized by the Moscow Department of Education. To enter it, you must have permanent or temporary registration in Moscow. All graduates receive a state certificate of secondary general education. To become a student of the Lyceum, you must pass several entrance tests, including written assignments and an interview. Admission conditions are transparent and the same for everyone.

Why do you need a rating?

70% of graduates of each direction of the lyceum in the year of graduation are entitled to receive a discount on tuition at the Higher School of Economics. The final rating allows you to calculate the size of this discount: 70%, 50% or 25%. Individualism and competitiveness are not part of the lyceum’s values, so the rating is compiled once, at the end of training. It is based on an assessment of the results of activities that the lyceum considers a priority for students: good studies, skills in project and research work, social responsibility. For reasons of tact, only the top 70% of the rating is published for each direction; the lower part is available individually upon request by email: [email protected].

Why is discounting a good admissions strategy?

If we imagine that 700 people graduate from the lyceum, then thanks to the rating, 70% of them - 490 people (70% from each educational direction) will receive a discount. The top 20% will receive a maximum discount of 70%. And if we imagine that the cost of training for a bachelor’s degree program is 400,000 rubles per year, then with a 70% discount this amount will be reduced to 120,000 rubles per year or 12,000 rubles per month.

70% discount

50% discount

25% discount

You should know that when enrolling at the Higher School of Economics, a lyceum graduate is offered two types of discounts: based on the results of the Unified State Examination (offered to all applicants to the Higher School of Economics) and based on the graduation rating of lyceum students. When choosing a discount, you should focus not on its size, but on the conditions for its provision. Discounts based on Unified State Examination results require annual confirmation of entry into the top part of the ranking of students in the course. Thus, there is a risk of not being included in the list of the best of the best and losing the discount. In turn, the discount for graduates of the HSE Lyceum remains for the entire duration of their studies, subject to good academic performance.

What conditions must be met to receive and maintain a discount?

The discount is provided to graduates of the HSE Lyceum subject to successful completion of all entrance tests and a shortfall of 1 to 60 points before the passing score for educational programs with a passing score of 280 or higher for three entrance tests, and 380 or higher for four entrance tests, and a shortfall of 1 to 45 points to the passing grade for other educational programs.

The rule for providing a lyceum discount does not apply to HSE branches in St. Petersburg, Perm, and Nizhny Novgorod. And also for the following bachelor's programs:

Project audience scale




30 - 100 people

More than 100 people