The most incredible roads in the world. About the widest roads

Conquering kilometers of roads is an exciting experience. Especially if the route has a modern surface and allows you to travel along the longest route without interference.

Today we offer the Top 10, which includes the longest highways in the world. Any of them is of particular importance for those countries through whose territory it runs.

In terms of the total length of the road network, China ranks second in the world after the United States. The length of the main highway National Highway 010 is 5,700 km. The route begins in the northeast of the mainland and ends on Hainan Island, where cars are transported by ferry.

9. Route in the Tarim Desert, China

This highway is the longest road in the desert. The road is important for oil producers, who several years ago began to develop a large oil and gas field in the desert.

8. Interstate 90, USA

The American road network is the longest and most extensive on the planet. Interstate 90 starts at the Canadian border and ends in Boston. It is noteworthy that the highway passes through the longest pontoon bridge in the world. Most of the highway is toll.

7. US Route 20, USA

The longest highway in the USA is 5,500 km long. The road connects East Coast USA with Western. US Route 20 passes through the main area of ​​Yellowstone National Park.

6. Karakoram Highway, Pakistan-China

The route almost completely follows the route of the ancient Great Silk Road. The highway is the highest in the world. Almost 1,000 workers died while building the road due to the dangers in the cliffs.

5. Trans-Siberian Highway, Russia

Such a highway simply does not exist on official maps. However, if you combine several routes from the Baltic to Sea of ​​Japan, there will be a single road federal significance with a length of 11,000 km.

4. Trans-Canada Highway, Canada

This highway connects 10 Canadian provinces. The length of the route is 8030 km. Having covered the entire route, you can get there from the coast Pacific Ocean right on the Atlantic coast. The road was built over 20 years.

3. Highway 1, Australia

Australia's main national highway stretches for a record 14,500 km. The route does not go deep into the continent, but always stretches along the coast. More than a million vehicles travel on Highway 1 every day.

2. Highway AH1, Japan - Türkiye

Asian Highway No. 1 is a special UN project for which billions of dollars have been allocated. The length of the route connecting Japan, both Koreas, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey is 20,557 km. Today, cars are transported from the Japanese part of the highway to the mainland by ferry, but an underwater tunnel project is being developed.

1. Pan American Highway, North and South America

The world's longest highway is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The length of the road is 48,000 km, it passes through the territory of 15 countries. Construction of the Pan-American Highway began in 1889. It is noteworthy that on the official maps of the USA and Canada there is no route called the “Pan-American Highway”, although in fact the road passes through the territory of these countries.

October 07, 2013 The largest highway of the American continent, the so-called “Pan-American Highway” (the name is not official), is considered the largest road on the planet, its length is more than 40 thousand kilometers, which is close to the length of the earth’s equator (40,076 km).

The Pan-American Highway connects the United States and Canada to the countries Latin America. It is a huge road network operating through numerous branches in 15 countries of the American continent. Its construction began in 1923 and in certain directions continues to this day.

Officially, the Pan-American Highway originates near the US-Mexico border, in the Mexican town of Nuevo Laredo. But the actual beginning of the highway is located much further north, in the city of Fairbanks, Alaska (USA).

The most famous sections of the Pan-American Highway in the north of the continent are the 2,237-kilometer-long Alaska Highway, laid across the United States and Canada, and the Inter-American Highway, the main transport artery connecting the United States with the Panama Canal. The Inter-American Highway was built during World War II to protect cargo from German attacks. submarines. It has branches in several Central American countries.

In South America, the Pan American Highway crosses the high Andes mountain ranges, passes through Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and reaches the Pacific coast of Peru. Further, the highway runs mainly along the Pacific coast South America, has branches to Venezuela and Colombia, and to the south - to Argentina and Brazil.
Most southern point The Argentine town of Ushuaia, near the coast of the Strait of Magellan, is considered to be the “Pan-American Highway.” A project is under consideration in which the Pan-American Highway will receive another branch - to Venezuela and Colombia, then through Argentina to Brazil.

Unfortunately, no one has ever managed to drive along the largest road in the world “in one fell swoop”; it is simply impossible. The fact is that there is an impassable section of the road network 87 kilometers long. It is located on the territory of Panama and Colombia and is called the Darien Gap. Environmentalists are protesting against the construction of a highway in this area covered with jungle and swamp, since there are several nearby nature reserves Panama. Representatives of indigenous peoples living here also object – the road, in their opinion, will harm the traditional way of life.

The width of these roads is simply amazing, and the view from above of numerous streams of cars surprises with its scope. TravelAsk will tell you about the widest highways in the world.

22 stripes

Yes, you heard right: the widest road in the world consists of 22 lanes! This highway is located in Ontario in Canada, it is called very simply - Highway No. 401. There are eighteen main traffic lanes that operate constantly, and four more are used additionally as connecting ramps.

This record holder lies between Windsor, in southwestern Ontario, and Quebec, located in east-central Canada. The road also passes through Toronto, and this section is the busiest in North America.

Another record holder

The USA also has its own “hero” in terms of width: this is the highway between Houston and its suburb - Katy. It was completed in 2008. It is part of Interstate 10 (or I 10), which connects 8 American states. There is very heavy traffic here, so the decision was made to widen the route. And in the end, do you know what happened? 26 traffic lanes. Of these 26 lanes, 12 are the main ones for traffic, 8 are access roads along the edges, and 6 lanes in the center of the highway are laid specifically for vehicles high power moving at great speed.

Thanks to this expansion, the traffic flow on this highway is enormous: up to half a million cars pass here every day.

It is quite understandable that to service such a colossal flow, all sorts of multi-level structures have been invented here that perfectly regulate traffic.

Above the ground

And this record holder is worth highlighting separately. The thing is that this is not just a highway, but a road that runs over a bridge. The viaduct is located in the US state of California and connects San Francisco and.

There are 15 traffic lanes on the bridge, 10 of them go to east direction.

The widest section of the road

Well, this is the road between Beijing, Hong Kong and.

In fact, this road has 8 lanes, but near one of the checkpoints it expands to 50. Therefore, it is not actually a record holder, but it is worth mentioning.

In 2015, the largest traffic jam in history was recorded on this highway. The reason for this is the desire of the Chinese to attend the national holiday.

Since the beginning of civilization, the need for a public, connecting road has become apparent for rapid communication and national defense.
With the creation of advanced engines, paved roads combined with other tactics have created the most proficient roads to better serve tourists.
Some roads have been around for centuries, while others are known for their specific technical characteristics.
From busy to deadly, this is the most remarkable road ever built.
Below are the most unusual roads in the world. When did they start building roads? Probably the first road was when primitive made his way through the thickets. Modern roads are mostly located in places where people used to ride horses, in other words modern roads stand on top of historical roads.
A road is the infrastructure of the state, the quality and length of roads largely reflects the economic power of the country, the strength and viability of the state as an institution of governance.
Below are the most unusual roads, from the most expensive to the most dangerous, from the fastest to the longest roads in the world.

German Autobahns are the fastest roads in the world

German Autobahns - This is the fastest road in the world. According to her real speed travel between cities will be high. On the autobahn there is a minimum speed limit of 60 km/h, which means that any vehicle Those who are unable to move at that speed cannot enter the Autobahn. This applies to tractors, heavy trucks, carts, mopeds, bicycles and pedestrians. When driving on the autobahn, you have no interference from slow-moving traffic participants who constantly need to be overtaken.
50% of autobahns have no speed limit, but there are recommendations not to exceed the speed of 130 km/h. Exceeding this speed makes the car uncontrollable in turns, on slippery roads and during any maneuver, and this does not depend on the make of the car, its price and its maximum speed.
15% of autobahns have speed limits depending on traffic conditions, such conditions include - weather, time of day and time of year, condition of the road surface.
Let's digress a little and describe the connection between roads and cars.

If anyone has been to Germany and drove along the autobahn, then at your driving speed of 130 km/h, 90% of the transport will overtake you, this is about the law-abiding nature of Germans and Europeans in general. Another environmental issue - at a speed of more than 100 - 130 km/h, the car consumes more gasoline, which means that the emission of harmful substances increases, the engine wears out faster, which again leads to large emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Once upon a time, German used cars were very popular in the CIS, so, you could see on every car over 3 years old: perfect interior, perfect suspension, good appearance, but all cars have increased oil consumption. Here are the autobahns for you.

Roads without official speed limit

Theoretically, the roads in some countries and states can be considered the fastest, since there are no speed limits.
There are no speed limits on roads in Nepal, the Isle of Man, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala in India.
Personally, I don't drive faster than 130 km/h for safety reasons.

The Greater Boston Tunnel is the most expensive road project in the world

The Boston Tunnel's budget was originally $2.8 billion, but grew substantially to $14.8 billion in 1985, making it the most expensive road project ever built in history. Construction began in 1991; 5 people died during construction, including 4 workers and one driver.
The construction of this road system was completed in 2007.

Yungas Road is the most dangerous road ever built

This 61 kilometer road is located in Bolivia. In 1995, the Inter-American Development Bank dubbed it “the most dangerous road in the world.” The Yungas Road includes two roads: the Southern Route (61 km) and the Northern Route (64 km).
The road runs along the slope of the mountains, essentially along the slope of rocks, the cliffs below are up to 800 meters, and the width of the road itself is only 3.5 meters, and without fencing. You can only move in one-way mode, since the road itself is located at an altitude of 4650 to 1200 meters, bad weather conditions, rain, and fog are very often observed. It is very dangerous for cars to pass each other, because part of the road may collapse under the wheels and the car will fall into the abyss.
The road claims about 250 lives every year. The road is dotted with crosses at disaster sites. Construction of the road began in 1930 during the war by Paraguayan prisoners of war.
In 1986, modernization of the road began, which was completed in 2006, and other sections were built to bypass the most dangerous places.

Pan American Highway is the longest highway in the world

Since the 1920s, Americans began developing plans to create a road that would connect Alaska and Chile.
Such a road has been created, but it is not continuous. There is the so-called Darien Gap. The gap is more than 80 km between Panama and Colombia. These 80 km are located in very inaccessible places, and are also national parks these countries.
To be fair, let’s write down the length in sections:
Prudhoe Bay, AK, United States - Yaviza, Darien, Panama
The length of this section of the highway is 11,998 km

As for the highway section in South America, its quality leaves much to be desired, despite advertising assurances. I would say that this road does not exist at all in terms of understanding a continuous, asphalt, safe highway.

The Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas, USA is the widest in the world.

This highway has 10 lanes for the most part, but there are sections with 26 lanes, making it the widest highway in the world. The average traffic on this road is 220,000 vehicles per day.

The Karakoram Highway is located at the highest altitude

The Karakoram Road connects Pakistan and China. Construction of this road began in 1963, and in 1986 it was opened to traffic. The uniqueness of the road is also that it passes through 3 mountain systems: Himalayas, Karakoram, Pamir.
The section of the road, which is called the Khunjerab Pass, is located at an altitude of 4877 m.
IN winter time The road is not in use due to the danger of avalanches.

Golyana Tunnel – inside the rock

In 1972, 13 residents of Guoliang Village, Henan Province, China, which was cut off from the outside world, began a project to carve a road along the side of a cliff in order to connect their village with the outside world. On May 1, 1977, the path was opened to travelers.

The road was built at the expense of local residents and with the labor of local residents; the 1200-meter long tunnel took 6 years to build. The width of the tunnel is approximately 4 meters, the height is about 5 meters. Several construction workers died in accidents.

There is simply an incredible amount of amazing things in our world. Quite often, seemingly the most ordinary things, such as a road, become “amazing.” So in the new review, 10 unusual roads from around the world will be presented to the reader’s attention.

1. Baldwin Street

Baldwin Street is located in Dunedin, New Zealand. First of all, this street is known as the steepest in the world. The coolest - literally. The road slope coefficient is 1:5. This means that if you walk five meters horizontally, you will on average go down one meter vertically. At the same time, the maximum slope of the street is 1:2.86 and occupies 35% of the entire road.

2. Lombard Street

Lombard Street is known throughout the world as the crooked street. This fame is partly sad, since going down the street is quite a dangerous activity. This monument of “road architecture” is located in the USA, in the glorious city of San Francisco.

3. 9 de Julio Avenue

Buenos Aires in Argentina has perhaps the widest street in the world, and at the same time the widest highway. We are, of course, talking about the notorious 9 de Julio Avenue. The street was named in honor of the country's independence day - July 9, 1816. The 1 km long avenue has seven car lanes in each direction.

4. Spreuerhofstrasse

Not a motorable road, but still a path worth exploring. The street Spreuerhofstraße, which is located in Reutlingen, Germany, is the narrowest in the world. The street appeared back in 1727. Officially, the street is numbered 77. At its narrowest point, its width is only 50 cm.

5. Yonge Street

The Yonge Street, Ontario, Canada and Pan-American Highway is considered the longest in the world. It passes through the territory of North and South America. The longest street in the world lies on this stretch. Its length is 1,896 km. The street lies on the territory of both North and South America. Of course, the real path is much longer. Most of it is Highway 11, but it does not refer to the street itself.

6. Lærdal Tunnel

The tunnel connecting Laerdale and Aurland in Norway is the longest on Earth. Its total length is 24.5 km. It is part of the highway passing through that place. The tunnel has two lanes. Thanks to this tunnel, transport links are avoided without ferries.

7. The Death Road

Death Road is perhaps one of Bolivia's most famous landmarks. Today it is considered the most dangerous in the world, and not without reason - every year 200-300 people die on it. The road goes through the mountains.

8. Millau Viaduct Bridge

9. McMurdo South Pole Highway

On South Pole of our planet, in Antarctica you can find the most snowy road on Earth with a total length of 1,601 km. This road, as you might guess, is not dirt and certainly not paved, but made of snow. It is indicated by flags. This “trail” leads to the Amundsen-Scott station.

10. The Eyre Highway

The Eyre Highway connects the southern and western part Australia. Today it can be considered the most monotonous on earth. The length of the road is 1,664 km. Almost the entire way the driver will see nothing around him. The exception is only three cities along the way.