Canada natural. Natural conditions and resources

This article presents a list of the most famous representatives of the animal world of Canada, as well as the national animals and fauna depicted on the official state symbols of the country.

Canadian wildlife

Canadian wildlife is represented by many interesting species animals, some of which are described below.

Grizzly bear

Adult males grow on average about 360 kg, and females - 180 kg. There are approximately 25,000 grizzly bears in Canada. These animals are at the top and are apex predators so they have no threats in the wild except for humans.


The cougar is also known as the mountain lion or cougar. The animal's habitat extends from the Yukon to the southern Andes South America. The puma is a predator that ambushes and stalks its prey. This animal hunts deer, livestock, as well as insects and rodents. They have been known to stalk and kill humans, but this is rare and most likely due to humans encroaching on their territory.

Canada lynx


Canada goose

It is very nice to see how these beautiful birds decorate the sky in flight. They have strong family ties and, as a rule, they return to their original homes to nest. There are 7 recognized subspecies of these birds, and they are the largest geese in the world, reaching a weight of about 10 kg! Their black heads and necks with white chins distinguish them from other geese species.


Canada is the perfect place to spot these magnificent creatures, from humpbacks to blue whales and killer whales. It is possible to encounter approximately 200 orcas at Robson Bight Ecological Reserve, British Columbia. From March to mid-October, some of the 20,000 gray whales can be seen as they leave the Baja Peninsula for Alaska.

Vancouver Marmot

The Vancouver marmot is found only in high mountains Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Marmots are the largest members of the squirrel family, and prefer to live in burrows. It is one of the rarest animals in the world, but thanks to conservation efforts, there are now about 250-300 individuals living on 28 mountains.

Marmots are exclusively herbivores and consume about 30 species. They hibernate for about 210 days a year from late September to late April or early May. This marmot is larger compared to other marmots and there are three other species of marmots in Canada including the hoary marmot, yellow-bellied marmot and wood marmot.


Wolverine looks like little bear, however, is more closely related to the mustelidae family. This muscular carnivore has a reputation as a ferocious predator and has been proven to kill prey many times its size.

Successful males form lifelong partnerships with two or three females, whom they visit occasionally. These animals are common in high mountain forests, with particularly large populations in Canada, but are very difficult to see in the wild.

American pika (pike)

The pika seems very small, but don’t write it off! Pika is an animal from the order Lagomorpha, which includes. They like to live in cooler areas and are very sensitive to high temperatures. Peaks are considered one of the first detectors.

Recent studies have shown that the pika at lower elevations feeds on mosses that are poor in nutrients to adapt to global warming.

American bison

These large animals were traditionally hunted by indigenous tribes and European settlers, and were nearly extinct by the 1850s. However, thanks to conservation efforts, their numbers in the wild are recovering. There are plans to reintroduce bison into Banff National Park to help restore the animal's population.

Because of them large size Bison have virtually no threats, but wolves can attack them in packs, and there is also a threat from coyotes and grizzly bears. The best places places to see bison are Wood Buffalo National Park, Elk Island National Park, or Prince Albert National Park.

National animals of Canada

Official coat of arms of Canada

Canada's national flag features a maple leaf, but not a single animal. However, another national symbol Canada - the coat of arms contains representatives of the fauna.

At the top of the Canadian coat of arms there is a lion wearing a crown with maple leaf in the right front paw, and on the sides are depicted a lion and a mythical animal - a unicorn, holding a shield.

Additionally, Canada has two main national animals - Canadian beaver and a Canadian horse.

Canadian beaver

A large, nocturnal, semi-aquatic rodent, known for building huts, canals and dams. It is the second largest rodent in the world, but the beaver population in North America is steadily declining due to extensive hunting (mainly hunting for wool and beaver stream).

The beaver appeared on the coat of arms of the oldest commercial corporation in North America, the Hudson's Bay Company, as well as on the first postage stamp in 1849, which was issued in the Canadian colonies. In addition to being the national animal, the beaver is a symbol of many associations and organizations and divisions. Today, the image of a beaver is found on the coat of arms of some Canadian provinces and on 5-cent coins.

Canadian horse

The Canadian horse is another animal usually considered as the national symbol of Canada. In 2003, the Canadian government passed a bill that made the Canadian horse the official symbol and national animal of Canada. This animal is associated with agricultural traditions and historical origin of the province of Quebec, and consequently provincial legislation recognized the Canadian horse as a "heritage breed of Quebec".

Canada is a country “From sea to sea.” This is the motto of the state. Canada is an unusual country. This concerns political system, historical and cultural development.

Founding of Canada

The story about Canada should begin with the history of its founding. This happened in 1534. The beginning of Canadian history is a French colony on the site of modern Quebec. Indigenous people lived there back then. Formation of British colonies in the territory New France marked the beginning of the Canadian Confederation. Canada (the official language is both French and English) is still a country of two nationalities. Some provinces, such as Quebec, are predominantly French, the majority are English, and the Yukon is bilingual.

The country received its name from the Iroquois tribe, who wintered near modern Quebec. The word “kanata” means “village” - this was the name of the wintering place, and soon spread to other territories.

Long before the colonization of Canada, Vikings lived in these territories. This has been proven by archaeological research on the island of Newfoundland. It was this territory that was first explored by Europeans who sailed to the shores of North America.

Geographical location

The geography of Canada is one of its greatest features. This concerns the area, the location of the territory relative to other countries, oceans, seas, and poles.

  • The border with the United States is the longest land border in the world.
  • Canada is the second largest country in the world by area.
  • Parts of the Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwestern territories are located above the Arctic Circle.
  • Canada's possessions are located in the Arctic, but they are not recognized by the majority
  • It borders with the USA, Denmark (via Greenland), France (via the islands of Miquelon and Saint-Pierre).
  • The northernmost settlement in the world is located on Canadian territory - it is an armed forces base.
  • Queen Elizabeth Islands - location magnetic pole Northern Hemisphere. Although in 2005 a statement was made that the pole had “left” the country. It was in Canada for about 400 years.

About flora and fauna

A third of the territory is covered with forests. Vegetation - deciduous and coniferous forests, located in the south and center of the country.

Canada has the largest inland body of water - Hudson Bay.

About language and names

As already mentioned, the presence of two official languages in Canada is determined historically. English is spoken in the country and French languages with the dominance of the first. IN English use the rules of British grammar.

Almost a third of the country speaks French. There is a settlement in Canada whose name is considered one of the longest in the world - it has 35 letters, and translated it means “a place where trout is caught with a fishing rod.”

And one city is called “Saint Louis Du Ha!” Ha!". There is no ridicule in the name - “Ha! Ha!" derived from a French word that denotes a surprise along the way or the end of a road.

The capital of the state, Ottawa, was originally named after the military man John Bay, whose headquarters was located in this territory. The first name is Bytown.

The world's largest French-speaking city (after Paris) is not in France. This is the Canadian city of Montreal.


The characterization of Canada as a country that played a large role in the development of technology and science is confirmed by the many inventions made. Let's consider the most significant and interesting facts about Canada:

  • Canadian poet Charles Fanerty first proposed the use of wood pulp to make paper.
  • The invention of the electric organ, which we owe to Lawrence Hammond.
  • The appearance of important household appliances - for example, electric stoves.
  • Kerosene and snowmobiles appeared for the first time in Canada.
  • Basketball was invented in Canada.


Social characteristics of Canada are a country with a high standard of living and per capita income. The population density is one of the smallest in the world.

Canada is a country with low corruption and crime. Although there were cases of terrible crimes here too. In the 80s he lived here serial killer Allan Ledger, better known as "The Beast of Miramisha." A series of crimes related to the disappearances of women on Highway 16 near Prince George have never been solved.

The city of Edmonton has the largest indoor amusement park in the world.

Oddly enough, the most common surname in Canada is Lee. Canada can be called a “country of middle-aged people” - middle age residents of the country are 40 years old.

Most residents profess Catholicism, and about 20% call themselves Protestants. Toronto has the largest Muslim community.

In the country high level education - about 50% of the population graduated from higher education educational institutions. According to UN research, Canada is among the top ten countries with a highly educated population, along with New Zealand, the USA, Norway, Australia, Ireland, South Korea, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Germany. At the same time, there is no Ministry of Education in the country!

The country has a high level of protection of the rights of women and children.

A fifth of the population are emigrants from other countries.

If you decide to listen to music, it will most likely be from Canadian artists - they account for about half of the airtime on radio stations. It is prohibited to distribute comics that promote violence and crime.

and state symbols

Canada - part British Commonwealth, dominion state. The formal head is the Queen of Great Britain. The Queen's representative is the Governor-General, who is appointed by the Prime Minister and the Monarch.

There is no single Constitution in the country - the legislative system is based on a system of acts and other documents. The fundamental law of the country is considered to be the Constitutional Act, issued in 1982. It proclaims the rights and freedoms of Canadians.

The government of the country is decentralized - this is due to the functioning of the federation. Each province has a local prime minister and legislative bodies.

The official symbols of Canada are: maple (the leaf is depicted on the flag), beaver, and a local breed of horse. Local symbols are: caribou, polar bear, loon. They are depicted on coins and postage stamps.

Canada has not been without crises. One of them is the separatist movement for the independence of Quebec. This province has its own Ministry of Revenue. In addition, Quebec joined UNESCO as an associate member.

Instead of a conclusion

Canada is an unusual country with many peculiarities.

So, we continue to learn interesting facts about Canada:

  • More than 80% of homes are connected to the Internet.
  • Nanaimo hosts an annual bath swim.
  • In Canada, you can write a letter to Santa Claus and receive a guaranteed response.
  • The country has huge reserves of cesium.
  • Canada is the world's largest consumer and producer of cheese.
  • Canada is the birthplace of maple syrup.
  • Beer is very popular here - about 80% of all alcohol consumed.
  • The national sport is hockey.
  • Until 2007, the Toronto television tower was the tallest structure in the world.
  • A UFO landing site has been built in Canada.
  • The province of Ontario has the deepest laboratory - 2 km underground.

Today, Canada is one of the most economically developed countries in the world. there is a special climate here, geographical location, social development.

Canada's natural environment is known for its incredible landscapes and lakes. Each province can boast of its incredibly beautiful natural places that will give you goosebumps. Are you ready?

Moraine Lake

One of the many wonderful turquoise lakes located in Alberta. For those who are interested in reading about the road trip from Vancouver to this lake, we advise you to read the post of one of our bloggers - Alena, .

Nimbus Mountain

Do you like extreme walks? Then you should visit Nimbus in British Columbia. Delivery is carried out only by helicopter.

Niagara Falls

Perhaps the most popular natural attraction in Canada, which everyone has heard about. But it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times.

Cape Auguet

Incredible natural place along the coast in Nova Scotia

Baffin Island

Canada's largest island (5th in the world) is located in Nunavut.

Panorama Ridge

One of British Columbia's most popular summer destinations overlooking Lake Garibaldi. A popular camping spot, however, getting here requires a lot of effort. Read more

Bruce Peninsula National Park=

Who would have thought that Ontario has national park along sea ​​coast with turquoise water? And such nature exists in Canada!

Torngat Mountains National Park

And this Canadian miracle of nature is located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


The city located on northern territories Canada. Known for the fact that people from all over Canada come here to admire one of the most important natural phenomena- northern lights.

Peyto Lake

Another one of the wonderful lakes in Alberta. Wonders of nature, right?

Dinosaur Provincial Park

Do you like prehistoric nature? There is something like this in Canada! Another part of Alberta with a completely different landscape. But Jurassic Park was not filmed here :)

Red Sand Beach

An incredible red sand beach is located on the island. Prince Edward. A unique Canadian natural site.

Black Tusk

Incredible beautiful place in its landscape in British Columbia, called Black Tusk. Travelers say that when you climb to the top you feel like you are on Mars. Read more about how to get here

Canada is considered one of the world's largest countries in terms of area. The extraordinary and wonderful nature attracts many tourists who want to enjoy wildlife Canada.

The country's natural complexes have been preserved in their pristine natural state, despite the fact that they are very close to modern large settlements. Approximately 10 of the country's area is wild, untouched nature. Local residents are very proud of their natural complexes and protect them in every possible way. Here you can find many rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Wildlife of Canada

The most famous representative Canada's fauna is considered to be the beaver. This animal is the symbol of the country. Thanks to these animals, the large area Canada.

The largest and most dangerous among Canadian animals is the bear. There are several species of bears living in Canada:

  1. Grizzly bears. These bear representatives are dangerous and aggressive members of the bear family. They live in the northwestern part of the country.
  2. Brown bear. The animal is smaller in size than its cousins, grizzly bears. They live near the Pacific coast.
  3. White polar bears. This type It is protected by the state because it is a very rare animal.
  4. The black bear lives throughout the country.

Fauna of Canada very rich and varied. IN wild forests You can meet many fur representatives. Representatives of predators found in nature include wolves, foxes, lynxes and coyotes. The south is home to pronghorn antelope, a type of deer. In the territories of northern and western parts The country is inhabited by bison, moose, caribou, and musk oxen. When visiting the region of British Canada, you can get acquainted with bighorn sheep, also called bighorn sheep and also see the gray ones wild cats. The latter are considered unique animals of the country.

In urban parks in Canada you can find porcupines, raccoons and skunks. Canada offers a variety of entertainment for tourists. One such entertainment is watching the behavior of whales off the oceans.

There are approximately half a thousand bird families. The most popular representatives of birds are:

  • The loon is beautiful
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Wild Canada goose

The country's reservoirs are filled with various fish. For the beautiful wild world Canada can be seen in national parks. There are many such parks in the country. The most famous and largest park is Wood Buffalo Park.

Flora of Canada

Canada's vegetation is directly related to the local climate. The biggest natural areas flora Canada - taiga and tundra. The northern part of the continent is covered with snow almost all year round.

In northern Canada, vegetation characteristic of the tundra zone is observed. In the south of the country there is a taiga with rocks. Coniferous forests grow on the ocean coasts. The eastern part of the country is famous deciduous forests. In western Canada extend steppe zones- prairies.

Tundra. Located in the north of the country. Dwarf plant species are common here: willows and birches. In summer, various flowers grow on the lawns: dryads, lupins and buttercups. In the tundra you can find plants such as wild rosemary, primrose, various grasses and sedges, cranberries, and fireweed.

Taiga. Is a zone coniferous forest and runs across the entire area of ​​the country. Black spruce and aspens sprout here. Also in the taiga they grow spruce forests. In the taiga you can find maples, oaks, larches, poplars, white birches, cedars, rowan trees, and aspens.

Great lakes. In this area you can find mixed forests. They grow: maple, birch, hemlock, beech, Weymouth pine, spruce and aspen. Also in this zone, firs, maples, chestnuts, tulip trees, magnolias, hickories, and forest nisses grow.

Acadian forests. Conifers dominate here. Canadian plants in this zone include black spruce, balsam fir, red spruce, cedar, American beech, larch, maples and yellow birch. In low-grass areas, keleria, feather grass and buteloua sprout.

British Columbia. In this zone the following grow: various types pine, spruce, American larch, hemlock. You can find various varieties of pines, Douglas fir, Oregon oak, and aspen. Because of small quantity precipitation, in some places you can find cacti.

Canadian flora and fauna is rich in unique animals and plants. Thousands of tourists visit the country every year to admire the wild, untouched nature Canada. Canadians protect their rich nature. Canada is the leading country in the world in terms of the number of areas untouched by humans. Canadians create national natural parks, which are protected at the government level.

Wildlife of Canada video

Main natural wealth Canada consists of its vast territories. The country occupies vast areas, which contain mixed forests, lush meadows, and lakes with crystal clear water. Canadian lands have everything you need to conduct agriculture and ecotourism. Let's take a closer look at the nature of Canada.

General characteristics

The state has a location in North America. It is famous for being the second largest state on the planet. Canada is also endowed with the largest coastline in the world.

Canadian lands cover an area of ​​9,984,672 square meters. km.

The country has almost all types of reliefs, except for the tropical coast. Although its coastal zone Canada also has it, but it is cold due to the fact that it is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans.

Climate regime of Canada

The Canadian climate can be described as temperate continental, arctic, and maritime. Since the country is endowed with a large extent, the climate on its lands can vary from region to region.

In general, Canadian climate conditions look like harsh and snowy winters and hot and dry summers. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, maritime climate softens winter on the coast.

Flora of the state

Huge areas of the country are occupied by such natural formations like taiga and tundra. In tundra zones, vegetation belongs to dwarf species. Shrubs and a variety of herbs grow on this land.

The taiga is rich in conifers and deciduous trees. Canadian maples, from which the notorious maple syrup is made, are the pearl of these forests. Canadian forests are dominated by mixed zones trees.

Beech, fir, red spruce, cedar and hemlock are unique trees Canada, which are not widely distributed around the world and are of great interest to researchers.

It's worth knowing that national parks and there are really a lot of botanical gardens in the country. Canada is considered the leader among countries in terms of the number of territories uncultivated by humans.

Fauna of Canada

The fauna of Canadian lands is a naturalist and hunter's dream. There is a huge variety of animal species here.

The largest predator in Canadian territories is the bear..

The beaver is considered the first most important animal in Canada. The living symbol of Canada has brought a lot of benefits to researchers of the territories. There are many lynxes and coyotes in Canada, which is not typical for such an area. Fur-bearing animals, forest herbivores and forest-steppe inhabitants are also found here.

There are approximately 1,500 species of birds in the state. The most striking representatives of the bird fauna are the beautiful auk and the wild Canada goose.

Relief of the country

The center and east of the country are occupied by plains. The Cordillera mountain range stretches in western Canada. The entire territory of the state is covered by a network of small and medium-sized rivers, as well as large lakes. The country's hydropower reserves exceed all similar reserves in the world.

The cultivated black soil of the state is located in the south. There in Canada, active agricultural work is underway. Most forested areas in Canada are in the west.

Logan Summit is considered the highest point in the Canadian mountains. Its peak reaches 5959 meters into the sky.

The Mackenzie is the longest river in Canadian lands. Length water artery is 4,200 km.

Great Bear Lake is the most large lake in the state. Its area is estimated at 30,200 square meters. km.

Minerals in Canada

Huge number natural resources hiding in the Canadian depths. The country boasts the following gifts of nature:

  • Non-ferrous and rare metals;
  • Iron ores;
  • Coal and natural gas;
  • Large oil reserves;
  • Asbestos and uranium;
  • Potassium salts and much more.

Canadian industry runs on resources own country without the need to purchase materials from other countries. The luxurious Canadian nature is a separate attraction of Canada, for which thousands of tourists come to the state.