How many national parks are there in Belarus? National parks of Belarus

IN Republic of Belarus there are especially protected natural objects, these are unique, standard, valuable natural complexes that have enormous scientific, environmental or aesthetic significance. In relation to these objects, a special regime of use and protection has been established.
Nowadays, in order to preserve unique ecological complexes, it is necessary to form national parks different meanings, nature reserves and, of course, game reserves. All of them are made in order to preserve biological and landscape abundance, prevent degradation, pollution, damage and more. negative impact, as well as to ensure their optimal use. Nature reserves ensure very effective preservation of ecological systems, because it is on their territory that absolutely all natural ecological complexes, as well as rare and common landscapes, are taken from private management. In the vastness of the Republic of Belarus there are two national reserve, these are the well-known radiation-ecological Polessky and Berezinsky biosphere.
In this country, since 1991, they began to organize national parks, which are natural areas of enormous ecological and scientific value, as well as potential recreational opportunities. In these territories, protected areas occupied from 10 to 50 percent of the vast territory of the country. In the remaining part of the territory, they organized a variety of economic activity, which assumed a soft regime of environmental management. The very first national park declared was Belovezhskaya Pushcha, after which such parks as “Narochansky”, “Braslav Lakes” and “Pripyatsky” were created.
Reserve, this is especially protected natural area, created in order to restore the safety of natural complexes or their components to maintain ecological balance.
Besides these national parks , the system of especially protected natural systems of the Republic of Belarus includes 85 reserves of republican and 358 local significance, 305 natural monuments of state significance, as well as 542 regional levels. My area was about one and a half thousand hectares, or almost 8 percent of the territory of the entire country. These data were current as of 2010. There is a plan to increase this level to 8.4 percent by 2015.
Do not forget that a number of especially protected natural spaces Republic of Belarus is part of European ornithological and botanical territories, and is also part of the European forestry monitoring network. The Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve is also part of the network of international background monitoring stations along with Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Some of these territories are included by the UN in a single list of the World Heritage of all mankind. These data indicate the enormous importance of conserving the natural resources of our common home.

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Protected areas of Belarus

The protection of local flora and animal protection is carried out through the creation of protected natural areas: national parks, nature reserves, nature reserves. There are currently five national parks or reserves in the republic. The very first Belarusian national park was Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Reserve is a natural area located in the Brest region at a distance of three hundred and fifty kilometers from the Belarusian capital.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is divided into four zones: reserved, recreational, regulated use and economic. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique place where 86% of the territory is occupied by forests with a large number rare species of plants and animals listed in.

Berezinsky Reserve

It is located in two districts of the Vitebsk region and one district of the Minsk region and covers an area of ​​76.2 thousand hectares. At the end of the 20th century, the reserve received biosphere status. The reserve presents 4 types of ecosystems - forests, swampy bogs, picturesque ponds and meadows.

Braslav Lakes National Park

The very name of the park speaks of its advantageous location on the unique territory of the Belarusian Lake District. The territory of the national park mainly consists of forests and lakes. In the center is. Ecotourism, fishing and hunting are developed on the Braslav Lakes.

Narochansky Park

Pripyatsky National Park

The nature of Belarusian Polesie offers visitors to the park rich fishing and hunting regions, picturesque landscapes, 95 percent consisting of forests, rivers and swamps.

Nalibokskaya Pushcha

The Pushcha has quite an impressive size and is the second largest forest area in the republic. The area of ​​this reserve in Belarus reaches 96 thousand hectares. During the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, the territory of this region was exposed to radioactive contamination.

Many representatives of Belarusian flora and fauna are under state protection. The protection of rare species of national flora and fauna is carried out not only in the territories of nature reserves and state natural parks, but also through inclusion in a special official publication “The Red Book of the Republic of Belarus”.

Belarus is considered the most green country. On its territory there are 2 nature reserves and 4 national parks.

Let's list them:

  1. Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
  2. Polessky Nature Reserve
  3. Pripyat Park
  4. Belovezhskaya Pushcha
  5. Naroch National Park
  6. National Park"Braslav Lakes"

1. The Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve is located between the Vitebsk and Minsk regions.

This unique corner of wildlife was founded in 1925 and covers an area of ​​85.5 thousand hectares. Rare animals, birds and plants live here, which are listed in the Red Book.

2. Polessky State Radiation Ecological Reserve

Founded in 1988 and occupies 216 thousand hectares of land. It is located on the territory of the Gomel region among the areas most affected by the Chernobyl disaster- Braginsky, Khoiniki and Narovlyansky. This territory was created to preserve the endangered gene pool of Polesie.

3. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the most famous natural complex Belarus.

It is located on the border of Belarus and smoothly passes into the lands of Poland. Founded in 1921. The total protected area (together with Polish ownership) occupies more than 163 thousand hectares. Currently concentrated here richest world flora and fauna.

4. Pripyat Park was founded in 1969.

Located on the territory of the Gomel region, it occupies an area of ​​188 thousand hectares, part of 86 thousand hectares is under protection. Here are the picturesque landscapes of the Belarusian lands - oak groves, forests inhabited by birds and mammals, and river systems are famous rare species fish

5. Narochan National Park was created in 1999 on the territory of the Minsk region, between Myadel and Vileika districts.

Total area 94 thousand hectares. There are valuable natural objects on the lands of the park. A variety of flora is collected here, which is located on a complex landscape surface. Most Popular water body- Lake Naroch.

6. The Braslav Lakes Park is located in the northwestern part of the country on an area of ​​69.5 thousand hectares.

Created in 1995 to preserve natural heritage from economic activities. Here are interesting monuments nature on which active research is being carried out scientific activity. There is a rich and varied fauna.

Parks of Belarus: national parks, reserves, nature protection zones Belarus, natural parks.


  • Belarus is a most picturesque country, generously endowed natural resources. Despite the absence of mountain peaks and nearby seas, the local landscapes are enchantingly beautiful: a third of the territory is covered by massive forests; local meadows, as if painted, are brightly colored with wildflowers, setting off the blue of rivers, lakes and mysterious life swamps

    Forests are the true pride of Belarus, their diversity is amazing: fragrant pine and spruce thickets, birch groves ringing with grace, as well as linden, hornbeam, alder... Numerous animals live in the forest kingdoms, sheltered from bright light, and mushrooms and berries grow.

    To preserve unique corners of nature, preserve and increase the number of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, to organize observations of changes in nature in Belarus, National parks, nature reserves, sanctuaries, natural monuments. The total area of ​​protected areas is about 7% of the country's area.

    We have been humming the name of the most popular national park in Belarus since childhood, and all thanks to the efforts of the Pesnyary group.

    Undoubtedly, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most famous national parks in Belarus. This nature reserve was included by UNESCO in the list of World Natural Heritage of Humanity. In the excellent conditions of the local climate and thanks to the diversity of vegetation, many animals live here, some of which are listed in the Red Book. It is in Belovezhskaya Pushcha that magnificent bison live, and tourists from all over the world come to see them. In addition, on the territory of the park there is an interesting Museum of Nature dedicated to the inhabitants of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

    More than ten thousand small and large lakes a transparent scattering of blue scattered throughout Belarus. Many national parks in Belarus are located near lakes: for example, the Braslav Lakes National Park, where there are over 250 lakes literally teeming with many species of fish. On the vast territory of the park there are magnificent coniferous forests, inhabited by wild boars, squirrels, moose and other animals.

    Belarus is a most picturesque country, generously endowed with natural resources. National parks, reserves, reserves, and natural monuments occupy about 7% of the country's area.

    Lake Naroch, the largest in the country, is located on the territory of the Naroch National Park, famous not only for its picturesque lakes and dense forests, but also for its many historical and cultural monuments: remains of ancient settlements and fortifications, ruins of fortresses and temples.

    In the area between the Pripyat, Stviga and Ubort rivers there is another one of the four largest national parks in Belarus - Pripyatsky. This region received the name “Belarusian Amazon” thanks to the natural systems preserved in their original form in vast swamps, wide river floodplains, oak forests and deciduous forests. It is the combination of forests and swamps that makes the Pripyat Polesie “the lungs of Europe”, because it is the swamps that best saturate the air with oxygen. In addition, the Pripyatsky National Park is international status Key ornithological territory: The Pripyat floodplain is the largest migratory channel for migratory birds in Europe; 256 species of birds also live here (79% of birds in the entire country), of which 65 species are listed in the Red Book of Belarus.

    Pripyat Polesie is not only a natural, but also an ethnocultural monument: in special agricultural estates you can see how the poleushki lived - local residents with their own dialects, ancestral crafts and way of life, authentic songs and dances.

    Also among the national parks of Belarus, it is worth highlighting the UNESCO-protected Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, whose forests and swamps are home to many mammals and rare birds(including black stork, gray crane and others) and the Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve, formed in 1988 in the exclusion zone on the territory of the three districts of the Gomel region most affected by the Chernobyl accident - Braginsky, Narovlyansky and Khoiniki. Here nature has remained virtually untouched by human hands, having restored its unique virgin beauty and freedom with its own efforts.

On the territory of Belarus, one of the greenest countries in Europe, there are a number of unique nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. About 6.1% of the country's territory, or 1.2 million hectares, is under state protection.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a colossal tract of primeval European forest, stretching from Belarus to Poland, across the watershed of the Neman, Western Bug and Pripyat rivers. The total area of ​​the protected area is over 150 thousand hectares (together with the Polish part), forest areas - 87.6 thousand hectares. Since the 13th century, these places served protected place princely, and later - royal hunting. The Belovezhsky Nature Reserve was opened on December 29, 1921 on the basis of the Rezerwat forestry. In 1977, the park was included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO, and since 1991 this area has been declared a national park. About 55 species live here large mammals, including elk, deer, lynx, wild boars, badgers, wolves, ermine, marten, otter, mink and beaver, more than 200 species of birds and about 120 species of trees. But the main inhabitants of the Pushcha are bison (European bison), which were on the verge of extinction at the beginning of the twentieth century, and only through the efforts of the reserve’s workers their population was restored to normal size(now there are about 1000 heads of these beautiful animals).

Berezinsky Nature Reserve (founded in 1925) is a unique protected area, one of the best reserves Europe, part of the system biosphere reserves UNESCO. Located just 120 km north of Minsk, the reserve protects the upper reaches of the Berezina River - an extensive system of moraine hills, raised bogs and ancient pine forests, which found themselves at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries under the threat of complete destruction. Now the forests and swamps of the region are home to about 50 species of large mammals, more than 200 species of birds, including the rarest species for Europe (black stork, gray crane, capercaillie, etc.), as well as about 700 species of plants. The largest beaver population in Europe is also located here.

Pripyat National Park lies in the southwest of the Gomel region, on the right bank of the river of the same name. Founded in 1969, today it covers an area of ​​about 75.2 thousand hectares. The typical landscapes of Belarusian Polesie are under protection - primeval floodplain oak forests, more than 30 lakes, vast forests inhabited by bison, elk, wild boars, deer, lynxes and wolves, about 120 species of birds live here, and a vast river system famous for its ichthyofauna. In located here ancient city In Turov you can see the monument to Prince Turov, an ancient stone cross, the Church of All Saints (19th century) and the wonderful Museum of Nature.

Also worthy of attention is the Narochansky National Park, which protects the ecosystem of Lake Naroch and the Blue Lakes (180 km northwest of Minsk, area about 94,000 hectares), and the Braslav Lakes National Park (250 km northwest of Minsk, area 70,000 hectares), which protects the lake edge of the country and its living inhabitants.