Location of the Altai Nature Reserve. Altai Natural Biosphere Reserve

Altai State Natural biosphere reserve, founded in April 1932, has an area of ​​8812.38 km 2, which is 9.4% of the territory of the entire Altai Republic.

Location of the central estate of the reserve (territory of the Turachak and Ulagansky districts, northeast Gorny Altai) - the village of Yailyu, the main office is the administrative center of the Altai Republic, Gorno-Altaisk. The reserve is part of the Golden Mountains of Altai object, included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.


The reserve is located in the central part of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country, its borders are outlined by high ridges Altai mountains, northern - Torot ridge, southern - spurs of the Chikhachev ridge (3021 m), northeastern - Abakan ridge (2890 m), eastern - Shapshal ridge (3507 m). The western limits of the reserve run along the Chulyshman River and the right bank and 22 thousand hectares of Lake Teletskoye, this is the pearl of the Altai Mountains or the “little Baikal” of Western Siberia.

The main goal of creating this environmental facility was to preserve the biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the shores and waters of Lake Teletskoye, its natural landscapes, protection and restoration cedar forests, populations of rare animals (sable, elk, deer) and endemic plants, for carrying out research work in the ecological, biological and environmental sphere.

Animals of the reserve

Abundant and varied vegetation contributes to the creation favorable conditions life for large quantity various animals: more than 66 species of mammals, 3 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians, 19 species of fish, such as taimen, whitefish, grayling, dace, perch, char, sculpin, teletska sprat.

The population has been restored here valuable representative of the marten family - sable, among the predators in the reserve there are numerous animals such as bears, wolves, lynxes, wolverines, badgers, otters, and ermine is often found. 8 species of artiodactyls live here: deer, musk deer, elk, mountain sheep, Siberian roe deer, ibex, reindeer, boar. Numerous squirrels jump from branch to branch; in the forests near Lake Teletskoye there live several species of rare representatives of bats: Whiskered bat, Brandt's bat, Brown long-eared bat, Rufous noctule, etc., listed in the Red Book of Altai and living exclusively in local landscapes.

Species diversity of avifauna

The reserve is home to 343 species of birds. Nutcrackers live in the forests; they eat pine nuts and also bury them in the ground as a reserve, thereby increasing the number of new, young seedlings. The motley hazel grouse lives here; it is practically invisible due to its camouflage, ruffed plumage.

Gray partridges and quails flutter in the valley of the Chulyshman River. They fly to protected lakes migratory birds (various types waders), 16 species of ducks nest, for example, in the lakes and swamps of the Chulyshman Highlands there are nests of the small teal duck. Lives on the Shapshalsky ridge rare bird Altai Ular.


The reserve occupies a huge territory, in which there is room for both mountains and coniferous forests, And alpine meadows, and mountain tundra, and stormy rivers, and the purest alpine lakes, all this splendor stretches for 230 km, gradually increasing in its southeast. The most common tree species in the reserve are Siberian cedars, fir, larch, spruce, pine and dwarf birch. The reserve can be proud of its high-mountain cedar forests, because the trunk diameter of these ancient 300-400-year-old trees can reach two meters.

The flora is rich and diverse, these are higher vascular plants (1500 species), fungi (136 species), lichens (272 species), algae (668 species). Highways there are none here, grass grows under the trees giant size in impenetrable thickets of raspberries, currants, mountain ash, viburnum and bird cherry. On the rocky slopes of the mountains grow wild gooseberry bushes and evergreen shrubs - Daurian rhodendron or maral. More than 20 species of relict plants grow here: European hoofweed, woodruff, crowberry, and circe.

Red Book flora and fauna of the reserve

Among the 1.5 thousand species of vascular plants of the reserve, 22 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 49 in the Red Book of Altai. Plants of the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation: feather grass, feather grass, 3 species of lady's slipper, Altai rhubarb, Chuysky hornwort, Siberian toothwort, Altai drupe, etc.

Among the 68 mammals of the reserve, 2 species are listed in the International Red Book - snow leopard and the Altai mountain sheep, in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation - reindeer (forest subspecies - Rangifer tarandus), rare species of insects - Rhymnus blueberry, Apollo vulgaris, Kinderman's Erebia, Mnemosyne.

Among 343 species of birds, 22 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: spoonbill, black stork, common flamingo, bar-headed goose, steppe eagle, white-tailed eagle, etc., 12 species in the IUCN (International Red Book) - Dalmatian pelican, white-eyed pochard, steppe harrier, imperial eagle, long-tailed eagle, white-tailed eagle, bustard, black vulture, steppe kestrel, etc.

Only wildlife, mountains and forest. Complete isolation from civilization: throughout the entire territory Altai Nature Reserve not a single hotel or hotel, moreover, not a single road or highway, they are replaced by foresters’ paths. Not far from the reserve, small wooden houses are available for tourists for no more than 500 rubles per day. Lovers of extreme recreation and hiking come here.

Altai Nature Reserve- one of largest reserves in Russia. Unique and specially protected natural area Russia. The Altai Nature Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List as the “Golden Mountains of Altai”.

It is included in the "Global-200" (WWF) list - pristine or little-changed ecoregions of the world, which contain 90% of the planet's biodiversity.

It occupies one of the first places among Russian nature reserves in terms of biological diversity.

Where is

Located in the northeastern part of the Altai Republic, on the territory of the Turchansky and Ulagansky districts.

About the reserve

The Altai Nature Reserve sets itself the following goals:

  1. Protection of Lake Teletskoye;
  2. Rescue and protection of cedar forests;
  3. Protection of endangered animals (sable, elk, etc.);
  4. Assisting in the study of the region's ecosystem;

It is surrounded by mountain ranges: in the North is the Abakansky Ridge (2890 m), in the South is the Chikhachev Ridge (3021 m), and in the East is the Shapshalsky Ridge (3507 m).

It’s not difficult to climb the mountains on foot and enjoy the pass beautiful view. On the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve there are 1190 lakes, all pure turquoise blue cold water and a lot of fish (protected by the state). The most big lake called Dzhulukul, more than 10 kilometers long, it is a unique reservoir of the Altai Nature Reserve.

Altai Republic, Turachaksky district

Founding history
The Altai Nature Reserve has existed since 1932, and has a very turbulent history. So, its area changed several times, it was liquidated twice, and then restored. Currently one of the largest reserves Southern Siberia has an area of ​​more than 880 thousand hectares (the original area was 1.3 million hectares), and with an average latitude of about 35 km it extends from north to south for 250 km.
The originality and uniqueness of this territory have also received international recognition: together with the quiet zone of the Ukok plateau, Lake Teletskoye and the lakeside taiga, the Altai Reserve is included in the World Natural Heritage Site "Golden Mountains of Altai".

Physiographical features
Along the boundaries of the reserve there are high ridges: in the north - Abakansky, in the south - Chikhacheva, in the east - Shapshalsky. From the west, the territory is limited by the valleys of the rivers Chulyshman, Karakem and Lake Teletskoye. Several separate mountain ranges are located in the center of the reserve, itself high mountain here – Bogoyash (3143 meters).
Numerous rivers of the reserve are very picturesque - with powerful rapids, rifts, quiet reaches and waterfalls. On the Chulcha River there is the largest waterfall in Altai - “Inaccessible”, its height is 150 meters. In the middle and lower reaches of the river there are steep slopes covered with forest, their beds are cluttered with stones, the flow speed reaches 2-5 meters per second!
There are 1190 lakes in the reserve, the largest and most famous of them are Dzhulukul, located at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, and Teletskoye, or Altyn-Kolyu - Golden Lake. Thanks to great depth this lake contains a huge amount of excellent fresh, oxygenated, clean water.
Relief features and transfer conditions air masses give rise to a significant variety of climatic conditions with a generally continental climate. The northern part is characterized by warm and humid summers, snowy and relatively mild winters. In the southern part of the reserve the climate is more severe; in winter frosts reach –30ºС.

Diversity of flora and fauna
The reserve's vegetation is represented by forests, alpine tundra, meadows, swamps and steppes. Forests occupy more than 45% of the reserve's area and are represented by fir, mixed, cedar forests, and there are small spruce and pine forests. Some specimens of cedar reach an age of 600 years. The flora of the Altai Nature Reserve includes about 1,500 species of plants, many endemics and relicts: dendranthema emarginata, cystophyte, Siberian kandyk, loose sedge.
The diversity of the animal world is determined by the complex natural-historical development of the region. Here you can meet inhabitants of high latitudes (reindeer, partridge), and an inhabitant of the Mongolian steppes (gray marmot), and many typical “taiga inhabitants”. Predators are represented by brown bear, lynx, wolverine, and sable.
Birds include: capercaillie, hazel grouse, ptarmigan, golden eagle and black stork. Lake Teletskoye and its tributaries are home to grayling, taimen, and lenok.

What to watch
You can only get to the reserve via Lake Teletskoye, so you will definitely get to know and appreciate Altyn-Kolya. Russian name The lake was given to the pioneer Cossacks who appeared here in the 17th century; it comes from the name of the Altai tribe Teles, who lived on the shores of the lake.
The reserve has several interesting routes, including the Korbu ridge, Kishte, Korbu, Inaccessible waterfalls, and Lake Cold.
The Korbu waterfall, 12.5 meters high, is one of the most beautiful in the reserve. It is located in the middle part of Lake Teletskoye and has a well-equipped observation deck and information stands.

Based on materials from oopt.info and zapoved.ru


Location and history of the Altai Nature Reserve

The reserve was officially created in 1932, although the need for its creation had been there since 1920. For almost 12 years, the country’s government could not decide on the size of the reserve’s territory; as a result, its actual area was more than 1.3 million hectares. In 1951 it was liquidated due to difficulties with logging. After 7 years it was restored, but with significant territorial losses. Some time later, in 1961, the reserve was liquidated for the second time and 6 years later it was restored again. Today the area of ​​the reserve is 881,238 hectares. The Altai Nature Reserve is located in the central and eastern parts of Altai, including the waters of Lake Teletskoye. Along the boundaries of the reserve there are high ridges, most of them are characterized by high-mountain alpine terrain with narrow ridges and sharp peaks, the rest have high- and mid-mountain weakly dissected terrain. Most of the rivers of the reserve begin on the Abakan and Shapshalsky ridges; they cross the entire territory in width. Among the most long rivers The rivers include Chulcha (98 km), Bogoyash (58 km), Shavla (67 km), Chulyshman (241 km, 60 km in the reserve). Most river valleys have steep, forested slopes. The reserve's rivers are very picturesque; more than ten have waterfalls, the height of which ranges from 6 to 60 km. The most beautiful and largest is considered to be “Unapproachable” on the river. Chulche. The main part of the lakes is located in the highlands, there are 1190 of them in the reserve, the largest is located in the Dzhulukul basin and bears the same name. The most beautiful lake Altai - Lake Teletskoye with surrounding mountains and dark coniferous taiga, its length is 78 km, and its area is only 232 km2, but it contains 40 billion cubic meters. m of clean fresh water.

Nature of the Altai Nature Reserve

The climate is continental in nature, due to the position of the reserve near Asia, but in different parts climatic conditions are not the same. For example, in the northern part summers are warm and humid, average temperature July + 16.0 0С, winters are snowy and mild (average January temperature is 8.7 0С), while in the south-eastern part the temperature drops to - 50 0С in winter, and up to 30 0С in summer. The soil cover of the reserve is varied. It changes from chernozem - on the steppe slopes to acidic cryptopodzolic - in the taiga. More than 20% of the area is covered with screes, pebbles and rocks. The vegetation is represented by steppes, mountain forests (fir, cedar, larch, spruce), subalpine shrubs and woodlands, meadows and mountain tundra. In the reserve there are plants listed in the Red Book: among mushrooms - double networt, griffola umbellata, coral blackberry, maiden umbrella mushroom; among lichens – lobaria pulmonata and reticulata, stikta fringed; from bryophytes - Krylov's campilium.

There are 1,480 species of vascular plants known on the territory of the reserve. Dahurian goldenrod is widespread in the meadows and forests throughout the reserve. Of the especially protected species, the majestic dendrathema is found - a subshrub with white and lilac inflorescences-baskets, found on the rocks of the coast of Lake Teletskoye and the right bank of Chulyshman. Among the cereals, sphagnum fescue, downy oatmeal, fragrant alpine spikelet, meadow foxtail are common; the rarest are Kitagawa's serpentine, Sobolevsky's bluegrass, Mongolian oatmeal, Vereshchagin's reed grass, as well as feather grass and Zalessky's feather grass. In the meadows and clearings there are rare species from the orchid family, listed in the Red Book - Lezel's liparis, Baltic palmate root, Helmet orchids, lady's slipper and grandiflora, leafless chinwort. Of the specially protected ones, there are Altai onion, used for harvesting, Martyanov's cucumber and vesicularis - recently appeared plants, Altai rhubarb, widely used in breeding. Such rare species, like the amazing bedstraw, found only in the reserve, and Brunnera sibirica, which does not grow in other reserves. True and meadow steppes are most common in the reserve. True steppes are common on gentle slopes. Particularly interesting early spring look purple flowers a dubious lumbago against the background of dry yellowed grass, bathed in the rays of the first sun. Forests are represented mainly by coniferous species. Larch forms sparse forests; sometimes there are isolated, lonely trees in the highlands. Cedar forms dense stands in the reserve and is the main tree species. Siberian spruce and Scots pine do not play in the reserve leading role, but their plantings are sometimes found along river banks and sphagnum bogs. Silver birch and common aspen are characteristic of the Priteletsky region; they are also found on steep slopes and in the depths of the taiga, where there has never been any clearing. In forests, meadow vegetation is extremely rare, upland meadows can be seen in separate areas, and lowland meadows developed in river floodplains occupy a small area. Only in certain sections of the Abakan ridge, the upper reaches of Chulcha and the right bank of Shavla are they well represented subalpine meadows, characterized by colorfulness and variegation. The soils of the birch-moss tundras are completely covered with mosses, creating the effect of a carpet spreading under your feet. Rocky and gravelly tundras occupy largest area highlands. Swamp plants occupy small areas of the reserve, since real swamps are extremely rare. But on the territory of the reserve there are many lakes, rivers, streams, but they are not rich in aquatic vegetation.

Animals of the Altai Nature Reserve

The fauna of the reserve includes 73 species of mammals, 310 birds, 6 reptiles and 2 amphibians. Only the Pravdin galloisiana, which lives under stones in coniferous-small-leaved forests, is considered a specially protected insect of the Altai Nature Reserve. The Red Book includes Apollo, Phoebus, Gero's sennitsa, swallowtail, as well as Eversmann's Apollo and the blue ribbon butterfly.

There are 16 species of fish in the reserve. Lake Teletskoye is home to pike, perch and burbot. Along the coast of Lake Teletskoye there are gobies that feed on burbot. Grayling is considered the most common species in water bodies. The most big fish in the reserve - taimen, and the smallest whitefish - Pravdina, does not exceed 20 g in weight from the salmon family. Through the thin ice in November at the mouth of the Chulyshman you can see a school of fish called Telets dace. If startled, it swims to the shallowest places and turns over on its side, moving between the ice and the bottom.

All types of amphibians and reptiles of the reserve are found in the Chulyshman Valley. The sharp-faced frog is common in the reserve, but it lives much higher than in other places, so while in Altai it is from 400 to 1800 m, then in the reserve it is found at an altitude of 2140 m. Steppe viper quite rare, but a viviparous lizard and common viper distributed everywhere.

The bird fauna includes 311 species, of which more than 50 species are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Republic. The black-throated loon lives near large fishless reservoirs; the red-necked grebe can be seen on thermokarst lakes. On the islands of Lake Dzhulukul, colonies of great cormorants and herring gulls nest among large boulders. Various species of ducks are found throughout the reserve: bean geese live in the most remote corners, and common geese during their autumn migrations descend to the Kamginsky or Kyginsky bays, filling the area with their cackling sounds. At this time, you can see whooping swans on Lake Teletskoye. Of the 28 species of daytime birds of prey, 9 are included in the Red Book of Russia - golden eagle, steppe eagle, bearded vulture, peregrine falcon, saker falcon, osprey and black vulture. Small falcons, black kites and common buzzards are found almost everywhere, and goshawks and sparrowhawks are found in the forest zone. There are 10 species of gallinaceous birds and the same number of waders in the reserve. Partridges feed on the seeds of cereals and other herbaceous plants, capercaillie live in the taiga, and the number of hazel grouse is greatest at an altitude of 1200 to 1400 m above sea level. The quail population has unfortunately declined over the past 40 years. From mid-May, the sound of the cuckoo's voice is usually muffled and muffled. In the Pritelets region there are 7 species of woodpeckers: the yellow woodpecker, the three-toed woodpecker, the great spotted white-backed, the gray-haired and the small spotted woodpecker - they are distributed evenly throughout the entire territory, and only the whirligig appears in early May.

The Siberian mole lives in valleys up to the subalpine zone. In the northern half of the reserve, caves are common bats. From the order of rodents there are forest and gray voles, V populated areasgray rats And common hamster. Ubiquitous common squirrel and the Asian chipmunk. From carnivorous mammals Wolves and foxes are common. Wolves live along the eastern shore of Lake Teletskoye and in the lower part of the Chulyshman basin; in winter they feed on deer, and in summer on rodents, birds and their clutches. Foxes are found in the southern part of the reserve. They wander through the sun on the slopes of Lake Teletskoye from April to May brown bears and eat insects and the remains of deer after winter. The number of badgers in the reserve is small, and the otter is very rare. Wolverine is the strongest and most agile animal that lives in the forest zone, feeds on the remains of wolf prey, and sometimes kills young deer. The sable is a valuable fur-bearing animal, for the sake of preserving the species of which the Altai Nature Reserve was created. In 1930 it was almost completely exterminated. Currently, nothing threatens the sable population and it can be found throughout the reserve in forest lands and shrubby tundras. The American mink has appeared in the reserve since the 1930s and now its traces can be found in the taiga. Of the ungulates, the most numerous are the deer; their number in the reserve is 2,000 individuals. Elk are found throughout the reserve. The roe deer is currently a fairly small species, but its numbers are currently growing. Since 1970, wild boar entered the reserve from Tuva and successfully settled there; its numbers are increasing every year.

Photo: Altai State nature reserve

Photo and description

Altai State Nature Reserve is a unique specially protected territory of Russia, which is an object of global natural and cultural heritage UNESCO. The history of the reserve began on April 16, 1932.

In terms of biological diversity, the Altai Nature Reserve occupies one of the leading places among protected areas countries. The reserve is located in the northeast of the Altai Republic, in the Turachaksky and Ulagansky regions. The central estate of the nature reserve is located in the village of Yailyu, and the central office is in the capital of the Republic, the city of Gorno-Altaisk. Today the Altai Nature Reserve consists of four departments: the science department, the environmental education, security department, economic department.

Total area The reserve covers more than 881,235 hectares, including the water area of ​​Lake Teletskoye with an area of ​​11,757 hectares. The territory of the Altai Nature Reserve gradually rises towards the southeast. The main ecosystems of the reserve are lakes, Siberian taiga, taiga low and middle mountains, alpine and subalpine highlands and middle mountains, glacial-nival highlands, tundra-steppe highlands, tundra highlands and middle mountains.

The purest springs, streams with cold water. The biggest alpine lake– Dzhulukol, located at the source of Chulyshman. Its length is about 10 km. Among the most common tree species are pine, cedar, spruce, fir, and birch. The real pride of the reserve is the high-mountain cedar forests. In general, the flora of the reserve consists of more than 1,500 species of higher vascular plants, 111 species of fungi and 272 species of lichens.

One of the main species of animals living in the Altai taiga is the sable. Among the ungulates that live here are reindeer, red deer, Siberian goat and Siberian roe deer, mountain sheep, musk deer, and so on. The Siberian mountain goat is very common in the mountain ranges. Altai mountain sheep live in the south of the reserve and in the adjacent territory.