Nikolai is a Russian name or not. Nikolai, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys

Forms of the name Nikolai

Short form of the name Nikolai. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas. Synonyms for the name Nikolai. , Mikola, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nikolaou, Miklos, Niklas, Nikogos, Nikos.

Short and diminutive options: Kolya, Kolenka, Kolyunya, Kolyan, Nikola.

Patronymics: Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna.

Name Nikolai in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尼古拉斯 (Nígǔlāsī). Japanese: ニコラス (Nikorasu). Yiddish: ניקאַלאַס (Nyqʼalʼas). Hindi: निकोलस (Nikōlasa). Ukrainian: Mikola. Greek: Νικόλαος (Nikólaos). English: Nicholas (Nicholas).

Origin of the name Nikolai

The name Nicholas translated from Greek means “conqueror of nations.” In the literal sense, the name Nikolai is identical to the name. IN different countries In Europe this name has analogues. In France - Nikola, Kola, in Hungary - Miklos, in Germany - Nikolaus, in Scandinavia - Niklas. Abbreviated addresses to Nicholas in Europe became independent names - Klaus, Nils.

Several female names are formed from the name Nikolai. In different countries, girls will be called Nicoletta, Nicole, Nikulina, Coletta, Klasina, Nikola, Nikolasa and other names.

The diminutives Nikola and Mikola are also independent names.

Among Christians, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, is especially revered. He is better known as Nicholas the Saint or Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas once helped one very poor family, which had several daughters, but it was not possible to marry them off without a dowry. He threw a bag of gold into their house. This is where the tradition came from - giving gifts for Christmas, and Saint Nicholas himself - as a kind donor who gives gifts to children. Subsequently, he became known as Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of sailors, fishermen, travelers and traders. He also patronizes such states as Russia, Greece, the island of Sicily, the cities of Amsterdam, Liverpool, Naples, Lutsk, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Friborg and the University of Paris.

The character of Nikolai

Nikolai is inherently a very secretive person. He always strives to move forward, absolutely not paying attention to others. You can never be absolutely sure that at the moment Nikolai thought. The motives for his actions often remain a mystery. Moreover, such a person is endowed with self-control. There are very few things that could truly touch his rather callous soul. He partly looks down on the conventions that have developed in society, while at the same time regularly observing them. Despite his outward friendliness, Nikolai constantly analyzes everything. There are moments when aggression manifests itself. At the same time, he, like everyone else, needs care. If he feels kindness towards himself, he responds in kind.

Usually, Nikolai’s fate is not easy. His youth is often turbulent, and over the years it develops into a monotonous life. When the owner of this name has grandchildren, he begins to devote a lot of time to them. It is worth noting that some men named Nikolai are able to unexpectedly change their destiny.

The secret of the name Nikolai

Such a man is a passionate lover and can easily fall in love even with an unfamiliar woman. He immediately asks the girl out on a date. Nikolai, a few days after meeting, proposes marriage to his new partner.

Nikolai does not care about the opinions of others. He easily performs the most unusual actions that are simply amazing. Nikolai is jealous, in a fit of such feelings he does not control himself.

Nikolai loves to improve his home and puts a lot of effort into this matter. He does many jobs on his own without requiring help. Often such a man has a craving for alcohol, and therefore he should be careful with alcohol. Nikolai loves children and indulges all their weaknesses. He wants to see both external and internal beauty in his chosen one.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

The name Nicholas of Greek origin translates as “conqueror of nations.” There are many analogues of this name in the world; the most common are Nikolaus, Nikola, Niklas. The female version of the name sounds like, Nicolas, Nicoletta. The meaning of Nikolai is identical to the name Nicodemus. In Russia, the name Nikolai is often given to boys; it was especially common in the 20th century.

The origin of the name Nikolai and its meaning suggests that a person so named has a balanced, hardworking and kind character. Disadvantages include outbursts of anger, which occur infrequently. A man named Nikolai can be stubborn and impulsive; when angry he cannot be controlled, so he can make a mess.

He does not tolerate criticism well and does not allow other people to interfere in his life.

But such a man - A jack of all trades can handle any job, even the most difficult, if desired.. The characteristics of the name Nikolai are contradictory; for example, it can combine qualities such as severity and cheerfulness, kindness and toughness. There are many contradictions in his character. Such a person rarely listens to the opinions of other people; he makes all decisions on his own. Nikolai always has his own opinion on every issue.

As a child, Kolya is a very active child., which is difficult to force to sit in one place, he is constantly on the move. He has many friends, Nikolai often spends time with them. Such a boy is not distinguished by exemplary behavior; very often he is the leader in the class. But at the same time bad behavior does not affect his academic performance, he usually studies well, especially loves the exact sciences.

Such a child a lot of different hobbies. He loves active games with his peers, but he won’t give up playing chess either. Kolya is a very versatile and inquisitive child. Parents should not follow his lead and fulfill his every whim, otherwise he may grow up to be selfish.

A child named Nikolai cannot be pampered, he must be brought up in strictness, then he will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Nikolay can be called very friendly, he quickly finds common language with any person. But at the same time, due to his impulsiveness, he often gets into unpleasant situations. He is prone to introspection, therefore, looking at himself from the outside, he tries not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Nikolai is always engaged in self-development, he does not stop there.

He is valued for qualities such as hard work, wit and determination. He is very conservative and practical, rarely trusts his intuition, relying only on personal beliefs. Kolya is a very decent person and chooses his friends using the same criteria. He is very smart and quick-witted, but tries not to show his abilities to others.


A man named Nikolai belongs to this type of representative of the stronger sex who, first of all, values ​​the soul in a woman, and only then external data. Romantic relationships It’s not easy to get along with such a person, because Kolya is very jealous.

He is sincere and defenseless only in moments of intimacy. In other cases, he tries to be restrained, often suffers himself and annoys his other half with excessive suspicion.

Such a man does not like slender women; he prefers women with a body. He knows how to care for representatives of the fair sex.

  • Nikolay is a very gallant gentleman who knows how to give compliments, what to give and how to surprise his other half.
  • He loves compliments very much, so if a girl wants to win Kolya’s heart, then she needs to praise him more often, but only deservedly.
  • A man named Nikolai is not constancy in love. He can change girls like gloves. But he always tries to part with his partner on good terms, and does not like to cause pain.
  • Girls are attracted to Nikolai by such qualities as gallantry, tenderness and charm.

Intimacy is very important for him, being in a relationship usually does not cheat, but if a woman constantly has a headache, then he may decide to cheat.

Family relationships

Nikolai loves ladies very much, but is in no hurry to tie the knot. Usually gets married in mature age and only if he really falls in love. Otherwise, he may remain single. Kolya can make his wife happy.

He is a good family man and tries to do everything possible for his wife and children.

Nikolai is very faithful, but if his wife constantly denies him intimacy, then he can take a mistress. He will do everything possible to prevent his wife from finding out about him. love affairs. He will never forgive his wife’s betrayal; he is a real owner and jealous.

A soft, kind and sensual woman will suit him who will obey him. Very often Nikolai chooses as his life partner a girl who is higher than him in social status.

A man named Nikolai loves children very much, he himself is involved in their upbringing, tries to give them a decent education and make them good people.

Kolya simply has golden hands, so he copes well with all male responsibilities around the house, for example, he can fix a faucet or do renovations in the apartment with his own hands. He does not make serious demands on housekeeping; if necessary, he can help his wife, for example, wash the dishes or vacuum if the wife is tired.

With his wife's relatives, Nikolai tries to support good relationship and he succeeds, especially if the father-in-law and mother-in-law live far away. Such the man is very unpredictable, his actions are difficult to predict, may unexpectedly completely change his life, for example, he will leave a promising, highly paid job and become a photographer or a school teacher. People are often curious to know what the name Nikolai means because it is a mystery to them.

In addition, the wife needs to know that Kolya may have alcohol addiction. That is why it is necessary to ensure that Nikolai does not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Career and business

A man named Nikolai is a real careerist; he can devote himself entirely to work to the detriment of his family and his health. He is very demanding not only of himself, but also of other people. If a dishonest person works on his team, he will not respect him and will never take him to his team.

He is very smart and capable, so he can master different skills.

In your chosen profession will definitely become a real professional, because Kolya is a very responsible, confident and purposeful person.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Tishchenko (Kiev restaurateur, philanthropist, athlete, master of sports in judo)

  • His superiors often entrust important matters to him, because they know that Nikolai will not let him down.
  • Size wages is important for Nikolai, he will not work for pennies, because he knows his worth.
  • Kolya is honest and decent, he will make an excellent organizer, because he is very smart and has practical savvy.
  • He can achieve great success in the field of trade, and can also make a good career in the army.
  • In addition, he can make an excellent lawyer, doctor and teacher.
  • He is dedicated to his work, so he gives 100% at work, and cannot tolerate lazy people and slackers. Because of this, a tense environment can arise in the team, in which it is difficult to work.

Such a man makes a very strict and unapproachable leader. He loves power very much, so it is better for him to beware of professions where there may be great opportunities. The employees of such a manager are usually afraid, he always demands too much from them, and cannot stand it when employees are late.

Nikolai can achieve success in any profession. Good luck accompanies him in business. If he has creative abilities, he can try himself in art.

Nikolay is responsible, hardworking and very capable person, he definitely won’t be left without work.

We found out what the name Nikolai means; in his contradictory nature both positive and negative traits character. Parents always need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for their baby, because each name has a certain energy that will influence not only the character, but also the fate of a person. It is desirable that the name be similar in sound to the surname and patronymic.

You may be promiscuous when forming own image. By by and large Where do you go quality is more important and the convenience of clothing, rather than the correspondence of its style to the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Nikolai, manifestation of love

Nikolay, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of “friend to all”. You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

This name is well known and popular for many centuries not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The history of the name Nikolai comes from Ancient Greece on behalf of Nikolaos. Can be interpreted in two ways:

Victory of the people.

Winner of the people.

Origin of the name

This is perhaps the most common Christian male name in the world. The origin of the name Nikolai in Rus' is the same as that of all Greek ones that came to the territory of our country from Byzantium. However, it was not very common until the eighteenth century. During the period of development of trade and navigation in the era, the cult of St. Nicholas became widespread in Russia. The name is becoming very common among ordinary people, and among the upper class.

Description of the calendar

The Orthodox Church connects the lives of several saints with the name Nicholas, but St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially revered.

He was born into a family of wealthy pious Christians. For a long time they remained childless, but they prayed earnestly, and the Lord gave them a son. The child's behavior was always unusual. He always said that he appeared on this earth to serve the Lord. He received an excellent education, but earthly pleasures were alien to him. All free time he spent reading the Holy Scriptures. Sometimes the young man studied divine books all night long. His parents gave him to serve the Lord. Having been ordained, he began to lead an even more ascetic lifestyle. When the bishop needed to go to Palestine on business, he left Nicholas at his post.

He did many good deeds. Later, on the way to Palestine to visit his uncle, Nikolai resurrected the sailor and pacified the storm. Arriving at the place, he continued to heal people with the power of prayer and became the leader of the entire flock. The doors of his house were always open to the suffering, every day he worked miracles. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian Orthodox Church was subjected to severe persecution. Priests were imprisoned, books were burned, temples and cathedrals were destroyed. Nicholas the Wonderworker saved those who were in trouble, but later also ended up in dungeons. Despite all his suffering, he lived to a ripe old age and died after a long illness.

Blessed Nikolai Kochanov

In the middle of the sixteenth century, a boy was born into the family of pious and wealthy parents Iulania and Maxim, who was named Nicholas. The mother put boundless love for the Lord into the child’s heart and taught him to pray and fast.

In his youth, he diligently attended church and generously gave alms. For him righteous life he earned the respect of both ordinary and noble townspeople. However, Nikolai did not want human glory, and therefore left his rich parental home, distributed his fortune to the poor, and until the end of his days wandered around the city and its environs in rags. He had no home, no shelter, no warm clothing that would protect him in the bitter cold.

Nikolai proved throughout his life that he wanted not only to humble himself, but also to reason with the obstinate and violent Novgorodians and bring them to repentance. Nikolai Kochanov died on July 27, 1392 and was buried at his request in the middle of the road, on the outskirts of the Yaroslavl cemetery. However, the Novgorodians did not forget the holy fool; they came to his grave with requests and prayers. It has become a tradition to hold services at the burial site of the saint on his name day. Nikolai Kochanov is commemorated by Orthodox believers on August 4. In 1554, the Church of St. Panteleimon was built over the tomb of the blessed one. IN Soviet times it was closed and for a long time remained in disrepair. Today there is a disinfection station at this place, and many Novgorodians know nothing about their wonderful fellow countryman.

Nicholas Salos (Blessed)

In the sixteenth century, Blessed Nicholas lived in Pskov, who performed many signs and wonders. But his greatest merit was saving the city from the wrath of Ivan the Terrible.

In one thousand five hundred and seventy, Tsar Ivan and the oprichnina entered Pskov to ruin and destroy it. Residents of the city were on their knees with bread and salt in their hands. The holy fool Nicholas, with childish spontaneity, asked the Tsar of Pskov not to ruin and reproached him for cruelty and suspicion. Struck by the teachings of the holy fool, Ivan the Terrible left the city without touching it. In 1576, Blessed Nicholas of Salos died.

Nikolai: the secret of the name

This name endows a person with seemingly completely contradictory qualities. It simultaneously combines fun and severity, isolation and sociability, lightness and tension. Nikolai is created from contradictions, sometimes it is difficult for others to understand him. Such traits can manifest themselves in the breadth of views, because he is interested in many issues in different fields of knowledge. This is the secret of the name Nikolai. This doesn't mean he's a know-it-all. Well-developed intuition and a mobile, sharp mind play a big role here. These qualities in adulthood turn him into a narcissistic and self-willed person.

The name day is celebrated according to the season in which the child was born.

Name compatibility

Despite the fact that a man with this name is ready to very quickly formalize a relationship with his chosen one, he needs to be very careful in choosing his betrothed. Nikolai will have full compatibility with girls named Lyubov, Larisa. In addition, relations with Zoya, Zinaida, Daria, Anna will be favorable. The list of undesirable names is much wider, but Nikolai needs an unusual woman. Only with her will he be happy. As a rule, Nikolai approaches this issue very carefully. Compatibility with women is not very high, so the choice is quite limited.

Name characteristics: health

By nature, Nikolai has excellent health. However, with age, liver weakness appears, nervous system, joints.


It is not at all easy to be friends with a person named Nikolai. The meaning of the name suggests that he is not surrounded by a crowd of friends. Only select people can consider themselves his friends. He doesn't value it too much friendly relations, although he never allows immoral and vile actions towards his comrades.

He often has female friends. Not girlfriends, but friends. Nikolai does not see anything criminal in this, he is even proud of this fact. He tries to find time to participate in the affairs of his friends and gives unobtrusive but correct advice.

Seasonal characteristics

Life next to such a person is far from “sugar”. But when talking about what the name Nikolai means, it is necessary to take into account the time of his birth.

“Winter” Nikolai is selfish and strict, despotic and cruel. Can be a successful politician, excels in the exact sciences.

“Autumn” is silent, secretive, thoughtful. It's hard to understand what's on his mind. But this is a real all-rounder - he can achieve great success in any field.

“Summer” is a cunning man; he can diplomatically and gently handle anyone. He is a jack of all trades, his employees love him, and he will never refuse help.

“Vesenny” is a pronounced egoist, despite the fact that outwardly he is a joker and a favorite of the public. He has a well-developed imagination.

A man bearing the name Nikolai (the meaning of the name is “conqueror of nations”) very often feels like the center of the Universe, and therefore believes that he should be the patron and benefactor of all the humiliated and insulted. He is, in essence, a kind person, completely unpretentious in everyday life and willing to be content with little.

Nikolai thinks in specific, clearly defined categories.

Name horoscope

This bright and powerful name is patronized by Sagittarius and Scorpio, and is patronized by the warlike Mars and Jupiter. Nicholas's plants are gladiolus and ash, his totem is a horse. Colors that bring good luck are preferable: brown, red, emerald, blue. Talisman stone - sapphire.

Famous people

This beautiful name was borne by many outstanding people:

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus;

Historian, journalist and writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin;

Nicholas II - Emperor of Russia;

Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol;

Mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky;

Russian poet Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev.

Numerology of the name

Nicholas's lucky number is six. What does this number mean? She attracts success in all enterprises where she manages to gain the trust of others. Moreover, Nikolai manages to attract not only clients, but also followers. He is often destined to become political and public figure, to occupy a high position in the state, but on the condition that his words do not diverge from his deeds.

Name phonetics

The characteristics of the name Nikolai indicate that it is quite difficult for him to come up with some kind of offensive nickname. Friends can call Kolya whatever they want, but most often the changed name sounds more humorous than offensive - Kolyambus, Kolyanchik, Nikola Pitersky, etc. In addition, the patronymic Nikolaevich is almost universal. It’s no secret that parents choose their baby’s name so that it is consistent with the middle name.


During his life, Nikolai may fall in love with few women - three at most. But he is quite capable of performing sexual exploits without love. His striking sexuality is incomprehensible to women, but they are drawn to him. More often than not, the bulk of his experience is based on failed friendships.

Nikolai begins to implement his sexual plans with friendly conversations with his “victim”. She begins to desire to spend more and more time with him. They become lovers. A woman sometimes doesn’t even understand how everything happened, and Nikolai can no longer be friends with her.

Despite the instability of his relationships, he is terribly jealous. He is capable of falling into a rage when he sees someone next to his chosen one who could hypothetically become a threat to their union. We have to give him credit. He always remembers and treats his ex-women well.

To your true love he treats you reverently and very tenderly. Therefore, having married once and not being disappointed in his chosen one in the first years, Nikolai lives with his family until the end of his days.


Men named Nikolai love to meet new people. The meaning of the name indicates that they have quite sound self-esteem. Communication with new people gives them real pleasure.

There is always something to talk about or argue with Nikolai. He is often endowed with talents in art and creativity, and is distinguished by immense imagination. This is a very purposeful person who goes towards the intended goal in all matters. Despite her active life position, she is very worried about her own failures. Therefore, parents should special attention this issue and teach little Kolya not to make a tragedy out of nothing. Otherwise, he may develop into a gloomy type, prone to depression and alcoholism.

The name Nikolai in history

Russian, and world history knows a lot outstanding people with this beautiful name. These are scientists and poets, sculptors and politicians, actors and astronauts. Today we will introduce you to some of them.

The great Soviet surgeon - Nikolai Amosov. Became widely known in the late sixties. His amazing lectures attracted huge audiences, his books were published in huge editions, but disappeared from the shelves in a matter of days.

WITH early childhood the boy dreamed of medicine. But since his uncle was repressed, he could not even think about medical school. Therefore, after the eighth grade, he entered the Cherepovets Mechanical College, after which he was sent to work in Arkhangelsk. There he began working at a sawmill as a shift supervisor.

In nineteen thirty-five he entered the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute. After studying for one year, he takes exams for two courses. At the same time, he studies at the Correspondence Industrial Institute. In 1940 he graduated from both institutes with honors. He worked throughout the war as a surgeon in a field hospital. In 1946, having been demobilized, he went to work at the Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Sklifosovsky. In 1952 he defended his doctoral dissertation. The topic is surgical treatment of tuberculosis. Immediately after this, he is invited to work at the clinic of the Research Institute of Thoracic Surgery and Tuberculosis. In 1953, Amosov defended his doctoral dissertation and received the position of head of the department at the Kyiv Medical Institute. In 2002, N. M. Amosov died of a heart attack.

The rector of Kazan University, the “father” of non-Euclidean geometry, the great mathematician - all this is Nikolai Lobachevsky. He was born on December 1, 1972 in Nizhny Novgorod. Ivan Maksimovich - his father - served as a surveyor, his mother - Praskovya Aleksandrovna - was raising three children and running the household.

After successfully graduating from high school in 1802, Nikolai tried to enter the university in his hometown, but failed entrance exams. A few months later he tried again, this time the attempt was successful.

At first, the young man paid great attention to medicine, but later he was fascinated by mathematics. In 1811, after brilliantly graduating from the university, he received a master's degree in physics and mathematics. In 1814 he began teaching at his native university. In 1816, at the age of twenty-four, he became a professor. Teaches arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry. In 1826 he became rector of the university in Kazan. Lobachevsky is working hard on the main brainchild of his life - the creation of non-Euclidean geometry. On February twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, Nikolai Ivanovich gives a report on this topic. This date is considered the day of the appearance of non-Euclidean geometry in science.

In 1836, the emperor personally awarded Lobachevsky the Order of Anna of the second degree. Along with the award, he receives the title of hereditary nobleman. He was elected to the position of rector for the fourth time in 1845.

However, soon a dark streak comes in Lobachevsky’s life. He goes bankrupt, his house is sold for debts, his son Andrei dies of tuberculosis. Nikolai Ivanovich himself loses his sight. The great mathematician died on February twenty-four, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six.

Another famous person with that name is the great astronomer from Poland Nicolaus Copernicus, famous for creating heliocentric system peace. The famous scientist made a real revolution in natural science, rejecting the doctrine of the central position of the Earth that had existed for many centuries.

Other famous personalities:

The last Emperor of Russia, son Russian Emperor Alexander the Third - Nicholas the Second.

Nikolai Zinin is a Russian organic chemist, founder of the national scientific school. He is the author of a method for producing aromatic amines.

We hope that today the beautiful male name Nikolai has become closer and clearer to you. The meaning of the name and its history were outlined in some detail.

The origin and meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy plays a huge role. The name has Greek roots and means " conqueror of nations».

The mystery of the name

The energy of the name Nikolai endows a person with many seemingly contradictory qualities. Severity and fun, sociability and isolation, tension and lightness can coexist in it at the same time. What also plays a role here is that the name is quite common and it is impossible to characterize a large number of very diverse people within a less strict framework.

The designation of the name says that Nikolai can literally be woven from contradictions; he is often difficult to discern and understand. WITH positive side this versatility can manifest itself in the breadth of his views; Kolya is interested in a lot of things, in any field of knowledge he can have his own views and opinions. But this does not mean that he is a know-it-all; rather, his developed intuition and fast, agile mind can manifest themselves here; he owes them much more than logic.

Fate and mystery of the name Nikolai: All the qualities and character traits make Nikolai a rather narcissistic and self-willed person. He will not be an obedient and diligent child in childhood, no matter how good his upbringing. The only thing that can calm him down and keep him in place? his own interest. Now where Kolya will be truly focused is on his favorite activity, be it sports, creativity or science. The most favorable option for his development will be if he is able to preserve his passion and carry it with him into adulthood. Having found a professional continuation, this business can become the work of a lifetime for Nikolai and bring him not only material, but also spiritual benefit.

The character and fate of the boy: Possessing considerable enthusiasm, Nikolai often turns out to be the “ringleader” in the company of peers and comrades. This trait will help him become a good organizer already in adulthood, and sociability will help him master the art of diplomacy. For some leadership position Nikolai will have all the necessary qualities.

A distinctive feature of Nikolai's agile mind is his wit, which he can use both with jokes and in response to criticism, depending on the situation.

Nikolay can be recommended to moderate his pride and show all his self-will in his independence. This way he will have a much greater chance of a positive opinion of him in society. By respecting not only yourself, but also those around you, you can achieve great success in life.

Speaking about the secret of the name Nikolai, we can also highlight impulsiveness. Often, in uncontrollable anger, he can do things that he will later regret. His contradictory nature in an uncontrolled state can play a cruel joke on him. Kolya must learn to listen to both his head and his heart at the same time, and sometimes try to turn off his emotions.

Name characteristics: In his feelings for women, Nikolai is hot and passionate, sometimes even too much. Already on the second date you can hear a marriage proposal from him. Moreover, a girl can conquer him not so much with her appearance as with her mentality and character. Nikolai will become a good master of the house; he wants the comfort and well-being of his home, which is what he will strive for. Children are everything to him, he is ready to indulge their every whim. His disadvantage as a spouse may be uncontrollable jealousy and a penchant for alcohol.

An unforced conversation, smoothly flowing into an interesting, friendly argument, can “reveal” Nikolai, especially when it comes to his sphere of interests. Here he will not be able to hide his true emotions, which can be contagious to others. Recommendation when communicating with Nikolai: do not make him angry.

What does astrology say?

What does the name Nikolai mean in astrology:
  • Correspondence of the name to the zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • Patron planet: Mars.
  • Character traits: activity, determination, confidence, emotionality.
  • Name colors: steel, green, red, brown.
  • Patron saints of the name: Nicholas of Pskov, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Name days: February 17, May 22, August 11, December 19.
  • Talisman stone: emerald.