Where did the name Tatyana come from? Tatyana: interpretation of a beautiful name

The story about such an extraordinary girl as Tatyana should begin... with Natasha Rostova. Few people know that this heroine has her own real prototype. The great Tolstoy relied heavily on the character of the writer Tatyana Kuzminskaya when creating his immortal creation, which became a classic not only of Russian but also of world literature.
Why did the popular writer like her so much? Everything becomes clearer if you get a little acquainted with the meaning and secret origin of the name Tatyana. And it is useful for future parents to know how the meaning of the name Tanya influences the character and fate of the girl. It is no secret that the most important word in a person’s life largely determines one’s personality traits. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

Initially, the origin of the name Tatyana is associated with the male form of Tatiya. But as often happens, the female version of the name took on a life of its own. Today we can say for sure that when translated into Russian the word means “organizer”, “founder” and even “mistress”. It is no coincidence that the main university of the country - that same Moscow State University - is named in honor of Lomonosov, but it was opened (established) precisely on Tatiana's day in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome.

In the varieties of the name, you can pay attention to the sweetest, most affectionate forms: Tanechka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tatyanka, Tanyushka. In common parlance they also like to call her Tanyukha, Tata Tasha and even Tusya. But ultimately, only she herself can choose how to properly call the bearer of the name.

Signs, talismans, patrons

When choosing a name for a girl or simply studying the nature of the girl Tatiana, it is useful to pay attention to the meaning and also to those signs and heavenly patrons that have a beneficial effect on her life. It is no secret that any word, as a certain set of frequencies and sounds, has its own connection with certain talismans. And to penetrate deeper into these secrets, you just need to know about some of the signs that patronize Tanya:

  1. Among the zodiac signs, the most influential is the mysterious, serious and very organized Capricorn. Astrologers call representatives of the sign the most responsible people who do not give up halfway, are punctual and always respect the bounds of decency. Capricorns do not go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules; for them, agreement and certainty are the basis of relationships. Improvisation, irrepressible creativity and sudden changes in events are unlikely to please Tatyana. She believes that everything should go as usual because this is the normal order of things. That’s why our heroine is a talented organizer, a girl with the makings of a leader. Her opinion is respected because she knows what she is talking about. That is why Tanya achieves success in life.
  2. And in the sky, Tanya is patronized by the planet Mars, which personifies confrontations and even wars. But in the case of our heroine, this energy takes on more stable, constructive forms. In life, Tanya quite persistently and consistently defends her position. She rarely doubts herself, and if she has already decided the issue, she is unlikely to step back. And Tatyana surrounds herself with people who are persistent and courageous. That is why among her friends there are many representatives of the stronger sex who sincerely respect this unusual girl.
  3. The colors of luck for this lady are shades of crimson - the color of autumn leaves that decorate the forest in unusual combinations. This color represents a person’s belonging to a noble family, his high position, which he can occupy thanks to his aspirations.
  4. IN flora patronizes clover - a symbol of rare luck, that very happy occasion that can change the course of events overnight. A favorable tree for Tanya is elm.
  5. And in the animal world, the gopher brings good luck.
  6. The ruby ​​is considered the talisman stone that protects Tatiana throughout her life. This gem symbolizes wisdom, prudence and honesty. Ruby attunes the energy of courage - thanks to its beneficial effects, a person can decide on difficult actions, but at the same time make a balanced, thoughtful decision.

Name day

The well-known Tatiana's day is not the only one among name days. Tanya can remember her heavenly patrons much more often:

  • January 18;
  • February 8;
  • July 17;
  • September 14 and 23;
  • October 3, 11 and 21;
  • December 3 and 23.


The legendary Tatyana's Day (January 25), which also became the day of Russian students, has its own signs. For example, if the weather is sunny, spring will come early, and the birds will arrive very soon. If it snows, you can expect a rainy summer.

The character and fate of Tatyana

In the meaning of the name Tatyana you can see quite a lot of traits that are usually considered masculine. This lady is confident in herself, prefers to plan every event, relies only on specific circumstances and generally does not like to reveal her feelings. Tanya is unlikely to succumb to an emotional impulse and take some kind of important decision. She loves to think logically, and sometimes it seems that her main way of understanding the world is to create a rational scheme with finding all the unknowns.

Be that as it may, Tanya can really only be envied. She is smart, responsible, moves towards any goal slowly but surely. Tatyana doesn’t understand why there’s a rush and fuss. After all, any business takes time, and it is impossible to solve anything in a couple of days. Those around her may even reproach her for being too cautious and slow. And they will be all the more surprised when the girl finally makes up her mind and takes such an important step that her life can be safely divided into before and after.

Indeed, Tanya plans every event. And if she put specific goal, then he will go to her, no matter what. She doesn't know what mood swings or a moment of weakness are. In any case, this does not affect matters in any way. The horizon is always clear, and our heroine’s plane calmly follows its course, shining in the rays of the rising Sun.

On the other hand, such a life attitude predetermines another interesting quality of Tatyana’s personality, which is largely reflected in her fate. She is tactful, polite, as if she listens to her interlocutors with pleasure. But he acts exclusively in accordance with his will. You will never make this stubborn woman change her mind. And this is not at all connected with harmfulness - Tatyana is quite negotiable. She just thought through everything so well, calculated every little detail so carefully, that she simply couldn’t understand why something needed to be added to a brilliantly designed scheme.

Of course, each quality has both advantages and disadvantages. After all, life is not a black and white TV. In fact, all our days are filled with such a mixture of various events. And the most interesting thing is that negative situations can have positive consequences over time. It is quite possible that Tatyana’s logic is based precisely on these principles. This girl is confident in herself, she knows that the Sun is always hiding behind the clouds. That is why Tanechka is an incorrigible optimist. And her cheerfulness has a special quality: our heroine does not wear rose-colored glasses, she can well explain why everything will be fine. Apparently Tanya just checked this too.


It is important for Tanya to keep in mind that her responsible, organized approach to life sometimes leads to some selfishness, even stubbornness. This is not a matter of some bad qualities or lack of upbringing. It’s just that Tanya is used to pulling all the blankets on herself, not relying too much on those around her. This often works, but everything needs to be done delicately, right? Listening to friends, relatives, friends is not at all shameful. But to act without taking into account their good advice is not quite the right position. Don't forget that intelligence is good, but two is better.

Tatyana in love and marriage: compatibility with male names

Tanya can hardly be called an amorous, impulsive girl. Of course, who wasn’t into it when they were young? But even in the sweet state of love euphoria, this girl keeps her head cold. And despite all the men's promises, oaths in eternal love and just beautiful eyes, she is still capable of practical reasoning.

There is no pettiness or self-interest in Tatyana, she is far from the idea of ​​living at someone else's expense and enjoying idleness. On the contrary, this lady is looking for a wife, rather, an ally, a faithful associate who will help realize a common cause. Tanya wants to achieve a lot from life - she is driven by different motives, but if you express them in one word, you get something like “be better”, “be ahead”.

That is why our heroine approaches the choice of her soul mate with the utmost care. Fleeting hobbies, hasty decisions and frivolous decisions are alien to her. Everything needs to be done with sense, feeling, arrangement - and nothing else.

Due to characteristic features, which can be seen in the meaning of the name Tanya, a very important question arises about with whom our heroine’s marriage is possible. To do this, you need to pay attention to compatibility with male names. Greatest strength Tanya has feelings with the following representatives:

  • Boris;
  • Robert;
  • Egor;
  • Gleb;
  • Dmitry;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Nikolai;
  • Ilya;
  • Gennady;
  • Arseny;
  • Edward;
  • Joseph.

But relationships with these men will be less successful:

  • Georgy;
  • Demyan;
  • Arthur;
  • Anton;
  • Oleg;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Georgy;
  • Vladislav;
  • Plato.

Tatiana's professions

Tatyana can try herself in almost any field. However, her organizational talents will quickly require implementation, and therefore it is better for our heroine to focus on the opportunity career growth and achieving command positions. Tanechka will cope with her duties perfectly, because her hard work and responsibility can only be envied.

A girl can try herself in own business, however, it is important to keep in mind that you must sincerely like the matter. Tanya just can’t fake it and do work just for the money. She needs to feel useful - therefore, even with a large profit, she will not be able to do uninteresting things for a long time.

Famous Tatianas

Among famous Tatyanas you can find not only real women, but also literary characters. Everyone knows Tatyana Larina, Tanechka, who cries loudly, Tanya Sabaneeva from “The Wild Dog Dingo”. Well, there are even more famous talented girls called Tatyanas. These are Tatyana Vasilyeva, Doronina, Dogileva, Peltzer, Lioznova and many others.

A majestic, intelligent and incredibly responsible girl is a combination of the best human qualities that are relevant at all times. This is what she is - the unforgettable Tatyana.

Ask men you know what their favorite is female name. And probably many people will name Tatyana. Indeed, it is not only very common, but also loved by many, sonorous, beautiful and feminine.

But ask what the name Tatyana means, and not everyone will answer you! But this beautiful name has a very unusual interpretation and translation, and it big story. The origin of the name Tatyana is ancient Greek; it was the Greeks who began to call their daughters this way, for whom they predicted a great and interesting destiny.

The Greeks had a word “tatto”, which translates as “put”, “establish”, “establish”. It turns out that the meaning of the name Tatyana is “establisher”, “she who establishes” or “she who decides”. Truly, this is a name for a woman in whose hands there will be power!

The name has many forms and synonyms. For example, Tanya, as we call Tatyana for short, is very common in Western countries, is an independent name and has its own separate interpretation. Also known are such forms as Tatiana, Tiana, Taina, Tayana, Tatiana, Taiya.

These names have the same interpretation and decoding, just a different sound. Shortened and affectionate versions of the name: Tanya, Tata, Tanyusha, Tasya, Tanechka, Tanyushka, Tusya, Nyusha, Nyusya, Nyura. By church calendar the name sounds the same, without changes.

Character and features

The general characteristics of the name Tatyana highlight such main qualities as determination, self-confidence, courage and cheerfulness. As a child, Tanya was a leader and a little robber, she loves to play with boys, is not afraid of anything or anyone, and loves active games.

The main meaning of the name Tatyana for a girl is that she grows up as an independent, courageous, independent person and with early years loves to achieve everything she wants. A stubborn, strong, active girl, Tanya does not like it when people put pressure on her and impose their will on her.

This brief description already makes it possible to understand and grasp general portrait Tatiana, who is easy to recognize among other girls. When Tanya grows up, she does not lag behind her peers in development, but, on the contrary, even outstrips them. The girl loves to move, plays sports and dances, loves to run, swim, compete, and play outdoor games. When Tanya is forced to sit at home, she always invents games for herself, because she has a lot of imagination.

As she grows up, the girl loses her boyish traits and becomes very attractive. She watches her figure, takes care of herself, knows how to present herself and is very relaxed, which is why she always has a lot of friends and fans. For many girlfriends big secret, how Tatyana knows how to attract gentlemen and why everyone follows her, because she doesn’t do anything special! But this is a fact.

And the girl is never lonely and does not experience a lack of communication. In addition, she has real close friends with whom she can share everything. They love Tanya for her courage, sincerity and open heart, because she can be trusted with any secret. So, in any case, her fate turns out well, because there is definitely a good people who will come to the rescue, help, support.

Tatyana hates lies, hypocrisy and insincerity. She is who she is, she doesn’t play any roles and feels very subtly when a person is lying or acting out something. Sincerity and the ability to tell the truth in person are one of the main qualities that Tatyana possesses; this is simply of great importance to her. Another quality is amazing intuition. For many, it is a mystery how a girl feels and understands what is unknown to others, knows in advance the outcome of the situation and feels how to do the right thing.


In the business sphere, Tatyana’s fate is developing wonderfully; those around her often think that she is simply lucky. Sometimes this is true, fortune favors this young woman who always knows exactly what she wants.

Her courage, honesty and ambition are helpers in achieving big goals, and often Tatyana begins to earn good money at a time when her peers are still graduating from college. He loves and knows how to work, is not lazy and is not afraid of difficulties, and most importantly, he knows how to use his qualities to his advantage.

Tatyana may become interested in purely male activities - for example, choose the profession of a policeman, investigator, judge or lawyer. She is also attracted to business and any areas where she needs to defend her position, compete with competitors, and achieve her goal. Boring, monotonous activities are not for her.

Income is of great importance for a girl, so Tatyana chooses a “grain” profession and provides for herself without problems. He can open his own business or continue the business of his parents. She can become the director of a company, where she can get a job as a simple secretary or assistant.

In terms of career, Tanya’s fate is developing brilliantly; her intuition helps her achieve success and avoid any failures. And those around you will only be amazed at how the girl copes with such volumes of work and never gets discouraged.

Among other things, Tatyana is a gifted and creative person. Has for her great value realization of talents, so even if Tatyana does not choose a creative profession, then at least she will show a creative approach in her work and surprise everyone with her creative thinking, non-standard problem solving, original ideas.

In her free time from work, the girl will definitely engage in her own development. He can receive several additional educations, attend all kinds of courses, trainings, and engage in creative work. In a word, her life is very active and varied, and her destiny is bright and eventful!

Personal front

Having met a man she likes, Tatyana is transformed. She hides her stubbornness, ambition and strength and becomes charmingly weak, feminine and flirtatious. She charms men at first sight, but does not immediately strive for a serious relationship, not seeing the point in them. The girl is independent, she gets along well with her inner world and loves to live alone, managing her own time.

So that's enough for a long time Tatyana goes on dates, meets guys and enjoys their courtship. Tatyana's romance usually does not last too long, although there may be serious relationship, if the guy is really worthy.

But one day this woman truly falls in love, she meets a man who is able to win the heart of even such an independent and wayward young lady, and then her fate changes completely. The man of her dreams is strong, free and very developed person with a deep inner world, not limited by small everyday problems.

He has great ambitions, is very active, constantly develops and strives to learn everything new, does not stand still. This man knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it. Such a hero will win Tatyana’s heart and become an ideal husband for her.

Name compatibility plays a big role in any relationship. Tatyana and Dmitry, Oleg or Yuri, Anton, Mikhail or Evgeniy - these relationships can work out well, but with other names, for example Vladimir, Igor, Sergey or Maxim, something may not work out. Often the reason is compatibility, and its level will show what the couple’s chances are.

1. Ideal compatibility of names: Tatyana and, Egor, Dmitry, Anton, Evgeny, Oleg, Daniil, Leonid, Mikhail, Yuri.

2. Good compatibility: Roman, Alexey, Stanislav, Semyon, Gregory, Konstantin, Eduard, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Boris.

3. Low compatibility: Nikolay, Maxim, Bronislav, Vladimir, Valentin, Igor, Timofey, Fedor, Kirill, Pavel.

Men with whom Tatyana is ideally compatible can easily count on strong relationships and a harmonious marriage.

These names - Anton, Mikhail and others - fit perfectly with the name Tatyana, the characters are compatible, and the relationship will be wonderful. From the first meeting, this couple will not only have attraction, but also mutual understanding, family connection, and they will make a great family.

As for good compatibility, the names Alexey, Alexander, Roman and the rest are suitable for Tatyana as friends, but close ones romantic relationship may not get better right away. If there is a desire, relationships and a family can be built, but you will have to make an effort.

But Sergey, Vladimir, Igor and the rest who are on the low compatibility list must be patient, because their relationship with Tatyana will be difficult. But a man who is not afraid of difficulties can ignore compatibility and achieve his goal, then everything will work out!

Name day

Everyone knows about Tatyana’s Day - this is a day that students love so much, because it is their official holiday and a long-awaited day off. What date is this celebrated? happy holiday, everyone also knows - January 25 according to the modern calendar.

But not everyone knows that this holiday exists thanks to the Roman martyr Tatiana, who gave her life for her faith. And many centuries later in Rus', it was on the day of the angel Tatiana that the first university was founded, and this day became the day of the student.

Tatiana's name day is celebrated not only on January 25, there are many more dates, since there were many saints with this name. Orthodox name days Tatiana is celebrated on the following dates:

  • January 19 and 25.
  • July 17.
  • September 14 and 23.
  • October 3, 11 and 21.
  • December 3 and 23.

You can safely call a girl by the name Tatyana with confidence that a big one is waiting for her, interesting life, full of wonderful events and great achievements. This wonderful name not only gives its owner an amazing character, but also predetermines her a long, bright and happy destiny!

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha is a female name that sounds gentle and affectionate. You decided to name your girl that, and it’s right. She will have amazing life, full of bright events and happy moments. Looking ahead, it should be said that Tanya chooses her own destiny. She will have two options. Whichever path she chooses will determine how her whole life will turn out. We invite you to meet a woman whom her parents will call Tanyusha.

A little about the meaning of the name

This name was first heard in Ancient Greece. But they say that it has Latin roots. Once upon a time there lived a Sabine king whose name was Tatius. He was fair, but quick-tempered. They say that it came from the royal name female uniform Tanya. The meaning of the name will be interesting to know. Translated from Greek, it means “she who sets the rules.” And if you watch a representative of the fairer sex who bears this name, you will notice her strong character and unshakable will,

Tatiana's character

Since childhood, the girl has been very different from her peers. She is full of grandiose plans and ideas. Tanya stands out among the kids. She really likes to lead and make sure that her rules or requirements are strictly followed by her friends.

She is emotional, a little unrestrained, and will not allow herself to be offended. At the same time, Tanya - the meaning of the name is calming - is easy-going. She is a person of mood. If someone upset her in the morning, then the girl will walk gloomy and gloomy all day. It should be noted that she is very straightforward. Often her words hurt loved ones. Growing up, she never learns to control her emotions. Tatyana will always tell her that when she senses that there is a weak-willed person next to her, she will immediately try to subjugate him to herself. It should be said that she is smart, but is reluctant to study at school. Yes and higher education she doesn't want to receive. The girl believes that the most important thing in life is to get married successfully and live prosperously, without material problems. Adult Tatyana is a spectacular and enviable woman. She looks gorgeous and dresses tastefully. She has many fans. She gets married early and often for reasons of convenience. As soon as a wealthy mature man appears among her gentlemen, Tanyusha will immediately begin to seduce him and make him fall in love with her. And it’s hard to resist her beauty and charm.

Line of fate

Her fate is very interesting. How happy she will be, and whether the meaning of the name Tanya matches, the answer can be found in poetry. How many poets remembered a girl with that name in their works. Remember Pushkin's Tatiana? She fell in love, but, not receiving reciprocity, married another man - older and wealthy. And this is exactly what will happen in reality. Tanya's marriage will be successful and strong, but without love. More precisely, she will fall in love with her husband after a few years of marriage. And if a light burns in her heart, then we can safely say that our Tanya will be very happy. The meaning of the name also suggests a different fate. If Tanya does not reciprocate her husband’s feelings, then her marriage will fall apart soon after registration. And nothing will save this union. The woman herself will initiate the divorce. Although Tanya is very sinful and was not faithful in her marriage, her husband will not want to leave and will do everything to preserve the relationship. But no, Tanya will leave, taking her property and children. The meaning of the name also suggests that she is a very independent woman. She knows how to earn money and easily finds a profitable job. No, she won’t build a career. But Tanyusha will live in abundance until her old age. She rarely remarries. But she will always have a lot of fans.

Old age and loneliness

Old age will creep up unnoticed. Tanya, looking back, will look at her life differently. She will understand how many mistakes she has made. But you can't bring back the past. She will be lonely in her old age.

Names: origin and forms

Tatiana- (from Greek) organizer; (from the Latin) name of the Sabine king Tatius.

Old: Tatiana.
Derivatives: Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanyukha, Tanyusha, Tanyura, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasha.

Directory of Russian names

Lady(from Greek).

Loyalty combined with self-esteem are traits of Tatyana’s character. Meeting them is always encouraging. Deceit and evil are not accepted. A strict executor of her own, given to herself, aspiration. Sometimes Tatyana is a martyr from the circumstances of fate, but still in Moscow... “on Tatyana’s day all the students are drunk.”

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Tatiana- organizer, founder (Latin).
In the 18th century, the name Tatyana was used mainly among the nobility. But by the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries it became widely used in merchant and peasant families. A.S. Pushkin described in the novel “Eugene Onegin” the Larin family, which adhered to old traditions: “They kept in life the peaceful habits of dear old times...” That is why the parents of the heroine of the novel, even in early XIX centuries, they gave their daughter the name Tatyana, which was becoming less and less common in noble families. It was thanks to the enormous success of the novel “Eugene Onegin” that the name Tatyana received a second life in the Russian language.
IN lately the name has become less common, more often girls in the village are called this way.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: crimson.
Talisman stone: ruby.
Auspicious plant: elm, clover.
Patron name: lynx.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasha.
Main features: emotionality, firmness.


Tatiana Rimskaya, virgin, deaconess, martyr, January 25 (12). Noble Roman woman; pleased God by caring for the sick, poor and unfortunate; for her faith in Christ, after suffering, she was beheaded in the 3rd century. Her father, who revealed to her the truth of the faith of Christ, was executed along with her.
Tatiana's Day in Russia. In pre-revolutionary Moscow, there was only one church dedicated to St. Tatiana - at Moscow University. IN Orthodox calendar there is only one saint with that name. Ivan Shuvalov submitted the project to create the first Russian university in Moscow for the empress’s signature on January 12 (old style) with a secret intention: to thereby mark the name day of his beloved “mother” - Tatyana Rostislavskaya. It was for this reason that the martyr Tatiana became the patroness of Moscow University.


Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students. If the sun shines on Tatyana, it means the birds will arrive early, and if it snows, there will be frequent rain in the summer.


Since childhood, Tanya has been distinguished by her emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself; the girl is a real tomboy, but she cannot be called naughty. In a circle of peers he is almost always a leader. IN school years one after another attends a wide variety of clubs, but does not complete anything and loses interest in these activities. She studies well at school, but is restless and has difficulty doing her homework. As a child, she dreams of becoming an actress.

Tatyana has a sharp analytical mind. She doesn’t miss anything, she resists everything that interferes with her life. She is proud, can be vindictive, and very rarely follows other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be. At work, she never stays away from emerging problems and conflicts. Tatyana very sensitively senses the atmosphere in the team. The nature of her actions at a critical moment depends on her position and may not be very peaceful.

Tatyana is an excellent organizer, administrator, public figure. Often this is a good teacher, he knows how to communicate with children and make them listen to themselves. She is interested in biology and medicine. She may be an experienced engineer. Tatyana is an active, determined, proud person; all these qualities bring her success in her career. At times Tatyana is somewhat self-confident, but this gives her optimism. Sometimes she is overly impulsive, which makes her life difficult. But more often she herself is concerned about the fate of the people around her, strives to settle everything and relieve tension. In the family, she is the center that unites everyone and gives everyone a feeling of confidence, awareness that he is not alone in this world.

Tatyana has few friends; she will never refuse to help, but she will never sacrifice her own or her family’s interests. Tatyana does not care what impression she makes on others, she rarely regrets anything and does not consider it necessary to correct the consequences. Tatyana is not insidious, she will not deliberately harm anyone. Tatyana is sexy, relaxed during intimacy, but only with the person she loves.

In marriage, Tatyana is quite calm about housework. She loves her children, usually two of them, very much, becomes a true friend to them, forgives them a lot, and constantly worries about them. She tries to subjugate her husband to her will, but this does not always succeed. However, Tatyana is not inclined to divorce; she values ​​\u200b\u200bsteadiness and stability, material well-being. Gradually gets used to it and in adulthood finds it with her husband common language. Tatyana can have a successful marriage with Valery, Ivan, Oleg, Sergei.


Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer (1904-1992) is a famous Russian actress.

She studied acting from her father, Ivan Peltzer, with whom she first appeared on stage at the age of ten - in the role of Seryozha in the play "Anna Karenina". Truly yours creative path Tatyana Peltzer began in 1920 - became an actress of the Mobile Theater of the Political Administration, then worked in theaters in Nakhichevan, Yeysk, Yaroslavl and Moscow; For several years she performed on the stage of the MGSPS Theater, now the Theater named after. Mossovet. In 1940 she entered the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, where she revealed herself as a sharp-character actress. A few years later, Tatyana Peltzer came to the Moscow Satire Theater, where she worked successfully for thirty years. In 1977, the actress moved to the Lenin Komsomol Theater.

Of the roles she played on stage, we can mention Kukushkina in the play “Profitable Place” by A.N. Ostrovsky, Fedorovna in “Three Girls in Blue” by L. Petrusheskaya, Marcelina in “The Marriage of Figaro”. The latest performance, staged by Valentin Pluchek, has been shown on television more than once. One of the actress’s last theatrical works was the play “Funeral Prayer.”

Tatyana Peltzer made her film debut with a small role in the film “Wedding” (1943), together with the famous Erast Garin and Faina Ranevskaya. She played a larger role in 1945 - Plaksina in the film " Ordinary people“Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg. But this film ended up “on the shelf” and was released only in 1956. The actress became famous after the Satire Theater’s play “Dowry Wedding” was filmed, where Peltzer shone in the role of Lukerya Pokhlebkina. And soon Ivan Lukinsky’s comedy films about Ivan Brovkin - “Soldier Ivan Brovkin” and “Ivan Brovkin on Virgin Lands” - were successful across the country, and for her role as Evdokia Brovkina she was called “the mother of the Russian soldier.”

Tatyana Peltzer filmed a lot, but among the many she is very bright and juicy roles played almost no main ones.

However, even small episodes were remembered for a long time, for example, at the age of 65, she danced dashingly on the roof and climbed over fences in Ilya Frez’s cheerful children’s film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.” And the actress starred, albeit in episodes, with such directors as Joseph Kheifits, Alexander Rowe, Ilya Frez, Nadezhda Kosheverova, Svetlana Druzhinina. Among Tatyana Peltzer’s other works, it is worth noting the roles of Aniskin’s wife in the film “Village Detective”, Fedosya Ivanovna in Mark Zakharov’s wonderful film “Formula of Love”, as well as the roles of the 1980s in fairy tale films directed by Mikhail Yuzovsky.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.