You need to learn English. Set yourself specific and achievable goals

1. Learn with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract learning of a language is more difficult than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read the resources at foreign language concerning yours.

2. Remember only the words you need

There are more than a million words in the English language, but everyday speech At best, several thousand are used. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary will be enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV series.

3. Post stickers at home

This effective way replenish your vocabulary. Look around the room and see which objects you don't know the names of. Translate the name of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And put these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be stored in memory, and this will not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

The technique of spaced repetition allows you to better remember new words and concepts. To do this, review the studied material at certain intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and after a month, reinforce the material again.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and don't overwork yourself. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then take on the grammar rules.

Do you want to learn quickly and easily? English language without getting out of bed and without paying for expensive tuition?

It's possible. This article contains a selection modern methods how easy and quickly you can learn English on your own for the lazy or for those who have little free time that can be spent on affordable methods of learning English.

How to easily learn English on your own

A common mistake of many who want to master the English language at the first stage is an unbridled zeal to install all the available applications on their phone or tablet to learn English. Zeal, of course, is commendable, but there will be no effect from it. Numerous bookmarks and a bunch of different applications will not help you learn English easily and quickly, but will only create a mess in your head.

The thing is that each resource contains different techniques and ways of presenting information. As a result, instead of progressing in your learning, you risk completely losing the essence and not understanding which stages of learning should be paramount. Here it is important to spend time specifically identifying 1-2 sources that are optimal for you, on which you will spend a small part of your time every day in the future.

For beginners, you can easily learn English with the application Lingualeo. With the free version, you can independently learn new words, hear their pronunciation, learn to write the words you have learned, the program will check the correctness of their spelling, which is important. Free version Perfect for those who are learning a language from scratch.

A similar resource may include Duolingo. This free program, in which, in addition to teaching written speech, there is also training in oral speech (pronounce new learned phrases).

How to easily learn English on your phone

Easy ten is an application with which you can easily learn 10 new English words per day. Every day during the day it displays cards with words and translations on the phone screen. In addition to translation, there is a function to view the application of these words. Examples are taken from recently published posts on Twitter, which makes it easier to immerse yourself in spoken language. A nice bonus is the opportunity to get real prizes for successful learning (discounts on language courses and tutoring).

  • Only a minimum of common and convenient resources are provided. In fact, there are enough of them so that you can choose the one that is convenient for you.

To consolidate knowledge correct spelling words, you can resort to international sites Interpals And Mylanguageexchange. To communicate, you only need basic knowledge of the language. This is a great practice for communicating with a native speaker at home, without having to travel to another country.

How to easily learn English words?

We are not talking about expensive trips abroad and training in special groups. To consolidate the words you have learned, live communication in English is simply necessary. Here you can resort to communicating via Skype. You can communicate with friends who are also learning the language or are already fluent in it. Any communication will not pass without a trace and will help consolidate the acquired knowledge.

An additional way to learn English is to listen to films without translation.

Choose movies that you like and have watched several times. Don't rush to turn on subtitles and don't be discouraged if you don't understand some words at first. At this stage, it is important to create a perception of spoken language. After watching the film after a few weeks of studying, you will be surprised at how much of the actors' speech you will begin to understand without difficulty. This easy way learn English on your own.

A good help are also audiobooks in English. They can be downloaded to a tablet, smartphone or flash drive. It’s convenient because any free minute can be used for business. Waiting inin a car in traffic jams, in queues, traveling on public transport - these tiring moments will fly by unnoticed when listening to audiobooks and will become a useful pastime.

Don't ignore listening to your favorite songs in English.

There are groups on social networks for learning English, where songs with translation are constantly posted completely free of charge. In addition, it is worth trying to listen to the radio in English. This method is free and effective in sharpening spoken language(the free speech of the announcer is an excellent example).

You can try using the app English Daily, with which you will listen to the text in English, and the translation of unknown words will be visible on the screen. There's a little secret here. Once you begin to understand the text you are listening to without prompting, you must pronounce it out loud ( great practice for pronouncing words). This resource is effective due to the fact that, in addition to auditory memory, visual memory will also be involved.

Another way to easily learn English

To quickly master the English language, you still can’t do without reading literature. This stage follows only after learning the minimum basics on the same mobile applications. Basic knowledge words are needed.

You will come across a lot of new unknown words. You will need to translate them yourself. Yandex and Google translators are suitable for this, where, in addition to the meaning of the word, you can hear its pronunciation (do not neglect this, it is important to initially remember the correct pronunciation).

  • At first, reading will take a lot of time and the volume of pages read will be minimal. This is completely normal. Don't be alarmed. Here, as with watching films, practice will come with time. It is important not to give up when difficulties arise. Luckily, download e-book or buying it in the usual paper form is not difficult these days.

It is also necessary to study English grammar. This is the basis without which understanding of foreign speech will remain at the level of “ something seems clear, I caught half the words». This is the most difficult stage. You still have to learn the rules. But fortunately, in our time, progress has not left this point unattended. There is no need to buy a bunch of textbooks (unless you personally prefer reading books). Several tutorial applications have also been developed here. By installing them on your tablet or phone, you can learn new rules every day and return to repeating the ones you have learned. You can pin the information in the application Johnny Grammar, Grammar 2 And English Grammar in Use Activities. These apps help you master or further reinforce the use of verbs, articles, and nouns.

Learning English on your own can take a lot of time and perseverance. But here everything will depend on you.

Set a goal, don’t give up at the first difficulties and influxes of laziness, and use every free minute. Only you can decide for yourself what is more important to use per day 20-30 minutes free time to learn the language or spend this time watching social networks and kill time playing games.

Count how many minutes a day you spend wasting time and multiply by 365 days. Many? But this is quite enough to learn English on your own without large financial and time expenditures.

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It's no secret that today the English language is an international link connecting many peoples in almost all spheres of life: political, economic, scientific and many others.

. English is considered the main language in which international negotiations and conferences are held and scientific achievements are exchanged between different countries. Without knowledge of this language it is very difficult to get a prestigious, highly paid job.

Motivation is an integral part of any educational process, on which half the success depends. Internal motivation is especially important when learning a foreign language for the reason that such learning requires enormous mental and moral expenditure, especially if a person is not inclined towards languages.

Before starting a course, either independently or under the supervision of a teacher, it is recommended to set a specific goal that will not only motivate a person to take action, but also determine further specifics and teaching methods.

The advantage of classes with a tutor is that he himself can stimulate his student by telling him about the opportunities that the English language can open up for him.

The goals of learning English may be different for each person:

  • Travel the world.
  • Chat with friends from other countries.
  • Plunge into the culture of the people using language.
  • Watch films and listen to songs by your favorite performers, understanding their meaning.
  • Receive a certain status in society and a high position with further career advancement.
  • Get A's in English.
  • Keep up with curriculum at school or university.
  • Pass the exam to avoid expulsion.

Often the motivation for learning is a promised gift from parents who want their child to learn a language. Such a motive cannot be called reliable, and the result of training with such a goal cannot be called successful. Only a conscious choice can promote progress in thorny path mastering English speech.

Modern teaching technologies

The fruits of technological progress are now used as aids teaching English, which speed up the completion of the course and contribute to the rapid assimilation of the material. Watching films with original dubbing, conducting listening tests in class, involving a child in a fun game to learn new vocabulary - all this and much more is now available to everyone.

Movies on DVD in English

Nowadays on the Internet you can find a huge number of films in English, both with and without subtitles. There are also sites specializing in foreign language teaching. On them you can watch your favorite TV series and at the same time expand your vocabulary, since they contain both a written version of the dialogues and their translation into Russian. Here are some examples of such sites:

  • (the LinguaLeo project is a comprehensive language teaching program that itself determines the level of English proficiency through grammatical and vocabulary tests, and develops a learning plan in accordance with the individual abilities of the user).
  • Educational%20films (the site offers various educational films with subtitles and translation, explains the rules of grammar and gives the necessary vocabulary).
  • (here are the most popular English films and TV series available for viewing, which will certainly captivate any user)
  1. Review those parts of the film in which you did not catch the general meaning.
  2. It is advisable to read the film script or watch it first in the Russian version.

Note: Choose only high-quality voice acting from well-known companies. Only there can you enjoy an adequate translation in stylistic and phonetic terms.

  1. Make a list of unknown words and find their translation. It is useful not to type on a computer, but to write by hand, since this helps visual memory.
  2. If your language level is not yet too high, choose films with subtitles. However, to avoid being distracted from speaking English, try not to look at them too often.

Listening to English speech contributes not only to active progress in learning, but also to the development of the hearing aid.


Mnemonics (mnemonics) is a method of memorizing words based on associations. By using this approach to learning a foreign language, you activate your memory by creating additional neural connections.

  1. Memorize not individual words, but groups of lexical units.
  2. After memorizing the next portion of words, take a break for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Try to find Russian word consonant with English and mentally record the parallel drawn. Over time, when you pronounce an English word, you will have a certain association or image with it.
  4. Don't make it your goal to learn a word.
  5. Connect the words from the group you are studying by finding similarities and differences between them, thus creating a storyline.

Association example:

The English verb to keep (store) is consonant with the Russian word boil. Now you only need to connect the two semantic cores “store” and “boil”.

It is worth noting that the less logic in the created association, the better the word is remembered.

At first, this method may seem absurd and complicated., if you have an undeveloped imagination, however, having mastered this technique over time, you will be able to remember without much effort large number words

Spaced repetition method

Considered one of the most effective ways replenishment of vocabulary

Statistics show that most words are forgotten immediately after reading, therefore, in order to consolidate information in memory, it is necessary to repeat words taking into account the following periods of time:

  1. The first repetition immediately after reading or listening to the text.
  2. The second - after 20 minutes.
  3. The third - after 8 hours.
  4. Fourth – one day after the first memorization.

Composing phrases

For more productive learning of the English language, methodologists recommend memorizing not individual words, but phrases using these lexical units. Thus, it is possible for short term to form basic language competence, that is, to speak English.

To develop the ability to compose phrases, perform special exercises and always look for the minimum context in which a word can be used. For example, remember not the word will(will), and the phrase to impose ones will on smb(to impose one's will on someone).

Communication with a native speaker

Benefits of communicating with a native speaker:

  • Overcoming the language barrier.
  • Formation of communication skills in a foreign language in the shortest possible time.
  • Practice English speech: increasing vocabulary and practicing grammar.
  • A fascinating pastime with a person whose mentality is completely different from yours.

Note: You should communicate with competent people who, if necessary, can correct you.

Forms of communication with a native English speaker:

  1. trip to the UK or USA (direct immersion in the language environment);
  2. communication via Skype or telephone;
  3. correspondence on social networks or by email;
  4. language tandem (a format of some kind of mutually beneficial cooperation, when two people who speak different languages communicate at the native level in order to learn each other’s language, as well as the culture and traditions of the countries in which they live).

Language is very complex system, therefore, not everyone can master it quickly, but it is quite possible to speed up the process if you take into account the following recommendations:

  1. The process of learning English should above all be fun.
  2. Work with full dedication, but to the best of your ability. Catch yourself thinking that each time the material becomes easier for you.
  3. Set a goal not only general (motivational), but also specific (specific for each lesson).
  4. Don't try to learn all the material at once.. Not only will you not remember everything at once, but you will also discourage all desire to study.
  5. Combine everything modern technology for learning a foreign language. Over time, you will develop your own set of entertaining exercises based on your interests.
  6. Pay attention to all types of speech: speaking, writing and listening. Pin lexical material during each of these three stages.
  7. If you have zero level of language proficiency, you will have to start with the basics: alphabet, phonetics and grammatical rules. Without them, you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly and beautifully in English. The faster you master them, the sooner you will get closer to the expected result.

You will need

  • - teaching aids in English;
  • - workbook;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - DVD player;
  • - MP3 player;
  • - video materials in English;
  • - audiobooks in English.


Determine why you need English. In progress self-study You will have to constantly motivate yourself by setting aside time to study and expending effort, so it is important to find a compelling reason that will become a universal motivator for you. Depending on your situation, the goal may be a tourist trip, a trip abroad, or work in a prestigious foreign company.

Get ready for some serious hard work. The so-called modern language acquisition technologies offered everywhere, which are supposedly capable of making you speak fluently in a month, instill unnecessary illusions. Learning a language can take several months of focused independent work, and it may take several years to master a language perfectly.

Start learning English with the alphabet and pronunciation. Without knowing whether a particular letter is , it will be difficult to use a dictionary, read an abbreviation, or even simply dictate your name over the phone.

Having mastered the alphabet, move on to memorizing words. Be sure to limit yourself to a specific time frame. For example, set yourself a minimum goal of learning new words in a month. This will amount to only 15-20 lexical units per day. Stick to your plan. It is important not just to memorize any words, but to first try to translate the language that you are used to using every day. This will save you from having to learn words that you may never need.

To quickly review the material you have covered, get yourself a separate dictionary notebook. Write down the words you have mastered and the expressions you like in your notebook. It is important to take notes by hand, as this engages motor memory and promotes better learning of new material. Another valuable tool for self-study English language can become separate cards, on one side of which the word po- is written, and on the back - its English equivalent.

In parallel with the accumulation of vocabulary, begin to master the basics English grammar. This will allow you to correctly construct phrases from the words you have learned. Try to speak out loud as much of the material you are learning as possible.

To develop skills in understanding foreign speech, watch DVD films and video materials in the language, without translation. It is advisable to have a notebook and pen with you. Turn off subtitles and try to understand individual words and expressions by ear. After pausing the player, do not be lazy to turn to the dictionary to look up the meaning of the new word you heard. Periodic listening to English-language radio stations, especially news channels, will also be a good help.

Use your MP3 player to free time listen to books in the language. This will also allow you to understand the structure of speech and feel its melody. It is convenient to have a text version of the book on hand for parallel reading. The skill of simultaneous listening and reading will be especially valuable at the initial stage of language acquisition.

Make learning English a priority, without being afraid to sacrifice small everyday activities to achieve it. When planning time for studying, aim to study for 20-30 minutes, then switch to other things, and then again pay attention to the language. Taking breaks from work will make learning more effective.

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When studying, both the desire to achieve results and correct program, And good teacher, and even well-chosen textbooks. But what if there is neither a teacher nor a knowledgeable assistant, but the desire is nevertheless present? How to learn English on your own and get the most out of the process?


Correctly decide on the period during which you want to learn the language. There are different levels of language proficiency. If your goal is simply to be able to order food, then it will take less than a month to achieve this level of proficiency, given all the sophistication of culinary terms. If your goal is real mastery, that is, understanding different dialects, the ability to speak without thinking, read newspapers, classical literature and watch the news, understanding fast speech, this implies a completely different time investment - 5 years or, with maximum motivation, 3 years. A beginning student needs to decide on a deadline right away, because time management is one of the main factors in successfully learning a foreign language.

Try to plan your day so that every day you have at least an hour (minimum!), and preferably two or three, to study the language.
Remember that any language requires daily practice. Even those who can say that they are fluent in a particular language lose their dexterity if they do not practice for more than two months.

It is worth noting that the process of learning a foreign language consists of three main parts: studying the grammatical structure of the language (syntax, tenses, etc.), replenishing vocabulary and practicing correct pronunciation. It is in this order that priorities should be laid out when learning a language at the initial stages, in the intermediate period and at late stages.

A beginner must first understand the grammar and tenses of the language. Without knowledge elementary rules and syntax further acquisition of vocabulary and phrasal verbs it will be very difficult. An intermediate-level student, having mastered grammar, should move on to reading classical literature, watching news and films - in the process, vocabulary will be replenished and pronunciation will be mastered. An advanced student, given that he is already familiar with the syntax and has a decent vocabulary, should devote 100% of his time to speaking practice - only in this way will the correct pronunciation be formed and the accent disappear.

Try to surround yourself with everything that is in one way or another connected with the country of the language you are learning or the language itself - listen to music in the language you are learning, watch movies and communicate with English speaking people: the faster you immerse yourself in this unfamiliar environment, the easier it will be for you when you arrive in the country of the language you are learning. The ideal option, of course, is to immediately move to the country of the language you are learning - forced communication with foreigners and an English-speaking environment will double or even triple the period of study.

Last but not least important point- properly selected literature and educational materials. Even though you are going to learn the language on your own, it would be a good idea to ask for advice from knowledgeable person: professor, teacher or someone who has already fulfilled your dream and. Advice may concern not only the study program itself, but also which textbooks are best for you and which classical literature will not be difficult in the first stages.

It is believed that teaching English at home on your own, it’s not at all difficult, just arm yourself with a couple of interesting films and videos, download special applications and devote at least half an hour to training every day. However, it's not that simple. Let's look at everything possible ways, how to effectively learn English on your own at home and we will analyze each of them separately.

English is a world of possibilities

While world economy develops, there is a general integration of people: they change their country of residence, go to work, enter prestigious foreign universities, communicate with friends and loved ones living on another continent, or simply travel. That is why it is so important to know the generally accepted world language - English.

Those people who know English have many options for using it:

  • You can watch original versions of various films and newly released TV series;
  • Various computer programs and literature in a foreign language;
  • Knowing the language, you will be able to grasp the meaning of the lyrics of your favorite songs;
  • Free colloquial speech will contribute to your integration into the global cultural community (lots of new friends, music festivals and travel).

Of course, you can attend expensive courses or hire a tutor, but there is a more profitable solution: learn English yourself without leaving home, for free and as a bonus. It is absolutely not difficult and very effective. Therefore, after our advice, the question of how to learn English on your own at home from scratch will not bother you.

Setting a language learning goal

There are no incapable people; there are either bad teachers or poor stimulation. Some avid “students” attend courses, hire tutors, and things are still going strong.

Seeing their reluctance to learn, they begin to blame, saying that they do not have the inclination to learn a language by nature. Nonsense and nonsense, we tell them. They are simply lazy people of the “highest” category.

That's why important point Before you start learning a language, you need to set a goal. Your final result will depend on it, and the strength of the desire to achieve your plans can soon bear fruit. Let's give laziness a fight and set goals.

Goal setting must be realistic. Answer yourself the question: “why am I learning English?” - if there is no answer, quit this activity, or come up with a reason. As a rule, among the goals for beginners who want to learn English are:

  • new job abroad or obtaining a position in international company;
  • conducting own business and international trade;
  • tourist trips;
  • easy flirting and starting a family with a foreigner;
  • correspondence with friends from other countries and social work;
  • studying in a country where the main language is English.

Is it possible to learn English quickly?

Nowadays, there are many new and relevant technologies that will help you learn a language without leaving your home. And you have a completely logical question: how long will it take to learn English on your own from scratch?

Let’s answer this: the timing varies from person to person, but it’s at least several years. Nowadays, there are many educational videos and courses that promise to teach you the language in a couple of weeks or a few months. Don't believe this - the time frame is too short. After all, imagine small child, living in the States and constantly growing up in a society where everyone speaks English, more or less knows the language by the age of 7-10. But what distinguishes you from him is that you are an adult and conscious person who is able to approach the task in an organized manner.

To have a good knowledge of English you will have to spend 2-3 years. At the same time, you need to study regularly, forcing you to allocate your precious time for training almost every day.

Scientists have proven that English words are remembered better in the first half of the day, and psychological attitude, when you are enjoying your next lesson, will make your classes easy and relaxed.

Ideal age to learn a language: It has been found that children perceive language in the womb. Therefore, the sooner you start teaching your child English, the better he will learn a foreign language.

In this section we will try to give detailed instructions how to learn English on your own from scratch. Why did we focus on homeschooling? Time and technology dictate their conditions, so if 10 years ago the most serious way to learn English from scratch was face-to-face courses, now you really don’t need to leave home. A huge number of training courses have appeared mobile applications, the ability to communicate via Skype and search for native speaker interlocutors via the Internet and social networks. That's why learning English at home has become much easier.

1. Learn the alphabet and pronunciation of letters

This is exactly where you should start your training. For example, ignorance of the alphabet will prevent you from writing your name in a foreign language, conveying a company abbreviation, or using a dictionary correctly. So take a few lessons to learn the alphabet and take a good look at the sounds and transcriptions of English sounds.

2. Remember words that consist of learned letters

Here it is best to set yourself a goal, let’s say that in two months you will learn 600 words. This means that you at least need to master and remember 10 words per day. Where should you get your words from?

  • dictionary (the simplest, but most banal way);
  • articles on the Internet (can only be read by those who already have a minimum vocabulary);
  • books;
  • audio repeat;
  • videos.

How to learn english words fast and easy: unclassified technology

We all easily and for a long time remember only what is truly interesting to us. In this case, not only the text is implied, but also the situation. For example: the sound of the word “sheep” and “ship” is the same. Therefore, you need to learn these words with epithets. For example, “fast ship” - a fast ship or “curly sheep” - a curly sheep and imagine their images. This way you will not only learn the main word, but also remember typical phrases.

Try to combine:

  • noun and adjective;
  • noun and verb.

Studying material in blocks is not the most interesting, because unpredictable quatrains or phrases are best remembered.

Catchphrases that are easy to remember:

  • Nobody's perfect, but me - Nobody is as imperfect as me;
  • Every bullet has its billet - Each bullet has its own purpose;
  • The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams - The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams;
  • Give me my heart back! - Give me back my heart.

3. Get a dictionary notebook

Write down everything you liked from the words, phrases or sentences you mastered in your notebook. This will allow you not only to read your favorite quotes in the future, but also in the best possible way remember them. You should know that when you write down words, you develop motor memory.

Advice on how to use a homemade English dictionary

To begin with, you read the information from the page. Then close the Russian words from the right column and make a translation. Then you do exactly the opposite: try to pronounce or write down a phrase from Russian words into English.

Nowadays, a “not bad”, but less effective replacement for dictionaries are word cards. They consist of two words: English and Russian, and can have a visualized picture. But, as practice shows, these printed materials may get lost.

4. Pay attention to transcription

This absolutely does not mean that it needs to be written down completely for every newly learned word. Write down only those words or phrases whose pronunciation you have little confidence in. And don't forget that American English and British English are slightly different from each other.

5. We pay special attention to grammar

It’s not enough to just know words; you need to be able to combine them correctly and put them into sentences. Understanding grammar will help you with this. Here you need not only to memorize the rules, but also to read and listen as much as possible. Yes, we know, reading a book in English is very difficult. Play this game: tell yourself that without reading 3 pages, you won’t be able to eat something sweet for tea.

6. We think and communicate in English as much as possible

A simple technique will help you thoroughly learn English on your own at home. You memorize phrases that you use most often in everyday speech, for example: “I’m very tired” or “Stop working, it’s time to go home.” Now translate them into English: “I am very tired” and “stop working, it’s time to go home.”

A little advice for beginners: To translate a phrase into English, use regular online translators Google or Yandex.

After learning these phrases, try to mentally or even verbally pronounce them when appropriate. Then they will remain in your memory for years.

Ideally, find a conversation partner who also wants to learn English, and communicate with him; fortunately, in the world of Internet communications and social networks, this is not at all difficult. Try to communicate with the person via Skype, sometimes chat on ICQ (this will help your grammar).

7. Watch movies on a computer or DVD player

Before watching, arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper. As soon as a word from the context is not familiar to you, immediately write it down in letters. Now press pause and look up the word in the dictionary.

Programs to help: to quickly and easily understand which word or phrase you are having problems with, use a text-to-voice program. It can be downloaded on the Internet or configured on a modern phone (this function is present in many gadgets). You repeat the phrase, the device reads it from your voice and gives the result.

It is also important to perceive the sounds of English speech by ear. Turn off subtitles, pay attention to the lips of the speaker and translate yourself. For these purposes, it is best to watch news from BBC, NBC, CNN or videos from YouTube.

Which movie is better to start with? Watch the sensational movie House of Cards, in which the speech of the main characters is simple and understandable, and the plot is perceived with a bang.

8. We use an mp3 player

It will help you listen to your favorite foreign songs or audiobook. As practice shows, pop music gradually becomes boring, but books in audio versions are interesting to students. Little secret: Find the text for the audiobook and skim through it. Choose not only interesting books, but also those that have a translation into Russian.

9. Online training services

Don't neglect modern technologies. They will best allow you to overcome laziness and get ready to learn English in game form. Download an educational application to your smartphone, word-lists specially created in the form of a dictionary, and the Lingvo Tutor program, which itself will remind you when you need to learn English.

Be sure to pay attention to our own development - . This is an online tutorial that will allow you to learn English from scratch on your own at home. Unique exercises and texts of varying difficulty levels will allow you not only to learn to read and write in English, but also to significantly expand your vocabulary, master the use of grammatical rules in practice and learn to perceive English speech by ear.

Below you can watch a video with a presentation of the Lim English online service.

The main difficulties of learning and ways to overcome them

English, like any language, has its difficulties. Let's look at three key difficulties and try to find solutions for each of the points.

1.Times. Probably the reason for this attitude towards the diversity of verb forms lies in the education system - in most schools in the classroom English teacher does not aim to use the acquired knowledge. Therefore, students only learn about types of tenses that are new to them and do not practice them. As a result, they feel afraid while talking. As for solving the problem: we suggest not taking on all the forms at once, but learning a group of simple tenses - past, present, future. After mastering the rules, start making up simple sentences with them, also practice staging individual words V various shapes. Find someone to talk to and practice your new knowledge!

2.Irregular verbs. The topic is really difficult. However, it can also become understandable. Key Point- even irregular verbs have a system. Take a couple of dozen of them to study and put them into groups according to the method of change, so “beat-beat-beaten” and “eat-eat-eaten” will be in one, and “begin-began-begun” and “drink-drank- drunk" - to another. Did you see a lot of similarities? And one more good news: most irregular verbs all forms are the same.

3.Differences in pronunciation and spelling. IN this issue Even native speakers will agree with you. In some lexemes, both in writing and in speech, it is easy to make a mistake. There is only one way out of the situation - pronounce words that are difficult for yourself after the announcer, if we're talking about about writing - make sentences with this word, deliberately spell it out several times.

As you can see, any difficulty can be solved, you just need to put in a little patience and effort - this way the difficulties will turn into tasks, and the latter will be completed over time!


People who learn English in addition to their native language live much longer. In addition, they are less susceptible to senile dementia. The explanation is very simple: the brain, for its constant activity, requires regular training, which it receives from classes.

These are, perhaps, the main recommendations for beginners on how to quickly learn English from scratch. Is it possible to do this yourself, and even without leaving home? Of course yes. Only your desire, constant training and communication will help you with this. And try not to stop there. Spanish and French are also worth learning. Take heart, aspiring polyglots!