The Witcher 2 with Triss. Difficulty of choice

Depending on our choices in the Assassin of Kings quest, Iorveth may repel the attack of Roche and his men [A], or not, in which case he will be captured [B]. In Flotsam, either [A]there will be a mass murder of non-humans, or [B]a holiday in honor of Geralt and Roche.

When we get to Flotsam, we are stopped by a guard at the gate. If, when completing the quest Infamous Proposal, we decided to work with Loredo, we will be allowed into the city without hindrance. If we refused the commandant, then the guard will refuse to let us through. In this case, we can persuade him, intimidate him, or use the Axii Sign. Entering the city, we find ourselves at the epicenter of a pogrom: people are killing non-humans. Having reached the tavern, we hear Buttercup's voice. Judging by his screams, he is in serious trouble. We enter the tavern. It turns out that a local hillbilly is going to have fun with two elves, who are protected by the bard with all his might. We can try to convince the enraged men to go home or use the Axii Sign. If we fail, a fight will break out.

[Combat] Fist fighting is based on the principle of quickly pressing certain keys (QTE), and for a witcher it will not be difficult. After the fight, Buttercup briefly describes the pogrom. We ask about Triss and learn that she was going to talk to Sheala when Dandelion told her about the megascope. So, we go to Sheala's room on the second floor of the inn. Here we find traces of blood and a hole in the wall. Someone probably did it to peep into the next room where the brothel is located. We go to the brothel madam to get at least some information. It turns out that Triss was talking to Philippa Eilhart. Garvena also says that she saw Cedric wander somewhere towards the forest, and traces of blood from Sheala’s room lead outside the city. We drink the Cat's elixir, which will allow us to follow the bloody trail. Following them, we cross the forest and come out into a clearing in front of a waterfall. Here we find the dying Cedric. Gathering his last strength, the elf tells us what happened. Triss asked him for help. When they entered Sheala's room, they were attacked by a witcher. He was so fast that Cedric could not do anything. The Witcher overpowered the sorceress and forced her to teleport them both using a megascope. It seems that he was going to get to the vicinity of the dwarven city of Vergen, which is located in Upper Aedirn or, as it is otherwise called, Upper Marchia. Cedric dies in our arms... Some time later, Zoltan and Dandelion find us in the forest...

After our duel with Letonas finds Roche. He says that he was able to take Iorveth prisoner. However, the killer escaped, which means Triss is in danger. We run to Flotsam with Roche. In the town square we meet Loredo. The commandant announces a holiday in our honor and calls us heroes. Having reached the tavern, we hear Dandelion ranting. Maybe he knows where Triss is? The bard says that Triss went to Sheala, to the room she rents on the second floor of the inn. We go upstairs to look at the sorceress's room. There we find traces of blood and see a hole in the wall. There is a brothel behind the wall, and perhaps they could see what happened here. So, we go in search of witnesses. In the brothel we meet Buttercup’s “friend”, the elf Dare, who, as it turns out, was spying on Triss and Cedric together with Garvena. Merigold wanted to find out who deTancerville was talking to through the megascope. Triss tried to contact King Kaedwen's court mage, Dethmold. The elf doesn’t know what happened next, but she heard noise and sounds of fighting. When she went outside, she saw only Cedric wandering towards the forest. And his bloody traces... Using the Cat elixir, we follow in his footsteps. Soon we reach a clearing near the waterfall.

Here we find Cedric dying. Gathering his last strength, the elf tells us what happened. Triss asked him for help. When they entered Sheala's room, Summer appeared. He was so fast that Cedric couldn't do anything. The Witcher overpowered the sorceress and forced her to teleport them both using a megascope. It seems that he was going to get to the vicinity of the dwarven city of Vergen, which is located in Upper Aedirne or, as it is otherwise called, Upper Marchia. Cedric dies in our arms... Some time later, Zoltan and Dandelion find us in the forest...

Your story choices from the second part will affect the world of the third part of the game. If you are the owner of PC versions of games, you can import your progress.

Now, I have two news for you. One is good, the other is bad. Let's start with the good one.

If you haven't played the second part, if you don't have any saves left, or maybe you don't remember what you chose, then the third part generously offers you to select key points at the beginning of the game. The bad news is that if you haven’t played the second part yet, your choice will be empty pressing of buttons without understanding the purpose of what is happening.

The next paragraph will contain spoilers. Spoilers for part two! Not the third one. Run for your lives. And if you haven’t played The Witcher 2, then run and play. Better yet, run to read books.

In this article No descriptions of how choosing the second part will affect third. This article is just a reminder of what happened. So that you don't feel lost in the plot.

Remember, you encountered him in the prologue. Then you chose the order of missions yourself, but it can be found in the first three missions. He guards the castle along with his guards. He can be killed or left alive. If you kill him, you can meet his mother later in the game. Leaving La Valette alive allows him to be encountered later in the game.

Choice 2. Who did you leave Flotsam with - Vernon Roche or Iorveth?

Vernon Roche? Iorveth? Who are all these people?

Vernon Roche is a devoted servant of Foltest (who is the king) and literally one of the few who believed that Geralt did not kill Foltest. Iorveth is an elf, a rebel, commander of the Scoatoels (which are squirrels) and just a handsome guy. Both heroes are on opposite sides of the barricades. Vernon is on the royal legal side, an elf, respectively, a champion of elven freedom based on genocide.

The choice is not mythical, the missions are different. By choosing Roche, you join the Blue Stripes and receive a whole series of missions and new opportunities. The same goes for Iorveth. Elven missions and endless forests.

Choice 3. Iorveth's branch. Do we save Triss or waste the spell on Saskia?

Oh, that Triss Merigold. She is an object of permanent witcher interest. Plus, a powerful sorceress. Saskia is a beautiful warrior who led the resistance in Aedirn. At the time of choice, Triss will be a prisoner in the Nilfgaardian military camp. At this time, Saskia, in the form of a dragon (yes, she can do this) is in magical captivity of Philippa Eilhart. By the way, if you choose Roche, you won't know that Saskia is a dragon.

Are we saving Triss? Besides having fun at the camp, she points out Sheala de Tanserville, who is most likely behind Foltest's murder. Saskia remains in her dragon form, which you will encounter later in the game.

Are we saving Saskia? Triss will not die as a prisoner in the camp. But this choice also has its consequences. Because Leto, the true killer of the king, will save her. But from this moment on, a massive hunt begins. What is not good.

Choice 3. Branch Rocher. Are we saving Triss or Anais La Valette?

Remember Marie Louise La Valette? No? In general, she has two children. And they are not from her husband, but from King Foltest himself! And do you know what this says? What do you even know about The Witcher!? This suggests that Anais is the eldest daughter - the first direct heir to the throne. And she is Henselt's prisoner. The choice is difficult; save either Triss or Anais from captivity. If you save Anais, you have one more choice - who to give her to - Redania or Temeria. When choosing Anais, Triss will not die; Summer will save her again.

If we choose Triss, then the same thing happens as in Iorveth's branch. The only difference is that you didn't save Anais. But she won't die. Roche himself will save her. But they won't treat her properly.

Choice 4. Save Sheala de Tanserville or let her die from her own megascope.

Megascope is the Skype of the Witcher universe, with a built-in teleport function. The thing is quite expensive, not everyone has such a powerful device. To Sheala’s great misfortune, one important detail was changed in her teleport, and this will lead to a fatal outcome. Sheala begs Geralt to save her. We save Sheala - she says where you can find Yennefer and disappears. We can’t save her - Sheala turns into magical dust.

Choice 5: Kill Letho or let him leave.

Summer is also a witcher. He is the king's killer. According to the plot, we will stumble upon him or his traces. But in the final part we will have a difficult choice. Whether to allow a potential killer to roam the world or kill him. Consequences are consequences, but the game will end anyway.

I hope you weren’t too tired of the short excursion into the plot of the second part.

Vernon Roche's team docks the ship on the shore of a forested area. You leave him in the company of Roche and Triss to explore the area and get to Flotsam. But on the way to the city you will be very unlucky, and you will meet a charismatic representative of the elven robbers - Iorveth. Unfortunately for you, Iorveth and Roche are long-time sworn enemies, and the situation cannot be resolved peacefully.

You can either [A] persuade Triss to release an electric discharge at Iorveth, or [B] don’t do this - then Roche will throw a knife at Iorveth, but the result will still be the same - the elf will dodge the attack and order his soldiers to shoot you. Triss will prevent this by creating a protective magical barrier around herself, but soon her strength will begin to leave her and the barrier will weaken, so you must get to Flotsam as soon as possible. On the way to the city, you will be attacked by elves on both sides. If you deal with your opponents without ever getting out of the barrier, you will receive a “Barrier”. On the approach to the city, the Scoiathaels will be driven away by local guards.

By the will of the gods and executive fools

You will arrive in Flotsam right in time for an important event - the execution on the main square. Quickly go there, because they are going to execute not just anyone, but your best friends - Zoltan and Dandelion. Approaching the gallows, you learn that the first is being executed for aiding the Scoiathaels, and the second for debauchery and rowdy. You can resolve this situation in two ways: [A] set the local crowd on guard, or [B] try to intimidate the guards, but in any case you will have to fight with one (in the first case) or two guards (if you decide to intimidate).

After defeating the guard, the executioner will still begin to hang the condemned, so you will have to deal with him too. When you do this, Commandant Loredo, the main man in Flotsam, will arrive. No matter how you behave, Loredo will release both Zoltan and Dandelion, but will forbid them to leave the city. And he will ask you to visit him in the evening.

Vile proposal

When you decide to visit Loredo, wait until evening and go to his residence. Before you go inside, a guard will take your swords.

You will be joined inside the residence by Vernon Roche. He will immediately notice a ballista located nearby, facing towards Flotsam Harbour. Thanks to this gun, all arriving and departing ships are under the control of Loredo. Roche suggests that you disable the ballista. To do this, you will need to somehow distract the guard on duty nearby. For help we turn to the courtesan Margarita. You can either [A] bribe her, or [B] help teach two thugs Myron and Alphonse a lesson. This is very simple to do - you just need to humiliate them a little by picking them off in your arms. Then, when the naive guard follows Margarita, take part of her mechanism from the ballista, and you can head to the commandant.

Your path to the door will be blocked by a guard who will inform you that Loredo is currently busy and will receive you a little later. Roche offers to explore the backyard and find out what is interesting there. If by this time you have not yet killed the monster that blocked the harbor - Keiran, then your conversation will be interrupted by a merchant who overheard your conversation. He, as an interested party in the extermination of Keairan, will tell you that in the backyard you can find part of the monster trap, and will go home.

While Roche distracts the guard, you must go inside the courtyard and carefully approach the guard, who will deliberately stand with his back to you. The main thing is not to knock over the bucket standing nearby. After stunning the first guard, climb up the stones and sneak into the courtyard. You must also knock out the guards scurrying back and forth, otherwise they will notice you and the mission will be interrupted (the caught Geralt will be escorted to Loredo in disgrace). Now there are exactly two things left to do: find part of the trap in the backyard and eavesdrop on Loredo’s conversation with the sorceress Sheala. And now, with a clear conscience, you can personally go to an audience with the commandant.

Loredo will ask what the king's killer is doing in his domain, but no matter what you answer, he will ask you to deal with the leader of the Scoiatael, Iorveth. You can [A] accept his offer - this will help in the future to get on the ship with the elven robber without delay, or [B] reject, which will not lead to any unpleasant consequences. According to the commandant, Zoltan, who is somehow connected with the elven fighters, will help you with a tip on Iorvet. And, if you have not yet killed Keiran, then Loredo will promise you to free Zoltan for his destruction.

Contract for Keiran

On your first visit to the Flotsam inn, you will witness Keiran's attack on the city: a peasant will fly into the inn and call the people to arms. Triss will offer to go to the harbor - according to her, someone is casting a magic spell there. Upon arrival at the harbor, you will find that Keiran has already gone home, and instead of him the sorceress Sheala will be waiting for you - the same one who recently talked with Loredo.

Several peasants close to the sorceress will raise a fuss because she allegedly almost killed their friend Zosik. You can either [A] threaten the peasants with violence (if it works, the peasants will leave, if not, then they will have to break their faces), or [B] try to find out what's going on. In the latter case, you can convince them that the sorceress had nothing to do with it, and the peasants will go home.

Sheala will tell you that she came to Flotsam to help the residents destroy Keiran. Your conversation will be interrupted by the local merchant Ludwig Moers, who will offer you and Sheala to deal with the monster for a decent reward. Sheala will even refuse a reward in your favor - supposedly she is only interested in the ingredients. And she will offer you to talk to the merchants and, perhaps, extract from them a little more money for destroying the monster than they initially offered.

Keiran: a question of price

Go to the merchant to talk to him about Kayran. Don’t be shy about asking for a larger sum, and when convinced, use the Axii Sign - this will allow you to get “Merchant” (the skill will be added after killing the monster). In addition, you can ask the merchant to give you an advance immediately. He doesn’t have detailed information about Keiran and will send us to the local trapper Cedric.

Cedric lives in Bindyug, a small outback on the edge of Flotsam. He is either on duty at the observation deck, looking through binoculars, or is in a house next to this platform. The guard and the elf can point him to him if they mention Cedric in their conversation.

On your way to the trapper, you will meet Triss, who will warn you against doing anything with Sheala. Having heeded her instructions, go to Cedric. The latter will tell you that he saw traces of a monster near a wrecked ship in the east, and that to fight it you will need a potion based on a rare ingredient - Tenecost.

Triss will teleport to the ship, and you will have to walk on foot. Near the ship, you have to destroy a small group of drowners and collect Kayran's mucus to make a potion that will make you immune to Kayran's poison.

Keiran: tenecost

To find the tenecost ingredient mentioned above, you will again need Cedric's help. He will point to the location of the cave south of Flotsam, in which this plant grows. Before you go there, fill up with elixirs and lubricate your blades - inside there lives a whole swarm of neckers - small and dexterous monsters. When you deal with them, get to the farthest corner of the cave and rip off the tenecost.

After brewing the Mongoose potion, return to Sheala and tell her that you are ready for battle. She will teleport to the destroyed bridge, and you will have to walk. Before the fight, drink the antidote and get ready for the battle - it will not be easy.

If you can’t deal with the monster, take a look at the separate page dedicated to it -

When Keiran is defeated, visit the merchant to collect your well-deserved reward.

Assassins of Kings

Now is the time to tackle Iorveth. At the entrance to the Loredo mansion, Triss Merigold will be waiting for you, who will tell you that the captive Scoiatael Kiaran, Iorveth’s right hand, is being held in the barge on the pier. At the entrance to the barge, Loredo's guards will block your path. If you accepted Loredo's offer to capture Iorveth, then there should be no problems, otherwise you will have to intimidate, convince or bribe the guards.

Ciaran, whom you will find on the lower deck, is in a deplorable state after being tortured by Loredo's men. To bring him to his senses, Triss will cast healing spells on the elf while you hold him with the Sign of Axii. The prisoner will tell you that the killer of kings is called Leto - it was he who dealt with Damavand and Foltest, and now he wants to get rid of the elves who have become unnecessary. Leto destroyed the entire squad of Ciaran, but the latter miraculously survived. After talking with him, Geralt has a vision of Yennefer and the Wild Hunt.

Rose of Memory

Having learned about the visions, Triss will offer to return Geralt's memories with the help of a rose of memory, which can be found at the ancient elven ruins. We [A] we can take Triss with us or [B] go there alone.

. If you asked Triss to accompany you, then you will make your way through the forest and look for the rose together. The forest is full of traps and monsters that can ruin your romantic trip. When you reach the waterfall, Triss will tell you that the ruins are somewhere above it. Climbing the hill, you will find yourself in a majestic elven garden. However, you won’t be able to enjoy the views: local vandals will interfere with you. When you subdue them, the battlefield below you will collapse, and you will find yourself in an elven bath. It would be a shame to skip the sex scene here, but if you don't do it, you won't receive the "Magic Resistance" that is awarded for destroying the wall by Aard. If you decide to relax a little with the red-haired beast, then the wall will be broken down by Vernon Roche, who is worried about your long absence. It's time to return to Flotsam.

. If you went to the ruins alone, then this hike will be shorter than the previous option. Find the ruins, pick the rose and return back to Triss in Flotsam.

In Flotsam, Triss will tell you that Zoltan is somehow connected with the hated Scoiathaels, and therefore will be able to help with their search. Zoltan, who is in the tavern, will not deny it, and will immediately agree to take you to the meeting place with the squirrels (but will note that this is a bad idea).

When you find yourself in the depths of the forest, Zoltan will pronounce the required password (the passwords “Kierkegaard” and “Heidegger” are a direct reference to the great philosophers from the real world), and turn himself and Geralt into walking targets for Scoiatael archers. Incredulous elves will lead you to the next meeting place, which turns out to be the lair of a terrible monster - the crab spider.

You can [A] persuade Zoltan Khivay to wait for you on the side while you deal with the monster, since he is not a witcher and may get hurt, or [B] take it with you - after all, the dwarf is no longer a boy and knows how to hold an ax in his hand. The best way to kill a crab spider is to quickly roll behind it and deliver powerful blows with your sword.

After defeating the monster, Iorvet himself will appear. If you are rude to him, then you will have a great chance to end the game right in the clearing with a pack of arrows in your chest. Explain to Iorveth that Leto wants him dead, and that is why he killed an entire detachment of his fighters. During the conversation, you will come to the following plan: Geralt will lead the bound Iorveth directly to the meeting place with Leto, under the cover of the rest of the fighters, and force him to confess everything. Here you can either immediately transfer to the desired place, or prepare and do it yourself - a difficult battle with Leto will await you ahead, but the best option would be to use all the necessary potions and prepare the best equipment even before the fight with the crab spider.

The trick with the prisoner will succeed - Leto admits that he is a killer of kings and he does not need Iorveth alive. The latter will eventually lose his temper and order the elves accompanying him to capture the kingslayer. The Scoiataels, who suddenly jumped out of the ambush, would also suddenly be attacked by the Blue Stripes, led by Vernon Roche. Iorveth will ask you to give him his sword, and the decision will need to be made quickly. It will partially influence the further development of events; you will have to make your main choice later.

So you can either [A] give the sword to Iorveth, or [B] don't do this. In the first case, Iorveth will enter into an equal battle with Roche, break out of the encirclement, and in the future the Blue Stripes will be forced to retreat. Without the sword, the Scoiatael detachment will be defeated, and Iorveth will be captured by Vernon Roche. Having made your choice, you will enter into a fight with Leto, after which it will continue in the elven bath.

You can find out how to defeat Leto on a separate page dedicated to this battle -

No matter how you conduct the battle, you cannot win it plot-wise - Leto will defeat you in the end, but will save your life, since Geralt once saved Leto from the death of an ass, and the latter, apparently, has certain principles that he cannot step over condition. Summer leaves, but warns that the next fight with him will be the last.

Where is Triss?

The further development of events depends on whether you gave the sword to Iorveth or did not do so.

. If Iorveth has the sword, he will be able to repel the attack of Roche's men, and will come down to you after the fight with Leto. This event will lead to mass pogroms and murders of non-humans in Flotsam. The guard at the city gates will refuse to let you through if you refused to cooperate with Loredo in the “Infamous Proposal” task. In this case, you will have to use threats, the Axii sign, or simply talk him out. When you enter the city, you will witness brutal massacres of non-humans. In the inn you will find Dandelion trying to protect two elves from unfriendly local residents. Traditionally, you can either convince the men to break up or punch them in the face. After you resolve the problem, Dandelion will tell you about the pogrom and the fate of Triss.

It turns out that shortly before the events described above, Triss was going to talk with Sheala, who was renting a room on the second floor of the inn. In the room you will find a megascope and signs of a struggle. If you carefully examine the details, you will notice a hole in the wall adjacent to the brothel. One of the visitors or workers of the brothel could have witnessed the events that took place in the room. Direct your steps towards Garvena. She will briefly tell you about Triss's conversation with Philippa Eilhart, and about the elf Cedric, who, being seriously wounded, wandered somewhere towards the forest.

. If Iorveth is left without a sword, he will not be able to help his fighters repel Roche's attack and will be captured. When you find yourself in Flotsam, you will see that in honor of this event the city has already organized a celebration. Commandant Loredo, who is in the main square, calls Geralt and Roche heroes and even offers to have a drink with him. Dandelion, who can be found in the inn, can tell you about Triss’s fate.

Triss was going to talk to Sheala, who was renting a room on the second floor of the inn. In this room you will find a megascope and signs of a struggle. If you carefully examine the details, you will notice a hole in the wall adjacent to the brothel. One of the visitors or workers of the brothel could have witnessed the events that took place here. This eyewitness is Dandelion's friend, the elf Dare. She will talk about Triss's attempt to find out information from the Kaedweni sorcerer Detmold, whom she contacted using a megascope. Then the sounds of a struggle were heard, and when Dare looked out into the street, she saw a bloodied Cedric, weaving towards the forest.

To find Cedric, you must follow his bloody footprints, with the Elisquir Cat helping you. Several tracks will be false, but one will still lead you to the barely alive Cedric. The latter, dying, will tell about how he was wounded by the witcher Leto, and that the latter was going to end up in a dwarven settlement known as Vergen. For this he needed the sorceress Triss.

At a crossroads

Before you have time to move away from Cedric’s body, Zoltan and Dandelion will find you. They'll tell you that the Scoiatael and the Blue Stripes are up to something, and you better find out what it is.

Vernon Roche can be found at his temporary headquarters in Flotsam. If you helped Iorveth during that very battle, he will grumble a little, but, nevertheless, will tell you about the latest events. It turns out that Loredo sold himself to the Kaedweni and is collaborating with Henselt. Roche wants to capture the Kaedweni spy Arnold Maliger, who is hiding at Loredo headquarters, and he sentences the commandant himself to death.

If you helped Iorveth during the battle with the Blue Stripes and Leto, then you can find him in the thicket of the forest near Flotsam. He will tell you that the independent Maiden of Aedirn, served by the sorceress Philippa Eilhart, is gathering strength in Aedirn. Aedirn plans to create a powerful state in the Pontar Valley, in which representatives of all races (especially elves and dwarves) could live peacefully. Henselt plans to take Aedirn's Vergen by storm, and Iorveth wants to help defend it. To make it in time, he plans to capture the prison barge moored in Flotsam harbor. If you did not help Iorveth during the fight with the Blue Stripes and Letho, then instead you will meet another Scoiatael commander who plans to forcefully recapture Iorveth from the prison barge.

The choice you make now will affect the rest of the game, and will cut off for you almost half of all the tasks of the second and third chapters. But you still have to make this choice. Or Iorvet or Roche.

Death to the traitor!

If you decide to continue your difficult story path with Vernon Roche, then you need to listen and agree to take part in the plan he developed to storm the mansion of the dirty commandant. According to this plan, Bianca disguises herself as a prostitute and infiltrates Loredo's hideout. It will be just us and Bianca, everyone else will cover the rear.

Wait until dark and go to the right place near the wall of the estate, where the stairs will be waiting for you. Jumping off the platform near the top of the wall will take you to a garden patrolled by Loredo guards. You can immediately attack them and fight immediately with a whole crowd of opponents who will come running from the immediate surroundings, or start by stunning all the patrolmen one by one.

One of the girls in the garden, whom a certain rich man is looking for at the very beginning, can tell you that Bianca was taken to the commandant’s tower, and the key to this tower is with Loredo’s mother, who is preparing fisstech in the basement. Having killed or stunned all the guards, enter the mansion by jumping through the window above the wooden outbuilding. Inside the mansion you must go down, deal with the guard and proceed to the door at the end of the corridor. There you will find Loredo's mother - an ugly, embittered old woman who will try to kill you with a knife, having first blinded you with a handful of fisstech. To avoid this fate, you must click through a simple QTE scene, after which Geralt will draw his sword and rip the old woman's head off her shoulders.

Take the key and go up to the tower, destroying the enemies you encounter along the way. When you enter the tower room, Bernard Loredo will jump out at you with a hefty halberd at the ready, where you will need to react in time to the QTE scene. Kill him, free Bianca and go into the next room. In it you will find the elf Moril, ready to give birth to a child any minute. Bianca will stay with Moril, and you need to go for help. Fortunately, at this very time, the Blue Stripes, led by Vernon Roche, are already fighting with might and main. Kill all the enemies, and this will complete the first chapter. You board the ship and sail to the border of Aedirn and Kaedwen.

floating prison

If you prefer Iorveth to Roche, you can join his (or another Scoiathael officer's, if Iorveth is captured) raid on the prison barge moored in the port of Flotsam, and then sail on it to Upper Marchia and join the army of Aedirn Virgos. You will need to accompany an advance detachment of Scoiathaels led by one of the best scouts of Iorveth's detachment. If Iorveth was not captured, then you can either [A] agree with his plan, or [B] offer a “smarter option.”

. If you agree with the plan to attack the prison barge, then you will need to follow the scout and go along the river. All other Scoiataels will have to attack the guards on the front line. When you reach the cliffs, Vernon Roche's sailing ship will appear in the distance, which means that the Blue Stripes will not interfere with you. At the same time, a Temerian patrol will pass by you. If you attack now, the battle in the port will be harder. Therefore, it is best to pass by and join the battle, which will have time to start without your participation. There will be much more soldiers than planned, but there is a witcher on the side of the Scoiataels. Attack the Temerians and kill every single one of them.

. If you decide to use a trick, then you will enter Flotsam in the company of only one bound Iorveth. On the way to the prison barge, guards will pester you with a request to let them practice hitting your prisoner. Your decision will ultimately not affect anything, so you can safely send the soldiers away. Once on the ship, Geralt and Iorveth suddenly attack the guards there, and then the rest of the Scoiathaels appear from the forest. The fight with the stealth option will be more difficult, but much shorter.

When you have defeated all the enemies and are ready to set sail, you will notice at the top of the toll collector’s tower the smug face of Loredo, setting fire to the tower with the tied up elves. Geralt jumps to the ground, leaving you with a difficult choice: you can either [A] save the elves from the burning tower, or [B] try to catch up with the commandant.

. You need to run to the tower, eliminate a couple of guards at the entrance to the tower, and climb the spiral staircase, after which a simple QTE scene will follow to rescue the captives. One of the rescued elves will “thank” Geralt in the future (if you know what I mean). Geralt jumps into the river, after which Iorveth's soldiers pull him out of the water, and he goes with Iorveth's team to Aedirn.

. If human feelings are alien to your Geralt, then you can chase Commandant Loredo. He will be waiting for you in the main square of Flotsam, armed with a heavy halberd, surrounded by his soldiers. Having dealt with Loredo, return to the pier, where a Scoiathael ship will be waiting for you, ready to depart for Aedirn.

From the beginning of the episode, you will have to manage Prince Stennis, who is staying to negotiate with King Helselt. Very soon everything will escalate into a fight and the king will accidentally splash blood on the altar. This will lead to a curse that will cover the earth. Ghosts will appear everywhere, the sun will be hidden behind black clouds, a hundred elves with Iorveth and Geralt will appear on the shore. You need to cleanse Saskia before the magical owl appears. The owl will lead you to the right place, protecting you with magic. It is important that you do not go outside the circle. Occasionally drive away ghosts from the bird. In the city, talk to the sorceress and also to Saskia.

When you follow the dwarf into the room, you need to distribute skill points. Then go to the tavern. If you don't want additional quests, go out into the fresh air. After making pompous speeches, raise your glass. The girl was poisoned. Philippa will be able to cure her, but she needs to find the immortelle root, the grove of memory and the royal blood.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - Underground Life

Start searching for healing herbs. First, visit the local tavern, where Zoltan is drinking with his comrades. Find out about the mine - it is boarded up and very mysterious. You promise to help kill the raging monsters. Zotlan, Yarpen, Sheldon will be waiting for you at the mine at noon. Before descending into the dungeon, drink a number of elixirs. Pay attention to “Swallow” and “Cat”.

There are only “corpse eaters” inside, but the door you need is locked. Sheldon will say that previously there was a chief digger named Balin Fergusson. He must have the key. We need to find Balin's corpse. He's in the room next door. Read the diary. You will find out what he gave to his four assistants.

Go forward, sometimes turning for the next key. When you open the last door, the medallion will begin to vibrate. A duckbill will appear around the bend. He is a slow and weak opponent. You need to use Quen. When you kill him, take the grass and blow it to Philippa.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - In Search of Magic

We need to look for the second component for the potion. This is a magical artifact. Philippa does not know where to find him, but she will give a recommendation to go to the headman - Sicil. He will say that there is one place where many sorcerers are drawn. Go to the indicated place.

Get out of the city through the northern gate, go through the ford, go up the slope where you can see the tower. One of the nests contains a huge crystal that begins to affect Geralt's medallion. Take the crystal and get ready to fight the harpies. The Aard sign will help a lot. When you kill everyone, go to Philippa.

Unfortunately, you will have to look for a couple more similar artifacts. She will say that the crystal contains someone's dream. Geralt will think that the harpy who built the nest was a dream thief. When you talk to the sorceress, you will find out that these harpies previously lived near the old quarry, but headman Cecil closed it and does not want to open it. Luck - the dream that is enclosed in the crystal belongs to him! Go to the headman. After your explanation, he will open the gate.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. Getting to the lair of the sleep thieves is difficult. First, go down into the gorge, at the bottom of which there will be a fight with five creatures. Kill them and collect the ingredients for the potion from their bodies. Go to the big door where there will be fewer harpies. Be prepared to use the Aard sign and the silver sword.

When you get to the round altar, watch the cutscene. Sit down and drink some healthy elixirs, save yourself. When you take out the pink crystal, you will be attacked by a dozen harpies. Place protection in time - the “Quen” sign. Then you need to run into any passage and cut out one creature at a time. Local pomegranates will help a lot. Buy them in the city from merchants.

When you have killed the harpies, go to the altar and insert crystals into it (crystals of different colors should come across along the way. They must be collected). After four dreams, return to Philippa.

Walkthrough of the game Witcher 2 – Where is Triss?

Remember that before Triss was kidnapped, you gave her a rose of memory? She is needed to heal Saskia. When you talk to Philippa, go to the inn. You can learn a lot of information from a local regular and treat him to good beer. It turns out that the bald thug and the girl fell from the sky. The thug left, and the red-haired woman was kidnapped by the troll. Once you find out where the troll is, go talk to him. This is a great guy. He will offer soup to their elves. Tactfully refuse and ask him about the “redhead.” Choose calm remarks, do not contradict him, so as not to lead to a fight. So you will find out that the troll’s wife was jealous of the “redhead” and left, taking the scarf with her. Triss herself ran away the next night. Go to the troll's wife.

There will also be mercenaries who need to be convinced to spare her. Ask her to go back to hubby. In gratitude, she will give a scarf to the “redhead.” So, return with the handkerchief to Philippa. The conversation with her will be interrupted by the prince's servants. He will say that the peasants believe that Steniss poisoned Saskin. We need to figure it out.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Royal Blood

Go to Prince Steniss's room. He locked himself in the estate, and the men from the city want to kill him. After talking with Dandelion and Zoltan, you will learn about a servant who seems to have heard Stennis and the late priest talking about the deliverance of Saskin. Talk to the servant who lives nearby. The guy is nervous, plus everything, he sits at home when such a quarrel is going on. All this is suspicious. Go to the headman. He will show you on the map where the priest lived. When you examine the room, you will find a drawing of a special. cup with a cavity for poisons. Yes, the priest is to blame, but you can’t ask him anything.

Chat with the prince. Convince the guards that only you can help a high-ranking person. The prince will refuse to give his blood, but will offer a lot of money for an excuse against the crowd. Go outside and pass judgment. The servant will inform you that before serving, the drink is checked for the presence of poison. Tell me about the drawing of the cup. When the prince makes a spectacular performance, you need to remind him of his attempt to bribe you. You have to decide his fate. You can sentence him to death, or let him live until Saskia’s amendment. The best thing to do is soak it and take the blood. Everything indicates that the prince had an agreement with the priest.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. To have all the ingredients, you just need to find Triss and the rose of memory. Philippa claims that she is now in the Helselt camp. However, the camp is located on the other side of the ghostly darkness. Only a sick person would dare to pass through it. Naturally you have to go! In this case, Philippa will provide assistance by becoming an eagle owl. When you get to the other side, say goodbye to the girl for a while, go to the king’s camp.

At the beginning of the quest you will see a corpse. Search it and you will find a figurine of some monarch. Move on. When you meet Roche, talk to him and ask for help. Despite the offense, he will tell you about the secret passage into the camp. We must go through the old cave. If Roche doesn’t want to talk, go to the city, where the local “mother” will tell you about the same cave.

Entering the cave is easy, but getting out is difficult. The stone elemental will interfere with you. Use a fast style when fighting. The Yrden sign, which slows down the enemy, is also suitable.

To complete the game The Witcher 2, you need to search the enemy, who will crumble into pebbles. Go outside. Now we need to get to the ambassador. First, stock up on throwing weapons. Approach the healthy wooden gate, ask the guard to take you to the ambassador. He will tie you up and carry you to him. The ambassador will pull out the figurine you found from his pocket, break it and take the inside contents. After talking a little, he will give the order to execute you and leave. When Bianca and Vernon come to help you, take on the sorcerer.

Your fight with Vangemar will cause a lot of noise. Vernon will suggest pretending to catch you. Agree, but first we need to ransack the camp. Here you can profit from good armor. Go to the wooden gate, avoiding the patrols. When the guard asks, answer that you are taking a witcher for interrogation. When you part with your savior, go to Philippa. Tell her about Triss, overcome the darkness and go to the city. It turns out that Philip's maid is a traitor. But in her things you will find a rose of memory that was taken from Triss.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – A Matter of Life and Death

Give all the ingredients to Philippa, watch the video where Saskin is healed. When you are alone with her, ask about the commander's sword. You will find out the necessary information, then she will give the blade and thank you for your help.

Eternal fight

To remove the curse, you need to have 4 items that played a significant role in the battle. Echoes of the battle can be observed when passing through the ghostly darkness. Philippa will give advice to talk to the mayor of the city. He will tell you that he personally fought against the Brown Banner, whose banner we should have. When you find out all the details of the battle, go to the crypt in which the soldiers killed in battle were buried. You will find the banner in the sarcophagus. But he is guarded by a ghost. Lie to the ghost that you were in the Brown Banner detachment. He won't believe it - he'll have to convince him.

The first statement must be answered with the remark - “Everything was wrong.” The next answer should be the name "Manno Coehoorn". The third answer is “Manno Koehoorn died at Brenna.” The fourth answer is “Zeltkirk and Vandergrift.” Then tell us that you were captivated by the Bigerhorn. If you don't answer correctly, there will be a fight with him. In any case, take the symbol of hatred, go to Philippa.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. If you already have Saskia’s sword, then tell the sorceress to go to the battlefield, which is in the ghostly darkness. She will give two other artifacts - a knight's armor and a medallion. When you reach the darkness, possess the Aedirn knight. Your commander will order to capture the enemy's banner. After defeating the standard bearer, transfer to the Kaedweni scout and tell your superiors that the standard has been lost. Jump from cover to cover. After a short cutscene, possess Zeltkirk and move forward, cutting the throats of the warriors that get in your way. When you meet Vandergrift, bring your life bar to the middle and enjoy your victory.

Then Dragoon will appear. We need to persuade Zeltrik to allow us to fight him.

The fight with the huge demon is the most difficult task in this mission. It’s good that all witcher skills are available. You need to use “Quen” and unleash powerful blows on the brute. As soon as he dies, the sorceress will summon a rain of fire onto the battlefield. You, in the role of a priest, will have to lead the fighters out of the field. This way the curse will be lifted.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Siege of Vergan

When you wake up in Philippa's room, tell her about all the events, go to Zoltan. He now leads the army. He will say that enemy troops are coming to the city. You will immediately see the martinets of King Henselt’s army appear on the horizon. First you will be asked to climb the walls to activate the oil supply mechanism. This is how Zoltan wants to fight the first wave of the enemy. Climb up and deal with those who managed to get over, use QTE to start the oil supply.

The first platoon was destroyed. However, the next wave is coming, so the dwarf general will give the order to retreat. When you retreat, climb the wall and talk to Saskia. Listen to the instructions, watch the video. Then you need to place traps near the stairs. It turns out that the opponents who have risen to the top will receive good damage before they can begin the fight. This way you can fight off three waves at once. Then talk again with the “Dragon Slayer”. The girl's scouts are in the mine under the city, but have not returned yet. You will receive orders to go with her into the tunnels to find out what the matter is.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2. Follow the girl, deal with the corpse eaters. You will stumble upon Henselt's detachment, which will be led by Detmold. You can easily defeat ordinary soldiers, but with this sorcerer you will have to work hard. Wait until his life energy is half gone. He then attacks Geralt with a spell to incapacitate him. It is at this point that you learn how interesting Saskia is in her own right.

Talk to her about her secret, return back to Vergen to defend yourself. At the exit you will meet Zoltan. He will say that the remaining army, led by Henselt himself, is rushing towards the city. The people are depressed, but Saskia pulled herself together. She pushes the speech and leads the attack.

First, destroy those who climbed the city walls. Then it will seem to you that there are a great many enemies and you can give up. Suddenly, Iorveth will appear at the head of a detachment of Scoiathael archers. Close the gate to trap the royal soldiers. Zoltan and the leader of the “squirrels” will provide assistance with this. When further progressing through the game The Witcher 2, go down from the wall using the stairs that are located on the right side, when looking at the open gate.

When Henselt finds himself in a disadvantageous situation, he will order his martinets to surrender their weapons. Well, he will sign the surrender himself. This is how victory in the war will be won. But you will notice that Saskia behaved very strangely during the negotiations. Therefore, Iorvet will offer to follow the girl. The girls will leave through the teleport, and you and the elf will go in search of the sorceress’s room. You can find the book "Elixirs and Poisons" in the back room. Show it to Iorveth. If you don't go after Philippa right away, something very bad could happen.

The task in the game “The Witcher 2” “Royal Blood” includes several development scenarios with moral choices. Before completing the mission, the player should familiarize himself with all possible options for passing and solving the task. In the article you can find all the necessary information on this topic with important comments and a full description of the quest.

The beginning of the story

The “Royal Blood” quest in “The Witcher 2” is available only if the player takes the side of Iorveth, the leader of the inhuman uprising, at the beginning of the journey. It all begins at the military council in the state of Aedirn, which was convened by Queen Saskia. All important personalities gathered to discuss further plans for the defense of the state from invaders from Kaedwen. After talking about the magic fog and how to get rid of it, Saskia raises her glass and makes a toast. She greets her guests, takes a sip, and falls to the ground. The mistress was poisoned with a powerful poison, to which the sorceress Philippa Eilhart quickly reacted. The woman managed to stabilize Saskia’s condition. She will ask to talk to her, and then Geralt will learn about the possibility of making an antidote. One of the components in this case will be real royal blood. The Witcher 2 is famous for its interesting stories, and therefore the quest of the same name will bring great pleasure. It is impossible to bypass it, since this is the main storyline.

The beginning of the first journey

The mission in the magnificent gaming masterpiece “The Witcher 2” “Royal Blood” truly requires the blood of a person of noble birth. There are only two candidates for this, and the first is Prince Stennis. The blood of the former king of Aedirn Damavand flows in his veins, and therefore he can help. If you approach the prince immediately after the advice with a request to donate your blood for an antidote, he will indignantly refuse, citing his origin. This will be followed by a conversation with Philippa, who will tell you about the need to complete the task “Where is Triss?” At this moment, a nobleman will appear and convey important news about Stennis.

After arriving at the barricades near the prince’s chambers, Geralt will observe an interesting picture. The peasants will gather near the building and begin to demand that Stennis be handed over to them. According to them, it was he who was to blame for the poisoning of Saskia. The queen was loved with all their hearts by the peasants of Vergen for her kindness as well as her fair rule. When the people learned about the incident, suspicion immediately fell on the one who would benefit from getting rid of Saskia first. The peasants wanted to commit lynching now, but Iorvet managed to dispel the tension. He came to the castle and calmed the crowd. Only the people have not forgotten about the insult, and therefore people are firmly convinced of the need to execute Stennis. There are several ways to solve this.

One of the further scenarios

Many people wonder when completing the "Royal Blood" quest in The Witcher 2: Is Prince Stennis guilty? The player is asked to decide the fate of this character with one decision. The first scenario would be to hand him over to the peasants to judge. People embittered by the poisoning of the queen will sentence him to instant death by beheading. Only Geralt can give him away, and therefore the player will have to carry out the sentence. This is the easiest way to get the required ingredient, but it is not recommended to do it right away. If the user pays attention to morality, then one should figure out whether the prince is guilty.

In The Witcher 2, Royal Blood (quest) offers many avenues for investigation, but it has its own problems. When Geralt starts talking to all the nobles and peasants in the hall on the other side of the barricades, a cut-scene will start. In it, the player will see how the main character gives Stennis to the crowd. If this happens, then the necessary resource for the antidote can be collected from your own sword after completing “Royal Blood”. The Witcher 2 is a game that often confronts the user with moral choices. Here it is better to always know all the facts of the task, conduct investigations and only then make a verdict. That is why the player should know who exactly to talk to when completing a mission.

The role of the detective

If the player wants to thoroughly understand whether it is worth giving Stennis to the people, then he should talk with some people on the “Royal Blood” task in “The Witcher 2”. The passage involves the above-described difficulties with starting the cut-scene and executing the character, but this can be avoided. To do this, you need to talk only with certain individuals. Zoltan and Dandelion will remain neutral, since they are poorly acquainted with the prince. You can talk to them, but they will only confirm the fact that the situation requires investigation.

Then you can chat with Stennis himself, who will once again refuse to give a small share of his “blue” blood. To enter the chambers, you must use the magic sign Axii to convince the guards. He will declare that the peasants simply decided to take out their anger on him. Of all the nobles, it is best to conduct a dialogue with Halldorson. The nobleman will begin to defend the prince and will assure that the peasants simply want to quickly take revenge for the poisoning of Saskia. In the same conversation, you can learn that Stennis always listened to the advice of a certain priest. Next you should turn to the peasant, who is accused by the nobles of bribery and poisoning. He will tell you that he overheard the conversation between priest Olshan and Stennis. The first asked the second to call the servant away from the kitchen. This gives a hint that it was the close priest who poisoned the wine. After all the conversations, quests will appear that are included in the mission “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2” - “The Walls Have Ears” and “Suspect: Torak”.

Additional tasks

Going through the two mentioned tasks will allow you to work through all the options for the “Royal Blood” task in The Witcher 2. The mission "Suspect: Torak" begins with a trip to the rune master, who refuses to make a special cup for the antidote. The task stops here until the passage of “Nightmare of Baltimore”. It is connected with the disappearance of the second rune master. To begin, the player will have to take notices from the board in Vergen that the man may be alive. After some time, the player will see Baltimore's dream, after which he should head to his workshop. There he will again see Torak and several other blacksmiths. He will give permission to search. Upon careful inspection, you can find a box with a key and instructions describing the path to one place. Torak will be at the entrance, but you should not give the notes to him. According to the instructions, the user will come to the place indicated by Baltimore. The text must be read carefully, otherwise you may get confused. After going to the chest, you should return to the workshop, but first prepare for the attack of Torak and his friends. After winning, the player must search the body to obtain the key. The Axii and Yrden signs will help you cope in battle. In Torak's chest you can find a recipe from the priest Olshan with a fake cup. This is the first evidence of guilt, and the second will be found in the quest “Walls Have Ears.”


After talking with the peasant Willie Oblate, whom the nobles suspect of poisoning, the above quest will begin. In the story mission “Royal Blood” in The Witcher 2 (Iorveth’s path), it is recommended to go through it in order to get a second proof of the priest’s guilt. It is also worth knowing that Willy will refuse to talk at first, but in this case you can use Axii or simply intimidate him. He will talk about the overheard conversation between Olshan and Stennis with the already mentioned phrase about the servant being distracted in the kitchen. After this, the player’s path lies to the local elder Cecil Burdon. In conversation he will agree to show Olshan’s house.

Upon entering, you will find a big mess, but the main value is the papers on the table. From them the player will learn the motives of the priest and here he will have to make a decision. will only be whether Stennis should be executed for helping his trusted Olshan a little. If the player considers such a punishment fair, then he can be given to people, executed and obtained as the necessary material for royal blood in The Witcher 2. Evidence of his complicity will already be in hand, but there is another solution to this incident. You can simply tell the elder everything, which will lead to the arrest of the prince, but he will remain unharmed. It should be understood that in this case Stennis will again refuse to give his blood.

Possible consequences

The above describes in full the first scenario of Geralt’s actions on the mission “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”. It became known how to justify Stennis, but whether he deserves it is up to the player himself to decide. The prince maintains a position of peace with Kaedwen, but he does not want to receive help from Iorveth. Only the decisions are made by the military council, and therefore the poisoning of Saskia was beneficial to him. If he is given to the peasants to be torn to pieces, then Aedirn will find himself without a throne and the state will plunge into the abyss of a hopeless war for many years.

In the second case, the player will acquit Stennis, and he will be sent to prison. In the future he will be released, after which he will become the first king of his name in Aedirn. The confrontation with Kaedwen will not end there, but civil wars will not tear the state apart. In any case, after completing the task “Royal Blood” in The Witcher 2, there will definitely be consequences. The only question here is whether the player is willing to sacrifice Stennis in order to take the easiest path to completion. If not, then you should prepare for the second scenario. In any case, you can get royal blood to continue the story.

Beginning of the second option

According to the task in the game “The Witcher 2” “Royal Blood”, all options should be considered by every player. If the user decides to justify Stennis, then he will have to look for another way to obtain the necessary resource. The only remaining candidate is King Henselt, who is on the other side of the magic fog. He wants to conquer Aedirn and is not the most pleasant person by nature. The first obstacle on the way will be an enchanted battlefield with fog. In order for Philippa Eilhart to show the right path, you must first go to the old quarry and save the troll there. This is needed for the quest “Where is Triss?”, because the creature will give the sorceress’s scarf in gratitude. The player needs to take it to Philippa, and then she, in the form of an owl, will become a guide for Geralt to the camp of King Kaedwen Henselt. Initially, the path will lead to the burned village, and from there into the magical fog. The reference point will be the camp of the Scoia'tael (rebels of elves and dwarves), which should be on the right side. It should be noted that a similar scenario will occur even if Stennis dies, but this will no longer apply to the “Royal Blood” quest. On the other side, Geralt will meet an old acquaintance who will agree to help penetrate Henselt’s camp.

Penetration options

The next difficult task will be to infiltrate the camp on the mission “Royal Blood”. There are several ways to do this. The first one will open after an agreement with Madame Carole, who will sell the key to the secret passage in the tent for half a thousand coins. The player will have to go through caves and fight some monsters. You can also get here through the eastern side of the coast, from where the path goes to the dining room and the same dungeons. This is the easiest path available. In any case, the user will arrive at the tent of Nilfgaard's ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. He will escape, but he will have to fight the guards. The opponents are strong, you should prepare for battle, drink potions from the arsenal. Vernon Roche will also help here, but it is better to be prepared yourself.

The next security post will be distracted by a new ally, and the player will have to wait for events to develop on the mission “Royal Blood” in The Witcher 2. Then, hiding behind the tents, move deeper into the camp. A third larger tent along the way will be a necessary target. There is a guard at the main entrance. To distract the soldiers, you need to use the Aard sign to break the boxes that stand behind the royal tent. This will distract them, and Geralt will be able to get inside. This will be followed by a dialogue with Henselt, in which the main character will ask for a vial with his blood. He will agree to give it to the witcher, after which he will order the guards to escort Geralt out of the camp. At the same time, no one will touch him, and one of the most important ingredients for saving Saskia will be obtained without losing the central characters of the story.

When completing missions, the player is recommended to pay attention to whether conditions interfere with other missions. In The Witcher 2, often starting one quest automatically fails another, which means players may not receive important rewards. To start the mission "The Walls Have Ears" you need to find Willie Oblate, and this is related to the "Royal Blood" task in The Witcher 2. Many players do not know where the cupbearer (the profession of a suspicious peasant) is. To do this, just go to the southern part of Vergen and find a detachment of Scoia'tael. They protect Willie from the wrath of the nobles.

To sum up the task “Royal Blood”, the player is faced with a classic moral choice for which the entire Witcher series is famous. The player is asked to take the simple path and choose the greater evil, condemning Stennis, who is not directly to blame. In this case, the user will be interested in testing himself and seeing what choice he will make.