The name Leo in different languages. Meaning of the name Leo for a boy

Meaning of the name Leo: The boy's name means "lion". This affects the character and fate of Leo.

Origin of the name Leo: Roman.

Diminutive form of name: Leva, Lenya, Levushka, Levunya, Levusya.

What does the name Leo mean: The name Leo probably comes from the Roman family nickname Leo. Another meaning of the name Leo is “king of beasts.” This man is the embodiment of generosity and diplomacy! He rewards those who are loyal to him, good attitude, but he is very demanding, and does not keep “extra” people around him. Since childhood, a child with this name is accustomed to achieving everything on his own; he may even refuse the help of others if he considers that this harms his reputation.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Leo celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, healed the sick with the power of prayer. To shame a pagan sorcerer, he once stood with him on a burning fire: the sorcerer burned, but the saint remained unharmed (8th century).
  • December 20 (7) - St. Martyr Leo was destroyed for the faith of Christ.

Signs: On Lev Katansky, March 5, you cannot look at the falling stars, otherwise you will be peaceful: perform miracles, be tormented by visions.


  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - gold
  • Auspicious tree - cedar
  • Treasured plant - rose hips
  • Patron - Leo
  • Talisman stone - diamond

Characteristics of the name Leo

Positive features: A guy with this name looks good, elegant and free in movements, likes himself, cares about style and refined manners. At will, he becomes the center of attention and knows how to be polite and hospitable. The guy named Leo seems balanced to everyone, although he consists of hidden contradictions.

Negative features: Secretiveness, capriciousness, selfishness, laziness. No one knows what he will do in this or that case and how to deal with him. A man with this name, without any reason, sometimes gives his friendship and love, sometimes deprives them.

Character of the name Leo: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Leo? He is tolerant of people's shortcomings, flexible and diplomatic, but all this is for the time being. It is better not to anger Leo; his wife and subordinates should always remember this. Leva is brave to the point of recklessness: danger intoxicates him like wine! He is also reckless in love, and this especially attracts women to him.

This is a committed person, persistent in achieving his goal, friendly, always ready to help, especially the elderly and sick. A man has flexibility and tolerance, knows how to refuse what he wants, but you should not abuse his restraint: after several comments and warnings, he is quite capable of flaring up. It is better for his wife and subordinates to learn to grasp the edge of his long-suffering.

Leo and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Angelica, Valeria, Diana, Isabella, Kaleria, Carolina, Laima, Lara, Rimma, Teresa is favorable. The name Leo also goes with Elvira. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Valentina, Eva, Iya, Sati, Susanna.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Leo promise happiness in love? A man can be unpredictable in love, but the family cannot suffer from these negative qualities.

In his youth, Leva was loving. He gives great value sex and will never allow a woman to dictate intimate relationships. In love - a little concerned about his sexual capabilities, values ​​strong love relationships. A man sees sex not only as a source of joy, but also as a means to maintain health.

He values ​​fidelity and kindness in his wife, but for some reason his chosen one most often turns out to be an impulsive person. He is not fond of alcohol. A man with this name loves to play outdoor games with children. Thanks to his personal qualities, over time he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious people and ill-wishers.

From early youth there is a strong attraction to the opposite sex. An adult, he is preoccupied with sexual problems, and the slightest failure horrifies him. Leva does not change women, she appreciates strong ones love relationship. For him, sexual intimacy is necessarily connected with spiritual intimacy. He has been married more than once: he very often comes across impulsive and unfaithful wives. What he values ​​most in a wife is fidelity, kindness, patience, and sexuality. He happy marriage kind, sensitive, responsive, enjoys receiving guests, loves going to the theater and concerts. She loves children and takes their illnesses and troubles seriously.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Leo has a critical mind, a broad outlook, an excellent reaction to events, imagination, and intuition. He always knows what he wants, and most importantly, what he doesn’t want. The name attracts only prestigious educational institutions, professions. High intuition and an extraordinary gift of insight distinguish him from others; he even sometimes amuses himself with playing prophet, and when the predictions come true, the glory of his intelligence and insight is further strengthened. Leva always plays with fate a little.

Business and career: A guy with this name is proud in everything that concerns personal success and well-being. He does not like restrictions in the family; responsibilities depress him, despite the fact that he always obeys his duty. Selfish, but not stingy. For him it has special meaning generosity, sharing everything.

A guy more often chooses the profession of a doctor, radiologist, or ophthalmologist. He can become an aircraft designer, a radio and television technician, a military man, a journalist, or a writer. Leva can be a tailor or a ladies' hairdresser; he is always a brilliant and fashionable master. He is honest, has organizational skills, authority, but in unexpected situations he can get confused.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Leo: The meaning of the name Leo from a medical point of view. Little Leva has very contradictory properties: the one with the name is brave, but is afraid, for example, of water or the dark, he is tireless, but also lazy, kind, generous, but can be selfish and cruel. Parents should know that they will not achieve anything with prohibitions and punishments, especially humiliating ones. By indulging Leo's many desires, mom and dad will become a domestic tyrant and will do him a disservice - in adult life, not everyone is given the power to command.

At school, Leva also shows contrasts. Studying is easy for him, but he is lazy, it is better to immediately instill in him hard work and perseverance.

A well-mannered man with this name is a conscientious person. Endowed with intelligence, attaches great importance to a sense of humor. He is persistent in achieving his goal. Most often he is calm and even phlegmatic, and is friendly towards people. However, it is better not to anger him, he can become angry, and will firmly and decisively put the offender in his place. However, he has almost no envious people or well-wishers, since he all seems to radiate kindness, a readiness to always come to the rescue. A man named Leo especially loves children and the elderly, is ready to help the weak and defenseless, treats the sick with compassion and with all his heart.

The fate of Leo in history

What does the name Leo mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Lev V. Izmailov is known for his embassy to China. On November 18, 1720, he solemnly entered Beijing and ten days later received an audience with the Bogdykhan Kan-Hi, who received him very graciously and asked him to tell the sovereign to preserve his health and not trust the sea; that there are no reasons for war or displeasure between Russia and China; In addition, Bogdykhan exchanged gifts with the embassy. The agreement was not concluded due to the hiding of fugitive Mongols in Russia, the slowness in demarcating borders and the reception of the ruler of Zhungaria, who was at war with China. In 1736 he took part in the Crimean campaign and was promoted to lieutenant general for his bravery. Died 58 years old in 1738.
  2. Lev S. Bakst (1866-1924) - painter, graphic artist, theater decorator, was a member of the World of Art association, most famous at the turn of the century. One of the largest paintings by Lev Bakst is “Ancient Horror” (1908). Already Bakst’s first production, “Cleopatra” (1909), made a huge impression on the audience. The multi-colored colors captivated the viewer. In sketches for costumes, Bakst created his own complete style. He depicted figures in motion, very active and energetic. This causes hair to fly to the sides, light fabrics of clothing to develop... decorative arts Lev Bakst was the high point of the Russian Seasons in Paris. A gift for painting, mastery of technique, freedom in choosing a manner and high taste The works of Lev Bakst have always been distinguished.
  3. Leo the Mathematician (9th century Byzantine educator)
  4. Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - ca. 1000) Byzantine writer)
  5. Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
  6. Lev Yashin ( famous football player, goalkeeper)
  7. Lev Landau (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize laureate)
  8. Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, People's Artist Russia)
  9. Lev Durov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  10. Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionary theory of ethnogenesis)
  11. Leon Trotsky (activist of the communist movement, ideologist of Trotskyism)
  12. Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
  13. Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
  14. Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
  15. Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)

Lion in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On Czech language translated as Lev, in Spanish: Leo, in French: Lion, in English: Lion, in Belarusian: the name Lev, in Mongolian: Arslan.

When choosing a name for a child, its meaning, which is not always known to parents, plays an important role. The origin of many names does not allow a Russian-speaking person to associate them with any concept. One of the exceptions is the name Leo, in which its royal meaning is immediately discernible.

Unlike many other names, to find the meaning of which you have to look in dictionaries and look for foreign language interpretations, Lion- not only a name, but also a word in Russian. This is its highlight: when you look at Leo, you remember the corresponding predatory animal. This is one of the most understandable male names in terms of meaning.

It came from Latin language, where the word leo means "lion". This, however, is only the most popular version. Some sources indicate that it came from the ancient Greek name Leontes or even from the Hebrew word that means "heart." Thus, the origin and meaning of the name Leo is unclear even now, although it can be established with greater accuracy than the interpretation of many other names.

Although this name is not very popular in Russia, it has found its way into many other languages, where it is always easy to recognize. Leo, Leo, Leon - cannot be confused with anything else. Even with baptism it does not change: in Orthodoxy the name Leo belonged to several saints.

General characteristics

The name Leo endows its owner with many pleasant character traits. He is a reliable and honest person, polite and courteous. Usually he becomes the center of the company, easily takes leadership positions, and stands out from the crowd.

His self-esteem is rather inflated: he loves himself very much and strives for an appropriate position in society. His methods are usually honest: he knows that the outside reflects the inside, and maintains an image of elegance, well-groomed man. And although he can be lazy and selfish, he usually works conscientiously and achieves his goals.

His passionate nature and quick changes of mood do not give him peace, so friendships and close relationships with him can be difficult. Sometimes he can seek someone’s attention for a long time, and then decide that he doesn’t need it and leave. Even he himself does not always understand what he wants in a close relationship.

The bearer of this name also has his own secret: no one deals with enemies better than him. He uses this skill only in the most extreme cases, and then his enemies will be in trouble. This is the person who should not cross the road.

Leva in childhood

A child bearing this name may differ from other children by being somewhat slow and phlegmatic. He cannot be called active or a tomboy - as a rule, he does not play pranks or play around, wanting to engage in more meaningful activities. Because of this, he often looks older than his age.

In her actions, Leva is guided by her own concepts of honor and justice: the name Leo for a boy means that he will always be able to judge what is right and what is wrong. Often he defends those who themselves cannot cope with their offenders, which attracts new friends. He is unlikely to get involved in other people's feuds, but he will try to stand up for his friends.

Striving to be smart, Leo never stops there and strives to gain maximum knowledge and skills. His laziness is compensated by his excellent learning ability, which allows him to quickly master new material and easily cope with school assignments. Even before school, it becomes noticeable that he can achieve a lot in several areas of knowledge at once. He is talented, smart and ready to continuously develop.

Physics and literature, mathematics and history are equally easy for him; he has no favorite or hated subjects. However, this can cause difficulties in choosing a career and path in life. His desire to show everyone his mental abilities often leads him to study science. The specific area is not important, since his inclinations allow him to achieve a lot in the area to which he devotes a lot of time and effort.

He is usually popular at school. He can become a talented leader and take leading positions in any company. An excellent student, a favorite of other children - these are not uncommon characteristics for Leo. However, this does not always happen: in unfriendly teams, he can become aggressive, unsociable, uncontrollable and unwilling to try at what he cannot do. It is important that parents monitor his communication with classmates and participate in his life, since the opinion of mom and dad always plays a big role for this boy.


Leo's innate qualities give him many advantages during this difficult period. By this time, he is already gaining a reputation as a fair leader and a person whose opinion needs to be listened to, and his goodwill and courtesy are capable of defeating, if not all, then many of the surrounding teenagers. These years often become decisive for him: right now he can turn off the beaten path and begin to use his influence on people. By avoiding this temptation, he can become an honest, just person.

One of the important factors influencing his self-esteem is the attitude of the opposite sex towards him. The close connection between the meaning of the name Leo and fate for a boy leads to his high popularity among girls who see in him ideal partner: kind, caring, noble. They are also attracted by his certain detachment, sublimity, and in some cases, royalty. Therefore, if she wants, Leva can quickly find a girl and start dating her as one of the first in the class.

But this is not always included in his plans, especially at this age. A person with this name will always have own opinion for his future, and he will not back down from his plans. In this situation, maintaining his leadership position and the respect of his peers may be more important to him than romantic interest. If all his thoughts are occupied with how to become the first in everything he does, he may decide that having a girlfriend will only hinder him. At this age, love may seem like a stupid and unnecessary thing to him.

Grown man

Having met this person and talked with him for some time, it is difficult to avoid his charm. IN mature age all of it is blooming best qualities. At long and medium distances it may seem ideal. He has a great sense of humor, is friendly, sociable and open, and his responsibility makes him a great friend who you can always rely on. There are always many people around him who adore and idolize him. He himself likes to give the impression of a knowledgeable and authoritative person and enjoys his leadership position.

A serious disadvantage of communicating with him can be his temper: he sometimes cannot restrain himself and behaves emotionally even in minor quarrels, and does not forgive even small mistakes of friends and lovers. What for another would be nonsense, unworthy of mention, for Leo can cause a break in the relationship.

A friend who needs urgent help can safely rely on Leo: he is able to rush to someone’s call even at night and provide support. But in less urgent situations, he can be forgetful and even irresponsible. This is due to the fact that he has too many friends and acquaintances to whom he promises something, and then places these things in order of importance. Sometimes he would like to help, but there is not enough time in the day.

Business relations and business

A broad outlook and attention to detail allow this person to choose almost any profession and achieve great things in it. He should focus on his desires and aspirations, because once he sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it. A unique gift of intuition also helps him in this: sometimes it seems that he can see the future, choosing in advance events that lead to the desired outcome.

Leo is usually attracted to status things and organizations, and in choosing a career, prestige and society’s attitude towards this field of activity mean a lot to him. Money plays an important role for him, and usually he manages to combine these two aspirations. He does not tolerate any restrictions, and financially he wants to live large, so he often quickly moves up the career ladder.

Most often, he chooses professions in which he can show his best qualities: responsibility, erudition, leadership. In addition, he can choose the area in which his artistic abilities and passion for narcissism will manifest themselves. Here are some possible areas of activity for him:

  • medicine - he can choose professions such as radiologist or ophthalmologist;
  • style and fashion - for example, can become a hairdresser, stylist, tailor, fashion designer;
  • Technical specialties such as aircraft modeling and radio mechanics are not alien to him;
  • artistic and writing abilities may lead him to the idea of ​​becoming a journalist or writer;
  • Often he chooses a military career, which for him is associated with the honor and dignity of a person.

Whatever Leo decides to work for, he will in any case move up, strive to take the post of boss and become someone who is respected and obeyed.

Gallant, charming, kind - this is how you can characterize a man named Leo. The meaning of his name and his fate are predicted accordingly: he is used to being a leader in relationships and loves to be obeyed. Often he manages to hide it or disguise it as caring or traditional masculine qualities: courage, dominance, determination. But a relationship with him is always a swing, especially while he is still young.

In his youth, Leo can often be imprudent and overly loving. He has many partners, with none of whom he managed to develop a deep and trusting relationship. Until he decides to settle down, you cannot trust him: passionate and prone to betrayal, he can quickly change his opinion about a person and rush away, towards new adventures.

The interpretation of the woman’s name can help him in finding his chosen one. Here are some examples of compatibility of female names with the name Leo:

  • suitable partners for him: Lara, Laima, Carolina, Elvira, Teresa, Rimma, Valeria, Angelica, Kaleria, Isabella, Diana;
  • unwanted union: Eva, Valentina, Susanna, Iya, Sati.

The ideal wife for him would be the one whom he would not even look at in his youth, since she does not evoke such a strong attraction and outburst of emotions. However, you can’t even call her a gray mouse: she is ready to take risks and experiments, knows her worth and is pleasant to talk to.

Having entered into marriage, Leo takes his wife and children who bear his patronymic name seriously. He can be overly jealous and hot-tempered, but over time he calms down if his chosen one suits his character. Otherwise, the union may quickly fall apart.

Health and Wellness

As a child, Leva had good health and a good nervous system. There is little that can unsettle him, he looks at everything quite optimistically and is calm even in the most stressful situations.

A significant contribution to his well-being is made by his love for sports, which, if he does not practice constantly, he certainly does not miss the opportunity to play outdoor games with his friends. Physical education at school is on the list of his favorite subjects; he willingly does it, although he rarely devotes time to classes in sports sections.

In adulthood, his condition directly depends on the lifestyle he leads. If he diligently exercises and generally moves a lot, he may have practically no pain. He is unlikely to become overweight, since from birth he is not prone to gaining excess weight. But a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on him, and various problems are possible:

  • diseases of the spine and joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • heart problems;
  • nervous disorders.

Yes, over the years, Leo’s nerves become less strong, especially if he spends a lot of time in a stressful environment. Like all of us, he should take care of his health and take care of it from a young age.

Attention, TODAY only!

The name Leo is male name with unknown etymology. It could come from the Latin word "Leo" or the Greek "Λέων". In both cases the name Lev means one thing - “lion”, king of beasts. True, there is also a Jewish version. According to this version, The meaning of the name Leo is "heart". Most Popular this version among Russian-speaking Ashkenazis.

The meaning of the name Leo for a child

Compared to other children, a boy named Leo is distinguished by his calmness and even some phlegmatism. He makes contact with other children quite easily, and his concepts of friendship and honor already in kindergarten make him an attractive friend. It very rarely happens that Leo will offend someone first. Usually he just defends the offended person, since he considers such behavior to be correct. Leo experiences his own defeats calmly and without hysterics, although he often works hard to achieve results.

Leo studies well, even though he is often lazy. Leo has excellent inclinations for learning, which is noticeable even in to school age. It’s easy for a child school curriculum, and laziness is often replaced by perseverance and perseverance. Leo loves to look smart, which leaves a mark throughout his life. Most likely, in the future he will choose a profession related to mental work. Leo equally easily masters the exact sciences and humanities. He can easily become both a physicist and a philologist.

The boy is in good health. He is endowed with high vitality, and its strong nervous system allows him to easily endure emotional stress. The boy is rarely interested in sports, but he is still quite well built. As a child, he plays a lot of active games, and at school age he enjoys going to physical education.

Short name Leo

Leva, Levka, Leo, Leon.

Diminutive pet names

Levchik, Levochka, Levushka, Levonka, Levunya, Levulya, Levusya.

Children's middle names

Lvovich and Lvovna.

Leo name in English

IN English the name Leo is spelled Leo and pronounced Lio or Leo.

Name Leo for international passport- LEV.

Translation of the name Leo into other languages

in Belarusian - Leў
in Hungarian - Leó
in Danish - Leon
in Spanish - Leon
in Italian - Leone
in German - Leo
in Norwegian - Leon
in Polish - Leon
in Portuguese - Leão
in Romanian - Leo
in Serbian - Lav
in Ukrainian - Lev
in French - Leon
in Finnish - Leo
in Czech - Leon
in Swedish - Leo

Church name Leo(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Lev.

Characteristics of the name Leo

The adult owner of the name Leo is distinguished by such traits as courage, patience, reliability and consistency. These character combinations make Leo a wonderful friend and a difficult enemy. He looks quite strictly at the world and the people around him. Leo does not like vanity and display, and treats “inflated peacocks” with special contempt. He knows how to put a presumptuous insolent person in his place, and the way he does this arouses everyone's admiration. Leo is a very responsible man. His reliability becomes a legend among his acquaintances, because he truly does everything possible to fulfill his promises.

Leo knows how to work and loves to work. His excellent characteristics from childhood do not leave him even in adulthood. He easily masters new knowledge, and his desire for self-improvement surprises many colleagues. Leo often becomes the leader of a team, because his moral and strong-willed qualities greatly contribute to this. Working with him is a great pleasure, but you really have to work conscientiously. He doesn’t like quitters and hacks, so it would be better for Leo not to meet them on his life’s path.

Leo is looking for a woman similar to himself as a wife. He is more comfortable with a calm and gentle woman. Leo's coldness towards emotional and eccentric persons, some of them try to pass off as indifference to the female sex in principle. However, he knows how to love, and his family really likes his thoughtfulness. He loves his children very much and spends a lot of time with them. Special attention pays attention to their education, as he considers it very important.

The secret of the name Leo

The secret of Leo can be called his ability to kill enemies from the light. He rarely brings matters to such a serious development of events, but there are exceptions. If you really get Leo, then you can find out how it happens. You won’t envy anyone in this case, but most likely the person himself is to blame for this situation.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Lev.

Name color- Gold.

Tree- Cedar.

Plant- Rose hip.

Stone- Diamond.

Forms of the name Leo

Short form of the name Leo. Leva, Levushka, Levunya, Levusya, Lenya, Lesya, Leka, Leonetto, Levko, Levonko, Levochko, Levus, Levtso, Levchik, Lyonya, Leonek, Lyulik. Synonyms for the name Lev. Leo, Lio, Lyon, Lyon, Levon, Levko, Love.

Name Leo in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 獅子座 (Shīzǐzuò). Japanese: レオ (Reo). Georgian: ლომი (lomi). Hindi: लियो (Liyō). Ukrainian: Lev. Kannada: ಲಿಯೋ (Liyō). English: Leo (Leo).

Origin of the name Leo

The name Leo came into our language from Greece and it means “king of beasts”, “lion”. From the Hebrew language the name is translated as “heart”. IN Western Europe the names Leon and Leo are used more often than Lev. In Armenia, it is customary to call boys Levon or Lev. For Muslims, the analogue of this name will be the name Leis.

Leo character

As a child, Leo is a very calm boy. His character is dominated by kindness and sincerity. Many people think that he should be the same as a real lion, but the owner of this name does not strive to be a leader and lead people, although he does not give himself offense, but does not bully others either.

Over time, Leo will take a good position in society. He is characterized by such qualities as ambition, balance and energy. He is quite ambitious, but knows how to refuse what he wants if there are objective reasons for it. If Leo promises to do something, he will make every effort to fulfill his promise.

The secret of the name Leo

Leo often becomes a skilled doctor. He loves caring for the sick and the elderly; he easily gives himself all to them. Leo is patient and has a flexible mind. He can easily give up what he wants.

Leo can be a good boss, but his tolerance may end after polite and correct comments. He may burst into anger if his instructions are not heeded.

IN family life Leo is the same. He is patient, but his tolerance may wear thin. And his wife should feel this moment so as not to develop a conflict. The wife of such a man must be kind and faithful. Leo is preoccupied with sexual problems and can easily panic. IN teenage years he is loving. He grows up kind and flexible, loves his children and wife.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Psychology of a name

Leo does not like to suffer and does not seek to cause suffering to others. He doesn’t like to complicate the situation, to worry once again. Leo wants to show his exclusivity. If you love him or are in a relationship with him friendly relations, be prepared to constantly be exposed to surprises, he will completely subjugate you to his will.

Famous people named Leo

Leo the Mathematician (9th century Byzantine educator)
Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - ca. 1000) Byzantine writer)
Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
Lev Yashin (famous football player, goalkeeper)
Lev Landau (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize laureate)
Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, People's Artist of Russia)
Lev Durov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionary theory of ethnogenesis)
Leon Trotsky (activist of the communist movement, ideologist of Trotskyism)
Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)
Lev Artsimovich (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician)
Lev Prygunov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
Lev Kuleshov (Soviet film director who stood at the origins of Soviet cinema)
Lev Kassil (writer, one of the founders of Soviet children's literature)
Lev Polivanov (Russian teacher, literary critic)
Lev Oborin ((1907-1974) Soviet pianist)
Lev Mikhailov (Russian Soviet clarinetist and saxophonist)
Lev Ponomarev ((born 1941) Russian human rights activist)

Famous names bearers

Leo of Katansky - bishop; Leo I - Pope; Leo Tolstoy - great Russian writer; Lev May - Russian poet and playwright; Lev Lopatin - Russian idealist philosopher; Lev Oborin - Soviet pianist, People's Artist of the USSR; Lev Karpov - Soviet chemist, organizer and leader of the Soviet chemical industry; Lev Landau - physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Leon Trotsky - politician, participant October Revolution, who then joined the Mensheviks; Lev Manevich - Soviet intelligence officer, colonel, Hero Soviet Union; Lev Dovator - Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union; Lev Atamanov, Lev Kulidzhanov - film directors.

Leo celebrates Orthodox name day

March 3, March 5, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 20, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20

Leo celebrates Catholic name day

Leo name compatibility

It is recommended to give the child a euphonious name. You should choose it carefully. After all, the name has psychological impact not only on its owner, but also on those who turn to him. The origin of the name Leo is unclear. This is the name of the animal, not a characteristic. Its owner is credited with having the totality of all the noble traits characteristic of the king of beasts.

The name Leon or Leo, according to statistics from 2008, was one of the most popular in Germany, France and Switzerland. In Russia, the name Leo is not so popular, but this is its charm. The boy will stand out among his peers due to the rarity and beauty of his name.


Leo in the Russian spelling is an analogue of the ancient Greek name Leontes (Latin version of Leo). The meaning of the name Leo is the same in all languages; it means “lion” - the king of beasts. An animal unlike others attracts with its qualities, arouses admiration for its power and nobility. The strength, courage and majestic appearance of the king of beasts led to the fact that people all over the world began to name their children “in his honor.”

Names associated with “lion” include: Leon, Leonid, Leonard, Leo, Leopold. IN Arabic there are more than five hundred names with a similar meaning. The most common are Assad and Leys.

Angelic numerology - what do repeating numbers on a clock mean?


People named Leo are characterized by:

  • majesty;
  • strength;
  • determination;
  • energy;
  • bravery;
  • courage;
  • speed of reactions;
  • dignity;
  • valor;
  • pride.

The character of a man is dominated by: kindness, generosity, patience for the shortcomings of others, diplomacy, flexibility. However, great patience eventually comes to an end, so it is better not to anger him. A man treats people equally, regardless of status. Has a calm character. IN difficult situations becomes decisive and dexterous. Always comes to the rescue.

One of the disadvantages of the owners of the name is their tendency to take risks. Brave people are attracted to danger like a magnet.

Leo is kind, inspires confidence, and has a reputation as a lucky person. His image is bright, joyful, bold. The secret of the name is expressed in the phrase: “Levka has everything cleverly.”


Community life path those with the same name are called their destiny. It has been noticed that Leos, being by nature calm people, in marriage they prefer impulsive women. In personal relationships they lack self-confidence. If the wife tries to take over the family, their relationship is doomed. Such a husband will not agree to obey.

Leos are great dads. They like to play outdoor games with children, swim, fish and even pick mushrooms.

People often choose to become a doctor. Thanks to good organizational skills, over time they achieve a high position in society.

The most successful combination of first name and patronymic: Lev Petrovich.

Heavenly patron

When choosing a name for a child, you need to remember that according to the Orthodox tradition, a heavenly intercessor is simultaneously determined who will protect the person throughout his life. To find out what kind of patron the child will have, you should look at the memorial days of saints named Leo. Pay attention to the one whose glorification date is after the child’s birthday. This will be the heavenly intercessor. This date is also a name day. You can also baptize a boy in honor of a certain saint whose life and virtues are most impressive.

Name days Lviv:

  • 12.01 - saint, archimandrite;
  • 2.02 - blessed king Leo the Great;
  • 3.03 - Saint Leo, Pope of Rome and martyr Leo of Patara;
  • 5.03 - Saint, Bishop of Catania;
  • 13.03 (if it is a leap year) - reverend;
  • 31.05 - martyr;
  • 20.06 - holy martyr (Ershov);
  • 14.07 - monk, hermit;
  • 31.08 and 24.09 - martyr;
  • 20.09 - Venerable Martyr (Egorov);
  • 24.10 - Venerable Leo of Optina;
  • 20.12 - righteous.

The most famous is Saint Leo (Pope who lived in the fifth century). He became famous for tirelessly defending Orthodoxy from heresy. The saint took part in the Fourth Ecumenical Council. Many times, with the help of the art of persuasion, he managed to save Rome from ruin. For his services he received the nickname “Great”.

In Russia, the memory of the holy Optina elders is especially revered. The first of them was the Monk Leo of Optina. When the saint was about 30 years old, he went to Optina Pustyn as a novice. Having visited various monasteries and risen to the position of abbot, the ascetic went into the forest and began to live as a hermit. Spiritual gifts began to attract pilgrims, which interfered with silence. Then the saint retired to the monastery of the Valaam Monastery, but even there his gifts did not go unnoticed. When the saint was 61 years old, he and his disciples arrived in Optina Pustyn, where he cared for all the brethren until his death. There he became the founder and inspirer of the culture of eldership. The saint was distinguished by his exceptional intelligence and special insight, which made it possible to see through people. His instructions in spiritual life are still relevant today.

When choosing the name of a saint, you need to read his life. It is important to remember that this is the best heavenly friend for a child.

The name Leo is euphonious, bright and memorable. It is short and goes well with Russian patronymics. It is also convenient that you can choose many affectionate and diminutive options, for example: Leva, Levushka, Levochka. The special majesty of the name increases the authority of its bearer.

Among the shortcomings, we can note direct associations with animals, which is not typical for Slavic culture.