Which Russian actor died recently? Famous Soviet actors who died in oblivion

Elena Mayorova, died at 39 years old

Thanks to her bright appearance, the actress was remembered by the audience for the films “Lonely are provided with a hostel”, “Fast Train”, “Makarov”, “Unidentified Person”, “Lost in Siberia”. Insane popularity, crowds of fans, happy marriage with theater artist Sergei Sherstyuk - it seemed that Elena had everything to be happy. However, due to her too fine mental organization, the actress reacted extremely painfully to the slightest troubles. As a result, Mayorova began to abuse alcohol and fell into depression.

On August 23, 1997, in a state of passion, the actress doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire. Burns covered 98% of her body, and Elena died in the hospital.

Oleg Dal, died at 39 years old

Oleg Dal was not only an outstanding, talented actor, but also an amazingly charismatic personality. Huge blue eyes, a specific manner of speech, a charming smile - all this made women lose their heads. However, due to his difficult character, the actor’s personal life did not work out. The emotional actor tried to “drown” family troubles and creative problems in a bottle.

On March 3, 1981, the actor's corpse was found in one of the hotel rooms. It later turned out that the cause of Dahl’s death was a heart attack caused by drinking alcohol.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, died at 39 years old

The actor will forever be remembered for his role as Edmond Dantes from The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If. Dvorzhetsky was never different special beauty, however, his, one might say, demonic appearance, combined with his explosive character, fascinated both directors and fans.

Perhaps the actor would have given the audience many more bright roles, if not for a fatal coincidence. On December 1, 1999, a joyful Evgeniy was returning from the doctor, who did not confirm that he had asthma. Dvorzhetsky's car crashed into a truck, the actor died on the spot.

Maria Zubareva – “Face”, died at 31

The pretty, feminine actress was remembered by viewers for the film “Face” and the popular TV series “Little Things in Life.” However, the actress’s fast and vibrant career was cut short at its peak. After giving birth, Maria was diagnosed with cancer. Without having time to return to filming in “Little Things in Life,” the actress died on November 23, 1993.

Marina Levtova, died at 40

Marina Levtova starred in more than 60 films. Particularly memorable were her roles in the films “TASS is authorized to declare”, “Darling, dear, beloved, only...”, “Three times about love”. Both the actress’s career and personal life developed well; many envied her beauty and success.

However, on February 27, 2000, a tragic incident ended her life. Celebrating the success of the film "Fortune" with her family, Marina rode a snowmobile. She crashed into a tree at breakneck speed and died in hospital.

Nikita Mikhailovsky, died at 27 years old

For my short life Nikita managed to become a real star after the role of Roma in the touching love drama “You Never Dreamed of.” According to the actor's friends, he was very active, active, as if he was in a hurry to live. However, in 1990, doctors diagnosed 26-year-old Nikita with leukemia. A year later, shortly after his birthday, the actor died.

Irina Metlitskaya, died at 35 years old

Remembering Irina, friends and fans note, first of all, her incredible beauty and sophistication. For my own sake long life the actress managed to play in such films as “The Personal File of Judge Ivanova”, “Doll”, “Executioner”, “Melodrama with Attempted Murder”, “Makarov”, “Roman alla russa” and “Black Veil”. In 1995, she became a sensation at the Moscow Film Festival, brilliantly coping with the role of presenter.

Many envied Metlitskaya’s spectacular appearance and success, but her life did not last long. At the age of 34 she was given a terrible diagnosis - “acute leukemia”. And on June 5, 1997, she died.

The acting profession is unreliable and risky. Today an artist can be in demand and loved by everyone, but tomorrow the trend changes, new faces appear, and everyone forgets yesterday’s idol.

If in modern times actors have the opportunity to receive large fees, invest money somewhere and thus ensure their future, but in the USSR and after its collapse this was impossible.

The Soviet actor lived on a small salary, and after 1991, dozens of famous stars were thrown to the margins of life without a means of support. We invite you to read about the fates of Soviet artists who died in poverty and oblivion.

Alexey Smirnov

Actor Alexey Smirnov is one of those whose name no one remembers, but whose film images remain firmly in memory. Smirnov mainly starred in episodic, character roles, but many of them are remembered by all Russian television viewers. Thus, he played the rowdy Fedya in the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik,” the mechanic Makarych in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” as well as many others.

Smirnov could never build relationships with women; after being wounded in the war, he became infertile and therefore never married. Smirnov broke down after the death of his friend Leonid Bykov - he began to drink a lot, despite health problems. Soon he was hospitalized with coronary heart disease, but could not give up alcohol there either.

Alexey Smirnov: clown with a broken heart

He was discharged on May 7, 1979, and died on the same day. National fame did not make him happy and did not bring him friends. To Smirnov's grave for a long time no one walked - it was overgrown with grass and for 25 years no one could find it. The burial place of Alexei Smirnov was discovered not so long ago quite by accident.

Alexander Belyavsky

One of the most elegant Soviet actors acted a lot in his youth, mostly in the roles of “charming scoundrels” - just look at Fox’s role in the mini-series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” with Vladimir Vysotsky.

Last film with the participation of Alexander Belyavsky was released in 2008, where he played a small role as the governor. It was the film “A Kiss Not for the Press” with Andrei Panin in the title role. IN last years During his life, he could not actively work - he was hampered by heart problems and the consequences of a stroke. Alexander Borisovich walked with a cane and did not feel too well. Due to lack of work and a small pension, there was not enough money to live.

Belyavsky died in 2012. The artist was found under the windows of the house where he lived - Alexander Belyavsky fell out of the window. At first it was believed that he stopped at staircase to take a breath of air and couldn’t keep his balance. However, later friends and colleagues began to say that this was a conscious act, and the reason was a miserable existence and health problems. Alexander Belyavsky was 80 years old.

Tatiana Samoilova

The star of the 60s, actress Tatyana Samoilova was considered one of the most beautiful women not only in Soviet, but also European cinema. And in 1957, the film with her participation - “The Cranes Are Flying” - received its Oscar. The actress was recognized in the West; she began to receive invitations to film in Hollywood and from European directors.

However, Goskino officials did not want to let Samoilova go to work, fearing that she would become a “defector.” IN Soviet time she had enough work in the USSR - among her paintings at that time there was, for example, “Anna Karenina”. Since the mid-70s, Tatyana Samoilova completely disappeared from the screen. They remembered her only in the early 90s - they invited her to the 43rd Cannes Film Festival as an honorary guest.

Unfortunately, this did not become a reason to return to cinema. She was offered her first role after a 25-year break only in 2000. After that, she played in only five films (for example, in “The Moscow Saga” with Olga Budina and Alexander Baluev). The actress herself said that if she lived in Hollywood, Anna Karenina alone would be enough for her to live comfortably her whole life. Samoilova died alone in 2014.

Nonna Mordyukova

A truly national artist, Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova acted a lot in both Soviet and new, “capitalist” times. She has had roles in films by Nikita Mikhalkov (“Kinfolk”), Vladimir Menshov (a striking episode in the farcical comedy “Shirley-Myrli” with Valery Garkalin), Georgy Danelia (“33”).

However, national fame and demand, even in later years, had little effect on the quality of life. In 1999, she played her last film role - in the film “Mom” with a whole constellation of young actors. Her partners on the set in this film were Vladimir Mashkov, Evgeny Mironov and Oleg Menshikov.

In an interview, Nonna Mordyukova restrainedly complained about lack of money and a humiliating existence on a meager pension. At the end of her life, she shared a tiny, cluttered apartment with her sister in Krylatskoye in Moscow. She was sick a lot, so she couldn’t make money on filming and concerts. She said that her pension is barely enough for the basic necessities, and sometimes in the store she picks up a pineapple just to smell it. Nonna Mordyukova died in 2008 at the age of 82.

Borislav Brondukov

This actor is known for his small but well-remembered roles as Fedul from “Athos”, Inspector Lestrade from “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, the fake captain Kolbasyev from “We are from Jazz” and many others.

Borislav Brondukov as Fedul in the film “Afonya”

Borislav Brondukov suffered his first stroke in 1984, at the age of 46. Despite the serious diagnosis, he continued to act in films and tried to lead an active lifestyle. But the first stroke was followed by three more. The illness lasted for ten years, and in the last years of his life - after 1997 - the artist did not get out of bed, could not talk, only sometimes cried from melancholy and humiliation. Life was hard.

Brondukov’s wife Ekaterina said that young strong guys with a gangster appearance periodically appeared in the house and left her some money. The couple lived in the village of Bykovnya near Kiev, where even doctors refused to go. At times there was absolutely nothing to eat, and then a familiar butcher would give Borislav Brondukov’s family bones - from which Ekaterina would cook a thin soup. The actor died in 2004, he was 66 years old.

Vladimir Ivashov

The career of Moscow actor Vladimir Ivashov began brilliantly - he starred in Grigory Chukhrai’s film “The Ballad of a Soldier” when he was still a twenty-year-old student at VGIK. The actor was nominated for the prestigious British BAFTA award, and the monument to the Soldier-Liberator in Bulgaria began to be called Alyosha in honor of his character.

After the first star role there were others - Colonel Kudasov’s adjutant in “The Crown” Russian Empire" (song " Russian field"after that became the artist’s crowning number), Pechorin in “Hero of Our Time” (however, the role was voiced by Vyacheslav Tikhonov, since Ivashov temporarily lost his voice due to illness) and others. True, it seemed that the movies were simply exploiting his appearance, and no one was interested in Ivashov’s acting range.

The song “Russian Field” performed by Vladimir Ivashov

In the early 90s, Vladimir Ivashov was not in demand in cinema; he was fired from his job - from the Film Actor Theater. To earn a living, he got a job as a laborer: he carried bricks at a construction site and kneaded concrete. In 1995, he died from internal bleeding - Vladimir Ivashov had a stomach ulcer. The actor was only 55 years old.

Tamara Nosova

People's Artist of the USSR Tamara Nosova performed mainly in a comic role. She graduated from VGIK in 1950 and since then has acted a lot - although mostly in episodes. Among her famous roles are Aunt Aksal in the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, Donna Rosa in “Hello, I am your Aunt” with Alexander Kalyagin, Komarikha in “Wedding in Malinovka” with Mikhail Pugovkin.

Tamara Nosova worked for a long time at the Film Actor's Theater and was married three times. But all three marriages ended in divorce, and after the death of her mother in 1982, she withdrew into herself and began to lead an almost reclusive lifestyle. In 1991, she was “left” from the theater. In addition, the actress was ill: diagnosed with “chronic cardiac ischemia,” which is usually accompanied by severe depression, weakened memory and attention.

In recent years, Tamara Nosova ate at a social canteen for the homeless; her pension was not even enough to pay rent. The toilet in the artist’s apartment did not work for several years, and rats were scurrying around the house. Nosova developed a craving for pathological hoarding - she stole trash and garbage from surrounding landfills into her apartment. The actress died in 2007 after lying on the floor of her apartment for several days after a stroke.

Tatyana Peltzer

Viewers do not remember actress Tatyana Peltzer as a young woman - it seems that she appeared on movie screens immediately as a “national grandmother.” This image was exploited by both cinema and theater directors.

Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer has dozens of roles, voiceovers for cartoons, and a huge number of theatrical works. Among them are the television version of “The Marriage of Figaro” with Andrei Mironov in the title role, “You Never Dreamed of It” with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, “Funeral Prayer” with Evgeny Leonov and others.

Tatyana Peltzer lived a long life, including professionally: until recently she worked at the Lenkom Theater in the troupe of Mark Zakharov. Even when she began to develop senile dementia and the actress forgot words, she had roles in the theater. In 1992, she was admitted to a psychoneurological clinic and there she broke her femoral neck.

After the injury, the 88-year-old actress did not get up. She died of pneumonia in July of that year. The press wrote that Tatyana Peltzer was buried in a closed coffin, as she was allegedly severely beaten in the hospital. There was no confirmation of these rumors.

Sergey Filippov

The artist Sergei Filippov was truly popular - many of the phrases that his characters uttered on the screen went to the people. Due to his specific appearance and long, awkward figure, Filippov was mainly cast in small comic roles, especially in his mature years. .

What does Masik want? Masik wants vodka

Filippov spent the last years of his life alone. Friends-actors said that after the actor’s death, the daughter of his second wife took advantage of the turmoil and took everything valuable from the apartment - antique furniture, jewelry and porcelain. At the same time, Sergei Filippov’s friend and colleague Alexander Demyanenko collected money for the funeral. Sergei Filippov was buried in April 1990.

Mikhail Kononov

Kononov began acting in films in the early sixties, but gained the greatest popularity in the 70s after the main role in the mini-series “Big Change”. There Mikhail Kononov starred in the role school teacher Nestor Severov, and played with him

Kononov did not give up: he wrote a book of memoirs and tried to sell it, but publishing houses showed no interest. Due to poverty, he had to sell his Moscow apartment and settle in the near Moscow region. Two weeks before his death, he went to the hospital with pneumonia, but there was not enough money for the necessary medications. Kononov died in the summer of 2007 from thromboembolism.

Acting fame is capricious, and artists have subtle and sensitive natures. Many were crippled by the collapse Soviet Union and as a consequence - the commercialization of cinema. Artists often drowned out poverty and humiliation with alcohol. The editors of the site invite you to read about Russian stars who were ruined by alcohol.
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This material is rather an essay in memory of those who passed away in 2017. Many personalities here undoubtedly deserve not a separate line, but a whole story.

Died in January 2017

On January 1, Anthony Atkinson, the famous British scientist and economist who created the Atkinson Index (one of the social inequality indices), passed away.

On January 4, the founder of one of the very first vocal and instrumental ensembles of the USSR, “Singing Guitars,” Anatoly Nikolaevich Vasiliev, passed away. At the time of his death he was 81 years old. It is obvious that today not everyone understands and knows musical history those times, but, probably, many know such personalities as Yuri Antonov, Irina Ponarovskaya. But they and not only were participants in this ensemble. Vasiliev devoted part of his life to the development of the stage, but for some reason rarely anyone remembers him in the press.

On January 6, Indian actor Om Puri died at the age of 66. We remember him from the film “Disco Dancer”, in which he played the role of David Brown.

On January 12, family, friends and the public said goodbye to William Peter Blatty (89 years old), an American director, writer and screenwriter who created the magnificent bestseller “The Exorcist.”

On January 14, Yuri Vasilievich Solovyov died, two days short of his 84th birthday. He was a talented Russian actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

On January 16, Eugene Cernan (82 years old), the American legendary astronaut, passed away; today he is the last of those who stood on the surface of the Moon itself!

Died on January 19 famous actor Miguel Ferrer. Deadly disease had laryngeal cancer. He starred in such popular films as “Twin Peaks”, “RoboCop”, and also in the TV series “NCIS: Los Angeles”. Being in in serious condition, Miguel was still an enthusiast and accepted until the last Active participation in filming.

On the same day he died Brazilian singer, lead singer of the group Kaoma, Loalvy Braz. At the time of her death she was 63 years old. The events of this day are striking in their cruelty. The criminals entered the house, hit Braz, mercilessly threatened her with a knife and robbed her. After which, together with Loalva, they left the crime scene. Due to troubles with the engine, the criminals decided to burn the car along with the singer.

On January 25, John Hurt died, a magnificent actor whose idols and loving viewers will always remember and endlessly admire John’s skillful performance, especially the role of Ollivander. And fans of the film “Doctor Who” will forever remember the military doctor.

On January 27, Emmanuelle Riva, one of the oldest contenders for an Oscar, passed away (for the film “Love”, 2013).

On January 28, the Belarusian and Soviet pop singer Alexander Tikhanovich (64 years old) died. former member ensemble “Verasy”.

January 31 - relatives and idols said goodbye to musician John Wetton, who played in such popular bands as Uriah Heep, Roxy Music, Asia, Wishbone Ash, UK.

Died in February 2017

On February 2, 93-year-old Max Luscher, a Swiss scientist and psychologist who developed color test Luscher.

On February 4, Georgy Georgievich Taratorkin, a Russian and Soviet actor, died. National artist times of the RSFSR.

On February 5, 70-year-old Swedish actor Björn Göst Tryggve Granath passed away. The series “The Bridge”, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” - it was in these films that we most remembered Garnet.

Peter Mansfield, owner, died on February 8 Nobel Prize in Medicine, which he received in 2003 for the invention of MRI. Undoubtedly, he is a genius in his field, thanks to whom millions of lives have been saved.

February 12 - another talent left the world - Al Gerro (he was 76 years old), a popular singer and jazz musician in America in his time.

On February 13, the eldest son of the leader of the DPRK (Kim Jong Il), Kim Jong Nam, was killed. The tragedy occurred in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, causing a huge scandal in the world of politics.

February 19 – cancer patient Aleksey Valentinovich Ostashev, a 55-year-old Russian double bassist and bass guitarist who performed on stage with many popular artists, including the famous group “The Untouchables,” died.

February 20 – Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin – Russian and Soviet diplomat, representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, and since 2006 – to the UN Security Council.

February 22 – the incredibly talented actor of Russian and Soviet cinema, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, Alexey Vasilievich Petrenko, passed away.

February 25 – at 36- summer age Neil Fingleton, a remarkable English basketball player and actor, died of a heart attack.

On February 27, Russian journalist, producer, creator of the “Wait for Me” program Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev passed away

Died in March 2017

March 10 – Robert James Waller (77 years old) – American writer, known to the public for his novel “The Bridges of Madison County.”

On March 13, Richard Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (82 years old), a Danish prince, a relative of Queen Benedicta (her sister’s husband), died.

On March 20, David Rockefeller (101 years old), the head of the Rockefeller house, a famous billionaire, politician and banker, died.

Colin Dexter (86 years old) passed away on March 21 - English writer known as the author detective stories about Inspector Morse.

On March 22, Lembit Yuhanovich Ulfsak (69 years old) died - an Estonian and Soviet actor, our favorite Mr. Hey, Paganel, Till Eulenspiegel.

Died in April 2017

On April 1, at the age of 84, a Russian and Soviet poet, screenwriter, director Evgeny Yevtushenko. The cause of death was stage 4 cancer. The body of the legendary poet rests in Peredelkino near Pasternak’s grave.

April 2 – Oleh Sergey Georgievich (51 years old) – Ukrainian artist – showman, actor, participant in two projects: “Mask Show” and “Gentleman Show”. He worked until his last days without talking about the fact that he had cancer.

On April 8, Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko (85 years old), cosmonaut, Hero of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, died of heart failure.

Eddie Murphy's brother, Charles Murphy, died on April 12 at the age of 57. He was a great American actor and screenwriter, but he could not overcome leukemia (pictured on the right).

Died in May 2017

On May 7, Vladimir Bogin, People's Artist of the Maly Theater and film actor, died at the age of 71. Among the audience’s favorite films with his participation are “Fathers and Sons”, “Walking Through Torment” and others.

On May 12, Yuri Borisovich Sherstnev (77 years old), an inimitable theater, film and television actor, died.

On May 14, the People's Artist of the RSFSR, popular Soviet actress, Kartasheva Irina Pavlovna. She was 95 years old at the time of her death.

On the same day, Powers Boothe, a famous American actor and Emmy Award winner, died.

On May 16, after a serious illness, Oleg Borisovich Vidov died at the age of 73. The Soviet actor, director, producer will forever remain in the memory of loved ones, relatives and fans.

Scene from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune.” Vidov as Lieutenant Slavin

On May 18, it became known about the sudden death of the greatest rock musician, composer and guitarist Chris Cornell, who was only 52 years old.

On May 22, at the age of 78, Vladimir Ivanovich Pereturin, a famous sports commentator, and previously a football player (defender). There was only one day left until his 79th birthday.

On the same day, Dina Merrill died at the age of 94. famous actress Hollywood and socialite.

On May 23, the world was shocked by the news of the death of the inimitable Roger Moore. The cult British actor, producer and screenwriter, everyone’s favorite James Bond “agent 007” left the world at the age of 90.

Died in June 2017

On June 13, the star of the show “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova (29 years old) died. According to known data, the girl fell from the sixth floor after a quarrel with her boyfriend. Novoselova was one of the most scandalous and unpredictable participants in the seventh season of the show. According to the voting results, Ilona took second place, and Alexey Pokhabov won the show.

Alexei Batalov (88 years old) died on June 15 - famous actor Soviet cinema, favorite hero of the films “My Dear Man”, “The Rumyantsev Case”, “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, etc. The artist was unable to recover after surgery, the cause of which was a fracture of the femoral neck.

passed away on June 16 politician Helmut Kohl. Outstanding Chancellor Germany played a significant role in improving relations between Germany and Russia, as well as in the unification of Europe.

passed away on June 29 former soloist famous Russian pop group “Ivanushki International” by Oleg Yakovlev. He was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. The musician’s heart could not withstand the complications. At the time of his death he was only 47 years old.

Died in July 2017

On July 4, the writer Daniil Granin died, 2 years short of reaching 100 years old. He was a member of the Great Patriotic War, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Granin’s novels became famous throughout the USSR - “The Searchers”, “After the Wedding”, “I’m Going into the Storm”.

On July 9, at the age of 87, artist Ilya Glazunov passed away. From 1987 until the last day of his life, he was the rector of the Russian Academy of Painting; he has many paintings in the genre of historical painting to his credit.

Chester Bennington, lead singer, died on July 20 at the age of 42. music group Linkin Park. According to his relatives, Bennington was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and eventually decided to commit suicide.

On July 30, a young musician, producer and composer of the rap group LSP Roma Englishman (29 years old), passed away. Nothing is known yet about the cause of death.

On July 31, Jeanne Moreau (89 years old), a famous French actress of the 60s, who played in 142 films - “Lovers”, “Elevator to the Scaffold”, “Diary of a Maid”, “Jules and Jim”, “Night”, etc., died.

Died in August 2017

On August 16, Russia was shocked by the news of death famous actress Russian and Soviet cinema by Vera Glagoleva. The artist was never able to overcome cancer and died at the age of 61. She became famous for her roles in the films “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours”, “Torpedo Bombers” and many others. In addition, Glagoleva in Lately She was actively involved in directing.

On August 23, Dallas McCarver, a young 26-year-old American bodybuilder and contender for the Mr. Olympia title, died. According to local media, McCarver's breathing was blocked by a foreign object; more detailed facts are still unknown.

On August 25, world-famous American bodybuilder Rich Piana died at the age of 45. Except sports career, Rich was involved in video blogging and entrepreneurship. The death of the bodybuilder became known from the lips of his friend Bradley Martin, who published the tragic news on his Instagram.

On August 14, Piana was found unconscious in her home, last days he spent his life in a coma. According to media reports, Rich took a large dose of a special drug (polymethyl methacrylate), the so-called “plexiglass”.

On August 30, the United States said goodbye to the legendary Louise Hay, the great psychologist and speaker, one of the founders of the popular self-help movement, which became known thanks to Louise’s website. Hay died at the age of 91.

Died in September 2017

Singer Katya Gordon wrote about this on her Instagram. Stella had lymphoblastic leukemia. In recent days she experienced terrible pain and could not walk. The actress's five-year-old son is now left without a mother.

On September 14, Rada Zmikhnovskaya, a former member of the Russian pop group Band’Eros, passed away. Official reason death was a hemorrhagic stroke.

On September 23, the actor Nikolai Godovikov (67 years old), beloved by millions of Soviet citizens, who played the famous role of Petrukha in the film “White Sun of the Desert,” died. The cause of death was cancer.

On September 26, it became known about the death of 37-year-old Natalya Yunnikova, star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar.” According to her ex-spouse Anton Fedotov, Natalya had a stroke (massive cerebral hemorrhage). On September 22, she lost consciousness. Doctors put the actress into an artificial coma. Yunnikova died without regaining consciousness.

On the same day, the legendary USSR figure skater Lyudmila Belousova died.

The four-time world and European champion, who competed in tandem with Oleg Protopopov, died in Switzerland at the age of 81 after long illness. Lyudmila Evgenievna's body was cremated.

On September 27, the young actor Egor Klinaev (18 years old), known from the TV series “Fizruk,” died in an accident in Moscow. By a terrible coincidence, Klinaev stopped to help the drivers in the accident, and at that time he found himself under the wheels of another car, which apparently did not notice the accident.

On September 30, at the age of 73, Andrei Menshikov, a Soviet and Russian poet, screenwriter, playwright, one of the first founders of KVN, passed away. In addition, Andrei Viktorovich is the author of hundreds of poems and songs, he worked for a long time on Russian and Soviet television and was the creator of the most popular programs “Come on, girls!”, “ Good night, kids”, “Cheerful guys”, etc.

Died in October 2017

On October 9, at the age of 82, the outstanding healer, philosopher and writer Allan Chumak died. He was informed about this close friend Dmitry Gordon. Allan in the 80-90s. was one of the most famous healers in Russia. His television sessions attracted a million viewers in front of the screens.

On October 15, Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov passed away. He died in the town of Lobnya near Moscow on the way to the hospital. According to information from the REN TV channel, as a result medical examination it became known that the artist’s heart stopped due to acute blood loss. The cause of the tragedy was a combination of incompatible medications.

Died in November 2017

On November 10, Russia was shocked by the news of the death of the famous and beloved humorist and satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Before reaching the age of 70, he died from a progressive brain tumor, which was diagnosed a year ago. In November 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich was operated on in Germany, but the operation did not bring the desired result, nor did further chemotherapy. A few days before his death, Zadornov accepted Orthodox faith, although before that he was a supporter of paganism.

On November 11, popular TV presenter and journalist Boris Notkin passed away. He was psychologically unable to withstand, in fact, the sentence (stage four cancer) and committed suicide.

On November 15, Gustav Ahr, an American rapper known as Lil Peep, died. According to known data, the 21-year-old musician died from a drug overdose. Gustav's body was found on a bus during a tour. On this day, a concert was supposed to take place in the city of Tucson (Arizona). Shocked friends immediately took the guy to the hospital, but they could not save the musician.

Died on November 22 in London Opera singer and People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky. In June 2015, Dmitry was diagnosed with a brain tumor. As soon as the artist found out about the illness, he immediately canceled all performances and underwent chemotherapy courses. After treatment, the artist returned to the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York on August 25, 2015. In December 2016, the disease began to progress. Dmitry died at the age of 56. Most recently (October 16, 2017) he turned 55 years old.

Died in December 2017

He played dozens of roles in the films “Formula of Love”, “Pokrovsky Gate”, “That Same Munchausen”, but the artist’s real popularity came after the role of Heinrich Muller in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”.

On December 10, Charles Green, the most popular Internet personality in the United States, died, who ran his YouTube channels “TheAngryGrandpaShow”, “Grandpa’s Corner” under the pseudonym Angry Grandfather (AGP). Poor Charles was seriously ill and died due to complications caused by cirrhosis of the liver.

On December 18, a young South Korean musician, vocalist of the group SHINee, Kim Jonghyun (27 years old), passed away. Unfortunately, the guy could not cope with deep depression and took his own life.

Dear readers, we will be glad to receive your feedback and kind words about personalities you know from this list.

The fates of these Hollywood stars are tragic and instructive. Fortune favored them with fame and popularity; they were real idols for millions of viewers. However, they were unable to use nature’s generous gift wisely – they were unable to use their talent.

Brittany Murphy

She woke up famous after the premiere of the film Clueless in 1995, in which she played main role. Then 18-year-old Brittany became not only the idol of millions, but also one of the most attractive actresses in Hollywood. Then she had bright roles in such films as “Girl, Interrupted”, “Newlyweds”, “City Girls”, “Love and Other Disasters” and others. Almost everywhere she played an easy-going and kind girl who finds herself in complicated situations, but always finds a way out of them. It seemed that in real life Murphy is the same. And it was especially sad to realize that she was no longer there. Her death came as a great surprise to everyone. The actress was only 32 years old at that time...

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Heath Ledger

He was considered one of the most talented Hollywood actors, with an unusual and creative approach to roles. His on-screen images were never alike. Heath Ledger once commented on this issue: “I feel like I’m wasting my time if I repeat myself.”

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The star actor was born on April 4, 1979 in Perth ( Western Australia) in the family of a teacher French and mining engineer. We can say that he was lucky with his parents, who, having noticed Heath’s acting talent, did not interfere with their son’s creative endeavors. Already at the age of 10, Ledger played the role of Peter Pan at Gildorf Gymnasium. The career of the future Hollywood star developed rapidly and successfully. He starred in television series, and began to be invited to big films. However, the moment came when his homeland - huge Australia - seemed to Heath too narrow for creative self-expression. He was ambitious and persistent, like all aspiring actors, and that’s why he strived to get into Hollywood. It is here, according to Ledger, that all the secret dreams of fame and popularity come true. Indeed, Hollywood has become a real launching pad for young actor. Famous directors recognized remarkable abilities in the persistent guy. And he lived up to their hopes. Two films are considered to be the pinnacle of Heath Ledger's work: Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. The last picture brought Heath, to the deep sadness of his many fans, posthumous fame. For brilliantly role played Joker won an Oscar. Heath Ledger passed away at the age of 28 without saying his last creative word. According to the official version put forward by the police, he died from an overdose of sleeping pills.

Anton Yelchin

Once he even auditioned for the role of Harry Potter, but this time luck turned against him. But the talent of the young actor was recognized with the original award “The Most Sensitive Actor in the World” for his participation in the popular TV series “Dr. By the way, Anton played his very first role at the age of nine: he was invited to shoot the independent film “Man Is Mostly Made of Water.”

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It should be noted that he had extraordinary efficiency. This quality probably came in handy for him to conquer Hollywood, where they love to help the young, purposeful and talented actors. Anton eventually began acting with famous directors. Participation in blockbusters " Star Trek" and "Terminator: May the Savior Come" brought Yelchin fame and popularity. Creative career the actor was interrupted right at takeoff. Anton died from an absurd accident: he simply forgot to put the handbrake on his car, which ran over him. This happened on June 19, 2016. He was only 27 years old.

Brad Renfro

Fame came to him at the age of 11. Having brilliantly played the role of a boy pursued by the mafia in the film “The Client,” Brad becomes famous throughout America. His partners in the film were recognized Hollywood stars Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones. The young actor had an excellent prospect to stand on par with them in the future. But, apparently, early popularity played a cruel joke on Brad Renfro.

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As, unfortunately, often happens in a bohemian environment, he became interested in using illegal drugs and was even once detained by the police for their possession. One of the most significant and striking roles of the actor is considered to be the image of a teenager in the film “Apt Student”. His hero strikes up a friendly relationship with a fugitive Nazi officer, the relationship between them is quite strange. The picture caused different opinions among viewers. However, it is worth noting that Brad Renforo received an honorary prize for his role as Todd Bowden at the Tokyo International Film Festival. And soon there was a certain decline in the actor’s work. In all likelihood, this was due to the fact that Brad was overcome by a bad passion for illegal drugs, which knocked him out of his usual rut in life. Both friends and relatives warned Renforo that everything would not end well. But he did not heed the advice: on January 15, 2008, he was found dead in his own home in Los Angeles. The cause of the actor’s death was an overdose of illegal drugs. He was 25 years old.

Amy Winehouse

She rushed like a meteor across the starry sky, leaving a noticeable mark on the world stage. Amy recorded her first song at the age of 14, and a year later she was already singing in a jazz group. She was incredibly talented and at the same time had a heavy and complex character. Teachers at school and friends suffered from it; she could commit actions that did not fit into the framework of generally accepted morality.

Amy was born on September 14, 1983 in the family of a pharmacist and a jazz singer who worked as a taxi driver. Since childhood, Amy dreamed only of music, dreamed of becoming a great singer. She succeeded completely. She remains the only British performer to win five Grammy Awards. The singer’s unique achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Amy's star life was full of scandals. She was brought to court more than once for insults and fights. The singer flared up at the slightest provocation - and being in her company was unbearable even for close people. In addition, together with her musician husband Blake Fielder-Civil, Amy became interested in using illegal drugs. It seemed that she was testing her fate to the limit. But no one has ever succeeded: star singer will die from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27 years. This will happen on July 23, 2011 in London. She will remain in the memory of millions of fans as a bright, talented singer who went down in the history of modern music.

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A series of deaths cut short the lives of several actors this year. They did not leave behind dozens of films, since they starred mainly in TV series, but they managed to earn the love of television viewers before their lives were tragically cut short.

Sergey Saleev

The actor passed away on November 1, but the press became aware of this only two weeks later. The body of the 48-year-old artist was found in the bathroom. The preliminary version of Saleev's death was alcohol poisoning.

According to the actor’s relatives, he has recently suffered from lack of creative demand and, as a result, lack of money.

Shortly before his death, Saleev went on a drinking binge and left a post on Facebook that his friends found strange:

Life is the best that is given to such uncontrollable idiots like us, who give the “idlers” in the hall the best, most intimate, true, without demanding anything in return. Glory to the profession, glory, glory to the actors!!!

Initially, Saleev played in the theater, but when he moved from Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg, the stage did not work out for him. He began playing maniacs, victims, monsters and recognizable movie characters in quests.

TV viewers know him from his roles in the TV series " Sea Devils. Smerch-3”, “It happened in Gavrilovka”.

Egor Klinaev

At the end of September, fans of 18-year-old Yegor Klinaev were shocked by the news of the death of their favorite actor.

A young man stopped to help victims of a traffic accident. He was hit by a passing car. The aspiring actor died before the ambulance arrived.

He received his driver's license five months before the tragedy. On social networks, Yegor boasted of his rights. Then no one suspected that it was the road that would take his life.

The star of the television series “Fizruk” admitted that he sees himself in 10 years “forever young, in demand, with inexhaustible ideas, with a beautiful wife and two children.”

Many people have passed through my life film sets, from which no memories remain, and Egor, surprisingly, despite his youth, had a very sharp mind and a phenomenal sense of humor. This can be seen in the frame.

The deceased actor began his career in the famous group “Fidgets”. In 2012, he played the main role in the film “The Secret of Yegor”. Then he starred in youth TV series, including Fizruk.

Natalia Yunnikova

In September, two days before the death of her colleague Yegor Klinaev, actress Natalya Yunnikova died. She performed more than a dozen episodic roles in various films, but viewers remembered her for her role as investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the TV series “The Return of Mukhtar.”

At the age of 37, after suffering cardiogenic syncope at home. She suffered a massive brain hemorrhage after hitting her head on a table.

The doctors brought her into the hospital. The actress died two weeks later without regaining consciousness.

She left behind an 11-year-old son, Roland, who, after the death of his mother, began to live with his father, director Anton Fedotov.

Later, the media began to write that one of the reasons for her early death was “lack of demand in the profession and loneliness.” After “The Return of Mukhtar,” they stopped filming Yunnikova, since the directors saw her only in the image of investigator Vasilisa.

It is worth noting that before her death, she still managed to take part in the filming of the series “Ivanovs-Ivanovs,” but since not all the episodes were filmed before Yunnikova’s death, the director decided to remake the material, changing the actress.

Kazimir Liske

American Kazimir Liske became famous in Russia thanks to the TV series “Interns.” He played the role of a loving English patient.

In our country, Kazimir found not only creative success, but also a family. In 2016, he and his wife Polina Grishina-Liske had a son, Oliver.

The actor died in April of this year. He was taken to a Moscow hospital, where the 35-year-old artist died from injuries incompatible with life.

Kazimir’s wife and close friend, artistic director of the Praktika theater Ivan Vyrypaev, called the actor’s death an accident.

Caz was experiencing severe mental instability. This can be called a disease. He came home at one in the morning and talked to Polina. No one saw any signs of panic or mental instability in him... And we are all sure that he did not want to do this at all, it was just that the illness and mental state, which he suppressed and hid even from his loved ones, pushed his body into the sky, Vyrypaev wrote.

In addition to the series “Interns,” actor Liske starred in films such as “Ivan the Terrible” and “Capital of Sin.”