Ivan Telegin, hockey player: biography, personal life, sports career. The abandoned wife of Pelageya's lover told how their family now survives Telegin Ivan hockey player children

Ivan Telegin – Russian hockey player, playing for CSKA in the position of right winger. Husband of singer Pelageya.

Childhood and adolescence

Ivan was born on February 28, 1992 in the main city of Kuzbass, the largest coal mining and metallurgical center in Russia - Novokuznetsk.

His interest in hockey was instilled in him by his father, a passionate fan of the local Metallurg. He did not miss a single match of his favorite team and from an early age he took his son with him to the stadium. When the boy grew up, his parents bought him skates and enrolled him in the nursery. sports school at Metallurg.

Despite young age Vanya immediately showed himself to be a persistent and purposeful athlete, never giving in to difficulties and failures, persistently practicing the skills acquired during training on the yard hockey rink. These qualities helped him quickly become a leader and become captain of the junior team.

As part of its composition, the young athlete more than once became a prize-winner of many prestigious tournaments, including international ones. In the spring of 2009, his team won the Russian Junior Championship, and the road to the Youth Hockey League opened for Telegin.

But then he suddenly received an offer from the American agent Mark Gandler, impresario of many famous athletes. He offered him a contract with the Saginaw club, one of the leading teams in the junior league. North America. 17-year-old Ivan had to pay Metallurg 800 thousand rubles in compensation, which at that time was a colossal amount. But he understood that completely different prospects were opening up before him, and, without hesitation, he took advantage of the unique chance.


Having moved overseas, Telegin spent two have a good season as part of Saginaw and even made it to the team of young promising players. Residents of Saginaw were so impressed by the size of the new forward that his photo appeared on billboards with the caption: “Have you seen the Russian bull?”

Soon, scouts from the Atlanta Thrashers, who play for the NHL, had their eyes on him, but first they decided to play it safe and “test” him in a lower league.

Ivan successfully played the next season in the Canadian Barry Colts and showed excellent results. Only a few steps separated him from the cherished NHL when Telegin received a serious injury and dropped out of the sports schedule for several months. The club decided that after a concussion he would not return to the ice soon, and invited another player to take Ivan’s place.

Realizing that there was no prospect of anything in the major leagues for him in the near future, the athlete decided to return to Russia. For some time he remained at a crossroads: at Metallurg they were still offended at him for running away to America, he was expelled from the Russian junior team in 2010 for violating sports discipline, and the injuries he received were still making themselves felt.

Unexpectedly, CSKA became interested in the athlete and in 2014 Telegin became a striker for this club. In February 2016, Russian national team coach Oleg Znarok decided to try a new player in the Czech stage of the Eurotournament and was not mistaken: Ivan scored the winning goal and made several assists. In total, at the 2016 World Cup, he scored four goals, made two assists and once again made people talk about him as a talented and promising player.

Interview with Ivan Telegin

Telegin’s game was noted by the President of the National Hockey Federation: “I don’t want to single out anyone, but Telegin amazed me. He was like a workhorse, he was successful everywhere, and in martial arts he stung his opponent like a wasp.”

Personal life of Ivan Telegin

Soon after the 2016 World Cup, Telegin also came to the attention of gossip columns - in June he secretly married singer Pelageya. Before this, the lovers tried not to advertise their romance, and only family and friends were present at their private wedding.

The fact is that the hockey player met the singer while in a relationship with dancer Evgenia Nour, who gave birth to his baby Mark in February 2016. But the appearance of a child did not cement their couple, and the athlete went to his new passion, leaving his ex-lover with a baby in his arms.

After it turned out that Pelageya was having an affair with hockey player Ivan Telegin, who left for her common-law wife with a small child, a scandal broke out. Soon, Evgenia Nour, abandoned by the athlete, became the main character popular talk show. However, instead of support, she received only critical reviews.


According to Evgenia, if she had known that everything would work out this way, she would have refused to appear in the “TV box”. "Even sister Ivana, with whom we communicated very closely, suddenly began writing on social networks that she couldn’t trust me. I don’t understand why she’s interfering. Moreover, she herself has not communicated with her brother for two years - they had an accident. serious conflict. By the way, I tried to reconcile them with Vanya, because Katya, like no one else, knows who Telegin really is. He strange man“Today he says one thing, but tomorrow he says something completely different,” Nour noted.

Telegin very rarely sees their son Mark. The hockey player’s parents also do not communicate with the baby. “In fact, I myself would like to look into Ivan’s eyes and ask why he did this to us? But he simply avoids it. I think he is ashamed for deceiving and living with two women at the same time. After all, it turns out that Pelageya became pregnant just a month after I gave birth to Ivana Mark. Is this normal?” – Evgeniya asked a rhetorical question.

Nour and Telegin were together for three and a half years. According to the girl, everything was fine with them, but at one point everything ended. “Ivan left, saying nasty things to me, without really explaining anything. I think that all this month he was thoroughly “treated” by his godmother - he himself would not have thought of such a thing. It was she who brought Telegin together with Pelageya, because she herself is from the world of show- business and has been friends with Polina for a long time. Apparently, at some point this woman stopped liking me, so she decided to introduce her godson to someone else. No one even thought about me,” Eg.RU quotes Nour.

Evgenia was terribly worried. She even started fainting because she wasn't eating or sleeping. Only the support of her friends could restore her peace of mind. “Of course, there were those who did not spare my nerves, and every now and then reported: “Your guy is rocking the club with Pelageya right now.” I hoped until the last that he would take a walk and return. But this did not happen,” admitted young woman.

Evgenia recalled the program in which she took part. According to her, on the show she looked as if she had deliberately become pregnant by Telegin in the hope of seducing him and was forcibly holding him back, destroying his happiness with Pelageya. “But no one knows that Ivan had a terrible time while I was in protective custody. He always loved fun, noisy parties, clubs. He was fine with me until I “fell out of the picture” because of pregnancy. I know Ivan very well - everyone should live by his rules: if he is having fun, everyone around him should also smile and light up. He’s just young, I’m sure, even now he doesn’t realize what he’s done,” Nour said.

Evgenia does not blame Pelageya for her misfortune. According to Nour, the singer simply “fell head over heels in love.” “Ivan knows how to woo, he knows how to charm a girl. If he likes someone, he will do everything to attract attention to himself. It seems that he managed to charm Pelageya’s strict mother. Although in fact, I think she accepted her daughter’s choice philosophically: he is young, strong, healthy, promising - you can give birth to such a man. There are no men left in show business for a long time, and the woman’s biological clock is ticking. Apparently, my mother weighed everything and understood: we need to take it. It’s not me, not Pelageya, but only Ivan who is to blame. We can only hope that he lost his temper and calmed down. Although, to be honest, it’s hard to believe that Telegin is not the same person,” concluded Evgenia Nour.

The famous Russian folk singer Pelageya got married for the second time in the summer of 2016. The first marriage with the director of “Comedy Woman” Dmitry Efimovich broke up after two years of marriage in 2012. Hockey player Ivan Telegin became Pelageya Khanova’s new husband.

This romance and marriage caused heated discussion online among the singer’s fans. The point is that for the sake of Pelageya, the athlete left his common-law wife with a three-month-old son in his arms.

Formation of a career as a hockey player

Ivan Telegin was born in 1992 in Novokuznetsk. Pelageya's chosen one is 5 years younger than her. Since childhood, Telegin’s father took him to hockey, to games with the local Metallurg team. Soon the boy entered the youth sports school of this club.

Ivan made progress in children's hockey, often occupying the position of captain. Pretty fast he joined the junior team of Metallurg and won international tournaments with this team in Poland, Finland and Switzerland.

In 2009, the Metallurg youth team became the champion of Russia at the junior tournament.

Having reached adulthood, Ivan Telegin buys out his contract from Metallurg and leaves for Canada. He initially plays in the regional youth league, with the Saginaw Spirit team. Telegin’s game was noticed, and he is included in the “Team of Young Stars”.

Unkind foreign land

The NHL became interested in Ivan Telegin; the American club Atlanta Thrashers selected him in the draft, but almost immediately leased him to the Canadian club Barry Colts. He played one season at this club, and this year was the best in his youth career, as Telegin himself believes.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Thrashers moved to Canada and were going to take the proven striker to the main roster, but still decided to let him play in a lower league. He played for a few months with the St. John's IceCaps, but got injured. After this, the hockey player did not have the opportunity to play for several months.

"Winnipeg Jets", as the Atlanta Thrashers were now called, took his place with a new player, deciding that Telegin would not recover.

They wanted to loan Telegin out again, but his age no longer allowed him to play for the youth team, and the athlete himself was annoyed and disappointed.

As a result, he returned home to Russia. The club disqualified Ivan; he could not even train with top teams. In 2014, he officially joined CSKA, where he still plays.

Back in 2012, Telegin became silver medalist youth world championship. In 2016 Telegin was invited to the national team to participate in the Czech stage of the European Hockey Tour. Ivan Telegin is still a member of the Russian hockey team.

See you with the folk singer

A young wealthy athlete, Ivan loved to go to noisy parties and visit nightclubs. In one of these establishments he noticed met stripper Evgenia Nour.

The girl was at that time in a long-term relationship with another man and was even going to marry him. But the young athlete began to seek the attention of a pretty dancer. According to Evgenia herself, he looked after her very beautifully and gave flowers.

Interesting notes:

In one of these bouquets, Evgenia found a note. In it, Ivan expressed concern: “My heart aches at the thought that you are there.”

Telegin was against her work in a nightclub, he managed to win Nour’s favor and the young people began to live together.

The civil marriage lasted more than two years. The hockey player proposed to the girl, and they were going to get married. In the midst of preparation, Evgenia realized that she was pregnant.

For this reason, the newlyweds decided to postpone the wedding. Throughout her pregnancy, Evgenia did not suspect anything wrong. His beloved was nearby, and together they made plans for how Ivan would teach his son hockey.

The news about the departure of her beloved for another sounded like a bolt from the blue for Evgenia Nour. Joint photographs of Telegin and singer Pelageya appeared online, as well as a photo of the judge of the “Voice” project in a hockey T-shirt with Ivan’s last name.

Evgenia did not follow publications about her man on the Internet, and a friend showed her these photos. Evgenia was nine months pregnant. She was very upset about the betrayal, but hoped that Ivan would walk up, come to his senses and return to her. However, this did not happen and Telegin left for Pelageya completely.

Away from the tabloids

Not much is known about the history of the acquaintance between the singer and the hockey player. According to one version, introduced them godmother Telegina named Christina. It is known that after Evgenia Nour appeared in the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya TV channel, Pelageya deleted all joint photos with Ivan from social networks.

In the program, Nour complained that the young father was not at all interested in his son’s life and came once or twice a week. He rents an apartment for Evgenia and, through godmother Christina, transfers 50,000 rubles a month to support the child.

The public was divided into two parts. Some considered Pelageya a homewrecker, building her happiness on the tears of others. Others supported the singer, some blamed Ivan. Tired of the rumors, the hockey player and singer closed their profiles on social networks.

No matter what, the wedding took place in the summer of 2016. The singer speaks of her husband as a reliable and honest person whom she can rely on in everything.

IN documentary film On Channel One, Pelageya denied rumors that she had taken the athlete away from the family. She admitted that at the time the couple met, Ivan considered himself a free man.

Already in January 2017, information appeared that the athlete and singer became parents. This is Pelageya's first child. the couple named the girl Taisiya.

The singer rarely shares details of her personal life, but on one of the TV programs happy mom said that outwardly the daughter looked more like her father than her.

Throughout last days One of the most heatedly discussed topics in the public is the romance between the mentor of the “Voice of Children” project and the young CSKA striker.

Evgenia was left without the support of her husband and was forced to raise and provide for her son alone

Let us recall that not so long ago, athlete Ivan Telegin left his common-law wife Evgenia with a newborn child in her arms and went to the blond pop star Pelageya.

Today, the athlete does not take part in raising his son, and also does not help the child’s mother financially. Criticism is pouring in on the newly-made couple, but the lovers, in turn, prefer to refrain from making any comments.

However, the young wife, betrayed by Telegin, is not at all inclined to remain silent. News about her lover’s infidelities reached her via the Internet, which extremely shocked Evgenia. She did not suspect her beloved of infidelity at all and believed that everything was fine in their relationship, despite the regular hints from the hockey player’s friends.

The first thing that alerted Evgenia was Ivan’s departure from the family, immediately after she returned from the maternity hospital. As she says herself ex-lover Ivan, he had never been distinguished by a riotous lifestyle, but suddenly he snapped. When she returned from the maternity hospital, the athlete announced that he needed to think about their relationship and left the young woman and her newborn son. In an interview, the girl said:

Mine didn’t go for a walk, and then fell apart. I just arrived from the maternity hospital, he told me that he needed to think about our relationship and left.

Moreover, Evgenia noted that she had met Pelageya earlier, while she was eight months pregnant. She and Ivan then attended the birthday party of a mutual friend, where neither the hockey player nor the singer showed each other any signs of attention.

Pelageya took Telegin away from the family and is going to marry him

But, judging by the new footage that journalists were able to take not long ago, the relationship between Pelageya and Ivan Telegin cannot be called a casual romance. On ring finger The artist is wearing a brand new ring. It looks like the couple has decided to legitimize their relationship.

Pelageya got married again! Photos of the singer with her new husband have already spread throughout the scandalous media. Rumor has it that Pelageya took her lover, hockey player Ivan Telegin, away from the family. This is perhaps the first scandal in which the name of a celebrity appears.

Pelageya’s personal life: is there room in it for her husband and children?

Pelageya celebrates her thirtieth birthday with a cherished wedding ring on the ring finger. IN lately The singer’s personal life is surrounded by a huge amount of gossip.

Pelageya and her husband Ivan Telegin spent their honeymoon in Greece

The increased attention to the artist is primarily due to her new novel. Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin hid their relationship for a very long time. But they couldn’t hide the photos from the wedding. This joyful event was captured by close friends of the couple invited to the celebration. Some time later, they shared photographic evidence of this joyful event on their social media pages.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin are now husband and wife

The lovers never tire of demonstrating their tender feelings for each other, appearing together everywhere. Whether it’s a hockey match for Telegin’s team or filming a new episode of the show “The Voice,” where Pelageya acted as a coach-mentor for more than one season. Now she can easily exchange feminine concert outfits for a hockey sweater with her lover’s name on it.

Pelageya is one of the most devoted fans of CSKA

Does Pelageya have children? Yes, and not alone. She can rightfully consider her children from the show “The Voice. Children". The star is especially pleased to remember the vocal Nastya Titova, with whom she sang a duet at a big Christmas concert in St. Petersburg, the persistent and hardworking Katya Bizina, who waited a whole year to perform brilliantly at her favorite talent show, and the self-confident, reckless Ranel Bogdanov. Why, the singer became a real second mother to every young talent from her team!

This attitude towards small artists is no coincidence. Pelageya herself probably remembers very well how thorny the path to song projects can be. Especially when you are still just a child. The star herself began her singing career in early childhood. The audience well remembered the young talented Siberian who sang a cover version of the Queen song on the KVN stage.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin: happiness from someone else’s misfortune

Beautiful, talented, open, sincere - this is how her fans know the star. Femme fatale, for which a man is capable of leaving his family - in such an unusual image, the singer appeared before us quite recently. It turns out that it was not for nothing that Pelageya and the hockey player hid their feelings so carefully.

Pelageya and Telegin on vacation with friends

For the sake of the singer, the man left his pregnant common-law wife Evgenia Nour. Although he was not officially married to her, “the hope of Russian hockey” was considered his soul mate. Before meeting Ivan, Evgenia was a striptease dancer. Actually, “at work”, in a club, the couple met and almost immediately began to live together.

Ex-wife of Ivan Telegin

Even the birth of the long-awaited baby, Mark, in February 2016, did not convince the hockey player to return to Evgenia. Because of this, many took up arms against the folk star: they say that Pelageya took her betrothed away from the family, leaving little son without a father! Although the singer’s representatives denied this information. They stated that the lovers began dating after the athlete decided to break up with his ex-wife.

Pelageya and Telegin: we are happy!

According to unofficial information, the artist is now in “ interesting position" This fact explains many people’s refusal to participate in the next season of the “Voice” project, as well as the sudden cancellation of her performance at the “Invasion” rock festival.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich: was their marriage a mistake?

The difference of 11 years did not bother them at all: Pelageya and her first husband Dmitry Efimovich managed to experience not only joy family life, but also the bitterness of disappointment in a loved one. One of the most probable causes Divorce refers to the husband's numerous infidelities. Another version is the singer’s reluctance to have children. The demand for TV and the extremely busy touring schedule simply did not leave time for family.

Pelageya with her first husband Dmitry Efimovich

Pelageya and Efimovich met thanks to KVN. Dmitry Efimovich was a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk University, and Pelageya was a guest star of the young, ambitious team. Then no one could have imagined that years later they would meet again in Moscow, where the couple would have a whirlwind romance.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich seemed happy spouses

The wedding of Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich took place in the strictest secrecy. I still can’t find a photo from this solemn event on the Internet. The divorce of the artist and director turned out to be just as secret. The fact that the couple did not part amicably is evidenced by the fact that the celebrity immediately after the divorce again took her maiden name - Khanova.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich at the festival "Invasion"

Before becoming Pelageya’s husband, Efimovich was married to Polina Sibagatullina, better known to viewers of the TNT channel as Madame Polina from Comedy Woman. By the way, he is the director of a comedy TV show. After the divorce, neither Efimovich nor Sibagatullina commented on the failed marriage. But among the reasons for their divorce, the same reluctance of the wife to give Efimovich a long-awaited heir was mentioned.

Dmitry Efimovich’s first wife is Madame Polina from Comedy Woman

Artist for a long time lived in the world with the common name Polina. So it was until adulthood. Only after receiving the passport, the singer corrected the name Polina to the familiar one - Pelageya. By the way, the folk rock star’s group also received an identical name.

Pelageya “lights up” at a concert

The singer first appeared on stage at the age of 4 and immediately realized that music was her calling. And this talented star of the domestic stage has read only serious books since childhood. The artist mastered Rabelais’s work “Gargantua and Pantagruel” at the age of 3, and at the age of 9 she was already engrossed in Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”

The radical change in the singer's image - a stylish bob plus light hair color - was greeted by fans with a bang. “Finally, I woke up in a reckless, cheerful girl real woman! - they exclaimed. Photos from Instagram of the updated Pelageya were commented on by thousands of followers.

New Pelageya - new personal life

Pelageya and Bilan is a topic that haunted fans of both sides. But the stars themselves quickly dispelled the wave of rumors surrounding their possible romance. "We are just good friends“They said in one voice.

Pelageya and Bilan: we are connected only by friendship

Pelageya also includes Dmitry Sorochenkov, a participant in the “Voice” project, among the “former” people. Viewers of the show suspected something was wrong when the singer, being Dmitry’s coach, left him from episode to episode young man. Despite the fact that in terms of his vocal abilities he was frankly inferior to other participants. Fans of “The Voice” were finally confirmed in their guesses after Sorochenkov’s words that the pretty mentor conquered him and “turned his heart over.”

Dmitry Sorochenkov, according to rumors - ex-boyfriend Pelagia

But, as you know, this office romance was fleeting. Having met the hockey player Telegin, the flighty Pelageya chose the latter. All that remains is to wish them happiness in their personal lives!