Alena Khmelnitskaya became friends with the new wife of Tigran Keosayan. Take two: new families of star men Keosayan’s new passion

Famous actor and director Tigran Keosayan has always been in the spotlight, both among women and journalists. Everyone was endlessly concerned about the question of the star’s personal life: Who is Tigran Keosayan’s wife at the present time and how many children does he have in total? During his life, the actor had two marriages, one of which is still valid to this day. The actor’s first marriage to Alena Khmelnitskaya lasted quite a long time long time, but, unfortunately, fell apart. But Tigran Keosayan’s second wife, Margarita Simonyan, is building a happy life with her husband family life and to this day.

Tigran Keosyan and his wife - Margarita Simonyan

Tigran Keosayan - husband of Margarita Simonyan

Tigran Keosayan is 14 years older than his second wife. Born and raised in a wealthy and famous family. Therefore, the actor’s early years differed from the childhood of Tigran Keosayan’s new wife, Margarita Simonyan. Some were convinced of Keosayan's mediocrity, but this, on the contrary, strengthened his position. While still at university, he made a short film with his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk, who played in it main role. Then the army interrupted him labor activity, but then Tigran continued his studies again.
He also starred in the films “Joker” and “Katka and Shiz”, in which he played a significant role. Also, Tigran was seen on television and even hosted several TV shows.

Tigran Keosyan in his youth

Biography of Margarita - Tigran’s second wife

Margarita Simonyan was born in Krasnodar on April 6, 1980. Tigran Keosayan's second wife grew up in a very poor family. Margarita’s father repaired refrigeration equipment, and her mother sold flower products at the market. The difficult living conditions of Margarita and her sister Alice, on the contrary, added motivation and a great desire to get out of poverty. When Margarita Simonyan turned 10 years old, her family was given an apartment.

Margarita Simonyan in childhood

At school, the girl studied well and was distinguished by her diligence and education. She read and knew better than anyone foreign languages. Margarita's teachers were always pleased with her and invited her to read works in front of the whole class.
When Margarita was in 9th grade, she had the chance to go to the USA as an exchange student. I greeted the girl very warmly new family, and she did not want to return to Russia. But the longing for the breed region took over.

Career of Margarita Simonyan

After school, Margarita entered Kubansky State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The girl’s constant desire contributed to the fact that Margarita, even in student years, became a correspondent on the Krasnodar TV channel. The previously published collection of poems attracted the editor so much that the TV channel decided to film the story of such a talented girl and offer her a job on television.
Margarita Simonyan, the real wife of Tigran Keosayan, was a very brave and courageous girl. At the age of 19, she went to film a story in Chechnya. For such a test, the girl was awarded and her popularity began to grow at tremendous speed.

Having visited Abkhazia during the war as a journalist, Margarita’s direction in professional activity. She talked about military operations, “hot spots” and many other different military facts.

The work of a war correspondent is very difficult and requires a large supply of nerves, Margarita said. In 2005, the girl became the editor-in-chief of the channel “ Russia Today", and literally 6 years later, Margarita, together with Tina Kandelaki, became the host of the show " Iron ladies».

Tina Kandelaki and Margarita Simonyan

Personal life of Margarita Simonyan

Since 2012, the young journalist began to be often noticed in the company of director and actor Tigran Keosayan. At that moment, the man was not alone. With him was Tigran Keosayan’s first wife, Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose photo was uploaded all over the Internet. While new wife Tigran Keosayan, shown in the photo, that is, Margarita herself, not so long ago lived in civil marriage with another man.

Margarita Simonyan and her common-law husband - Andrey Blagodyrenko

At that moment, Tigran Keosayan and his future wife We were just busy opening a restaurant business. This is the only activity common interests, were able to unite two people. In 2013, Margarita had a daughter from Tigran, who was named Maryana. After this moment, Margarita Simonyan and her husband Tigran Keosayan did joint photos and rejoiced at the birth of the child.
The most interesting thing is that Margarita also gave birth to a son, Bagrat, in 2014. Georgian roots are felt in his name. Therefore, there were rumors that both children were from Tigran Keosayan, and not from common-law husband. In the same year, Tigran Keosayan and his new wife Margarita Simonyan together opened a restaurant business in Sochi, which is becoming successful. In 2014, the director and Khmelnitskaya had a divorce, and soon one could see photos of Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and children together.
Tigran Keosayan’s new wife communicates well with her husband’s children from a previous marriage. According to her, if her husband has children from a previous marriage, then divorce should not affect the upbringing of the child. Therefore, Tigran Keosayan’s wives sometimes meet and maintain communication, and both are not against such contact.

Tigran Keosayan's first wife

In 1992, Tigran met Alena Khmelnitskaya. Alena Khmelnitskaya is an actress who stars in very good films, but not only that, she plays her roles brilliantly. Alena's parents were artists Bolshoi Theater, so we always toured. Already with early age, the actress began acting in films. Someone said that she was destined to be born an actress. Already in 1991, the star played in the films “The Tale of the Merchant’s Daughter and the Mysterious Flower”, as well as “Murder at Sunshine Manor”.

Literally the next year, the couple had a child, a girl, Alexandra, and the family officially registered their marriage. Alena, married to Tigran, bore him two children, Alexandra and Ksenia. Alena Khmelnitskaya’s husband, Tigran, worked alone, as his wife was caring for the child. The couple quickly overcame financial difficulties, and their personal life began to improve.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Alexandra

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Ksenia

They constantly went out to events together, and one could see a lot of photos in which Tigran Keosayan and his wife were satisfied and happy. But already in 2012, the couple’s public life faded away.

New personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Most actual question, which torments many viewers: who is Alena Khmelnitskaya with now? The star officially confirmed her relationship with Alexander Sinyushin. Moreover, Tigran Keosayan’s wife, Margarita Simonyan, posts joint photos with Alena. This worries many, but not Keosayan’s ex-wife. It will be funny for someone to catch such a moment where both wives of Tigran Keosayan look happy in the photo.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with Alexander Sinyushin

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Margarita Simonyan

Personal life of Tigran Keosayan made a sharp turn, which came as a real shock to everyone. For twenty-one years he lived in marriage with actress Alena Khmelnitskaya and this union was considered strong and happy, so the news that the director abandoned his family for the sake of new lover- journalist Margarita Simonyan, shocked many.

The family of Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya has two daughters - Alexandra, who will turn twenty-one this year, and younger Ksenia, born five years ago. Now these are not Tigran’s only children - Margarita gave birth to his son last September, whom they named Bagrat. And a year earlier, she gave Keosayan a daughter, Maryana.

In the photo - Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya

It turns out that before the official divorce, Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya had not lived together for two whole years, but they carefully hid this fact of their biography from those around them, continuing to tell everyone how happy they were together. In fact, Tigran Keosayan’s personal life was already in a whirlpool new love.

For the first time, together with Simonyan, the director appeared at an event organized by the magazine “Russian Pioneer”, at the same time Margarita accepted an invitation to star in a small role in his film “Three Comrades”.

In the photo - from ex-wife and eldest daughter

It became clear that they had far-reaching plans for the future when the couple opened a joint restaurant “Zhara” in Sochi, on the way to Krasnaya Polyana. Based on the script written by Simonyan, Tigran Keosayan directed the series “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay,” during the filming of which Margarita was already expecting her second child from him. The film crew could not help but notice with what touching tenderness the director treated his beloved, protecting her from possible troubles.

In the photo - Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan

You can understand how hard it was ex-wife Keosayan at one time accepted the news that her husband had started another family on the side, and she was probably especially offended for her children, especially her youngest daughter, who would find it difficult to get used to the idea that their father had no time who loved Alena and his daughters so much, abandoned them. Despite the fact that Khmelnitskaya always said that she and her husband were a real team and was sure that he would never betray her, this is exactly what happened after twenty years of marriage.

And in the personal life of Tigran Keosayan, a new happy turn began, and he was completely overwhelmed by newly surging feelings - for his young wife, who is fourteen years younger than him, and the children born to her.

Tigran Keosayan – famous Russian director, screenwriter, producer and actor, who has gained popularity thanks to his outstanding work in film and television.

The main films of director Tigran Keosayan

  • The main films of actor Tigran Keosayan

    • short biography

      For more than forty-four years since the beginning of his career, he has been a director fourteen times and played small roles in ten films. In addition to cinema, he works in the theater, where he also achieved some success. His most famous directorial works are considered to be such films as “Poor Sasha”, “Silver Lily of the Valley” and “Mirage”. Is youngest son the famous Edmond Keosayan, author of the cult trilogy “The Elusive Avengers”. Since college, he has been close friends with Fyodor Bondarchuk, whom he directed in his first short film. Actively works on television as a host of popular shows and a jury member of various competitions. He stood at the origins of the rating channel “DTV”, which was later renamed “Peretz”. Mine creative path I started with music videos and television advertising, which at that time were completely undeveloped media industries in our country. Hereditary Armenian and Capricorn by zodiac sign.

      Tigran Edmondovich Keosayan was born on January 4, 1966 into a family of Moscow Armenians and creative people who devoted their entire lives to the art of cinema. In the year of the birth of the future director, the first film from the Elusive Avengers series was released on the country's screens, which glorified the name of Edmond Keosayan, Tigran's father. The boy’s mother, Laura Gevorkyan, was quite happy at that time. famous actress in Armenia. The newborn was literally destined by fate to continue the work of his parents. Tigran loved it very much when his father took him with him on film set. WITH early years he already knew a lot about the film production process, and as a four-year-old kid he first tried on a cameo role in the film “The Crown” Russian Empire, or Elusive Again." At the age of seventeen, he was already officially working at Mosfilm, which greatly helped him when entering VGIK. During his studies, Keosayan starred in Yuri Ozerov’s epic “Stalingrad”, and then in the short film of his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk “A Midsummer Morning’s Dream”. This was a kind of return favor, since a little earlier Bondarchuk starred in the debut work of Tigran himself, the short film “Sunny Beach”. In his final years, the aspiring director already tried his hand at a new field not only for him, but for the entire country - advertising. In parallel with commercials, Keosayan began filming videos for famous pop performers such as Natalya Vetlitskaya and Igor Sarukhanov. Having starred in the film “Joker” in 1991, the following year he made his debut as a feature film director with the crime melodrama “Katka and Shiz”, in which Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Denis Karasev took part.

      His next job appeared only four years later, when he was invited to film the television series “Funny Things, Family Matters.” And a year later, the long-awaited fame came to the director, which fell upon him after the family comedy “Poor Sasha.” After a couple more projects, the critically acclaimed “Silver Lily of the Valley” was released in 2000, strengthening Tigran Keosayan’s image as a brave and independent artist from cinema. Then the director headed the series of the same name, the pilot of which was released in 2004 and directed two seasons of the action-packed show “A Man’s Work.” After the adventure film “Mirage”, filmed in 2008, Tigran Keosayan devoted himself entirely to TV series, with which he is currently working. He has another full-length project planned for the future, but exact date release has not yet been determined.

Some men fall in love and get married, then fall in love again, get divorced and get married. Woman's Day compiled a list of stars who left their wives for new love.

Tigran Keosayan

The news that the journalist and Chief Editor Russia Today TV channel from film director Tigran Keosayan, in this moment married to actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, the scandalous journalist Bozhena Rynska said in her microblog: “Today I saw Margarita Simonyan with the father of her child Tigran Keosayan (taken away from Alena Khmelnitskaya) in Jurmala.” And then she added: “I thought everyone knew everything for a long time... The series “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay" was shot by Keosayan based on the story by Simonyan."

The romance between the married Keosayan and the free Simonyan began at the beginning of 2012. It was at this time that the director began to appear in public with new friend, and not with his wife. True, at first no one suspected about the brewing scandal; from the outside they looked like business partners: they opened a restaurant together in Sochi, made a film... And even when Margarita gave birth to her daughter Maryana in August 2012, Tigran remained above suspicion among many fans.

According to our sources, Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya, who have been married since 1993, filed for divorce.

It is worth recalling that just a few years ago the beautiful Alena was a muse for her husband. She starred in his films and accompanied him to social events.

Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya are survived by two daughters – 14-year-old Alexandra and 4-year-old Ksenia. The girls live with their mother.

Valeriy Meladze

In October 2013, after more than 20 years of marriage, Valery Meladze filed for divorce from his wife Irina, and in July 2014 from the singer and ex-soloist “ VIA Gra» Albina Dzhanabaeva’s son Luka is born. By the way, this is their second child together. The artists have another son, Konstantin, born in 2010, when Valery was married.

Initially, Meladze and Dzhanabaeva hid their relationship. Only those closest to her knew the name of the father of the singer’s first child. For the first time, the couple began to go out only after Valery officially announced his divorce.

By the way, neither Valery nor Albina tell journalists about their romance. But we don't need it. More importantly, Meladze’s reputation has suffered greatly in the eyes of some of his fans over the past two years... As you know, long years the singer was considered a decent family man and father.

Let us remember that Valery Meladze met his first wife Irina back in the late 80s, they got married in 1989. They have three daughters - 23-year-old Inga, 15-year-old Sofia and 12-year-old Arina. The girls live with their mother.

Garik Kharlamov

The divorce of Garik Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko caused a lot of noise. While the showman posted candid pictures of his new girlfriend- actress Christina Asmusa, his ex-lover divided their property acquired together over three years.

As soon as Kharlamov officially divorced Leshchenko, he immediately married Asmus. In January 2014, the newly-made couple had a daughter, Anastasia. They are not going to stop there. Garik once said that he met the girl of his dreams and wanted them to have many children.

By the way, the artist’s fans are still completely perplexed: how did Kharlamova conquer Asmus? Many say that she is similar both in appearance and in character to his first wife, Julia.

Rezo Gigineishvili

Russian film director of Georgian origin Rezo Gigineishvili now happily married to youngest daughter Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov Nadezhda. They got married in April 2010, and in October 2011 they got married in a Georgian monastery. The couple has two children - three-year-old Nino (or Nina) and one-year-old Vano (or Ivan).

And while Rezo’s career is rapidly growing upward, his first wife, singer and graduate music show“Star Factory” Anastasia Kochetkova, alone is raising their eight-year-old daughter Maria...

Gigineishvili and Kochetkova met in 2005, and got married a few months later. But their marriage did not last long. Rezo met Nadezhda, fell in love and left Anastasia. Even his little daughter could not stop him.

Grigory Antipenko

A couple of months ago it became known that actor Grigory Antipenko was dating actress Tatyana Arntgolts. The couple no longer hides their feelings in public and appears together at social events.

Tatyana appeared in Grigory’s life before or long after his breakdown with common-law wife Yulia Takshina, known only to himself. However, the news that after six years of living together Antipenko and Takshina separated became nonsense. Many thought that they were perfect couple... The couple has two children left - seven-year-old Ivan and five-year-old Fedor. The boys live with their mother, but their father often visits them.

The intrigues in Antipenko’s personal life do not end there. Few people know, but before Julia, Gregory was married. From his first marriage he has a son, Alexander.

48-year-old director Tigran Keosayan broke up with his wife, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. According to the press, Tigran lives with journalist Margarita Simonyan.

Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan are expecting their second child together.The blogger and journalist Bozhena Rynska was the first to report to LJ about the affair between Keosayan and Simonyan.

She wrote: “Today I saw Margarita Simonyan with the father of her child Tigran Keosayan in Jurmala.”

Almost a year ago, the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel, ex-host of the Iron Ladies talk show, journalist Margarita Simonyan gave birth to a daughter, Maryana. Less than a year later it turned out that she was pregnant again.

According to secular chroniclers, the father of both Simonyan’s children is director Tigran Keosayan.

IN last time Keosayan came out with his wife, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya at the end of the summer of 2011. It happened at the premiere of the film "Two Days". At that time, the couple had two daughters growing up: Sr. Alexandra and baby Ksenia, born a little more than a year earlier.

Everyone took Khmelnitskaya’s further absence from her husband’s side as her being busy raising her youngest child.

But time passed, and Khmelnitskaya began to go out either alone or with friends. Without a soulmate, Keosayan also flashed here and there.

And suddenly, in 2012, the eminent director twice came to events organized by the Russian Pioneer magazine, together with Margarita Simonyan. Moreover, Margarita at that time agreed to star in a small role in Keosayan’s series “Three Comrades”.

The actor of the film, Anton Presnov, commented on the information about the romance between Keosayan and Simonyan: “Margarita supported with her presence not only Tigran Edmondovich, but also all of us. A beautiful and common story when a director works with his muse: they feel each other, understand and speak the same language language.

Keosayan clearly understood what he was doing. And what achieves a specific result. From an artistic point of view, I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that he and Margarita are collaborating. In addition, when working on the script, Simonyan had many consultants and assistants.

When she appeared on the set, the atmosphere changed. Still, a pregnant woman is miraculously beautiful! Everyone started smiling, it became very emotional. And she herself was happy with her position.

Tigran courted Margarita as a real man. I heard that they later had a daughter, but that they would have a son soon - not yet, but I’m very happy for this beautiful couple.”

Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan have not yet commented on this news.