Urgant with his wife. Love story: Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze

Many people are unable to give a definite answer to the question of who Natalya Kiknadze is (photo). Only football fans can assume that she is a relative of the famous Soviet match commentator Vasily Kiknadze. And they will be right, because Natalya Kiknadze is his niece. She is also the wife of a popular Russian showman and TV presenter. Let's talk about what she is like - the chosen one of the idol of millions of women. The biography of Natalia Kiknadze, described in this article, will tell us about her life. And about how she herself became part of Ivan Urgant’s life.

School years

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978 in St. Petersburg. The name Kiknadze has already been glorified by her uncle, who for a long time successfully commentated on football matches in the Soviet Union, and is now general director TV channel "Sport". Natalya Kiknadze went to St. Petersburg with Vanya Urgant, the future famous host of Russian comedy television programs. Then both of them did not know that one day they would become the closest people to each other.

Natasha recalls that Ivan was extremely popular with his classmates and other girls at school. And Ivan remembers eleventh grade with nostalgia, since it was then that he fell in love with Natasha. The girl did not reciprocate his feelings; moreover, she got married immediately after graduating from school. Her chosen one was Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia.

Ivan's first marriage

Ivan’s grief when he learned that his beloved was married cannot be expressed in words. He decided to go to Moscow to conquer Russian show business, achieve fame and recognition, and at the same time let Natalya know who she had lost.

When Ivan was eighteen, he decided to do the same as Natalya Kiknadze (perhaps the guy didn’t even understand then that he was acting unconsciously). Urgant was getting ready to get married. His chosen one was a girl named Karina, at that time a student at the University of Culture in St. Petersburg.

Karina was four years older than Ivan: he had just turned eighteen, and she was twenty-two. They met at a common friend's dacha. Ivan’s parents believed that the time for marriage was absolutely inappropriate - they were too young. In addition, they did not approve of their son’s choice, since the girl was older than him. In addition, Karina liked to joke in public that she was not Ivan’s bride, but Andrei Urgant, his father. Vanya didn’t like this, however, Ivan did as he saw fit.

Early marriages are rarely happy. Ivan Urgant also failed to save his family; the young couple soon separated. According to one version, this happened due to financial problems - Ivan often did not even have money to travel on public transport, let alone provide for his family. The student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts was spinning as best he could. At first he worked in one of the nightclubs as a waiter, then he moved to another and began singing Spanish songs there, and soon he completely retrained as a host of night shows. Two years of working at such a rhythm have squeezed him like lemon. Saying goodbye to nightlife, Ivan devoted himself to music.

Natalia's first marriage

The biography of Natalia Kiknadze is silent about why she got married so early - was it a calculation or real love. It is also unknown why she broke up with successful businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. How long ago did the discord occur in their family: when did Natalya start communicating with Ivan Urgant again or earlier?

Some journalists even spread information that Natalya Kiknadze is a widow. It has not yet been possible to find out whether this is true or not. It is known that during her life together with Vakhtang Kutalia, she gave birth to two children. But this did not stop her from ending the marriage; Natalya was not afraid to be left alone.

A chance fateful meeting

More than ten years have passed since former classmates Natalya Kiknadze and Ivan Urgant met again. This happened in 2006 in their native St. Petersburg, where Ivan came to visit his relatives. Over dinner in one of the cozy cafes, old acquaintances talked about life, shared their joys and sorrows. Apparently, that evening they decided that they had been looking for each other all these years.


Lovers Ivan and Natalya met secretly. Neither their parents nor the press knew about their relationship for two years. When Ivan proposed to his beloved, she, without hesitation, packed her things and moved to Moscow. The media suggests that the couple did not have an official wedding, but it is possible that they did it in secret from everyone.

Despite the fact that Ivan lived in an official marriage with Karina Avdeeva and in a civil marriage with Natalya Kiknadze, he calls his first and only wife.

As the famous showman's relatives say, his message that he was getting married shocked everyone. They hoped that there would be a wedding, but in the role of the bride they expected to see the TV presenter of the MTV channel Tatyana Gevorkyan, since they knew that Vanya had been living with her for almost five years. They were informed that he was dating his former classmate Natasha just before the wedding. No one knows how the family reacted to this news, whether they were against Ivan’s choice or not. Now Urgant’s wife Natalya Kiknadze is their favorite daughter-in-law. Besides, she is the mother of his child.

On May 15, 2008, she gave birth to their first child together, daughter Nina. The girl was named after the TV presenter’s beloved grandmother. No one will argue with the fact that mother of many children— Natalya Kiknadze. Children and family are her meaning in life. Together with Ivan, she is raising three daughters.

Rumors of divorce

Ivan Urgant carefully hides his personal life behind seven locks. For any question concerning his family, wife or children, he manages to cleverly laugh it off. However, recently information appeared in the press that Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze were allegedly getting divorced. Sometimes several sources simultaneously publish new news about discord in their family. Perhaps this happens because the star does not want to open the veil of his family life, and journalists simply have to use their imagination and write the biography of Ivan Urgant in their own way.

They began to say that Natalya was tired of such a life when she did not see her husband for months. In addition, conflicts began to occur more and more often in their family. The press is already ready to publish the court decision on the divorce of the spouses, if only there was a reason.

Recently, journalists' statements were confirmed at a party at The Garden restaurant, which Ivan gave to his wife, Natalya, several years ago. The couple was noticed in not the best mood. Reporters noted that both Natalya and Ivan behaved tensely and distantly, avoided each other and only created the appearance that everything was fine with them. Immediately, further speculation appeared in the press about a quarrel in the family and a possible break in relations.

Ivan Urgant was not satisfied with this state of affairs, and he recently gave an interview to one of the reporters. Star Russian show business stated that there is no one in the world dearer to him than his children and wife, and that rumors about his divorce are just another media ploy to increase the ratings of the publications in which they are published.

Another addition to the family?

At one of the social parties, where the spouses are frequent guests, it was noticed that Natalya was dressed differently than usual. She was wearing a black, very wide dress that did not restrict movement. This gave rise to talk about a possible future addition to the family. Is Natalya pregnant with her fourth child? And soon Ivan Urgant’s dream of having a son will come true? No one knows about this yet, since the couple does not comment on such statements. Well, wait and see!

0 March 29, 2016, 16:35

Erica Kutalia

15-year-old Erika Kutalia - the daughter of Natalia Kiknadze - recently took part in the May issue Tatler magazine, on her Instagram page there are already more than 20 thousand subscribers, and on social networks Erica talks about quite serious topics in such a way that it immediately becomes clear that she is very different from most star children. We decided to find out more about Eric and tell you about it.


Erica was born on August 18, 2000, her mother is Natalya Kiknadze, and her father is Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. Ivan Urgant is formally Erica’s stepfather, but the TV presenter has an excellent relationship with the girl and Vanya does not make any differences in her attitude towards her own and adopted children. Erica has an older brother from her mother’s first marriage; he lives with his father in Georgia. She also has two sisters: 7-year-old Nina is the first common child Ivan and Natalya, and six-month-old Valeria, who. All the girls grow up together and get along great.

Erica, Natalya Kiknadze, Nina and Ivan Urgant


At the age of five, Erica studied at ballet school. Now she is interested in art and architecture, travels often and posts photos from her trips on Instagram. The girl is not a fan of selfies, collaborations, and shots of her reflection in the mirror in fashionable clothes: she values ​​more the aesthetics of cities, which she tries to convey using her phone camera.

By the way, Erica loves music very much, among her favorite artists are Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys and Zemfira.

Lana Del Rey

About the "elite"

15-year-old Erica is a great example for many star children. The girl does not welcome the fact that her rich peers boast about their parents’ money and their position. On your page in social network Erica once wrote a post with the following content:

I have a negative attitude towards the concept of "elite". And I feel sorry for all those little 13-year-old girls trying to squeeze in there, showing off their Valentino bags. This whole "elite" thing irritates me. I'm not talking about specific people, no. I'm talking about the concept itself. It’s strange for me to see how they all show off with their bags, yachts, expensive cars, decorations. Moreover, the money is not theirs, but the parents’. What's the point of showing how many Prada bags you have? I won't love you any more, I won't like you any more if you have 30 Celine bags. In the "elite" than more money, all the better. The cooler you are. If you have a hookah, you're cool. "With a little one through life." What kind of nonsense is this? Do you think smoking/drinking is cool? In appearance, they seem to worship money. Money can not buy happiness. Then all these, in fact, children put on an OOTD (outfit of the day - “look of the day” - editor's note). If you calculate the amount from all this onion, it will be, well, at least 5 thousand euros. Do you think it’s normal for 13-15 years old to dress so expensively? I don't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion. Just keep it simple.

Instagram photo

Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze is a beautiful, intelligent woman, mother of three children and a successful businesswoman. Her personal life interests many, but always remains a secret behind seven locks. Find out who Natalya Kiknadze is from the article.

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze: biography

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is a native of St. Petersburg. The girl was brought up in an intelligent family. Natalya's father is a jewelry maker. Mother is a housewife who raised three children - Natalya and her two brothers, Yuri and David. Little Natasha grew up in strictness, as required national traditions

Kiknadze family. Natalya's school years were spent in a closed gymnasium at the Russian Museum. It was elite educational institution

then still Leningrad.

Ivan Urgant studied at the same gymnasium. Young Vanya had feelings for Natasha as a teenager and opened up to the girl, but she did not reciprocate his feelings.

After school, Natalya got married. Ivan Urgant did the same. The future broadcast star, and at that time a poor student, Urgant married Karina Avdeeva. Ivan's wife was four years older than him. Their marriage lasted a short six months. While Natalya was raising children and playing the role of the wife of a successful businessman, Ivan Urgant tried to prove that he could provide for himself without using his last name. Before viewers fell in love with the “Evening Urgant” program, there was a night job as a waiter, and music lessons, and much more.

After breaking up with her first husband, Natalya Kiknadze decides to go to live in Moscow.

Fate gave Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze a second chance to build a relationship at an alumni reunion evening. In 2006, the media exploded with the news that Urgant and Kiknadze were husband and wife. Without magnificent ceremonies, newspapermen, famous guests. IN complete secret from prying eyes.

To this day, neither Ivan nor Natalya allow representatives of the funds to approach themselves and their relationship mass media. Only once did Ivan Urgant allow himself to talk about his wife in an interview. The reason for this decision was gossip that the couple was on the verge of divorce.

Natalya Kiknadze: career and personal life

As a schoolgirl, Natalya showed great promise. All the teachers predicted a great future for her on stage.

After graduating from school, Natalya immediately married Vakhtang Kutalia, with whom she gave birth to two children. All prospects to make successful acting career Natalya put it on the altar of family happiness.

Natalya never spoke frankly with the media about her personal life and did not make it public. No one knows the real reason, why Kiknadze broke up with Kutalia, but the fact remains a fact.

Some sources claim that relations between the spouses have deteriorated sharply. Proud and independent Natalya decided to leave her husband, taking her children with her. The lack of a profession and an independent source of income did not frighten her.

When Kiknadze and Urgant started a family, Natalya’s first husband, Vakhtang Kutalia, objected to the fact that his children were being raised by a stranger. Later, the angry father allowed the children to visit their mother.

Two years after the official wedding, Ivan and Natalya had a daughter. The baby was named after Ivan’s grandmother Nina. The Urgant family has a clear tradition of naming children after eminent relatives.

The news that Natalya and Ivan got married was leaked to the press by Nina Urgant, Ivan’s beloved grandmother. The news of the couple's wedding provided an explanation for the fact that during 9 years of family life with Natalia, Ivan began to appear on air with a ring on ring finger right hand.

Natalya's thriftiness, taste and manners were useful to her not only in the field of family life. In 2011, news spread across Moscow that colleagues Alexander Tsekalo and Ivan Urgant had opened a restaurant.

The showmen invested in the restaurant, but the main task of creating the establishment was taken on by their wives, Natalya Kiknadze and Victoria Galushka.

Many roads are open to Natalya: she can continue her father’s jewelry business and develop as a restaurateur.

Today the woman is successful and self-sufficient. Despite this, she the main role in life - this is motherhood and family happiness.

Today there is no other presenter who could compete with him in popularity. It is not surprising that viewers are interested in knowing what is happening in his personal life, who is Ivan Urgant’s wife, and whether he has children. However, he does everything to ensure that as little information as possible concerning his loved ones becomes the subject of discussion by outsiders.

Personal life of Ivan Urgant

Ivan, who has a sparkling natural sense of humor and undoubted charm, has always had many fans. IN school years he was popular with his classmates, many girls followed him, and it is not surprising that he created his first family early.

Urgant's first wife Karina Avdeeva

In high school, Ivan met Karina Avdeeva, who became the first wife of Ivan Urgant. Their acquaintance took place during summer holiday V holiday village Gruzino near St. Petersburg.

At one of the rural discos, Ivan saw a pretty bright girl, whom I met immediately. The romance, which began on vacation, continued after Karina and Vanya returned to the city, and as soon as Urgant turned eighteen, the lovers immediately decided to register.

The young people were not stopped by the fact that their parents were categorically against this decision - they were embarrassed by the age difference between Ivan and Karina, who was four years older.

As it turned out, the adults were right - the personal life of Ivan Urgant and Karina together turned out to be not as rosy as their summer romance. Unsettlement, lack of work and money caused the love to cool down, and it was replaced by irritation with each other and quarrels, which led to a quick divorce.

The ex-wife kept her husband’s last name, and although she later married two more times and now does not maintain any relationship with Ivan, she remains Karina Urgant.

Ivan Urgant and Tatyana Gevorkyan

The affair with Tatyana Gevorkyan became more serious and lasting in the biography of Ivan Urgant. They met when Vanya came to work on the MTV channel, where Tatyana was already building her career as a presenter.

Like Karina Avdeeva, Tatyana was older than Ivan and also by four years, but this did not become an obstacle to starting a new romance, although the relationship between them did not begin immediately. They were prompted to start the novel by a joint trip to Portugal, where Tatyana went to get rid of the advances of one annoying admirer, and took Ivan with her.

From there they returned already overwhelmed by mutual love. Ivan and Tatyana started dating, then began to live together, but Tatyana refused Urgant’s proposals to become his wife. Kiknadze admitted that she was afraid to change something in the relationship:

“Oddly enough, in our relationship I took a masculine position: he really wanted a family, children, and I was afraid of the “stamp in my passport.” Then it seemed to me that marriage would kill romance and turn everything into prose. I felt very good with Vanya, and I was afraid to change anything,” Gevorkyan later said.

They were connected not only by life together, but also by work - together they participated in the same television projects, visited social events and parties.

For Gevorkyan’s sake, Ivan even moved to Moscow. Their family existed for about five years, and then each of them went their own way, and the wedding, which all their friends and acquaintances were already waiting for, never happened.

Urgant had a hard time breaking up with Tatyana, but a meeting with a former classmate changed everything.

Ivan Urgant and his wife Natalya Kiknadze

Ivan’s classmate at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum was Natalya Kiknadze, for whom he already had tender feelings during his school years. Natasha was also not indifferent to Urgant, but did not take him too seriously. At school graduation party Vanya proposed to a classmate, but apparently it looked quite frivolous and did not leave any trace in their biographies.

After school, Ivan immediately got married, Natalya also soon married Teimuraz Kutalia, a man who was ten years older than her, and Urgant and Kiknadze diverged for ten long years. But you can’t escape fate, and a chance meeting of former classmates radically changed their personal lives.

The meeting stirred up their old feelings, they began dating, and then began to live together.

For a very long time, Ivan Urgant’s wife Natalya Kinadze lived with him without registering the relationship, and even the birth of their daughter Nina did not push them to go to the registry office and register.

However, Ivan apparently realized that he had met the woman of his dreams, with whom he would like to live for the rest of his life, because to all questions concerning his personal life he answered that he was married for the first and last time.

Only seven years after Nina’s birth, Ivan and Natalya decided to formalize their relationship, perhaps due to the fact that the second daughter of Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kinadze, Valeria, was about to be born. But the TV presenter’s family consisted not only of him and his wife and their two daughters - Natalya had two children from her previous marriage - son Niko and daughter Erica, who lived with them.

Natalya took her daughter after her divorce from Teimuraz and came with her to Moscow, and her son stayed with his father and now lives in St. Petersburg.

Ivan always treated Erika as one of his own. to my own child, perhaps this is explained by the fact that he loves his wife very much, and this love extends to her daughter.

“I love my wife Natalya Kiknadze so much that no other woman can compare with her. “I can’t imagine another woman next to me,” says Ivan.

He repeatedly emphasized that Natasha is gentle, patient, faithful and very cheerful.

Children of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter calls himself a father of many children, because in addition to two little daughters, their family also has adult daughter his wife from Eric's previous marriage. Ivan is very trusting with her warm relations, they spend a lot of time together, always finding common topics for conversations.

Erica also has a truly daughterly love for her stepfather, reciprocating his feelings.

Ivan calls himself a strict father and sometimes allows himself to raise his voice at his daughters who are naughty, but then he always scolds himself for it.

“I'm a kind dad, but I'm nervous. It happens that I can say something so harsh and, of course, I blame myself very much for it later. I want my children to be the same as in Viktor Golyavkin’s story - “My good dad,” said Ivan Urgant.

Brief biography of the TV presenter

Ivan was born in April 1978 into a family with deep artistic roots, and, according to him, was doomed to have his biography forever associated with theater and cinema.

It so happened that Ivan’s parents separated when he was just one year old, and his grandmother was mainly involved in his upbringing. famous actress Nina Urgant, who became his dearest and closest person.

After graduating from high school, Ivan became a student at the Academy of Theater Arts, where he was accepted immediately into the second year. After graduating from university, he chose a career as a musician and showman, performing in various St. Petersburg clubs.

Possessing an undeniable talent for capturing the attention of the public, Ivan Urgant immediately became the central figure of any evening, turning it into a real holiday.

He tried his hand at radio and television, and was successful in any endeavor. Now Ivan Urgant is the most popular presenter of programs on television and radio, various events, and his participation in them is always the key to the success of any project.

"Evening Urgant"

Urgant has participated in such projects as “Spring with Ivan Urgant”, “Circus with the Stars”, “Smak”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, a significant stage of his creative biography became the television show “Evening Urgant”, which is extremely popular among viewers.

Takes very good care of his own family relations and extremely rarely talks about his wife and children in interviews. Only one thing is known - the presenter is happily married to Natalya Kiknadze, who gave him two daughters: Nina, who is now 8 years old, and little Valeria, who is only one year old. Ivan also brings up eldest daughter Natalia is from her first marriage to Eric, whom she treats like her own child. And yet, in a recent interview, Ivan spoke about his feelings for his wife, noting that he had not met better women than her.

“I can say that Natasha is the absolute embodiment of Zhvanetsky’s phrase: “Of the wives one must choose the cheerful ones, from the cheerful ones - the smart ones, from the smart ones - the gentle ones, from the gentle ones - the faithful ones. And patient." Well, how can you say it better? Natasha has all this. And it is impossible to meet a more cheerful person than Natasha. “I can’t imagine another woman next to me,” Ivan Urgant noted in an interview with OK! "

Ivan Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze

Daughter of Ivan and Natalya Nina

The youngest daughter of Ivan and Natalya Valeria

Natalia's daughter from Eric's first marriage