Daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. How they look like her! Anastasia Zavorotnyuk showed her adult son and daughter

Anna Dmitrievna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova was born in 1996 on January 14. The girl is 22 years old, her height is 176 centimeters, and her weight is 50 kg. She is a model and actress. But so far she is best known for being the daughter of the most popular Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

However, Anna Stryukova is gradually gaining enormous “weight” in the Internet community. Just a few years ago, it was unheard of. The general public knew almost nothing about her. Daughter for a long time remained in the shadow of her famous mother. But now it seems to be coming finest hour. Perhaps the emphasis will soon be shifted towards the daughter.

Don't miss the chance

This started in 2012. Anna burst into Russian show business like a whirlwind, striking everyone with her resemblance to her extraordinary mother, captivating fans with her enchanting beauty and charm.

Is Anastasia jealous of such success? One can only guess about this. The name of her daughter (an aspiring actress) is on everyone’s lips today. People write gossip about her, her life is discussed, fans write letters to her. This is an indicator of popularity.

Early years

The father of his daughter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was the famous businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Mom Nastya was not very popular in those days, since she had not yet played her star roles. Zavorotnyuk gave birth in Moscow, but the family soon moved to the USA. This was logical, since the career of her mother-actress was at the very beginning, so she had nothing to lose.

The business husband occupied a niche in real estate sales - he opened his own agency for the sale of luxury houses and apartments on the West Coast of the United States. The family's affairs were going brilliantly. Perhaps they would have remained living in Los Angeles, but soon the actress mother began to be invited to projects. She began to appear more and more often in Russia. In 2004, Anastasia’s “finest hour” came - the series “My Fair Nanny” was released for the first time, predetermining Anna Stryukova’s return to Moscow. From that moment on, a completely different life began for young Anya. The parents separated. The girl was very painful about their breakup. It was decided to send her to England, where she graduated from school. After completing her studies, the girl returned to Moscow. Since then, her career as an actress has slowly begun to gain momentum.

Start of a career

For a long time, Anya was protected from the completely unsightly side of show business. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk recalls that it was quite difficult to do this, since the paparazzi were waiting for them everywhere. In 2011, at the premiere of the film “Moms,” the young blonde beauty Anna Stryukova appeared with her famous mother. A heated discussion began about the charming girl, they began to talk and write about her. There was a scandal here - in mid-2011, sensational erotic photos of model Anna Stryukova, posing in erotic underwear, appeared on the Internet. The photographs instantly made the girl a star, an idol of youth. At the age of 16, she received her first film offer.

"Closed School"

Anna Stryukova made her film debut in 2005. Little Anya played her mother (more precisely, nanny Vika) in the film “My Fair Nanny” as a child. As you can see, the girl became acquainted with the acting profession at the age of 9. But popularity came to her a little later. In 2012, she received a role in the youth series " Closed school". The appearance of a charming blonde with angelic appearance caused delight among the audience, and Anya’s ratings soared to the skies. The girl played the role of high school student Valeria, who, having become infected with the virus, ended up in an isolation ward. During filming, the young actress was on a strict diet and did not allow herself a single gram of high-calorie food, basing her diet only on dietary salads.

The fans went crazy, their army grew larger, and Zavorotnyuk Jr. began to receive a lot of interesting job offers. At the beginning of 2012, a new show appeared on the Domashny TV channel - “Get a Star”. Anna was invited to the project as a presenter. Evil tongues did not fail to pick up the rumor that every offspring of a celebrity, with the help of their parents’ big names, can open any door with their foot.

However, the producers of the show hastened to declare that in this case the mother’s fame has nothing to do with it, the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is excellent at speaking the language of youth, is very photogenic, and popular in social networks, she is recognized and loved, which is why the bet was placed on her.


Need I say that after a successful television debut, she was overwhelmed with work? Anya even hired a press attaché to keep track of all incoming offers for filming in television programs and films. Anna Stryukova also had the chance to try her hand as a model in one of the seasons of the TOP Model in Russian project. Stryukova thought for a long time. She found the offer extremely interesting, but she was still forced to refuse it. The reason was exams at Moscow State University - Anya decided to continue her studies, choosing a prestigious university. The project “Get a Star” did not gain due popularity among viewers. They say that the producers wanted to see more relaxed and sexual behavior of the presenter, but Anya did not want to demonstrate it. The program was closed, and the girl focused on her studies.

Internet activity

Today, in parallel with receiving her education, Anna enjoys maintaining her accounts on social networks and communicating with her subscribers. She regularly publishes news about the world Russian show business, and your own life. Fans are actively discussing her personal life, tattoos, and recently Anya was attributed to anorexia, but her mother suppressed all rumors, saying that her daughter is healthy.

Personal life

According to a number of media reports, the girl had a relationship with today’s popular performer Yegor Bulatkin, better known under the pseudonym KReeD. The rapper showered the girl with flowers and expensive gifts, but the couple broke up. Egor explained this by saying that Anya is still too young and not ready for serious relationship.

At the beginning of 2015, the young actress announced her affair with the son of Latvian millionaire Mansur Dzhamaldaev. The young man’s father is Chechen businessman Bislan Abdulmuslimov, who lives in Latvia and makes forging items and also sells meat and dairy products. Mansur graduated from university in London. Today he lives there.

They say that the couple met in 2014 in one of the US nightclubs. But Anya indignantly refutes this information, stating that she and Mansur have a long-term relationship, and they generally try not to visit nightclubs.

Joint photographs of the couple began to actively appear on social networks; the guys vacationed at various world resorts, visited Courchevel, the USA and England. Anya took her romance with this young man very seriously. She was ready to come with her lover to Moscow to introduce him to her lovely mother.

But the relationship between the young people did not survive life trials. A black cat is said to have run between the young people. Due to misunderstandings, the couple broke up. The girl deleted all joint photos with her ex-lover from her social network account.

In 2017, rumors appeared that Anya had secretly gotten married - the ring was on ring finger right hand spoke for itself. But even here Nastya’s mother showed activity, declaring that these rumors were a complete lie.

Anna now

Fans are interested in how old Anna Stryukova is now, where she lives, who she is dating. We can answer some of these questions for you.

Anya lives in two cities, shuttling between New York and Moscow. In the spring of 2018, Stryukova congratulated her brother Michael on graduating from school and attended his school graduation. The girl publishes all successful photos on social networks, pictures from different corners of the world decorate her account.

She enjoys traveling to tropical countries, visiting Hollywood, where she spent her childhood, and her subscribers highly appreciate her impeccable taste. Anya's wardrobe is dominated by pastel-colored clothes; all the outfits are very elegant. Anya often brightens up her everyday look with sports accessories.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Zavorotnyuk or her daughter is more popular, but in one point Anna Stryukova undoubtedly surpassed her mother. The growth of the young talent is as much as 12 centimeters higher than that of Anastasia. Time will tell whether Anya will be able to take advantage of the starting point that her parents provided her and realize herself to the fullest.

Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk always dreamed that her children would receive good education at a prestigious university abroad.

Photo: Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

But when the eldest daughter Anna entered university and went to study in New York and London, Anastasia realized that she was not yet ready for such a separation from her daughter. Moreover, over the past few years they have also become the closest friends who trust each other hidden secrets, go shopping and visit beauty salons together. ABOUT mutual trust, similarities in views and family structure, mother and daughter told OK!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her 19-year-old daughter Anna look less like mother and daughter, but more like sisters. Now Anna is a real copy of her feminine, stylish mother. But a few years ago, the girl did not accept any dresses, preferring ripped jeans and a gothic style. “When Anechka was little, I bought a huge number of dresses with frills, all so delicate, beautiful... I called the store and asked them to put aside all the dresses that suited her size. And these touching delicate fur coats, boots, shoes... I wanted my daughter to be dressed like a girl,” recalls Anastasia. But time has passed, Anya has matured and now she herself gives advice to her mother.

Do your tastes match now?

Anastasia: We have completely different tastes. Sometimes Anya just forces me to buy something. She liked the leather dress. I say: “Why do I need it?” - “Take it immediately.” She's funny. But then I wear it all with pleasure. I’m not a fan of shopping at all; I used to often buy some things that stylists brought to shoots, but this fall, in New York, Anechka and I, in addition to visiting museums, also went shopping.

Nastya, are you already sharing your beauty secrets with your daughter, or is it too early for her to know them?

Anastasia: I feel completely calm in the role of a mother and am not trying to say that we are sisters. ( Laughs.) Nevertheless, I take my appearance seriously, because for me it is important. The longer I stay in shape, the more opportunities I will have to work. For me, going to a cosmetology clinic is part of my job. For example, if my shoot is cancelled, I immediately sign up for a massage, restoration, hair treatments... And all my loved ones understand that this is important. If Anya has any problems, we go to the salon together. But it’s too early for her to undergo serious procedures. Naturally, she understands and knows that self-care is an important component of our life if you want to be blooming, beautiful woman. True, now, due to the fact that Anya is studying in New York, we don’t go to salons or shopping together so often.

How do you cope with such a long separation from each other?

Anastasia: Honestly, it seemed to me that I was more prepared for the fact that my daughter would sooner or later leave to study in another country. But when this happened, I realized that it was very difficult for me without Anechka. I immediately had some urgent matters in New York... ( Smiling.) As a result, I spent the first session next to her.

Anna: I miss you very much too. Previously, mom was always nearby, but now she’s so far away... We’re like best friends, we always consult with each other. I don't trust anyone more than my mother.

Anastasia: We can sit with her in the bedroom and chat half the night - and try to come to us! And we can talk about anything! Children are my closest friends. They are the only ones to whom I trust absolutely everything: only they are guaranteed to understand me correctly.

Nastya, when did you realize that your daughter had become an adult?

Anastasia: I didn’t have any clear gradation - well, that’s it, it grew. She was always precocious sensible girl.

Anna: I was probably born with a serious attitude towards life. ( Smiles.)

Anastasia: But on the other hand, no matter how adult she is, I look at her and understand that she is still just a child. I don’t know, it’s probably like this for all mothers.

Wasn’t it scary to let your child go to a foreign country?

Anastasia: When my daughter decided to leave, I was very worried: how will she start living there alone in a foreign city? I told her: “Anya, I understand how difficult it will be for you.” I began to remember how I myself came to Moscow from Astrakhan. But Anya stopped my carefully prepared monologue and answered me very well: “Mom, please note that coming from Astrakhan to Moscow is not at all the same as coming from Moscow to New York.” And I didn’t even have anything to object to.

Anna: After all, Moscow is also big city, a metropolis just like New York.

Anastasia: It’s worth saying that after Moscow she was even a little bored in New York. In fact, she tried for three years in a row to go study abroad - first to England, and then to the USA. When she decided to enroll in London, I even sent her to choose a college. But she talked to Russian children, and they told her that they were sent to England only so that they would not interfere with their parents’ lives for their own pleasure. At that time, for her immature consciousness, this very controversial argument had a decisive influence, and all my attempts to convince her and prove that these were just a couple of special cases were a fiasco. She walked around the city, took pictures against the backdrop of Big Ben and Kensington Palace and returned home. The topic of England was closed. After some time, America arose. At this point we prepared very thoroughly, passed all the necessary exams to enter the university... But when confirmation came, she suddenly refused.

At the last moment?

Anastasia: Yes! I was filming in Minsk at the time and came home for just a few hours. And then one day, when I arrived home, I discovered that the child was very excited. I ask her: “Don’t you want to tell me anything?” She replies: “I can’t go to America.” - "Why?" And she: “Mom, I’m still little, I’m scared...” For three years she did not dare to go to study abroad.

Wasn’t it scary to go now?

Anna: It’s also scary, but I decided to take a risk...

Anya, who are you studying to be?

Anna: For the producer.

Anastasia: But there is acting, directing, script writing, producing, and production organization. That is, everything together. This was unusual for me, because we have a different education system, but, on the other hand, it seems to me that this is very interesting experience.

Anya, why didn’t you want to concentrate only on acting?

Anna: I wasn’t sure that this was what I wanted to do all my life, so I didn’t even consider theater.

Nastya, didn’t you want your daughter to become an actress?

Anastasia: I am a big fan of ballet and dreamed of doing it myself as a child. When Anechka was born, I decided that this was a chance to make my childhood dreams come true. Let her become a ballerina! All my friends unanimously repeated: “Your girl is simply created for ballet!” Without waiting for my daughter to grow up to the age when they take her to a ballet school, I sent her to gymnastics at an Olympic reserve school so that she would have good stretch. For several years she worked out in the gym four to five times a week. Despite the fact that she did it very well, Anya kept repeating: “I don’t want to.”

Anna: Yes, I was about four years old, and I really didn’t like all these activities. As a result, we came to the conclusion that I am already an independent person and can make decisions myself.

Anastasia: All four years she studied with tears in her eyes and finally one day said: “Can’t you understand that your dreams are not my dreams!” At that moment I was driving her to class. She was eight years old. I stopped, turned the car around, and we drove home.

A serious act for an eight-year-old child.

Anastasia: It seems to me that Anya was an adult from birth. She always clearly formulates what she wants, makes a decision and then builds a strategy on how to achieve what she wants.

Nastya, are you the same?

Anastasia: No. She knows how to wait, but I don’t. Cossack blood flows in me, and if something doesn’t suit me, saber drawn! The decision has been made, which means it must be implemented immediately.

Is your son also patient, like Anya?

Anastasia: Mike is also patient, calm, balanced, but I look at him and understand that he is completely and completely modeled after me: I was the same at his age. This is probably why I understand him much easier than Anya. I feel all his worries, doubts or, conversely, joys.

Are you a strict mother?

Anastasia: Maybe also due to the fact that all the burden and responsibility for the children lay on me, I held them very tightly. I could have pulled it over. At some point, Petya (Peter Chernyshev, the actress’s husband) helped. Note OK!). Anya and I periodically had some nervous situations, one day she announced that she would stay with a friend, and I was categorically against it... In general, Petya took me for a ride around Moscow at night, and when my Cossack ardor cooled down, I exhaled , calmed down and returned home in a more or less calm state.

Did they let Anya go to her friend?

Anastasia: Under pressure from Petya, I told Anechka that she could stay with a friend. But as soon as I allowed her to do this, she immediately changed her mind and returned home.

Anna: I felt like an already formed person, I wanted some kind of freedom. And my mother thought I was little. Although, of course, I was still like that. And Petya really helped my mother and me with this. He smoothed out our conflicts and explained to my mother that there was nothing wrong with children growing up.

Anastasia: In the end, I realized that my children do not tolerate the harsh method. I don't know if this is right or wrong. For example, Paganini’s father forced him to practice the violin for many hours in a row, and he became very good at it. I didn’t risk putting that much pressure on my children.

You once said that parenting problems can be solved by loosening the leash.

Anastasia: Yes, as soon as the fruit ceases to be forbidden, there is no point in fighting for it... I have always taken conversations with children seriously. It is very important not just to listen to them, but also to hear them.

Anna: Mom is always very loyal to us, always gives us the right to choose and never puts pressure on us. She guides us on the right path, gives us advice, but nevertheless never limits us in anything.

They say little children are little troubles, big children are big troubles. There was a lot of trouble in adolescence?

Anastasia: I’m probably one of the most happy moms. Anechka and I had two or three difficult situations. Yes, I was nervous, but basically we survived everything. I heard it can be worse. I hope everything will be just as good with Mike. He is an interesting young man who plays the guitar six hours a day. The lessons are not great, really, but everything is fine.

But grades are not the most important thing.

Anastasia: No Cs, thank God. I say: “Let’s finish without Cs.” - “Okay, come on.” Now, since we moved to live outside the city, we transferred Mike to a school that is right next to our house. Recently I came there, the teacher said to me: “You have such a wonderful young man. He is so well brought up, so intelligent and attentive. We are so happy when he comes to lessons...” The main thing is that the problem was presented to me so delicately. ( Laughs.)

And the son has already decided on future profession?

Anastasia: B lately We are discussing this topic more and more often. He comes up to me and says: “Mom, talk to me, I’m worried about how and what I will do.” By the way, his acting abilities are noticeable. But I probably wouldn’t really want him to choose this path.


Anastasia: I want him to stand stronger on his feet. Our profession is very precarious, a lot depends on chance. Not even from your abilities, aspirations or talent, but from chance. That's why I don't put pressure on him.

Nastya, when Anya was offered to try herself as a TV presenter, were you not against it?

Anastasia: I was shocked. This was a complete surprise for me. At first I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a joke. The producer called us and explained that this was not a joke - they really wanted to invite her to host the program.

Anna: I was invited to the casting. I arrived and was just incredibly worried. I memorized the entire text so that it bounced off my teeth. And in fact, they took me.

Anastasia: When Anya was approved, I came to them and said: “Why are you taking her? She's 16 years old and doesn't know how to do anything. Now she will be embarrassed, and both you and I will have to blush.” But they didn’t listen to me. ( Smiling.)

Nastya, but everything worked out.

In general, it worked out.

Anya, did your mother criticize you?

Anna: Of course! We watched the programs together and analyzed everything carefully.

Anastasia: I am a very strict critic and always tell Anya where things were wrong: where she was lazy, where she fell short. She gave advice. To which she answered me: “Our producer tells me everything exactly the same as you, only even better.” Then I told her: “That’s it, I’m retreating, talk to the producer.” But I’m also talking about her behavior film set I explained that there couldn’t be any whims, that in our profession you had to either give your best one hundred percent or leave it.

Anya, weren’t you offended by your mother’s criticism?

Anna: No.

Anastasia: Because she knows that I work like this myself. After the first shoot she told me: “I was so worried...” And I was amazed: “Then why weren’t your knees shaking? Did your voice break? You didn't say anything stupid out of confusion? What were your experiences?

Anya, have you tried acting in films?

Anastasia: They often call her, but she doesn’t want to.

Anna: There are no projects that would interest me.

Anastasia: Maybe the children, looking at me, realized how difficult it all was. By the way, Anya did star in one episode of “My Fair Nanny.” She played my character as a child. And they managed to persuade her only by offering her a serious fee. ( Smiling.)

Anna: I have always been very calculating. ( Smiling.)

Anastasia: I myself played in the same episode. And I was so nervous that I forgot the entire text. In the end, the director stopped filming: “Nastya, your daughter looks much more professional than you!” But then my daughter also spoke up, telling me: “Stop being nervous. Pull yourself together." I had to calm down.

Anna: I just learned both my text and my mother’s. And she was very angry that she didn’t remember her words. I told her. It probably looked funny from the outside: a child teaching an already accomplished actress how to act. ( Laughs.) But my mother listened to me.

Nastya, have you taught your daughter not to pay attention to gossip?

Anastasia: When they used to write something bad about my family, the children calmed me down and said: “You never know what they wrote. We know that this is all nonsense.” Therefore, it seemed to me that Anya, if anything, could cope with this. But it turned out that even such preparation does not work here. One day, a girl took a photo of herself undressed, signed the photo “Anya Zavorotnyuk” and posted it on the Internet. At that moment, Petya, Mike, and I were in America at the premiere of the film “Moms.” Anya called: “Mom, there’s a story here...” When I arrived, they told me that my daughter, a person of incredible endurance, simply cried and said: “Why? What harm have I done to them?

Anna: Indeed, at first there were tears, nerves, it was hard to train myself not to react to all this.

Anastasia: But we talked and came to the conclusion that we shouldn’t pay attention to such things. They constantly write about me and my family, including bad things, gossip and fables are spread. Well, now, should we go crazy about this? And no matter what they say about us, we cannot make excuses: firstly, no one will believe it anyway, and secondly, once you start, you will have to devote your whole life to making excuses. We try to protect ourselves from this. At some point, I gathered my relatives and asked them not to read all these publications anymore.

Nastya, now that Anna and Mike have already grown up, do you not feel guilty that when they were little, you did not pay enough attention to them?

Anastasia: When I was “Nanny”, I worked 15–19 hours a day, seven days a week. She came, kissed their heels and went to bed, and in the morning she left - they were still sleeping. For them to run and frolic around me - that didn’t happen. And if this suddenly happened, it means I just lay there and silently looked at them.

Anna: I didn’t feel like I was a neglected child. My brother and I always feel great love from my mother’s side and we understand: everything she does is only for our sake. But I really really missed it. I remember times when we saw mom once a week because mom left while we were still sleeping and came back when we were already asleep. In fact, they only watched her on TV.

Anastasia: It was tough year, then it became easier, and that’s it free time I wanted to spend time with the children. This still happens today.

You have so much filming going on right now. It’s probably not often that you manage to get out to see your daughter?

Anastasia: Yes, so far there is absolutely no free time. Now I am filming several projects for one of the federal channels; the series “Provocateur” directed by Stas Shmelev on the Rossiya TV channel is soon to be released, in which Andrei Chadov and I are fighting corruption. The series “Department” is also being released on NTV, it was shot by the talented director Vladimir Nakhabtsev - there I try on the role of a police major, an investigator. Recently they filmed the program “The Invisible Man” on TV-3, it will be released in April. That's enough too interesting project, where I first encountered people with unusual abilities. And on March 7, I had the premiere of the entreprise play “The Third Wheel.” I've been thinking about working on stage for a long time and finally decided to do it. In the near future I will be on tour - in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Israel, and then I will definitely go to visit Anechka.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter Anna Stryukova celebrated her coming of age in January of this year. At the age of 18, the young girl has already tasted the world of show business, has a lot of fans and a huge number of views of her photos on the Internet. Now they talk, write, and gossip a lot about this young star. The girl achieved such popularity quite quickly, her enchanting beauty did its job.


In the family of businessman Dmitry Stryukov and the aspiring actress who was at that time, Anastasia Anna was born on January 14, 1996.

Almost immediately after her birth, the family moved to the United States, where little Anna’s father opened his own business selling houses to wealthy people, and her mother periodically traveled to Russia to film a play. But three years later the family returned to their homeland.

In Moscow, Anna Stryukova’s life changed dramatically. Mother, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, constantly disappeared on the set of the series “My Fair Nanny,” completely abandoning her family. The father also did not often grace the family with his presence, and the parents soon divorced. Of course, the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk experienced this difficult period in her life very painfully. Soon after this, Anna was sent to study and live in England. She successfully completed her studies abroad and returned to Moscow. At home, the girl entered the Faculty of Management at Moscow State University.

How did Anna Stryukova become famous?

The public saw the girl for the first time at the premiere of the film “Mom”. That evening the family was in in full force. But only daughter Anna aroused admiring glances at this premiere, especially from men, which is not surprising. At the show, the girl was wearing bright makeup, a chic white fur coat, a mini dress and giant heels. Even compared to her mother, she shone like a real show business star.

But the furor created by the young lady did not end there. Spicy photos of underage Anna Stryukova in underwear appear on social networks, which excite all sophisticated Runet users. On Twitter, her pages are flooded with likes and comments, people are starting to massively discuss the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. From this moment on, the popularity of the aspiring star is growing at breakneck speed.

There is probably not a single person who is not familiar with the girl’s pretty face.

Acting career start

Anna begins, in parallel with her studies at the university, to comprehend the wisdom of acting. She played a small role in the famous TV series in which her mother shone - “My Fair Nanny.” She was offered to participate in the show “Top Model in Russian,” but she refused. The session was just around the corner, and the young girl made a choice in favor of studying.

After passing the exams, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter Anna Stryukova is casting and starred in the series “Closed School”. Later, Anna participates in a casting, which she wins. The girl becomes the host of the show “Get a Star,” which started on the Domashny TV channel. Having appeared on television screens, Anna Stryukova is gaining even more interest from fans and attention to herself.

What's new now

Now Anna Stryukova is busy studying, continuing to work on TV. The girl actively blogs on Twitter, notifying her subscribers about various show business news. She participates in conversations about holidays abroad and, of course, continues to share her photos. Anna often travels outside her homeland. He prefers to do his shopping there, and then brags about his purchases on Twitter.

Most recently, the young star turned 18 years old. She celebrated this significant date on the islands by sharing new photos on social networks in which she was dressed in mini-shorts and a floor-length dress. Of course, fans liked these images, but some were concerned about the girl's pronounced thinness. Questions arose about whether her health was okay.

Anna often appears on social events. Thus, she is increasingly attracting the attention of the press and fans. It is already difficult to imagine the life of public people without the intervention of plastic surgeons. And, of course, experiment with technology plastic surgery Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter also decided. Photos of Anya with enlarged lips quickly spread in the media and gave way to discussion. Readers were perplexed: if in such early age resort to plastic surgery, what will happen next?

When is Anna Stryukova planning her wedding?

This question worries many of the girl’s fans. Anna Stryukova’s romance with the rapper (who took the pseudonym KReeD) did not last long. They say that now they don't even communicate. Young star show business is completely free, and she does not hide it. The daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is now only concerned about her studies and career, which, in principle, is correct for her age. As Anna herself says, she plans to get married no earlier than 25 years old.

Just a few years ago, almost nothing was known about Anna Stryukova. Her mother was famous Russian actress, and the girl herself, silently, remained in her shadow. However, in 2012, everything turned upside down. Amazing everyone around with her enchanting beauty, Anna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova burst into Russian world show business, instantly relegating his star mother to secondary roles. Today the name of the aspiring actress is on everyone’s lips. They discuss her, write about her various kinds gossip. And what, if not this, indicates the popularity of the young star?

The childhood and youth of Anna Stryukova

Anna Stryukova was born in January 1996. Her father was the famous businessman Dmitry Stryukov, and her mother - few others famous actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The girl was born in one of the Moscow clinics, but soon her family moved to live in the USA.

Anya Stryukova

At that time, the career of her mother-actress was still far from today's heights. Therefore, such a step seemed the only right one.

Having settled in Los Angeles, the family of the future celebrity founded their own real estate agency and became closely involved in the sale of luxury houses and apartments on the west coast of the United States of America. Things were going uphill, and today it is difficult to say what the fate of the young diva would have been like had her family stayed in the “City of Angels”.

However, soon acting career Anna's mother began to improve, and young girl began to appear more and more often in Russia. In 2004, the series “My Fair Nanny” was first released, which made Anastasia Zavorotnyuk a real star and at the same time predetermined the return of her eldest daughter to Moscow. From that moment on, a completely different life began for Anna. She hardly saw her mother. And my father very soon began to disappear for a long time. Some time later, her parents divorced. It was decided to send the daughter, painfully experiencing the separation of her father and mother, to England. In Foggy Albion, the future celebrity graduated from school. However, after completing her studies, Anna returned to Moscow again. It was here that her acting career began.

Candid photo shoots and the first popularity of Anna Stryukova

As the mother of our today’s heroine admitted, hiding her beautiful daughter from the annoying paparazzi was always difficult. Protecting her from reverse side show business, Anastasia for a long time said practically nothing about her daughter.

The veil of secrecy fell in 2011, when at the premiere of the film “Moms” (you must agree, very symbolically) Anastasia Zavorotnyuk appeared with her eldest daughter. The charming blonde immediately became the subject of numerous cameras. They talked and wrote about her. However, completely different photos will bring real fame to the young diva...

In mid-2011, the Russian-language Internet was blown up by erotic photos of young Anna. Somewhere a young girl shone in seductive lingerie; somewhere her main weapon became a charming look and a mysterious smile. The photographs spread across the global network with some incredible speed, instantly making Anna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova famous and recognizable among young people.

Film and television debut of Anna Stryukova

Popularity overwhelmed the girl. And already at the age of 16 she began to receive her first offers to act in films and television. A kind of debut for the young celebrity was her role in the popular TV series “Closed School.” It is very noteworthy that Anya received her role in the fifth season of the project without any casting. Her appearance on the screens caused a sensation, further strengthening the position of the young diva.

The army of fans of the young beauty kept growing, and her first serious screen work was immediately followed by another. At the beginning of 2012, a new show, “Get a Star,” was released on the Domashny TV channel. Anna was appointed project leader.

After this, rumors immediately began to appear in the press that the mother’s high-profile surname could easily open any doors for the young girl. However, as the producers of the project noted, the fame of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has absolutely nothing to do with it.

“Anya is photogenic and knows how to speak in the youthful manner we need,” the program’s authors explained their choice. “She is also very popular on the Internet: she actively communicates on social media. networks, young people know her well...”

After this, proposals rained down on the young diva’s head with double the frequency. It is very noteworthy that Stryukova even hired a press attache in order to keep up with all the incoming proposals.

Some time later, Anna got the opportunity to realize herself as a model. The producers of the project “TOP Model in Russian” invited the young beauty to take part in one of the seasons of the competition. As Stryukova herself admitted, the offer seemed tempting, and she doubted for a long time before making the final choice. Ultimately, Anya refused to film. The reason for this was exams at Moscow State University, which the girl chose to continue her studies. Today Anna Stryukova is a student prestigious university, in which he successfully studies management. Her debut on television was unsuccessful, and after leaving the “Get a Star” project, Anna completely focused on her studies.

Life online

The only “parallel project” of Stryukova on at the moment her social media accounts remain. Anna lives an active life and regularly pleases her subscribers with news from the world of Russian show business and her own life. The topics of discussion among her fans are new tattoos, as well as her unhealthy thinness, which has recently increasingly attracted criticism from the public.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anna Stryukova “Mom”

The personal life of a celebrity is often discussed as well. So, according to a number of online media, the girl is currently tied up romantic relationship with the famous performer Yegor Bulatkin, better known under the pseudonym KReeD. The Russian rapper gives the girl armfuls of flowers and also showers her with expensive gifts. There are no official comments from Anna Stryukova herself about her personal life yet. Probably, the young diva inherited her secrecy, like her beauty, from her mother.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was 33 years when luck finally smiled on her, filming in the series "My Fair Nanny" brought her fame, people's love, money, fame and even new romantic relationships. What did she have before the role of nanny? Viki Prutkovskaya? Four roles in minor films, one of the films was even a short film. But Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was registered in the studio theater "Snuffbox" under the leadership Oleg Tabakov, she had roles there, but far from the main ones.

In the photo is Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s second husband Dmitry Stryukov.

But by the age of thirty-three, the actress had managed to be married twice, she did not live with her first husband for long, only a year, but with her second she gave birth to two wonderful children - a daughter Anna and son Michael's. Annu Anastasia gave birth in 25 years, and Michael in 29 .

In this photo is the first husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Olaf Schwarzkopf wanted to have children with Nastya, but another woman made him happy with his daughter

The first husband's name was Olaf, Nastya I picked him up at some event, this guy had money at that time, by those standards he was a wealthy man, and also a German by nationality, although he lived most of his life in Estonia. In general, not from great love Anastasia Zavorotnyuk decided to connect my life with a rustic bumpkin Olaf. But very soon Anastasia Zavorotnyuk I realized that you couldn’t cook porridge with this husband, so I quickly ended the whole relationship and married someone else.

Dmitry Stryukov there was a more interesting man, a more intelligent and successful businessman, he even bought his wife a construction business in America, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk purchased apartments at the excavation stage and sold them at a markup at the final stage of construction. Dmitry Stryukov He gave his beloved cars, fur coats, diamonds, even apartments; his wife had the opportunity to relax anywhere in the world.

But here Anastasia Zavorotnyuk met Sergei Zhigunov, together they played a couple in love in the series "My Fair Nanny", besides, a new boyfriend Nastya was also the producer of this soap opera. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk grabbed onto Sergei Zhigunov, as if at her last chance, she rashly decided that she had literally grabbed God by the beard. But Sergey Zhigunov a grated roll, a womanizer in life, goes to the left without a twinge of conscience, and then again and again returns to his faithful, all-forgiving, loving wife. How many Sergei Zhigunov had such hobbies as Anastasia Zavorotnyuk? According to my wife Vera Novikova, during their marriage 20-30 The girls were no less seduced by her husband. Sergey Zhigunov And Vera Novikova They got married when he was twenty years old and she was twenty-five, that is, in fact, the boy did not have time to work up, and made up for lost opportunities with enviable regularity.

At the time of meeting Anastasia Zavorotnyuk to Sergei Zhigunov was 41 year, but apparently the romance did not flare up right away, because Sergey Zhigunov was not deprived of female attention, and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk I’m not used to throwing myself at anyone.

She looked closely at him, assessed her chances, flirted, and he, like an imposing, spoiled cat, held the defense for a long time. According to herself Zavorotnyuk She was the first to take the initiative, she simply walked up and kissed the resting person between takes with a long kiss. Seryozha, and he surprisingly liked it, although these two had a lot of kisses on the set, but this one was sure to be special. This whole adultery erupted into a series of terrible scandals, because Seryozha had a legal wife Faith and children, Nastenka there was also a friendly family.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk tried to whiten myself as best I could, watered ex-husband with dirt, he also did not restrain himself in response, he cut the truth at the womb. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in his words, a mercantile robot woman. I readily believe it. But nevertheless, after several years Dmitry Stryukov And Anastasia Zavorotnyuk were able to find common language and reconciled for the sake of their common children.

The last chosen one Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became a figure skater Petr Chernyshov, she married him in 2008 year, it looks like this time it was love on her part, because Peter, although he is a five-time US champion, a two-time winner of the Four Continents Championship, and he does not have the money to buy cottages, cars and diamonds. To this day Anastasia Zavorotnyuk there are huge debts, the fact is that she decided to build a skating rink in Sochi, where her husband could work as a coach, and also buy a cottage for her family for half a million dollars, but it seems that Nastya has not calculated its capabilities and is now unable to make payments on time. This is not the first year that there has been active talk online about the fact that Petr Chernyshov hasn't lived with for a long time Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, despite the fact that in public this couple demonstrates an idyll.

Meanwhile, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk A very lovely daughter has grown up; it looks like she will eclipse (or has already eclipsed) her once famous and popular mother with her beauty.

In this photo Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, her children and husband Petr Chernyshov

In these photos Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in childhood

In this photo Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with my daughter Anna Stryukova

In this photo Sergey Zhigunov with his wife Vera Novikova, daughter and dog

In the photo Anna Stryukova- daughter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The girl you see is the wife Sergei Zhigunov, her name is Vera Novikova.