Eva Longoria before and after. The evolution of Eva Longoria: from desperate housewife to happy mother

The 42-year-old actress, who is expecting her first child, is not at all shy about her new forms and is enjoying life.

The fact that the Desperate Housewives star would become a mother for the first time in the spring of 2018 became known when Eva was already four months pregnant. Longoria decided to hide her interesting situation as long as this is possible. And the actress can be understood - she is already 42 years old, and this is her first pregnancy. Problems in personal life - failed relationship and marriages - for a long time did not allow the star to realize her motherhood, and now that she had found her other half, Eva decided to take a risk, despite her age. Let us remind you that after three years of relationship, the actress married Mexican businessman Jose Baston. The couple got married on May 21, 2016.

1/4 Pregnant Eva LongoriaPhoto: Legion-mediaPhoto: Legion-mediaPhoto: Legion-mediaPhoto: Legion-media

According to forecasts, the actress is due to give birth in May of this year. Pregnancy, it must be said, does not interfere with Longoria’s life at all life to the fullest and enjoy its joys. The star is seen every now and then social events, A free time she spends time with her husband walking and relaxing in nature. So, just the other day the paparazzi caught her on one of the city beaches. Even the scorching sun could not keep Longoria from sunbathing and water procedures. True, the actress was constantly hiding under a canopy, using sunscreen and didn’t expose her belly.

Who should girls look up to, if not Hollywood stars? Actresses and TV presenters always shine on the covers of magazines, having an ideal appearance. This is exactly what it seems at first glance. In fact, everyone has problems with overweight, it’s just that stylists and make-up artists skillfully hide them under clothes and makeup. For example, journalists are shouting at the top of their voices that actress Eva Longoria has gained weight. And this is noticeable to the naked eye.

Eva Longoria is a sultry beauty, known to everyone for her role in the TV series Desperate Housewives. She always attracted attention with her bright appearance and slim figure. There are a huge number of photos on the Internet in which a woman looks sexy and attractive. But in recent months the situation has changed. Users social networks began to notice that Last year Eva gained weight, and not a trace remained of her former forms.

In the wake of a stellar career

Eva Longoria's track record is enormous - actress, TV presenter, restaurateur and model. Actor career women began with roles in American soap operas, which did not bring widespread fame. Fame came after starring in the TV series Desperate Housewives, for her role in which Eva was even nominated for a Golden Globe Award.

Of course, the actress’s appearance is recognizable. Pleasant facial features are the result of genetics. The actress's ancestors are from Mexico. However, Eva Longoria for a long time thought it was adopted daughter because she's the only one in the family dark hair and dark skin, and her sisters are the owners blonde hair and blue eyes.

However, it was her natural abilities that helped her make a brilliant career as an actress and fashion model.

Longoria's figure

Before we talk about the fact that Eva has joined the ranks of “plumpheads,” let’s remember how the actress achieved her slim figure.

Previously, the star was a petite girl who watched her diet. Eva Longoria weighed 44 kg. with a height of 157 cm. Refusal of unhealthy and fatty foods, as well as a vegetable diet, helped her achieve this result.

This type of weight loss has its advantages:

  • eliminates excess fat due to low fat consumption;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalizes digestion and intestinal function.

The idea of ​​a vegetable diet is that a person should consume vegetables daily, both raw and cooked. The diet includes fermented milk products.

It is better to give preference to vegetables that are grown in our climatic conditions, because the body is accustomed to them.

There are several variations of diets, from strict to gentle.

Nutrition example

A diet based on vegetables should not be followed for more than a week, because the body will receive few vitamins and you will begin to feel a loss of strength.

Fish diet

Another beauty secret of the model was a fish diet. After all, it helps:

  • improve the condition of skin and hair;
  • saturate the body useful substances and vitamins;
  • remove excess cholesterol;
  • get rid of the hated excess fat.

In addition to fish, it is allowed to add vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products to the diet.

Menu option

Try not to overeat, control portion sizes and follow a proper diet.

Nutritionists' opinions on Eve's diets

Nutritionists confirm that vegetable and fish diets are indeed effective. Also, such nutrition is suitable for girls due to its gentle effect, and therefore you do not have to starve and experience stress from lack of food. The main thing is to observe the measure.

Sports the Hollywood way

Eva Longoria had an athletic and well-developed body. Did you know that before stellar career the girl received an education in kinesiology. This discipline studies the practical side of our muscle movement. That is, Eve approached the development of her body from a scientific point of view.

The actress was also actively involved in sports and fitness, because without strength training there is no way to get a beautiful body.

Why Eva Longoria recovered so quickly

While the model is posting beautiful photos on Instagram, nimble journalists have long caught the actress that she has clearly gained weight. And fans began to notice that their idol was gradually joining the ranks of plump stars. Every now and then photos pop up where you can clearly see how the woman has gained weight. This is evidenced by folds on the stomach and sides, as well as rounded hips.

Now the body of a star does not resemble former forms. The parameters of the figure are undergoing dramatic changes, and the hated “ Orange peel" The model is getting fatter before our eyes and has already changed her miniature size to plus size.

But just recently, the star revealed her main “secret” to fans. As it turned out, Eva is expecting her first child. She spoke about this on her Instagram account. The star's rounded belly was also captured by photographers in early January at the Golden Globe Awards, where the star came in a tight black dress.

Women, having watched enough foreign TV series, dream of achieving the same shape. But Hollywood ideals are just the work of a team of beauty experts who, with a wave of a magic wand, will turn anyone into a sex symbol. But all this comes to an end at some point. Likewise, Eva Longoria, whose willpower and beautiful figure attracted envious glances, abandoned such a difficult lifestyle for her body and gained weight. It happens to everyone. Therefore, we recommend not to take radical steps, but to use moderation in everything. Be healthy!

Eva Longoria is an American actress, model, restaurateur and television producer. But to connoisseurs of her talent, she is best known as Gabrielle Solis, the heroine of the television series Desperate Housewives, whose role was played by the artist.

What is endearing about Eve? The fire in her eyes, the seething vitality that comes from the fragile, gentle brunette. Amazing combination. For 8 years, from 2004 to 2012, she delighted viewers with her performance in the already mentioned tragicomedy series, in which, according to the plot, five beautiful women fought desperately for their happiness. It was this role that brought Eva popularity.
5 years have passed since the last episode was released. Many of the stars of the series are forgotten. But the name of Eva Longoria is still heard. Now the Hollywood actress is involved in directing, producing, charity work and even writes books.
But how did she come to this and where did she start? Surely it took a long time and difficult path. It was interesting for us to follow the beauty evolution of the beauty and the stages of her ascent to the creative Olympus.

year 2001

Still just a girl. Doesn't bother with makeup and hair. She doesn't need it. Natural charm successfully replaces all these attributes of stardom.


Golden skin Brown eyes, jet-black hair and a snow-white smile - all natural. No foundation, correctors, let alone lifts, Botox injections, tattoos, or the like.


Start time for the television series Desperate Housewives. Constant presence on the screen motivates you to look your best. Experiments begin: complex coloring, bright makeup, stylish eyebrow shape. From simpleton to superstar.

Eva Longoria during filming.

2005 year

Excessive efforts: too much blush becomes noticeable.

The actress is returning to her natural hair color, but still can’t decide which hairstyle suits her best. While she's doing something 90's style.

Red lipstick suits her very well. Helps create the image of a Hollywood diva. Few people know that Longoria worked a lot on her wonderful smile in her youth: she wore braces and went to an orthodontist.


Eva Longoria is turning brown-haired. It suits her. To look harmonious, she also lightens her eyebrows.


Again, familiar shades, asymmetrical bob, emphasis on the eyes and nude colors in makeup.


The actress learns to even out her complexion using concealer. And here are her successes. Still need to practice.

year 2009

The star chooses a retro style. And she has also improved noticeably. Visually I began to look older.


I lost weight, but I was very tired of it.

By the end of the year I had fully recovered. According to her, this is the result of hard work on herself.


Red carpet look: red dress with a deep neckline, updo, long eyelashes.

year 2013

Smoky eyes in crimson tones. It's difficult to do, but Eva Longoria did it. Now she creates her appearance very skillfully.

year 2014

The actress becomes a beauty ambassador for the cosmetic brand L'Oreal.


Second Monica Bellucci.


Eva found hers form style. She seems infinitely beautiful no matter what she does. This is not surprising, Longoria simply knows how to take care of herself, presents herself correctly, emphasizes her strengths, and she simply has no shortcomings. Moreover, unlike other stars, she does not disfigure herself plastic surgery who make an artificial doll out of a person. We hope the actress will continue to delight us.

It is very difficult to maintain the gold standard of beauty: even some Hollywood beauties fail. Almost everyone who stops watching their diet and exercising will gain weight. But in our selection the stars did not score a couple extra pounds, but have improved noticeably. Some singers and actresses are simply unrecognizable! Maybe they just succumbed to the body positivity trend? Or did you become feminists? No, most likely they just relaxed. So, whose changes surprised us the most?

Rihanna: plus 15 kg


Rihanna was deservedly considered a real sex symbol of Hollywood: the star really had an excellent figure. The singer was actively involved in sports, so she was always in shape, but then something went wrong. In 2017, the singer gained weight: visually she gained about 15 kilograms. She does not admit to problems with her figure, although after all the tabloids noticed a change in her appearance, she greatly changed her style. Now, instead of miniskirts and shorts, she wears oversized clothes: wide jackets, high men's boots, robes. In an interview, Rihanna snaps at journalists: “Who called me fat?”, and recently dyed her hair blue.

Mariah Carey: plus 40 kg


This story became an example for everyone of what can happen to a woman over 40 if she stops taking care of herself. At the beginning of her career, the singer was a slender and fit girl, but later she constantly struggled with excess weight. Then Mariah Carey relaxed, and what happened happened: she gained about 30 kilograms (from 65 to 95). According to other rumors, her weight already reaches 120 kg. The singer refuses to accept these metamorphoses, so she is often ridiculed in the media. Many photos from concert tours become an occasion for funny pictures in the Internet. The corsets, minis and bodysuits are still the same, but the singer no longer fits in them, and it’s becoming more and more difficult for her to move on stage.

Eva Longoria: plus 10 kg


Eva Longoria became famous thanks to her role in Desperate Housewives. Among other actresses, she was the thinnest. The tabloids have repeatedly called her figure the most harmonious and beautiful, and the star herself claimed that she was not inclined to be overweight. But now everything has changed radically. Maybe the reason was divorce and short-lived romances, maybe there are no worthy roles, or maybe it’s just her age, but Eva quickly began to gain weight. When her next marriage happened, Longoria tried to lose weight, but later admitted in an interview that she relaxed and allowed herself to be imperfect. The new husband seems to love her for who she is: imperfect and overweight.

Kesha: plus 30 kg


The story of singer Kesha is not an easy one. Several years ago she was the main star of world show business. She was considered a beautiful and energetic girl. But in the wake of success, the price of fame also became clear. The artist said that she was subjected to violence from her producer, who, in addition, got her addicted to drugs and tormented her in every possible way. True, the court did not side with Kesha, so she had to work out the contract with the producer to the end. In the end she received breakdown and became practically a recluse. During this time, she gained 30 kg: some celebrity colleagues are sounding the alarm about her condition.

Nelly Furtado: plus 20 kg


The Canadian singer, who became popular after the hit I’m like a Bird, had a non-standard figure - a very slender top and a heavy bottom. With age, the singer began to rapidly gain weight, mainly in problem areas, and she could no longer hide them.