Born on the 1st characteristics. Numerology

Favorable numbers: 31, 22, 28, 10, 19, 10, 1, 4.
Unfavorable numbers: 20, 29, 25, 24, 11, 15, 7, 2, 16, 8.
Lucky days: Sunday; Monday. Some numbers enhance luck, these are 10; 28 and 19.
Stones that bring good luck: yellow diamond, yellow topaz and all stones of this shade. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to wear stones in direct contact with the body.
Colors: light yellow, golden
Ailments you are susceptible to: eye and heart diseases, there is also a tendency to high blood pressure, therefore, if there are ailments in the area of ​​these organs and systems, it is recommended to be periodically examined and not to forget about the prevention of heart disease.

Healthy to eat: oranges, honey, saffron, ginger, cloves. From these components you can make tasty and healthy tonic drinks.

Numerology is an ancient science about the influence of numbers on a person’s character and destiny. Having studied horoscope by date of birth, you can find out all the pitfalls of your existence under the influence of a certain birth number.
On unfavorable days according to the horoscope - 29, 25,24, 20, 16, 15, 11, 8, 7, 2, you should not start important things. But, if this cannot be avoided, then you can protect yourself by wearing a stone that brings you luck - topaz and yellow diamond. On the lucky numbers according to the horoscope - 31, 28, 22, 19, 13, 10, 4, 1 and days - Monday and Sunday, you can start any important business. Success will bring golden and light yellow colors in clothes.

People born on the 1st are prone to heart disease and eye and blood pressure problems. Constantly moving towards a goal and achieving high results affects your health. Therefore, you need to learn to leave everything behind your back for a while, throw thoughts about work out of your head and just rest and relax - this will be the best prevention of heart, vascular and eye diseases. It is useful to eat oranges, ginger, honey, season dishes with saffron, and use cloves in food. These products and spices improve vitality and provide health with vitamins.

Number 1 is the beginning of everything. People born under the influence of this number are undisputed leaders, activists and creatively gifted individuals. They are endowed with innovative and inventive qualities. They are self-confident, strictly convinced that they are right, and have a tremendous gift of persuasion. They are on their own and do not like advice and restrictions. They set the rules themselves and strive to subject those around them to them.

Working in a team does not suit them; these are leaders; the role of ordinary performers is not for them. All these traits result in dictatorial manifestations in character. Their ambition and unshakable determination carry them at full speed along the waves of life to achieve their goals. They are stubborn and willful, so it is difficult to get along with them in a team.

A child born on the 1st is very demanding and will not rest until his needs are met. This trait does not go away with age, so not everyone can get along with such a person. People born on a day with the number 1 can achieve any high position and reach the very top of the career ladder. Certain lines on the palm enhance this potential.

Emotional Features

The ambition of these people sometimes knows no bounds, and driven by this quality, they direct all their potential to achieve their goals. For this reason, the area of ​​love relationships is a loser. You can't even dream of romance. Any hobby of such people is often superficial and short-lived. Even in love relationships, people born under the influence of the 1st manifest their ambitious and leadership aspirations. The object of their passion should not be particularly demanding in order to stay close to them for as long as possible.

Intimate relationships

Sex for them is satisfying, first of all, their needs. Through sex they assert their leadership position. The horoscope recommends being more tolerant.

Caring for a partner is not an important component of a relationship for them, so their marriage is rarely happy unless the partner shows maximum patience, understanding and respect for their personal needs.


Increased demands on people, high ambitions, and the desire to subjugate are more disadvantages than advantages. The will to win, determination, and determination are worthy qualities. But it’s good if they are softened by prudence, patience, and understanding, which, unfortunately, people born on the 1st lack.

Number 1 gives a person a rich palette of personal qualities. These are gifted people, with many outstanding qualities, possessing both creative and high mental abilities, and combined with determination and determination, they can achieve great achievements in life. It would be nice to frame these serious “iron” qualities in the framework of warmth and openness to the people around you.

These are proactive people who can achieve anything and become unsurpassed leaders through continuous self-motivation and constant creative activity.

People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th are distinguished by their pronounced independence. These people (we will call them units) will always act and not stand still, waiting for something. From early childhood they have a desire to lead. One, regardless of the situation, is the number of quick action, as well as the number of beginning, that is, these people are true pioneers.

Individualism, innovation, leadership.

Strong will and pioneering spirit.

If you need to light a fire under a new project, take a unit on board. This is exactly the person you need, as he will be very happy to give you a fuse and an incredible burst of enthusiasm. Believe me, by entrusting a project to a unit, you don’t have to worry about anything, since the unit will get its bearings on the matter with such speed that you won’t have time to look back when things have already been done. The Unit is very assertive and purposeful, and if this bothers you, know that it’s not about her attitude towards you, but about the fact that a person born on the first is at the mercy of his energy, and this can only benefit you.

Searching for new opportunities and expanding horizons.

He is always ambitious and purposeful. His actions are decisive, he is the fastest to navigate a new business, thereby attracting and interest others in it. He gives orders with lightning speed, always knowing exactly what he wants from his subordinate, and he, in turn, will act immediately and in the right direction. Subordinates can easily rely on him, because behind him they will feel like behind a stone wall. Sometimes he can act with incredible speed for them, but they have nothing to fear, because he is omnipresent and will guide them even along the most difficult path.

Notes: He is an independent and tenacious go-getter who tirelessly motivates both himself and those around him.

They are born managers

Strong-willed, decisive, know what they want, straightforward.

The main essence of the unit is the energy of perpetual motion, in connection with this, people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th can create, develop and manage any thing, but for their complete triumph and the revelation of powerful energy forces to them superiority over others is required. But in this case, the unit needs to understand that in such cases it is necessary to respect subordinates or the person with whom he has a common cause. If he is more humane and loves a person without the desire to receive anything in return, he will understand that it is not his lonely enterprise and initiative that will bring him real human happiness, but cooperation in one breath, the fruits of which are not directed only in his direction, but also in side of the person with whom he is achieving results.

Family life of people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th

The person likes to control, so he may seem bossy.

Life together with a unit will be promising. If you are a self-confident person, but at the same time you can be flexible in your relationship with a self-confident unit, and most importantly, you do not tend to sit still and you live a rich, productive life, then you are guaranteed a positive relationship with the unit. As a rule, people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th are good conversationalists who tend to often show wit, intelligence and insight, and, if desired, they can spice up any topic. To tell the truth, in a new company and with those people whom a few people don’t know well, they try to behave aloof and stay aloof. The fact is that a unit does not like to behave openly with people it does not know. When a unit is looking for friends, it first of all looks at extraordinary and strong personalities, and then focuses on the quality of their character, so that they can remain silent where necessary and show patience. For people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th, the understanding and sincere love of their family is important, so feeling a spiritual connection with their loved ones, they realize their potential with greater dedication in the matter where it is required of them . Yes, these people love to manage, so they may seem domineering, which is why they need partners with a strong character who will support them even where our heroes really went too far. Believe me, they know that they were wrong, they were in a hurry somewhere, they responded, showing some aggression, arrogance or know-it-all, but only because of their impulsiveness, and it is very difficult for them to admit their guilt due to deep feelings and stubbornness, which is why they We count on your understanding.

What affects people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th

People of these numbers cannot now either calmly observe how someone, especially those close to them, do something “carelessly.” They cannot tolerate any negligence, lack of logic, carelessness and inattention to order.

What is important for them to get from you?

Successful fight alone.

Remember, people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th will always strive for independence. Approval and understanding from loved ones is important to them, because their path is pioneering, which means you need to believe in them and rely on them, because they will always lead only forward, albeit with excessive willfulness and self-confidence. But on the other hand, they are always smart and independent, that is, reliable people who you can easily rely on; all that is needed is obedience on your part, which they will wisely appreciate and will always appreciate.

The number 1 symbolizes the Sun. The first of all numbers is the foundation on which everything rests. Therefore, it is the head of the family of numbers. People born on this day are creative and inventive. They hold their opinions firmly and have enormous powers of persuasion. Therefore, they do not really like restrictions and unsolicited advice. They prefer to work alone, independently of others, be they peers or subordinates. All this taken together makes them mini- (and sometimes maxi-) dictators.

These people are very ambitious and have great determination and willpower, which in action manifests itself as stubbornness and willfulness. A child born on the 1st will not rest until his demand is satisfied, and in order to do it his way, he will turn everything upside down. Such people need tactful handling. People born on this day rise to the very top of the career ladder if the palm line coincides with the results of a numerological analysis.

Emotional Features. The main emotion of these people is excessive ambition, and they direct all their mental abilities to achieve it. This naturally leaves little time for love and romance. Even if emotional infatuation can arise, it is transitory, secondary and always subordinated to the main goal: the satisfaction of ambitions. Therefore, the object of infatuation should be subordinate, faded and undemanding. Sex for such people is also one-sided, passing, aimed at self-satisfaction. Taking care of your partner is hardly considered important. Therefore, marriage for such people is rarely successful unless the partner shows understanding and respect for the extreme qualities of the individuality of the person born on the first.

Flaws. As stated above, satisfying ambitions is the main goal in the lives of these people. Such people show strong determination and perseverance, and do not give up on what they have planned. All this is good if tempered by prudence, which such people rarely possess.

Lucky numbers– the most successful partners are those born on the 1st: like attracts like; also those born on 10, 19, 28 (the sum of the numbers is 1; although zero has a meaning, it does not affect numerology); 4, 13, 22, 31 (sum of digits is 4).

Hostile numbers– inharmonious relationships with those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th (sum of numbers 2); 6, 15, 24 (sum of digits 6); 7, 16, 25 (sum of digits 7).

Happy Days- Sunday Monday. If they land on 10, 19 or 28, the effect is doubled.

Lucky stones– topaz, yellow diamond and all stones of these shades (wear in contact with the body).

Lucky Metal– gold (its weight must be at least 1.2 g, otherwise there will be no effect; wear in contact with the body).

Lucky colors– golden, light yellow; a thing of the same color as metal or stone should be worn constantly.

Diseases– heart, eyes; High blood pressure is possible, so you need to be examined more often.

Recommendations. Numerologically, number 1 is one of the best. People born on this day are outstanding individuals, full of strong determination and creativity. Personal qualities are of the highest order, but such a person experiences enormous difficulties in relationships with other people. (Those around you should show understanding, since people of number 1 are not cruel by nature, but simply careless in their treatment.)

It is believed that the meaning of the date of birth will be determined by the character traits that are given to a person from the moment of birth. They may differ for men and women and change with age. The most popular Western interpretation is that it involves summing up the birthday numbers. But a more complete decoding is the Pythagorean square, which takes into account more components. The described qualities may vary depending on external factors.

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    Date of birth in numerology

    It has long been known that the date of birth has a significant influence on the character and destiny of a person. According to numerologists, each number has a certain vibration that has a strong effect on people.

    Calculating your birthday number is very simple. In Western numerology, it is the sequential sum of all the digits of a date. For example, for those born on August 4, 1987: 0+4+0+8+1+9+8+7=19=1. The resulting number is called vibrating. It is unchanged for each individual person, determines his main qualities and inclinations, and the turns of fate.


      A symbol of individualists, strong and ambitious individuals. Such people always want to be the best, the first, and strive for independence. They persistently achieve their goals, regardless of obstacles. They are characterized by selfishness, as well as self-confidence. They are practically not susceptible to outside influence and do not like to listen to other people's opinions. For adults with the number 1 in their date of birth, life seems like a game for many years.

      A high action coefficient ensures constant forward movement. New heights are conquered if a person walks straight and purposefully. Numerologists advise avoiding selfishness and willfulness, taking into account the interests not only of your own, but also of other people, otherwise you can acquire a large number of enemies. A strong number will certainly lead to success if you do not neglect the advice.

      Women with this number are active and temperamental. They often try to subjugate their partner. Men are impetuous and impulsive, they always have success with the opposite sex. Children are energetic and active, from an early age they feel and try to demonstrate their individuality.


      A symbol of balance and tact, the magic of the number “2” ensures a subtle, sensitive nature, very impressionable and dependent on the people around you. For such men and women, the support of loved ones, security, confidence in their strengths and future are extremely important. Throughout their lives, owners of this number look for support, a strong shoulder, and strive to acquire a reliable rear.

      Gentleness of character and innate tactfulness lead to a constant search for compromises in relationships with others, including in the work sphere. Internal contradictions often contribute to excessive prudence, reflection, and, as a result, advice to relatives and friends. These people must learn to think not only about others, but also about themselves, and avoid extremes and excessive sensitivity. They make excellent developers and designers, but for a successful career they require implementing partners.

      Representatives of the stronger sex with the number "2" are trusting and open, which makes them vulnerable. They always come to the rescue and are not the instigators of quarrels. Ladies are attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. They love romantic courtship and gifts, and easily change their environment. Children born on the 2nd live with emotions and feelings, need care and understanding, and seek recognition.


      The fastest and brightest number. Its influence is noticeable even on a child, manifested in pronounced talents and the ability to quickly absorb information. The intuitive mind allows you to find and choose the easiest paths to achieve your goals. Such people need constant entertainment, communication, and a pleasant environment. Accustomed to taking life with ease, those with the number “3” in their date of birth rarely plan their future, preferring to enjoy the current moment.

      Moreover, three is also the number of luck. And to catch it, you just need to not be lazy. A minimum of effort for such people leads to great success. The number three protects against many problems in life. Whatever happens, almost everything goes through with minimal losses. These are the so-called darlings of fate, invariably attracting the views of others.

      Men love risk and activity. They are popular with the weaker sex; I can have several partners at the same time. Women are attractive and witty, characterized by independent behavior, optimism and sensuality. Children are curious and enjoy exploring the world around them. They require a lot of attention and are capricious.


      A symbol of hardworking and balanced natures. In numerology, the number “4” is also associated with mobility and activity. Such people are fighters in life. Despite resistance and a large number of obstacles, they rush forward, constantly expanding their horizons. The difficulty lies in the fact that each owner of this number, in order to finally form and strengthen his personality, must go through a series of tests sent by fate.

      The number four is characterized by practicality and perseverance, giving its owner the ability to master even a boring craft. Sometimes, in order not to get bogged down in details, it is recommended to listen to the advice of loved ones. Stubbornness can hinder development. The honesty and resilience of such people help them endure any hardship and provide support to others.

      Men are reliable and straightforward, respect family traditions and take a leading position in relationships. They look for loyalty and devotion in women. Representatives of the fairer sex are characterized by authority and evaluate attitudes through the prism of possible income. Kids are calm and independent, love stability and certainty, are responsible and reliable.


      Typical for enthusiasts, adventure-loving people, prone to adventurism. Such people love traveling and can feel comfortable at home anywhere. Holders of the number "5" easily learn other languages ​​and adapt to traditions and customs. They can get into difficult situations and get out of them without consequences. Cheerfulness, irrepressible energy and a good sense of humor are the defining character traits of such individuals.

      Numerologists recommend looking around more often so as not to miss tempting prospects nearby. After all, the five often “takes” people’s views and thoughts into the distance and into the future, not allowing them to appreciate what is nearby and in the present. You should avoid impulsive decisions and frequent changes of life partners, and treat your friends with care.

      Men with this number have sexuality, good looks, intelligence and leadership qualities. In love, they give and give unforgettable emotions. However, they love freedom in relationships. Women are selfish, love to flirt and tease, and appeal to all men. They are actresses - all the attractiveness and sensuality is on display. They demand admiration and approval from others. Children are cheerful, charming, and attract the attention of everyone around them. The main thing is life and knowledge of yourself and the world. Creativity is the driving force for self-expression.


      A symbol of reliability and frankness. An honest nature strives to show itself to others, to achieve respect, while trying to support friends and improve their living conditions. Such people radiate optimism, are always calm and cheerful. Holders of the number “6” do not set exorbitant goals for themselves, but are content with what they have, fully justifying the trust placed in them and performing their work with maximum efficiency.

      Six helps to adapt to different conditions, adapt even to unfavorable circumstances, finding the positive in them. These people make wonderful peacemakers, bringing goodness and love to the world. Experts advise avoiding intrusiveness towards others, interfering in the affairs of friends when not asked, even if those around you are mistaken in some way.

      Women are distinguished by aloofness and coldness. But there are sensual, sexual natures. Incorrigible dreamers with a rich imagination. Men are obligatory, efficient, hardworking, and reliable. However, they easily change their environment. Love plays an important role in life for them. Children born under this number are calm, observant, compliant, obedient, and caring. They make a lot of friends because they really need communication.


      Symbol of knowledge and mystery. Refers to the most powerful and influential numbers. Among the characteristic personality traits one can highlight good intuition, a tendency to discover the unknown, rich imagination, and a lively, uncontrollable imagination. With this number, bright creative people are born: poets, artists, musicians, as well as hermits and philosophers. Inner inspiration needs solitude, immersion in oneself. But there are two sides: strong owners of seven become famous personalities, weak ones find themselves in the abyss of despondency.

      Those born under the number 7 make good teachers, thinkers, endowed with a special gift. They take honor and respect for granted. But such people should avoid secrecy, alienation from society, and coldness towards others.

      Representatives of the stronger sex are independent and serious. They have a self-sufficient attitude towards life and highly value love. They prefer to establish relationships with intelligent women.

      Representatives of the fair sex are attractive, they simultaneously attract and repel partners. They are tactful, dreamy, and sentimental. They dream about romance, strong love feelings. The child is impressionable, thoughtful and dreamy. He has a developed sense of kindness and loves approval from strangers. Charming, attentive, brings a lot of joy to parents.


      This numerical symbol gives people an entrepreneurial spirit, a penchant for doing business, and doing business. The most important features: the ability to plan and successfully implement plans, including those that are difficult to implement at first glance. Willpower, efficiency, determination, lack of self-pity are the defining characteristics of those born with the number “8”.

      Number 8 people can be cruel to themselves and to others. They make good military men, politicians, and government workers. The ability to manage people and captivate many people with oneself manifests itself especially clearly in adulthood. Numerologists advise not to abuse power and your position, and to show more sensitivity to subordinates. It is important that the negative nature does not prevail.

      Women are powerful, assertive, hiding their nature behind a mask of aloofness. Original and practical, they prefer intellectual men. Representatives of the stronger sex are distinguished by self-confidence and independence. Strong-willed and persistent people can suppress their partner with arrogance or hide their character. Children demonstrate their will to fulfill their goals, subjecting themselves and those around them to tests. They can show both affection and strong hostility.


      A symbol of potential intelligence, a strong personality prone to development throughout life’s journey. Those born with the number nine grow up to be wonderful artists, performers, composers, and inventors. And on the contrary, such people should not become military men, entrepreneurs, or businessmen. If desire and ability are manifested in some area, then all efforts should be directed in the chosen direction - success is guaranteed by fate.

      Endowed with responsiveness and sensitivity, the owners of the Nine are insightful, able to selflessly help those in trouble, and lend a hand in moments of despair. The fruits of kindness are subsequently rewarded. The number "9" is powerful and amazing. The life of these people is full of events and attention from many.

      The man is sophisticated, erudite, highly intelligent and romantic. In love, he is looking for a person who has decided on his self-expression. Women are different from the opposite sex. They are fickle and extraordinary. They prefer to see intellectuals and highly developed men around them. Overflowing with various ideas that they are trying to bring to life. The child is cheerful and inspired. Strives to see everything he can. Enters into communication with ease.

      Number 11

      Despite the fact that “11” is simplified to the number “2,” it also has its own characteristic properties that leave an imprint on a person. Initiative, determination, individualism, egocentrism - all these are good qualities, but they need to be curbed and regulated.

      Those born on the 11th have to go through a number of karmic tests throughout their lives, the essence of which is to master the ability to understand other people. Internal conflict can arise many times until a person learns to perceive other people’s emotions and desires as their own.

      Number 22

      This combination gives the staunch four a touch of mysticism. The inner world of those born with the number "22" often takes precedence over the outer. These people are called “mobile in the mobile.” It is very important to direct character traits and inclinations in a positive direction, then life will bear good fruits and delight you with the results of achievements in all areas.

      Hesitation and endless thinking about the same thing should be avoided. Such people need to move forward so as not to get bogged down in the past and present.

      Depending on the number, the degree of compatibility of partners is determined.

      Pythagorean square

      This square was developed by an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician and is one of the methods for analyzing a person. The system combined the mathematical systems of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Arabs and Druids with the sciences of human nature.

      The Pythagorean square is a numerological horoscope. It helps to understand what qualities are inherent in a person at birth.

      The algorithm for calculating the date of birth using the Pythagorean square is as follows: for example, a person was born on 10/02/1989. Needs to be added:

      • numbers of day and month of birth: 2+1=3;
      • years of birth: 1+9+8+9=28;
      • two numbers received: 3+28=31.

      The result was the second working number. From the first, you need to subtract double the first digit of your birthday: 31-4=27.

      This is the third working number. For the next one you need to add the numbers of the previous one: 2+7=9.

      This results in the fourth working number. As a result, there are two rows of numbers:

      • 1st row - date of birth: 02.10.1989.
      • 2nd row - working numbers: 31; 4; 27; 9.

      It is necessary to count the total number of them in two rows. In this case, there are 12 of them. This means that the person came into this world 12 times. According to Pythagoras, a person comes to earth 15 times in total, and then moves on to live in another dimension.

      Now you need to draw a 3 by 3 square and divide it into 9 squares. In the first one enter all ones, in the second - twos, and so on. Then compare the results with the table data.

      An egoist who sometimes thinks about others

      Traits inherited by a person begin to appear from an early age, gaining particular strength by the age of 30-35. People with the same number in their date of birth are similar to each other, their destinies can intersect. But we should not forget that the numerological data of a name also plays a certain role in a person’s life, leaving its mark and correcting the initially obtained characteristics.

A person born on the first day of any month is usually a creative and inventive person. He strives to firmly adhere to his views and has enormous power of persuasion. He is very ambitious and decisive, which in action often manifests itself as stubbornness and willfulness. He is no stranger to innovation; he has an entrepreneurial spirit, which manifests itself in literally everything that a person born under the number 1 does. Everything new attracts him like a magnet and stimulates vital energy. He easily finds a way out of difficult situations, sometimes making extraordinary decisions. At heart, such a person is an intellectual who tirelessly strives to acquire new knowledge. Loneliness does not depress him; rather, on the contrary, it brings him joy. He prefers to work alone.
A person whose birthday number is 1 is a sociable person, but completely trusts only himself. The vibration of the number 1 initially suggests enormous difficulties in relationships with other people.
But he is more careless in his treatment of people than cruel. He is very independent in his affections. Even after settling down and having children, he always remains a slave to his own desires and impulses, and often the family is perceived by him as an annoying nuisance, wasting time that could be spent on more important things.
But the “unit” also experiences bouts of melancholy and soul-searching. After all, self-realization for this person is the meaning of his whole life, and he, like no one else, needs a sober look at his own capabilities. Alas, personal assessment is too emotional and often diverges from the true state of affairs: a person born on the 1st either underestimates himself, but, more often, overestimates his abilities; however, like my own physical condition. Various delays and obstacles on the way plunge him into despair, although deep down he always knows that he is capable of coping with any task. And often a “one” person manages to rise to the very top of the professional ladder.
However, it happens that the influence of the number 1 causes a person to suffer from an inferiority complex; he withdraws into himself, yearning for loneliness and irritating emotional wounds. This state does not last long, and in the end, the “unit” still realizes that only itself can help itself.