Presentation “Waste from a big city - how it is collected, disposed of and processed” on ecology - project, report. Presentation "Waste from a big city - how it is collected, disposed of and processed" on ecology - project, report Download presentation on household waste

Household waste. Garbage is the problem of the century. The accumulation of solid household waste in a modern city reaches kg per person per year, and the annual increase in waste per capita is 4-6%, which is 3 times the rate of population growth.

Danger of landfills Landfills significantly affect all components of the environment. natural environment and are a powerful pollutant atmospheric air, soil and groundwater.These landfills are, in addition, breeding grounds for mice, rats, insects and can become a source infectious diseases, especially in the southern regions of the country. Landfills significantly affect all components of the natural environment and are a powerful pollutant of atmospheric air, soil and groundwater. These landfills are, in addition, breeding grounds for mice, rats, insects and can become a source of infectious diseases, especially in the southern regions of the country.

Danger of landfills Particularly dangerous is mercury pollution Mercury pollution is especially dangerous. Currently, about 200 million pieces of fluorescent and arc-discharge lamps are wasted in the country every year. Each lamp contains from 80 to 120 mg of mercury. Currently, about 200 million pieces of fluorescent and arc-discharge lamps are wasted in the country every year. Each lamp contains from 80 to 120 mg of mercury. Electric batteries containing mercury are no less dangerous. Electric batteries contain up to 300 mg of mercury. In our country as a whole, tens of tons of mercury end up in landfills. Electric batteries containing mercury are no less dangerous. Electric batteries contain up to 300 mg of mercury. In our country as a whole, tens of tons of mercury end up in landfills.

Epidemiological danger For example, in Leningrad region foxes infected with rabies were discovered at the landfill, which led to the need for expensive preventive measures. For example, in the Leningrad region, foxes infected with rabies were discovered at a landfill, which led to the need for expensive preventive measures. All urban solid waste is contaminated with a variety of insects and helminths. All urban solid waste is contaminated with a variety of insects and helminths. Children have already been infected with AIDS around the world due to children playing with medical waste that ends up in household containers. Children have already been infected with AIDS around the world due to children playing with medical waste that ends up in household containers.

Toxicological hazard Solids household waste cities contain a significant number of diverse toxic substances and materials. Approximately 4% of waste is toxic. Municipal solid waste in cities contains a significant amount of various toxic substances and materials. Approximately 4% of waste is toxic. 100 names of toxic compounds and among them - dyes, pesticides, mercury and its compounds, solvents, lead and its salts, drugs, cadmium, arsenic compounds, formaldehyde, thallium salts, etc. 100 names of toxic compounds and among them - dyes, pesticides, mercury and its compounds, solvents, lead and its salts, drugs, cadmium, arsenic compounds, formaldehyde, thallium salts, etc.

Toxicological hazard A special place Plastics and synthetic materials are among solid waste, since they are not subject to biological degradation processes and can long time(tens of years) to be in objects environment. When plastics and synthetic materials burn, numerous toxic poisons. Plastics and synthetic materials occupy a special place among solid waste, since they are not subject to biological destruction processes and can remain in the environment for a long time (tens of years). When plastics and synthetic materials burn, numerous toxic poisons are released.

Problems of removal and recycling of household waste in modern cities. The first “waste incinerator” was built back in 1870 near London. The first “waste incinerator” was built back in 1870 near London. There are now more than 1,000 waste incineration plants operating around the world. There are now more than 1,000 waste incineration plants operating around the world. In our country, the first waste incineration plant was built only in 1972, that is, 102 years after the first one appeared in the world. In our country, the first waste incineration plant was built only in 1972, that is, 102 years after the first one appeared in the world.

In Russia, a technology has been developed for the mechanized extraction of six components from solid waste: In Russia, a technology has been developed for the mechanized extraction of six components from solid waste: ferrous metals, ferrous metals, tin-containing scrap, tin-containing scrap, aluminum, aluminum, waste paper, waste paper, polymer film, polymer film, food waste. food waste.

Energy source Since the mid-70s of the twentieth century. At the height of the global energy crisis, municipal solid waste began to be looked at as an additional raw material source of energy - the heat of waste gases generated by burning garbage can be utilized: five tons of garbage are equal to a ton of standard fuel. Since the mid-70s of the twentieth century. At the height of the global energy crisis, municipal solid waste began to be looked at as an additional raw material source of energy - the heat of waste gases generated by burning garbage can be utilized: five tons of garbage are equal to a ton of standard fuel.

System separate collection garbage In Germany, batteries of garbage barrels near houses are painted in three colors: gray, yellow, green. In Germany, batteries of garbage barrels near houses are painted in three colors: gray, yellow, green. Old newspapers, magazines and cardboard boxes are carried into a gray barrel. Old newspapers, magazines and cardboard boxes are carried into a gray barrel. Cans, plastic and paper bottles, as well as some metal packaging are thrown into the yellow barrel. Cans, plastic and paper bottles, as well as some metal packaging are thrown into the yellow barrel. The green barrel is designed for biodegradable food waste, which will later be processed into compost. The green barrel is designed for biodegradable food waste, which will later be processed into compost.

Questions for self-test: Consequences of garbage pollution? Consequences of garbage pollution? Classification of household waste? Classification of household waste? Problems of removal and recycling of household waste in modern cities? Problems of removal and recycling of household waste in modern cities? Environmental Study: Are We Using Too Much Packaging? Environmental Study: Are We Using Too Much Packaging? Environmental actions: “Clean entrance”, “Spruce”. Environmental campaigns: “Clean Entrance”, “Spruce”.

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Municipal solid waste (MSW) is waste of unnecessary materials and products that accumulate in everyday life and in institutions - garbage, garbage, food waste, waste paper, worn out clothes, out of order household appliances etc. – everything that does not relate to industry and sewage waste. Waste recycling is the use of waste in industry as additional raw materials and in agriculture as feed or fertilizer.

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Solid waste disposal is a headache for most regions of our country. It is solid waste that makes up the lion's share of the water-borne waste that causes irreparable harm air, soil and groundwater. In almost every locality in Russia today you can see a huge landfill. According to science, these “traces of human activity” will remain in nature for several thousand years.

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Every year, approximately 130 million m3 of solid waste is generated in Russian cities, which is approx. 200 kg per person per year. Today in Russia there are 7 waste incineration plants that process about 3% of solid waste, 9% is transported from cities to more than 1,000 household waste sites. The rest of the waste (88%) goes to landfills. A significant amount of 88% ends up in unauthorized landfills, the number of which is constantly growing.

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The main problem processing of solid waste is their unsorting, high humidity, low calorific value and, as a consequence, the impossibility of observing environmentally friendly technology for storage at landfills, composting, and burning waste.

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paper (cardboard); food waste; tree; black metal; non-ferrous metal; textile; bones; glass; leather and rubber; Classification of solid waste according to quality composition Solid waste is divided into: stones; polymer materials; other components; screening - small fragments passing through a 1.5-centimeter mesh; dangerous solid waste!

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Hazardous solid waste Hazardous solid waste includes: waste batteries and accumulators, electrical appliances, varnishes, paints and cosmetics, fertilizers and pesticides, household chemicals, medical waste, mercury-containing thermometers, barometers, tonometers and lamps. They pose an environmental hazard if they are released through sewage into waterways or washed out of landfills and into ground/surface waters. Batteries and mercury-containing devices will be safe as long as their casing is not damaged; then mercury, alkali, lead and zinc will become elements of pollution of atmospheric air, ground and surface waters.

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Proper disposal of solid waste does not imply their complete destruction. Most of the waste will be recycled, which will save on the production of many goods. IN European countries This problem was solved a long time ago: there are separate containers for each type of garbage. After all, glass, metals, wood and even biological waste can become raw materials for the production of new materials.

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In world practice, more than 20 methods of processing solid waste are known, which, according to the final goal, are divided into: liquidation (based on sanitary and environmental objectives) recycling (use secondary resources)

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There are two main methods for processing solid waste: Mechanical and biological methods: waste composting, waste sorting at recycling enterprises Thermal methods: waste incineration, pyrolysis, waste gasification, combined thermal methods

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Most of the above methods have not found significant distribution due to their technological complexity and the high cost of processing solid waste. The most widely used in practice are: storage at a landfill; combustion (incineration plants); aerobic biothermal composting; complex of composting and combustion or pyrolysis.

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1. Specially equipped landfills In this case, the following must be taken into account: the wind rose in the landfill area; distance from settlements, water and nature protection zones; soil water permeability; the area must be sufficient to receive waste for a long time; location convenient for transport access; etc. It is not possible to set up a specially equipped landfill in every place. Specialists are involved in solving this problem different directions– geologists, hydrologists, ecologists, etc.

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You have to spend a lot of money on delivering waste to a landfill, because... they should all move away from cities - 50 - 100 km. In addition, they take large areas, useful for agriculture. Specially equipped landfills are not best way get rid of garbage, although today you cannot do without them. In our country, approx. 90% of solid waste is disposed of in landfills, which occupy more than 20 thousand hectares throughout the country.

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Territory under landfill is selected so that harmful substances do not enter rivers and groundwater. Compliance with technological standards during disposal leads to the fact that buried waste has virtually no harmful impact on the environment. Moreover, enclosed in a special huge “sandwich”, the garbage undergoes natural recycling (decomposition) and in a few decades will become completely safe for nature.

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The landfills themselves create a lot of complications. Here in large quantities Rodents, insects, and birds multiply and can become a source of various infectious diseases. Landfills are also dangerous because the biogas released there creates explosion and fire hazards.

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2. Sanitary earthen filling Solid waste develops in the depths microbiological processes. In the upper aerobic layer (up to 1 - 1.5 m), thanks to microbial oxidation, solid waste is gradually mineralized to CO2, H2O, nitrates, sulfates and a number of others. simple connections. In the transition zone, nitrates and nitrites are reduced to gaseous nitrogen and its oxides - the process of denitrification. Gases and volatile organic compounds are formed in the lower anaerobic zone. The central process is the formation of methane. Constant t=+30…+40 ºС is optimal for the development of methane-producing bacteria. The technology for neutralizing solid waste is based on the production of biogas and its use as fuel. Solid waste is covered with a layer of soil 60–80 cm thick in a compacted form. Biogas landfills are equipped with ventilation pipes and containers for collecting biogas. 1 ton of solid waste emits at least 100 m³ of biogas. The use of biogas is possible 5–10 years after the creation of a landfill, and profitability is manifested when the volume of solid waste exceeds 1 million tons.

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3. Combustion Combustion of solid waste reduces its volume and weight, allowing you to obtain additional. energy resources that are used for heating and electricity production. Disadvantages – release of harmful substances into the atmosphere and destruction of valuable organic and other components contained in solid waste. A type of solid waste disposal in which waste is burned, and the ash generated during the combustion process is buried in special landfills. Incineration is a widespread method of solid waste disposal, used with late XIX V. The complexity of solid waste disposal is due to its multicomponent nature and increased sanitary requirements for the recycling process. In this regard, incineration still remains the most common method of solid waste disposal. When burning solid waste, 28–44% of ash and gaseous products (CO2, H2O vapor, various impurities) are obtained. Combustion occurs at t = 800 – 900 ºС, therefore the gases contain aldehydes, phenols, dioxins, furans, and heavy metals. This mixture is more dangerous than the military gases mustard gas and sarin.

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Currently, the level of solid waste combustion in individual countries is different: Austria, Italy, France, Germany - 20 - 40%; Belgium and Sweden – 48 – 50%; Japan – 70%; Denmark and Switzerland – 80%; England and USA - 10%. In our country, approx. 2% household waste. It is advisable to use waste incineration in cities with a population of at least 15 thousand inhabitants with a furnace productivity of about 100 tons/day. Each ton of waste generates approx. 300 – 400 kW/h electric energy.

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5. Pyrolysis The method of recycling solid waste by pyrolysis is quite little known, especially in our country, due to its high cost. Irreversible chemical change in garbage under the influence of temperature without access to oxygen Based on the degree of temperature impact on the garbage substance, pyrolysis as a process is conventionally divided into low-temperature (up to +900 °C) and high-temperature (over +900 °C).

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5.1. Low-temperature pyrolysis Advantages of pyrolysis:  process solid waste that is difficult to recycle - tires, plastics, waste oils and sludge water;  does not leave biologically active substances, therefore underground storage of pyrolysis waste does not harm the natural environment;  the resulting ash has a high density, which sharply reduces the volume of waste;  there is no reduction of heavy metals;  the resulting products are easy to store and transport; does not require large capital investments. Pyrolysis is used in Denmark, the USA, Germany, Japan and other countries. A process in which crushed waste material undergoes thermal decomposition. It has several options: pyrolysis of the organic part of solid waste under the influence of temperature in the absence of air; pyrolysis in the presence of air, ensuring incomplete combustion of solid waste at t=+760 °C; pyrolysis using O2 instead of air to obtain a higher calorific value of gas; pyrolysis without separation of solid waste into organic and inorganic fractions at t=+850°C.

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The technological chain of pyrolysis consists of 4 successive stages: selection of large-sized objects, non-ferrous and ferrous metals from waste using an electromagnet and by induction separation; processing of prepared waste in a gasifier to produce synthesis gas and by-products chemical compounds– chlorine, nitrogen, fluorine, sulfur, cyanide and slag when melting metals, glass and ceramics; purification of synthesis gas to increase its environmental properties and energy intensity, its cooling and entry into a scrubber for cleaning with an alkaline solution from contaminants; combustion of purified synthesis gas in recovery boilers to produce steam, hot water or e/energy. 5.2. High-temperature pyrolysis The method of recycling solid waste is essentially nothing more than gasification of garbage. The technological scheme of pyrolysis involves obtaining synthesis gas from the biological component of solid waste for the purpose of using it to produce steam, hot water and electricity.

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Each inhabitant of our planet produces an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year.
From the history of waste disposal
200 thousand years BC e. The first garbage heaps found by archaeologists. 400 BC e. The first municipal landfill in history was founded in Athens. 200 A city garbage collection service was established in Rome. 1315 Garbage collection resumed in Paris after a long break. 1388 English Parliament banned throwing garbage on the streets. 1775 The first garbage cans appeared in London. 1800 The New York City Council ordered pigs to be driven out onto the streets of the city to eat garbage. 1897 The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York. 1932 1942 In the USSR and the USA, mass collection of waste for recycling for military purposes begins. 1965 The US Congress passes the Recycling Act solid waste.2000 EU countries set a target to achieve recycling and reuse of 50% of waste.
Reasons for the increase in the amount of garbage. growth in disposable production;. increasing the amount of packaging;. increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.
Solid waste: paper, glass, food waste, plastics, fabrics, metal objects. In addition to all this, large-sized solid waste (garbage - old furniture broken household appliances, car tires etc.)
Recycling of waste paper
Organic waste - organic fertilizers
Methods of processing solid waste: 1. Burial 2. Incineration 3. Sorting and processing
Burial is the most anti-ecological option
In a conventional landfill, toxic infiltration water flows out of it, and methane enters the atmosphere, which contributes to increased greenhouse effect(today methane “takes over” 20% of the climate warming effect)
Landfill - landfill for storing solid waste
This is a “bathtub” with a bottom and sides made of clay and polyethylene film, in which compacted layers of solid waste are interspersed with layers of soil. The volume of waste is growing so quickly that within a few years any landfill is full and a new one needs to be built.
Combustion of solid waste.
1 ton of garbage can produce 400 kWh. However, even with the most advanced combustion technology, these plants pollute the atmosphere.
Sorting and recycling is the most environmentally friendly option for handling solid waste
Recycling requires investment to make waste treatment plants economically viable. It is profitable to recycle solid waste; there is always a demand for secondary raw materials - paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.
Recycling of solid waste in Russia is no more than 2%; one of the reasons is insufficient ecological culture of the population
Unauthorized dump
1. Disfigures the landscape. 2. Creates a threat to human health: - breeding rodents are carriers of infectious diseases; - toxicological danger from the released methane, sulfur dioxide. 3. The released biogas creates an explosion and fire hazard. 4. Contamination of soil and groundwater with compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel.
When constructing a waste site, the following are taken into account:
rose, winds in the landfill area; distance from populated areas, water protection and environmental zones; soil permeability; area of ​​the territory allocated for the landfill (the area must be sufficient to receive waste for a long time); location convenient for transport access
Special waste: 1. Industrial waste - cannot be destroyed together with household waste,
pesticides, mercury and its compounds - waste chemical industry;radioactive waste, formed on nuclear power plants;arsenic and its compounds - waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants; lead compounds - waste from the oil refining and paint and varnish industries, etc.
Special waste: 2. Household waste - which after its use becomes special waste,
Batteries; unused medications; leftovers chemicals plant protection (pesticides); residues of paints, varnishes and adhesives; leftover cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover); leftover products household chemicals(cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products); mercury thermometers.
The disposal (disposal) of special waste is regulated by strict rules and regulations
Incineration in special installations, Placement in special landfills, Storage on the surface of the earth in a waterproof platform up to 3 m thick.
Natural decomposition various materials requires some time
paper - from 2 to 10 years, a tin can - 90 years, a cigarette filter - 100 years, plastic bag- 200 years, plastics - 500 years, glass - 1000 years.
Type of disposal USA Great Britain Japan Russia Landfill 84 90 57 81 Incineration 15 9 40 10 Processing - 1 2 6 in fertilizers Other 1 - 1 3
Throw garbage only into containers; When going shopping, take a shopping bag with you; Try to buy detergents that do not contain phosphates; Do not throw garbage into sinks and toilets; As organic fertilizers use compost and manure; If possible, buy drinks at glass bottles; Try to avoid buying disposable items.
. To date, the amount of waste has exceeded 6 million tons. In the Sverdlovsk region, it is located on an area approximately equal to 120 km (0.011% of the territory). Introduction of low-waste and waste-free technologies, waste involvement in production cycles will reduce their number
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Household waste Teacher MOKU secondary school Oparino village Matrokhina Galina Anatolyevna Oparino village 2013

“Waste is taking the world by the throat.”

There are about 11 thousand landfills in Russia. About 82 billion tons of waste are buried there. The city of Kirov ranks 85th out of the 100 dirtiest cities in the Russian Federation. Over the course of a year, a Kirov resident throws out 250-300 kg of garbage. Oparino There is still no order at the household waste landfill at the 5th kilometer. Driving through its territory was difficult, so garbage was dumped right at the gate. On some days, mountains of waste piled up higher than the fence, starting from the concrete block itself.

Pollution is a change in the natural environment (atmosphere, water) as a result of the presence of impurities in it. At the same time, pollution is distinguished: anthropogenic - caused by human activity and natural - caused by natural processes.

Solid household waste (MSW, household garbage) - objects or goods that have lost their consumer properties, the largest part consumer waste. Solid waste is also divided into waste (biological waste) and household waste itself (non-biological waste, artificial or natural origin), and the latter is often on household level are simply called garbage. (Wikipedia)

The amount of solid waste is 63 million tons/year (an average of 445 kg per person).

Composition of solid waste: 1. paper and cardboard - 35%, 2. food waste - 41%, 3. plastics - 3%, 5. glass - 8%, 5. metals - 4%, 6. textiles and others - 9%. On average, 10% - 15% of waste is recycled.

Municipal solid waste (MSW) Food waste Paper and cardboard Textiles Wood Bone Rubber Metal Glass Plastic

Decomposition times of materials under natural conditions Fruit peels, cotton, paper Six months Rope A year and a half Milk cartons, woolen products Up to 5 years Cigarette bulls Up to 12 years PVC bags Up to 20 years Synthetic fabric, leather shoes Up to 40 years Metal products 100 years and more Glass Million Years Plastic containers Over a million years

Most polluted

Types of garbage

One third of all recorded diseases in the world are associated with poor environmental quality; in 18% of cases, the cause of premature death is an unfavorable environmental situation.

Three ways of waste disposal: 1. organization of landfills 2. waste recycling 3. waste incineration

General collection and transportation Solid waste disposal

1 ton of garbage 5 thousand cubic meters of gases dioxins Waste incineration plants (WIP)

What can you do? Strengthening the work of housing and communal services Administrative penalties Recycling waste Increasing the environmental culture of residents Ideal option: Propagation of these issues by means mass media. After all, only by realizing the problem can you try to solve it.

What will we leave to our descendants?

The world through the eyes of children!

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THE PROBLEM OF HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE Performer: Beltyukova O.A. MBOU-secondary school No. 36, Ekaterinburg

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From the history of waste disposal 200 thousand years BC. e. The first garbage heaps found by archaeologists. 400 BC e. The first ever municipal landfill has been established in Athens. 200 A city garbage collection service was established in Rome. 1315 After a long break, garbage collection resumed in Paris. 1388 The English Parliament banned throwing garbage on the streets. 1775 The first rubbish bins appeared in London. 1800 The City Council of New York ordered pigs to be driven out onto the streets of the city to eat garbage. 1897 The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York. 1932 Garbage compacting machines are invented in the USA. 1942 In the USSR and the USA, mass collection of garbage begins for recycling for military purposes. 1965 The US Congress passes the Solid Waste Disposal Act. 2000 EU countries set a target to achieve recycling and reuse of 50% of waste.

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Reasons for the increase in the amount of garbage. growth in disposable production; . increasing the amount of packaging; . an increase in the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.

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Solid waste: paper, glass, food waste, plastics, fabrics, metal objects. In addition to all this, large-sized solid waste (garbage - old furniture, broken household appliances, car tires, etc.)

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Burial is the most anti-ecological option. In a regular landfill, toxic infiltration water flows out of it, and methane enters the atmosphere, which contributes to the strengthening of the greenhouse effect (today methane “takes over” 20% of the effect of climate warming)

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Landfill - a landfill for storing solid waste is a “bathtub” with a bottom and sides made of clay and polyethylene film, in which compacted layers of solid waste are covered with layers of soil. The volume of waste is growing so quickly that within a few years any landfill is full and a new one needs to be built.

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Combustion of solid waste. 1 ton of garbage can produce 400 kWh. However, even with the most advanced combustion technology, these plants pollute the atmosphere.

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Sorting and recycling is the most environmentally friendly option for handling solid waste. Recycling requires investment to make waste treatment plants economically profitable. It is profitable to recycle solid waste; there is always a demand for secondary raw materials - paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.

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Recycling of solid waste in Russia is no more than 2%; one of the reasons is insufficient ecological culture of the population

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Unauthorized dump 1. Disfigures the landscape. 2.Creates a threat to human health: - breeding rodents are carriers of infectious diseases; - toxicological hazard from the release of methane and sulfur dioxide. 3. The released biogas creates an explosion and fire hazard. 4. Contamination of soil and groundwater with compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel.

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When constructing a garbage site, the following are taken into account: the rose, winds in the landfill area; distance from populated areas, water protection and environmental zones; soil water permeability; the area of ​​the territory allocated for the landfill (the area must be sufficient to receive waste for a long time); location convenient for transport access

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Special waste: 1. Industrial waste - cannot be destroyed together with household waste, pesticides, mercury and its compounds - waste from the chemical industry; radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants; arsenic and its compounds - waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants; lead compounds – waste from the oil refining and paint industries, etc.

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Special waste: 2. Household waste - which after its use becomes special waste, Batteries; unused medications; residues of plant protection chemicals (pesticides); remnants of paints, varnishes and adhesives; remnants of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover); residues of household chemicals (cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products); mercury thermometers.