Recycling as a successful business. Recycled raw materials - saving natural resources

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. A complete set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

Using this form, you can submit a request for services, request a commercial offer, or receive a free consultation from our specialists.


Every day, tons of waste is sent to landfill. Add to this the most different areas production - a blow to the environment is inevitable.

The way out of this situation was recycling. Most waste that has a recycling label on its packaging is sent to landfills. Although it is suitable for processing and reuse in the production of new products.

Reception points are organized for collection. Business on recyclable materials allows you to make the most of resources and reduce the growth rate of landfills, and this in turn is positive sign for the environment.


Today, there are waste collection points, ranging from paper to... Technologies make it possible to process even the most complex materials, including toxic substances. All recyclable materials are divided into several types, but the most famous and common are:

  • Waste paper.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Scrap metal.

Waste paper

It represents waste from the production, processing and consumption of all types of paper, as well as cardboard. All paper products - newspapers, books, magazines and the like. After processing, this recyclable material is used to produce other paper products. It is worth making a reservation that glossy paper is not recyclable.

Cardboard is also recycled and cardboard products are made from it. The main advantage of using waste paper is reducing deforestation. It's the same good sign for the environment.


Plastic is one of the most problematic materials in terms of recycling and the environment. PET bottles, packaging, films and bags - all this has long become part of everyday life. Add here the plastics used in production household appliances, cars and tools.

Plastic thrown into landfills will take centuries to decompose, releasing toxic substances and causing serious harm to the environment. Therefore, today the question is very relevant.

For any plastic container you can find a sign indicating what kind of plastic the product is made from. Thanks to this sign Subsequently, different types of plastic are sorted. Plastic recyclables are sent for further production of other plastic products.

Glass containers

Every day glass containers are used in large quantities. These are all kinds of bottles, jars and other vessels. Glass containers have been accepted for quite a long time, and you can find a collection point in almost any area of ​​the city.

Further production from waste includes blowing glass products: bottles and glass blocks. Fine sand is made from cullet for construction and even fertilizer.

Scrap metal

The scrap metal recycling business has great value in ecology - the decomposition of metals causes serious damage to the environment. Like the use of other materials, the use of metal in life is very wide - from food packaging to mechanical engineering.

The need to recycle scrap metal arises not only for environmental reasons, but also for economic reasons. Metal resources are limited, and they are being depleted every year. Therefore, recycling is a business that allows you not only to make a profit, but also to reduce the burden on resource sources.

Reception and processing

In the West, the business of processing raw materials has reached very high level. Waste is actively sorted at the initial stage of recycling. Reception of used raw materials has become commonplace. In residential areas, separate containers for glass, plastic and food waste. Plastic and glass bottles are accepted in supermarkets. Recycling is a business that has been successfully developing for many years.

In Russia the situation is somewhat worse. Household waste is sent to a common container without being sorted. But still recycling collection points different types is in every city. They accept glass bottles, waste paper and scrap metal.

Gradually they begin to install garbage containers For plastic waste. Some retail chains accept used electrical appliances and batteries for recycling.

As mentioned above, production from waste covers many areas, from printing to chemical industry. Products made from recycled materials must have a label indicating that they are made from recycled materials. Some manufacturers indicate its percentage in the composition. This mark is also applied to products that are suitable for reprocessing.

Business on secondary raw materials

It can become not only a support for the ecological state, but also quite a profitable business. Main difficulty problem that entrepreneurs face is the very reception of recycled materials.

It is quite possible to organize a collection point; to start, you need storage space and transport. But most people are not yet accustomed to sorting waste and continue to send all their garbage to bins.

  • The most popular and developed direction is the acceptance of glass containers and cullet. Their further life can develop in several directions. Most often, glass is resold to recycling plants.
  • The situation with waste paper is worse; the delivery and collection of this type of waste is not as well organized as glass, so huge volumes of paper and cardboard are sent to landfills. Only 14% of all are recycled.
  • Reception and processing of plastic is one of the most difficult areas. This happened due to the specific nature of recycling and processing of used plastic products, which require expensive equipment.
  • The use of aluminum cans for lemonade, beer and carbonated drinks is becoming increasingly profitable.

As you can see, today the waste business is a very promising field of activity. It covers several important aspects at once. In addition to tangible profits, the acceptance of recycled materials and further processing can improve the environmental situation and reduce resource depletion.

For recycling plants looking to buy recyclables at the most profitability, it would be logical to turn to a waste removal company. That is why our company was initially interested in offering not only waste removal and disposal services, but also the supply of materials suitable for the production of recyclable materials. Large volumes and regularity of work guarantee prices for recyclable materials lower than what regular collection points can offer. Sale of secondary raw materials is one of the services of the Sanitarim company.

It is more profitable to buy recyclable materials from us

The ability to sort waste at the assembly stage implies separating the material for recycling from other waste, that is, a minimally contaminated product arrives at the warehouse. Transportation and storage conditions have a particularly sad effect on cardboard and paper - they become soggy and mixed with waste, making it impossible to use recyclables in this condition.

In order for the sale of recycled materials to truly bring you income, our company complies with the following conditions:

  • regular supplies of large volumes of material suitable for reuse;
  • reducing sorting costs and increasing its efficiency through separate waste collection;
  • compliance with storage conditions;
  • effective interaction with partners and regular removal of accumulated raw materials.

The cost of recyclable materials is not too high. But many production processes based on the use of recycled materials, bring stable profits, for example:

  • production toilet paper;
  • production of plastic and cardboard containers, etc.

Take advantage of the opportunities to open your own profitable business with minimal costs for raw materials.

Recycling and selling recyclable materials is more profitable than recycling

Properly organized processing and sale of secondary raw materials will allow you to actively help preserve natural resources and save in the production of goods. The numbers speak for themselves: 100 kg of waste paper allows you to save one tree, and paper and cardboard can go through 5-6 rounds of recycling until the fibers are completely worn out. The same amount of money (and in some cases less) is spent on recycling plastic and polyethylene as it would be spent on their destruction - synthetic materials are difficult to burn and do not decompose in nature.

Waste disposal begins from the collection stage. Many types of recyclable materials are immediately stored in appropriate containers for further processing. Next comes the separation stage: a variety of methods are used to extract from total mass materials that may still be useful. Ferrous metals are searched for using a magnetic device; ordinary garbage is sifted and divided into large and fine particles, employees visually inspect the remaining waste.

After sorting, final cleaning and disinfection occurs, batches are formed and sent to the appropriate processing plants.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. A complete set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

Using this form, you can submit a request for services, request a commercial offer, or receive a free consultation from our specialists.


Looking at almost any non-hazardous waste, you can see secondary raw materials for the production of new products. The task of mankind is to obtain the maximum benefit from waste residues. The planet's resources are limited and are not replenished at the rate at which humanity is wasting them. Some types of resources are generally non-renewable, so they need to be saved. But this is not the only reason why it is produced recycling waste raw materials.

In order to avoid cluttering up areas with garbage, it must be recycled. In addition, further processing of secondary raw materials will solve the problem of waste pollution: air, soil, ground and surface water and the spread of infection in the environment.


One of the main goals of waste recycling is to improve ecological situation. IN modern times The waste disposal and recycling market is underdeveloped. This is not caused by the lack of technologies for processing recyclable materials, but by the low profitability of this activity, and therefore, recycling secondary waste it becomes simply unprofitable.

However, the use household waste becomes a good basis for the production of recyclable materials, which can be re-entered into production circulation by sorting them by type using a recycling sign. The use of recycled materials, including household waste, makes it possible to produce many products, such as paper products, glass containers, and various metal and plastic products.

The following are considered valuable waste components:

  • Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal
  • Plastics: PET, HDPE, PVD, PVC
  • Glass containers and cullet
  • Waste paper: paper, cardboard, newspapers and textiles
  • Rubber
  • Wood
  • Electronics: circuit boards, batteries, wire, mercury lamps
  • Petroleum products, asphalt, bitumen, oils

In the process they get various materials, in particular - this building materials, organic fertilizers, thermal energy.


When recycling waste, appropriate technology is used for each type of waste. Mixed household waste is separated using various types of separation. For example, metal waste is separated using magnetic separation and then compacted, packaged and sent to foundries for subsequent melting.

Recycling contributes to significant savings in natural resources and environmental protection.


Glass waste is processed into technical glass, which is subsequently used in construction. The process includes the following steps:

  • Sorting glass waste by recycling sign using separation equipment.
  • Its cleaning and subsequent drying
  • Grinding
  • Preparation of raw materials and heating using special equipment.

Recycling industrial waste in the form of glass has significant advantages. For example, this process has a qualitative effect on unloading landfills for waste collection, saving raw materials and energy resources for glass production.

Waste paper

Just like recycling other types of recyclable materials, recycling paper helps reduce environmental pollution. In paper production environment highly toxic substances enter, and when using recycled paper, fewer chemicals are used hazardous substances. In addition, when reuse paper waste saves some wood resources.

As for the process of recycling paper waste, let's consider the main stages:

  1. After collection, first of all, the raw materials are sorted in accordance with special sign processing.
  2. Next, the waste paper mass is obtained and cleaned.
  3. Subsequently, if necessary, the mass is subjected to bleaching and sent for paper production.

New paper is produced using processed recycled and virgin raw materials. In Russia, most of the waste paper is found among household waste, which makes it unavailable for further use. In this case, it is necessary to stop the simultaneous collection of construction, paper and household waste. Separate waste collection – the best way out from the critical environmental situation in the Russian Federation.


Reusing waste from polymers is quite difficult due to the degree of its contamination and the discrepancy between secondary polymers and the quality of the feedstock. This type of activity is very costly and less profitable than the production of polymer raw materials from the latest materials.

However, recycling recycled polymers is beneficial for their further use in the production of various concrete products and wood-polymer boards. It is performed only if cleaning and sorting are not particularly important for the production of polymer products.

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which was used in beverage bottles, is made into insulating polyester fiber for jackets.

After recycling, it is used to make:

  • Carpets
  • Containers
  • Pallets
  • Trays for non-food products
  • Door panels
  • Grilles and bumpers for cars

The cost of polymer recyclables is much lower than the original, which attracts large suppliers, so reprocessing of raw materials can be quite profitable for a recycling plant.


Wood and waste paper are in great demand in construction and the pulp and paper industry, and their recycling will allow enterprises to significantly save on production costs. In addition, recycling waste will save the life of many trees and will have a beneficial effect on the environment.


Recycling used car tires and rubber will cleanse large areas landfills from this type of waste will avoid the release of harmful carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere that are formed during combustion, and will eliminate the risk of spreading infection.

Rubber and car tires are usually crushed into crumbs in specialized factories, after which they are used in many industries. Recycled rubber is subsequently used to make new car tires and rubber shoes. Recycled rubber is also widely used in construction.

Petroleum products

Today, oil waste is processed using modern technologies. As a result of this process, for example, motor oil is obtained. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of harmful vapors released into the atmosphere and reduce soil and water pollution. Collectively, endanger the environment to a lesser extent.


Various types of products can be obtained from electronic waste chemical elements, including precious metals. When recycling used electronic circuit boards, you can obtain gold, silver, palladium, as well as nickel, iron, copper, glass and polymers. The sorted metal is then sent to a smelting furnace, while the rest of the waste is pyrolyzed.


Recycling mercury lamps largely eliminates the environmental threat of mercury pollution. Mercury from these products is neutralized using the demercurization method.

When recycling recyclable materials, a sorbent is formed, from which environmentally friendly paving slabs are then made. Glass bulbs of used mercury lamps are subsequently used in the manufacture of new lamps. Some aluminum and phosphor are also produced.

Recycle sign

Each type of raw material has a processing symbol; this symbol indicates what material the product is made from, to simplify future sorting. According to the recommendations of the developers, the signs applied to the packaging should be quite large. The sign was first invented in 1988 for identification purposes. Raw materials to be marked: paper, plastic, metal, glass.

Bottom line

Currently, household waste has found application not only as recyclable materials for the production of new products. They are also used for aesthetic purposes.

Various exhibitions are periodically opened all over the world, and competitions are held to make all kinds of objects, sculptures, and interior items from household waste. People started using garbage (cans, bottles, old videotapes, pipes and much more) to make them. Such events are aimed at attracting the attention of the whole world to the problem of disposal and recycling of all types of waste.

Primary production and secondary processing of waste subsequently allows us to solve many pressing problems. environmental problems and make a huge contribution to caring for the environment. This view economic activity must undergo rapid development, as the amount of waste in landfills is steadily growing.

IN European countries up to 80% of household waste is returned back to production. In Russia, the system for collecting recyclable materials is being revived. This is economically beneficial for processors, and gives many entrepreneurs a good chance to open their own business with minimal investment in 2017.


About 4 million hectares of land are occupied in Russia garbage dumps, and it is no coincidence that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. The federal budget includes funds for preferential lending for waste disposal activities. For those who are starting a business from scratch, ideas for collecting recyclable materials will be interesting, since this business does not require large investments, and the need of enterprises is constantly growing. Since there are a lot of varieties of “useful waste,” we will review the recyclable materials in demand in Russia.

What types of waste are in demand?

Expecting to open a business in 2017, you need to know what waste is of interest to existing producers in the city or region. Demand and prices for them are determined by actual and potential buyers. The most profitable is considered to be the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass and waste paper (Table 1).

Table 1. Percentage of waste used as secondary raw materials. Based on materials from the study of the SSGA, Novosibirsk.

Type of recyclable materials

Inferred resources, million tons

Degree of use, %

Type of production

Share in the finished product, %

Scrap ferrous metals

steel foundry

Car tires (crumb rubber, reclaimed)


Blast furnace slag, thermal power plant, ash, mining and processing waste

building materials (crushed stone, gravel, sand)

Plastic waste

products made from thermoplastic polymers

glass breaker

Waste paper

cardboard and paper

Recycled raw materials in Russia are used in almost all industries, and the demand for them is growing. Prices vary by region and are determined by the needs of local producers.

1. Car tires.

This is one of the most promising areas for starting a business from scratch; ideas in this direction deserve special attention. The volume of discarded tires in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 940 thousand tons. More than 80% goes to landfill (of which 20% is burned), and only 17% is mechanically recycled. The content of usable components is shown in table. 2, potential market capacity - in Fig. 1.

Most often, used tires are recycled into crumb rubber. The material is 2-3 times cheaper than synthetic rubber. The market is at an early stage of development, but prices have already formed, demand and stable supply have appeared. Certain requirements are imposed on the feedstock: the waste must comply with GOST 8407-89, it must be clean, have a residual layer of rubber, and intact sides. Typically, tires on rims, with studs, and mixed rubber-metal products are not accepted.

2. Waste paper

During 2013-2015, prices for waste paper increased by almost 60%; its export is currently prohibited, and sales are exempt from VAT. This is a traditional raw material in demand on the market; GOST 10700-97 has been developed for it. According to this document, the paper used is divided into 15 classes based on composition and 3 quality groups. The most expensive variety: white drawing, writing, copying (MS-1A), the cheapest - wallpaper, packaging, poster (MS-13B).

Raw materials are universally accepted for processing by factories producing:

  1. paper, containers, corrugated cardboard packaging (relevant ones included);
  2. linoleum, roofing insulating materials, vinyl leather;
  3. toilet paper, napkins, disposable medical linen.

The quality requirements depend on the direction of recycling. The paper must be cleaned, sorted, packaged (pressed) into briquettes weighing 50 kg or more. This processing saves warehouse space and reduces transportation costs.

3. Scrap metal (ferrous and non-ferrous).

Most profitable business However, its organization is the most expensive of all types of recycling collection. This is due to the need to obtain a license; the rules and conditions for obtaining it, as well as handling scrap metal, are regulated by two main regulations:

  1. on licensing of procurement, storage, processing - No. 1287, 12/12/2012;
  2. on the handling of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals - No. 370, 05/11/2001.

Procurement includes the purchase of scrap from individuals and organizations, transportation and sales. Mandatory requirements: drawing up acceptance certificates, monitoring for radioactivity and explosion safety. This entails the purchase of special equipment, training and confirmation of the qualifications of workers.

License terms, OKVED codes for ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal - different. This is a competitive type of activity, however, in regions with developed metallurgical and metalworking industries, it brings good income. The opportunity to open your own business in this area is simplified if you use a franchise offer, they are presented on the market.

4. Used batteries.

About 65% of the metal that is used in the production of new batteries is recovered from old batteries. The main part is lead (up to 17 kg), and in addition: nickel, zinc, cobalt, silver oxides. This is economically beneficial for enterprises, so the average acceptance prices for this type of recyclable materials are high. For example, in Novosibirsk there are more than 50 companies that buy batteries, and the cost ranges from 570 (45Ah) to 3,400 (220Ah) rubles.

Common places for battery collection: garage cooperatives, active roadways, transport companies, car repair services. Reception centers are usually located there and advertisements are posted there. If you consider that most car owners are simply too lazy to specifically look for a place to return a used battery, then they give them away for 150-200 rubles.

However, the collection and storage of batteries is subject to licensing. This is waste of hazard class 3-4, and work with it is regulated by two federal laws: No. 89-FZ (06.24.1998) and No. 99-FZ (05.04.2011). The license is issued to both the individual entrepreneur and the organization. It indicates a specific type of activity, so you can limit yourself only to the collection of batteries, including their neutralization (draining the electrolyte).

5. Polymer waste (PET bottles).

This type of recyclable material is represented by plastic production waste and household waste. While 80% of the former go into recycling, used bags, packaging, and disposable tableware litter recreation areas and large and medium-sized cities everywhere. In the total volume of garbage, the share of plastic is more than 60-70%. The PET bottle holds the palm among polymers.

The main consumers are companies producing building materials, polyethylene film, and plastic household products. Demand for it clearly exceeds supply (Fig. 2). Acceptance prices depend on the quality, purity and degree of processing of the material. Thus, landfill waste costs 2-3 times lower than sorted household waste. The most primitive processing that PET undergoes:

  • removing lids and labels;
  • sorting by color;
  • pressing into bags.

Inexpensive mini-plants for plastic processing significantly increase business profitability. For example, landfill PET waste is accepted at a price of up to 6 rubles/kg, LDPE waste- from 10 rubles / kg, washed and sorted used film - 11-13 rubles / kg, and granules and agglomerate - already cost 25-35 rubles / kg. Despite the fact that the cost of a new film Russian production varies from 39 to 49 rubles/kg.

In fact, the plastic recycling market in Russia is just emerging. Experts estimate its potential at $150 million. From all types of polymer waste collection: collection points, separation from garbage, separate collection household waste - the latter is the most effective from an economic point of view.

6. Cullet and glass containers.

Along with waste paper, there are old and sought-after recyclables. Cullet took the place of solid glassware for a simple reason. Manufacturers have begun to produce bottles and cans that are so original that this makes them very difficult to reuse.

It is required always and everywhere. Two years ago, the Novosibirsk Ekran plant began opening collection points for recyclable materials from the population, since its shortage was holding back production. He needs up to 5 tons of cullet per month, but with the help of suppliers (including other regions) he manages to collect only 1.5-2 tons.

A collection point for glass containers justifies itself if, for example, a brewery is located nearby. Thus, Baltika uses up to 36% of recycled bottles. But cullet is even more profitable because it expands the list of potential suppliers. These could be companies that install window packages, or you can install containers for separate collection in yards. Glass makes up about 17% of household waste.

7. Computer scrap.

Old electrical equipment, computers, and telephones are in great demand, as evidenced by a simple request in Yandex (Fig. 3). At the same time, prices for scrap are very good (Fig. 4). This activity is usually carried out through intermediary firms that have appropriate licenses and are associated with raw material processors. They do the disassembly and sorting themselves, forming batches for delivery of quite large volumes (from 300 kg).

This is a good option for starting a business from scratch if you organize a reception point in a multi-storey residential area. In almost every apartment there is a lot of rubbish that has been lying around in the corners for years and is simply thrown into the trash. Simply because there is no place nearby where it can be rented out, even for little money.

The collection of equipment containing precious metals does not require licensing, but the company must be registered with the Assay Office. Therefore, in order to avoid obtaining permits at the first stage, you can operate under an agreement with one of these companies, having a representative office in your city or region.

In conclusion.

There are three main sources of recyclables:

  • reception directly from the population,
  • removal of defects and waste from organizations and enterprises;
  • collection, transportation from landfills of solid waste.

The latter is the most stable, although its implementation will require concluding an agreement with the municipal housing and communal services service. It is necessary to provide for the costs of specialized equipment, which are usually small. In general, this activity does not require licensing, with the exception of work with scrap metal and hazardous waste (batteries, mercury). It falls under the patent tax system - the most beneficial for small businesses.

    The most common materials that are recycled on some scale are glass, paper, aluminum, asphalt, iron, textiles, etc. various types plastic. For each type of raw material there is a corresponding processing technology. To separate waste into different materials, various types of separation are used, for example, magnetic separation to extract metal.

    Strictly speaking, secondary raw materials waste is only if it can be used either instead of primary raw materials, or as a fundamental new look raw materials without significant processing and preparation for use (cleaning, washing, drying and other similar preparatory operations).

    But then the same waste in some cases must act as secondary raw materials, in others - only in the form of an initial product or material for the production of secondary raw materials. For example, for some purposes, worn tires can be used without preliminary preparation - say, for use as heating fuel in cement kilns, for others - it is necessary to grind them into crumbs and obtain reclaim from it, in particular, for use in the production of rubber products . Pieces of textile fabrics can be used in some cases without preparation, in others they require preliminary defibering and subsequent production of new textile materials from them. Obsolete radio-electronic equipment and products of the electrical industry are subjected to preliminary disassembly with the release of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wooden and polymer fragments.

    IN household waste contains many valuable substances: organic compounds, suitable for fertilizer, paper and cardboard, glass, plastic, leather, wood, metals. Therefore, projects are being developed and special waste processing plants are being built. They are safer for the environment and at the same time more economical than waste incinerators. Reusable use reduces waste accumulation glass bottles, collection of plastic bottles, and plastic bags for remelting, etc.

    Rice. 1. Stages of sorting household waste

    In the process of logging and manufacturing products from it, a significant amount of waste remains. About 20 percent of wood ends up as waste only during the harvesting process. Wood harvesting waste includes rhizomes, branches, bark and needles of trees. Wood that is not suitable for use also goes to waste. various reasons for construction, furniture and other industries. Often, this wood is used for firewood. Birch, alder or pine firewood is extremely in demand by residents of villages and villages without central heating, owners country houses and dachas. When making boards and timber, another 40 percent of wood is wasted. What remains from the production of boards and beams are slabs, ends of boards, slats and sawdust. In furniture production, the amount of waste is also significant, and can amount to more than 60 percent.

    With the reasonable use of wood, all of these types of waste are not recycled, but are used as raw materials for the production of goods and materials. For example, technological chips are made from wood waste - raw materials for cellulose and wood boards. The production of wood chips from waste helps to save commercial wood resources and is extremely beneficial for wood processing enterprises. Wood sawdust is used for the production of building materials: wood boards, sawdust concrete and wood concrete. Sawdust is used to produce pellets, which are used for heating. The offcuts from the boards can be used to make boxes, simple furniture and household items. Forestry and woodworking waste is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of various goods. Many procurement complexes organize their processing, or at least sale: sawdust, slabs and trimmings become building materials, packaging containers, and cellulose. Even waste such as tree bark and pine needles are used.

    Particularly profitable is the processing of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, tin), common technical alloys (will win) and some ferrous metals (cast iron).

    Plastic is a very popular raw material in modern industry. This is an expensive raw material that is made from petroleum products. Its disposal in nature naturally practically impossible. Inorganic products can remain in living nature for decades without changes. Therefore, its disposal is extremely important. All over the world, plastic recycling is a very profitable business. For example, in Germany, as one of the leaders in plastic recycling, people sort garbage on a plastic recycling conveyor, people sort garbage on a conveyor belt.

    In many European countries, in addition to containers for collecting metal, plastic, paper and glass, containers for collecting used clothing and shoes have appeared at garbage collection sites in residential areas.

    They enter sorting center. Here, clothing that may still be suitable for use is selected; it subsequently goes to charitable associations for the poor, churches and the Red Cross. Unsuitable clothing undergoes a thorough screening: all metal and plastic parts(buttons, snakes, snaps, etc.), then divided by type of fabric (cotton, linen, polyester, etc.). For example, denim goes to paper mills where the fabric is shredded and soaked, after which the manufacturing process is identical to pulp.

    Shoes undergo a similar sorting process: the sole is separated from the upper, the components are sorted by type of material, and then go to plants that process rubber, plastic, etc. Innovative sportswear company NIKE has achieved success in this, and in its stores in the United States you can get discount by leaving your worn-out sneakers.

    Waste that is organic in nature (waste of plant or food origin, waste paper) can be processed through biological composting and rotting. The resulting organic matter is further used in horticulture and agriculture like humus or compost. In addition, the gas released during the decomposition process (for example, methane) is accumulated and then used to generate electricity.

    Energy-containing waste can be used directly without any processing as fuel for engines or, after processing, in the form of any other type of fuel.

    Treatment of waste through the use of high temperatures allows waste to be used as a source of fuel, both for cooking and heating, and to power boilers that generate steam and electricity for turbines.

    Pyrolysis and gasification are two forms of waste processing when high temperature with limited oxygen availability. These processes take place in a sealed container under high pressure. During pyrolysis solid waste obtain solid, liquid and gaseous substances. When burning the resulting liquid and gaseous substances it is possible to generate energy, and when processing them, obtain other necessary materials. With further purification of the solid residue (coke), substances such as activated carbon are obtained. Conventional and plasma-arc gasification are used for the direct processing of organic substances into synthetic gas, which includes carbon monoxide and hydrogen. When gas is burned, it produces electricity and steam.

    Based on all of the above, we can conclude that waste recycling is important. Firstly, the resources of many materials on Earth are limited and cannot be replenished in a time frame comparable to the existence of human civilization. Second, once materials are released into the environment, they typically become pollutants. Thirdly, waste and finished their life cycle products are often (but not always) a cheaper source of many substances and materials than natural sources.
