Recyclable materials. Purposes of recycling

When we talk about recycled materials, we are usually talking about material resources that can be reused. This may be consumer or production waste that occurs in national economy. It is important to understand that not all waste can become secondary raw materials and not all recyclables are used products.

The classification of secondary raw materials is clear and simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into several separate groups:

1. Secondary raw materials, which can be used as a complete or partial replacement for primary raw materials.

2. Waste acting as a starting product for the production of primary raw materials.

3. Waste in the form of used raw materials, which during the processing process can be used in a fundamentally new technological cycle.

4. Waste that serves as a source for ore raw materials and the extraction of various metals.

Waste paper as secondary raw material

Recycled materials such as old newspapers, notebooks, magazines, books, cardboard boxes, packaging and much more are usually called waste paper. Waste paper used as recyclable material is usually used to make insulation, roofing, packaging materials, and paper. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in paper production waste paper takes up 40% of the raw materials, since cellulose and wood are more expensive materials in this type of business.

Types of waste paper (what kind it is)

On the territory Russian Federation enterprises that collect and process secondary raw materials accept unsorted waste paper. Only later will it be sorted taking into account the type and brand of waste paper. The highest quality waste paper is considered to be grade “A” waste paper. Waste paper of lower quality will be considered waste of classes “B” and “C”.

Waste paper recycling technology

Recycling waste paper has certain difficulties and, as a rule, is carried out using wet technology. Processing is carried out in several stages.

1. Dissolution of waste paper

Dissolution of waste paper into individual fibers produced during humid environment in special equipment called pulpers. Certain hydromechanical forces make it possible to completely shred waste paper into individual pieces and then into fibers.

2. The waste paper mass is completely cleared of foreign impurities

The waste paper mass, which after dissolution turns into a suspension, is passed through a sieve in a pulper. After this, all coarse inclusions in the waste paper mass and heavy impurities are removed from it. At the same time, light impurities can be pulled out in the form of a rope.

3. Removal of waste paper and its fine cleaning

The purified waste paper mass may contain vegetable fibers, and not just pieces of waste paper. That is why it is sent for subsequent final release, where even more fine cleaning will be carried out.

What is produced from waste paper?

There are a huge number of products in the world made from collected waste paper. We will try to list their most popular types.

1. Ecowool. Today, ecowool is not often used in production and construction, since the current production of this product is too small. Nevertheless, in the future this particular material will be in demand in the construction market, in the world of thermal insulation materials.

2. Paper fiber boards. Such slabs are often used during construction and repair work on interior decoration of rooms. They are slabs of thoroughly dried, compressed waste paper.

3. Roofing materials made from waste paper are environmentally friendly and inexpensive materials. This direction in the construction market is only gaining momentum, but has serious prospects for its development in the future.

4. Packaging materials are the most popular products obtained in the process of recycling waste paper. It is packaging examples that are considered the most a clear example saving quite valuable and environmentally important raw materials.

With proper collection of waste paper and its adequate use on packaging materials, a considerable amount of wood is saved. Annually due to production packaging materials(cardboard boxes, paper and corrugated cardboard packaging, paper wrappers, etc.) you can save up to one and a half thousand hectares of forest. By the way, microcorrugated cardboard packaging, which has virtually no disadvantages, is made from waste paper by simple mechanical processing of recycled materials in warm water.

Corrugated cardboard packaging has certain advantages due to its low weight and good strength. When using cardboard with corrugated paper, the resistance of such packaging to tearing increases several times both across and along the sheet.

5. Office paper. In the printing industry, this area of ​​waste paper recycling plays a particularly important role, as it allows for significant savings.

Ecology and waste paper

The huge amount of paper that is thrown away every day from offices, shops, and homes can be used for environmental benefit. As a result of the development of recycling of secondary raw materials and its proper use, we can save a huge number of trees. For statistics: by recycling only 1 ton of waste paper, we protect about 10 trees, and also save more than 20 thousand liters of water, thousands of kilowatts of electricity, protect environment from the emission of 1700 kg of carbon dioxide!

The collection and subsequent processing of waste paper makes it possible to open up more and more new opportunities for using unnecessary paper and paper raw materials, saving a lot of resources and money.

Every year, every person leaves behind tons of garbage. Garbage is taken to landfills, where in most cases it rots. Moreover, this process can last for centuries. Throughout the decomposition of waste into the atmosphere, soil and groundwater toxic substances are released. All toxins subsequently settle in the human body, causing the development of cancer and other equally serious diseases.

Meanwhile, any waste can serve as secondary raw materials for the production of various products. Recycling waste allows you to benefit and save money natural resources.

The scale of the problem is clear to many people. And it can only be resolved by stimulating the creation of waste processing plants. Such enterprises are able to solve the problem of littering and environmental pollution. But first you need to understand what kind of waste can be used to obtain recyclable materials, and what the waste recycling process is.

Types of recycling

Raw materials can be processed in various ways.

One of the most popular are thermal methods. These include:

  • incineration carried out at landfills is a disposal method that allows the release of landfill territory, but causes significant damage to the environment;
  • low-temperature pyrolysis allows you to obtain heat, from which thermal and electrical energy is generated;
  • allows you to obtain secondary products used in the production of various building materials, including ceramic tiles.

There are other, less expensive ways recycling waste. One of them is filling the landfill with earth. In this case, the garbage decomposes, resulting in the release of methane. It is subsequently purified and converted into natural gas.

Another method that does not require significant costs is composting.

However, this method of disposal is only suitable for organic waste. These include:

  • paper;
  • food products;
  • vegetable waste.

As a result of such processing, it is possible to obtain valuable organic fertilizer, which can be used in agriculture and on private property.

What waste is suitable for recycling?

Recycling waste improves environmental situation, as well as obtain recyclable materials suitable for further production of various products. Such products include products made of glass and metal, as well as paper and building materials.

Suitable for processing the following types waste:

  • scrap metal;
  • polymers;
  • broken glass and glass containers;
  • waste paper;
  • textile;
  • rubber, in particular car tires;
  • wood;
  • electronics;
  • mercury lamps;
  • petroleum products.

Benefits of metal recycling

Scrap metal is separated from other types of waste using magnetic separation, after which it is compressed, packaged and sent to foundries for further processing.

Most often, the raw material for recycling is ferrous metal scrap, in particular cast iron. People often take cast iron bathtubs and radiators to landfills. Waste from industrial enterprises also ends up there in the form of cast iron pallets, shavings and oversized pieces remaining after casting, as well as old equipment.

Meanwhile, cast iron scrap is a valuable raw material. Unlike the production of this metal, repeated melting cycles do not harm the environment.

At the same time, secondary raw materials can be used in the production of plumbing fixtures, cars, building materials and in other industries.

For industrial production Non-ferrous metals are of particular value, since their resource is limited. On the territory of Russia, technologies are used that make it possible to remelt the following types of non-ferrous metals:

  • lead;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum

Electric induction furnaces are used to melt them, which significantly saves natural resources. In addition, primary casting is accompanied by the release of sulfur gases, lead salts and heavy metals into the environment. Recycling of non-ferrous metals does not have these disadvantages, which has a positive effect not only on the environment, but also on the cost of the final products.

Benefits of Polymer Recycling

The difficulty of processing raw materials, which include polymers, lies in the need to purify them. economically unprofitable, since this process is much more expensive than the production of primary raw materials. That's why polymer waste, For example, plastic bottles, are used in the production of concrete products, as well as wood-polymer boards.

For example, PET bottles in which drinks are packaged are used to make raw materials for the production of insulation for jackets. In addition, these raw materials are used to manufacture the following products:

  • door panels;
  • containers;
  • pallets;
  • carpets;
  • car bumpers and grilles.

In the manufacture of all these products, recycled materials do not require purification. And since it is much cheaper than the primary one, all this directly affects the cost of the final products.

Benefits of glass recycling

Glass is the only material that can be recycled endlessly without compromising its quality. Just 1 ton of recycled glass saves more than half a ton of sand, two hundred kilograms of limestone and the same amount of soda.

By adding various additives to broken glass, manufacturers are able to produce products with certain qualities. For example, adding boron makes it possible to produce heat-resistant cookware. And the addition of glass fiber is necessary in the manufacture of fiber optic cables.

Benefits of recycling waste paper and textiles

When recycling paper, unlike primary production, there is no harm to the environment. At the same time, recycling enterprises manage to recover about 80% of cellulose fibers from recycled materials, which allows them to produce new batches of paper and cardboard.

The following products are made from raw materials obtained through recycling:

  • cardboard packaging;
  • toilet paper;
  • building materials.

During production new paper secondary raw materials are mixed with primary ones.

Textiles and shoes are also recyclable. In this case, part of the textiles suitable for further use are cleaned, repaired, and then sent to charity.

Unwearable clothing is also cleaned, recycled and used to make new products, such as some types of paper. Recycled raw materials are also suitable for, but in this case, secondary fibers are mixed with primary fibers.

Benefits of Rubber Recycling

When car tires burn, carcinogens are released into the atmosphere, posing a threat to human health. In addition, rubber is an excellent raw material for the production of new tires, rubber shoes, and building materials. For example, crumb rubber is used as a filler in children's playgrounds and stadium paths. Rubber can also become a raw material for production if it is subjected to pyrolysis.

Benefits of wood processing

When preparing an array, the volume of waste significantly exceeds the used part. Waste suitable for recycling includes:

  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • roots;
  • croaker;
  • branches.

Large lump waste is used for the production of paper, as well as construction materials and chemicals. Sawdust are useful material, used in the manufacture of fillers for dry closets, charcoal. In addition, they are used in agriculture as bedding for animals and birds.

And waste that has no industrial significance is subjected to high-temperature pyrolysis, during which it is possible to obtain energy.

Benefits of Recycling Electronics and Mercury Vapors

When recycling waste, old electronics are of considerable value, from which various chemical elements, including precious metals, glass and polymers.

Electronics recycling makes it possible to obtain all kinds of chemical elements

All metal obtained from the sorting process is melted in furnaces, pressed, packaged, and then sent to foundries for further processing. All remaining components undergo pyrolysis, during which they obtain energy.

Mercury lamps apply irreparable harm environment. That is why collection points for waste materials are organized in Russia. Subsequently, the material obtained from these products is neutralized and converted into a sorbent from which paving slabs are made. Glass bulbs are used in the manufacture of new lamps.

Waste petroleum products are primarily used for the production of motor oil and construction materials. Their processing can significantly reduce the emission of harmful vapors into the atmosphere, as well as reduce the degree of contamination of soil and groundwater.


Modern technologies used in waste disposal make it possible to reuse more than 70% solid waste. There are many waste processing enterprises successfully operating in Russia. And each plant makes a huge contribution to environmental protection.

For this type of activity to develop successfully, it is necessary not only to organize waste collection points with special containers, but also to establish communication between recycling companies and manufacturers finished products. Otherwise, people will suffocate from the increasing volumes of garbage, and natural resources will sooner or later run out.

From an economic point of view, the part of human waste that can be recycled is considered the most valuable and is of interest to business and enterprises. Also, reusing waste allows you to reduce space landfills and save natural resources. What is waste recycling and is it possible to make money from it?

Recyclables are several types of household and industrial waste, potentially suitable for reuse for human benefit. But for such use to become possible, secondary raw materials must be processed using special equipment.

Recyclable waste is traditionally divided into several categories:

  1. Biological (organic) - this includes wood, paper, textile and food waste.
  2. Technological inorganic – glass and glass scrap, scrap metal, .
  3. Technological organic – petroleum products, chemicals, plastics, rubber products, wastewater.
  4. Complex technological products - electronics, instruments, furniture, transport, etc.

There is also a type of waste that can only be reused to generate heat or electricity. This category is usually called secondary energy resources, and it includes industrial gases, oil refining products, wood processing, steam, hot water, heat exchanger condensate, landfill gas, etc.

Reception points

For many types of “useful” waste, there are collection points where both ordinary citizens and some businesses can donate recyclables. Recycling collection points operate in many cities in Russia; information about them can be found on the Internet and from various environmental organizations.

A collection point is a special warehouse equipped for the collection and storage of certain types of waste. You can usually get paid for your trash, although some organizations accept waste free of charge.

Most collection points are focused on collecting recyclable materials from the population, and therefore are not designed for large volumes of waste. Large enterprises, as a rule, enter into a supply agreement, bringing a large amount of waste at a time - usually not to a collection point, but directly to the place of its processing. And in more or less major cities V recent years Companies that accept recyclable materials themselves come to stores and pavilions, collecting boxes and other household waste.

Recycling: equipment and methods

The choice of method and equipment for processing each type of waste largely depends on what will be made from recyclable materials in the future, on the quality and degree of purification of the collected waste, and even on its volume.

Waste paper is first sorted by type, color and paper composition. Some companies limit themselves to pressing used paper using special presses, and then the processed waste paper is delivered to construction and pulp and paper mills. Another option is possible - obtaining pulp, for which the paper is soaked in tanks, bleached, cleaned and whipped into foam.

This foam (pulp) is a valuable raw material for the production of new paper, so its market price is much higher than compressed waste paper. A full recycling cycle makes it possible to obtain napkins, cardboard, toilet and plain paper, cellulose and ecowool from paper waste. In this case, special production lines are used.

– from waste paper to finished product

Biological food waste is used in the production of feed for farm animals. The simplest technology processing involves boiling waste in vacuum boilers, after which the resulting mass is dried and crushed, and the output is meat and bone, fish or other meal.

To obtain extruded feed, installations are used in which food waste is subjected to dry friction under the influence of high blood pressure and temperature. The resulting extrudate is highly digestible and is considered extremely beneficial for animal health.

It begins with sorting to prevent foreign objects from getting into the finished raw materials. Then the glass is crushed, passes through a magnet, which separates metal parts (lids, etc.) from it and is sent for remelting.

Almost any new glass or bottle consists of 30-40% waste that has already been used. The glass mass, melted at 1500 degrees or more, is poured into molds by a bottle machine, then the glass products are cooled, tempered, packaged and sent to factories for filling.

It also involves crushing raw materials in cryogenic installations (using low temperatures), using rotary crushers and shredders. Then crumb rubber sorted and depending on size, used for the manufacture of rubber parts for cars, coverings for sports fields, paving slabs, some types of concrete, shoe soles, etc.

From the above examples it follows that in order to process almost any recyclable material, equipment is needed for its sorting, cleaning and grinding. And then everything depends on the type of prepared waste - some of them need to be melted, some need to be digested, and others are added to the “pure” raw materials for production in an almost unchanged form.

Recycling of recyclable materials in Russia

Experts believe that environmental culture is just being formed in the Russian Federation, but in recent years there has been an increase in interest in various methods of processing and disposal of waste.

The peculiarities of the mentality of Russians leave their mark on the development of the recycling market. For example, unlike Europeans, Russian residents have little interest in the need for waste, and prefer to receive money for handing over recyclable materials - while in Europe, waste is sorted and handed over almost always for free.

In Russia, approximately 4-8% of the total amount goes for recycling household waste. In total, there are only 243 waste recycling plants operating in the country. For comparison, in the United States the share of waste that is recycled is 34%. And in small Sweden, only 4% of waste ends up in landfills, and the rest is recycled and reused.

At the same time, enterprises do not yet have tax benefits that they could receive for introducing waste-free production and waste recycling technologies. Legislative framework in the field of “ecological” industry, in many respects it is still in its infancy, so the collection and disposal of waste is for the most part the work of enthusiasts, but not of large companies and entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, you can find a lot of tips on the Internet on how to make money from recyclable materials. Usually this means purchasing recyclable materials from the population, without processing the collected waste, but with the development of the enterprise, the question usually arises of expanding the scope of activity. Also on the market there are many fairly inexpensive installations and lines for working with secondary materials and their recycling. So the eco-business of waste recycling will develop at a significant pace in the coming years, especially with support from the state.

How to make money from recyclable materials

Recycling waste usually requires considerable costs for the purchase of equipment and specific knowledge, so most often “ garbage business» is limited to the purchase of recyclable materials from the population and its resale to processing plants. Most often this is glass and broken glass, waste paper, scrap metal, and the most profitable is considered to be metal, because the cost of such recyclable materials is much higher.

To organize a collection point according to the law, it is necessary to register a company or individual entrepreneur (unless the owner plans to further expand the business and reach large volumes).

You will also need a room for storing collected waste - if we're talking about about metal or glass, then an ordinary garage, which can be rented or bought, is suitable as a warehouse. The room for storing waste paper must be dry and relatively clean; permission from the fire department may also be necessary, since paper is a very flammable material.

A warehouse for collecting recyclable materials must be equipped with scales in order to determine the cost of accepted waste by weight. One more thing necessary condition– availability of a truck for transporting waste.

And the most important thing, without which it is impossible to open a recycling collection point, is a sales market. The entrepreneur will have to enter into an agreement with a waste processing company or plant.

It is worth remembering that such a business does not bring instant profit and is not highly profitable, but over time, the acceptance and purchase of recyclable materials from the population often “grows” into a small processing industry. Having opened a waste collection point, its owner sooner or later studies market needs and sales opportunities, and then decides to expand his enterprise.

It should be taken into account that working with some types of waste requires obtaining a license, training of employees and quite expensive equipment.

Examples of how you can start or develop a “garbage business” are easily found on the Internet, because in recent years this direction has become quite popular among entrepreneurs.


Recycling waste is a “dirty” activity, but certainly useful for both the economy and the environment. The West has long understood that waste-free production, which uses previously used materials, is much cheaper and makes the final product more accessible to the consumer.

Therefore, waste recycling in the near future will remain one of the most pressing tasks in all civilized countries. Our country still lags behind world indicators for reuse waste, but it can be predicted that this lag will not last long.

As you know, today you can make money not only by producing any product, but also by receiving waste. In particular, this applies to waste paper. Moreover, you can build a very profitable business on paper waste. We will talk further about how to start a business using waste paper.

A little about recycling paper waste

Many of us remember how, during the times Soviet Union Waste paper collections were regularly held in schools and businesses. Moreover, as a rule, there were no special problems with finding it.

After all, a person, both at home and at work, constantly encounters paper in the form of documents, newspapers, magazines, books, advertising brochures and brochures, packaging for various goods, napkins, etc.

In our country, as a rule, waste of this type is simply taken to a landfill, where it is burned or rots in the rain and snow.

At the same time, in the majority European countries paper waste is disposed of. Thanks to this, companies engaged in this have the opportunity to receive a good and stable income. Thus, according to recent studies, about half of all European paper is made from recycled materials.

Of course, these results are largely a consequence of green pressure to preserve forests and recycle waste paper as much as possible. In Russia, the acceptance of recyclable materials and their further use are not so well developed. Therefore, entrepreneurs have every opportunity to start a similar business and earn good money. First of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan.

Waste paper as a source of income: where to start?

As when opening any other business, at the initial stage you need to register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The most suitable form for a waste paper collection point is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

Selection of premises

Due to the fact that the collected paper waste will need to be stored somewhere, it is necessary to take care of the warehouse. If you have sufficient funds, you can rent a suitable room. If your budget is limited, then you can use, for example, your own garage for this purpose. When renting premises, it is advisable to select an area where your waste paper collection point will be the only establishment of this kind.


At first, you can work independently. However, keep in mind that as a business owner, you will have many other concerns besides dealing with paper waste. After all, you will have to search for clients, enter into contracts with them, take care of delivery, etc.

Therefore, when opening a business using waste paper, it makes sense to resort to the help of hired employees. Due to the fact that the work is simple and does not require any high qualifications, selecting personnel will not be difficult.

Where to look for suppliers?

You can receive paper waste both from individuals and from various stores, companies and other organizations. It is important to try to build long-term relationships with suppliers. After all, even a small store or company can deliver about 20-30 kilograms of waste paper to your collection point every week.

In addition, schools, kindergartens, restaurants and cafes can become the main suppliers. Therefore, do not be lazy to establish relationships with the management of such institutions. This will ensure you have a steady flow of raw materials.

As for private individuals, it is advisable to carry out a small advertising campaign with the distribution of booklets and a description of the benefits and benefits of such an activity. In addition, you can hire local janitors who, for a small fee, will not only provide you with a variety of paper waste, but also sort it.

Subtleties of work

All waste paper arriving at your collection point will need to be carefully sorted. This will significantly increase the profitability of your business. Therefore, a waste paper business must provide for the organization of a site for the primary processing of incoming recyclables, where the paper will be sorted into classes. First class is the most expensive.

This includes waste from the production of white uncoated paper (with the exception of newsprint), as well as all types of white paper in the form of scraps and products based on unbleached sulphate pulp. The second class includes waste paper in the form of cardboard, unnecessary books, magazines and brochures without spines, covers and bindings. The third class includes newspapers and paper pulp.


Since the waste paper business involves not only the collection of recyclable materials, but also its sorting and subsequent delivery to customers, you will need to purchase some equipment. So, the receiving point must be equipped with a special press. It is not necessary to buy a new unit; you can get by with a used one. You can buy it for about 50 thousand rubles. To deliver sorted waste paper to its destination, you will need to purchase a truck.

Sales of waste paper

When organizing a business for recyclable materials, first of all, you need to decide where you will take the collected paper waste. As a rule, in every city there are resellers who will gladly accept your waste paper. However, the price will be lower than when selling directly, but they will pay you right away. Also, often in each region you can find a collection point for recyclable materials or a pulp and paper mill.

But cooperation with them has a number of difficulties. So, when delivering raw materials to a receiving point, they are checked for moisture and blockages. As a rule, both are found, which automatically reduces the cost of waste paper by 30-40%. As for money, no one will pay you right away, and sometimes you have to wait several months for payment. In view of this, it is often much more profitable to build waste paper collection as a business in cooperation with resellers of recyclable materials.

Collection of paper waste as a business: the financial side of the issue

On average, to open a waste paper collection point you will need to spend about 200 thousand rubles. If, thanks to your efforts, you can collect about 20 tons of recyclable materials per week and sell it at a price of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles per ton, then your weekly earnings will be about 40 thousand rubles.

If you subtract overhead costs from this amount, then the net profit will be at least 100-120 thousand rubles per month. Thus, you can easily recoup the initial costs in the first couple of months of active work.

Business not only on collection, but also on further processing of paper waste

If you want to organize not only the reception of waste paper, but also its further processing, then you can count on much greater profits. However, in this case, you will have to organize your own production, which will require significant financial investments.

So, first of all, it is necessary to select a suitable premises and purchase the appropriate equipment. Today you can purchase both a line for primary processing of waste paper and a full cycle processing line. In the first case, you will resell the resulting raw materials to large manufacturers.

And in the second, you yourself will engage in the production of final products in the form of cardboard, newspaper or toilet paper, napkins, paper bags, etc. In this case, your profit can range from several hundred thousand to several million rubles per month. However, opening such a business will require spending at least two million rubles.


The registration period for a private legal entity or LLC usually takes no more than 5 days. If you plan to hire more than 15 people, then the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities must indicate OKVED codes, in accordance with information about the main types of work. Registration of OKVED will take you from 2 to 4 days. Order stamps for your business.

Find and rent (or buy) a space (or several) where you can store and accept recyclables. Receive positive conclusions about the satisfactory condition of the premises from the environmental expert commission, sanitary and epidemiological supervision and fire service.

Due to the fact that many types recyclable materials to class IV waste hazard, obtain a license from the local branch of Rostechnadzor to provide its reception. Submit the following documents:
- statement;
- passport and TIN;
- constituent documents IP;
- a list of waste (of all hazard classes - from I to IV), which you plan to receive;
- a copy of the environmental impact assessment report;
- copies of lease or purchase agreements for premises where collection will be made recyclable materials;
- a copy of the conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection on the proper condition of the premises.


  • how to start a business using recycled materials
  • Business idea: How to open a scrap metal collection point?

Items reception payments began to bring great income to their owners when it became possible, in addition to cellular communications, to also pay for the Internet, cable TV, public utilities and even fines imposed by the traffic police. At the same time, the organization of the point reception payments, as before, is not at all as expensive as one might imagine at first glance; even a novice entrepreneur can open it.

You will need

  • 1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity
  • 2. Agreement with the payment system
  • 3. Renting a small space
  • 4. Office equipment and mobile communications
  • 5. Two cashier-operators of the collection point
  • 6. One or more automatic payment terminals


Select item format reception payments – there are two main methods, although they may well be combined at one point. The first is an automatic payment system, located on the street or in any place visited by people - a commercial or business cinema, or a cinema. The second method is accepting payments using, sending funds through a computer or mobile phone connected to a WAP site.

Enter into an agreement with a payment system that is a dealer - a variety of products for which you will accept payments. There are several such systems; the standard conditions for cooperation with each of them are different, as are the technical means used by each of them in their work. Before choosing, carefully study the offers of each system, looking for the most profitable option from the possibilities that you have.

Rent a small room in a busy place if you decide to set up a point reception payments with an operator sending information using a computer or telephone. Purchase office equipment and software, meeting the requirements of the payment system you have chosen. It costs two shift cashiers to hire for this job.

Buy a payment terminal that will be located autonomously or inside your location where the operator works. In the second case, the terminal will significantly speed up the service process; in addition, nothing interferes, having its own stationary point reception, place several terminals in different places. When choosing, pay attention to its resistance to temperature, as well as various external influences(“anti-vandal” equipment), number of available functions.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

If you see that the terminal is bringing in little profit, try moving it to another location that may be more successful - without losing anything.

Remember that when choosing a terminal with a large number provided services that can be provided with its help, you choose a terminal that will freeze more often and require more than simple maintenance.


  • Article dedicated to business on payment terminals

Reception scrap metal- not only a profitable, but also a noble occupation, because unnecessary items that have served their time are collected for subsequent recycling. Instead of rotting in a landfill for decades, scrap metal will become new life.


Register as an individual entrepreneur, OKVED code 37.10.1.

Create a business plan. It takes into account the costs not only of renting and purchasing equipment, but also the costs of purchasing large quantity scrap metal among the population. Plan initial capital for opening a business of at least 150,000 rubles.

Find a place to do business. When choosing, keep in mind that you need an area of ​​at least 50-200 square meters. m. for metal storage and for placing scales. Provide the site with security. It's best that your paragraph located next to the private sector and had a convenient access road.

Purchase equipment: ton scales for ferrous metals and pointer scales with weights for non-ferrous metals. Over time, your business may expand and you will need expensive automated equipment, but these costs will quickly pay for themselves.

Hire employees, initially this could be a receptionist and a sorter. To save money, you can temporarily accept metals in person and hire a sorter.

Advertise for admission scrap metal among the population. To do this, use the local press and street posting of leaflets. Strictly control the acceptance process personally and instruct employees to stop the illegal scrapping of illegally obtained items. Keep a record of accepted metal. These measures will help avoid problems with law enforcement agencies.

Also organize the sale and export of accepted metal for further processing.

The problem of recycling recyclable materials, in particular, waste paper very relevant for our country. The development potential of this business is, without exaggeration, enormous, since every year Russians throw away several million tons of paper. Having organized paragraph reception waste paper, you will not only be able to contribute to solving this problem, but will also receive a stable source of income.

You will need

  • - transport;
  • - room.


Find distribution channels waste paper. Start off this business necessary precisely from this stage, since you must clearly understand where and in what volumes you will be able to sell the collected raw materials. These can be paper factories or factories producing roofing felt or gypsum building materials. Negotiate the price with future buyers: this is what you will start from when calculating your basic expenses.

Buy cargo transport. At first, you can get by with just one car, with which you will drive around certain places, where it will already be collected for you waste paper. It is advisable to choose a vehicle with a covered body.

Find a room for reception and storage waste paper. This could be any utility unit or even a garage. If possible, choose a room with heating and electricity. Install the scales. To legally conduct business you need a permit fire department.

Determine the price per 1 kg of raw materials received. Keep in mind that it is unlikely that potential clients will be paid too much. That is why bet on the social significance of your work, and also focus on low-income segments of the population. Post notices in the nearby area and place free advertisements in the newspaper to inform the public about your opening. paragraph A.

Try to establish a reception waste paper free from the public. This is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. Many organizations will be only too happy if you simply remove their paper waste on an ongoing basis. In addition, you can find volunteers among schoolchildren or organize an environmental action in a number of educational institutions. Give away as a bonus thank you letters and small prizes.

Established environmental situation V modern world forces everything more people think about recycling waste, especially those consisting of difficult-to-degrade materials. In this regard, a business has emerged for accepting recyclable materials and processing them.

What can be recycled

For many decades, waste paper has been accepted - paper packaging, books, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, office paper. There are many points for collecting glass - bottles, cans, cullet. We also accept scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals and aluminum cans. There are points where you can donate your used clothes, textiles, toys and shoes.

The cheap and easy production of plastic has made it one of the most popular materials on Earth: bags, film, containers and bottles for food and drinks, dishes, equipment cases, furniture and much more are made from it. With ever-increasing production and consumption, the spread of plastic is reaching alarming proportions. A huge amount of plastic containers are disposable (for example, food is sold in them) and end up in the trash can immediately after unpacking the goods. To decompose into natural conditions, it will take hundreds of years, and it will also poison the soil. Fortunately, there are points where they accept plastic products and send them to recycling plants. There, raw materials are obtained from it in the form of polymer granules, from which plastic products are then made again.

Hazardous waste deserves special attention: batteries, accumulators, mercury lamps and devices. Recycling them is difficult and requires high costs, so there are far fewer hazardous waste collection points than necessary, and they are not always available nearby. However, it is important to collect such waste and periodically recycle it, since it greatly pollutes the environment and harms human health. They are increasingly accepted in large stores and supermarkets.

There are also points where various specific waste is accepted: household appliances, computers and laptops, electronic scrap, car tires, cartridges for office equipment, etc.


To denote waste processing, there are also terms recycling, recycling, recycling of recyclable materials, waste disposal. It involves the reuse of production waste. Recycling can be secondary, tertiary, etc.

For raw materials to be suitable for processing, they must meet certain requirements. Thus, waste paper must contain an acceptable proportion of impurities, different for production different types paper The returned waste paper should not contain any other elements besides paper - glued book spines, polymer fabrics and films, wooden and metal elements. Plastic containers must be without paper stickers, clean, etc.

Therefore, before handing over, recyclable materials should be prepared and sorted so that they can be accepted without problems. You can find out about the requirements in advance at the reception point.