Solid waste processing: methods and technologies. Waste disposal methods A simple, original waste disposal method

Askarova Ekaterina

Abstract with presentation



Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 6"


"New household waste recycling technologies

And production waste in the modern world»

(school scientific and practical conference"_Live Earth")

10th grade students

Askarova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Head E.V. Shirokova




on the essay of 10th grade student Ekaterina Askarova on the topic “New technologies for processing household and industrial waste in the modern world.”
Reviewer: technology teacher Shirokova E.V.

The abstract submitted for review and review corresponds to the level of educational and research work of the student in the subject area of ​​technology. The topic of the abstract is relevant and is devoted to one of the important research problems - the creation of safe waste-free technologies in modern world.

Based on the study of a fairly large volume of scientific research literature, the abstract summarizes the results of a study of environmental problems of technogenic human activity. Ways to solve environmental problems of environmental pollution by industrial waste in Russia and in the world are considered.

The undoubted advantage of the abstract is the study of promising technologies for secondary production. Because the intensive way to solve the global environmental problem is to reduce resource-intensive production and transition to low-waste technologies.

In general, the work meets the requirements for the design of a student essay.

1. Introduction. Environmental problems of modern civilization………. 3

2. Don’t turn the planet into a landfill………………………..

3. Disposal of waste from medical institutions…………...

4. Modern technologies for processing solid household waste...

5. Creation and development of waste-free production in Russia……………..

6.Advanced technologies of recycled plastics……………………….

7. World experience secondary resources production……………………….

8. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...

9. List of references………………………………………………………


Environmental problems of modern civilization

Currently, human economic activity is increasingly becoming the main source of air and environmental pollution. Gaseous, liquid and solid industrial wastes enter the natural environment in large quantities. Various chemical substances, found in waste, entering the soil, air or water, pass through ecological links from one chain to another, and ultimately enter the human body. On globe it is impossible to find a place where pollutants were not present in one concentration or another. Even in the ice of Antarctica, where there are no industrial productions and people live only at small stations, scientists have discovered toxic substances of industrial origin. They are brought here by atmospheric air currents. Even short-term exposure to some of them on the human body can cause dizziness, cough, sore throat, nausea, and vomiting. The entry of toxic substances into the human body in large concentrations can lead to loss of consciousness, acute poisoning and even death. An example of such an action is smog that forms in large cities or emergency releases of toxic substances into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises.

The technologies used by humanity are primarily focused on the use of non-renewable natural resources. These are oil, coal, ores, etc. At the same time, their use technologically entails disturbances in the surrounding world: soil fertility and the amount of fresh water decrease, and the atmosphere is polluted.

Over the course of a year, 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide alone are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone layer becomes thinner and ozone holes appear. Ultraviolet rays rush into these holes, causing cancer in people. Oxygen on Earth is becoming less and less. And there are more and more exhaust gases from ferrous and chemical industry factories, boiler houses, and transport.

Scientists have calculated that every year so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the waters of the Arctic, washing powder was found.

Soil forms slowly: it takes hundreds and even thousands of years. But it can be destroyed very quickly. Over the past hundred years, approximately 1/4 of all fertile soils on Earth have been destroyed.

Let's not turn the planet into a landfill

Today, using established technologies, humanity has a diverse structure of all kinds of waste of domestic and industrial origin. This waste, gradually accumulating, has become a real disaster.The most commonUntil recently, the method of dealing with household waste in cities - taking it to landfills - did not solve the problem, but, frankly speaking, aggravated it. Landfills are not only an epidemiological danger, they inevitably become a powerful source of biological pollution. The main component of biogas - methane - is recognized as one of the culprits of the greenhouse effect, destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and other ills global character. In total, from waste to environment more than a hundred toxic substances enter. Landfills often burn, emitting toxic smoke into the atmosphere.

Vast territories have been alienated for landfills for decades; they, of course, could be used more profitably. And finally, in order to equip a landfill and maintain it at the level of modern environmental requirements, large funds are needed. Reclamation of closed (no longer operational) landfills is very expensive. This is a whole set of measures, the purpose of which is to stop the harmful effects of landfills on the environment, including soil and The groundwater. Reclamation of just one hectare of landfill today costs 6 million rubles. Transport costs for transporting waste are also high, since landfills are usually located far from the city.

The amount of accumulated garbage is constantly growing. Now there is from 150 to 600 kg of it per year for each city resident. The most garbage is produced in the USA (520 kg per year per inhabitant), in Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands - 200-300 kg, in Moscow - 300-320 kg.

For paper to decompose in the natural environment, it takes from two to ten years, a tin can - more than 90 years, a cigarette filter - 100 years, a plastic bag - more than 200 years, plastic - 500 years, glass - more than 1000 years. Remember this before you throw an old plastic bag or bottle into the forest.

Modern household and industrial waste contains a lot of extremely slowly decomposing plastics (polymer materials). The situation is better with new polymer materials - they contain light-sensitive molecular groups that are easily absorbed by microorganisms. The rate of decomposition of such polymer waste

increases many times, eliminating the need to burn them in high-temperature furnaces.

The USA remains one of the most “littered” countries in the world, with up to 160 million waste generated there annually. A column of ten-ton trucks loaded with this garbage would stretch from the Earth to the Moon, and the 18 billion disposable diapers that Americans throw away every year could be stretched from the Earth to the Moon 7 times.

The porous styroform from which disposable cups are made is environmentally friendly. If you arrange the glasses used in a year in a row, they will circle the Earth at the equator 463 times. This plastic does not decompose in nature, and its production from expensive oil releases chlorocarbons into the atmosphere, which destroy the ozone layer.

In the United States, only 20% of waste is recycled, the rest is concentrated in landfills. Up to 1/3 of this garbage is containers. Americans spend 75% of glass produced, 50% of paper, 40% of aluminum, 40% of plastic, 8% of steel on packaging. Americans use 2.5 million every hour. plastic bottles. Governments of developed countries are beginning to pay increasing attention to environmental issues and are encouraging the creation of appropriate technologies. Systems for cleaning areas from waste and technologies for its combustion are being developed. However, there are many reasons to believe that waste incineration technologies are a dead end. Already, the cost of burning 1 kg of garbage is 65 cents. If you do not switch to other waste disposal technologies, costs will rise. It should be borne in mind that new technologies are needed that over time could ensure, on the one hand, the consumer needs of the population, and on the other hand, the preservation of the environment.

Disposal of waste from medical institutions

Unfortunately, in our country, 90% of waste is buried (deposited) in landfills, although this is associated with transport costs and the alienation of large areas. In addition, polygons are often not

meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements and are secondary sources of environmental pollution. But

While most waste can still be disposed of relatively safely by depositing, some types of waste, for example medical

waste is subject to mandatory recycling. They differ significantly from other waste and require special attention. They contain a danger to humans, due primarily to the constant presence in them

composition of pathogens of various infectious diseases, toxic, and often radioactive substances.

By 2005, according to generalized data, about 1.8 billion tons of them had already accumulated in the world, which is approximately 300 kg for every inhabitant of the planet.

Injection needles and syringes pose a particular danger, since improper handling after use can lead to reuse. According to WHO estimates, in 2000 the following people became infected as a result of syringe reuse alone:

  • 21 million people with hepatitis B virus(HBV) (32% of all new infections);
  • two million people with hepatitis C virus(HCV) (40% of all new infections); And
  • at least 260,000 people have HIV (5% of all new infections).

Modern technologies for processing solid household waste

The most promising way to solve the problem of urban landfills is waste recycling. The following main directions in processing have been developed: organic matter is used to obtain fertilizers, textile and paper waste is used to obtain new paper, scrap metal is sent to the smelter. The main problem in recycling is sorting waste and developing technological processes for recycling.

The proposed modern technologies make it possible to simultaneously solve the problem of waste disposal and create local energy sources. Thus, garbage will return to us not in the form of growing landfills and polluted water, but in the form of electricity through wires, heat in radiators, or vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses

Pre-sorting.This technological process involves the separation of municipal solid waste into fractions at waste treatment plants manually or using automated conveyors. This includes the process of reducing the size of waste components by crushing and sifting them, as well as removing larger or smaller metal objects, such as cans. Their selection as the most valuable secondary raw materials precedes further recycling of solid waste (for example, incineration).

Sanitary earth filling.This technological approach to the disposal of solid household waste is associated with the production of biogas and its subsequent use as fuel. For this purpose, household waste is covered using a certain technology with a layer of soil 0.6 m thick

compacted form. Biogas landfills are equipped with ventilation pipes, gas blowers and containers for collecting biogas.

High temperature pyrolysis.This method of solid waste disposal is essentially nothing more than gasification of garbage. The technological scheme of this method involves the production of secondary synthesis gas from the biological component (biomass) of waste in order to use it to produce steam, hot water, and electricity. An integral part of the high-temperature pyrolysis process are solid products in the form of slag, i.e. non-pyrolyzable residues.

Burning. This is a widespread method of disposal of solid waste, which is widely used since late XIX V. The difficulty of direct disposal of solid waste is due, on the one hand, to its exceptional multicomponent nature, and on the other, to increased sanitary requirements for the process of their processing. In this regard, incineration is still the most common method of primary treatment of household waste. Burning household waste, in addition to reducing volume and weight, allows you to obtain additional energy resources that can be used for centralized heating and electricity production.

Recycling of combustible waste.The proposed gasification technology makes it possible to process flammable waste in a closed reactor to produce combustible gas. The following types of waste can be recycled:

  • combustible fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW), separated during sorting;
  • industrial solid waste - non-toxic solid waste produced by industrial, commercial and other centers, for example: plastic, cardboard, paper, etc.;
  • solid flammable products from automobile recycling: most automotive plastics, rubber, foam, fabric, wood, etc.;
  • wastewater after drying (the most efficient treatment Wastewater achieved using biothermal technology);
  • dry biomass such as wood waste, sawdust, bark, etc.

The gasification process is a modular technology. A valuable processing product is flammable gas produced in volumes from 85 to 100 m 3 in a minute. Gas can be used to produce heat/electricity for related industries or for sale.

Recycling rotting waste.The organic fraction of solid waste obtained as a result of sorting, as well as waste from farms and wastewater treatment plants, can be subjected to anaerobic processing to produce methane and compost, suitable for agricultural and horticultural work.

Processing of organic matter occurs in reactors where methane-producing bacteria process organic matter into biogas and humus.

Recycling of used tires.To recycle tires, low-temperature pyrolysis technology is used to produce electricity, sorbent for water purification or high-quality soot suitable for the production of tires.

Dismantling lines for old cars.To recycle old cars, industrial dismantling technology is used, which allows individual parts to be reused. The economic efficiency of the enterprise is ensured by the sale of automotive parts and sorted materials. For efficient operation of the plant, depending on transport tariffs, 25,000 old car wrecks must be available within a radius of 25-30 km from the plant. In general, a plant requires a site of at least 20,000 m 2 . The supply of an industrial dismantling line includes training of operating personnel at the customer’s site and in Western Europe, training in enterprise management and training in organizing the collection of old cars and selling spare parts and materials.

Disposal of medical waste.The proposed medical waste treatment technology sterilizes such types of medical waste as needles, lancets, medical containers, metal probes, glass, biological cultures, physiological substances, medications, syringes, filters, vials, diapers, catheters, laboratory waste, etc. Medical waste treatment technology crushes and sterilizes waste so that it turns into dry, homogeneous, odorless dust (pellets with a diameter of 1-2 mm). This residue is a completely inert product, does not contain microorganisms and does not have bactericidal properties. The remainder can be disposed of as normal municipal waste or used for landscaping.

The proposed modern technologies make it possible to simultaneously solve the problem of waste disposal and create local energy sources. Thus, garbage will return to us not in the form of growing landfills and polluted water, but in the form of electricity through wires, heat in radiators, or vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses.

Creation and development of waste-free production

What are the ways to solve the global environmental problem of environmental pollution from industrial waste?The creation of even the most advanced treatment facilities cannot solve the problem of environmental protection.An intensive way to solve the global environmental problem is to reduce resource-intensive production and transition to low-waste technologies.

Waste-free production is a production in which all raw materials are ultimately transformed into one or another product and which is at the same time optimized in terms of technological,

economic and socio-ecological criteria. The fundamental novelty of this approach to the further development of industrial production is due to the inability to effectively solve problems of environmental protection and rational use natural resources only by improving methods of neutralization, disposal, processing or disposal of waste. The concept of waste-free production provides for the need to include the sphere of consumption in the cycle of use of raw materials. In other words, products after physical or moral wear and tear must be returned to production. Thus, waste-free production is an almost closed system, organized by analogy with natural ecological systems, the functioning of which is based on the biogeochemical cycle of matter.

Waste-free production involves the cooperation of industries with a large amount of waste (production of phosphate fertilizers, thermal power plants, metallurgical, mining and processing industries) with production that consumes this waste, for example, enterprises building materials. In this case, waste fully meets the definition of D.I. Mendeleev, who called it “neglected products of chemical transformations, which over time become the starting point of new production.”

Secondary production resources in Russia

Waste generation in the Russian economy is 3.4 billion tons per year, including 2.6 billion tons/year - industrial waste, 700 million tons/year - liquid poultry and livestock waste, 35-40 million tons/year - solid waste, 30 million tons/year - sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Average level their use is about 26%, including industrial waste is processed by 35%, solid waste - by 3-4%, the rest of the waste is practically not processed.

The low level of waste utilization (with the exception of certain types of waste - scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as types of waste paper, textile and polymer waste of sufficient quality in terms of raw materials) is explained mainly not by the lack of technology, but by the fact that the processing of most waste into as a secondary raw material, it is characterized by low profitability or is not profitable at all.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, 2.4 thousand hazardous waste disposal sites have been taken into account. The conditions for disposal of such waste in many cases do not comply with the environmental requirements in force in Russia and the standards accepted throughout the world. As a result, the impact of waste accumulation and disposal sites on the environment often exceeds established limits.MPC . There are many examples when such an excess is tens and hundreds of times.

Many different types of waste can be reused. For each type of raw material there is a corresponding processing technology. Various types are used to separate waste into different materials.separation , for example, for metal extraction - magnetic.

It is advisable to recycle most metals. Unnecessary or damaged items, so-called scrap metal, are handed over to recycling collection points for subsequent melting. Particularly profitable is the processing of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, tin), common technical alloys (will win) and some ferrous metals (cast iron). significant amount of waste generation in Russia;

Paper recycling is possible: old papers are soaked, cleaned and shredded to obtain fibers -cellulose . The further process is identical to the process of producing paper from forest products.

Currently, the government is considering proposals to create a Russian system of secondary resources.

“Secondary resources” - providing collection and acceptance of decommissioned vehicles, their disaggregation, primary processing and sale of the resulting secondary raw materials, as well as collection and primary processing of waste generated as a result of the operation of vehicles - tires, batteries and battery electrolytes, oiled filters , plastic parts;

“Vtortekhresursy” - providing collection and reception of obsolete complex household appliances and radio-electronic equipment (computer equipment, photocopiers, faxes, televisions, washing machines

etc.), their degassing, primary processing and marketing of the resulting secondary raw materials;

“Vtorresursy” - providing the procurement of waste paper, packaging waste from laminated paper, polymer film and other polymer waste, PET bottles, textile waste, cullet and other types of traditional secondary raw materials.

In addition, production connections or partnerships should be established with Rtutservice systems already operating in the secondary raw materials market ( fluorescent lamps and other mercury-containing waste), “Vtornefteprodukt”, “Vtorchermet” and “Vtortsvetmet”.

The implementation of the proposal to create a Russian system of secondary resources will make it possible to fundamentally change the organizational, regulatory and economic conditions for the procurement and processing of secondary raw materials in Russia. The level of use of the main types of secondary raw materials will increase 5 years after the system is put into operation by at least 30%, for a number of items by 1.5-2 times, the loss of natural raw materials contained in waste will decrease. The level of environmental waste pollution will noticeably decrease.

New jobs will be created, which will have a beneficial effect on the socio-economic indicators of most regions of Russia.

One of the conditions for Russia’s accession to the WTO will be met (in terms of ratification of the 1994 EU Directive No. 62 “On packaging and packaging waste”).

Promising technologies for recycled plastics

Main mechanically recycling of PET waste is shredding, which involves substandard tape, injection molding waste, partially drawn or undrawn fibers. This processing makes it possible to obtain powdered materials and crumbs for subsequent injection molding. It is typical that when grinding physicochemical characteristics polymer practically do not change.

The proposed technologies make it possible to process only uncontaminated technological waste, leaving unaffected food containers, which, as a rule, are heavily contaminated with protein and mineral impurities, the removal of which involves significant capital investment.

costs, which is not always economically feasible when processing on a medium and small scale.

Technology of casting products from mixtures of secondary polymers.The crushed polymer waste is mixed to average the composition of the mixture. At the mixing stage, the necessary ones are added (light and heat stabilizers, dyes, etc.). The prepared mixture is fed into the extruder. The technology is based on filling a special injection mold due to the pressure created by the extruder. Today, such equipment is used to produce elements of decorative fencing (posts, details of decorative fencing, etc.), which are beginning to be used in the urban improvement program. For example, columns made from polymer waste, molded to look like cast iron, are an order of magnitude cheaper than cast iron ones. The range of products can be very diverse.

Pressing technology.This technology involves melting a polymer, dosing it into a mold mounted on a vertical hydraulic press, pressing the product and cooling it in the mold. The advantage of this technology is the use of relatively inexpensive equipment and molds. However, this technology places higher demands on the initial secondary raw materials, namely, itssorting. Using this technology, floor slabs and transport pallets are made from recycled materials.

Nonwovens.According to Western experts, 60 to 70% of recycled PET is used to produce fibers and nonwovens. In Russia today, no more than 15% of collected recycled PET is processed into products, the bulk of which in the form of “flexes” is sold outside the country, mostly to China. The low level of processing is associated with the high cost of imported equipment for the production of fibers and nonwovens.
Today, equipment is produced for the production of nonwoven bulk materials from thermoplastic fiber-forming polymers (including recycled PET) using aerodynamic melt spraying technology. The air flow forms a fiber from the melt and sprays it onto a rotating collector-collector, on which the fibers are thermally bonded and a non-woven bulk material is formed.

Materials obtained using this technology can be used for the manufacture of petroleum product sorbents, various filters for liquids, gases and aerosols, as well as insulation for clothing, fillings for furniture and soft toys.
Thus, all of the above indicates that today

Domestic technologies and equipment exist and are already used in production, making it possible to produce highly profitable products from polymer waste.

World experience of secondary production resources

In economically developed countries, less and less household waste is sent to landfills and more and more is recycled industrial methods. The most effective of them is thermal. It makes it possible to reduce the volume of waste disposed of in landfills by almost 10 times, and the unburned residue no longer contains organic matter, causing rotting, spontaneous combustion and the danger of epidemics.

Against the backdrop of a decline in the role of the state in managing waste recycling in Russia over the past 10 years, in developed countries of the world, on the contrary, the degree of state influence in this area has increased. In order to reduce the cost of products using waste, tax benefits. To attract investment in the creation of waste processing facilities, a system of preferential loans has been created, including partially refundable and free loans in case of unsuccessful decisions. In order to stimulate demand for products using waste, a number of countries are imposing restrictions on the consumption of products manufactured without using waste, and are increasing the scale of use of the system of city and municipal orders for products from waste.

There is a company in Europe that recycles processors and extracts gold from them. This is done something like this: processors are removed from computers and other equipment and immersed in a chemical solution (which contains nitrogen), resulting in a sediment that is subsequently melted down and becomes gold bars.

Scientists from the Netherlands presented the latest developments in the field of waste processing - an improved technology that, without pre-sorting, within one system, separates and purifies all the waste that comes there, down to the original raw materials. The system completely recycles all types of waste (medical, household, technical) in a closed cycle, without residue. Raw materials are completely cleaned of impurities (harmful substances, dyes, etc.), packaged and can be reused. At the same time, the system is environmentally neutral.

A TUV plant was built and tested in Germany, which has been successfully operating using this technology for 10 years in test mode. For now

The government of the Netherlands is considering the construction of a similar plant in its country.

Rechargeable batteries and batteries.Today, all types of batteries produced in Europe can be recycled, regardless of whether they are rechargeable or not. For recycling purposes, it does not matter whether the battery is charged, partially discharged, or completely discharged. Once the batteries are collected, they are sorted and then, depending on what type they are, the batteries are sent to the appropriate recycling plant. For example, alkaline batteries are recycled in the UK, and nickel-cadmium batteries are recycled in France. There are about 40 companies involved in battery recycling in Europe.

Textiles and footwear.In many European countries, in addition to containers for collecting metal, plastic, paper and glass, containers for collecting used clothing, shoes and rags have appeared at garbage collection sites in residential areas.All rags go to the sorting center. Here, clothes that may still be suitable for use are selected; they subsequently go to charitable associations for the poor, churches and the Red Cross. Unsuitable clothing undergoes a thorough screening: all metal and plastic parts(buttons, snakes, snaps, etc.), then divided by type of fabric (cotton, linen, polyester, etc.). For example, denim goes to paper mills, where the fabric is shredded and soaked, after which the production process is identical to pulp. The method of making paper from cloth has remained unchanged for many centuries and was brought to Europe by Marco Polo when he first visited China. The result is two types of paper: 1. “Artistic” for watercolor or engraving with its own texture, strength and durability. 2. Paper for the production of banknotes.

Shoes undergo a similar sorting process: the sole is separated from the upper, the components are sorted by type of material, and then go to plants that process rubber, plastic, etc. Innovative sportswear company NIKE has achieved success in this, and in its stores in the United States you can get discount by leaving your worn-out sneakers.


The real prospect of solving the environmental crisis lies in change production activities a person, his way of life, his consciousness. Scientific and technological progress not only creates overloads for nature; in the most advanced technologies it provides a means of preventing negative impacts, creates opportunities for environmentally friendly production. Not only an urgent need has arisen, but also an opportunity to change the essence of technological civilization and give it an environmental character. One of the directions of such development is the creation of safe production facilities. Using the achievements of science, technological progress can be organized in such a way that production waste does not pollute the environment, but is returned to production cycle as secondary raw materials. An example is provided by nature itself: carbon dioxide released by animals is absorbed by plants, which release oxygen necessary for animal respiration. Considering that 98% of the raw materials modern industry transforms into waste, then the need for the task of creating waste-free production will become clear.

Some alternative (relative to thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants) energy sources are also environmentally friendly. It is necessary to quickly find ways to practically use the energy of the sun, wind, tides, and geothermal sources.

The environmental situation makes it necessary to assess the consequences of any activity related to interference with the natural environment.

Even F. Joliot-Curie warned: “We cannot allow people to direct those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer towards their own destruction.”

Time doesn't wait. Our task is to stimulate by all available methods any initiative and entrepreneurship aimed at creating and implementing latest technologies, contributing to the solution of any environmental problems. Promote the creation of a large number of control bodies consisting of highly qualified specialists, based on clearly developed legislation in accordance with international agreements on environmental issues. Constantly convey information to all states and peoples on ecology through radio, television and the press, thereby raising the environmental consciousness of people and promoting their spiritual and moral revival in accordance with the requirements of the era.

Humanity has come to understand that further development of technological progress is impossible without assessing the impact of new technologies on the environmental situation. New connections created by man must be closed to ensure the invariance of those basic parameters of planet Earth that affect its ecological stability.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the statement of Saint-Simon: “Happy will be the era in which ambition begins to see greatness and glory only in the acquisition of new knowledge and abandons the unclean sources with which it tried to quench its thirst.” These were sources of disaster and vanity, quenching the thirst only of the ignorant, the conquering heroes and destroyers of the human race.


1. Gorshkov S.P. Exodynamic processes of developed territories. – M.: Nedra, 1999.

2. Grigoriev A.A. Cities and the environment. Space research. – Thought, 2002.

3. Nikitin D.P., Novikov Yu.V. Environment and people. – 2007.

4. Odum Yu. Fundamentals of ecology. – Mir, 2004.

5. Radzevich N.N., Pashkang K.V. Protection and transformation of nature. – Enlightenment, 2005.

6. Samsonov A. L. journal “Ecology and Life” - G. D. Syunkova, 2000.

7. Mirkin B. M., Naumova L. G. Ecology of Russia, 2006.

One of the youngest holidays in the world - Day. During this day, the inhabitants of planet Earth do not. Not on the shoulders. Not . On this day, all over the planet they thought, talked and showed how trillions of tons of garbage could be recycled to make the world cleaner and brighter. The best holiday!

Day recycling waste, or Recycling Day, decided to celebrate in 1997 in the most industrialized and, logically, the dirtiest country in the world - the USA. To the credit of the Americans, it must be said that they, more than others (with the possible exception of Europeans), care about recycling plastic, aluminum and other joys of civilization.

On Recycling Day (November 15), the most important government reports were released in the United States on how many plastic bottles were recycled per capita (5% more), what to do with waste paper (to make environmentally friendly containers and biofuel out of it) and how much aluminum is needed jars to build a plane (a lot).

And on this day, we summed up what was accomplished on the processing front in 2011. The most interesting and funny examples recyclable garbage you see in these photos.

The “alien” motorcycle was built last summer by a tuning master from Bangkok with the incredible name Roongrojna Sangwongprisarn. The motorcycle is distinguished not only by the craftsmanship of its creator, but also by the fact that the miracle chopper is basically made from junk.

Australians' strong point is recycling bicycles. This is what the Sydney Christmas tree presented for last Recycling Day is made from.

Argentine fashion designer Lucrezia Lovera makes fashionable handbags from magnetic tape from video cassettes...

And a Paraguayan cellist plays the composition “Trash Melodies” from the “Sounds of the Earth” cycle on an instrument made from garbage. It would be worth playing something from Modest Mussorgsky on such an instrument.

On last photo- a catamaran with the wonderful name Plastics (similar to Kon-Tiki), which was built by Australians from 11 thousand bottles and cans. It symbolizes: if all countries and peoples of the world unite in a rush waste recycling, then together they will do clear skies, land and ocean.

  • 2.4. Teaching c. I. Vernadsky on the evolutionary development of the biosphere. Representations of the noosphere
  • 3. Basics of autecology
  • 3.1. An organism as a self-reproducing open system.
  • 3.2. Diversity of organisms.
  • 3.3. Organism and environment
  • 3.4. Environmental environmental factors (abiotic, biotic)
  • 3.5. Interaction of environmental factors,
  • 3.6. Ecological niche (potential, realized).
  • 3.6. Environmental quality
  • 4. Ecology of populations (demecology)
  • 4.1. Definition of the concepts “biological species” and “population”.
  • 4.2. Statistical characteristics of the population.
  • 4.3. Dynamic characteristics of the population
  • 4.4. Biomass dynamics. The concept of bioproductivity
  • 4.5. Stability and viability of populations
  • 5. Basics of synecology
  • 5.1. Biocenoses (communities)
  • 5.2. Types of relationships between organisms
  • 5.3. Stability (homeostasis) and development (dynamics and succession) of ecosystems
  • Succession of an ecological system
  • 6. Material and energy balance of the biosphere
  • 6.2. Trophic relationships between organisms: producers, consumers, decomposers
  • 6.3. Flows of matter and energy in an ecosystem
  • 6.4. Pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energies.
  • 6.5. Cycle of matter in nature
  • 7. Anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment
  • 7.1. Concept of environmental pollution.
  • Concentration of carbon monoxide and benzo(a)pyrene in the exhaust gases of gasoline engines
  • 7.3. Classification of natural resources. Features of the use of exhaustible and inexhaustible resources
  • 7.4. Problems of use and reproduction of natural resources
  • 7.5. Specially protected natural territories and objects as a natural reserve fund of the Russian Federation
  • Global environmental problems
  • 8.1. Global environmental problems associated with human impact on nature
  • 8.2. Ozone layer depletion
  • 8.3. "Greenhouse effect"
  • 8.4. Smog, acid precipitation
  • Ocean pollution
  • 8.6. Declining Biodiversity
  • Radiation pollution of the planet
  • 9. Urbanization and ecology of the urban environment
  • 9.1. Dynamics of urbanization
  • 9.2. Urbanization in Russia
  • 9.3. The city as an artificial habitat
  • 9.4. Structure of the urban environment
  • 9.5. Problems of ecology and safety of the urban environment
  • 10. Environmental situation in the Omsk region
  • 10.1. Impact of economic sectors on the environment
  • Ecological state
  • 12.2. Features of the growth and development of modern man
  • 12.3. Health is an integral criterion characterizing the relationship between a person and the environment. Environmental factors and human health.
  • 13.1. Quality of life, environmental risk and safety.
  • 13.2. Demographic indicators of population health
  • 13.3. A healthy lifestyle of citizens as the basis for sustainable development of society
  • International cooperation in the field of environmental protection
  • 14.1. Principles of international cooperation
  • 14.2. International cooperation and national interests of Russia in the field of ecology
  • 14.3. Environmental strategies. The ideology of biocentrism as a path to sustainable development of humanity
  • 15. Legal basis for nature conservation.
  • 15.1. Legal aspects of nature conservation. Legislative acts of Russia
  • 15. 2. Environmental assessment, environmental control
  • 15.3. Department of Environmental Activities of Enterprises
  • 15.4. Responsibility for environmental violations
  • 16. Regulatory framework for nature conservation
  • 16.1. Standardization in the field of environmental protection (EP)
  • 16.2. Environmental Quality Principles
  • 16.3. Environmental monitoring and monitoring classification
  • Criteria for assessing environmental quality Requirements for water quality in water bodies.
  • Ambient air quality requirements.
  • 16.5. The concept of the summation effect
  • Soil pollution control.
  • 17. Fundamentals of environmental economics
  • 17.1. Features of the economic mechanism for environmental protection
  • 17.2. Licensing, agreement and limits on natural resource use
  • 17.3. Types of payments
  • 17.4. Environmental incentive system
  • 18. Eco-protective equipment and technologies
  • 18.1. Main directions for ensuring atmospheric cleanliness
  • 18.2. Wastewater treatment methods
  • Modern technologies for disposal and processing of solid household and industrial waste
  • 18.4. Scientific and technological progress and directions for improving environmental management
      1. Modern technologies for disposal and processing of solid household and industrial waste

    According to experts, since the beginning of the twentieth century. Russia has accumulated 80 billion tons solid waste and another 7 billion tons are added to them every year. The annual amount of solid household waste is 130-140 million m3, most of which are toxic and especially toxic.

    Solid waste disposal.

    The share of waste that is buried or disposed of in landfills is currently very large. Special landfills, operating for 25 years, alienate significant areas. After the landfill is fully loaded, it is covered with plant soil, the surface of which can later be used to create parks, gardens, and playgrounds. In household and food industrial waste, sealed from contact with air and located in the landfill embankments, an anaerobic process occurs, which releases biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide), which under certain conditions can be used as fuel. We have such experience. When the waste backfill height is 7 m or more, this gas is collected using pipes. Additional devices required for biogas extraction and utilization quickly pay for themselves.

    Solid Waste Incineration

    In the 70-80s, thermal processing of waste developed by burning it in furnaces at waste incineration plants. Such factories operate in many countries of the world, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and other cities of the country. Existing combustion systems provide a high degree of waste destruction (up to 99%) and allow waste heat to be recovered. However, the disadvantages of such systems are more significant. Firstly, the cost of the combustion process in comparison with traditional methods (disposal to a landfill, discharge into the sea, disposal in waste mines) is quite high. Secondly, waste incineration plants are sources of emissions of zinc, tin, cadmium, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. Among toxic metals, mercury is especially dangerous; during combustion, due to increased volatility, it easily turns into a vapor state and is released into the atmosphere. Only appropriate, careful sorting and preparation of waste, as well as effective flue gas cleaning (using electrostatic precipitators) can reduce the level of air pollution.

    Solid waste recycling

    The cycle of substances in nature is an excellent example of waste-free production. Waste from natural processes (dead wood, leaves, etc.) decays, rots and naturally fertilize the soil. Aerobes are microbes that breathe oxygen and process easily rotting substances into organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen, i.e. - into compost. This releases thermal energy. Nature suggested to people a technology scheme for composting household waste.

    In 1970, a pilot plant for mechanized processing of household waste was put into operation in Leningrad. At the initial stage of processing, ferrous metal was separated from the waste mass using electromagnetic separators. Next, the waste was crushed in crushers and entered into rotating drums - fermentors, in which the waste was processed into compost. However, the processed mass also contained non-compostable elements (polyethylene films, glass, cans, etc.). clogging fertilizer. It was necessary to learn how to clean compost.

    In the late 70s and early 80s, a second generation of waste treatment plants appeared with improved and improved technology. Currently in Russia there are nine specialized plants for processing solid waste. Design of a similar plant for Omsk is underway in St. Petersburg.

    The waste processing technology is as follows. Garbage trucks drive along a wide overpass to the reception area and unload waste onto eight platforms. Then the waste is loaded into eight heat-insulated drums up to 60 m long, into the internal cavity of which air enriched with oxygen is supplied using fans. When the drums rotate, the waste is mixed and crushed, and its specific surface area increases. Constant aeration (0.2-0.8 m 3 of air is supplied per 1 kg of waste) awakens aerobic microflora to life. Microorganisms (mesophiles) come into play, heating the mass to 50 0 C. At the same time, another type of microflora actively multiplies - thermophiles, due to which the temperature reaches 70 0 C. An avalanche-like biothermal process disinfects the waste within two days. Neutralized waste is uniformly fed through a perforated nozzle at the end of the drum onto a belt conveyor. But this is not compost yet - there are contaminants in the form of glass, pieces of wood, plastic, stones, cans, etc. Next comes cleaning. First, ferrous metal is separated using an electromagnetic separator, which is mounted above the conveyor. This scrap metal goes into a storage hopper, is pressed into briquettes weighing 80 kg and sent for remelting. The mass freed from ferrous metal continues on its way. From the conveyor it falls onto a cylindrical sieve (screen) with cells with a diameter of 45-60 mm. The screen rotates quite quickly, at 15 rpm, so that small particles fall through. and large ones remain above the grate. Both products - over-grid and under-grid - are freed from non-ferrous metal using special installations that create an electromagnetic field, under the influence of which non-ferrous metal objects are thrown to the side. Ballistic glass separators are used to separate glass from compost. The release of compost from plastic film is carried out with a strong stream of air. The resulting compost is used in agriculture. But at first the compost is still immature and for a long time The biothermal process continues in it and the temperature remains high. Such compost can be used as biofuel for heating soil in greenhouses. Cooled and matured compost is used again in open ground in fields or in urban landscaping as an organic fertilizer. To treat non-composting fractions, pyrolysis is used - heat treatment without access to oxygen. During the pyrolysis process, a vapor-gas mixture is formed, as well as a solid carbon residue - pyrocarbon, which is used in metallurgy as a substitute for graphite. The economic feasibility of the considered process is obvious, because from one ton of solid waste 20 kg of ferrous metal, 2 kg of non-ferrous metal, 200-250 kg of non-compostable fractions and 600-700 kg of compost are released. From one ton of non-compostable fractions, approximately 200 kg of petroleum-like oils, 190 kg of gaseous products, and 330 kg of pyrocarbon are obtained.

    According to data for Russia as a whole, only about 5% of waste is processed industrially (at waste incineration and recycling plants), and the rest is transported to landfills and landfills (authorized and unauthorized). Recently, the problem of processing sludge from water supply and sewage treatment plants has arisen.

    Methods for recycling waste from polymeric materials.

    Waste from polymeric materials does not decompose naturally and therefore they are strong environmental pollutants. Most polymers burn well, releasing a significant amount of heat and consuming a large amount of air. The released energy can be used. However, when burned, many polymers produce harmful gases such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides, cyanide compounds, hydrogen chloride and other substances, which requires additional devices for cleaning and processing gas emissions.

    The most common method of recycling waste from polymeric materials is burial and removal to landfills. Currently, special polygons for polymer materials are increasingly used.

    We have experience in recycling old polyethylene film and turning it into new, as well as producing pipes that are not susceptible to corrosion. Creating polymers with a controlled service life is an effective, promising way to protect the environment. In a number of countries, special, self-destructive types of packaging have been developed and are already being produced. These are photo- or biodegradable polymers that, under the influence of light, heat, atmospheric oxygen or microorganisms, decompose into low molecular weight products without polluting the soil.


    Nadezhda Alekseeva

    This year in Russia it is planned to begin the construction of several waste incineration plants: four enterprises should appear in the Moscow region, one in Tatarstan. In Crimea, according to the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Mikhail Men, five such plants will be built from 2017 to 2019, and the same number of landfills will open in the republic. Environmental organizations protest against the burning of municipal solid waste (MSW) and argue that this method of disposal can harm the environment. However, experts do not support environmental activists. Read about when a culture of separate waste collection can be formed in the country and what new methods of solid waste disposal are being used today.

    • RIA News

    Garbage landscape

    On January 1, the Year of Ecology started in Russia. For improvement ecological situation The country must first of all get rid of landfills, which are expanding by many kilometers every year. The problem is no longer visible only to the expert community - according to the results of a recent survey by VTsIOM, Russians named the accumulation of household waste as the most dangerous factor for the environment. This answer was given by 44% of respondents.

    At the beginning of January of this year, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Crimea, Gennady Naraev, said that a waste disposal plant would appear in the region. A preliminary agreement on construction was reached during negotiations between representatives of regional authorities and the RT-Invest company (a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation). For the peninsula, the issue of waste disposal is acute - the region always experiences additional burden in tourist season. The need to build a waste incineration plant in Crimea was announced last September by the special representative of the Russian President on environmental issues, ecology and transport, Sergei Ivanov.

    • Sergey Ivanov
    • RIA News

    On Friday, February 10, Federal Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Mikhail Men announced plans to build waste incineration plants in Crimea for three years at once.

    No one had seriously dealt with the problem of waste disposal before; waste disposal was carried out by depositing (storing) in landfills - a similar practice is widespread in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    According to data for November, announced by Sergei Ivanov, about 100 billion tons of various waste have accumulated in Russia.

    The total area of ​​landfills is more than 500 square kilometers, including unauthorized dumps, which pose the greatest danger. Today, only about 5% of all solid waste is disposed of in Russia using methods alternative to deposition.

    • RIA News

    According to Greenpeace, there are six waste incineration plants operating in the country.

    At the same time, the total damage from bad ecology reaches 15% of GDP in Russia.

    In December 2016, the government presented the project “ Clean country", the goal of which is to create an effective waste processing and disposal system. According to Dmitry Medvedev, during the implementation of the project, the construction of five facilities is planned heat treatment waste, one plant will be built in Tatarstan and four more in the Moscow region.

    The Swiss-Japanese company Hitachi Zosen Inova will take part in the implementation of the project for the construction of waste incineration plants in Russia. The concern has already built about 600 waste disposal plants in the world. On average, a plant with two incineration lines is capable of recycling up to 400 thousand tons of non-hazardous waste per year. An integral part of this process is energy generation.

    As Sergei Ivanov noted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, modern waste incineration enterprises dispose of solid waste with zero emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the degree of purification reaches 90-95%.

    "Green" protest

    The government's plans to build waste incineration plants, as expected, outraged the greens. Thus, in January, representatives of several environmental NGOs announced the formation of a coalition that will oppose the construction of plants for thermal recycling of solid waste. This association included Greenpeace in Russia, the Separate Collection movement and others. According to activists, burning garbage will inevitably lead to the release of dangerous substances such as dioxins into the atmosphere, especially since garbage burned in the country is not pre-sorted.

    • Garbage cans installed on the territory of Losiny Ostrov
    • Eva Steinlein/dpa

    However, waste incineration plants continue to operate not only in Russia, but also abroad. For example, in Germany there are about 90 factories for thermal recycling of household waste. And this despite the fact that the country has a strong influence of the greens, who even managed to get the authorities to abandon the use of nuclear energy.

    So far, the main method of recycling solid waste in Russia is combustion in layered furnaces on grates. This technology will also be used at new plants, the construction of which is just planned. The justification presented in 2012 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation states that this method of processing is not only the most cost-effective compared to others, but also does not harm the environment (provided that modern filters are used). The document reports that this method of waste disposal does not involve its pre-treatment, and this is important factor for stability of the reaction. In order to carry out complete afterburning, natural gas is used in grate furnaces: this allows the required temperature to be achieved.

    In addition, alternative technologies for thermal waste disposal are being introduced - pyrolysis (decomposition under the influence of high temperature without oxygen) and plasma pyrolysis. The latter method involves heating waste to temperatures of about 2000 °C in a plasmatron, as a result of which the waste disintegrates to an atomic state, turning into pyrolysis gas and environmentally friendly glassy slag. Gas can be used for chemical synthesis and also as an energy carrier. Such methods are more environmentally friendly than simple combustion on grates, but have not yet become widespread due to the complexity technological process. However, on the basis of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” a complex for recycling solid waste using high-temperature plasma technologies is already being created.

    The main thing is control

    Are the fears of environmental activists justified?

    According to experts with whom RT spoke, waste incineration plants do not pose a danger to the environment - but only if all technological standards are strictly observed and modern equipment is used.

    As Yuri Krutyakov, a senior researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, explained to RT, dioxins can be formed directly during the combustion of solid waste that contains chlorine-containing components (primarily PVC plastic) if the combustion temperatures are below 850-1100 ° C. In addition, the formation of dioxins is possible during insufficiently rapid cooling of hot waste gases into which the incinerated waste passes.

    That is why a modern gas purification system plays a key role in the environmental safety of a waste incineration plant, the cost of which can reach up to 60-70% of the cost of the entire solid waste incineration complex.

    Many waste incineration plants are introducing quenching systems - this is an instantaneous cooling of gas. In this way, the temperature range in which dioxin formation is most likely to occur is partly avoided. After the gas passes through the cooling system, it enters the gas cleaning system, which consists of a large number of different devices.

    “If all production regulations are strictly observed, including timely maintenance and replacement of gas purification system elements, and strict requirements for the organization of sanitary protection zones are met, we can say that waste incineration plants are relatively safe in terms of harmful emissions,” Yuri Krutyakov told RT . “Today, given the current stalemate with the disposal of solid waste in megacities, there is no real alternative to waste incineration, although the development of more advanced disposal methods is underway.”

    If there is no proper control on the part of supervisory authorities, the management of such enterprises is often tempted to save money on replacing filters. Therefore, inspections and environmental monitoring in this area should be carried out frequently and unscheduled - this will ensure that waste incineration does not cause damage to the environment.

    According to the expert, it is extremely important that non-outdated methods are used when burning waste. Western technologies, but the most modern ones. Technical specifications for suppliers must formulate strict environmental requirements for the composition of waste (exhaust) gases, in this case the risk of air pollution is minimized.

    It should be noted that representatives of the environmental activist community often talk not only about the danger of atmospheric emissions that occur during thermal waste disposal, but also about the toxic ash remaining after the combustion of solid waste. At the same time, you can find many publications on the Internet whose authors propose using such waste in construction.

    “As for the ash remaining after burning solid waste, there are different opinions. Many scientific studies have shown that impurities of heavy metals and other hazardous elements remain in the ash, which can pose environmental risks to the environment. It must be disposed of and not allowed to be reused, unless after vitrification, which makes such waste insoluble,” Krutyakov explained.

    Note that today such ash in most cases is not used in any way, but is buried in special landfills.

    A question of culture

    As an alternative to burning solid waste in one way or another, the establishment of separate waste collection and its subsequent processing is most often proposed. However, developing a culture of separate waste collection, as well as creating the necessary infrastructure, takes time.

    • Dona, S./Arco Images GmbH

    Russia is still taking only the first steps in this direction, and it may take years or even decades to achieve tangible results. During this time, in the absence of waste incineration complexes, landfills can grow to completely unacceptable sizes, which will entail serious consequences for the environment.

    Of course, no one will deny the need to introduce separate waste collection, including for cleaner combustion, but it is not worth presenting this as the only alternative today. Moreover, not the entire volume of waste can be recycled, and the remaining garbage still needs to be destroyed somehow.

    “The waste incineration technology used in Russia is quite acceptable. Much depends on the quality of waste sorting; unfortunately, we have not yet developed a culture of separate waste collection, but there is no need to be afraid of burning waste,” said Valentin Grakovich, deputy chairman of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, in an interview with RT. — The public must have access to information on the operation of waste incineration plants. Shouting that waste incineration plants are not needed is simply ignorant. The problem is that they are being built slowly in Russia.” The expert added that some environmental activists protest for the sake of protesting, without calculating the consequences.

    “What Greenpeace is proposing is a road to nowhere. The biosphere will not forgive us if we wait for the moment when Russia starts sorting garbage en masse. We won't go out for another 20 years separate collection waste. In Switzerland, for example, this has been going on for about 50 years,” Grakovich emphasized.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    State educational budgetary institution
    higher professional education
    Siberian State Aerospace University
    named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev

    Department of Environmental Engineering
    Discipline: Life Safety

    Topic: Modern waste processing technologies

    student group UI-01
    Pyshkaylo Maria

                  Okladnikova E.N.
    Krasnoyarsk 2011

    With the continuous development and growth of cities, unfortunately, the mountains of garbage around them also grow. If earlier the problem of recycling garbage, various wastes, used raw materials was reduced to their removal outside the city limits and the creation of huge city landfills, then with the development of technology, modern waste disposal is becoming more and more advanced - simple and safe - allowing not only to get rid of waste, but also to this is with maximum benefit and benefit.
    Today, the world of waste is becoming more and more innovative, a huge number of different enterprises and organizations are coming up with new uses for seemingly unnecessary materials, this brings tangible profits. Every year, waste is more and more often sent for recycling, because raw materials are becoming more and more expensive. The time for thoughtless use of natural resources and causing irreversible harm to the environment has passed.

    Types of waste
    All waste is divided into five hazard classes based on their impact on the natural environment:
    I Hazard class - Extremely dangerous.
    The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on hazardous waste is VERY HIGH. Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as hazardous waste - The ecological system is irreversibly damaged. There is no recovery period.
    II Hazard class - Highly dangerous.
    The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on hazardous waste is HIGH. Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as hazardous waste - The ecological system is severely disturbed. The recovery period is at least 30 years after complete elimination of the source of harmful effects.
    III Hazard class - Moderately dangerous.
    The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on the environment is MEDIUM. Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for hazardous waste - The ecological system is disrupted. The recovery period is at least 10 years after reducing the harmful effects from the existing source.
    IV Hazard class - Low hazard.
    The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on the environment is LOW. Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as hazardous waste - The ecological system is disrupted. The self-healing period is at least 3 years.
    V Hazard class - Virtually non-hazardous.
    The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on hazardous waste is VERY LOW. Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for hazardous waste - The ecological system is practically not disturbed. The most hazardous wastes contain compounds of beryllium, cadmium, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, chromium, lead, mercury, and organometallic compounds.
    Waste is divided into the following types

      Industrial waste
    Economic growth since 1998 to 2008 in our country has led to an increase in production and consumption. This growth is the main driving force for the increase in waste.
    Industrial waste includes products, materials, products and substances generated as a result of human production activities, which have a negative impact on the environment, the recycling of which is unprofitable at a given enterprise. Often a large amount of waste is an indicator of the imperfection of a particular production technology. Conventionally, industrial waste is divided into inert and toxic.
    Inert industrial waste is mainly disposed of in solid waste landfills. These include: wood waste, ash and slag waste, abrasive materials, plastic waste, textile waste, etc.
    Toxic industrial waste includes physiologically active substances that are formed during the technological production cycle and have a pronounced toxic effect on warm-blooded animals, as well as on humans.
      Construction waste
    This is mainly waste generated as a result of reconstruction, dismantling and construction of buildings and structures. These include solid mineral waste (expanded clay, ceramics, asbestos cement, gypsum, concrete waste), wood and other materials used in construction. This waste is equated to hazard class V. But they cannot be called absolutely safe, for example, wood used in construction is usually impregnated with dyes, which, when burned in an incineration plant, form a gas enriched with harmful impurities; the same thing happens in a landfill as a result of rotting.
      Municipal solid waste
    Household waste accompanies humanity throughout its entire development path. However, in recent decades, the problem of household waste, especially in large cities, has become particularly acute. The accumulation of solid waste in a modern city reaches 250-300 kg per person per year, and the annual increase in waste per capita is 4-6%, which is 3 times the rate of population growth.
    Some waste is transported to countryside landfills intended for disposal, some ends up in unorganized storage areas (about 10%), and another 6% simply settles in the city and industrial enterprises.
    The qualitative composition of solid waste practically does not depend on the geographical location of the city. The bulk of solid waste consists of waste paper, broken glass, household items not suitable for further use, food waste, apartment and street waste, construction waste left over from routine renovation of apartments, broken household appliances, etc. The central place among solid waste in largest cities Russia is occupied by paper and food waste (61.5-73.7% of the total mass).
    Modern waste disposal technologies
    Today, waste disposal is a fairly pressing problem, the solution to which has been repeatedly raised at the government level. During the period of perestroika, waste disposal was completely neglected, which led to the formation of numerous landfills, and waste incineration plants fell into complete disrepair. Numerous sites are currently being restored and the latest recycling technologies are being introduced.
    In modern society, waste recycling is generally understood as the processing of waste into useful raw materials or energy. Currently, many human wastes can be recycled and used to produce useful products. Such waste mainly includes scrap metal, wood waste, waste paper, polymers, glass, and so on.
    Theoretically, the technologies that currently involve waste disposal make it possible to recycle almost any raw material and completely eliminate this problem. However, in practice it will take many years to implement this idea. This is mainly explained by the fact that today many factories do not provide for the disposal of various wastes and, therefore, do not have fully established processing processes. However, despite this, some chemical enterprises process some hazardous and hazardous waste.
    What are modern complexes for processing and destroying waste of all types? Its processing consists of several stages, the first of which is sorting. Here the total mass is divided into various fractions that can be used for recycling. The sorted waste enters a conveyor belt that passes through several different separators. At the first stage, bulky waste is separated and sent to special shredders. Next comes the stage of separating waste ferrous and non-ferrous metals using a magnetic separator. This waste is dumped into a special bunker and most often sent for melting as scrap metal. After this, the garbage passes through an air separator, which separates the lightest waste fractions - paper, film, plastic, etc.
    At the next stage, the garbage passes through a special sieve, where it is divided into fractions according to the size of the fragments. Larger parts go to the next stage - a manual sorting chamber. Here, waste is separated using the manual labor of workers. Recyclable materials – glass, wood, plastic, etc. are stored in special containers. Unfortunately, this stage cannot yet be automated and is the most labor-intensive in the entire process.
    Well, the remaining small-sized fraction of waste, which can no longer be recycled, is fed to waste presses. Here the remaining mass is pressed and briquetted into special plastic bags or without them. This waste can subsequently be sent to an incinerator or to a special storage area. In the latter case, its volume is many times smaller than the original. Thus, significant usable space is saved, not to mention the fact that many types of sorted waste will be sold at a profit as secondary raw materials.
    It is worth noting that burning waste is a rather dangerous process from an environmental point of view. After all, this releases a significant amount of carcinogenic substances, especially organic substances and dioxins. Therefore, to ensure safety for people and the environment, it is necessary to equip all furnaces with comprehensive filters that prevent the release of harmful substances into the air. The incinerators themselves, as a rule, operate on natural gas, which does not emit harmful products during combustion. Well, the ash formed after the combustion of garbage is increasingly used as a binder for the production of cinder blocks. This material is widely used in construction work.
    Thus, the introduction of modern technologies allows not only to keep the environment clean, but also makes waste disposal a profitable activity.

    The most unusual way to dispose of waste.

    Many states allocate enormous financial resources to solve the problem of waste disposal. Everywhere they are solved differently. A very original solution was invented in Singapore.
    Singapore is a small country located on the southern side of the Malacca Peninsula. Its area is about 650 square kilometers and its population is slightly more than 3 million people. Such a small territory of the state does not allow setting up huge landfills with garbage, so this problem was solved in a very original way.
    Not far from Singapore Island is Semaku Island, its area is 350 hectares. Its appearance is no different from any other tropical island. You can get to it by ferry, spending only about half an hour, so a large number of tourists constantly arrive on the island. And the main highlight of the island, which attracts a large number of people, is not the architecture, not the nature, and not the monuments. The bottom line is that Semaku is man-made, and garbage was used to create it. This truly unique piece of land contains 63 million cubic meters of all kinds of waste. According to scientists, Semaku Island could serve as a landfill for Singapore until 2045.
    In order to achieve this, garbage is collected in specially equipped cells, which are closed with a thick, dense plastic membrane. A layer of soil suitable for growing plants is poured on top of the cell with garbage.
    Semaku Island is shining example solving the eternal problem of waste disposal, which many states must adopt. And the point is not that there should be an island of garbage near every country. The whole problem lies in the degree of responsibility with which people treat global problems. What is important here is their understanding and awareness that issues that concern humanity in general are just as important as personal issues.

    People all over the world must change their approach and mentality, focusing on the principles of environmental conservation. Any product, its design and production technology must be developed without creating additional waste. Scientists create ideas for a closed cycle economy and product, projects for ecological cities. These developments are widely supported throughout the world, especially by large corporations, but there are countries and companies that export waste illegally to other countries, thereby worsening their environment and violating a huge number of laws. This is a crime not only against a specific country, but also against the whole world, because we have a common environment, and there is nowhere to hide from its deterioration.
    Only a competent approach to organizing the removal and destruction of all types of waste can be the key to solving environmental problems around the world.

    Used Books:

      1. Website of the company “EKOkomplekt”[Electronic resource].URL:
      2. Coordinator of the CRPO "Ecological Association"
      ZASTUPENKO Anastasia. [Electronic resource].URL: kuda.php?s=1
      3. "MKM LOGISTICS" Removal, processing and disposal
      industrial, household, wood
      and other categories of waste in Moscow. [Electronic resource].URL:
      4. LLC "Ekostiltrans": waste removal. [Electronic resource].URL: php