Heat pump for an outdoor pool. Which pool heat pump to choose - expert advice


Heat pumps used for swimming pools are highly efficient and energy-saving devices that heat water using ambient heat.

Using heat pumps to heat water in swimming pools

A. A. Sadovnikov, director of Vigorcenter

Heat pumps, used for swimming pools, are highly efficient and energy-saving devices that heat water using environmental heat.

As a rule, water in swimming pools is heated either using electric heaters or through water-to-water heat exchangers, using the thermal energy of a heating plant or heating boiler, but a number of negative aspects arise - high energy tariffs and, in most cases, a lack of electrical capacity to connect the necessary equipment.

In this case, it is advisable to use heat pumps. With their help, it is possible to heat water in both indoor and outdoor pools. The principle of operation of a heat pump is to transfer heat obtained from the environment (water, soil or air) into the pool water. Compared to electric heaters, a heat pump can save up to 80% of electricity. For example, consuming 1.24 kW electrical energy, the heat pump is capable of generating 5.5 kW of thermal energy.

The heat pump does not require special maintenance and is quite easy to operate. Operational parameters are adjusted using a special automation unit.

The source of thermal energy can be soil, ground and underground waters, reservoirs, air, and therefore water can be heated all year round. In addition, as a complement to the heat pump, you can use solar collectors, which will provide additional thermal power without electricity costs, and will also reduce the operating time of the heat pump in clear weather, working to maintain the water temperature.

For geothermal pumps, the external circuit that collects heat from the environment is a polyethylene pipeline laid in the ground or in water. The coolant is a solution of ethylene glycol (or ethyl alcohol) or antifreeze (brine).

When using rock as a heat source, the pipeline is lowered into a well. You can drill several shallow wells - this may be cheaper than one deep one. The main thing is to get the total calculated depth. Also, if there is a sufficient amount of soil and groundwater, water obtained from one well can be pumped through an external loop and discharged into another well or reservoir.

When laying the circuit in the ground, to achieve maximum efficiency, it is advisable to use an area with moist soil, preferably with nearby groundwater. The use of geothermal heat pumps in areas with dry soil is also possible, but this leads to an increase in the length of the circuit. Laying can be done horizontally or in trenches. Special training no soil is required, and the pipeline does not have any effect on the growth of plants in the area if installed correctly.

A nearby body of water is an ideal heat source for a heat pump. When using a lake or river as a heat source, the circuit is laid on the bottom. This option is optimal: “high” ambient temperature (the water temperature in the reservoir in winter is always positive), short external circuit, high energy conversion coefficient by the heat pump.

There is also a heat pump model with an air heat exchanger to obtain thermal energy from the air. In addition to treating ambient air, such a pump can effectively obtain heat from used indoor air, for example, from the exhaust of a ventilation system.

Using a heat pump is a good alternative when prices for traditional fuels increase. The use of heat pumps provides the building and pool with heat, the production of which is environmentally friendly and economical.

Heating the pool water

Heating pool water with a heat pump is more economical and convenient than heating it with an electric heater. It is also possible to precisely regulate the water heating process, in contrast to water heating with solar panels.

The heat consumption of an outdoor pool is influenced by the habits of the people who will use it and the type of pool. If the pool is heated during the off-season, it does not make sense to include the pool's consumption in the amount of heat supplied by the heat pump.

The approximate calculation of heat consumption depends on parameters such as pool area, presence of wind, pool water temperature, climatic conditions at the installation location, frequency and duration of use, presence of a roof or awning over the pool.

Picture 1.

The distribution of heat costs for an outdoor pool looks something like this:

  • convection into the environment 10–20%;
  • heat transfer to the atmosphere is 5–20%;
  • evaporation from the water surface 50–80%;
  • heat transfer to the pool walls is 2–5%.

The most beneficial is the integration of an outdoor pool water heating system using a heat pump into the engineering system of a building in the southern regions. During the warm period of the year, when it is possible to use a swimming pool, in the southern regions the main energy consumption goes to cooling the building. The heat pump can operate not only in heating mode, but also in cooling mode. This generates heat, which is usually disposed of in the ground, but in the case of integration of two systems, this heat will be used to heat the water in the pool. A study conducted by scientists in the USA showed that the use of pool water heating systems with a heat pump can reduce the length of the external circuit by 20%, as well as increase economic efficiency heat pump.

IN northern regions, where the main consumer of energy is the heating system, the length of the circuit is selected based on the heating load and remains unchanged.

The heat consumption of an indoor pool depends on the water temperature in the pool, the difference between the pool water temperature and the room temperature, and the frequency of use of the pool.

If an indoor pool heating system is integrated into a home heating system using a heat pump, it may be necessary to increase the external piping circuit.

For the initial heating of pool water to a temperature of more than 20 °C, approximately 12 kWh/m 3 is required. The time for a full pool heating cycle depends on its size and the installed heating power (heating time can be several days).

An example of calculating the period of heating water in a pool:

  • the pool has a volume of 31.5 m 3 (7 x 3 x 1.5 m);
  • initial temperature 15 °C, desired temperature 28 °C;
  • To heat the pool, the heat pump must do the following:
    Q= 31.5 · (28 – 15) · 4186/3600 = 476 kW.

With a heat pump power of 10 kW, the pool (not taking into account costs) will be heated for 47.6 hours (about two days).

The connection for heating the swimming pool water is carried out in parallel with heat pumps for heating and hot water supply. Swimming pool water should be heated through the pool heat exchanger, because... their materials have increased corrosion resistance taking into account the effects of water containing chlorine.

Reduced heat costs

Using a special pool cover (plastic membrane film) during hours when the pool is not in use can reduce heat loss and partially reduce convection. In general, using a pool cover can save up to 50% of the heat. For indoor pools, covering the surface will have another important function - reducing the amount of moisture released from the pool mirror into the room. The covering film must be resistant to UV radiation (especially for external pools).

If the heating system for an outdoor pool with a heat pump is combined with the cooling system of the building, then it is not recommended to cover the pool on particularly hot days, because There will be excess heat in the system.

Water parks

The first water parks closed type appeared in the world at the turn of the 1970s–80s. Water parks are expensive facilities with high initial capital investments and subsequent operating costs. One of the tasks of designers is to optimize the cost indicators of all parts of the project. Today, the level of cost indicators of a profitable facility has been determined, which can range from $15 to 30 million (according to Ingenieur-BuroGansloserGmbH, Germany).

When solving the problem of optimizing the cost indicators of the project, the designer faces a multi-criteria task and its main component lies in the approach to creating a comprehensive energy-efficient design solution for the water park building.

Indoor water park is complicated hydraulic structure with an artificial climate, designed for recreation and health improvement for a wide age range of people.

The water surface of swimming pools is an intense source of evaporation. At normal temperature water in the water park pools is 26 °C, air temperature is 27 °C and relative humidity 60% of each m2 of pool surface releases 230 g of water per hour. As a result, unfavorable microclimatic conditions are created and water vapor condenses on relatively cold enclosing structures. This leads to windows fogging up, walls becoming wet, destruction of interior decoration, mold formation, and corrosion. Particularly dangerous is corrosion of the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, as well as the formation of cracks in brickwork and slag concrete masonry when moisture freezes, penetrating as a result of condensation into the thickness of external fences. The sad result in some cases is the complete destruction of the building or its unsuitability for further use.

Therefore, the solution to the problem of drying the air inside wet zone water park is very important, and the most economical and effective way combating excess humidity is the so-called condensation. For water areas with total area more than 2000 m2, high-capacity central air conditioning units should be used, about 100,000 m3/h. The installation includes diagonal-type heat exchangers (recuperator) and a heat pump operating in reverse mode. Structurally, the heat pump allows you to change the operating mode from winter to summer and vice versa. With such productivity, it is desirable to achieve an energy efficiency ratio of 4:1, i.e. For every kW of energy consumed, the output power should be 4 kW. Considering that water parks are objects of the highest category of energy saturation, the indicated efficiency indicators, leading to a 4-fold reduction in the corresponding operating costs, provide very noticeable annual savings with a payback period of the necessary capital investments of several years.

Use of wastewater heat

I would also like to mention wastewater as a medium for heat extraction by a heat pump. A septic tank is a specially designed container in which wastewater is treated country house or cottage. Septic tanks differ in the number of chambers (from one to three) and the method of cleaning - with or without air access.

A septic tank is an ideal solution for disposal and biological treatment Wastewater. Drain waters have a relatively high, stable temperature. By placing a heat collector circuit in the septic tank, you can ensure Vacation home hot water due to the extraction of heat from the septic tank, which, in turn, reduces the load and capital costs on the main circuit.

Any hot water after use is drained into a septic tank or sewer, i.e. is simply thrown away, so the return (recovery) of heat using the DX mode allows you to “close” and minimize DHW costs. With the help of an evaporator loop, flooded into the septic tank on one side and connected through ports to the heat pump on the other, it is possible to use the heat of wastewater. After human use hot water it enters the septic tank, from there the heat of the wastewater is transferred to heating using a heat pump cold water to the required temperature, i.e. the cycle is completely closed. At a time when there is no water supply, there is no need to heat hot water. For the same reason, excessive cooling of the septic tank is excluded, i.e. this does not harm his biosystem at all.

Benefits of a heat pump system:

efficiency. A heat pump uses the expended energy much more efficiently than any other heating systems that burn fuel or use electric heating elements. At the same time, heat pumps have a significant resource (service life 50–100 years with overhaul intervals of 15–25 years);

accessibility and ubiquity. There is practically no house or property where it would be impossible to install a heat pump. This equipment does not depend on the vagaries of the weather, suppliers and heat tariffs, the availability of firewood or diesel fuel, or simply a drop in gas pressure in the network;

environmental friendliness. Heating with heat pumps is an environmentally friendly heating method. Such an installation will not only save money on energy resources, but will also protect the health of the residents of the house. These heating installations do not burn fuel and, accordingly, oxides harmful to humans are not formed. The use of heat pumps has a positive effect on the ecology of the entire planet; electricity generation at thermal power plants is reduced. Freons used in heat pumps are ozone-safe and do not contain chlorocarbons;

versatility. Heat pumps are reversible; they not only produce heat, but also cool rooms. Heat pumps can extract heat from the air in a home, cooling it and directing excess heat into a well or outside with air. IN summer time excess heat can be used to heat the pool;

safety. Heat pumps are fire and explosion proof. No open flames, emissions, no fuel, hazardous gases or mixtures. Its structural elements do not heat up to high temperatures that could ignite flammable materials. Stopping the heat pump will not cause damage or freezing of liquids.

As a rule, water in swimming pools is heated either using electric heaters or through water-to-water heat exchangers, using the thermal energy of a heating plant or heating boiler, but a number of negative aspects arise - high energy tariffs and, in most cases, a lack of electrical capacity to connect the necessary equipment.

In this case, it is advisable to use heat pumps. With their help, it is possible to heat water in both indoor and outdoor pools. The principle of operation of a heat pump is to transfer heat obtained from the environment (water, soil or air) into the pool water.

Benefits of heat pump systems

efficiency.A heat pump uses the expended energy much more efficiently than any other heating systems that burn fuel or use electric heating elements. Compared to electric heaters, a heat pump can save up to 80% of electricity. For example, consuming 1.24 kW of electrical energy, a heat pump is capable of generating 5.5 kW of thermal energy.

At the same time, heat pumps have a significant resource (service life 50–100 years with overhaul intervals of 15–25 years);

accessibility and ubiquity. There is practically no house or property where it would be impossible to install a heat pump. This equipment does not depend on the vagaries of the weather, suppliers and heat tariffs, the availability of firewood or diesel fuel, or simply a drop in gas pressure in the network;

environmental friendliness.Heating with heat pumps is an environmentally friendly heating method. Such an installation will not only save money on energy resources, but will also protect the health of the residents of the house. These heating installations do not burn fuel and, accordingly, oxides harmful to humans are not formed. The use of heat pumps has a positive effect on the ecology of the entire planet; electricity generation at thermal power plants is reduced. Freons used in heat pumps are ozone-safe and do not contain chlorocarbons;

versatility. Heat pumps are reversible; they not only produce heat, but also cool rooms. Heat pumps can extract heat from the air in a home, cooling it and directing excess heat into a well or outside with air. In summer, excess heat can be used to heat the pool;

safety.Heat pumps are fire and explosion proof. No open flames, emissions, no fuel, hazardous gases or mixtures. Its structural elements do not heat up to high temperatures that could ignite flammable materials. Stopping the heat pump will not cause damage or freezing of liquids.

The heat pump does not require special maintenance and is quite easy to operate. Operational parameters are adjusted using a special automation unit.

Types of thermal energy sources.

The source of thermal energy can be soil, ground and underground water, reservoirs, air, and therefore water can be heated all year round. In addition, as an addition to the heat pump, you can use solar collectors, which will provide additional thermal power without the cost of electricity, and will also reduce the operating time of the heat pump in clear weather, working to maintain the water temperature.

U geothermal pumps, the external circuit that collects heat from the environment is a polyethylene pipeline laid in the ground or in water. The coolant is a solution of ethylene glycol (or ethyl alcohol) or antifreeze (brine).

When using rock as a heat source, the pipeline is lowered into a well. You can drill several shallow wells - this may be cheaper than one deep one. The main thing is to get the total calculated depth. Also, if there is a sufficient amount of ground and underground water, water obtained from one well can be pumped through the external loop and discharged into another well or reservoir.

When laying the circuit in the ground, to achieve maximum efficiency, it is advisable to use an area with moist soil, preferably with nearby groundwater. The use of geothermal heat pumps in areas with dry soil is also possible, but this leads to an increase in the length of the circuit. Laying can be done horizontally or in trenches. No special soil preparation is required, and the pipeline does not affect plant growth in the area if installed correctly.

Nearest body of water – an ideal heat source for a heat pump. When using a lake or river as a heat source, the circuit is laid on the bottom. This option is optimal: “high” ambient temperature (the water temperature in the reservoir in winter is always positive), short external circuit, high energy conversion coefficient by the heat pump.

There is also a heat pump model with air heat exchanger for obtaining thermal energy from air. In addition to treating ambient air, such a pump can effectively obtain heat from used indoor air, for example, from the exhaust of a ventilation system.

Using a heat pump is a good alternative when prices for traditional fuels increase. The use of heat pumps provides the building and pool with heat, the production of which is environmentally friendly and economical.

Use of wastewater heat

I would also like to mention wastewater as a medium for heat extraction by a heat pump. A septic tank is a specially designed container in which wastewater from a country house or cottage is treated. Septic tanks differ in the number of chambers (from one to three) and the method of cleaning - with or without air access.

A septic tank is an ideal solution for the disposal and biological treatment of wastewater. Drain waters have a relatively high, stable temperature. By placing a heat collector circuit in the septic tank, you can provide a country house with hot water by extracting heat from the septic tank, which, in turn, reduces the load and capital costs on the main circuit.

Any hot water after use is drained into a septic tank or sewer, i.e. is simply thrown away, so the return (recovery) of heat using the DX mode allows you to “close” and minimize the cost of domestic hot water. With the help of an evaporator loop, flooded into the septic tank on one side and connected through ports to a heat pump on the other, it is possible to use the heat of wastewater. After a person uses hot water, it enters the septic tank, from there the heat of the wastewater is transferred using a heat pump to heat cold water to the required temperature, i.e. the cycle is completely closed. At a time when there is no water supply, there is no need to heat hot water. For the same reason, excessive cooling of the septic tank is excluded, i.e. this does not harm his biosystem at all.

Heating pool water using a heat pump (air-water)

Heat pumps are designed to heat pool water using the heat of the environment, that is, air. The main elements of a heat pump are: fan, condenser, compressor, heat exchanger and control unit.

The heat consumption of an outdoor pool is influenced by the habits of the people who will use it and the type of pool. If the pool is heated during the off-season, it does not make sense to include the pool's consumption in the amount of heat supplied by the heat pump.

An approximate calculation of heat consumption depends on parameters such as the area of ​​the pool, the presence of wind, the temperature of the water in the pool, climatic conditions at the installation site, the frequency and duration of use, the presence of a roof or awning over the pool.

The distribution of heat costs for an outdoor pool looks something like this:

· convection into the environment 10–20%;

· heat transfer to the atmosphere is 5–20%;

· evaporation from the water surface 50–80%;

· heat transfer to the pool walls is 2–5%.

The most beneficial is the integration of an outdoor pool water heating system using a heat pump into the engineering system of a building in the southern regions. During the warm period of the year, when it is possible to use a swimming pool, in the southern regions the main energy consumption goes to cooling the building. The heat pump can operate not only in heating mode, but also in cooling mode. This generates heat, which is usually disposed of in the ground, but in the case of integration of two systems, this heat will be used to heat the water in the pool. A study conducted by scientists in the USA showed that the use of pool water heating systems with a heat pump can reduce the length of the external circuit by 20%, as well as increase the economic efficiency of the heat pump.

Table 1
Required amount of energy, W/m2,
for heating water in the pool (from May to September)

Pool type

Water temperature, °C




Indoor pool

Pool with fence

Partially indoor pool

Open pool


In northern regions, where the main consumer of energy is the heating system, the length of the circuit is selected based on the heating load and remains unchanged.

The heat consumption of an indoor pool depends on the water temperature in the pool, the difference between the pool water temperature and the room temperature, and the frequency of use of the pool.

If an indoor pool heating system is integrated into a home heating system using a heat pump, it may be necessary to increase the external piping circuit.

For the initial heating of pool water to a temperature of more than 20 °C, approximately 12 kWh/m 3 is required. The time for a full pool heating cycle depends on its size and the installed heating power (heating time can be several days).

An example of calculating the period of heating water in a pool:

· the pool has a volume of 31.5 m3(7 x 3 x 1.5 m);

· initial temperature 15 °C, desired temperature 28 °C;

· To heat the pool, the heat pump must do the following:
= 31.5 · (28 – 15) · 4186/3600 = 476 kW.

With a heat pump power of 10 kW, the pool (not taking into account costs) will be heated for 47.6 hours (about two days).

The connection for heating the swimming pool water is carried out in parallel with heat pumps for heating and hot water supply. Heating of swimming pool water should be done through the pool heat exchanger, because... their materials have increased corrosion resistance taking into account the effects of water containing chlorine.

Reduced heat costs

Using a special pool cover (plastic membrane film) during hours when the pool is not in use can reduce heat loss and partially reduce convection. In general, using a pool cover can save up to 50% of the heat. For indoor pools, covering the surface will have another important function– reducing the amount of moisture released from the pool mirror into the room. The covering film must be resistant to UV radiation (especially for external pools).

If the heating system for an outdoor pool with a heat pump is combined with the cooling system of the building, then it is not recommended to cover the pool on particularly hot days, because There will be excess heat in the system.

Heat pump installation

To operate a heat pump, you just need to place it near the pool, connect it to the pool water filtration system and to electricity, provide drainage and free access to fresh air. The heat pump can operate at temperatures not lower than +7° C. Installation of a heat pump usually takes place during the day and it can be carried out in already installed filtration systems.

The unit can be installed anywhere outdoors as long as the minimum distance requirements from other objects are met. For indoor pools, consult your installer.

Typically, a pool heat pump is installed within a radius of 7.5 meters from the pool. The greater the distance from the pool, the more loss heat in the liner. Since most pipes are buried, heat loss can be minimal over distances of up to 30 meters (15 meters to and from the heat pump = 30 meters in total), unless the ground is damp. Heat loss for every 30 m can be roughly assumed to be 0.6 kWh (2000 BTU) for every 5C difference between the temperature in the pool and the temperature of the ground surrounding the pipe, which entails an increase in operating time by 3-5%.

Minimum required distance for heat pump units located on each side of the pool (See picture below).

You need to install by-pass in the event that the water flow from the pool pump exceeds the manufacturer's specified flow through the heat pump heat exchanger by more than 20%.

It is necessary to increase the size of the outlet pipe to prevent freezing during the cold season, install a tee and valve to facilitate the replacement of the pipe in winter, or drain the water from the system to prevent it from freezing if the heat pump stops working in freezing temperatures, otherwise , the device may be damaged.

All chemical additions must be introduced downstream of the heat pump. A trap must be installed between the chlorination unit and the heater to prevent chlorine from returning to the heat pump (See figure below).

A pool heat pump is an effective and economical way to heat water to the optimal temperature. This unit is equally suitable for both outdoor and indoor pools. Despite the fact that it runs on electricity, its use for heating an artificial reservoir is completely safe.

The principle underlying the operation of a heat pump for heating a swimming pool is identical to the principle of operation of a refrigerator, but exactly the opposite. Everyone knows that a refrigerator removes heat from its body. However, not many people think that this heat, according to the law of conservation of energy, cannot simply disappear. The refrigerator diverts it to the condenser, which is located on its rear wall.

While functioning, the heat pump takes energy from low-potential natural sources. This happens as follows:

  • A heat exchange unit called an evaporator, in contact with a low-grade energy source, absorbs its heat. The refrigerant circulating through the pipe system, usually freon, heats up and turns into a gaseous state. The peculiarity of freon is that it does not harden even when negative temperatures. Its temperature is always lower than the temperature of the medium with which it comes into contact, taking away heat.
  • The resulting gas rushes further through the heat pump's pipe system, after which it enters the compressor. There, due to the pumped pressure, the gas is compressed and receives additional heating, thus potential energy increases even more.
  • In the next step, the high-potential gas is sent to the heat pump's condenser. It acts as a heating element for the final medium. There's accumulated thermal energy is released and transferred to the heat sink. At the same time, the refrigerant again turns into a liquid state (condenses) and is sent to an external heat exchanger. Also at this stage, the pressure built up in the condenser is released.

Using this principle to heat a pool allows you to save significant money. Since water has a very high heat capacity, to heat it in large quantities it is necessary to expend a huge amount of energy. Using electricity exclusively for this purpose will cost a pretty penny. Heat pumps, in turn, use it not to heat the final heat sink, but to operate the equipment. This is nothing compared to heating many tons of water. About eighty percent of the thermal energy generated by heat pumps is free. They are obtained from external natural environment. The ratio of the electricity spent on the operation of the heat pump to the thermal energy generated by it is approximately 1 to 5.

Types of heat pumps for heating water

Three media can serve as heat sources for these units: air, water and soil. These differences form the basis for the classification of heat pumps.

Air-to-water heat pumps

This type of heat pump is the simplest and at the same time has the lowest efficiency. The external unit of such units is a housing with an evaporator, equipped with a forced air injection system. The fan delivers air to the channel system with freon and then the already described heat transfer process occurs.

The main disadvantage of such units is the high degree of dependence of their performance on the ambient temperature. The majority of models can effectively generate heat at air temperatures down to minus 15 degrees Celsius. However, there are models whose operating temperature limit drops to minus 32 degrees Celsius.

Water-to-water heat pumps

The efficiency of such units is superior to air heat pumps due to the fact that the water used as a heat source is always at a positive temperature. To do this, the heat exchanger of water-water systems is immersed to the bottom of the reservoir below its freezing level. Such units are comparable in efficiency to ground-water systems, but are easier to install.

To install them, you do not need to drill wells; you only need to have a reservoir that does not freeze to the very bottom. Groundwater can also be used as a heat source; in this case, excavation work is no longer necessary.

However, the use of such installations is associated with certain risks. In the long term, there is a possibility that the reservoir will dry out or become shallow to such an extent that during frosts it will begin to freeze to the very bottom. Groundwater, theoretically, can also go away. In this case, the effectiveness of heat pumps in the water-water system is reduced to nothing.

Ground-water heat pumps

Such heat pumps are also called geothermal. As the name implies, the source of thermal energy for them is the soil. They are superior in efficiency to air source heat pumps for reasons similar to water-to-water systems. The heat exchange process in such systems occurs below the freezing level of the soil.

These units are the most difficult to install compared to other heat pumps. Their installation almost always involves the use of special equipment for drilling wells, which also entails additional costs. In turn, these systems are the most reliable.

Despite the fact that the heat source used by ground-water systems is always at a positive temperature, their heat transfer efficiency may vary. It depends mainly on the heat transfer rates of soils. Hard rocks are most suitable in this regard. On the contrary, sand and similar dry soils are least effective.

Features of choosing a heat pump for a swimming pool

The cost of heat pumps is quite high and increases with the increase in power and equipment of the unit. Therefore, it is not always the most effective solution There will be a purchase of the most powerful and fully equipped heat pump.

In order to make the best choice, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • Is there an indoor pool or is it located outside?
  • The mass of water to be heated. The volume of the pool is one of the most important factors that determine the choice of heat pump.
  • In addition to volume, a very important parameter is the water temperature, initial and target, to which the water must be heated.

In terms of technical equipment, different models may also differ in many ways. The same pump can heat exclusively the pool or the room in which it is located too. In addition, there are modules that almost completely automate the operation of these units. Their use significantly increases the comfort of using heat pumps, but their presence is not necessary. Therefore, determining your needs will help answer the question, which heat pump should you choose?

Calculation of heat pump power for a swimming pool

There is a formula for approximate calculation of the required heat pump power for a swimming pool. It looks like this:


  1. P – power in kilowatts;
  2. 16 – coefficient correcting for heat loss by water due to evaporation;
  3. ΔT – difference between the initial and final water temperatures;
  4. t – time in hours required to heat up the water in the pool;
  5. V is the volume of water in the pool in cubic meters.

It is worth understanding that this calculation is quite approximate and averaged. This formula does not take into account many factors, such as indoor or outdoor air temperature, room ventilation, and so on. For the most precise definition It is better to consult a specialist about the heat pump power for a specific pool.

Features of installing a heat pump for a swimming pool

The installation features of a heat pump will primarily depend on its design. In the case of water-water and ground-water systems, it is impossible to do without the help of a team of specialists. You can try installing air-water system pumps that are easier to install yourself.

As a rule, the unit is supplied with detailed instructions upon its collection. All elements of the air source heat pump are mounted on open surfaces, without recess. In fact, the installation of such a system will include the installation of complete units and their integration into a single network through pipelines and electrical cables.

Since the heated object is water-based, high humidity prevails in the area where it is located. This factor requires special attention to all work on the installation of the pump’s power supply system.

In this regard, all areas of electrical contacts must be carefully insulated. In addition, each conductive block of the structure must be grounded.

Making your own heat pump

The most feasible option is to make your own air-water system pump. To do this, you need to assemble and prepare the main structural elements (evaporator, compressor and condenser) and combine them into a single whole.

To create an evaporator, you can use a large-volume polymer tank. To do this, a cylindrical coil is placed in the tank. You can make your own coil by wrapping a copper tube around a cylindrical object of a suitable size. After this, an air injection system is mounted to the tank. The evaporator is ready.

Next you need to build a capacitor. For it, a second coil is made in a similar way, which is placed in a second tank, this time metal. The metal should preferably be resistant to corrosion. After placing the coil in the tank, the ends of the copper tube are brought out, and the tank is sealed by welding.

Making a compressor at home seems unlikely. Therefore, you just need to find or buy this element removed from the old split system. When the three main elements are ready, they are connected by a pipe system. After this, it is necessary to fill the refrigerant and adjust the power supply to the unit. All that remains is to ensure contact of the condenser with the desired heat sink and you can start the heat pump.

Thus, the benefits of using a heat pump to heat the water in the pool justify the investment in its purchase. Moreover, they will pay off in the long term of long-term use.

The range of swimming pools is expanding every year due to the fact that owners of suburban areas and private houses increasingly want to install them in their yard. Even when planning a purchase, you need to decide on a number of issues related to water heating, because you want to swim in the pool not only in the summer heat.

There are many special devices that heat water to a set temperature value, for example, with heating. They differ in cost, energy efficiency, efficiency and the principle of operation itself.

The temperature level depends on the category of people swimming:

  • about 26°C for older people;
  • 28-32°C for children;
  • 22°C for sports and active games.

Main types

Heating of the pool to the optimal temperature is carried out by heating devices, the category of which is determined by the heating system itself. It can be produced through heat exchange and an electric heater.

Devices based on heat exchange include the following categories:

  • devices with main sources in the form of a heating boiler, central water supply system;
  • solar powered mechanisms;
  • heat exchangers based on other types of sources (heat pump).

When calculating water heating, all the nuances of the operation and design of the selected option for the pool must be taken into account.

Electric heater

For a home pond with a small volume, the best choice is a flow-through system. It is the simplest and most accessible heating method; its main purpose is a continuous warm flow of water with minimal pressure fluctuations.

The operating principle is based on circulation through a housing in which several heating elements are located. It is made from high-quality plastic, titanium or stainless steel, and the heating elements themselves are made from reliable steel alloys that can withstand work at high temperatures. Due to the fact that the electric heater is installed behind the filter, clean water enters the pool.

A separate room is not required to use equipment of this type, since such heaters are quite compact and can fit in a small closed booth.

How to choose

When choosing a flow-type device, you need to pay attention to several parameters:

  • Materials used for manufacturing. Stainless steel elements are characterized by the greatest durability.
  • The presence of adjustment and protection mechanisms that prevent possible breakdowns. These include a flow sensor, thermostat and others.
  • Operating pressure and total flow volume.
  • Maximum temperature value. Basically, electric heaters have values ​​in the region of 30-45 degrees.
  • Power. Some models require installation via a three-phase network.

It is important to take into account that pools located in an unheated room or of an open type have significant heat loss, and accordingly, energy consumption increases. A flow-type system may not be enough for a large volume of water, especially when the reservoir is located outside. It is also not recommended to use such a unit in a room with old wiring or limited energy consumption.

Using small heaters with minimal power, children's pools, as well as frame and inflatable ones, are often heated.

Advantages and disadvantages of flow equipment

Among the positive aspects of use, the following are worth noting:

  • automated control system;
  • small dimensions of the unit;
  • The flow sensor reacts to the lack of water and turns off the heating;
  • it is possible to regulate the temperature using a thermostat;
  • It takes a little time to heat up the water.

There are some drawbacks, including low power and significant financial costs for electricity.

Innovative pool water heating system

The sun is an eternal source of heat, optimally suitable for effectively heating a reservoir of both open and closed types. It is believed that the heat from direct sunlight is quite enough for an outdoor pool. But this statement only works when the reservoir is located in a sunny area. Thanks to the use of a solar system, the natural one in the country becomes adjustable.

A solar heating device has three main components: a control valve, a pump filter, and interconnected tubes on a screen. Solar systems are based on a fairly simple mechanism of action. The sensors are triggered by intense lighting, after which an automatic diverter valve conducts a water flow from the reservoir through the collector’s heat exchanger. Heating occurs inside the heat exchanger thanks to the coolant that circulates in a closed system.

Water begins to flow into the pool when the set temperature is reached. Circulation is not possible when the solar collector cools down in cloudy weather. This device is usually located in a lighted area or on the roof.

The solar system can consist of tubular or flat highly selective ones. Its choice depends on the volume of water, location and climatic conditions.

The calculation of the collector area should be based on certain factors. This:

  • angle of inclination and location;
  • required outlet temperature;
  • type of pool (outdoor or covered) and its parameters;
  • attendance of the reservoir.

What to pay attention to

The positive aspects of using solar systems are as follows:

  • no maintenance costs;
  • quick heating of the pool;
  • easy controls;
  • versatility - can be used both for the pool and to ensure availability

It is worth remembering that in cloudy weather there is a decrease in the heat transfer coefficient. Also, the purchase and installation of equipment requires significant financial investments.

Heat exchange systems

The heat exchanger allows for efficient heating of the pool in winter and summer, with significant cost savings, by connecting to the heating system of the house itself.

The device is externally similar to a large flask, inside of which there is a coil with a coolant contained in it. The water heats up as it passes around the coil. A circular heat pump supplies water from the heating system common system, to regulate its operation, it is used with thermostat control. It is enough to set the desired temperature level, and the automation will do the rest.

The power of the heat exchanger is the main selection criterion; it can reach up to 200 kW. The larger the volume of the pool, the more powerful the device should be.

When first started, the required temperature is reached only after 28 hours. Gradual, continuous heating avoids instrumental collapse, the occurrence of which is facilitated by the expansion of the liquid. IN further device maintains the set temperature.

The heat exchanger should be installed after the filters and pumping station, but before the disinfection system to reduce the effect of chlorine on the equipment. Titanium heat exchangers are recommended for use in swimming pools with sea ​​water and at high level chlorine

This equipment allows you to reduce the cost of heating the pool, while its power is sufficient for a large volume of water. Automated processes ensure ease of management.

Energy from the environment

The heat pump has been used for heating water relatively recently; its operating principle is based on multiphase heat transfer due to the compression of gas and condensate from various types of coolants.

The initial source can be the heat of thermal and underground waters; energy released during flue gas purification; as well as industrial (domestic) wastewater. The pump can use any sources that have a temperature higher than the available water heating level.

The working fluid (a mixture of water and antifreeze) is transferred through an underground pipeline. At the outlet, it heats up by several degrees due to the temperature of the ground, and passes into a heat exchanger, the refrigerant of which receives the incoming heat.

When the heated liquid and refrigerant come into contact, steam is instantly formed, entering the compressor and compressed to 25 atmospheres. Compression is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, the energy of which provides heat to a house or outdoor pool heated in the form of a pump.

The operation of cyclic operation takes a significant share of energy, however, the power of this equipment is sufficient to fully heat a large volume of water or a country house.

Advantages of heat pumps

Despite their low prevalence due to their high cost, such devices have the following advantages:

  • possibility of using free;
  • high power;
  • quick heating of the pool and premises.

Heating with liquid fuel

A fuel heater is equipment based on the use of propane or liquid fuel. They are quite economical and efficient, provided they are used both for heating a building and a swimming pool.

To operate a fuel-type heater, you must obtain permission in advance to install the equipment, register it and complete all documentation in accordance with established rules. It is also necessary to install a smoke exhaust and fire protection system, and constantly monitor fuel reserves during operation.

Among positive aspects use, it is worth highlighting the automation of the system, the possibility of multifunctional use and economical consumption.

Characteristics of fuel heaters

Gas standard devices are mounted behind the pump filter along the circulation line. Such water heaters can have different power depending on the purpose. The system is regulated by the volume of passing water (a decrease in the amount of water leads to the cessation of gas supply).

Gas-type units operate on propane, have a circulation pump and a built-in filter.

Devices that use liquid fuel, usually equipped with a water pump or must be connected to a circulation line.

How to increase efficiency

Any heating installation will work more efficiently and heat up much faster for an Intex pool and other types of reservoirs if possible heat losses are reduced in advance. A sunny area will be the optimal location for an outdoor pool. It is advisable that the crown of the surrounding trees be at a distance of about five meters from the water. At the same time, more heat will be retained, and swimming will become more comfortable if the place is protected from the wind. At night, it is recommended to cover the outdoor pool with a special film to reduce evaporation and reduce heat loss.

The design features of the reservoir directly affect the cost of the heating system, its power and type. To install the equipment, it is better to contact professionals; they will be able to guarantee safe and uninterrupted operation of the heating elements.

Heated inflatable pool

An inflatable pool is the most quick method organizing family holidays on the water. Due to its ease of installation, safety for small children and low cost, it has gained popularity all over the world. Polyvinyl chloride rubber is used as the main material for manufacturing. It has excellent shock absorption characteristics, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

A swimming pool on a country plot or in a house is an attribute of a luxurious, comfortable life that many strive for. And if for “walruses” and just people who like to harden themselves, the temperature in the pool does not matter much, then for everyone else it is necessary to ensure comfortable temperature. For adults, the recommended water temperature is +23 °C, and for children +25 - +28 °C. In hot weather summer weather The water in the pool will warm up to this temperature on its own, but in the remaining cooler months it is necessary to ensure that the pool water is heated using special devices. There are several ways to heat water, which we will discuss below.

Keep warm - special film for swimming pools

Water itself is a good heat accumulator. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to ensure that the heat accumulated by water during the day is not wasted. To do this, the outdoor pool must be buried at least ¾ of its height into the ground. A heat-saving coating is spread on top of the water.

As a heat-saving coating, a film with bubbles of a light shade or black is used for accumulation solar radiation. The film is cut to the required size and laid on the surface of the water without additional fastening. This coating reduces the evaporation of water from the surface and reduces heat exchange with air.

The cheapest way to heat water is to use solar energy. This is especially true in regions where clear sunny days prevail.

For efficient work solar collector, it must be positioned so that it receives Sun rays 4 - 5 hours. This will allow you to maintain the water temperature in the pool at +25 - +30 °C or increase the water temperature by 6 - 10 °C.

A solar helio pool water heating system consists of several elements: a solar collector, a pump for pumping water, a filter and a control valve.

Filter necessary to ensure that no debris gets into the solar system collector. Pump necessary to lift water to the solar system and move it through it. Sometimes it is necessary to install a more powerful pump on the filtration system. Control valve necessary to control the operation of the collector. How it works?

There are sensors on the surface of the solar collector that monitor the level of lighting and heat input. When the sensors determine that enough heat is reaching the collector, they instruct the control valve to direct the flow of water from the pool into the collector. In this case, the filtration system must be configured so that it works intensively during the most active lighting period. Then the filtered water will flow into the solar collector, where it is heated and returned to the pool on the other side.

When the set temperature of the pool water is reached, the water is redirected and moves past the collector, directly entering the pool after filtration.

A coolant circulates inside the solar system collector, from which the water from the pool is heated. When the collector cools down at night, the flow of water through it stops. The control valve shuts off its supply to the solar system.

There are certain rules when installing solar collectors:

  • Typically, solar collectors are located on the roof of a house, but they can also be installed on the ground, on a support that provides a certain angle of inclination.
  • It is advisable to place the collector panels strictly south. Their displacement is allowed by no more than 45° relative to the south.
  • The slope of solar panels depends on the region of installation, so this information should be obtained from the instructions or from the manufacturer's consultant.
  • Collectors can be installed on roofs facing west and east. In this case, special collectors with an increased area are used.

There are several types of solar collectors, you can see them in the diagram below.

Collectors with vacuum glass tubes are somewhat more expensive than selective panels. And stores that sell swimming pool equipment usually offer rectangular selective panels.

For example, water heating in a frame pool is carried out using panels “Sunheater”, “Azuro” and others. They are installed next to the pool on a special support that ensures the correct slope.

It is better to entrust the calculation of a solar heating system to professionals, since it takes into account many parameters: the intensity of solar radiation, the number of people in the pool, its size, installation location, and the required temperature in the pool.

Average solar collector surface area must be:

  • For an indoor pool or indoor pool - 50 - 70% of the water surface.
  • For an outdoor pool - 70 - 100% of the water surface.

In care solar systems heating the pools is very simple. You only need to regularly clean the filters and drain the water for the winter. Moreover, many modern models drain the water themselves for the winter. IN winter time It is not possible to use a solar system to heat water in the pool, since there is a lot of snow in our region. During snowless periods, vacuum collectors can also operate in winter, since the antifreeze flowing in them can withstand temperatures from -30 °C to +70 °C.

The most popular are rectangular models of solar collectors, but there are also pyramidal models and even canopies over the pool. Solar collectors in the form of a canopy over the pool perform two functions at once: they heat the water and reduce water evaporation and heat transfer between water and air. Also, in addition to heating with the help of a collector, the water is heated under the influence of direct solar radiation, which is accumulated by the black surface of the system.

The second most economical way to heat pool water is to use a heat pump. Its work does not depend on intensity solar radiation, from duration daylight hours, which allows for better control of water heating.

The heat pump is based on the Carnot cycle. In fact, it works like a refrigerator, only in reverse. A heat pump takes heat from the environment and uses it to heat the water in the pool. The source of heat can be soil, water or air. It is not profitable to use heat pumps with ground and water collectors only to heat a swimming pool. The equipment itself and the installation of the collector are too expensive.

Only if the heating of the house and other life support systems are organized using a heat pump with a ground or water collector, then it can also be used to heat water in the pool.

In other cases, air heat pumps are used for swimming pools. Externally, they resemble the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. The fan sucks in ambient air, which transfers its heat to the coolant (antifreeze), which then passes through the compressor and evaporator. In the evaporator, the heated antifreeze gives off its heat to the water from the pool, which enters there through pipes. Then the cooled coolant is heated again and the cycle repeats.

Important! The air source heat pump can operate even at an ambient temperature of +5 °C. It is usually installed in close proximity to an outdoor pool. If it is necessary to heat the water of an indoor pool in the house, then the heat pump is installed outside the house.

Also note that if a heat pump is used to condition indoor air, it can easily be used to heat water. The heat taken from the room is directed to heat the pool, and is not simply thrown out into the street.

A heat pump for heating a pool is much more economical than a conventional electric heater. It consumes only 1 - 1.24 kW, and produces heat at 5.5 - 6 kW, thereby saving up to 80% of electricity. This system is an excellent alternative to traditional energy sources, as it is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not cause harm environment and allows you to save money.

Remember to keep your pool warm with bubble wrap. After all, much more energy and time is spent on the initial heating of the water in the pool, and very little on maintaining the set temperature.

A heat exchanger is used quite often to heat swimming pool water. The principle of its operation is as follows: it is connected to a heat source, for example, a heating boiler or built into a central heating system. The coolant, heating up in the boiler, is sent to the heat exchanger, where it gives off heat to the water from the pool, which is pumped through it.

The pool water heating system works like this: a circulation pump is connected to pump water through the heat exchanger. When the pool water temperature drops below the required temperature, the thermostat gives a signal and the pump turns on. Water is pumped along the coil in the heat exchanger and heated. It drains back into the pool on the other side.

Likewise, when the set temperature is reached, the pump turns off. Water from the pool stops passing through the heat exchanger.

For large swimming pool They use several heat exchangers at once to speed up the heating of water. The sizes and power of heat exchangers vary from 13 kW to 120 kW. They also come in horizontal and vertical, titanium and stainless steel. So you can choose a unit for pools of various volumes and sizes.

The only drawback of this method of heating pool water is its dependence on the heating boiler. Although, if you correctly design the heating system and hot water heating, then such a heat exchanger can be used in the summer, when the heating is not working. The boiler will only turn on to heat the coolant that circulates between the boiler and the pool heat exchanger.

Flow-through electric heaters are equipped with a heating element inside; the water in them is heated not with the help of a coolant, but directly from the heating element. This imposes certain restrictions on water quality. It should be soft enough, without salt impurities, so that a heating element lasted longer and did not become covered with scale. The heating element is also made from corrosion-resistant alloys and covered with several protective layers.

Considering that the energy consumption with this heating method is quite high, electric heaters are usually used only for heating small pools. For example, an inflatable pool, a frame pool, small Jacuzzi pools.

An inflatable pool with water heated using an electric heater is a luxury accessible even to a family with a modest budget.

The electric pool heater is connected directly to the network. Its power varies, from 3 to 18 kW. Sometimes the household electrical network is not able to support the operation of such a device. And this is a significant drawback.

Finally, I would like to dwell on this method of heating water, such as the use of fuel boilers. For example, a boiler can be gas, pyrolysis, wood, fuel oil or other fuel. Heating water in it can be realized in several ways:

  • Using a heat exchanger, when the boiler heats the coolant, and the coolant heats the water in the pool.
  • Direct-flow heating of water directly in the boiler.
  • Heating water in a container and then discharging it into the pool.

Typically, such pool water heating systems are used in those regions where there is no main gas, as well as other convenient ways heat the pool. Installing any boilers involves a number of difficulties: permits, designs, calculations, chimneys and fire safety. All this must be decided before the construction of the pool, and sometimes even the house, begins.

When choosing a water heating system for a swimming pool, you need to take into account its size, volume of water, to what temperature it should be heated, whether automation of the process is required, and much more. Budget is also an important aspect. Therefore, it will be more appropriate if specialists are involved in the selection and installation of heating equipment.