What activities are carried out at hydraulic structures. Hydraulic structures

Lesson summary

Occupational safety and health protection

Accidents on hydraulic structures and their consequences. Form among trainees general idea about hydrodynamic accident possible reasons its occurrence and possible consequences. Hydrodynamic accidents and the causes of their occurrence. Define a hydrodynamic accident.

Lesson 11. Accidents at hydraulic structures and their consequences. Ensuring the protection of the population from the consequences of accidents.

The purpose of the lesson. To introduce students to the main hydraulic structures and their purpose. To form among students a general understanding of a hydrodynamic accident, possible causes of its occurrence and possible consequences. To familiarize students with the main measures to protect the population from the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents of a preventive nature, to eliminate the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents.

Questions studied

  1. Hydraulic structures and their purpose.
  2. Hydrodynamic accidents and the causes of their occurrence.
  3. Possible consequences hydrodynamic accidents.
  4. Measures to prevent the occurrence of hydrodynamic accidents.
  5. Measures to eliminate the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents.
  6. Recommendations from Russian Emergency Situations Ministry specialists on safe behavior of the population in the event of hydrodynamic accidents.

Presentation educational material

1. Note that a hydraulic structure is an engineered or natural structure for use water resources or to combat the destructive effects of water.

The main potentially dangerous hydraulic structures include dams, water intake and catchment structures and sluices.

  1. Define a hydrodynamic accident. Indicate the main reasons for its occurrence: the action of natural forces (earthquake, hurricane, spill, destruction of a dam by flood waters) or human influence (strikes modern means damage to hydraulic structures and acts of sabotage), as well as design defects or errors in the design and operation of hydraulic structures.
  2. Emphasize that hydrodynamic accidents at hydraulic structures can lead to catastrophic consequences:
  3. damage and destruction of hydraulic structures, short-term or long-term cessation of their functions;
  4. defeat of people and destruction of structures by a breakthrough wave formed as a result of the destruction of a hydraulic structure, having a height of 2 to 12 m and a speed of movement from 3 to 25 km/h (in mountainous areas it can reach up to 100 km/h);

catastrophic flooding of vast territories and a significant number of cities and villages, economic facilities, long-term cessation of shipping, agricultural and fishing production.

It should be noted that major hydraulic accidents do not happen very rarely. It is noted that more than 300 significant hydrodynamic accidents have occurred in the world over the past 180 years. The consequences of these accidents: hazardous production facilities (chemical, fire and explosion hazards) may appear in the disaster zone; the operation of the water supply, sewerage, and drainage systems is disrupted. All this creates an unfavorable sanitary and epidemic situation and contributes to the emergence of mass infectious diseases.

4. Before starting to study the main material, note that all measures for protection against hydraulic accidents are divided into three groups. Preventive actions belong to the first group of events. They are carried out constantly and include measures to prevent the occurrence of a hydrodynamic accident at a hydraulic structure: constant supervision over the safe operation of such structures and liquid industrial waste storage facilities; inspection of hydraulic structures and verification of the organization of supervision over them.

Moreover, in accordance with the requirements Federal Law“On the safety of hydraulic structures”, declarations on the safety of hydraulic structures are drawn up.

5. Students should know that it is not possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of hydrodynamic accidents. Therefore, the goal of increasing the level of public safety in the face of emergency at the hydraulic structure, measures are planned and carried out to eliminate the consequences of an emergency situation. These are the activities of the second group.

The main measures to eliminate the consequences of an emergency of hydrodynamic origin can be considered using a specific example - the breakthrough of the Kiselevskoye reservoir dam in June 1993.

6. The third group includes activities related to organizing the preparation of the population for safe behavior in the event of a threat of an emergency at a hydraulic structure and during it.

At this stage, it is advisable to consider the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for eliminating the consequences of emergency situations at hydraulic structures:

  1. how to prepare for a hydrodynamic accident;
  2. how to act in the event of a threat of a hydrodynamic accident;
  3. how to act in flood conditions during hydrodynamic accidents;
  4. how to act after a hydrodynamic accident.

To conclude the lesson, it should be noted that the set of measures taken by the state to protect the population from an emergency of hydrodynamic origin significantly increases the stability of the operation of hydrodynamic structures. However, we should not forget about the personal readiness of each person to act in an emergency situation of hydrodynamic origin calmly, prudently and effectively. Being able to find the safest way out in a complex emergency situation is the main goal of learning the rules safe behavior.

Control questions

  1. What structures are considered hydrodynamic? Name their main purpose.
  2. Which hydrodynamic structures are considered potentially dangerous structures?
  3. What are the causes of a hydrodynamic accident?
  4. Which damaging factors occur during a hydrodynamic accident?
  5. List the main consequences of a hydrodynamic accident.
  6. What factors can lead to an accident at a hydraulic structure?
  7. What measures are taken at hydraulic structures to prevent hydrodynamic accidents?
  8. What measures are taken to protect the population caught in an emergency zone of hydrodynamic origin?
  9. What is the importance of preparing the population living in the territory adjacent to the hydraulic engineering coopy to emergency situations of hydrodynamic origin?
  10. What information does the population living near a hydraulic structure need to have to ensure safety?


  1. Study §5.8, 5.9 of the textbook.
  2. Find several examples of hydrodynamic accidents that have occurred in the world from various sources (books, magazines, etc.). Analyze the causes of their occurrence and consequences for the life of the population in the emergency zone.

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All measures to protect the population from emergencies of hydrodynamic origin in our country can be divided into three interdependent groups.

The first group of measures is carried out constantly and includes measures to prevent the occurrence of a hydrodynamic accident at a hydraulic structure.

To this end, the country carries out constant supervision over the safe operation of such structures and storage facilities for liquid industrial waste. Inspections of hydraulic structures and inspections of the organization of supervision over them are periodically carried out. Thus, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, comprehensive surveys and checks are constantly carried out at potentially dangerous hydraulic structures, including the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station, etc.

It should be noted that the most thorough checks and surveys are carried out at the potentially most dangerous hydraulic structures, since the destruction of dams on them can lead to catastrophic consequences, especially during floods and spring floods.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures”, work is being carried out to draw up declarations on the safety of hydraulic structures.

In 2010, on the territory Russian Federation A lot of preventive work was carried out to ensure the trouble-free passage of water generated during the spring flood and summer-autumn floods.

Carrying out early measures to prevent hydrodynamic accidents significantly reduces the likelihood of their occurrence and helps reduce the damage from their consequences. But since it is not possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of hydrodynamic accidents, in order to increase the level of safety of the population in the event of an emergency, measures are planned and carried out at the hydraulic structure to eliminate the consequences of the emergency. These are the activities of the second group.

To get acquainted with the main activities carried out during the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency situation, we will consider a specific example of organizing and carrying out the liquidation of the consequences that arose when the Kiselevskoye reservoir dam broke in the early 90s of the last century. Let us recall that in June 1993 the Kiselevskoye reservoir dam broke on the Kakva River, which led to severe flooding in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region (see section 5.8).

Rescue operations lasted from June 14 to June 16. At this time, the main efforts of the authorities and the forces involved were aimed at saving people.

After the flood subsided, work began to restore the railway and highways, treatment facilities, deliveries to populations cut off from the city, drinking water and food.

During the period from June 17 to August 15, emergency restoration work was carried out, the main content of which was the life support of the affected population. A huge amount of work was invested in the activities of economic facilities. Rendering continued medical care to the population, have been undertaken preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of epidemics.

To prepare for the activities of the first and second groups in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, action plans are being developed and operational groups are being created to monitor their implementation.

The third group includes activities related to organizing the preparation of the population for safe behavior in the event of a threat of an emergency at a hydraulic structure and during it.

To this end, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, taking into account the experience of liquidating the consequences of emergency situations at hydraulic structures, have developed recommendations for the population.


for operation of hydraulic structures

during periods of high water and floods

1.Preparatory period

No later than a month before the start of the flood, a flood commission is organized under the leadership of the person responsible for the operation of the waterworks, whose task is to develop an action plan to pass the flood with minimal damage.

The plan must provide:

· general inspection of the waterworks structures and their elements both in the upper and lower pools to identify and eliminate defects;

· inspection of the ice cover of the reservoir (pond) in order to assess the possibility of congestion;

After the survey, a report on the passage of high water (flood) must be drawn up, which reflects:

· conditions for the passage of high water or flood (hydrometeorological, periods of rise and fall, ice phenomena, maximum levels and expenses);

· causes and nature of damage or accidents, methods of eliminating them;

· conclusions on eliminating deficiencies in organizing and carrying out the passage of high water (flood);

· volumes of design, survey, construction and installation work necessary to eliminate damage or consequences of an accident.

Topic: 6.4 Ensuring the protection of the population from the consequences of accidents at hydraulic structures

Subject: life safety.

Date: 01/19/2015

Compiled by: teacher-organizer of life safety Zadunaisky A.A.

Goal: to become familiar with the basic measures to protect the population from the consequences of accidents at hydraulic structures.

During the classes

    Repetition of covered material.

    What structures are considered hydrodynamic? Name their main purpose.

    Which hydrodynamic structures are considered potentially dangerous structures?

    What are the causes of a hydrodynamic accident?

    What damaging factors arise during a hydrodynamic accident?

    List the main consequences of a hydrodynamic accident.

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The topic of the lesson is “Ensuring the protection of the population from the consequences of accidents at hydraulic structures.”

Objective of the lesson: to become familiar with the basic measures to protect the population from the consequences of accidents at hydraulic structures.

    Presentation of program material.

Events and factors contributing to the occurrence of a hydrodynamic accident can overlap one another in time (spring flood and flood caused by heavy rains, occurring at the same time), and this leads to rapid development of events and unpredictable consequences of the emergency situation.

All measures to protect the population from emergencies of hydrodynamic origin in our country can be divided into three interdependent groups.

The first group of measures is carried out constantly and includes measures to prevent the occurrence of a hydrodynamic accident at a hydraulic structure.

To this end, the country carries out constant supervision over the safe operation of such structures and storage facilities for liquid industrial waste. Inspections of hydraulic structures and inspections of the organization of supervision over them are periodically carried out. Thus, according to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, in 2003, surveys and checks were carried out at 19 potentially dangerous hydraulic structures, including the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station, etc.

It should be noted that the most thorough checks and surveys are carried out at the potentially most dangerous hydraulic structures, since the destruction of dams on them can lead to catastrophic consequences, especially during floods and spring floods.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures”, work is being carried out to draw up declarations on the safety of hydraulic structures.

In 2003, extensive preventive work was carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation to ensure the trouble-free passage of waters generated during the spring flood and summer-autumn floods.

Carrying out early measures to prevent hydrodynamic accidents significantly reduces the likelihood of their occurrence and helps reduce the damage from their consequences. But since it is not possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of hydrodynamic accidents, in order to increase the level of safety of the population in an emergency situation, measures are planned and carried out at the hydraulic structure to eliminate the consequences of the emergency. These are the activities of the second group.

To get acquainted with the main activities carried out during the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency situation, we will consider a specific example of organizing and carrying out the liquidation of the consequences that arose when the Kiselyovskoye reservoir dam broke in the early 90s of the last century.

Let us recall that in June 1993, the Kiselyovskoe reservoir dam on the Kakva River broke, which led to severe flooding in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region (see section 5.8).

Rescue operations lasted from June 14 to June 16. At this time, the main efforts of the authorities and the forces involved were aimed at saving people.

After the flood subsided, work began to restore railways and roads, sewage treatment plants, and deliver drinking water and food to the population cut off from the city.

During the period from June 17 to August 15, emergency restoration work was carried out, the main content of which was the life support of the affected population. A huge amount of work was invested in the activities of economic facilities. The provision of medical care to the population continued, and preventive measures were taken to prevent the occurrence of epidemics.

To prepare for the activities of the first and second groups in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, action plans are being developed and operational groups are being created to monitor their implementation.

The third group includes activities related to organizing the preparation of the population for safe behavior in the event of a threat of an emergency at a hydraulic structure and during it.

For this purpose, specialists of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, taking into account the experience of eliminating the consequences of emergency situations at hydraulic structures, have developed recommendations for the population.

Everyone should know this

How to prepare for a hydrodynamic accident

If you live in an area adjacent to a waterworks (hydraulic structure), then check whether it falls within the zone of influence of a breakthrough wave and possible catastrophic flooding. Find out if there are hills near where you live and what they are like. shortest paths movement towards them.

Study for yourself and familiarize family members with the rules of behavior when exposed to a breakthrough wave and in case of flooding of the area, with the procedure for general and partial evacuation. Specify in advance the gathering place for evacuees, make a list of documents and property to be removed during evacuation.

Remember the locations of boats, rafts, other watercraft and available materials that can be used to make them.

How to act if there is a threat of a hydrodynamic accident

If you receive information about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately leave the area in accordance with the established procedure. danger zone to a designated safe area or to elevated areas. Take with you documents, valuables, essentials and food supplies for 2-3 days. Move some of the property that needs to be protected from flooding, but cannot be taken with you, to the attic or upper floors of the building.

Before leaving home, turn off the electricity and gas, and tightly close windows, doors, ventilation and other openings.

How to act in flood conditions during hydrodynamic accidents

In case of sudden flooding, to save yourself from the impact of a breakthrough wave, urgently occupy the nearest high place, climb on large tree or the top floor of a stable building. If you are in the water when a breakout wave approaches, dive into the depths at the base of the wave.

Once in the water, swim or use improvised means to get out to a dry place, preferably to a road or dam along which you can get to a non-flooded area. If your house is flooded, turn off the power supply, signal that there are people in the house (apartment) by hanging a flag made of bright fabric from the window during the day and a lantern at night. To receive information, use a self-powered radio. Move your most valuable possessions to the upper floors and attic. Organize the accounting of food and drinking water, their protection from the effects of rising water and their economical use. Prepare for a possible evacuation by water, take documents, essential items, clothes and shoes, and available life-saving equipment (inflatable mattresses, pillows). For forced navigation, you can prepare barrels, logs, shields, doors, fragments of wooden fences, poles and car cameras. There is even a recommendation to stuff your shirt or trousers with closed plastic bottles and balls if you don’t have anything else at hand to support you in the water. You can evacuate on your own only if there is visibility of a non-flooded area, the threat of worsening the situation, the need to receive medical care, the consumption of food, and if there are no prospects for receiving outside help.

What to do after a hydrodynamic accident

Before entering the building, make sure there is no significant damage to the ceilings or walls. Ventilate the building to remove accumulated gases. Do not use open flame sources until the room is fully ventilated and the gas supply system is checked to ensure proper operation. Using an external inspection, check the serviceability of electrical wiring, gas supply pipes, water supply and sewerage. They are allowed to be used only after a specialist has concluded that they are fit for work. Dry the room by opening all doors and windows. Remove dirt from the floor and walls, pump out water from basements. Don't use food products that have been in contact with water.

A set of measures taken by the state to protect the population from an emergency of hydrodynamic origin significantly increases the stability of the operation of hydrodynamic structures. However, we should not forget the importance of each person’s personal readiness to act calmly, prudently and effectively.

IV. Lesson summary

Questions for self-control:

    What factors can lead to an accident at a hydraulic structure?

    What measures are taken at hydraulic structures to prevent hydrodynamic accidents?

    What measures are taken to protect the population caught in an emergency zone of hydrodynamic origin?

    What is the importance of training the population living in the territory adjacent to a hydraulic structure on safe behavior in an emergency situation of hydrodynamic origin?

    What information does the population living near a hydraulic structure need to have to ensure safety?


Carefully study the recommendations of specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations on the rules of safe behavior for the population living near a hydraulic structure. Formulate the rules of your behavior if you found yourself in an emergency situation of hydrodynamic origin, taking into account your region. Justify your actions and write them down in your safety diary.

A hydraulic structure is an object of economic activity located near the water surface and intended for:

    use kinetic energy moving water in order to convert it into other types of energy;

    cooling waste steam from thermal power plants and nuclear power plants;

    protecting coastal areas from water;

    water intake for irrigation and water supply;


    fish protection;

    water level regulation;

    ensuring the activities of river and sea ports, shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, as well as shipping;

    underwater mining, storage and transportation of minerals.

The danger of flooding in low-lying areas arises when dams, dikes and waterworks are destroyed. The immediate danger is the rapid and powerful flow of water, causing damage, flooding and destruction of buildings and structures. Casualties among the population and destruction occur due to high speed a huge amount of water, sweeping away everything in its path.

Destruction (breakthrough) hydraulic structures arise as a result of the influence of natural factors (earthquakes, hurricanes, erosion of dams and dams) or human activity, as well as due to structural defects or design errors.

The main hydraulic structures include: dams, water intake and spillway structures, dams.

Breakthrough – This is damage in the body of a dam, dike, sluice resulting from their erosion with the formation of breakthrough waves and catastrophic flooding or breakthrough flood.

Breakout wave occurs under the condition of the simultaneous superposition of two processes: the fall of water from the reservoir and a sharp increase in the volume of water at the place of the fall. The height of the breakthrough wave and the speed of its propagation depend on the size of the breakthrough, the difference in water levels and the topographic conditions of the river bed and mouth.

The height of the breakthrough wave is 2-50 meters, the speed of movement, as a rule, is in the range from 3 to 25 km/h.

A hydrodynamic accident is an emergency situation associated with the failure (destruction) of a hydraulic structure or part of it and the uncontrolled movement of large masses of water, causing destruction and flooding large areas.

These are accidents at hydraulic structures in which water spreads at high speed, creating the threat of a man-made emergency.

To prevent possible sudden breakthroughs at reservoir dams, to protect the population, territories and material assets, the following measures are carried out in advance:

a) administrative:

    restriction of construction of residential buildings and facilities economic activity in places subject to the influence of a potential breakthrough wave of possible flooding;

    evacuation of the population from zones, the time of approach of the breakthrough wave after the destruction of the dam is less than four hours, is carried out urgently, and from the rest of the territory, only in case of a threat of flooding;

b) engineering and technical:

    embankment (dam construction) settlements and agricultural land;

    creation of reliable drainage systems;

    bank protection works to prevent landslides and landslides;

    installation of waterproofing and special fastenings on buildings and structures;

    planting low-growing forests of alder, willow, aspen and birch, which increase the roughness of the surface and help reduce the speed of the breakthrough wave.

    warning and informing the population;

    Possible evacuation routes to elevated areas are planned in advance;

    you must beware of broken and sagging wires; report the presence of such damage, as well as destruction of sewer and water supply networks to the relevant utility services;

    Do not eat foods that have been in contact with water flows.

For each waterworks, diagrams and maps are drawn up, which indicate the boundaries of the flood zone and give a description of the breakthrough wave. It is prohibited to build housing or businesses in this zone.

In the event of a dam failure, all means are used to notify the population: sirens, radio, television, telephone and public address systems. Having received the signal, you should immediately evacuate to the nearest hills. You should stay in a safe place until the water recedes or you receive a message that the danger has passed.

Evacuation of the population from areas of possible flooding is carried out first of all from settlements located near dams, the wave of a breakthrough of which can reach these settlements in less than four hours, and from other settlements - if there is an immediate threat of flooding.