Tonus during pregnancy: what to do. Causes of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy - symptoms and treatment

Uterine hypertonicity is a dangerous condition for the fetus that often occurs during pregnancy.

This is the second most dangerous condition of pregnant women after gestosis, or more precisely, the most serious forms of its manifestation, preeclampsia and eclampsia.

  • uterine hypertonicity is a dangerous condition that can lead to early termination of pregnancy;
  • The causes of hypertension are varied, treatment depends on what exactly causes this condition;
  • prevention of hypertension is mental hygiene - the ability to remain calm externally and internally;
  • During pregnancy, you need a diet aimed at proper and regular functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy?

Hypertonicity is active contractions of the uterus. This state of the organ is necessary during childbirth, when it pushes the fetus out of the mother’s body.

During pregnancy, this condition, if not treated, can lead to untimely completion of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage. In the later stages, it threatens premature birth.

Symptoms and consequences of increased uterine tone

Hypertonicity manifests itself as nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, perineum or lower back. The intensity of pain can vary: from barely noticeable to severe, acute and long-lasting. In the middle and late stages, the stomach may change shape and harden.

Bloody discharge from the vagina is possible. The last symptom indicates that the situation is dangerous and urgent medical attention is needed.

Even if hypertonicity does not lead to miscarriage, the contracting uterus disrupts blood circulation between the mother’s body and the placenta, and the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen, which is necessary for any living tissue.

Its deficiency during embryonic development can lead to the death of the embryo or the development of pathologies that will affect the health of the unborn child.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity

Depending on the degree of myometrial excitation, treatment can be inpatient or outpatient. In mild cases, a woman can help herself and her child, even without the use of medications.

Drug treatment

Medicines for this condition are prescribed only by an obstetrician-gynecologist. In severe cases, hospitalization and sometimes bed rest after discharge are required.

How to relieve uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

For minor cramps, you can try home treatments. First, you need to calm down, lie down, warm up (especially your legs!), and try to relax. If the pain does not go away, you should take an antispasmodic - papaverine or no-shpu.

During pregnancy, the use of medications is undesirable, but significantly increased tone is precisely the case when the benefit to the mother and fetus significantly outweighs the likely harm. If this does not help, call an ambulance. The health, or even the life, of the baby is at stake.

Supports normal uterine tone

It is not without reason that they say that pregnant women should not be nervous. The body reacts to acute stress by releasing certain hormones – adrenaline and norepinephrine. Both of them constrict blood vessels and tone the genitals, including the uterus.

Evolutionarily, these hormones were responsible for survival; they allow a person to gather himself and use the body’s hidden resources, since previously they were released mainly when life was threatened.

In such a situation, the female’s body believes that the conditions for bearing offspring are unfavorable and sacrifices the child. Now we need to confront evolution.

To do this, you need to learn to quickly calm down, and it’s better not to even start worrying: if adrenaline is released, it will work for some time.

Study the auto-training technique, and use it at the slightest sign of hypertonicity.

Let's take control of physiological reasons. All hollow organs of the body are subject to spasms, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the intestines during pregnancy: its spasms, as well as constipation and flatulence can provoke excitation of the myometrium.

To avoid unnecessary provocations, it is necessary to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle: lack of exercise can lead to constipation.

How to identify uterine hypertonicity

Gynecologists determine this condition by palpation, feeling the tense wall of the uterus when palpating the pregnant woman’s abdomen. The degree of its severity is clarified using ultrasound.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity

There are several reasons that can cause this type of pathology. Let's look at them in more detail.


Any infection triggers an immune response from the body. The immune system is activated, and the fetus, since it is genetically different from the mother, may be perceived by her as a foreign organism that needs to be rid of the body. In this case, hypertonicity will develop.

Hormonal disorders

This reason is more common in the first trimester. The hormone progesterone in combination with estrogens is responsible for carrying a pregnancy in the body. If the body does not produce enough of these substances, uterine hypertonicity may occur.

Lack of progesterone may be associated with insufficient hormonal activity of the corpus luteum and placenta, and low production of progesterone by the placenta may be associated with impaired blood circulation in this temporary but very important organ.

An increase in tone can be associated not only with a lack of pregnancy hormones, but also with an excess of male sex hormones, which, in their action, are opposite to progesterone. Such conditions can occur with diseases of the adrenal glands.

Any endocrinological disease of a pregnant woman can lead to a decrease in progesterone production: diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism and many others.

Therefore, it is extremely important for women who are seen by an endocrinologist during pregnancy to carefully monitor their condition and follow all the doctor’s prescriptions.

Structural changes in the uterine walls

If a woman has a history of fibroids, endometriosis, abortion, cesarean section - all this can affect the current pregnancy, since the walls of the uterus are changed.

Causes related to the fetus

In the third trimester, hypertonicity is often associated with uterine overload with polyhydramnios, large fetuses, and multiple pregnancies.

Chronic diseases

With an exacerbation of any chronic disease in a pregnant woman, the tone of the uterus may increase. This condition can be caused by any consequence of the underlying disease, from a lack of oxygen in the tissues to the stressor effect of pain.

Uterine malformations

If the uterus is too small (infantile), bicornuate and other developmental anomalies of this organ, the likelihood of developing hypertonicity is much higher than when it is of normal structure.

Socio-economic factors

Constant stress, sleep disturbances, inability to relax and receive positive emotions - all this leads to overstrain of the nervous system and the release of stress hormones, which, in their action, are opposite to pregnancy hormones, and, as a result, to the development of hypertension.

Heavy physical activity also affects the tone of the uterus. Although it is necessary for pregnant women to move, lifting weights and bending over are not activities that are safe while expecting a baby.

Complications of real pregnancy

Pathological hypertonicity, in itself, is a complication of pregnancy. But more often it occurs if there are problems with the placenta or fetus, for example, partial placental abruption, large fetus, etc.

Signs of uterine tone during pregnancy

Hypertonicity is manifested by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, and in the lower back. Sometimes there is no pain, only a feeling of contraction. Normally, hypertonicity periodically appears in the second trimester, begins abruptly and passes quickly.

This is not a disease, but training contractions: the uterus prepares in advance for the hard work of childbirth. You need to sound the alarm if the tone lasts more than an hour or if there is dilatation of the cervix.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

Diagnosis should be made by an obstetrician-gynecologist, distinguishing between a normal physiological state and pathology and assessing not only the severity of hypertonicity, but also the dilatation of the cervix.

In the case of pathology, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused the increase in tone, and, acting on it, stop the condition, preventing its relapse.

What happens in the early stages

Signs of hypertonicity in the early and late stages of pregnancy are similar, but in the early period, cramping pain is uncharacteristic.

Why is uterine hypertonicity dangerous?

Outside of pregnancy, uterine hypertonicity is not dangerous and can occur before or during menstruation. However, pronounced hypertonicity or its appearance at other stages of the cycle is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Why is uterine hypertonicity dangerous during pregnancy?

The spasmodic walls of the uterus compress the placenta and thus disrupt the blood circulation in it. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the child. If the cervix dilates, there is a risk of miscarriage.


Outside of pregnancy, there is no point in preventing hypertension. Regular examinations with a gynecologist can be considered as a preventive measure.

Almost 60% of pregnant women hear the diagnosis of “uterine tone” already at the first visit to the gynecologist in order to confirm their situation and register. This seemingly harmless condition carries certain risks associated with gestation and fetal development. We will tell you how to understand that the uterus is in good shape in our article. We will definitely dwell on the symptoms and causes of this condition, possible methods of its treatment and prevention.


During pregnancy, short-term contractions of smooth muscle tissue are normal. This is a completely natural condition that usually does not cause a woman any discomfort. Thus, the uterus contracts during sneezing, laughter, worries, gynecological examination and ultrasound examination. As soon as the effect of the stimulus ceases, the myometrium again assumes a relaxed state.

Throughout pregnancy, the uterus tenses quite often. Until 12 weeks, muscle contractions are the least intense, which is due to physiology. During this period, the body works to maintain the pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. Gradually, the number of contractions increases, and by 20 weeks they may be accompanied by short-term pain. This is explained by the preparation of the woman’s body for childbirth.

In European countries, such a physiological process does not require special attention from a doctor, unless it is accompanied by symptoms that cause discomfort and indicate serious disorders in the body. In order not to miss them, it is important to know how to understand that the uterus is in good shape. A woman should first of all be wary of the fact that the muscular organ has been under tension for a long time. This is a dangerous signal that pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus are at risk.

The danger of increased tone during pregnancy

Constant tension of the myometrium can have negative consequences for the expectant mother and fetus. That is why it is important to understand in time that the uterus is in good shape. Both in the first and last trimester of pregnancy, the risks of premature termination of pregnancy are quite high.

The danger of increased tone is as follows:

  • violation of implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • anembryony;
  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • hypoxia;
  • malnutrition.

Most often, uterine tone occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, tension in the muscular organ can cause rejection of the fertilized egg during its implantation. As a result, its development will stop and spontaneous miscarriage will occur.

In late pregnancy, the tone of the uterus usually does not cause concern. As a rule, it is associated with Braxton Hicks contractions. The uterus is simply preparing for childbirth. This explains the periodic muscle contractions.

Tone can not only cause discomfort in the mother, but also lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus. In the first case, hypoxia occurs, and in the second, malnutrition or stunting of the child’s growth occurs. All this occurs due to compression of the umbilical cord vessels by the uterus, which is constantly under tension. This is why it is so important to diagnose this condition in a timely manner.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

Many women doubt whether they can self-diagnose muscle tension. In fact, this is not at all difficult to do, although the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy at 14 weeks and at 38 are significantly different. It is important to become familiar with them as early as possible.

Signs of uterine tone in early pregnancy are as follows:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • nagging pain as during menstruation;
  • discomfort in the lower back and sacral area.

In the second and third trimesters, signs of hypertension may be as follows:

  • involuntary contractions of the abdomen, during which it becomes hard, literally “stone”;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Pain that occurs in the lower abdomen is usually cramping in nature.

The above symptoms at any stage of pregnancy may be accompanied by spotting. This sign of muscle hypertonicity requires emergency medical attention. But first you need to try to calm down. In most cases, with timely medical care, pregnancy can be saved.

To the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and in the third, one should add changes in the intensity of fetal movements compared to previous weeks. A woman should also be wary of the discomfort that occurs during fetal movements, which may be due to a decrease in space for it in the uterus. You must immediately report any suspicions to your gynecologist.

In medical practice, there are cases when the tone of the uterus is asymptomatic. In this case, the condition can be diagnosed using a gynecological examination or ultrasound.

Causes of the condition

If you listen to the symptoms described above, it is easy to understand that the uterus is in good shape during pregnancy. As with other pathologies, the causes of this condition can be varied. First of all, they are associated with physiological processes that occur in the body during gestation. But most often it is pathological changes and problems that cause the appearance of symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy. The reasons for this condition are as follows:

  1. Lack of progesterone in the body. In the early stages, a deficiency of the main female hormone, which is responsible for a favorable outcome of pregnancy, can lead to disruption of the process of implantation of the fertilized egg and spontaneous miscarriage. Similar consequences can occur in the presence of other hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Severe toxicosis. Gagging often provokes contraction of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and uterus. In this case, it is important to do everything necessary to alleviate the woman’s condition.
  3. Anomalies of uterine development. In rare cases, this organ may have a bicornuate or saddle-shaped shape, as well as other abnormalities. All of them interfere with normal gestation or make it completely impossible.
  4. Rhesus conflict. It occurs when the mother has a negative blood type, and the fetus has a positive blood type. In this case, the woman’s body rejects the child as a foreign body. At this time, hypertonicity occurs.
  5. Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital organs or in the uterine cavity. In this case, hypertonicity is often accompanied by other symptoms: discharge, itching, etc.
  6. Severe distension of the uterus. This condition occurs in multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios, and large fetal sizes.
  7. Psychological problems. Stress has a direct effect on the condition of smooth muscles.
  8. Changes in intestinal motility. With the onset of pregnancy, changes affect not only the reproductive organs, but also other body systems. So, increased gas formation may well cause tension in the uterus.
  9. Miscarriages and abortions in the past. Unfavorable outcomes of previous pregnancies can negatively affect the condition of the present one. Women who are at risk need constant monitoring by a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of hypertension

It is possible to make a correct diagnosis and understand that the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, as with any other changes in the body not related to physiological processes, after a preliminary history collection. Medical diagnosis of this condition is carried out in different ways:

  1. Gynecological examination. It is performed by a gynecologist only in the early stages of pregnancy. After 20 weeks, palpation is done through the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the woman lies horizontally on her back with her knees bent. This position allows you to relieve tension in the abdominal wall and feel the compaction.
  2. Ultrasound examination. This method allows not only to diagnose hypertension, but also to determine its degree, as well as which wall of the uterus it affects.
  3. Tonuometry. Diagnosis is carried out using special sensors that measure the tone of the uterus. This method is used much less frequently than the previous ones, since in most cases identifying hypertonicity is not difficult. It is much more difficult to determine the cause of this condition.

You can determine that the uterus is in good shape on your own. But this should be done in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the uterus is located above the level of the navel. How can you tell if there is uterine tone? To do this, take a horizontal position on a flat surface, bend your legs at the knee joints and try to relax. After this, use gentle movements to palpate the surface of the abdomen. A hard, especially “stony” stomach will indicate hypertonicity. This is a signal that you need to see a doctor.

How to understand that the uterus is toned on an ultrasound?

To diagnose hypertension, it is enough for a doctor to conduct an examination according to the stage of pregnancy. But to confirm their assumptions, the gynecologist most often prescribes an ultrasound. This is an additional examination that helps assess the degree of thickening of the muscle layer and the condition of the cervix. Based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor sees whether there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

The advantage of this method of examination is that it allows one to identify local tone, that is, in individual areas of the uterus. It is precisely this that a woman most often does not feel, and the risk of an unfavorable pregnancy outcome remains.

If an ultrasound reveals that the uterus is toned at 36 weeks of pregnancy, and the symptoms that bother the woman (pain, spotting) intensify, this may indicate the onset of labor. In this case, the pregnant woman requires emergency assistance.

Treatment of increased tone in a pregnant woman

Regardless of how muscle tension was detected - during an ultrasound examination or independently, consultation and examination by a gynecologist is mandatory. Only a doctor can determine how strong the symptoms of uterine tone are during pregnancy. Treatment will depend on this, as well as on the reasons that caused it.

A woman diagnosed with uterine tone is prescribed bed rest. If the tension does not pose a risk to the mother and fetus, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Traditional therapy includes taking the following medications:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Magnesium B6";
  • motherwort tincture.

All these remedies will help relieve muscle spasms, but they will not eliminate the reason why uterine tone occurred during pregnancy (2nd trimester). Symptoms will appear again after some time. In addition, toxicosis usually goes away by the beginning of the 2nd trimester, which means that it cannot cause spasm of the abdominal wall muscles. Therefore, before the end of the 13th week, a woman is required to pass all tests to identify hormonal disorders and blood to determine the Rh factor.

Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the tone is associated with a lack of progesterone, it is eliminated by taking special medications, but if the tension is formed due to an excess of male hormones, then it is corrected with antipodes. In case of Rh conflict, another, but no less effective therapy is prescribed. And it is also worth noting that the sooner a woman consults a doctor, the sooner she will be prescribed the necessary tests and the cause of this condition will be found. You should not risk your own health and the life of your baby.

In what cases is hospitalization necessary?

If the tone continues for too long and cannot be relieved on an outpatient basis, the doctor will insist on further treatment in a hospital. Despite the fact that most women try to negotiate with the gynecologist not to give them a referral to the maternity hospital, it is worth noting that hospitalization also has its advantages:

  1. A pregnant woman will 100% comply with the bed rest prescribed to her. She will no longer be able to be distracted by doing household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, washing, etc.
  2. In the hospital, the woman will be under the supervision of doctors around the clock, who will be able to promptly relieve intensified spasms if necessary. In addition, the pregnant woman will not have to guess and try to understand whether the uterus is tonus, as she did at home. Systematic examinations by doctors will help to identify any changes in a timely manner.

After the causes and symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy have been eliminated, we can talk about continuing therapy at home.

And it is also worth noting why it is so important to go to the hospital on time. The fact is that labor that begins after the 28th week of pregnancy is considered premature. And although the baby is not yet full-term, you can try to save his life. Therefore, doctors will try in every possible way to hold out at least until this period, but it is even better if it can be extended. But if the tone of the uterus provokes the onset of labor at week 25, gynecologists will take all measures to stop it. Children born at this stage rarely survive or have multiple developmental pathologies in the future.

Most women, especially in the case of repeated pregnancy, do not rush to the hospital if they have nagging pain in the abdomen or lower back. Even if they already know how to understand whether the tone of the uterus is increased and were able to independently identify its cause, as a rule, expectant mothers first try to relieve it on their own. In addition to medications such as No-Spa and Papaverine, the following actions and exercises will help eliminate the discomfort caused by muscle spasms:

  1. Adequate rest and healthy sleep. According to reviews, symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy often appear after intense exercise (cleaning, heavy lifting, a busy day at work). In this case, the woman needs to ensure good rest. It is important to create conditions so that she can relax. Then the tone will disappear as if by hand.
  2. Exercise "cat". A pregnant woman needs to get on all fours, arch her back and raise her head up. After a minute, return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 approaches, then take a horizontal position and rest for about an hour. After some time, you need to check that the tone of the uterus is not increased. How to understand this was described above.
  3. with emphasis on the elbows so that the uterus is suspended. This will relieve or reduce hypertension.
  4. Lower your head down, relaxing the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. In this case, you need to inhale and exhale air exclusively through your mouth.

Preventive measures

If you listen to your feelings, it will be difficult to miss the obvious symptoms of uterine tone. A consultation with a gynecologist and strict adherence to his prescriptions will help you understand how to eliminate them. Well, in order to completely forget about discomfort during pregnancy, prevention is needed:

  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • try to resolve any conflicts peacefully and avoid stressful situations;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and daily routine;
  • ensure proper rest during the day and healthy sleep at night;
  • give up alcohol and smoking even in small doses, it is advisable to do this at the planning stage;
  • monitor your weight;
  • refuse sexual intercourse in the last weeks of pregnancy;
  • wear a prenatal bandage that will support the uterus and relieve muscle tension.

Symptoms of uterine tone at 33 weeks of pregnancy, such as pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, are often associated with physiological processes and preparation for childbirth. But to eliminate the possibility of complications and minimize the risk of premature birth, you should consult a doctor. In addition, regular visits to the gynecologist and constant gynecological monitoring will help save the life of the unborn child.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is a common occurrence. This condition is provoked by various disorders in the mother. In this case, the woman experiences unpleasant pulling sensations, pain and discomfort in the abdomen and lower back. The topic of today's article is how to safely relieve uterine tone during pregnancy at home.

Periodically, an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus is observed in all mothers. It can occur during physical activity, anxiety, or eating something spicy. In this case, muscle tension goes away on its own and does not pose a threat to the baby. If the increased tone persists for a long period, you should definitely look for the cause of this condition. This is explained by the fact that hypertonicity often causes miscarriage, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, and other developmental defects in the fetus.

In the second and third trimester, tension in the uterine muscles can trigger premature labor. When the walls of the reproductive organ contract, they compress the amniotic sac in which the child is located. Because of this, the required amount of oxygen and other important nutrients do not pass through the placenta. A deficiency of these components can lead to developmental delay or embryonic death. In this regard, it is very important for mommy to monitor her condition and, if alarming symptoms develop, immediately consult a doctor.

Many women are faced with the problem in question and do not even suspect that we are talking about increased tone. So what is this condition? Symptoms may include:

  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Feeling that the uterus is becoming like stone.
  • Discomfort extends to the lumbar region.
  • It becomes difficult for mom to breathe, and she begins to feel short of breath while walking.

Some patients compare such pain with pain during menstruation.

If such signs appear, a pregnant woman should not expect that everything will go away on its own. You must inform your doctor about this.

Methods for relieving increased uterine tone at home

When hypertonicity appears, it is important to find out the nature of its origin. If the condition is caused by pathological causes, that is, various diseases in the mother, treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital under close medical supervision. In the absence of serious illnesses, you can use some tips at home.

Special therapeutic exercises are an excellent method of strengthening and relaxing the muscles of the reproductive organ. You can perform any exercises only after prior consultation with a specialist.

The following exercises are suitable for detoxifying:

  • According to the study, it was found that relaxing the facial muscles helps eliminate muscle tone throughout the body. If a pulling sensation appears, a woman is advised to take a comfortable position on a sofa or chair and try to relax her facial muscles as much as possible. Practice shows that after 2-3 minutes, uterine hypertonicity disappears.
  • Some yoga poses, such as the cat position, can help you relax your muscles. To do this, the pregnant woman must get on all fours, lower her head down, and stretch her stomach towards the floor. As you inhale, raise your head and straighten your back; as you exhale, lower your head again and stretch your stomach toward the floor. You need to perform 5-7 repetitions. Each movement should be performed smoothly, without jerking. After completing the gymnastics, mommy is advised to lie down for several hours.
  • Using the knee-elbow position. This body position effectively eliminates discomfort in the lumbar region and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. To do this, the woman must kneel, rest her elbows on the floor, and breathe evenly. You need to hold this plank for 30-60 seconds. If discomfort appears during the session, further exercise is prohibited. After finishing the gymnastics, you need to lie down for an hour.

Therapeutic exercises are considered an excellent method of combating increased uterine tone.

Physical education relaxes muscles well, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and normalizes overall well-being. Gymnastics allows you to strengthen the muscles of the reproductive organ, which is very important to facilitate the birth process and prevent various complications in the mother.

It is not advisable to perform physical therapy in the first trimester. This can only be done with the permission of the gynecologist.

A special diet helps get rid of hypertension during pregnancy. Doctors recommend eliminating foods that can cause muscle tension from your diet and eating more foods containing magnesium.

Foods that relax the uterus Dishes that increase muscle tension
Bran bread, biscuits, dry biscuits, savory pastries. Fried, salted, smoked dishes using animal fats.
Porridge with water or milk (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, wheat). Fresh radishes, radishes, white cabbage, onions, garlic, as they increase tone.
Soups and main courses based on legumes. Fatty fish and meats.
Vegetables – sweet peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli. Canned food, smoked sausages.
Dried fruits and nuts in moderation. Hot sauces, ketchups, seasonings, marinades.
Lean meats boiled, stewed or baked (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit). Fast food.
Purified water, weak green tea, natural juices, compotes. Strong black tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, alcohol.
Dairy and fermented milk products with low fat content (milk, yogurt, kefir, cream). Dairy products with high fat content (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, whole milk).

If you can’t create a diet on your own, you need to seek help from a specialist.

A device in the form of a bandage allows you to reduce the tone of the uterus by supporting the abdomen. Doctors recommend wearing it from approximately 17-20 weeks, which depends on the size of the tummy. After 30 weeks, this device must be abandoned. This is due to the fact that the stomach grows and the belt can interfere with the normal development of the fetus.

To remove hypertonicity, you need to choose the right belt. This should be done by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. It is important to buy a high-quality product made from natural and hypoallergenic fabric. The bandage should not restrict a woman’s movements. There are several types of such devices:

  • Elastic belt – provided in the form of an elastic wide band, which is attached with Velcro. It is worn over underwear. The belt is used at all stages of pregnancy. The diameter can be adjusted using Velcro.
  • Underwear – special wide panties with an elastic band in the abdominal area. This bandage is widely popular as it is very convenient and practical to use.
  • Universal bandage - can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. It allows you to relieve tension and quickly reduce the tone of the uterus. The diameter of the belt is adjustable using fasteners located on the side.

For various pathologies in the mother or child, the bandage cannot be used. This can only make the situation worse.

Some natural products can help relieve tension in the uterine muscles. They can be used at home without harm to the health of mother and baby.

The most commonly used are herbal decoctions and tinctures that reduce hypertension. Let's look at a few recipes:

  • Motherwort tincture. You can take this medicine both in the first trimester and at 36-38 weeks. When a pulling sensation appears, you need to drink 20-30 drops of the drug. It is best to take it after eating food. The total duration of treatment should not exceed two months.
  • You can fight spasms with the help of valerian infusion. This medication can be taken at all stages of pregnancy. To reduce tone, a woman needs to drink 25-30 drops of tincture half an hour before meals.
  • Herbal tea. For a medicinal drink you need to take mint, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities and brew 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water. It is recommended to take tea in the morning and evening before bed.

Before using any traditional medicines at home, you must first consult with your doctor. Some natural products cause allergies and their consumption can have a very negative impact on the baby’s health.

Traditional medicine is only an auxiliary method of treatment for increased uterine tone in a woman during pregnancy. This therapy cannot be used as a stand-alone treatment. The doctor must prescribe appropriate medications.

It has been proven that you can achieve relaxation by inhaling various essential oils. This method helps to tone the uterus, improve a woman’s mood and even normalize sleep. The oil can be simply inhaled or added to the bath while bathing. You can lie in the bathroom for no more than 15 minutes at a water temperature of 37-38 °C.

For this you can use the following products:

  • Vanilla - increases the feeling of comfort, envelops the room with a sweetish smell, improves mood.
  • Rose – helps fight emotional stress, calms, improves sleep.
  • Lotus – has an invigorating aroma, but at the same time helps to relax well.
  • Jasmine – normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, has a delicate pleasant aroma.

In addition, you can also use the aromas of medicinal herbs such as lemon balm, geranium, chamomile, and valerian. Do not overdo it; the smell should be barely noticeable in the air.

Any medications must be selected by a doctor. This therapy is used, as a rule, if the problem is caused by any diseases in the woman. Constant painful sensations bring severe discomfort to the mother and can lead to premature birth. In this regard, it is necessary to treat hypertension in a timely and correct manner.

Drugs used:

  • Antispasmodic drugs (Utrozhestan, No-Shpa, Papaverine).
  • Medicines that saturate the body with magnesium (Magne B6, Magnesia, Magnicum).
  • Herbal tinctures (Motherwort, Valerian).
  • Hormonal agents (Ginipral, Progesterone, Duphaston).

Each medicine has its own indications and contraindications. They should be used in strict accordance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If the rules of administration are violated, serious complications can occur. Hormonal drugs are used only in extreme cases, as they have a lot of side effects.

Information about medications is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a call for self-medication.

To combat the problem, it is very important to understand that while carrying a baby, emotional peace is necessary. A woman should try to minimize stress and worries, because pregnancy is precisely the period when a mother should think about herself and the health of her unborn baby.

Spend more time with friends and family, eliminate conflicts at home and at work, and approach various problems more simply. This will help maintain a good mood and prevent the development of certain problems.


To reduce the risk of developing pathology, mothers should follow certain rules during pregnancy. These include:

  • Maintaining the correct daily routine.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Taking essential vitamins.
  • Reduced physical activity in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Timely treatment of various diseases.
  • Adequate fluid intake.
  • Elimination of stress and emotional turmoil.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Selection of comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Quitting bad habits.

If any alarming symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor promptly. Early diagnosis of a particular condition helps to cope with the problem without harm to health.

Let's sum it up

During pregnancy, a mother faces many problems, one of which is increased uterine tone. This condition manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent in all women, which is an absolute physiological norm. Despite this, hypertonicity must be reported to your doctor to prevent various complications.


Is it possible to deal with the problem at home and how to do it? More information on this topic can be found in this video.

Pregnancy is a period when a woman begins to listen especially carefully to her body, and this is true, because even the slightest deviation can have serious consequences. Uterine hypertonicity is especially dangerous. Why is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy, and what unpleasant surprises can happen? Every second pregnant woman asks herself these questions.


Danger of uterine tone for pregnancy

If you have uterine tone, you should take immediate action. You can’t wait a second, because such a condition can lead to:

  • miscarriage (in the early stages);
  • premature birth (at a later date);
  • fading pregnancy.

Also, the expectant mother puts her baby's health at risk. A huge number of abnormalities in children are associated with this pathology.

Let's look at each threat separately.


Increased tone is a dangerous condition that threatens the health of a pregnant woman. In the early stages (up to 28 weeks) it provokes a miscarriage. If a woman feels nagging pain in the lower abdomen, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Tone in the early stages may occur due to:

  1. Hormonal imbalance in women: insufficient production of the hormone progesterone or increased levels of androgens. Miscarriage will be prevented if the hormonal imbalance is normalized.
  2. Intense toxicosis. Due to regular vomiting, muscle contractions occur in the peritoneum and uterus. As a result, tone appears.
  3. Rhesus conflict between the baby’s parents, that is, if the mother is positive and the father is negative, then the body can reject the fetus. This is manifested by hypertonicity.
  4. Frequent inflammation of the reproductive organs and infectious diseases.
  5. Bloating and gas formation. When intestinal motility changes, pathology also often occurs.

Sometimes a miscarriage occurs in the first weeks when the embryo has more than 60% genetic defects. Nothing can be done here; nature will take its course.

With hypertonicity, the fetus cannot fully develop. The muscle tissue compresses the blood vessels and the child becomes insufficiently oxygenated - this is hypoxia.

A woman will be able to recognize a toned uterus on her own at home. In this case, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, nagging pain (similar to premenstrual pain), pain in the lower back. In some cases, a pregnant woman may notice specific discharge streaked with blood on her underwear.

Do not forget that hypertension often does not make itself felt, there are no symptoms. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist, who will prevent trouble in time.

Premature birth

Is uterine tone dangerous in later stages? Of course, if it appears later than 28 weeks, it can cause premature birth. This happens due to:

  • pathologies of the uterus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • drinking alcohol and using drugs;
  • smoking and so on.

Hypertonicity in the later stages makes itself known in the form of a nagging, severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. The stomach gets hard. In such a situation, seek medical attention immediately. If a woman feels cramping uterine contractions and/or amniotic fluid has already passed, then the labor process has begun and no one can stop it. We can only hope that experienced doctors will save both mother and child.

Danger to the health of the unborn child

What are the consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy for the baby? This condition can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, but there is another danger. A woman can give birth on time, but what happened all this time to the child in the womb? Since the muscles, which were constantly under tension, compressed the umbilical cord vessels, the fetus could not fully receive oxygen. Because of this, hypoxia develops. As a result, the child did not receive enough nutrients, and this led to a stop in his growth and development. Malnutrition often occurs.

In the future, all the defects will be visible in the newborn; it will not be surprising if further development is not the same as in healthy babies. To avoid this, you should constantly see your doctor, do control ultrasound examinations and pay attention to any changes in the body.

Fading pregnancy

A pregnancy that ends in miscarriage is a type of miscarriage. At the same time, its development stops completely and it dies. Most often this happens in the early stages, before 14 weeks. But there have been cases when this happened even shortly before the expected date of birth. There are certain periods for the fetus when it is especially vulnerable. This:

  1. End of the first month of pregnancy (from 3 to 4 weeks).
  2. End of the 2nd, beginning of the 3rd month (8-11 weeks).
  3. Horses of the fourth, beginning of the fifth month (16-18 weeks).

Important! At the 8th week, the fetus begins to form important organs for life, so this period is considered the most dangerous.

There are certain situations due to which tone occurs, and then the pregnancy freezes. Pregnancy is negatively affected by:

  1. Genetic disorder. A large percentage of missed pregnancies are due to chromosomal abnormalities. If the fetus has a large number of anomalies that are incompatible with life, then fading occurs.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. There are two ways in which disaster can occur. Due to a lack of progesterone and an excess of androgens. If a violation is detected early, fading can be prevented.
  3. Artificial insemination and IVF. Such pregnancies often have a similar outcome.
  4. Infectious diseases. Since a woman’s immune system is weak, it becomes defenseless to viruses and bacteria. Any disease negatively affects the child, especially cytomegalovirus and rubella. You should be careful throughout the entire 9 months, but the most dangerous period is the first 14 weeks. Even a simple cold or FLU is difficult for a pregnant woman to endure; the consequences can be unpredictable. If the disease is accompanied by prolonged high body temperature, intoxication, hypertonicity may occur. The child will lack nutrients and there is a risk of stopping his development.
  5. STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Infection with ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.
  6. Incorrect, inadequate nutrition.
  7. Tight clothes, tight underwear.
  8. Sedentary lifestyle.
  9. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  10. Tobacco smoking and drugs.
  11. Exorbitant work.

A frozen pregnancy can be recognized by:

  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • weakness, chills;
  • abdominal pain (pulling nature);
  • toxicosis that ended suddenly;
  • a sharp decrease in mammary glands;
  • lack of fetal heartbeat;
  • inappropriate size of the uterus with term.

In the 1st trimester, as pregnancy fades, there is a drop in basal temperature.

Keep this in mind! Until the placenta begins to exfoliate, the woman will feel toxicosis and enlarged mammary glands.

After 14 weeks, you can tell that the fetus has frozen by the absence of movements. Uterine tone is a serious deviation that must be eliminated by a doctor. You shouldn’t let things take their course, as the consequences can be very serious.

Uterine tone, uterine hypertonicity, increased uterine tone or toned uterus are synonyms for one symptom, which is characterized by tension in the muscular layer of the organ. According to statistics, every second pregnant woman experiences uterine tone during pregnancy. In some cases, this condition may be a physiological manifestation and does not pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and child. In others, uterine hypertonicity is a pathological symptom, leading to disruption of the course of pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death. In order to promptly respond to increased uterine tone, pregnant women need to know the clinical manifestations of this condition and ways to eliminate increased muscle tone.

What is uterine tone?

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ that has the shape of an inverted pear, located in the pelvic cavity in women. The uterus has 3 layers: external serous (perimetry), internal muscular (myometrium), internal mucous (endometrium). After conception occurs, the tone of the uterus is in a calm state - the muscle fibers grow and thicken, but do not tense and rarely contract. This is a prerequisite for the normal course of pregnancy. Myometrial tone is regulated by the pregnancy hormone. Myometrial tension in the form of regular contractions is observed during labor. The birth of a healthy child depends on the strength and duration of muscle contractions.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment, the normal tone of the uterus can change upward - hypertonicity. If contractions of muscle fibers are short-term, of low intensity, and do not have a cyclical pattern, then such hypertonicity does not cause harm to the intrauterine system. With strong cramping contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus, which are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina or leakage of amniotic fluid, there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Such hypertonicity is pathological and requires emergency medical care.

Why is uterine tone dangerous?

Uterine tone can be a physiological and pathological symptom. The danger is posed by hypertonicity of the organ, which negatively affects the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It is necessary to be able to distinguish which tone of the uterus bothers a woman. Treatment tactics and prognosis for pregnancy development depend on the condition of the myometrium.

Types of uterine tone.

  1. Conditionally safe tone. Appears throughout the entire period of gestation. Normal frequency is no more than 5-6 times a day. It does not cause intense pain, is not periodic (occurring at regular intervals), and is not accompanied by bleeding or leakage of amniotic fluid. In the 1st trimester, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, a woman can feel the tension of the uterus through the abdominal wall - the organ becomes “stony”. If there is already fetal movement, the baby’s movements usually intensify. Conditionally safe tone does not disrupt the normal development of pregnancy and represents irregular contractions of the myometrium under the influence of irritating factors of the internal and external environment.
  2. Uterine tone associated with training contractions. In the period from 24 to 30 weeks, training contractions occur, which prepare the woman and the unborn child for the process of labor. They are felt as weak cramps in the lumbar region, pass quickly and independently, and do not bring significant discomfort.
  3. Hypertonicity of the uterus with the threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. Prolonged, increasing cramping pain of high intensity in the lumbar region and lower abdomen that does not go away on its own. At the height of the pain syndrome, spotting or bleeding from the vagina, discharge of the mucous plug of the cervix, and leakage of amniotic fluid may appear. These are ominous signs that indicate in favor of termination of pregnancy.

Consequences of pathological tone of the uterus during gestation:

  • disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, development of placental insufficiency, delays in intrauterine development of the child;
  • frozen pregnancy (intrauterine fetal death);
  • premature placental abruption, massive uterine bleeding, threat to the woman’s life;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion (before);
  • threat of premature birth (from 22 to ).

If there is pathological tone of the uterus, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help in order to maintain pregnancy and normal intrauterine conditions.

Causes of increased uterine tone

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy occurs against the background of the adverse effects of internal and external environmental factors.

  1. Structural anomalies and congenital malformations of the uterus, genital infantilism (underdevelopment of the genital organs).
  2. Hormonal disorders. Insufficient synthesis of the pregnancy hormone. High levels of androgens (male hormones) in a woman’s body. Hyperprolactinemia (high concentration of the hormone prolactin).
  3. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (,).
  4. Sexual infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea).
  5. Uterine neoplasms (fibroids, fibroids).
  6. Rhesus conflict. It develops when the woman has Rh-negative blood and the fetus has Rh-positive blood.
  7. Toxicosis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, gestosis in the second half of gestation.
  8. Polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetal weight.
  9. Exacerbation of chronic somatic diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive tract, heart, lungs.
  10. Unfavorable obstetric history (medical and spontaneous abortions, frozen pregnancy, premature birth).
  11. The age of the pregnant woman is up to 18 years and after 35 years.
  12. Heavy physical activity, carrying heavy objects.
  13. Unstable emotional background, psychological trauma, chronic stress.
  14. A profession with harmful working conditions.
  15. Living in environmentally hazardous areas.
  16. Bad habits (drug, nicotine, alcohol addiction).

An increase in uterine tone can occur against the background of salty foods, spices, and herbal teas. To reduce the risk of hypertension, you should consult your doctor about which foods to exclude from your daily diet.

Symptoms: how to determine that the uterus is toned

Increased uterine tone is most dangerous when there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth due to hypertension decreases.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity in:

  • a feeling of tension and hardening of the walls of the uterus, which can be felt through the abdominal wall;
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen, pulling;
  • increased motor activity of the fetus or cessation of movement of the child during the day.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity in:

  • abdominal cramp;
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • tension in the muscular layer of the uterus (the walls of the organ become like stone);
  • uterine tension can be felt through the anterior abdominal wall;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • removal of the mucus plug from the cervical canal.

At the first signs of pathological hypertonicity of the uterus, you should consult a gynecologist or call an ambulance.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

Increased uterine tone is diagnosed by a gynecologist during a scheduled or unscheduled visit to a pregnant woman. The doctor feels the uterus in the position of the woman on the back and side, as well as on the gynecological chair. During a vaginal examination, a specialist assesses the condition of the cervix. Shortening, softening of the cervix and opening of the cervical canal, leakage of amniotic fluid, bloody discharge from the uterine cavity are dangerous symptoms that indicate the threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

To confirm increased uterine tone and determine the condition of the fetus and placenta, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination. After interviewing and examining the pregnant woman and using instrumental diagnostic methods, the doctor prescribes treatment appropriate to the woman’s condition on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity

If there is a pathological increase in uterine tone, therapy is usually recommended in a gynecological hospital. Conditionally safe tone, which occurs less than 5 times a day, according to the doctor’s decision, can be treated on an outpatient basis (at home).

Therapy for uterine hypertonicity:

  • bed rest;
  • limitation of physical activity and emotional stress;
  • exclusion of sexual contacts;
  • sedatives of herbal and non-natural origin (tincture, vitamin K);
  • drugs (, duphoston);
  • multivitamins.

To increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and psychotherapy are prescribed.

Relaxation techniques for uterine hypertonicity

If increased uterine tone occurs, you need to take a sitting, or better yet, lying position, and calm down. Physical activity and negative emotions aggravate the situation. To relax the muscles of the uterus, you can put a warm towel ironed on your stomach, a bottle of water heated to 60 degrees, or a heating pad. Abdominal discomfort should go away within 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, you should seek medical help. If the crisis has passed, it is necessary to report the occurrence of uterine tone to the gynecologist when visiting the antenatal clinic. The specialist will conduct an additional examination and prescribe treatment and preventive measures according to the severity of the health condition of the woman and fetus.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity

Uterine tone occurs in almost every woman during pregnancy. To prevent contractions of the myometrium and prevent the occurrence of pathological hypertonicity, it is recommended to follow preventive measures.

Hypertonicity of the uterus does not always lead to intrauterine dysfunction. In some cases, this is an ordinary situation that should not cause concern. To correctly interpret increased uterine tone, you need to contact a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct the necessary examinations and give recommendations for maintaining a normal pregnancy.