Different temperatures in a child's ears. Thermometers (thermometers)


The concept of pregnancy planning includes a whole range of mandatory measures that will help you begin to prepare for the birth of a child: at this time, a woman should not take contraceptives, but seek advice from a doctor. A married couple will be able to conceive a healthy baby after checking their health for infections, stop drinking alcohol, smoking, remove harmful foods from their diet, follow a routine, breathe fresh air more often, and get proper rest. Tests will show whether you need to undergo a course of medication.

What is pregnancy planning

In order for a healthy baby to be born, a couple of spouses must make a lot of effort and properly prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Planning activities will help avoid possible complications, carry, give birth to a healthy baby. Specialists will eliminate factors harmful to the couple and give good advice. Many women have a chance of becoming pregnant. The process of conception is facilitated by:

  • visits to doctors by both spouses;
  • consultation with a gynecologist for a woman;
  • collected tests;
  • selected favorable moment using the conception calendar;
  • elimination of genital tract infections.

How to plan a pregnancy

A married couple must decide what steps to take to ensure pregnancy occurs and the child is born full-fledged. How to plan a pregnancy? Planning and preparation should begin with a visit to the doctor, consultation with a gynecologist. A medical examination will help identify the presence of infections or any chronic disease in the body. The gynecologist will examine the woman’s uterus and give detailed advice on planning. Correctly drawing up a planning calendar will help the family avoid mistakes and confidently go through all stages of preparation.

What you need to know

Find out what you need to know when planning a pregnancy. Find out:

  • how good and strong your health is at the time of conception;
  • how to calculate the moment of ovulation;
  • what vaccinations to get to avoid infectious diseases(hepatitis, chickenpox, rubella);
  • what vitamin preparations to take to increase the body's resistance;
  • how to give up completely hormonal drugs, other medications;
  • which will help not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to smoke;
  • what tests need to be taken;
  • how to correctly create a normal diet, eliminate diets/fasting.

Where to start

After visiting the doctor, you need to fill out general calendar planning. List point by point all the activities that the family must complete so that the probability of conception becomes almost one hundred percent. A few months before pregnancy, it is worth checking all vital signs. internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, lungs). It's time to visit doctors (generalist, gynecologist, ENT, dentist), if necessary, an infectious disease specialist, a psychiatrist. It is important to get the necessary vaccinations on time. It is possible to conceive and bear a healthy baby if parents follow the doctor’s advice.

To a woman

To achieve pregnancy and the safe birth of a baby, a woman must start with the following steps:

  • visit a gynecologist, find out useful recommendations, adviсe;
  • donate blood to general analysis, biochemistry;
  • check urine;
  • take smears to check for sexually transmitted infections;
  • undergo examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound;
  • check your blood for antibodies to viral diseases (herpes, rubella);
  • get tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • donate blood to check blood sugar levels;
  • assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries;
  • check the female genital organs.

To a man

What steps should a man take to ensure that his sperm is viable and complete? It is advisable for a man to start:

  • do a general blood and urine test;
  • get checked for any infection or inflammatory processes;
  • donate secretions for flora;
  • for high-quality, mobile sperm, monitor the temperature in the groin area (sperm do not tolerate temperature regime over 33-35 degrees);
  • reduce to a minimum, completely abandon alcoholic drinks, smoking;
  • to synthesize sperm in the volumes necessary for pregnancy, reduce sex to 1-2 per week.

When to plan

A healthy couple has the greatest chance of conceiving a baby. Planning for conception and the age of the expectant mother and father are interconnected; a young body is stronger, more resilient, and healthier. You can plan for conception when the expectant mother, having a chronic disease, has completed a course of treatment and is absolutely healthy. Ideally, both parents refused bad habits, have a full rest, visit a lot fresh air, eat right. The female body is harmed by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.


There is a certain list of tests that a woman and a man must undergo during this crucial period of time. Both future parents must pass the following:

  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor to exclude pathology of fetal development;
  • smears, blood for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis;
  • general, biochemical blood test, which shows the general state of health;
  • get tested for antibodies;
  • OAM (general urinalysis);
  • genetic tests (if necessary);
  • research on the quality and quantity of sex hormones produced by expectant mothers and fathers.

What to drink when planning pregnancy

Planned pregnancy and childbirth proceed safely if the girl is serious about taking vitamins. Recommended to take:

  1. Folic acid - it will prevent fetal development abnormalities. It synthesizes DNA, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, cell division, and forms nervous system. Taking folic acid is recommended in all trimesters of pregnancy.
  2. Potassium iodide replenishes iodine deficiency in the body.
  3. Vitamin E helps carry out healthy child.

Planning pregnancy with an irregular cycle

Irregular menstrual cycles significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Early toxicosis is considered a sign of pregnancy. To increase the likelihood of an event occurring, you need to:

  • undergo an examination by a gynecologist;
  • calculate ovulation dates;
  • drink decoctions of oregano and linden, which normalize the cycle;
  • bring it back to normal own weight, it is difficult for a thin or overweight lady to conceive a child;
  • Regular high-quality sex brings the cycle back to normal;
  • treat the nervous system with sedatives and herbs.

Floor planning

Methods that allow you to plan the gender of your future baby are often discussed. It is claimed that a child's gender can be influenced by food. If you include meat, mushrooms, potatoes in your daily diet, and eat bananas and oranges, you will have a boy. Girls influence gender formation raw cabbage, nuts, beans, onions, peppers. Positive Feedback and a high (not 100% probability) is the planning technique for sorting male and female chromosomes in sperm during IVF. They try to plan the gender of the child using calculations.

Almost every woman at some point in her life wants to become a mother. The instinct of procreation is inherent in man by nature. Often pregnancy occurs unplanned. In some cases, if a woman has medical problems or is not ready for motherhood, pregnancy becomes not a joy, but a problem. Therefore, it is important to plan your pregnancy in advance. What is pregnancy planning, and where should a woman start?

At the initial stage, a couple who wants to become parents needs to study all available information on bearing, giving birth and raising a child. After all, not all young people know what difficulties they will face.

More than one couple has broken up after the birth of a child precisely because they did not think at the time: what is it like to be parents? Before deciding to become pregnant, both future parents must decide:

    • Are they really ready for a baby to come into the family?

Do they accept full responsibility in this regard.

  • Will young parents have helpers or will they have to cope on their own?
  • Will they be able to establish a relationship between the eldest child and the new family member?
  • Pass all necessary tests and examinations

And also, if necessary, change your lifestyle at the stage of planning pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

When you are psychologically ready, you can move on to the next stage of planning.

What is required from future parents

In addition to the fact that the spouses will be asked to take a set of tests and undergo examination by certain specialists to determine the state of their health, they will need to make changes to their lifestyle. Namely:

    • Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol
    • Play sports

The woman is good physical training It will help with bearing a child and during childbirth, and for a man - to improve his body health and increase testosterone.

  • Take long walks outdoors
  • Eat right

Avoid unhealthy foods and expand your diet with vegetables and fruits. Nutrition should be complete.

If young people have doubts or fears in connection with future fatherhood or motherhood, then it is worth consulting with family psychologist. It will help you understand the cause of the problem and find ways to solve it.

If a woman was sick and was treated with antibiotics, it is better to postpone pregnancy planning for three months. During this time, the body will fully recover.

When and how to start preparing

Thus, if the decision to plan a pregnancy has been made, then it is worth starting preparations at least three months in advance, and even better, six months in advance. In addition to the above recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, it is better to start preparing for planning with the following:

    • Examine the health and reproductive systems of men and women

Some people think that men don’t have to do this, because it’s not their place to bear and give birth. But it has been proven that a man’s health greatly influences the child during conception. Therefore, the expectant father should also not neglect recommendations on lifestyle and health examination when planning his future baby.

    • You need to protect yourself from diseases during the preparation period

If you happen to get sick, then after recovery it is necessary to delay pregnancy until the body is completely restored. Many medical supplies have a fairly long elimination period. They can harm the unborn baby during conception and pregnancy.

    • It is necessary to treat all chronic diseases

And also stop taking medications 3-6 months before the start of the planned pregnancy.

  • It is recommended to start taking folic acid several months before preparation.

It accumulates in the body and helps proper development fetus

Which specialists should I go through?

    • When visiting doctors, it is better to start with a gynecologist

When conception occurs, it is this specialist who will become the main one for the woman in the next nine months. After all, a gynecologist will observe how the pregnancy progresses, how the fetus is formed, and study the tests and ultrasound results of the pregnant woman.

In preparation for conception, a gynecologist examines a woman and assesses her state of health, takes a smear from the vagina, and prescribes the necessary tests.

The gynecologist also collects information about general condition health, how previous pregnancies developed, how the birth went (if any), about past illnesses, etc., in order to have a complete picture of the health of the expectant mother and the problems that may arise during pregnancy.

In addition, this doctor will give his recommendations on diet and rest, and recommend suitable vitamins and so on. Whether it is worth cauterizing cervical erosion at the preparation stage - the doctor will decide. It depends on how serious it is. Let your doctor know about any cycle disruptions, heavy menstruation, pain and discharge.

    • Another specialist whom a woman needs to visit in order to identify all problems with her health is therapist

The therapist will comprehensively examine the expectant mother and prescribe additional diagnostics, if necessary. He will know about all the chronic and current diseases of the woman and her environment. If necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment. The general practitioner gives his opinion, which will be needed from the gynecologist.

If during pregnancy a woman experiences health problems not related to the reproductive system, the therapist will conduct appropriate examination and treatment.

    • It is also necessary to visit a dentist

During pregnancy, there may be a lack of calcium in the mother's body. In this case, the teeth are actively destroyed. Therefore, it is recommended to treat all diseased teeth before pregnancy, because during the period of bearing a child, many drugs cannot be used without harm to his health. It is also not advisable to treat teeth before childbirth.

    • Ophthalmologist will examine the fundus, determine visual acuity and measure eye pressure

It is especially important to visit this specialist for those who already have vision problems. During pregnancy and childbirth, visual acuity may decrease.

    • Otolaryngologist It is recommended to undergo it in order to treat all diseases of the throat, nose and ears in a timely manner

After all, there can often be chronic tonsillitis or sinusitis, which will be problematic to treat during pregnancy.

    • Consult a geneticist it won't be superfluous either

Especially in some cases: if a woman is over 35, the future father is over 40 years old, there are hereditary genetic diseases, there were problematic previous births. An examination by a doctor - genetics will help to exclude congenital genetic diseases in the child.

  • The future dad receives a consultation from a urologist

Even if it seems that there are no health problems, you still should not neglect a visit to specialists. Indeed, during pregnancy, many organs and systems are forced to work under increased load.

Various health problems may arise that are difficult to eliminate during pregnancy and this can negatively affect the baby. Probability of occurrence medical problems healthy parents have significantly less.

When to stop taking birth control? If you used them for a year, three months before conception, if two years, then six months before conception, and so on. If you have been drinking for less than six months, there are no additional time requirements, stop drinking at your convenience.

What tests should I take?

At the planning stage, spouses will need to undergo a fairly decent list of tests. Their number will be determined by specialists who will examine the health status of potential parents. Typically the following indicators are assessed:

    • General and biochemical blood parameters
    • Presence of sugar in blood and urine
    • Blood clotting
    • Determine blood groups and Rh factors of spouses

If the mother has a negative Rh factor and the father has a positive Rh factor, there is a risk of Rh conflict in the baby.

    • Presence of infections in the blood

HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis and others.

    • Presence of antibodies to ToRCH infections in the blood

These are toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes.

  • General urine analysis.
  • Fluorography.
  • Spermogram

In case there is a need to check the number and activity of sperm.

If a woman has thyroid disease, she will be asked to take a test to study the corresponding complex of hormones. Undergo an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. Consult an endocrinologist.

Both spouses will be tested for sexually transmitted infections(ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonorrhea and other STIs). Such infections may not show any signs for the time being, so you must make sure that they are absent when planning a pregnancy. If you already have such a disease (STD), then first you need to cure it.


For the normal formation and development of the fetus and to maintain a woman’s health, she needs to take the following vitamins already at the preparation stage:

    • Iron

Anemia is common during pregnancy. It is recommended to start taking iron supplements during preparation.

    • Folic acid

A lack of this acid in the body can cause fetal pathologies. All pregnant women take it. This vitamin is also useful for expectant fathers. Folic acid improves sperm quality.

    • Vitamin D3

However, the exact dosage must be observed.

    • Vitamin B12

It will help in stimulating metabolic processes and the hematopoietic function of the mother’s body.

    • Vitamin E

Taken both at the preparation stage and during pregnancy. It will help with proper conception and gestation, and also promotes the production of sperm in men and eggs in women. Increases the body's endurance.

  • Vitamin C

It strengthens the immune system, neutralizes toxins, reduces the likelihood of inflammatory processes

You can take vitamins both with food - in the form of vegetables, fruits and other food products, and in synthetic form.

Now doctors are increasingly prescribing multivitamin preparations– Femibion ​​(very much about him) good reviews), Elevit Pronatal or Pregnoton.

Many women independently decide to drink red brush and boron uterus; we still recommend that you first consult with your gynecologist.


Diseases during pregnancy are not desirable in principle, and sometimes very dangerous for both the child and the mother. Therefore, in order to avoid possible infection during pregnancy, doctors recommend vaccinations against such dangerous diseases during the preparation for pregnancy. viral diseases such as hepatitis B, rubella, tetanus and diphtheria, as well as influenza.
Rubella is not considered a serious disease, but it is very dangerous during pregnancy. This disease is almost always transmitted from mother to fetus and causes pathologies in it. How shorter period pregnancy, the higher the chance of serious damage to the fetus.

In addition to congenital pathologies of the fetus, rubella causes spontaneous abortions and fetal death. Therefore, it is very important to get vaccinated to prevent rubella when planning pregnancy.

Lifestyle of future mother and father

Preparing to become parents, spouses must reconsider their lifestyle and correct everything as much as possible negative points, namely:

    • Quit all bad habits
    • Eat right
    • Lead an active lifestyle

Move more, walk, play sports.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Take vitamins

Healthy parents leading healthy image life, have a lower risk of developing problems in the future during conception, pregnancy and birth of a child. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the body before such responsible work.


The diet of future parents should include more vegetables and fruits, except those that cause allergic reactions, protein-rich foods, whole grain bread, etc.

It is advisable to consume green leafy vegetables containing folic acid. Lean meats (veal, beef, poultry) and beans are also good to have on the menu. They contain large number protein and iron. Dairy products in the diet contribute to calcium.

It is healthy to eat fish and seafood. They are rich in vitamin D, iodine and other beneficial elements.

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to eat foods rich in vitamin C: rose hips, black currants, green onions, cabbage and others.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet or extremely limit canned food, fast food, fried and fatty foods, sweets and baked goods, salted foods and smoked foods. Avoid coffee, strong tea, and carbonated drinks.

You should avoid going to the bathhouse, many obstetricians-gynecologists believe that high temperatures may interfere with conception.

Before conception

When all examinations are completed and no problems are found, the couple begins to conceive. Partners stop using contraception. Conception may not occur immediately. Don't worry about this.

Cancellation of contraceptives, stress, lifestyle changes can slow down the process of conception. But if both partners are completely healthy, then sooner or later pregnancy will occur.

Future parents often ask the question - How long should you abstain before conceiving?. The answer from experts is as follows - if there is a decrease in sperm count, then it is better if there is abstinence for 3-5 days before conception. If there is no reduction, you should not abstain, because With active sexual life, sperm are more mobile.

Measure your basal temperature, it changes before menstruation and if conception has occurred. Measurements must be taken every day, all results must be recorded in a table.
An approximate temperature chart when pregnancy began.

Video - how to get pregnant correctly

Risk factors

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account that there are some risk factors future pregnancy:

    • One of the future parents has genetic pathologies in their family
    • Age of the expectant mother

Women giving birth for the first time after age 35 are at risk of complications.

    • Mismatch of Rhesus blood of partners

If one of the future parents has a negative Rh factor, and the other has a positive one, a Rh conflict arises, which increases the risk of various kinds disorders during pregnancy and childbirth

    • The work of one of the parents in unfavorable conditions
    • Chronic infectious diseases
    • Current or past promiscuity

They increase the possibility of various infectious diseases leading to serious pathologies

  • Use medicines, some herbs (sage)
  • Use of alcohol, nicotine and drugs

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it is necessary for a woman.

It's not difficult to do. Ovulation is believed to occur on day 14 menstrual cycle. Thus, it is enough to subtract 14 from the number of days of your cycle and we will get the day of probable ovulation.

For example, the menstrual cycle is 26 days. Subtract 14 and get ovulation on the 12th day of the beginning of the cycle. Conception on this day is most likely. After sexual intercourse, it is advisable to lie down with your pelvis elevated for 20-30 minutes so that sperm does not leak out. If you need to conceive, it is recommended to have sex at least 3 times a week.

If you have cycle irregularities, you may need to consult your doctor about taking special medications (one of them is Cyclodinone).

  • Avoid stressful situations, worry less about trifles
  • Walk outside more often, breathe fresh air
  • Limit your time on the computer
  • Give up bad habits
  • If you have already had problematic pregnancies, then it is possible to use special hormonal drugs to prepare the body for pregnancy

For example, Utrozhestan, Duphaston and others.

Planning for second and subsequent pregnancies

When planning a second and subsequent pregnancies, it is important to consider that the optimal period between births is at least 2-3 years and depends on the method of first birth. With caesarean section and pathological births, the interval between subsequent births is longer.

This period is necessary so that the woman’s body has time to fully recover after the first pregnancy and childbirth.

You should be examined especially carefully after a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, be sure to notify your gynecologist antenatal clinic.

It should also be taken into account that if the first birth is resolved caesarean section, then the second ones will most likely go the same way.

All complications during the first pregnancy and childbirth should be discussed with your doctor before planning a subsequent pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe additional tests and examinations.

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth, and most importantly, healthy children!

Dr. Komarovsky about planning

There is an opinion that a family begins at the moment when the spouses first decide to try themselves in the role of mom and dad. Where to start planning your pregnancy? First of all, with a reasonable and responsible approach to the future status of parents. It is important to plan pregnancy before it occurs in order to eliminate all risks and dangers, thereby increasing the chances of conception, development and birth of a healthy child.

A strong desire to become parents a few decades ago was that spouses simply stopped using contraceptives when planning a baby. Currently this is not enough. Most spouses have to take serious steps towards improving their body health, because unborn child is formed precisely from their genetic material.

When planning for a baby, future parents should take care of his health in advance. To do this, they need to rely on the following key points:

  1. Quitting bad habits. This rule applies to both parents. It is important to eliminate alcohol and nicotine at least 1 month before trying to get pregnant. As for drugs, the body must recover from them for at least 3 years, regardless of who took them narcotic substances– future father or mother. You cannot get pregnant at this time.
  2. Healthy eating. A nutritious diet is important only for women. Recommended for daily use protein food, vegetables and fruits, so that by the time of conception the body has enough microelements and vitamins.
  3. Visiting a gynecologist for an examination, prescribing all types of tests and ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If detected gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory processes in the intimate area, you will need to undergo an appropriate course of treatment.
  4. Vaccinations. Before planning a pregnancy, your doctor may recommend vaccination against potential dangerous infections, such as rubella. This disease can lead not only to fetal malformations, but also to its death.
  5. Genetic consultation. An examination by a geneticist is never superfluous when planning a child. A specialist, using a blood test from both parents, will be able to calculate in advance the likely risks of fetal pathologies and, based on them, give recommendations for planning and carrying a pregnancy.

When should you start preparing for conception?

You can plan a pregnancy at any time, but experts recommend approaching this task responsibly and starting preparations at least 3 months before possible conception. Preparatory stages both spouses need to go through. Often found in this issue Infantile behavior on the part of a man in the future can negatively affect future pregnancies, becoming a kind of risk factor.

Once the pregnancy has occurred, logically its planning comes to an end. But there is another point of view. If, during preparation for conception, many women sometimes allow themselves a sip of wine or a few puffs of a cigarette, then during pregnancy such “disruptions” should be prohibited. Therefore, even after planning is completed, you need to understand that your lifestyle will remain the same for 9 months.

Necessary tests

Every woman who decides to become pregnant must undergo the following laboratory tests:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • determination of the Rh factor and blood group (it is recommended to test both spouses);
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood test and smear for sexually transmitted infections (taken to both spouses);
  • blood test for antibodies to chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis;
  • blood sugar test;
  • coagulogram;
  • colposcopy.
  • a blood test for sex hormones, which is indicated for all women with menstrual irregularities, problems with conception and a history of spontaneous miscarriages;
  • blood and urine tests for thyroid hormones (if there are endocrine problems);
  • immunological study.

What medications should I take?

Modern doctors are sure that when planning pregnancy there is no need to take multivitamin complexes. Even in the cold season and with a meager diet, the embryo will have enough vitamins and other useful substances for formation and growth. But taking some microelements will still be useful. Let's take a closer look at them.

Folic acid

For complete synthesis of DNA structures and division of embryonic cells in the body expectant mother There should be enough water-soluble microelement - folic acid. If it is deficient, the fetus may develop abnormalities in the development of the neural tube, malformations of the spine, and cleft upper lip etc.

No food product contains folic acid in the required amount. Therefore, doctors recommend starting to take synthesized folic acid at least one month before the expected conception. After pregnancy, the drug is taken for another 4 months. You can buy folic acid at the pharmacy.

Potassium iodide

Potassium iodide is also important for the health of the unborn child. It is contained in such drugs as Iodomarin, Iodine Active, etc. Before and after conception, it is recommended to take 200 mcg of iodine per day. Your doctor may also recommend replacing regular salt with iodized salt.

This microelement has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Taking potassium iodide improves the condition of the female reproductive system, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception. In addition, it prevents pathologies of mental and mental development in the unborn child that appear due to chronic iodine deficiency in the mother’s body.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol prevents pregnancy complications, including early spontaneous miscarriage. Vitamin E also has a positive effect on the functioning of the female body, promoting the maturation of healthy eggs.

In men, tocopherol has a positive effect on the composition of seminal fluid. For the effect to appear, it must be taken at least 3 months before possible conception.


Sometimes taking vitamins alone is not enough to conceive a baby. In some cases, a woman, if she cannot become pregnant for a long time, needs to normalize the menstrual cycle and correct hormonal levels.

One of the remedies used in such a situation is Inofert. This is a non-hormonal drug that regulates a woman's menstrual cycle. It normalizes the production of prolactin, luteotropin and testosterone, which are necessary for normal egg maturation.

If this is not enough to normalize the condition and achieve pregnancy, hormone-containing drugs are used: Duphaston, Utrozhestan and others. Their prescription, selection of dosage regimen and optimal dosage should be handled by the attending physician.

How to increase the likelihood of pregnancy?

Typically, conception occurs between the end of the second and the beginning of the third week of the menstrual cycle. It is at this time that most women normally ovulate.

It is recommended to take a break 2-3 days before ovulation. intimate relationships, give up alcoholic drinks, visiting the bathhouse and even taking a hot bath. It is undesirable to experience stress and conflict with your spouse. Male reproductive cells - sperm can lose their natural activity even against the background of a mild stress factor, but alcohol has the most negative effect on them, reducing the chances of conception by 15 times!

You should not douche the vagina before sexual intercourse, as this can change the acidity of the mucous membrane. As a result, sperm may die without reaching their goal if chemical composition environment will not meet the norm. For example, even saliva has a negative effect on them.

After ejaculation, a woman can increase her chances of conceiving by remaining in the supine position for some time, with a pillow under her lower back.

Pregnancy planning for the expectant father

The future father's health is no less important for the child than the mother's. Unfortunately, we are talking about male reproductive health in exceptional cases, especially if the woman does not have problems conceiving.

It must be taken into account that male sperm can not only fertilize, but also contain various pathogenic microorganisms, including pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. Not all men know that they are sick chronic prostatitis, because for a long time this disease occurs in a latent form.

Some pathologies suffered by young men back in adolescence, can negatively affect reproductive health.

Also modern men general and reproductive health almost 75% depends on ecological situation, lifestyle, economic and social conditions, which together often leave much to be desired. The remaining 25% is made up of medical aspects, including human genetics.

That is why a man should be examined by a urologist or andrologist before planning a pregnancy with his wife. In addition, it is advisable for a man to have a spermogram - a complete sperm analysis, which allows assessing a man’s ability to fertilize.

Also future father must definitely give up alcohol and smoking everyday life. Nicotine and toxins from alcoholic beverages negatively affect sperm quality. The refusal must be made in advance, since it takes at least 3 months to update the composition of the seminal fluid.

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to begin preparing for it long before the plans are implemented. The right decision there will be a reasonable approach to conception, including a thorough examination of the health of both spouses.

If it is difficult for future parents to understand the issues of pregnancy planning, you can seek help from specialists. Doctors working in a antenatal clinic or family planning center will help a couple prepare for the conception and birth of the desired child.

Useful video: pregnancy planning (narrated by Dr. Komarovsky)

It includes a conscious decision to have a child, a full examination of the body of the expectant mother (and, if necessary, the father), identification and treatment of diseases that may adversely affect the health of the unborn child or the mother’s ability to bear and give birth to a baby.

During pregnancy and childbirth female body experiences significant stress on all vital organs. WITH redoubled force the heart, kidneys, liver are working, the nervous, immune, endocrine system. That is why it is advisable to prepare for pregnancy in advance, preferably 2-3 months before the expected conception.

Planning a pregnancy allows you to avoid many health problems and increases the chances of having a child in general and a healthy child in particular. Ideally, a woman should visit a gynecologist, dentist, therapist, ENT doctor and, if necessary, more specialized specialists in advance in order to identify and treat chronic diseases. In addition, she must take tests for “hidden” infections that occur unnoticed but can harm the child, examine hormonal status, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and undergo other necessary studies. In some cases, several months before a planned pregnancy, a woman is recommended to get vaccinated (most often against rubella and hepatitis B) in order to avoid problems during pregnancy.

At the same time, you should not worry too much if the pregnancy is unplanned. In the first ten days, the embryo has not yet attached to the wall of the uterus and has not joined the mother’s blood circulation - therefore, those harmful substances that enter her blood (alcohol, drugs, etc.) do not reach the child. Immediately after establishing the fact of pregnancy, a woman should contact a gynecologist and undergo a full examination in order to identify (and, if possible, eliminate) health problems and prepare for the birth of a healthy baby.

Visiting specialists

You need to start planning your pregnancy by visiting a gynecologist. The doctor will examine medical card women, will find out everything about previous pregnancies, abortions, contraceptive methods, previous and existing diseases. After the examination, the gynecologist will give the woman directions for tests and examinations, and if health problems are suspected, she will advise visiting the appropriate specialists (endocrinologist, surgeon, allergist, etc.).

Next, it is recommended to visit a therapist, whose task is diagnosis and treatment. chronic diseases which can complicate the course of pregnancy. To identify and treat foci of chronic infection, a consultation with an ENT doctor and a visit to the dentist are necessary.

If there are hereditary diseases in the family (Down's disease, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's chorea, etc.) or cases of stillbirth, consultation with a geneticist is necessary. A geneticist can conduct special studies to identify genetic abnormalities and give a prognosis for the birth of a healthy child.

Analyzes and examinations

All women planning to conceive a child are advised to do the following:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • analysis to determine blood type and Rh factor (for both spouses);
  • general urinalysis;
  • smears and blood tests for sexually transmitted infections - PCR (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, candidiasis (thrush) - for both spouses;
  • blood for antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, CMV, chlamydia, HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • blood sugar test;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting indicators);
  • colposcopy (to assess the condition of the vagina and cervix);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (to assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries).

Additional examinations:

  • If the menstrual cycle is irregular, problems with conception and previous miscarriages, a blood test for sex hormones is prescribed.
  • According to the indications of the endocrinologist, tests for hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. may be prescribed.
  • In case of miscarriage and infertility, determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids, TPO antibodies, antibodies to TSH receptors and other examinations may be prescribed.
  • Immunological examination.


    If a woman has not had rubella and does not have antibodies to this infection, it is recommended to get vaccinated (at least 3 months before the planned conception). This is due to the fact that rubella infection during pregnancy is fraught with the formation of fetal malformations and other disorders.

    Additionally, you can get vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, as well as influenza.

Basal temperature measurement

Over the course of several months, the woman is recommended to measure basal temperature bodies. All measurements are recorded on a graph, which should be shown to the gynecologist. Using this schedule, the doctor can diagnose a number of disorders and, if necessary, prescribe an in-depth examination.

Immediately before conception

If everything turns out to be in order, you can begin direct preparations for conception. It is recommended for a married couple not to take any medications for 2-3 months without consulting a gynecologist, not to smoke (as a last resort, reduce the number of cigarettes, switch to lighter cigarettes), not to drink alcoholic beverages (more than 100 ml of wine per day ), do not overuse coffee, drink more fruits and vegetables, do not take hot baths, do not go to baths and saunas, try not to get sick.

Women three months before expected conception should start taking vitamins with folic acid.

Now you can stop using protection and start actually conceiving. Statistically healthy married couple who has sex 2-3 times a week without contraception, it usually takes several months to a year to conceive. So don't worry if it doesn't work out the first time. This may be due to recent use of hormonal birth control pills, stress, lifestyle changes, etc.

If after a year pregnancy has not occurred, you need to consult a gynecologist. Modern medicine cures many cases of both female and male infertility. As a last resort, you can use artificial insemination methods (IVF, ICSI, etc.).