Are there people who are vampires? Genetic disease or proof that vampires exist

Is it possible to find it on globe at least one more or less civilized person who would not know about vampires? Very doubtful. In modern cinema, films and TV series about vampires occupy their own full-fledged niche and have a considerable army of fans.

How vampires appear on screens

Outwardly, vampires are practically no different from ordinary person, except that they are unnaturally pale and sometimes their fangs protrude a little. Vampires are incredibly strong, some can transform into some animal ( bats, wolves, foxes, etc.), they are afraid of direct sunlight and garlic like fire, and, of course, at night they hunt people to drink their blood, which prolongs the life of a vampire almost indefinitely. Such a “superman” can only be killed with a silver bullet, by sticking an aspen stake into his heart or by dragging him out into the sunlight.

We know all this from movies and numerous novels about vampires. What's in real life– is there real evidence of the existence of vampires or not?

Documentary evidence of the existence of vampires

One of the first documentary evidence of the existence of vampires can be considered the protocols of the 1721 inquest into the sudden death of the young son of 62-year-old Prussian Peter Blagojevich. The son died shortly after the death of his father and there were “witnesses” who swore under oath that they saw how the late father came to his son after his death. There were also relatives of other victims of the recently deceased vampire, who also died suddenly “after contact with the vampire.”

The official investigation could not produce any results - by the time investigators arrived, in both cases people had already burned the bodies of the vampires. As for the testimony, they could not have been any different - everyone believed that they had burned the vampire and firmly stood their ground (we saw, we know, we confirm).

Vampires of the 21st century

Even at the end of XX - beginning of XXI For centuries, people have believed in the existence of vampires and their threat to the human race. Here are some of the most striking examples of this:

  • In 1982, the father and doctor of recently deceased 19-year-old Mercy Brown (Rhode Island, USA) believed that their daughter had become a vampire and began to emerge from the coffin at night and attack people. They opened the family crypt, took the girl’s body out of the coffin, cut out and burned her heart;
  • In 2002/03, the government of Malawi (a small African state) had to make a lot of efforts to extinguish the “anti-vampire epidemic” that broke out in the country. It all started with the crowd throwing stones at several people who were suspected of vampirism. When the police tried to intervene, riots broke out - people began to accuse the authorities of entering into some kind of criminal conspiracy with vampires and protecting them;
  • In February 2004, residents of the village of Moratina (Romania) dug up the coffin of the recently deceased 76-year-old Tom Petre, cut out the heart from his chest, burned it, mixed the ashes with water and gave this water to drink to people who were allegedly attacked by the vampire Petre...

And these are just the facts that have received wide publicity in the press.

Scientists against vampirism

The first relatively scientific public work on the subject of vampires was the publication of Michael Ranft's book De masticatione mortuorum in tumulis (1975).

In his work, Michael tried to explain cases of “infection” from a scientific point of view. fatal disease after contact of a living person with the dead who are suspected of vampirism. The point is that healthy person may suddenly become ill with a serious illness and even die suddenly after contact with a deceased “vampire” due to the fact that vapors of cadaveric poison could enter the person’s blood or mucous membranes. In addition, a person who had contact with the deceased could contract an infection if the deceased suffered from a serious infectious disease during his lifetime.

As for the evidence of nightly visits of vampires to their loved ones, Michael has not seen all this evidence from individuals - group evidence. Moreover, before the “visit” of a vampire relative, these people were in stressful situation. As a result, we can make an educated guess that these “visits” are nothing more than visual hallucinations of impressionable individuals who believe in the existence of vampires.

Porphyria - a “vampire” disease

Modern medical scientists are skeptical about the existence of vampires. They have a “reinforced concrete” trump card in their hands - in the 1980s they reliably became aware of the existence rare species a disease they called Porphyria.

In no more than one in 100,000 people, the human body does not produce red cells. As a result, an acute deficiency of iron and oxygen occurs in skin cells, which leads to serious pigment disorders. Direct skin contact with sun ultraviolet rays causes the breakdown of hemoglobin, the skin becomes brown, it begins to dry out and ulcers and scars form on it. Here's a refutation of the legend that vampires are afraid of the sun.

Tooth enamel is partially destroyed and the teeth become reddish-brown. Drying of the skin in the mouth area exposes “bloody” fangs and incisors, resulting in an unpleasantly frightening appearance. This is regarding the legend of the vampire fangs.

Thanks to modern methods The study was able to establish that in the 15th-16th centuries in the Transylvania region, Porphilia was very common (doctors attribute this to consanguineous marriages, which gradually destroyed the immunity of the inhabitants of that region). Here is your explanation of why it was in Transylvania that conversations began about bloodthirsty vampires who are afraid of sunlight.

Renfield syndrome - a psychiatric diagnosis of a vampire

But there are officially registered cases when modern people really kill their victims in order to drink their blood.

Peter Kurten

You don’t have to look far for examples: the German Peter Kürten (1883-1931 - “The Düsseldorf Strangler” - admitted to 69 murders, but only 9 were fully proven).

Albert Fishek

Americans Albert Fishek (1870-1936 - "The Brooklyn Vampire" - 6 proven murders) and Richard Trenton Chase (1950-1980 - "The Vampire from Sacramento" - 6 proven murders) - they and others like them not only brutally killed their victims, but also “enjoyed” the taste of their blood and flesh.

Richard Trenton Chase

But modern psychiatrists do not classify these maniacs as vampires - they all suffered from a mental disorder called Rinfield Syndrome. People suffering from this disease actually have a desire for violence, a thirst for blood, they enjoy the sight of the victim's death throes, etc. But they do not have other “signs” of vampirism - fear of light, fangs, and they calmly eat garlic. They were called vampires, but they certainly weren't.

Instead of an epilogue

Who to believe – a thousand-year-old legend or the conclusions of modern scientists – is everyone’s business. This question is one of those questions about UFOs, otherworldly demons and other things that modern science seems to refute it, but only because it cannot find direct evidence to the contrary. Perhaps all the talk about the existence of bloodthirsty vampires is just a terrible myth, but...

5 vampires caught on camera (video)

As it turns out, the legends about the “children of the night” that are so attractive to fans of the gothic genre have a very real basis. There really are people in the world whose teeth resemble animal fangs, their skin cannot stand the rays of the sun, their toenails and fingernails resemble animal claws, and garlic can cause a severe allergic reaction. Only these unfortunate people do not live as carefree and joyfully as they seem in science fiction novels and films.


Of course, we are not talking about young people who selflessly play at being vampires: they wear a sharpened “ank” sign on their chests, follow the “wear only black” rule, implant fangs into themselves, apply appropriate makeup, and sometimes, while in a narcotic stupor, attack on harmless old women. By the way, there is a known incident that occurred in the Kaliningrad region, when a guy killed two old men for the sake of conducting a vampire ritual. And the most terrible incident occurred four years ago in the UK: in order to gain immortality, a teenager stabbed his neighbor, drank her blood and tore out her heart.

Tales about spirits and the living dead who absorb human blood under the cover of darkness exist among many peoples. In legends, vampires are presented as half-decayed monsters: evil, soulless and not very smart. However, over time, this established image underwent a serious transformation. Today, a vampire is a collective image of a mysterious seducer who has retained its distinctive features: fangs, thirst for blood, fear of the sun, aversion to garlic, the cross and silver. For tens of centuries, vampires remained only a legend that could neither be refuted nor recognized. However, in 1963, British scientist Lee Illis presented unexpected results of his research. The doctor proved that werewolves and vampires exist! These are people who suffer from porphyria.

This very rare genetic pathology manifests itself in the fact that the human body simply refuses to produce red blood cells. As a result, a deficiency of iron and oxygen occurs in the blood, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hemoglobin disintegrates. In other words, if the victim of the disease is exposed to direct sunlight, she begins to have a severe allergic reaction: ulcers, blisters appear, and even death is possible. On late stages Porphyria in humans causes deformation of tendons and cartilage. The patient's skin becomes very dry, fingers curl, gums become exposed, and psychological abnormalities are observed. If in a healthy person garlic stimulates the production of blood cells, then in a porphyritic it causes an exacerbation of symptoms. Putting all this together, we get a classic portrait of a vampire. And if we add here the information that previously they tried to treat people suffering from porphyria with fresh blood, the portrait will be completely completed.


Incredibly, werewolves also exist! However, as in the first case, they do not exist in the classical understanding of this phenomenon. It turns out that the transformation into a werewolf is caused by some mysterious disease, which in ancient times affected entire settlements, turning people into wild animals. According to the records, these patients had all the symptoms of lycanthropy (a form of insanity in which a person feels like a wolf).

Werewolves have been known since the founding of Rome. During this time, they acquired a mass of terrible legends and stories. It was believed that any person bitten by a werewolf could become infected with this strange disease. Symptoms of the disease worsened at night with the onset of the full moon. It was during this period that infected people allegedly turned into animals with wild, bloodthirsty habits.

For centuries, philosophers and other scientific minds have debated whether werewolves really exist. Many reputable experts are of the opinion that true werewolves, capable of actually transforming from a person into a beast, do not exist. Patients with lycanthropy suffer from psychological disorders, which is why they may feel like a beast and behave like a beast, but physiologically they are not a beast. However, despite these facts, many today still believe in the existence of bloodsuckers and wild werewolves.

There is not a single adult on Earth who does not know who vampires are. We usually imagine them as a super race, so to speak, who drink the blood of ordinary people, which helps them live forever. And the only ones weak points- this is an aspen stake in the heart, garlic water and sunlight. Not so much, do you agree? But do vampires exist in real life?

Facts about the existence of vampires

There is even official evidence of the existence of vampires. For example, in 1721, a 62-year-old resident of East Prussia named Peter Blagojevich passed away. So here it is official documents indicate that after his death he visited his son several times, who was later found dead. In addition, the alleged vampire attacked several neighbors, drinking their blood, from which they also died.

One of the residents of Serbia, Arnold Paole, claimed that he was bitten by a vampire during haymaking. After the death of this vampire victim, several of his fellow villagers died. People began to believe that he had turned into a vampire and began to hunt people.

In the cases described above, the authorities conducted investigations that did not produce realistic results, since the witnesses interviewed unconditionally believed in the existence of vampires, basing their testimony on this. The investigations only created panic among local residents; people began to dig up the graves of those suspected of vampirism.

Similar sentiments spread in the West. In Rhode Island (USA), Mercy Brown died at the young age of 19 in 1982. After this, someone in her family fell ill with tuberculosis. The unfortunate girl was blamed for the incident, after which her father, along with family doctor two months after the funeral, they took the corpse out of the tomb, cut out the heart from the chest and set it on fire.

The theme of vampirism has survived to this day.

Needless to say, tales of vampires were believed in the past. In 2002-2003, an entire state in Africa, Malawi, was engulfed in a real “vampire epidemic.” Local residents threw stones at a group of people suspected of vampirism. One of them was beaten to death. At the same time, the authorities were accused of nothing less than a criminal conspiracy with vampires!

In 2004, a story occurred related to the name of Tom Petre. His relatives were afraid that he had become a vampire, they pulled his body out of the grave and burned the torn out heart. The collected ashes were mixed with water and drunk.

The first scientific publication on the topic of vampirism was made by Michael Ranft in 1975. In his book “De masticatione mortuorum in tumulis” he wrote that death after contact with a vampire could occur due to the fact that a living person became infected with cadaveric poison or the disease that he had during life. And nightly visits to loved ones could be nothing more than a hallucination of especially impressionable people who believed in all these stories.

Porphyria disease - the vampire's inheritance

It was only in the second half of the twentieth century that scientists discovered a disease called porphyria. This disease is so rare that it occurs in only one person in a hundred thousand, but it is inherited. The disease is caused by the body being unable to produce red blood cells. As a result, oxygen and iron are in short supply, and pigment metabolism is disrupted.

The myth that vampires are afraid of sunlight is due to the fact that in patients with porphyria, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the breakdown of hemoglobin begins. But they don’t eat garlic because it contains sulfonic acid, which aggravates the disease.

The patient's skin turns brown, becomes thinner, and exposure to the sun leaves scars and ulcers on it. The incisors become exposed as the skin around the mouth, lips and gums dry out and become tough. This is how the legends about vampire fangs appeared. The teeth take on a reddish or red-brown tint. Mental disorders cannot be ruled out.

About a thousand years ago, the disease was very common among the villages of Transylvania. Most likely this was due to the fact that the villages were small and many closely related marriages took place in them.

Renfield syndrome

At the end of the conversation about vampires, one cannot help but recall mental disorder, named after another of Stoker’s heroes - about “Renfield syndrome”. Patients suffering from this disease drink the blood of animals or people. Serial maniacs had this disease, including Peter Kürten from Germany and Richard Trenton Chase from the USA, who drank the blood of people they killed. These are real vampires.

The beautiful legend about immortal and deadly attractive creatures that draw life energy from the blood of their victims is just a terrible story.

Red, bloodshot eyes, long claws on his hands and, of course, fangs. Vampires. Everyone has heard about them, but no one knows from whom and how they originated. There are many legends and myths about them, which are similar to each other, but at the same time very different. In the modern world, where people seem to be freed from terrible superstitions, there are many people who truly believe in their existence and want to. About how true (or vice versa?) is their belief in scary monsters, we’ll talk a little later: first you need to at least try to understand where they came from.

Some legends say that Cain became the ancestor of all vampires. After all, it was he who became the first murderer, for which he was cursed by the Lord and turned into a vampire. Over time, suffering from loneliness, he began to convert other people. This is how the first clan of vampires appeared. Insatiable monsters scattered throughout the world, simultaneously replenishing their ranks. Today there are a huge number of real names and types of vampires. All names are written and pronounced only in the Latin name, in order to avoid errors in their translation. Here are just a few of them: Zmeu, Algul, Bhuta, Danag, Upyr. They all come from different countries and can differ significantly from each other in appearance, habits and methods of obtaining food. Some are ghosts, others rise from their graves, while others look like ordinary people who grow fangs only at midnight. It is believed that vampires can fly, turning into that they do not like garlic and hate the cross; For them, the sun's rays and mistletoe bushes are unbearable, and they can only be killed by driving an aspen stake into the heart or separating the head from the body. In general, there are many ways.

Another type of vampire that was discovered not so long ago is considered Chupacabra feeding on the blood of livestock. In TV projects about inexplicable facts and events, one could often see a story about a farmer who tracked down and killed this strange animal with long fangs.

Energy vampires are a special type of vampirism. And their existence is by no means fiction. Energy vampires They feed not on the blood of people, but on their vitality and energy. Moreover, the person himself may not even realize that he is a vampire. It is impossible to recognize it at first glance. You can tell that you have been “fed” by the sudden, out of nowhere, drowsiness, apathy and fatigue. A person who unknowingly takes energy from people around him is not as dangerous as those who do it consciously. The first type can be compared to kleptomaniacs who steal unconsciously and cannot help but do so. The “closedness” of their energy field simply forces them to feed on other people’s life forces. possible using certain techniques. For example, under no circumstances should you let them “inflate” a scandal and feast on other people’s emotions.

The second type is very dangerous. Such people deliberately stir up scandals out of nowhere, trying to piss you off in order to “drink” the energy of the victim’s emotions.

The most famous of the vampire family, which, by the way, were real people, became Count Dracula and . Vlad the Impaler (Dracula), a ruler distinguished by his particular cruelty, was classified as a vampire for his insatiable thirst for blood and thousands of ruined souls. The second is for her love of baths made of human blood, which helped (according to Elizabeth herself) to preserve and enhance her beauty. The thirst for blood for both ended in tears - Tepes was beheaded, and Bathory was walled up in the castle wall. And yet, despite the cruelty of these two bloodsuckers, they still cannot be considered real vampires.

Do vampires exist today?

And yet, do real vampires who feed on human blood exist in our time? Yes, they exist. And there is scientific evidence for this. Stefan Kaplan, a scientist from New York in 1972 formed science center on the study of vampirism, which still exists today. His research became proof of the existence of real vampires among people. At the same time, Kaplan's search, which was crowned with success, dispelled all myths about vampires. They look absolutely ordinary people, they do not grow any fangs or claws, and in bats don't transform. The vampire does not show any aggressiveness, he simply does not know how to do it. Moreover, they are very balanced and are the most the best parents in the world. They really don't like direct rays of the sun and during the day they walk in sunglasses. Their skin is pale. They “borrow” blood from their close friends who know about the needs of the vampire. Usually, one glass about two or three times a week is enough for them - this is quite enough to satisfy their hunger. In cases where they cannot take human blood, they drink animal blood. However, this happens extremely rarely.

Do you think these are people with mental disabilities? Some psychologists also think so and even gave this type of disorder a name - hematomania. However, the professor himself, who has studied vampires thoroughly, believes that this is a physiological deviation. They just periodically have a need to drink fresh human blood. And what’s interesting is that vampires really look younger, slimmer and more beautiful than ordinary people.

In a word, real vampires do exist nowadays and are practically no different from us. Perhaps only by relaxing not with a glass of beer, but with a glass of warm blood. But, “when appetites argue, there is no arguing about tastes”!

There are a considerable number of myths and theories about what a real vampire looks like. Some say that the creature must be tall and skinny, but this is just a legend. There are many tales that witches and vampires were extremely light in weight and were tall. It is possible that such a description was suitable for the evil spirits that lived in ancient times. Nowadays, their build can be completely different.

If you decide to become a part of this evil community yourself or find one of them, then you should definitely know all the features that distinguish this evil spirits from ordinary people.

In fact, there are both tall and short, thin and plump creatures. They can be plump, stocky and completely squat. Regarding the myth about the paleness of their skin, so opinions differ here. On the one hand, yes, a vampire can be identified by their deathly pale skin, but they don’t always have it like that. Certain eyewitnesses say that after the vampire finishes “feeding,” his cheeks turn sharply pink and his lips become scarlet, although before that they were almost bluish.

As for the obvious protruding fangs, it is also impossible to give any definite answer. Some say that their fangs always protrude, even when their mouth is closed. However, there is a theory that they stretch only as the feeding process approaches and during it. That is, when a creature sees its victim, feels its pulsating veins, the blood seething in them, and it is ready to attack. In this case, the teeth increase in size due to thirst.

There is another common myth - Vampires have a fear of light. It is widely believed that a vampire simply needs to be under sunlight and his body begins to collapse, his skin literally explodes with a hiss and the creature turns to ash. Maybe something similar happened with the ancient ancestors of modern evil spirits. However, modern offspring have long been adapted to light and do not experience such reactions. Still, they do not at all like to appear under scorching heat. sun rays, however, there will be no hissing or special effects with burning in the sun’s rays, as in films.

How do modern descendants of Dracula live?

Is it possible to turn into a vampire in our time? These creatures have always attracted people with their mystery, the charm of dark forces and their enormous power, with which comes enormous opportunities. Attitudes towards these creatures have always been very different: for some they aroused only adoration, while others ran away in fear. The former were always looking for a way to call them and join the number of these incredible creatures. Some people despised them for this, some simply laughed, and some generally believed that such people belonged in psychiatric hospitals. However, there were those who had incredible knowledge and shed some light on this question of “How to become a vampire?”

At this moment, a person looking for an answer to a question and already doubting the reality of all this, lost all doubts about this truth hiding in the darkness of the night. But where does such a desire come from? Unanswered love, suffering, incredible loneliness. Many of those who have thought about such a transformation cannot fully explain their cherished desire and, in addition, they do not fully understand the improbability of the process, as well as the complexity of their future survival. They naively believe that vampires are the rulers of the human race and can do absolutely anything. In fact, this is not true at all.

From today's elite there are very few such representatives of darkness. In fact, they hide because of their lifestyle and stay away from public life and socialization.

They stay away from crowds because they fear for their existence, and some of them are simply trying to cope with the incredible madness that is inextricably linked with their “life.” If you have thoughts like “How to become a vampire’s girlfriend?” simply because you are bewitched by this " eternal love”, the spirit of which is imbued in science fiction books and films, then you need to know that this is just a myth. These creatures are ghouls who mainly care only about ensuring that fresh blood does not stop regularly flowing into their body. Blood is their most basic need. They will do absolutely anything for her.

Often dreams of becoming a creature of the night come to those who extremely dissatisfied with my life and simply wants some changes. These people naively believe that replacing their humanity with something else is exactly what they need, and only after that they will be able to experience incredible, all-encompassing happiness. However, this is just another myth, since a creature that is dependent on human blood as if on drugs cannot be happy by definition.

All that awaits kind person who has set foot on this path after he has converted is eternal torment, suffering, grief and loneliness. And, of course, boredom, from which there will simply be no escape, no matter where the transformed person goes.

What awaits those who decide to become a ghoul?

However, there is also such a thing that a strong desire to join the small “army” of darkness appears out of nowhere and only increases every day. If you actually start to feel the urge to go somewhere and look for someone, then it is likely that you have fallen under vampire "call". This call, which the people around you cannot feel, will be the beginning of something new for you. Here you don’t need to look for any opportunities, since fate has already decided everything for you. And “life” awaits you ahead, filled with incredible strength and abilities, growing with every active day, as well as an incredible thirst for blood and longing for your old life.

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can become a being of darkness for only a few days or hours, and then you will simply return back to your former life. There is no turning back from this path. This new “life” is filled with a wide variety of dangers. Present in it:

  • Simple hunting.
  • Fight against opponents equal in strength or even superior to you.
  • In order to survive, you will have to learn to exist among people, constantly hide in plain sight and keep your secret with incredible caution.

When the strongest loneliness overwhelms your soul and you want someone to be nearby. Someone who will share your experiences and torments. This someone will be the so-called neophyte - this is a person who wants to become a ghoul.

How to become a vampire in real life

The most banal option for turning into a creature of the night is the bite of another vampire. There is no way you can summon or attract this vampire; he will find you at night. The process itself is very complex and painful; it involves a complete restructuring of the body. The process can last from several days to several weeks. Throughout the entire period of treatment, a more “mature” vampire should be nearby.

If a person has any serious problems with health, then he may simply die, unable to withstand the extreme agony. No painkillers will help here, since the transformation occurs at the cellular level in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord.

Such attacks of agony can be survived, and the power of a nearby vampire can help you with this:

  • He will constantly nourish the strength of his ward with the help of his own blood in order to support the changes that his body undergoes.
  • He will make sure that in an attack of incredible pain the ward does not harm himself.
  • He will protect his convert during metamorphosis, since at this time the ward is incredibly vulnerable.

The process itself can only be carried out by a vampire with a huge reserve of strength, since this process requires incredible efforts of will not only from the convert, but also from him and from this same vampire the outcome of the entire transformation directly depends. It is for this reason that a strong vampire will not make just anyone his ward.

Therefore, if you decide to do this, then be prepared for the fact that something will be required of you in return. For example, in return, you can offer an experienced vampire to introduce him to a girl who only dreams of becoming a vampire's girlfriend. Of course, in most cases nothing good awaits this girl.

However, You should never, under any circumstances, do the following:

It is important to remember that the most main reason for the treatment of children at night - this is their personal benefit in the process. If you have the qualities that he needs, then he will very simply agree to this process, otherwise you may simply suffer (this is at best).

Now you can find many advertisements on the Internet that offer to become one of the vampires. However, if you follow this ad, you are very likely to fall for ordinary fraud or some psychopath who thinks she is a vampire. Vampires have long since stopped using the Internet as a means of finding neophytes, as they have already encountered problems with the law and various authorities. Now they act much more carefully and secretly.

Therefore, if your desire cannot be quenched by the usual method of a bite, since a real vampire simply does not communicate with you, then you can very well use other methods, right at home.

How to go to the side of darkness using a spell

There is a certain “Ritual of Initiation”, which can be mentioned quite often. They say that after it, you will become a real vampire. And such a proposal is very interesting, since its conditions are much simpler and more accessible compared to metamorphoses after a bite. However, the truth of this ritual is rather doubtful.

The point here is not even that real vampire magic is wielded exclusively by selected vampire magicians, who are extremely problematic to find, because even their own people consider them hermits and unsociable. This category of vampire magicians belongs to the highest elite, of which very few can become a part.

They choose their students so carefully, as far as possible, while the students will have to undergo all sorts of tests and extremely difficult tests. This is how sifting occurs. These checks last for years and even centuries. Only after these checks does the initiation ritual become available to the adept, the secret of which is known only to dark magicians who are not accustomed to divulging their secrets in any way, so it is very unlikely that the rituals that are in public access have at least something in common with the truth and will give you the opportunity to become a real vampire.

At the same time, you should understand that after such a ritual, gigantic opportunities will open up for you and after training with ghoul magicians, you will be far from an ordinary vampire, but part of a special elite, which everyone fears as much as they respect. In addition, you will have access to such powers and knowledge that others can only dream of. A small feature of this caste of vampires is that they not only drink the blood of their victims, but use the victim’s entire body to satisfy certain needs, if you know what I mean... Perhaps that is why they are disliked and feared.

Vampirism by nature

There are people in this world who, from birth, have a certain inclination. They are usually called "natural vampires". They are quite rare. However, it should be understood that having a tendency towards vampirism and being a vampire are two completely different things. Since innate skills still need to be developed.

This development occurs through intensive training and meditation. At some point, certain tendencies will begin to manifest themselves more and more strongly.

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