Doctor Lisa biography marital status. Who were you really, "Dr. Lisa"

Lisa was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a TV presenter. In 1986, she graduated from medical school and received the specialty “resuscitator-anesthesiologist”. In 1990, she emigrated with her husband to the United States of America. Got the second one there too medical education. While living in America, Lisa became acquainted with the work of hospices. Then in Kyiv she opened the first hospice, and also took part in the creation of a fund to help hospices in Russia.

Doctor Lisa returned to Moscow in 2007 due to her mother’s serious illness. After death loved one, Glinka created the Fair Aid Foundation. This organization provided medical care and financial support to dying cancer patients, homeless people, and low-income non-cancer patients.

In 2010, Lisa collected financial aid for victims of forest fires, and two years later a collection of things and food was organized for the benefit of flood victims in Krymsk.

With the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Doctor Lisa began to provide assistance to those living in the Donbass. She received support for humanitarian actions Russian authorities. Glinka’s personal project to transport wounded children and sick people from the war zone became a state project.

Since 2015, Lisa has visited Syria several times on humanitarian missions. She was involved in organizing the provision of medical care to Syrian citizens, delivery, and distribution of medical supplies.

With Lisa in her charitable foundation Numerous monetary donations were received, including from major Russian officials.

Doctor Lisa died on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash near Sochi. She accompanied a shipment of medicines to Syria. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Personal life

Doctor Lisa's husband is Gleb Glinka, an American lawyer of Russian origin. The family has three sons: Konstantin and Alexey live in the USA, and Ilya, adopted son, lives in Saratov.

Dr. Lisa had a special passion for blogging and gardening. She actively maintained her page on social networks: I wrote about my foundation, shared photos and videos. She also loved stylish handbags and telling jokes. Moreover, she did not hide the fact that she is a rather conflicted person. Lisa could smash both an inactive official and an arrogant ward to smithereens.

In December 2016, Glinka received the State Prize of the Russian Federation for her contribution to human rights activities. Then in her speech she admitted that she was never sure that she would return home from another trip to the combat zone.

Doctor palliative medicine, philanthropist, public figure, executive director of the Fair Aid Foundation since 2007. President of the VALE Hospice International Foundation, member of the board of the Vera Hospice Foundation. In January 2012, she became one of the founders of the League of Voters.

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. It was noted that Glinka’s mother Galina Poskrebysheva is a famous vitamin doctor and author of books on cooking.

In 1986, Glinka graduated from the Second Medical Institute named after Pirogov, receiving a diploma in the specialty "pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist". During my studies I worked in intensive care unit one of the Moscow clinics (according to other sources, “Elizaveta Glinka did not work in her specialty for a day”). In the same year, Glinka emigrated to the United States with her husband, a successful American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka, a descendant famous family, to which composer Mikhail Glinka belonged (in some media publications, however, it was claimed that Elizaveta Glinka herself is a descendant of the composer Glinka).

In America, Glinka, on the initiative of her husband, began working in a hospice and, in her own words, was shocked human attitude to hopeless patients in these institutions (“These people are happy,” Glinka later recalled. “They have the opportunity to say goodbye to their relatives and get something important from life”). In 1991, Glinka received a second medical education in the USA, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School with a specialty in palliative medicine: doctors in this specialty provide symptomatic care to incurable patients, primarily with cancer (some media indicated that she in the USA “became an oncologist”).

In 1994, Glinka, in her own words, “learned that after St. Petersburg they were opening a hospice in Moscow,” met and became friends with its chief physician, Vera Millionshchikova. In the late 90s, Glinka moved to Kyiv, where her husband worked under a contract. Having learned that there was no system of care for the dying in Ukraine, Glinka organized a patronage palliative care service in Kyiv and the first hospice wards in the surgical department of the oncology center. In September 2001, the American foundation VALE Hospice International (Glinka was mentioned in the media as the founder and president of this organization) founded the first free hospice in Ukraine in Kyiv. When Gleb Glinka's two-year contract expired, the family returned to the United States, but Elizaveta Glinka continued to regularly visit the Kiev hospice and participate in its work. She also said that back in the 90s she tried to open a branch of the fund in Russia, but could not: “Officials resisted, citing the law on the registration of commercial foreign enterprises.”

In 2007, when her mother fell ill, Glinka moved to Moscow. In July of the same year, she founded the Fair Aid charity foundation and became its executive director. Initially, it was assumed that the foundation would provide palliative care to non-cancer patients, for whom there were no hospices in Russia, but subsequently the circle of its wards expanded significantly. The organization was engaged in helping low-income patients and other socially vulnerable categories of the population, including people without specific place residence. Since 2007, every week on Wednesdays, the foundation’s volunteers went to the Paveletsky railway station in Moscow, where they distributed food, clothing and medicine to the homeless, and also provided them with medical care. In 2012, “Fair Aid” was in the care of more than 50 low-income families from Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen and other Russian cities.

In August 2010, the Fair Aid Foundation organized a collection of assistance for victims of forest fires that engulfed various regions of the country. This charity campaign, as noted by the media, brought Glinka all-Russian fame. In the winter of 2010-2011, for freezing people, the foundation founded by Glinka organized heating points for the homeless and collected tens of kilograms of humanitarian aid.

In 2012, Glinka also began to actively participate in the socio-political life of Russia. On January 16, 2012, she and others public figures, including Yuri Shevchuk, Grigory Chkhartishvili, Leonid Parfenov, Dmitry Bykov, Olga Romanova, Sergei Parkhomenko, Pyotr Shkumatov and Rustem Adagamov, became the founder of the “League of Voters” - an association advocating fair elections. It was with this circumstance that the media associated the unscheduled tax audit Foundation "Fair Aid", as a result of which on January 26, 2012, the organization's accounts were blocked - for the first time in its entire history. Already on February 1, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued its work.

In April 2012, Glinka, as part of a delegation from the League of Voters, visited Astrakhan, where supporters of former mayoral candidate Oleg Shein had been on a hunger strike since March, demanding a review of the election results due to alleged fraud. The purpose of the delegation was to draw public attention to the current situation; During the trip, Glinka managed to convince six participants in the action, whose health condition had significantly deteriorated, to stop their hunger strike. At the end of April, Shein himself stopped the protest, saying that he would continue to seek the cancellation of the election results through the courts. On June 15 of the same year, the court refused to satisfy Shein’s demands.

In July 2012, Glinka and her foundation organized a collection of items for victims of the devastating flood in Krymsk. She also participated in raising funds for victims of the disaster: on July 17, during a charity auction, which was also organized by Ksenia Sobchak, more than 16 million rubles were collected.

Glinka is a member of the board of the Russian hospice fund "Vera" created in 2006. She was also mentioned in the media as a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and a member of the board of trustees of the Country of the Deaf Foundation for the Rehabilitation of People with Hearing Problems. In addition to Kyiv and Moscow, Glinka supervised hospice work in other cities - in Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia. Mentioning that hospices had opened in Tula, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Ulyanovsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Astrakhan, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Smolensk, she drew public attention to insufficient attention to train future specialists in palliative medicine; According to Glinka, there are “cases when in the regions doctors have no idea what hospices are.” “Hospice is not a house of death. It is a decent life to the end,” she said in an interview.

Glinka (Doctor Lisa) is known as an active blogger (LJ user doctor_liza): since 2005, she has been writing on LiveJournal about the activities of the Fair Aid organization. In 2010, Glinka became a laureate of the ROTOR network competition in the “Blogger of the Year” category.

Elizaveta Glinka is an Orthodox Christian. In interviews, she many times expressed her negative attitude towards euthanasia.

Many politicians, musicians and others helped Glinka’s charitable activities famous people. Alexander Chuev, then a State Duma deputy from A Just Russia, became the president of the Fair Aid Foundation in 2007. The chairman of this party, Sergei Mironov, also provided active assistance to the fund’s work (in an interview, Glinka explained that the name of the fund was her personal gratitude to Mironov). Participated in the foundation's charitable events

It was noted that despite her busy schedule, Glinka reads a lot, her favorite writer is Chekhov; When it comes to music, she prefers classics and old jazz.

Elizaveta Glinka and her husband have three sons, one of them is adopted. Glinka's eldest son is an artist. According to some sources, Glinka is a citizen of the United States and has no Russian citizenship: they wrote that this is why she does not head the Fair Aid Foundation herself, but is only its executive director (“non-profit funds cannot be created by non-residents”).

On December 25, 2016, Glinka died in a Tu-154 crash near Sochi. She accompanied a shipment of medicines to Syria for the Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia.

Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa) biography, family, children, photos and videos. This morning it became known that Elizaveta Glinka, known to many people in our country as Doctor Lisa, was on the plane that crashed over the Black Sea in Sochi. Until recently, her work colleagues refused to believe that Elizabeth was on board and was flying on that ill-fated flight to Syria. However, the sad news was confirmed and Glinka is no more.

She was the head of the Fair Help charity foundation, a palliative medicine doctor, a philanthropist, a well-known public figure, and a board member of the Vera hospice fund. Sick children simply called her: “Doctor Lisa.” And they knew her firsthand. How many children did this brave woman endure from whistling bullets in Donbass? How many did you help in Syria? How many have you placed in the best clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg? She didn’t know how, couldn’t refuse, she helped just like that, for free..

Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa) biography, family, children, photos and videos. Elizaveta Petrovna was born into a military family on February 20, 1962. In 1986, the girl graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after Pirogov and became a pediatric resuscitator. Then she got married and immigrated to the USA.

In America, Elizabeth received a second medical education with a specialty in palliative medicine. There she began working at a hospice and was shocked by how well these institutions treated hopeless patients.

In the late 90s, she and her husband moved to Kyiv. There she organized the first hospices in a cancer center. In 2007, Elizabeth’s mother fell ill and she moved to Moscow. The Fair Aid charity foundation was founded here. The organization provided assistance to low-income patients, as well as other socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Glinka gained all-Russian fame after she conducted a charity campaign to raise aid for those affected by forest fires in 2010.

Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa) biography, family, children, photos and videos. During the armed conflict in Donbass, she provided assistance to people living in the DPR and LPR.

Doctor Lisa’s husband is the son of the famous Russian poet Gleb Glebovich Glinka. He is a successful American lawyer. Gleb Glebovich and Elizaveta Glinka have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

Caused by the death of Doctor Lisa, the head of the Fair Aid charity foundation, Elizaveta Glinka. According to the official Russian version, she accompanied a humanitarian cargo (medicines) for the university hospital in Latakia.

Russian media dedicate to Glinka special place on pages, in stories and on websites, memories of other philanthropists and famous figures different areas life. There is especially much grief over her death - she helped the homeless, alcoholics, disabled people and other disadvantaged people.

In Ukraine, perhaps, her death would have been treated the same way if the philanthropist had limited herself to charity. But her work is recent years also had a propaganda purpose.

She provided the Putin regime with a human expression, for which she received Russian President awards. In fact, Doctor Lisa turned out to be one of the Kremlin's successful projects.

Kiev and Moscow past of "Doctor Lisa"

If we delve into the archives of the Ukrainian press, for example, for 2006, we find out that the first hospice for cancer patients in Kyiv was founded by US citizen Lisa Glinka. At that time, the benefactor had not yet used the pseudonym Doctor Lisa. She chose this name for her own blog after moving to Moscow in 2007.

The hospice consisted of 10 rooms on the 7th floor of the oncology clinic in Svyatoshino. The modern building of this hospice began to be erected thanks to her efforts, which was written about, for example, by the newspapers "Zerkalo Nedeli" and "Facts".

However, the building was opened only in 2008, when Glinka was already working in Russia, and the team of the then mayor of Kyiv Leonid Chernovetsky took all the credit.

In 2007, Glinka was invited to Moscow to head the “Fair Aid” fund, which was sponsored by the “Fair Russia” party and to this day. Actually, this clarifies why what happened next to “Doctor Lisa” happened.

Doctor Lisa and leader of A Just Russia Sergei Mironov

"A Just Russia" is the political brainchild of Sergei Mironov, whom Ukrainian law enforcement agencies accused of supporting and financing terrorists in Donbass.

His political project of his time began as the creation of a tame opposition political force. The party received a few percentage points in the State Duma elections, and Mironov was even allowed to serve for 10 years in the high but absolutely impotent post of Chairman of the Federation Council. Mironov, like Zhirinovsky, had to create the appearance that there was more than one political force in the Russian parliament.

Doctor Lisa remained non-partisan and flirted with liberal opposition. For example, in 2012, she became one of the co-founders of the League of Voters, which advocated for fair elections.

I didn’t see any Russian soldiers in Donbass

However, already with the beginning of the war in Ukraine, she was given other tasks. Glinka traveled to the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” at least 20 times and took sick Ukrainian children from there to Russia. However, she did this illegally, without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities. She herself claimed that some of the children were taken to Kharkov, and those who went to Russia themselves wanted this.

Glinka said in her interviews that in Ukraine there is no Russian troops, and people are dying from shelling by the National Guard. Graham Philipps was going to make a movie about her - the same one who mocked the crippled Ukrainian warrior Vladimir Zhemchugov before the exchange and posted it on Youtube video with the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers who died on the Svetlodar Bulge.

One of the most odious interviews with Glinka took place on the portal pravmir (Orthodoxy and Peace). It was criticized even in Russia, after which changes were allegedly made to the text.

Whether this is true or not, one can argue, but at least now the notorious paragraph about Russian troops looks like this: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I have not seen Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not. There is a militia and there are Ukrainian troops who are sorting things out among themselves. civil war, this was also recognized by the Red Cross."

The life story of Dr. Lisa shows that, as it is not trite to repeat, life consists not only of black and white. She also proves that you cannot remain an angel while working for evil.

In fact, it turns out that “Doctor Lisa” saved the lives of children in the war that the Putin regime unleashed. And she didn’t say a single unkind word against him, and accepted it from Putin’s hands state awards. She received the last one 18 days before her death.

All of us here, carried away by current events, missed one important episode in the political technology landscape Russian life, namely, a surge of interest in the media in one of the most mysterious and controversial of the well-promoted persons of the political circle - “Dr. Lisa”.

The surge was justified by the anniversary tragic events last year, a plane crash near Sochi, which still remains very mysterious, despite the officially announced version of “pilot error”, which sounded very uncertain.
According to the latest information in RIA from December 20, 2017, the investigation will continue..

The tragedy with the death of military musicians will remain a black spot in Russian history. civil aviation, but the spot turned out to be not only dark, but also cloudy, since it was full of omissions and inconsistencies, raising a lot of questions.

One of the main ones is the role in this whole gloomy story of “Doctor Lisa,” who allegedly died along with all the passengers and crew of the ill-fated board, was discovered first and was hastily and solemnly buried under the collective lamentations of the liberal public, who, it seems, did not even notice the death of the rest of the people.

Any conversations on this topic immediately after the tragedy caused attacks of hysteria and accusations of “dancing on the bones of the holy great martyr Lisa,” but her very figure, and the story of her life and death, raised so many obvious questions that it would be worth returning to it at some point .
Actually, there were people who all this time were systematically studying all the circumstances life path iconic figure and therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with the results of their investigation...

Back at the beginning of 2017, a very definitely reasonable doubt was already expressed about the presence of the DL on board the fatal flight, and a doubt that did not arise out of nowhere and was voiced from the pages of a large-circulation media outlet, but this was only one of the clues, far from the only one, This is what a whole range of investigative materials were published on social networks, a very small part of which I will quote further...
They've been dancing there from the stove, from the very beginning of DL's life -

Alternative biographies

There are significant gaps in both versions, but both show that Lisa's family, whoever they were, had information about members of the Soviet government and military industry. One of them traces a personal motive why Lisa could commit fraud, forgery and other crimes.

What occupies me most is the question of where are the friends of childhood, youth, classmates and work colleagues before 1990.
She said so many times that she left the country in 1985, although this happened 5 years later.
And no one wanted to tell her: “Hey, listen, you and I worked together at that time!” Or: “I remember you at 86, I remember how you walked with a stroller in our yard.”
Mythical classmates from 2nd honey, where are you?
After all, distant relatives?
(Sent in PM:
P.K. Poskrebyshev - 09/22/1932.
P.P. Poskrebyshev (Elizabeth’s brother) - 03/15/1963.
Pavel is married to Anzhelika Nikolaevna (05/09/1966), has a daughter, Sofia (05/14/1988). All are Poskrebyshevs. They live at the address: Chertanovskaya str., building 20, building 1, apt. No. No.) But where are they?

When social networks first appeared, I created an account for myself, and immediately people appeared that I had forgotten about, including kindergarten boys and girls. So I quickly deleted it. And here, for 10 years, every month there’s an article, an interview, a film - and a n i c o g o.
Did they all die out from the flu epidemic? We don’t know what school Lisa attended. None of her classmates made themselves known, although on social networks there were thousands of candles, flowers and tears with the inscription “we remember, we mourn.” Either she amazed all her childhood friends anthrax, or they do not use the Internet out of political convictions. Or is there some other reason that we don’t know about.

Interim summary

Through collective efforts during the reporting period, we managed to find out the following:

1. An additional source confirms the date of Lisa’s departure from the USSR in the fall of 1990. This is a book by I.G. Glinka “Next - silence”, M., 2005.

2. Psychological portrait Vlasovite and traitor to the Motherland G.A. Glinka is supplemented by the memories of his daughter Irina, which coincide with the memories of S. Hollerbach:
- I didn’t go to work, I wandered around unknown where all day long, while my wife was looking for ways to earn money and raising their daughter. He behaved the same way in America.
- had numerous love affairs before and during his marriage to Irina’s mother, he kept correspondence with his mistresses at home. He jumped in front of the mirror and preened himself. Loved good clothes and starched collars with cuffs. If she couldn’t fasten them the first time, she threw them on the floor in irritation, and her mother had to wash and iron them again.

4. Kostya Glinka has serious psychological problems, which follows from his appearance, social circle and lifestyle. (Photos on Instagram and Facebook).

5. The nature of the relationship between E.P. Glinka and her son Alyosha require special attention in view of the discovery of new photographs.

6. In 2008, E.P. Glinka purchased 2 apartments in the elite Stalinist building No. 5 on Sretensky Boulevard. They can be valued at up to two million dollars.

7. Tatiana Neroni from the USA became interested in the Glinka case. In her blog, among other things, she reports that Dartmouth Medical School, in response to her request about studying E.P. answered negatively. In hospices E.P. did not work, Glinka’s charitable foundation Vale Hospice International had nothing to do with the work of American hospices.

8. 3 references were found to people who allegedly knew Lisa in childhood:
- Larisa Bravitskaya knows a certain Yura who knew Lisa. She posted 4 photos of the girl preschool age, similar to Lisa;
- a certain Nadezhda who came to the street. Pyatnitskaya with a photograph from kindergarten No. 43, where she and Lisa were. No photo. Radio report “Vesti fm”;
- a woman without a name or surname, called aunt, says that Lisa did not board the plane. Date 12/25/16

This was followed by more, among the latest, recent ones, from December of this year there were, for example, the following -

They write that dokhturliza studied at Moscow school No. 74

I haven’t held the dokhturliza book in my hands yet, but as soon as I get to the bookstore, I’ll take pictures of unknown photos and post them. The preface, which is available on the Internet, says that her parents were Galina Ivanovna and Pyotr Konstantinovich Poskrebyshev, and that Lizochka studied at Moscow school No. 74 on Pyryeva Street. According to the official website of the school, it was founded in 1939. But neither there nor on the VKontakte page there is ANYTHING about the famous doctor. Even such faded “celebrities” as Stas Namin, Gradsky and Keosayan are noted by the director among the students, but Lizochka, our dear, beloved swearer and swindler, is not.

And how wonderful it would be if the Dokhturliza Foundation and Gleb Glebych personally presented the school with a dozen or two of this highly moral, instructive book labeled “contains obscene language.” How much children and teenagers would learn by reading Glinka's diary. How many fascinating things Gleb Glebych could tell about his dad, an old Vlasovite and CIA agent who fled to the West.
I believe that GBOU Secondary School No. 74 is simply obliged to perpetuate the memory of E.P. Glinka by attaching a memorial plaque with her colorful face to the facade of the building. It will be ideologically true and correct, in keeping with modern trends public life and politicians, when scoundrels and traitors of all stripes are glorified.

And such, depicting very revealing and colorful details of the struggle of the heroine’s liberal comrades for warm place at the head of the laundering fund, patronized by the DL right up to its mysterious disappearance, disguised as death -

Dokhturliza's accomplices fought: Alania Zhurkina vs. K. Sokolova and Avilova

December 21, 2017, 19:27
Sokolova, a predatory, burring woman, took into her tenacious hands the laundering fund of the dokhturliza, weeding out Zhurkina and other swindlers, less nosy and quick-witted. The losers moan and complain without naming names, but to no avail: they remain on the periphery of financial flows, and neither the mention of the old witch Alekseeva nor the attention of the press shines on them. But I want to eat. Tomorrow Malakhov is supposed to show some kind of show to mark the anniversary of the sinking. Selected passages from Zhurkina’s cry on Facebook, her spelling:

...During this year I have been accused of such sins that I should explode as soon as I approach the church....
But I really reconsidered my attitude towards people with whom I once did NOT work, but who for some reason have the audacity to judge my professional and human qualities. Previously, I, together with Liza, were accused of cutting money, kidnapping Donbass children and selling them for organs, then a version began to float that we (then we still have) have a whole cartel of moving old women away from the world and taking over their apartments. After her death, a rumor was started that she left Fair Aid not on her own, not because of her maternal problem, but was kicked out with a wild scandal and took away the safe with the money....
Yes, when our initiative group applied to become members of the “Fair Aid” organization, they kicked us out....
And those who came running adopted daughters and the sucking drones still don’t understand that with their hysterics and struggle for the legacy of the DL they are drowning themselves, the cause, and everyone who believed in the good and bright, trampling on the memory, desecrating, spoiling all of us...."

Malakhov will show a show about Dokhturliza on December 22
December 14, 2017, 6:42 pm
The accomplices have already been filmed, Zhurkina writes that they will show it on Friday the 22nd, 3 days before the plane crash, or before the staged show with the accident/terrorist attack - only the participants and performers know what actually happened there.
Well, at least the roles have been assigned? Did you find classmates? Classmates from the 2nd MOLGMI, now RNRMU named after. Pirogov? Will sons Kostik and Alyosha tell you what a wonderful mother Lisa was? We have already heard about the happiness of being her husband from the son of Vlasov member G.G. Glinka.
It is unclear who dissuaded her and threatened her with trouble. Most likely, they did not share anything with K. Sokolova or other scammers.
If someone wants to delve into it, it’s worth reading a series of materials, in the comments to which, by the way, many interesting details of the “case of Dr. Lisa” were also revealed...

Her murky American laundering fund, created with the active participation of Chubais, her Ukrainian past, the biography of her husband, a descendant of Vlasov and a CIA agent, the circumstances of emigration and return, numerous scams related to citizenship and other unappetizing nuances that completely destroy the image of “Saint Lisa”, who turned out to be neither a doctor nor a human rights activist, but a completely outspoken American agent, infiltrated among us and carrying out very murky and suspicious activities here, under the roof of powerful liberals and with the promotion of the liberal media.

Activity, final chord which, very likely, was the planting of an explosive device on board the fatal plane that plunged Russia into national mourning exactly a year ago...

Here, by the way, is a summary table of inconsistencies in the biographies of the Lysine family, to which they have been trying to draw attention since 2011, active participation"Doctor Lisa" in the Swamp events and the text, which accurately characterizes the atmosphere of a thick web of lies and fog that reigned then, and even now, around this character -


On the occasion of the funeral, another wave of well-organized and directed grief is expected, which should finally wash away the unpleasant questions of some individual, individual spiteful critics who do not want to mourn and cry in unison. For some reason, some people keep digging and digging into biographies.
Why do you care about Lisa's medical diploma???
Why are you clinging to her husband and his Russian diploma?
Does it matter to you what year and how Lisa left for America?
What about “Kostya, Kostya”? If his mother took him away, then it was necessary! What other documents are required for the removal of a child?
How dare you even think of asking such questions! How dare you doubt the innocence of Gleb Grozovsky. Oh, this is not here...

And finally, the most lethal argument: how many people have you warmed up, how many homeless people have you bandaged festering wounds, how many wounded Donbass children have you taken out from under bullets, how many dying people have you consoled?

That's how unscrupulous people are. They have been told for 10 years about the sanctity of Doctorliza, but they resist.
Yes, there are some shortcomings, not everything is smooth, not everything is smooth, but there is the main thing - the chairs are intact. Masters artistic word, some fat Tatyana will scatter another panegyric, and even refrain from her usual swearing.
(Update from 01/20/17. Not Tolstaya, but Kondratyeva-Salguero wrote in exactly this spirit, that yes, there were unpleasant moments, but the main thing is different! Children and only children! And you, how many did you save? Etc. It's hilarious with them).

And the Church should also think about it. There is nationwide veneration. Miracles will happen, the world will record them.

But this is fresh, a month ago, there, judging by the composition of the fierce liberals who are frantically promoting “Doctor Lisa” and her cause, even posthumously, it immediately becomes clear “whose” Russian “Mother Teresa” was -

Obscenity from dokhturliza with a stamp of 18+. Volume one, and hopefully the last

November 27, 2017, 6:46 pm

The book contains fables from the dokhturliza about hospices and tear-jerking stories from her blog. Charity scammers call such stories a special term - motivational texts.
Well, these motivational texts have been published....

By the way, do you recognize the handwriting of the Anglo-Saxon political strategists, using approximately the same pattern, albeit in different circumstances, who sculpted and legendaryized the #Nyasha project, which, mind you, began to become especially active in the Maidan with the departure of “Doctor Lisa” from the political arena?

And, by the way, to the question of the fund, where, AS SOME BELIEVES, they are engaged in stealing funds collected to help the disadvantaged -

...E. Glinka herself, once in the USA, completed the so-called courses. “palliative medicine” - this profession is often a form of comforting charity, but even more often it is a business on hopelessly ill people.

If a person sneezed and was told “Bless you!” then this type of "palliative medicine" is a comforting charity.

If someone, having organized a company to set up hospices for terminally ill people, allocated more than half of the funds from donations from philanthropists to the needs of this company itself and competitive salariesTM, and also invited people with good genesTM to positions of leading specialists - then this, of course, is an example of effective medical business.

Palliative medicine, the specialty of Elizaveta Glinka, (like bankruptcy, the specialty of Gleb Glinka), turned out to be in great demand in the context of the fall of the socialist system and the transition to market relations. Her business career in the Russian Federation in the 1990s. and was later actively and highly favorably covered in the Russian press by people with good genes. She herself has more than once confirmed her good origins: both by working for billionaire M. Prokhorov’s “Civic Platform” party (according to reference publications, in 2012 she was a member of the federal committee of this party), and by participating in the establishment on January 16, 2012 of the “League voters", together with such famous public figures as Y. Shevchuk, G. Chkhartishvili, D. Bykov and others.

After the death of Dr. Lisa, the new head of her foundation raised her salary 5 times … e-zarplatu
After the death of Elizaveta Glinka in a plane crash a year ago, almost everything regarding finances changed at her Fair Aid Foundation. And these changes affected primarily not ordinary employees, but management.
Manager's salary international organization, for example, increased more than 5 times. If Doctor Lisa paid herself 30 thousand rubles, then the new head of the fund has an income of 173 thousand.
After the death of Elizaveta Glinka, the foundation urgently needed new manager. The choice unexpectedly fell on Ksenia Sokolova, the former editor-in-chief of Esquire magazine...

DL, we must give her credit, was smarter and didn’t get so fired up.
She simply bought apartments in the center of Moscow for millions of dollars, telling everyone that she “finances the fund from personal savings and because of this she eats only fast food”...