What does 4 mean in numerology. Number four in human relationships

Number 4 is synonymous with stability and steadfastness. This number is solid and fair. One of the most primitive numbers in nature.

Number 4 and the material world

On the planet, a lot is connected with the number 4. It denotes stability and strength of being. There are many things in our lives with the number 4:

Four seasons;

Four cardinal directions;

Four elements;

Four suits in cards;

Four times of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night);

The Olympics are held once every four years;

Four types of temperament (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine);

Four periods of life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age);

Each month has four weeks.

Number 4 in religions

In Christianity, the number four is seen in prayer. "Amen" last word- acts as the fourth element that ends the holy speech. This gives prayer materiality and significance. Four is a number that supports the development of things, provides truth, a basis for them.

There were 4 great and important eras in Hinduism during which humanity developed.

In mythology Ancient Egypt The main god, Horus, has 4 sons. They are geniuses and protect the peace of the dead. The sons of Horus are protected by 4 goddesses.

In China, according to belief, the enlightened and smart person You need 4 items: paper, ink, ink pot and brush.

Birth under the number 4

The main goal of the four person is the creation of the outside world. These are hardworking, careful and reliable people. They are risk averse, honest at work and love front. The number four symbolizes perseverance, stable character and success in the scientific or technical field. The four always have many friends, they are conscientious business partners who always keep their word. Such a person does not know the word frivolity or betrayal. Four is the support, the hope of the family. Number 4 is the number of extroverts. Best qualities Fours reveal themselves in difficult and extreme life situations. Such people are not used to being alone; for them communication is an important element of life.

Advantages of the four:

  • communication skills;
  • intelligence, the ability to think logically in any situation;
  • a born psychologist;
  • eloquence, excellent organizing skills;
  • reliability, perseverance and hard work.


  • pedantry, pettiness;
  • tendency to take on too many problems and responsibilities;
  • talkativeness;
  • perfectionism.

Four in astrology

Lucky satellite numbers are , , 26. Hostile numbers are , 12.30. Saturday and Monday are the most lucky days weeks. Aquamarine - lucky stone. A talisman made from this stone should be worn near the heart. The four is accompanied by the planet Uranus. Frequent illnesses: back pain, kidney problems, headaches. For fours, dark burgundy, blue and coffee colors are suitable.

Number 4 in spiritual life

A person born under the number 4 clearly and consistently strives to realize his plans. He feels confident in any endeavor: creative, social and family. This is a born leader. He knows how to express his thoughts concisely and logically, has high moral principles. Thanks to the four, everything uncertain takes on an ideal and complete form. Such a person does not fantasize; for him, all values ​​and goals must be in reality. Always keeps emotions under control, never falls into hysterics or depression.

Quartet talents:

  • born mechanic. Loves complex mechanisms and knows how to work with them;
  • has a scientific mind. Interested in the laws of physics and science;
  • loves nature. It can reach great heights in gardening.
  • Can succeed in banking, knows how to assess the risks and benefits of investments.
  • Four is a very disciplined person. He will be able to become one of the best commanders in the army and excel in martial arts.

Relationships and the number 4

This is a loving, sensible person. He wants to gain respect and recognition in society, actively participates in religious or political sphere. The Four knows how to enjoy life and helps family and friends. Enjoying simple things: a cozy home, delicious lunch or playing with your pet in nature. For the four, reliability and fidelity in marriage always come first. However, such a person always achieves everything on his own, which can require a lot of energy and strength.

Number 4 in numerology is mystic, its meaning symbolizes power throughout the world, power over existence.

The number four confidently leads in any endeavors, promises success in love, good luck in business, material well-being, slow but steady advancement in the professional field.

Born under the number 4

If, when adding all the numbers of your date of birth (or the date of the person you are interested in), you get a total of four, then this is your number. What is the character and destiny of those born under this number?

The Four Man has an extraordinary character. He always has a personal opinion, which often differs from the opinions of others. In any dispute, he chooses the minority side, although he does not like to participate in disagreements.

Numerology believes that people with the number four in their birth code are pessimists with a limitless mind. As employees of the Quartet, they are good specialists, but they are not trying to their full potential.

They are consistent and always stick to the plan, do not have conflicts, and are not frugal. They can climb high up the career ladder thanks to their observation, perseverance, and continuous self-development.

A person with number four is strongly attached to his lovers and is faithful to them. He has sexual compatibility with most other numbers, so it easily finds partners. In a life partner, he values ​​spiritual closeness and a willingness to lend a shoulder in a difficult situation.

The virtues of people under the auspices of the number four are thriftiness, independence and attentiveness. The disadvantages include excessive categoricalness, small creativity and fear of instability.

Talents of the Quartet

  • Complex devices, devices, mechanisms are the favorite toys of the person with the number four. You can choose any area related to mechanisms.
  • Gardening, farming, and a vegetable garden can also bring the “four” satisfaction from their activities.
  • Attentiveness will help such people achieve success in accounting and banking. They will be able to sell or buy much faster than learning how to start a car.
  • In the religious sphere, number four also feels good and can realize itself.
  • Military affairs are well compatible with a person with the vibration of the number 4. They make strict commanders, the meaning of the word “discipline” for them is not an empty phrase.
  • Also, in their professional life, such people can use their love for practical jokes and gambling.

Interaction with others

A person with a numerology code of four can be trusted unconditionally. He does not seek recognition from society and independently achieves his intended goal. The value of four gives a person activity, constant movement.

Such people often participate in social, political and religious organizations. They enjoy solving other people's problems and love to surround people with their care.

Number four gets along with relatives, communicates with a large circle of friends, sincerely enjoys every minute he lives, and appreciates it. Helps family and friends.

“Four” values ​​confidence and stability. Understands the importance of family comfort in life. For which she is ready to sacrifice a lot. Loves affectionate treatment, cannot tolerate commanding tone. In such situations, he behaves aggressively and shows stubbornness.

Numerology of compatibility

An open character and goodwill help a person with the number four to find common ground with most other numbers. The four's communication with:

  • Unit – family life it won't be easy. Such people have too different positions in life. “The Unit” is lively, combative, and quickly gets carried away by new ideas. Four loves calm and tranquility. They can work together very well in the business field.
  • Two - there is a possibility good union The main thing is to take the first step. A two needs love, a four will be devoted to its partner.
  • Three - completely opposite personalities. Three is active, quickly switches to new things, four is cautious, it will be difficult for them to combine their temperaments in their personal lives.
  • Four - a stable and reliable union. There are rarely situations when a pair of fours becomes motionless; they constantly push each other to achieve accomplishments.
  • Five are different people. Five are for changes in life, four are against. In such a family there will only be quarrels, disputes and conflict situations.
  • Six is ​​an excellent union. Happy family life, passing in harmony and agreement.
  • Seven - both are reserved. They understand each other perfectly, live in harmony, but there is a possibility of a lack of ardor and passion in the marriage.
  • Eight - yes general topics for conversation. Both can succeed in money matters. You just need to take into account that there is only one leader. As soon as the main one in the pair is determined, stability will appear and misunderstanding will disappear.
  • Nine - no one knows what will come out of this union. There are two options: either together forever, or parting in a few minutes.

The number 4 is positive. Find the pros in its meaning, replacing all the cons with them, and you will feel stability and reliability in life.
Author: Valentina Levadnaya

People with the number 4 are persistent and capable of bringing ideas and dreams to life. They are born workaholics special treatment which by the time they never have enough. Often adventurism and stubbornness lead to false negative phenomena. They strive mainly to implement other people's ideas, although they are capable of inventing and inventing themselves.

Such a moment as pettiness gives the quality of their work. Socially, they tend to immerse themselves in work and strive to do everything themselves without trusting others. Number 4 puts a stamp of instability on their nature, which gives rise to new ideas and thoughts. This is a cauldron of transformations of the thought-creative process, which in their hands turns into parts, machines and other products. Such a person constantly has the desire to redo and rebuild everything. He himself is in constant creative chaos from which ideas emerge one after another.

That is why they are not complete in their creativity, but they will quickly implement someone else’s idea if they liked it. The number 4 is ruled by the planet Mercury, this is the number of teaching and discipleship through obedience.

If read incorrectly, not paying attention to the number 4, which can unpredictably change circumstances and lead person to misfortune or disaster. In the world, the number 4 is 4 elements that can instantly replace one another. So heat and fires may change hurricane wind and pouring rain, creating chaos and destroying everything around.

On a plane, the four cardinal directions give a full range of diversity of climate and natural conditions. Thus, the number 4 governs spatial displacements and illusions, which can lead to an incorrect assessment of the distance to the nearest car and provoke an accident. The restructuring of consciousness occurs at the level of the brain and the process of new perception itself in at the moment It goes something like this.

We see a regular square on the plane, but in fact it stretched across two corners and became a rhombus. These metamorphoses are necessary to consolidate and mix stagnant information and change the view of the present. Human consciousness is able to turn on and correct this distortion. By developing his consciousness, a person will be able to avoid dangers. And when consciousness accommodates the signs of the cosmos, it will become capable of moving to the volumetric information of the firmament.


    Hello I was born on 07/19/1976 I constantly see the time on the clock on my mobile phone 22 22


    Hello! Pavel, what can you say about my date of birth 10/04/1974 (born on the night of the 3rd to 4th, if that matters).


    Ilona, ​​you were born of darkness and that means your task is the active manifestation of life, otherwise darkness will win in you and you will not be allowed to discover what you deserve. Hardships await you in life. You have problems with whatever you choose, you cannot realize yourself. The second danger is that you need to remember that there are moments in life when there is a catastrophic lack of money. Therefore, you need to keep a reserve of funds for a rainy day. Operations await you because illnesses will come suddenly. The area of ​​surgical interventions is the throat, face and internal organs.

  1. 15.01.2015

    Hello Pavel, I was born on 06/03/1984, what can you say?


    You were born under the sign of Gemini and the task of your life is to perceive the soul in your body. Your karma has already reached such a magnitude that it has become hard and insensitive, and only the soul that nourishes the body can enter the sick karmic and convey what this organ feels. You have good health, but they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so they can let you down. Also, sometimes your brain rebels and shows its dissatisfaction through headaches and neuralgia. You need to change your attitude towards money, otherwise it will leave you.

  2. 13.01.2015

    Hello! I was born on May 19, 1973. Unfortunately, I started getting acquainted with such information as numerology and other similar information very late, which allows me to understand at least a little about who you are and why you live. IN Soviet era this was not welcome. To date, many events have happened in my life, both good and bad. Although lately only bad ones, especially 2014. When I first got acquainted with a simple numerological layout and found out that my number life path 8, I also learned that for some reason I need to avoid the number 4. I analyzed one bad event in 1998 and it turned out that the number of that day was 4, but in reality it was the 22nd day of the month, I added up the numbers on the car number, and their sum also turned out to be 4 Is this a coincidence or an act of fate, karma? And can the mistakes or sins of this life be corrected in this life? I am very materialized, and my soul requires flight, but I don’t know how this can be expressed.


    Dmitry, the number 4 is the firmament or a person is a stone and his soul is made of stone, that’s why you need to stay away because he will lower you and drag you down like a weight around the neck of a swimmer. Your number 8 means that you are very developed and only a part of you is undeveloped, and this is the part you came to work on. Therefore, they simply blocked your abilities and left you with a minimum and a bunch of tests, and now you must be patient and only when, having developed your consciousness, you move into a spiritual body, you will see that a lot goes by itself and you don’t have to try to do or redo something. By observing and remarking on your assessment from the outside, you will already work out your karma and gain strength since you did not take part. Karma, it's you. The machinations of fate are the path that you laid in this world and decided to correct it, and all blows are the result of your past actions against someone. Every day of life, we must work to cleanse ourselves and our soul. The soul can be a black raven that feeds on rot or a white swan which is the constellation Cygnus.


    Thank you very much for your answer, I didn’t expect it so quickly! It turns out that it’s better for me to do nothing than to do it, because anyway the result will not be in my favor? It’s just that now I’m in a tsung-zwang state, like in chess, every move I make only makes the situation worse. At the moment, 1998 and 2014 are the worst years, at the moment, in my life. I'm losing people, I'm losing money. What if my wife was born on the 4th of 74? Is this also not in my favor? Should we strive to change the numbers around us in license plates of cars, houses, telephones, or should we change ourselves? When I had a positive period, I was surrounded by the numbers 8, 11, 5. I can’t find myself in life, I feel that there is energy and desire, but NO GOAL. But I can’t live without a goal. And the main thing is how to explain all these mistakes to the family.

  3. 03.10.2014

    Hello, uv. Pavel Grigorievich. Quite an informative site. Thank you for presenting the material so easily!
    I would be very grateful for your opinion on some numbers. I often see the same numbers on the clock: 20:20, 21:21 (less often), 22:22, 0:00, 1:11 (less often), 11:11, 16:16 (less often). My date of birth: 07/30/1992, 22 years old. I have been actively engaged in palmistry for 2 years (as a hobby, self-knowledge). A very strong revaluation of values ​​from the age of 22. Pavel Grigorievich I’m also interested in the date: 12/30/2014 for 2 years now. On this day, a grand event will happen for the second time. I had accompanying dreams, and as it turned out, it is the number *4*, like the number of my BD.


    Sergey, it’s great that you are engaged in palmistry as self-knowledge. You know what self-knowledge means and by reading the book of life on your body you are aware of what is happening in your body at all levels of the organization of matter. You were born on July 30, 19992, and this means that you simply need to learn how to manage your material being. You must become a king and rule wisely and then you will conquer your animal nature. It's like taming gray wolf and ride it to achieve everything you want in life. As for the dates 07/30/1992=3+0+0+7+1+9+9+2=31, the second 12/30/2014=3+0+1+2+2+0+1+4=13, as you can see you will come to an understanding of yourself on 13/31. You also need to take into account that in 2014 you came to 2014-1992=22, energy itself, and now everything you do will bear the sign of energy. So if there is energy, everything opens up and you learn everything and your consciousness expands, if there is little energy you hit the wall and don’t understand anything and you better stop your efforts at this time, otherwise you will break your head and become just a fool and then imagine that you understood everything and became a great thinker. It’s better to rest for 2-3 days and create conditions for renewing perception and accumulating energy.

  4. Eleanor


    Good afternoon, Pavel Grigorievich, I would like to know about my date of birth......04.07.1965



    Dear Pavel Grigorievich! Hello! Please tell me the meaning of my numbers - 06.06. 1960. Thank you!


    This morning I woke up and found it on my left hand, under my thumb. I discovered the number “4”, which is clearly expressed by contours and seems to have been scratched with a blade, because the lines are straight, like a ruler, what could this mean?


    Yuri, this is a sign for your head to concentrate your attention and get an answer. Let the answer not be accepted by you, but this is so as long as your consciousness works. You have read the meaning of number 4 and know all the meanings. For guidance, can I tell you whether it is more east or west in spirit? If it’s east, it means that you think one thing, but your body does another. Therefore, in a dream, your body begins to send you warning signs, and then health problems will begin. If your consciousness is more directed to the east, then sign 4 is death. How, where and in what form you partially answered yourself by describing this sign.


    What if it's west? But my true number is 3, according to my date of birth


    Yuri, the number three or middle, says that you must master the environment and learn to resist its aggression, realizing that you must find your strength in the environment. West is when the sun sets behind the horizon and a person of this type has a limited time to correct his mistakes.


    Hello Pavel Grigorievich I am haunted by these two numbers 12-13, I am 11 but they are haunted by these two numbers 12-13 why?


    Zara, you are 11, you see 12 and 13, add up all the numbers and your answer is 11+12+13=36=3+6=9, this is signaling to you, your soul is going through the time of learning from life, so be careful and think 100 times before taking the next step otherwise you will bite your elbow later. By the number 4 it doesn’t matter, next time write a comment where you have a question.

  5. Catherine


    Hello Pavel! my name is Blinova Ekaterina Olegovna, born 06/14/1985.
    For the last three months, every day, I see on all the clocks the time 14-06, that is, my date of birth, adding up these numbers, I got the number 11, after reading its meaning, I was horrified that this is chaos happening at all levels, but that’s how it is in fact, what the hell is going on in my life, can I write a book, what is it connected with and when will it end, what should I pay attention to?


    Ekaterina, you choose the program that you have laid down in your destiny for yourself and your energy has dried up. Therefore, you are now in a state where you are controlled by events, and not you by them. I would recommend that you get advice. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1900 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  6. 01.04.2014

    Hello! 04/04/2014 for rent state exam. I chose two tickets that I would most likely get... (I won’t tell you why, it’s a secret). Their numbers are 8, 16. They are all divisible by the number 4! Yesterday I saw a picture on the Internet, there were numbers and I had to point my finger at eyes closed on the number, I got to 40. Why does this number haunt me? Will I pass the exam with a 4? as I want))) I was usually haunted by the number 7 and I was always lucky with it. and here 4) I’m waiting for an answer, Thank you!


    Olga, the number 7 is death and the discovery of secrets according to the Russian layout or understanding of the transition to a new reality. The number 4, in the Eastern sense, is also death, since the spirit does not want to remain in a dead body. And what you want is what will happen. it all depends not on numbers, but on your strength, what reality you are able to open. If you don’t have the strength, even though you’ve learned it, you still won’t pass. If there is a lot of strength, after reading one paragraph you will pass everything with a 5.


    Thank you! I passed with a 5 today! and I got my question! I don’t know what’s there about death... BUT it’s not for nothing that all the numbers are unlikely))))))



    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! My date of birth is 02/18/1973. Everything is not simple or simple?) What can you say about my number 4?

  7. 07.03.2014

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! I have the following question for you: with the beginning of the new year 2014, the number 4 “appeared in my life.” Already, for example, on December 31, 2013, when I went out with my wife on the street, I immediately found 4 hryvnia. Now, over the past 2 months and the past 7 days of the third month, the number “4” (in its different variants, but in most cases - a single number 4) is very often before my eyes. What is this for?! my birth number based on the calculations presented here is 9.


    Alexander, number 4 speaks of the firmament that you need to find. If you don’t have it, then the world will turn upside down for you. You write that your number is 9 or your spiritual body and if we add to 4 we get 4+9=13 there are a damn dozen, a dozen devils that will begin to twist and confuse you until you give them all your energy and even life itself.


    Thank you Pavel Grigorievich for your answer. and if 13 is reduced to one number, as in Pythagoras, and according to your logic, summing it up, then you also get 4. How to understand numerology correctly in general (reduce everything to one number or consider the secret message in numbers too? I also read your answer here for the number 9 for my name and I also have the 9th birth number and the number of the name, then how can we interpret all these 9, 4 and other numbers and numbers in our lives?

  8. Alexander


    Hello, Pavel, I see you understand numbers, please help me. Lately I see the numbers 4 and 9 everywhere, whether I'm walking down the street or sitting in a social networks they are everywhere, turning to numerology showed that the number of my destiny is 4, soul 9, first name 9 surname 4 patronymic 9, karmic debt And appearance 13 (4+9), since birth lived in house 193, kindergarten with house number 13, school 9, now house 36 (9*4). How should we treat these numbers?


    Alexander, is your destiny death? Four in the eastern language is the death of the spirit or a marble coffin. Soul 9 seeks to revive it 4+9=13 by moving this coffin in time and space. The number of the name is 9, the patronymic is 9, hence the soul, last name and first name are 999 three horses that rush you and you live joyfully with bells. But here is the surname 4 or your path has an incomplete branch or your road goes through a rock that is interrupted by a cliff. House 193=1(9)3, development and ensuring the growth of the soul so that it becomes stronger and can go out into the world with dignity. This formation is through the cessation of vanity and the whims of sin, looking closely at what they are doing in the family, and then you will find the experience of a new path and build a section of the road through the necessary unfallen woman who will give birth to children.

  9. Shiryaev Pavel Grigorievich


    Dina, you didn’t consciously accept fate and tried to understand what it was. You just need to understand this in order to correct your ways in this world and finally find happiness. I recommend that you get a consultation because you need to make calculations and determine the root of the evil. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1800 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.



    Dina, don’t worry about the essence, not the punctuation. And remember that we always write what our spiritual essence allows us so that the other person understands everything correctly. Write to me by email and we will solve all your problems, and you will become stronger and more confident in yourself..

  10. Vladislav


    There is even a coincidence. When I lived in an apartment, the apartment number was 13. And I moved into the house at number 4. And I did not contribute to this.


    Vladislav, in this apartment you should have learned to resist vanity and in your mind draw a pyramid with a triangular base, this is your talisman against the number 13. Take a closer look at what is good about this talisman and evaluate its stability. The number 4 is good in a house number because 90 degree angles are maintained there and that means there is solidity in the structure. But for you, 13=1+3=4, or also if you see the symbol of your talisman as a firmament, then in life you will always have the firmest position and people will be drawn to you. If you see that they are selling such a pyramid, buy it and it will promote your growth and nourish you with strength.

  11. Vladislav


    Hello Pavel Grigorievich! My date of birth is 08/30/1993. I just can’t understand one thing, maybe I’m crazy. But I really love the number 4. I don’t know why, but I really like it, I can’t explain why this is so. This figure is awesome. How can this number affect my life?


    Vladislav, the number 4 is the firmament and it means you love everything that is solid and understandable. You have to choose labor activity to transform something material. For example, robotics and you will soon achieve success and fame. so you were born on August 30, 1993. You see well the prospects for your development and this foresight will contribute to the growth of your well-being. The more you stay in the flow of money, the more you expand it. You need to limit your attendance at receptions and banquets, as the desire to try delicious food will begin to destroy you. Monitor your blood pressure and heart failure. You need to know that your job gives you money but takes away your health. Therefore, try not to worry and reduce stress at work. Then you need to undergo all kinds of medical examinations for circulatory system so that a lot of cholesterol does not accumulate in the vessels.

  12. Anastasia


    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! Could you tell me the meaning of my date of birth? I was born on May 18, 1992.


    Anastasia, you were born on 05/18/1992=1+8+0+5+1+9+9+2=35=3+5=8, or you carry karma that slows you down in your development. You don’t need to worry if something doesn’t work out and know that you already have an angelic rank and have come to earth for a new star and new abilities. For example, Monday is a hard day for everyone, for you, on the contrary, it is the day your desires come true, but only until 15:00. 00. Money will be difficult for you and you need to understand that you are a spiritual person and that means work will not bring you the desired abundance. But if you begin to develop your spiritual body, material benefits will come to you and you will feel the hand of the Lord everywhere.

  13. Elena Svetlaya


    Hello, dear Pavel Grigorievich! I have been studying esotericism for more than 7 years, and I also work with numbers. But the personal question does not give any answer. I was born on November 4, 1957, my sister was born on October 4, 1950. We are both fours, but this is Earth and Heaven, this is Good and Evil, donor and vampire, etc. If you look from the point of view of the birth number, I can’t explain it to myself. Help me figure it out! Thank you!


    Elena, you were born on the 4th, but your vibration numbers are different, this is the whole reason for your such oppositeness. See how the vibration number is calculated and how you influence the environment you enter. See the link for the calculation:
    So if you have to fulfill karma and humility to the conditions that life sends you, then the sister is a forced being and completely depends on who she meets since, due to her weakness, she is not a person but a reflection of what she sees. These people in the world were previously called ugly, so listen to what she says and you will hear that she predicts your future.

  14. 17.11.2013

    Good afternoon Pavel, you won’t believe it, but it’s true, today my forehead turned red and in the mirror I saw the number four with white stripes, it was very clear, I want to open my own business and another place in which city, i.e. it’s all in my thoughts I’m thinking that there was no mistake, tell me what it could be, is this a phenomenon? Thanks in advance!


    Zhanna, the forehead is large and each area has its own significance. So right, left or middle? For example, at the level of the third eye or higher and closer to the hair? The size of the manifestation and how long this sign lasted in time. Did you see in the mirror and read 4 or is it all in a mirror image? When you saw it, were you interested or scared and felt bad? All these are subtle spiritual signs of material manifestation that need to be paid attention to. Without this, this sign will go into you once it manifests itself and become your karma.

  15. 17.11.2013

    Hello Pavel! My name is Alina. My date of birth is 10/4/1993, a friend recently worried me and said that 4 in Japanese numerology means death and therefore in life I will have a lot of bad things and a lot of failures. Life will be hard because of this number, which discourages good luck. Is this true?
    Thank you


    Alina, are you Japanese? If not, then why are you worried about what the number 4 means to the Japanese? You need to take your signs from other nationalities and from other continents only for information. So the number 4 for the Japanese is death. We 4 have the firmament of the earth which after death turns into nothing and therefore when they talk about 4 then at the level of spirituality this is spiritual death when a person cannot understand something new and he passes away along with this time. That's why everything is over sensitive people will continue to exist and further develop their abilities. Those who have reached a lower threshold of sensitivity and have lost conscience, morality and cannot understand what love is and why it was given are becoming a thing of the past. Now new vibrations are coming and psychics, cleavers, healers and magicians are crawling out of all the cracks. This is the first wave of time, which is like dirty foam. They are trying to get rich by deception, and therefore this dirt will also soon disappear, clearing the way for the spiritual and bright, which will become light and reveal the dawn of the earth.

  16. 10.11.2013

    Pavel, 4 red stones (two stones on the strap on both sides) on a gold women's watch, which was given by a man, mean management of earthly affairs? or something else too? Thanks always for the answers.....


    Zhanna, red stones or calling to life 4 I which, living in one person, strengthen it. If a reasonable person, then he will find secret ways and gain strength for his development and close his circle of life, becoming one with remarkable strength. If he is stupid, then after receiving this amulet he will begin to throw away his power, trying to show himself and boasting of his abilities to others, he will fall into the trap of the villain and will be his slave. For 4 stones are an energy grid for his soul.

  17. Alexander


    Hello, I would like to know a little about my date of birth 11/04/1980


    Alexander, you were born on November 4, 1980=4+1+1+1+9+8+0=24=2+4=6, your number is not 4 but 6. Go to the meaning of the number 6 using the link: and look at your characteristic features. In addition, you can also look at your intermediate number that relates to your birth, this is the number 24. Link to the number 24:

  18. 16.10.2013


    Zhenya, it’s difficult for me to tell you this in the comments because I need to ask you leading questions and find out why this is happening. This is what I usually do during a consultation. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  19. 16.10.2013

    Hello. Please tell me what my date of birth means (01/15/1986) And the number 5 or 555 or 555 follows me everywhere. Does this mean something??? Thank you.


    Zhenya, it’s bad that these numbers fell in love with you. Enter the value of the number 5 then the value of the number 555 and you will begin to understand what these signs want from you. You were born on January 15, 1986=1+5+0+1+1+9+8+6=31=3+1=4, you got the answer by reading the meaning of this number. So the number 5 relates to you as 5+4=9, that you will achieve perfection if you absorb this wave into yourself.

  20. 14.10.2013

    Hello! I was born on April 14, 1970. And next year I have such a coincidence as 04/14/2014 plus I will be 44 years old. Does this mean something??? Thank you.


    Irina, you will be 44 and this is of course a sign of old age and a woman’s worries. But you should know that you will soon approach the number 45 and then your flower of love will bloom again. You will attract men who understand you and captivate you with the power given to you by nature. If you do not restrain your impulses of passion, you will make a man happy, who will remain devoted to you until the end. And you will remember your 44th year of life for its twitching and constant blows from out of nowhere, as they say, scandals and misunderstandings can arise out of the blue. This accumulated negative potential has reached a critical state during life and is hitting you.

  21. 28.09.2013

    Hello. Please tell me what my date of birth means (01/04/1995). And the number 4 follows me everywhere. On trains, buses, etc. always place 4th or with this number, in competitions always 4th place...


    Olga, the number 4 means firmament and stability, or if it concerns consciousness, then petrification and death. Your birth involves turning stone into sand and transforming into sand waves or dunes. If you realize that every grain of sand is a complete reflection of the universe and start focusing on the small, then soon you will achieve a lot.

  22. 23.09.2013

    Hello Pavel Grigorievich. What does driver's license number 051419 mean?


    Vlas, the ID number is your status and quality subtle bodies who are able to drive a car. So No. 0(5(14)1)9, the first body is consciousness and soul. If you suddenly feel that you don’t want to go, don’t give in to persuasion. The second body is the excitement that will cover you when driving a car. If you gain confidence in knowing the rules and driving, you will not have to worry about your safety, trust in what should be, and everything will be in the best possible way.

  23. Vladimir


    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich. If you can, tell me about my date of birth, 08/21/1982, and also about the number 368, which I often come across.
    Thanks in advance.


    Vladimir, you can read the number 368 in the Knowledge Base section, go to “Number value” - in the Select number-368 window and click select. Based on your date of birth, I will say that 08/21/1982=2+1+0+8+1+9+8+2=31 or the cup that you are offered to drink. So if you are wise, you will be saved; if not, then you will die after drinking. Beware of extramarital affairs, which can lead to fatal diseases.

  24. 04.08.2013

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! Could you tell me about my date of birth - 04 Jan 1998?
    Thank you.


    Sofia, you need to avoid prematurely announcing your decisions, showing wisdom. You must know that you do a lot in your life at the level of thought and therefore you need to concentrate and solve all problems secretly. Your life carries burdens and challenges that you need to overcome. All this is due to the fact that they gave birth at the wrong time, they gave birth to the wrong name, etc. In general, your life is a coincidence of circumstances when a strong knot is tied that you will need to untie with your life and gain the wisdom of being in difficult conditions.



    Sofia, your name was given because you are wise. So show wisdom and then your path will become different. You are the builder of your own happiness and you can change everything.

  25. 03.08.2013

    Hello, could you tell us about me and my sister) 05/30/1986 and sisters 03/14/1996) thanks in advance!


    Alena, why are you interested in your sister? That she is unable to ask a question and get an answer herself? Still, 17 years old, already quite an adult, or are you interested in your relationship? I will say one thing in terms of development level, she is higher than you in spiritual development souls. You have karma that you must clear for your family and when you get married, finding harmony with your husband’s karma, which will not be easy.

  26. Catherine


    And almost every day I see 22:24


    Ekaterina, the number given to you is 22.24 = 2+2+2+4 = 64, the number is also the mental field in which you are. If you had a different name, then you would have had neurosis a long time ago, but the name saves you even now you are fulfilling the task of building a new body of spirit and your world within yourself. This way you become stronger in your beliefs and in your perception of the world. You should feel that a firmness is forming inside you, that this is how you need to live.



    Or you can check the same thing only with the name Anton, we are twins and he sees the same thing! I just didn’t think that something depends on the name too) thank you very much, you helped a lot!


    Ekaterina=6+3+1+2+6+9+1+6+1=35, Anton=1+6+2+7+6=22, total 35+22=57=12=1+2=3 , for each 57/2=28.5. Which is 35-28.5 = 6.5, you were given more energy at birth than Anton. Therefore, Anton is settled in the psychic field of Proserpina, where he must learn to transform energy, otherwise he will get a bunch of diseases and a nervous breakdown.



    What if we are not considered together but as individuals?! What then happens to him in this case?!


    Ekaterina, I try to explain to each person how and what to do to avoid negativity. Have you received information about yourself? Have you received information about your connection with your twin? I understand that you want more, but it’s wrong that you will know secret things about him and mentally influence him. Therefore, I can recommend that he get a consultation where I will explain everything in detail. Write to me by email [email protected], my main question that worries you, I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  27. Catherine


    Hello) please tell me, for half a year I have been haunted by the number 24, or rather, I notice it in electronic time, for example 11:24, etc. During this time I have been haunted by troubles... My date of birth is November 15, 1994, please help! It’s already very scary to see the same thing 1-4 times a day!


    Ekaterina, I agree with you that looping is very scary. This means that you have cut a rut and are constantly in it, like a broken record. Imagine that you began to perceive this only now, and whoever lives next to you understands that you are simply zombified from here and all your failures. You need to realize and wake up from the dream and then you will begin to act differently and get out of this rut. When you get past your cycle, your misfortunes will leave you. To understand what and how you need to do, I can explain to you during a consultation. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1200 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  28. Victoria


    Dear Pavel Grigorievich, please tell me about my date of birth in more detail, thank you in advance 09/08/1967. I bow to you...


    Victoria, you were born on September 8, 1967=8+0+9+1+9+6+7=40, which means that in this life you will gain a strong faith that will lead you further. Based on this faith, you must lay the foundation stone for a new building and begin its construction. Therefore, it is very useful for you to read books that open up an understanding of the kingdom of God. You will have health miraculously as it is said in the Gospel, seek the kingdom of God, the rest will be added to you.

  29. Valentina


    Pavel Grigorievich, thank you sincerely!



    Pavel Grigorievich, Thank you! If possible, also the birth dates of my son, 01/28/1984, and my husband, 01/10/1960.


    Valentina, the birth of your son is 01/28/1984=2+8+0+1+1+9+8+4=33=3+3=6, the number 4 includes 4+6=10, which indicates reaching a new level development and perception of the world. In relation to you, 01/21/1963=2+1+0+1+1+9+6+3=23=2+3=5, 5+6=11, this is a teacher and a student who is all from you 24 hours a day copies because there is a silver thread connection between you. This connection weakens when he becomes attached to his wife and forms a new cell of cosmic consciousness. Your husband 01/10/1960=1+0+0+1+1+9+6+0=18=1+8=9, a spiritual seed and an intuitive person. His strength can vary from an unconscious perception of everything around him to a conscious one; everything depends on the name with which his father and mother named him and the one he was given at baptism. In the family, he manifests himself 5+6+9=20 and 5+9=14=1+4=5, these are reflections on the spiritual and connections with the highest. With his son, he has the opposite, which he must lead to the spirit, but he must realize that everything that he had to convey to him was already transmitted at conception and now, by his example, he creates a projection of his behavior.

  30. Valentina


    Dear Pavel Grigorievich, please tell me what the date of birth 01/21/1963 means


    Valentina, you were born on January 21, 1963=2+1+0+1+1+9+6+3=23=2+3=5, the desire for self-perfection in yourself and in society. You are self-sufficient and focused on achieving results, only you are more often exposed to intuition than reason and therefore you are led through emotional experiences and the fiery transformation of your soul.

  31. 09.05.2013


    Can you please tell me what mots tsiyry means?


    Gagik, your numbers indicate the date. So if it's a birthday it means 4+0+4+1+9+6+4=28=2+8=10, which says this person will rise to new level development and will understand 7x4=28, an absolute secret. But he needs 28 = 2x8, to go through double karma or the karma that he inherited from his father and his own, which he sees as his path of development.

  32. Svetlana


    Many thanks, dear Pavel Grigorievich!



    Dear Pavel Grigorievich, please tell me what the date of birth is 04/05/1957 and 11/25/1976!
    With great respect and gratitude!


    Svetlana, born on April 5, 1957, needs to develop consciousness and is recommended to work hard. It is useful to eat plant foods if he does not have the first blood group. This man must find the firmament during his lifetime, otherwise his death will shock him. Born 11/25/1976, you should focus your attention on self-development and energy accumulation. His life will tempt him to waste energy and empty vanity. If he develops his spiritual body, it will be revealed to him secret connection with higher intelligence and he will gain knowledge that must be kept to himself. If he starts showing off his treasures to others, they will be stolen from him. Your discoveries become inaccessible or misunderstood by people around you after 7 years of keeping a secret. Then by speaking you will simply be known as a dreamer and no one will believe you except the warriors of darkness who know the value of this information.

  33. 29.03.2013

    Pavel Grigorievich, hello! My birth number is 4. I was born on February 20, 1980. Tell me, please, what does this mean for me? Thanks in advance!


    Zhamal, the number 4 is the number of the firmament that you must find during your life and stop worrying about temporary instability. One such experience is the loss of loved ones and relatives at this stage of life. You must realize that you have already been born 1000 times on earth and you always had a mother and father and also sisters and brothers, and you stopped remembering and worrying about them because they became your neighbors with whom you now barely find common language. If you realize this, you will change your attitude towards all people and grow into eternity, receiving the firmament of heaven.

  34. 28.03.2013

    Hello. My luckiest number is 4 and it always catches my eye (02.11.1998) What can you say? Thank you


    Faik, it’s great that you have such a symbol which is the number 4. You were born on November 2, 1998=2+1+1+1+9+9+8=31=3+1=4, which says that you should find the earthly surface . If your development progresses, you will come to an understanding of the number 31 or the firmament of heaven, and then you will learn a new perception, learn about eternal life and that life cannot be wasted, but you must learn to perceive the flows of energy in order to grow and improve. By learning how to regenerate your body, you will slow down your aging and learn to manage time. So your name says you develop a fi-work on transformation, or fix it, on everything and live for your own pleasure, for the time being, until time X.

  35. 11.02.2013

    Hello, I was born on 06/01/1991 and can you also tell me what compatibility is with a person born on 08/28/1987?
    I also want to clarify. I also often see the time on the clock as 21:21, 22:22. Recently I saw 4:44 on my laptop, a couple of minutes later I took my mobile phone and it was also 4:44. Mysticism... I believe in all this. Nothing just happens like that. I would be grateful for a detailed answer :)


    Irina, yes, it’s mystic when you start seeing numbers on different media, which are a warning. As you know, in Japan the number 4 is the number of death, so everyone avoids this number. In Russia, having less spirituality, they are not aware of the meaning of the number 4. Your birth on June 1, 1991=1+0+6+1+9+9+1=27=2+7=9, says that you are endowed with intuition and should learn spirituality. That’s why you believe in the mystical, subtle, which, like a wave of dawn, foretells the sunrise. Number 21.21 is a repetition of the warning that you have crossed the line of compaction of matter and are acting unconsciously because your energy potential has been reduced. The number 22.22 says that Proserpina is coming into its own and you will experience a psychic wave of impact on your feelings and must consciously accumulate energy again. Or you should go to bed and untie all the knots of karma that you have created.

  36. 08.02.2013

    Hello Pavel Grigorievich, I would like to know in detail about my date of birth, November 19, 1994.


    Lisa, you were born with the karma of a father who used sexual energy and was not satisfied. Now the desire to use this energy for other purposes awakens in you, and this very strongly responds to the ability to do the right thing. So you were born on November 19, 1994, speaks of the need for balance on November 19, 19, 19, then you will find peace in yourself and will be able to resist the hustle and bustle. You you have a tendency towards a vain spirit that binds your consciousness, this does not allow you to advance in understanding spiritual criteria. You have the number 11/19/1994=1+9+1+1+1+9+9+4=35=3+5=8, it says that karma dominates you or that you are limited in your capabilities. You consciously took this limitation to help your race and the growth of your higher self or angelic essence.

  37. 22.12.2012

    Hello Pavel, what can you say about my date? 4.12.1977. Thanks in advance


    Elena, your birth on December 4, 1977=4+1+2+1+9+7+7=31=3+1=4, the acquisition of the firmament and its awareness. So, when you transform your karma with fire, you must not just throw it away, but transform it into something new. And you must learn this transformation in this life.

  38. 30.11.2012

    Of course, I am completely shocked how all this is written about me. I never knew there was any connection. I would like to know more about my date of birth, 04/21/1986. I will be very grateful to you.


    Natalya, you need to focus more on perceiving the pestilence through your soul. All events are karma and therefore, no matter what you do, they will still come. You need to know that by changing your karma you will change life itself. Your life will simply change beyond recognition because you will become different.

  39. 21.11.2012

    Hello Pavel Grigorievich! I would like to know, for the past 3-5 months I have been seeing the numbers 11:11, 22:22, 2:28, 1:11,2:22 on the watch, in general, how can I not look at the watch, the numbers are always the same. During this period I began to feel happier, many good ideas appeared, I began to develop in spiritual world, I’m reading useful information. I really wanted to read your answer, tell me what the signs I see mean. My date of birth is 07/28/1990 according to the horoscope: Leo, born in the year of the horse.


    Pavel, do you mean the paired numbers 11:11 - we repeat the lesson, 22:22 - look in your mirror, otherwise you will soon turn to stone, Remember Perseus who, looking into the shield, fought with the Gargona Medusa, that’s how you should see this number and start looking in the mirror of your soul, seeing how the world changes under the influence of your emotions and thoughts. You were born a lion and must show your will and power to control the animal kingdom, or the world will make you a simple cat.

  40. 08.10.2012

    Hello Pavel! I would like to know more about his date of birth: 10/01/1982 name Vladimir.


    Natalya, this knowledge will not give completeness and therefore I recommend that you get advice on compatibility. Write to me by Email [email protected], I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 980 rubles. If you agree, write, I’m waiting for your letter. The birth of Vladimir is 1+1+0+1+9+8+2=22, the influence of Proserpina means the artificial intensification of mental states. You must always be careful with such a person because he perceives the world not as a physical reality, but as a mental field where much depends on the state of the soul of those communicating. Number 4 says that the firmament is not a firmament, but an unsteady semblance of a firmament which, when it begins to move, the entire building of the built life collapses.

  41. 01.10.2012

    Good afternoon, I didn’t really understand what was written, but how is life in general good or not, it’s just that life is somehow unsatisfactory, there are constant problems of some kind, there is no stability, and I’m kind of reserved, does it generally depend on my date of birth, is my isolation or secrecy?


    Mikhail, your questions are more for consultation than for comment. Everything that is understood is solvable. Write to me by email [email protected]

  42. 30.09.2012

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich!
    Sorry, but what can you say about my date of birth, 11/14/1986 and I’m interested in another little person, 12/24/1993.
    Thanks in advance


    Mikhail, born November 14, 1986=31=3+1=4, your vibration number. But your task is to understand and realize the number 31, when fire creates and you reap creation in the form of psychic fire and collapsing space. A person born on December 24, 1993=2+4+1+2+1+9+9+3=31, there is a second body of the matryoshka which is you in another dimension and you are connected through the 1993-1986=7 cycle with the stage of development 24-14 =10, ascension and emergence of awareness. 12-11=1, you are different by one circle of mixing psychic energy, one is stronger in spirit, the second, on the contrary, has a more sensual psychic field.

  43. 10.08.2012

    Izvinyayus za ne gramatnos i zaranie spasiba za otvet.


    For a more complete answer, I recommend getting a consultation. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you questions and make recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 980 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  44. 10.08.2012

    Mne xotelosbi uznat podrobno o moyom date rojdenie 14.101992 i chem svyazan eti nomera somnoy


    Your birth is 10/14/1992=14+10+1+9+9+2=45=4+5=9, in life you have been given a teacher who guides you on the path of truth. Your position is precarious and the firmament on which you are counting will soon turn into nothing and will cause you a lot of unrest. If you are Russian by nationality, then your sign is victory or victoria, which expresses your inner world. Your rubicon, at the moment, is considered up to the age of 45 years. Your birth code is 2808720=0022788, which indicates your awakening to perceive the secrets of this world, but you do not have enough energy. By working off the karma that your father placed on your shoulders, you will raise your energy and receive the desired key to unlock secrets. The meaning of the numbers can be found in the Knowledge Base section, go to “Number value” in the window Select a number - 19. or 16. or 32. or 22. or 1. or 7. or 6 and click choose.

  45. 27.06.2012

    Thanks, that's what I thought. that this is somehow connected with the fact that 3 comes from 48. It turns out that both 4 and 8 are present in the date of birth.


    Olga, every person always gets a hint when he tries to read numbers. You were prompted by the thought 48=4+8=12=1+2=3, speaks of an all-consuming fire that will engulf you and warns of fire. But you didn’t see 48=40X8, the warning signs of karma. Therefore, when a person, when reading, considers all the options, he has a complete picture and sees how dangerous it is.

  46. 26.06.2012

    Good evening, Pavel Grigorievich. The sum of my date of birth is 3 (12/18/1971), but all significant or fatal events in life occurred under the number 4, 8+4+4, or 14. Why is this?


    Olga, 3 is fiery mobility and revival, resuscitation of the dead. The number 4 is death in Japanese, but in Russian firmament, which is not firmament. When the ground disappears from under one’s feet, a person wonders whether his faith is correct or not. Usually people, having experienced this once, begin to trust the firmament, which does not let them down even after death.

  47. 26.06.2012

    Hello Pavel Grigorievich, my date of birth is 06/15/1981, which turns out to be 4, and total number 31, I recently turned 31. I would like to know more about my date of birth.


    Denis, your birth was 06/15/1981=15+0+6+1+9+8+1=40, your date of dramatic changes. At the age of 40, you must reassess the life you have lived; the duration of your future part of life will depend on this. Your resource for converting sin into energy that will be used to continue life is laid down from the age of 31-40. Therefore, I advise you to devote part of your time to memories of your past and reassessment from the perspective of your current self, what you think was the right thing to do or would now do differently.


    @Shiryaev Pavel Grigorievich, THANK YOU


    @Denis, if you have questions that need to be resolved correctly, get advice on partner compatibility and on what days to make transactions. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you questions and make recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 690 rubles. If you agree, write.

Four is the most important mystical number, signifying absolute omnipotence. It is the number four that symbolizes power over time and space. It is the number of earth, order, justice and stability.

The meaning of the number 4 can be found anywhere, in anything: these are the four cardinal directions, four ages, four weeks of the month. The four are characterized by stability and controllability; they can act not only as a creator, but also as a destroyer. Four denotes the number of the birth and end of the development of matter, and the multiplied figure is the number of real chaos.

People under the auspices of the number four have a unique character. In every argument or discussion, the fours take the opposite side from the majority. Despite their reluctance to participate in disputes, they always stand in opposition, creating many enemies for themselves.

Fours do not accept any rules or customs at the level of instinct.

There were frequent cases of quartets revolting against constitutional authority. They went ahead, creating new rules.

The character of such people is based on pessimism and an unlimited mind. These people are destined for a brilliant career from birth. Fours are very observant, they are distinguished by excellent receptivity to learning. Fours are also efficient workers, but they don’t put too much effort into their work. Thanks to their innate intelligence, their work is systematic and methodical. Fours are not prone to quarrels, but they are very wasteful, which is why the money they earn quickly disappears.

People born under number 4 are not easily attracted. But if this happens, the four will remain faithful to their chosen one for the rest of their lives. A person’s loyalty is due to the fact that it is very difficult for him to give his feelings to someone. Sexually, fours never have difficulty finding a partner.

The number 4 in numerology gives a person pessimism and constant dissatisfaction with life. Pessimism is closely related to uncertainty. These negative character traits lead to jealousy.

But if there is always a person next to the four who can support him at any moment, he will feel good.

What sets fours apart from those around them?

Number 4 gives a person sociability, the ability to always find a common language with people. Fours are very smart, they are drawn to everything new and unusual. Such people will brighten up your leisure time with good conversation; they are attentive to other people's problems. Fours, as the meaning of the number 4 shows, are psychologists in life, and friends very often turn to them for help.

Due to the fact that people with the number 4 are able to clearly express their thoughts, this means that they achieve career heights. It is easy for such people to find a common language with colleagues and superiors, which, combined with high intellectual capabilities, makes them irreplaceable. Fours are good organizers; they are distinguished by strategic thinking, a talent for planning and forecasting. You can often meet such people among artists.

Number 4 gives its owner reliability and organization. Such a person will never forget to congratulate you on your birthday or make an important call on time. Fours, even in the midst of a very busy schedule, will always find time for their loved ones and friends. And if they go against what they promised, there will be good reasons for this.

One more distinctive feature Fours denote perseverance and hard work. They persistently move towards their goals and are distinguished by great patience and stubbornness. In love, people with number 4 are faithful and reliable. Betrayal by a loved one can seriously unsettle them.

What negativity does the number 4 bring to you?

If the four does not learn to control their abilities, they will greatly harm them. For example, being organized can turn such people into petty pedants, which is why those around them will lose all interest in them. To prevent this from happening, people under the number 4 must work on their horizons, constantly expanding it, meeting new people. More attention should be paid to the development of mental abilities.

Another disadvantage of fours is that they constantly take on a lot of responsibilities. As a result, these responsibilities turn into an unbearable burden, and the person loses all self-confidence.

The main drawback of people born under the number 4 is perfectionism.

If they learn to avoid every annoying little thing, then life will become much easier for them.

Number of material achievements

The number 4 in numerology has many associations. Many cultures depicted this figure as a cross. In geometry, the number 4 is symbolized by a cross and a square. The ancient Chinese considered the number 4 to be a feminine number, which made a person whole, decent, fair, and stable. In Hinduism, the number 4 is a symbol of completeness and perfection.

If we compare four with three, then this number means the human beginning, symbolizing the Prototype, the first act of Creation:

  • four lower bodies - physical, etheric, astral and mental;
  • four types of temperament - choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic;
  • four life periods - childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age.

The number 4 complements the other three principles, making them unified, symbolizing the universe. A huge number of material and spiritual forms are modeled according to the principle of fourfoldness. This is the number of material achievements and the four Elements: fire, water, earth and air.

Video: The meaning of number 4

4 - what does it mean in numerology




Materiality, form


What is the psychology of number 4

The number 4 is derived from 2, so it also “lies” everywhere. It symbolizes “all the darkness of things,” or the world of formal Manifestation. The number 4 is a complex metaphysical symbol “Holder of the key of Nature,” as the Pythagoreans said. Pythagoras believed that the soul is a self-moving world, has the shape of a perfect cube and numeric value 4.

In contrast to the dynamic integrity symbolized by the number 3, the number 4 is an image of static integrity, an ideally stable structure (although there is a point of view according to which trinity is interpreted as the incompleteness of a quaternary structure). Hence the use of the number 4 in myths about the creation of the Universe and orientation in it: 4 cardinal directions, 4 main directions, four gods or four-hypostatic gods (cf., for example, the four Perkunas in Lithuanian folklore or gods - guardians of the 4 cardinal directions), 4 time of year, century (cf. Vedic designations for 4 eras and at the same time terms for dice), 4 elements (sometimes they correspond to 4 mythological characters), etc. 4 components are updated in those geometric shapes, which have the greatest mythopoetic meaning - square, mandate, cross.

Number 4 means stability, strength, balance of elements, living processes, objects and people. This is static and reliable, as opposed to the dynamics of the three, this is a diagram of ordered space: quadrangle, square, cross.

Four is the number of cosmic elements - the creative forces of the Universe: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Four means 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Four are 4 human temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic.

Four is materialization, form, obstacle and development impulse.

Psychology of the number 4. Four is the number of integrity, lucky number. Well known sacred meaning good luck with the number four if the three previous attempts were unsuccessful.

The number four symbolizes the painful state when the spirit simmers in form. The form does not correspond to the content, the goal is unattainable by the available means. However, the four is an incentive to resolve the problem, and although this goal is practically unattainable, many of the efforts of the four turn out to be constructive. She is aggressive, capable of being unbiased, often not afraid of difficulties, asocial, but with her strength and charm she carries people along with her.

Four tests a person with limitations. She encourages him to concentrate, establish order in his soul and life, and thereby turn limitations, if not into advantages, then into a fulcrum. Often the four have to be subordinate, to serve other people. Fighting restrictions is a typical mistake. We must not fight, but learn to live with them.

Vibrations of number 4


Structure, organization, reliability; service, friendship, equality, brotherhood; insights, revelations, paradoxes; neatness, practicality, thriftiness, loyalty, perseverance, diligence; patriotism, conservatism, pragmatism, practicality; majesty, patience, responsibility, economy, accuracy; seriousness, discipline, patience, hard work, diligence, directness, concentration, ability to perform routine activities, honesty, perseverance, devotion, perseverance, enormous capacity for work combined with the inability to relax and rest.


Vanity, rudeness, narrowness, tactlessness, stinginess, optionality, depression, inexorability, laziness, dogmatism, conservatism, harshness.


Violence, destruction, revolution, transformation, reform, innovation, coups, anarchy, horse racing; cruelty, jealousy, vulgarity, inhumanity.

At the beginning of this century, there was a belief among peasants in some Kama region areas that a chicken could count, but only up to four.

This was based on the following observation. When a brood hen sits in her basket, you can take the eggs out from under her, she won’t notice it. But this can continue until the number of eggs remaining in the nest is less than four. As soon as the number of eggs becomes less than this, as the peasants say, “chicken number,” the chicken begins to worry and cackle. It is enough to put in the missing up to four eggs, and the chicken calms down.

Each number is unique and has its own special characteristic. For example, the meaning of the number 4 covers the entire sphere of forms, plans, dreams and ideas. It is believed that this number symbolizes the constancy and stability of everything that exists on Earth.


Digit 4: meaning

This is the number of rational presentation of principles and ideas. The four explain, arrange in in a certain order, designs, builds, maintains, executes and fine-tunes the system and formulas that provide the matrix for sustainable and tangible results.

In numerology, it is believed that the number 4 gives something unformed a finished look, brings harmony, health, and beauty. Four represents the order of development and achievement. In addition, the number four influences the meaning of a person’s sense of purpose and the material side of life. That is, the level of human health will be directly related to the achievement of one’s own goals.

Number 4 in numerology

In general, the meaning of the number 4 in numerology comes from the same canons. Placed in a psychomatrix, the four symbolizes a person’s health, his body and external attractiveness. Even without seeing a person in person and observing only his psychomatrix, you can find out how likable he is.

There are no fours in the psychomatrix

In this case, your health is weak by nature, so you need to take intensive care of it throughout your life. In any case, difficulties will arise with the development of physical strength. Such people are advised not to make sports their profession, since it takes a lot of vitality, and a person can get a serious illness. Sometimes such people seek energy in drugs and alcohol. If there are many 7s and 8s in the psychomatrix, illnesses can be given to a person as a test of his kindness and honesty.

There is one four in the psychomatrix

Health from birth is not strong enough, and constant prevention is required. Only if you have 2222 or more, you can try yourself in physical work and sports. Due to severe energy losses, such people avoid conflicts. You should not try yourself in the professions of power if you do not have the combinations 111 and 8, 1111 and 8, 11111 and 8.

There are two or more fours in the psychomatrix

From birth you strong health and a beautiful body. All sports are suitable for you, and if you are 66 or over, then hard physical work is also suitable for you. If you have 4444, there is a high probability of being overly conflict-ridden and prone to fights.

It is important to view the matrix as a whole and not focus on a few specific numbers.

Numerological meaning of the number 4 in human destiny

In numerology, fate number 4 determines the builder, who is responsible for the stability and longevity of world principles and dogmas. Only determination and belief in their own success, along with planning, will help Fours fulfill their destiny.

Man: reliable and careful

This is a reliable and straightforward person who honors family traditions and attaches paramount importance to family. He approaches the choice of a partner with caution; in a woman he looks, first of all, for a partner who is devoted and practical, just like himself. Far from being a romantic, he is able to conquer the lady of his heart with his persistence and integrity.

In business relationships, he always defends what is right and does not bend under the pressure of others.

With a Four, you can’t count on a cup of coffee in bed and a serenade under the window, but at a difficult moment, he will silently push you aside and solve all the problems that arise himself.

Woman: mercantile owner

The possessive instinct sometimes greatly prevents the Four from building harmonious relationships based on mutual respect. She chooses a partner from a mercantile point of view, paying attention to the presence of a stable income and a foundation for material well-being. Otherwise, she will simply morally destroy her husband for his inability to “make money.”

In life, a woman with destiny number 4 evaluates any undertaking through the prism of possible income.

Fours: introverted materialists

Money. Achieving a certain financial situation takes up a good half of a four's life. They receive nothing for nothing; only their own constant labor leads to wealth. Money in the life of Fours is quite important and serves as the basis for stability and tranquility. Sometimes they are even able to enter into arranged marriages in order to improve their living conditions.

Compatibility: family and friendship. Numerology defines people with the fateful number 4 as closed and secretive individuals. However, the need for sex and ordinary warmth among Fours is present along with the desire for a prosperous life.

Such people approach the choice of friends very scrupulously, checking the compatibility of each potential friend.

Often, when entering into marriage, they completely abandon friendly relations so as not to waste. Good compatibility they are promised marriages with 7 and 8. An excellent union will be between partners who have the same fate number 4.

Career. Fours are born organizers and managers, but it is better for them not to work for “uncle”, but to start building their own business from scratch. Planning helps these people achieve success in areas that are completely unpromising (in the opinion of others), but this will require finding unity with the right business partners, as well as individuals who have weight in society. Prestige is important for fours, so they work tirelessly to climb the steep steps of financial well-being.

Number 4 people are good at doing monotonous hard work that requires high concentration, methodical, detailed consideration. If they are not in a hurry and are careful about the work they do, success will undoubtedly come, you just have to wait a little.

Video: Destiny number 4

Number 4 relates to the energies of practicality, organization and precision. Greek mythology believes that the number 4 belongs to Jupiter, a dispassionate and fair judge, the creator of everything that exists in this world.

Mystical meaning of number 4

Therefore, the number 4 must bring to life everything that was intended by the numbers that precede it. But this will require dedication, perseverance, and attention even to to the smallest details. If three is a triangle, then the number 4 can be symbolically represented as a square or a cross.

The Amerindians consider the four to be a symbol of perfection, they repeat all their prayers 4 times, their dances have 4 tempos, and before attacking the enemy their warriors take exactly 4 pauses. It is possible that carriers of the number 4 often suffer from a lack of imagination, but this is understandable, because excessive impressionability and fantasies will only distract from important work.

Here, pragmatism and the ability to assess what is happening from the real side are much more necessary. If the number 4 begins to appear more and more often in your life, then this is a sure sign that you should stop for a while and take a closer look at what is happening around you.

Perhaps you have become somewhat disconnected from real life. Or maybe someone around you urgently needs your help.

Positive traits of number 4

TO positive qualities, which the number 4 endows its bearers with, should include commitment to high morals and sustainable moral values. Number 4 stands for honesty and integrity, hard work and skill, endurance, loyalty, inner wisdom, self-control and integrity.

People whose life set contains the number 4 are usually reliable and serious, they are capable of a lot, they say about such people that they will move mountains. As a rule, these are extroverts, with good manners, always ready to help if you need it.

Negative traits of number 4

As already mentioned, those people who have the number 4 in their life set often lack imagination. In addition, they may seem overly petty and stubborn, they do not like to rush to the point of slowness and are very difficult to perceive any changes.

Loyalty to traditions and the conservatism of number 4 can easily develop into hypocrisy, and in addition, such people can turn out to be downright lazy and are not always distinguished by a sharp mind.

From the point of view of numerology, the numbers in the date of birth influence the life and character of a person. What does the number 4 mean in numerology, what influence does it have on a person’s destiny? As a result of various manipulations with the date of birth, you can get the number four; it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the number 4 in numerology and if it occurs often in your life: it is found in the house number, telephone number, document numbers, etc. About sacred We will tell you the properties of the four and its influence on human life in this article.

What does the number 4 mean in numerology and how does the number four affect a person’s life and destiny.

What does the number four mean in numerology? Look at what characteristics the researchers offer. This number is often called mysterious. What could such a definition be connected with? Thanks to the four, you can talk about what character traits a person has.

  • If you have a B, it means you are a responsible, purposeful person, a patriot of your country. These qualities appear from childhood. Character can be changeable, emotions are immediately obvious.
  • A person expresses what he thinks to his face. On the one hand, this is better than washing bones behind a person’s back. On the other hand, due to excessive straightforwardness, problems sometimes arise. Once again it is better to remain silent in order to avoid conflicts.
  • But with determination and perseverance you can achieve success in life. WITH early age visible in humans inner rod. You cannot stand lies and deception. Therefore, treat people with caution and try not to reveal your secrets. There are few friends, but there are a couple of real and devoted ones.
  • You can easily adapt to any situation. Find a common language with people quickly. Approach your work with full dedication. Finish what you start. You have respect in the team. ·
  • Every person in his life faces a moral choice of what to do in a given situation. Thanks to your toughness and prudence, you manage to do right choice for yourself. You do not accept violations of laws, you pay taxes on time, and do not postpone for the future.
  • A reasonable and prudent person, he will help in difficult life situations. First of all, he will think it over several times, and only then make a decision for himself. It is important for you that everything that happens does not violate the prescribed norms and rules. Often you guide people on the right path.
  • Such people are wary of taking risks. It can be difficult for others to understand you, because from their point of view you are too correct a person. There are intrigues around you behind your back. But that doesn't stop you, you keep moving forward.

Number of fours in date of birth

What does 4 mean in numerology in your date of birth? If there is one four in your date of birth, this is a good sign. You are a workaholic, a fighter for justice and a fairly courageous person. You cope with problems with a bang, although it can be difficult at times. Continue in the same spirit, do not pay attention to the sidelong glances of others in your direction, stick to your position. If in the end it turns out that there are no fours at all or, on the contrary, there are a lot of them, then do not panic, but understand yourself better.

Two or three fours

Interpretation of the meaning of the number of fours in your date of birth.

Such people cannot be called stingy. Sometimes they provide all possible assistance to those who really need it. They are responsible and persistent. Thanks to their perseverance, they achieve success in life. If the business they have started does not bring the long-awaited result, they analyze the situation for a long time, drawing conclusions for themselves. Thanks to regularity, a person rarely makes mistakes, because he thinks through everything to the smallest detail.

Don't take failures to heart, remember that it is impossible to live without mistakes. Next time everything will definitely work out.

For you, maintaining law and order is a matter of honor. But all people are different, and so are their views on life. Thanks to your “correctness,” you try to convey simple truths to others. You are often perceived with hostility, considering your opinion to be incorrect. After all, violations of rules and laws have occurred at all times. Every person has the right to do as he sees fit. Everyone has their own sense of honor, duty and dignity.

Such people are quite well-read. They can easily give arguments if controversial situations arise. It is not uncommon to criticize those who, in their opinion, are uneducated. Conflicts often arise on this basis. Understand one thing: we are all different, there is no need to impose your point of view. Communicate with similar people who accept and perceive you as such. It is very difficult to change people; each of them has their own stereotypes and ideals.

Most often, such people have a difficult time. The manifestation of your character can be observed even in queues. You strictly ensure that no one jumps the queue. As a result of this, squabbles arise. In public transport, you behave like a true adherent of the old order. When observing a situation where young people take seats on a minibus or train, and older people stand, be sure to insert your word. You don’t understand how impudent young people can be. Ensure strict discipline in the workplace. You interfere in work, give advice even when people do not ask for help. It's time to think about your behavior in some situations, to be less intrusive.

Family relationships can be tense if your relatives go against you. Children who have completed school should go to a place where, in your opinion, they will receive the right profession. You will also give advice about their social circle. You can even choose a soul mate for your son and daughter yourself. You can come to the home of adult children without warning to see what the child is doing. Give them the opportunity to live their lives independently, do not interfere with it again. Then their attitude towards you will be different.

No fours

  • Does a person have no fours in their date of birth? This means that this is the complete opposite of people who have several of them. Such people live in their own world. There are no barriers for them.
  • They often act not according to their conscience, then, of course, they regret what they did, but nothing can be corrected. The character is contradictory and changeable, temper leads to conflicts. Relationships with others are often strained. There are no generally accepted rules for them, and laws are not a barrier either.
  • Such people have very few friends. It is difficult to find a common language with them. At times they try to show their superiority, so they are criticized. They can also be arrogant. They are extremely difficult to manipulate, almost impossible. They adhere only to their point of view, which they consider ideal.
  • Superiority over others leads to problems. They really don't bother with this. It’s easier for them to work alone; they won’t listen to other people’s advice. Help is rarely provided, and they practically never ask for it. It is difficult to create families and have children with such people. They are always dissatisfied with something.
  • Getting to know others is not difficult. But the communication ends before it even begins. All thanks to his frantic character. There is no need to impose your opinion, you need to be able to listen to others. There are so many people, so many opinions, you shouldn’t forget this. In controversial situations, it is once again better to remain silent in order to avoid problems. So you can be left completely alone, no one will come to help if you need it.

Numerology advice for people without the number 4 in their date of birth.

Learn to control your emotions, don’t interfere where you don’t need to. Try to change inside, look at life differently. Then the situation may change. People will begin to treat you with understanding. Problems will occur extremely rarely. It's true that it's not that easy, but it's possible. Listen to the opinions of others.

Move towards your goals gradually, no need to grab stars from the sky. This will not lead to anything good. The implementation of laws must be approached responsibly, without violating them. There is only one thing to remember, that moral choice The responsibility that any person faces is, first of all, responsibility. By adhering to it, you can find a way out of any situation.

Sometimes you need to be able to compromise with others. Then success will be guaranteed. Find real friends, be gentler with them, listen to advice, no matter how difficult it is.


What is a sense of duty for a person? Relationships with friends and loved ones or awareness of your importance? First of all, this is your internal state. This is how a person adapts to society and interacts with it. Compliance with the rules and laws of this society. After all, thanks to him, each of us develops.

Remember ancient times, how they treated those who broke the laws? The punishments were too severe, including the death penalty. Of course now, being in modern world, a person who breaks the law also bears responsibility before the state, but it is more lenient. You, as a persistent and purposeful person, must understand this.

Video “Number of Destiny 4”