Why carry in a dream? Why do you dream of Carrying in Your Hands? On the love front

If you carry or hold a seal, a noble offspring will be born. You carry a sign on your belt indicating your very high title, a noble position - great happiness. If you carry manure with the help of a rocker, you return home - great happiness and benefit. To bear or hold a seal -...

Sleep online - Apply

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are going to strike with a hammer, there will be support from the outside. Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss. If you inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax - to great happiness, good luck, and benefit.

Dream meaning - To be punished

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the reward.

The meaning of the dream is to suffer punishment

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the reward.

Carrying water - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Water). On to the news.

Carrying a coffin on your shoulders - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To recovery and to long life.

To carry a pennant - to see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You have a chance to become famous.

What does it mean to dream about carrying firewood?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of “Carrying empty buckets” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To bankruptcy.

Dreaming of “carrying on your shoulders” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Carrying something on your shoulders means hard work that will take a long time.

Dreaming of “carrying water in buckets” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To profit.

What does the dream mean in which you dream of Carrying (carrying)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“I can’t stand it (I can’t stand it)!”, “having plans”, “washing dirty linen in public” (public display of the negative). “carry in your arms” - care, please, love. Burden.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Carrying (carrying)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

I can’t stand it (I won’t stand it)!, make plans, wash dirty linen in public (public display of the negative). Carrying in your arms means caring, pleasing, loving.

The meaning of the dream “Carry”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Carrying a log is a difficult task. Seeing the coffin being carried is bad news, sad circumstances. Carrying a bundle of firewood is a loss. Carry a lamp - you are on the right track.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Rushing (somewhere)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you are rushing somewhere headlong, that is, very quickly, in reality you will have to wait patiently for something. For example, when the bell rings, so that you can rush somewhere headlong.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Carrying (something)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are carrying something in a dream, they will try to burden you with boring, uninteresting things in reality. If someone wants to shift all their affairs or responsibilities onto you, resist! But if someone needs your help, why not help? - To the old lady...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Carrying?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To carry the necessary thing or lifting luggage - continue what you started, do not be afraid of the difficulties of carrying, dragging, dragging something heavy, heavy, nasty - trouble or illness is inevitable. If possible, step away from business; someone is carrying you - without outside help you can't get by. Contact...

Why do you dream of carrying

Summer dream book

Carrying water in buckets (water) - Fortunately.

Carrying on your shoulders - Carrying something on your shoulders means hard work that will take a long time.

Carrying empty buckets means bankruptcy.

Carrying empty buckets means bad luck.

Carry a load - Carry a load on your shoulders and a very heavy one - put a load of worries on your shoulders.

Why do you dream of carrying

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are carrying a large and very heavy load, you will experience long life, full of care, love and mercy. Carrying your heavy luggage, refusing the services of a porter due to lack of money - such a dream portends you a major loss, loss of property or family squabbles.

For a young girl, a dream in which she carries a full bucket means a happy choice of groom; and if the bucket is empty - an upset wedding.

A strange dream in which you are in a hurry somewhere, carrying a rusty saw in your hands, means that, despite the failures that befell you in lately, all is not lost for you and you will be able to return what you lost with interest.

Carry a basket full of mushrooms or berries - portends a happy coincidence of circumstances that will allow you to achieve unprecedented success. If you were carrying a basket, tripped and spilled all its contents, you will be dissatisfied with your own activities and change your activities.

If in a dream you carry a burning lamp, illuminating your way in the dark, this means that you will achieve the independence and independence you dreamed of, but this will not make you happy. Carrying an unlit lamp is a sign of misfortune and loss.

Carrying jam or pickles for sale in a dream means you will read flattering reviews about yourself in the press.

Carrying rain over you with an umbrella is a sign of future worries and doubts.

A dream in which you bring home a salary foreshadows a variety of changes in life. Carry a large sum government money - to poverty and deprivation.

Why do you dream of carrying

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were carrying a lantern in your hands, then your favorable attitude towards people will help you win the hearts of people and make many friends. Carrying a torch in your hand is a symbol of success in love and complicated affairs. However, if the torch goes out, then expect troubles and failures. If in a dream you are carrying any kind of load, bending under its weight, then this portends you mental turmoil and material losses.

Why do you dream of carrying

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were carrying a lantern in your hands, it means that your benevolence will help you win the hearts of people and make many friends. Carrying a torch in your hand means success in love and complicated affairs. However, if the torch goes out, expect troubles and failures. Carrying any load, bending under its weight, means mental tossing and material losses. Carrying the cross - to serious life's trials.

Why do you dream of carrying

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does it mean to carry someone or something in a dream 1. If a person is carrying something in a dream, he needs to look at what he perceives as a hindrance or obstacle. 2. C psychological point In view, a person takes responsibility for someone and it is a burden for him. 3. When we are ready to bear something in a dream, we take on Spiritual Responsibility.

Why do you dream of carrying

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Carry - Carry the necessary thing or lifting luggage - Continue what you started, do not be afraid of difficulties Carry (drag, drag) something heavy, heavy, nasty - Trouble or illness is inevitable. If possible, step away from business. Someone is carrying you - You cannot do without outside help. Contact your friends

Carry water (water) - To the news.

Carrying a coffin on your shoulders - To recovery and to a long life.

Carry (carry) - “I can’t bear this (I can’t bear it)!”, “hatch plans”, “wash dirty linen in public” (public display of the negative). “carry in your arms” - care, please, love. See Add. Burden.

Carrying water in buckets - To profit.

Why do you dream of carrying

Dream book of catchphrases

CARRY (carry) - “I can’t stand it (I can’t stand it)!”, “make plans”, “wash dirty linen in public” (public display of the negative). “Carry in your arms” - care, please, love. See add. burden.

The dream book explains in detail and in many ways what it means to dream of carrying a person, animal or object in your arms. Often, a burden in a dream has an associative resemblance to future events and reflects the mood of the sleeper.

Miller's explanation

When interpreting why you dream of carrying something in your arms, Miller’s dream book does not recommend trying to take on too much. The severity of the load in a dream is directly proportional to the upcoming trials.

When in a dream you have to be a burden or see acquaintances in this capacity, circumstances may develop in such a way that you cannot do without outside help.

If you dreamed of a beautiful or expensive thing being carried past, someone will encroach on what belongs to you.

On the love front

If you dreamed of carrying your beloved girl in your arms, Hasse’s dream book warns that the whims of your beloved will exceed all expectations.

Rick Dillon's dream book identifies the symbol with material wealth. If you dreamed of carrying a girl, don’t let the meager start-up capital bother you - this is enough to start a big business.

The modern dream book reports that you have to carry your beloved girl in your arms shortly before a serious conversation with her parents. According to Popular interpretation, the image foreshadows pregnancy.

Predictions of esotericists

You should know why in a dream you had to carry ex-wife or a woman with whom the dreamer was previously in love. Despite the fact that this person still means a lot to you, stop trying to get her back. At best, you will get another refusal, at worst, you will turn into a henpecked person.

The interpretation of the dream, why you dream of carrying your mother in your arms, sounds much more serious. A similar plot means illness. Concerns about caring for the patient will fall on the shoulders of the sleeper.

On someone else's hump

The astrological dream book will tell you why you dream of carrying a man or a guy in your arms. If you happen to see an adult man being lifted up, the hero of the dream will have to hit the road.

Such a symbol means any type of responsibility for another person, possibly financial guarantee. Seeing a man in such an unusual situation in a dream happens to those who secretly dream of being taken care of.

I want it in my arms!

Seeing a child in your arms happens to many people in a dream, why do you dream about this common sign?

  • If in a dream you had to hold someone else’s baby, in reality someone will cause trouble;
  • If you happen to lift a surprisingly heavy baby, achieving your goal will not be easy;
  • Did you have to carry the big baby like a baby? He needs care now;
  • Picked up an unfamiliar baby? You know how to defend your interests;
  • If the baby falls asleep on the way, the dreamer should be alert;
  • Babysitting happens creative individuals during periods of inspiration;
  • Those who dream of parenthood have to carry a child in their arms;
  • For pregnant women, the symbol promises an easy, successful birth;
  • If you are lucky enough to pick up an infant foundling in a dream, in reality you will not need anything.

Time to act

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains very positively why one dreams of carrying a boy in one's arms. The dreamer is much stronger than he used to think, so in reality there is not a single objective reason to give in to difficulties.

If you happen to see your grown-up son sitting on your lap, you risk missing a favorable moment if you don’t start acting.

Who am I?

Dreams in which you had to carry a girl in your arms can tell a lot about the dreamer himself. If an adult lady dreamed of picking up a crying little girl, and the baby immediately calmed down, Denise Lynn’s dream book is sure that the dreamer is in real life able to overcome fear or failure.

When in a dream you were lucky enough to carry your own daughter and rejoice at such an opportunity, in reality it is advisable to reconsider your social circle: is too much attention given to unpleasant individuals to the detriment of family and friends?

On the last journey

When you dreamed of carrying a dead person, sad and anxious moods are coming in reality. If you happened to see a deceased person carrying a coffin, there will be a lot of things to do at work.

If in a dream you managed to drop the deceased, in reality beware of injury.

Transportation of animals

The prediction in Vanga’s dream book about what it means to dream of carrying a cat promises a series of troubles. Some of the culprits will be those who like to spread rumors behind their backs. More serious problems cannot be ruled out: well-being and financial situation can sharply worsen as a result of negative magical intervention.

When you happen to pet a kitten in a dream, in reality there is a high probability of getting into a bad situation by succumbing to a tempting offer. A dream in which you had to transport or use a dog as an accessory promises major family quarrels.

Dress and books

IN Universal dream book contains an explanation of why you dreamed of carrying books in your hands. If you dreamed that a friend gave them to you, in real life listen to his advice. If you bought them or borrowed them from the library, the upcoming visit of guests will be not only pleasant, but also educational. If on the way an unknown person took your book, the inability to keep information secret can cause great harm.

The 21st century dream book will tell you why you dream of picking up from a store white dress. The plot may be dreamed of on the eve of a real wedding, in which case it is a reflection of the worries of the day. If a wedding is not expected in reality, the symbol portends popularity.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Carry in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Carrying

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Carrying in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were carrying a lantern in your hands, it means that your benevolence will help you win the hearts of people and make many friends. Carrying a torch in your hand means success in love and complicated affairs. However, if the torch goes out, expect troubles and failures. Carrying any load, bending under its weight, means mental tossing and material losses. Carrying a cross - to serious life trials

Spring Dream Interpreter

Carry water (water). On to the news.

Carry a coffin on your shoulders. To recovery and to long life.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Carrying on your shoulders - Carrying something on your shoulders - means hard work that will last for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Why do you dream and how to solve Carry:

If you dreamed that you were carrying a large and heavy load, then a long life awaits you, full of love and mercy.

If you dreamed that you yourself, without the help of a porter, were carrying heavy luggage due to lack of money, then you will face a big loss and family conflicts.

If a young girl dreamed that she was carrying a full bucket, then she would successfully choose a groom. If she was carrying an empty bucket in a dream, then her wedding will not take place.

If you dreamed that you were in a hurry somewhere, carrying a rusty saw in your hand, then despite all the failures that recently happened, you will be able to get everything back.

See also: why do you dream about a porter, why do you dream about carrying, why do you dream about luggage.

The article on the topic: “dream book of carrying a person” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream book carried on hands

People are used to being carried in their arms by their parents when they are children. In later life this is a rare occurrence. Unless the girl can boast that her significant other often carries her in his arms.

One thing is obvious: it’s pleasant, and if you saw something like this in a dream, then don’t forget about the plot of the night vision after waking up. Why do you dream of carrying in your arms?

What does the future hold?

Carrying a girl in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on who carried it in their arms and who was in an advantageous position. The dream vision will be viewed differently depending on the chosen dream predictor.

Predictions of interpreters

Often the dream book perceives being carried in one’s arms negatively; such a vision can warn of the onset of an illness in your close relative. Night vision where you are sitting in the arms of another person will have a completely different meaning. In this case, the interpreters promise to receive help and support in difficult times.

Interpreter Hasse

When in a night vision a guy carries a girl in his arms, a certain lady will begin to make exorbitant demands on him in reality. It was hard, which means that these demands will be intrusive and will confuse the dreamer.

For a married woman, the vision of being carried in her arms is very negative. A new acquaintance will be able to seduce her and force her to commit treason. The sleeping woman will greatly regret her decision, but her regrets will be belated.

According to the dream book, holding a baby who is completely unfamiliar to you in reality is a strange symbol. In reality, you will have to spend a lot of time proving your rights and defending your point of view.

A simple vision, when you did not pay attention to who was carrying you in their arms, but the very fact of this was remembered, is quite negative. Soon you will fall ill, the illness will be serious and will require long-term treatment.

Carrying weights in a dream

Transferring relatives - the disease will affect them directly.

Esoteric interpreter

Carrying heaviness in a night vision means that in reality great grief will befall you.

The interpreter provides a number of quite interesting predictions to different subjects:

  • carrying a bucket of water in his hands - the dreamer is making an effort to forget some past events that oppress him;
  • carry a person - to routine work;
  • hold the weight of another person - you will be asked to act as a guarantor in financial transactions, if you agree to this, you may suffer greatly;
  • they carry you in their arms - material support, such a dream is especially positive if the dreamer is a man.

Carry a bucket of water

When a guy carries his wife in his arms in a dream, he will soon find out about her pregnancy.

Modern dream book

When a guy carries a girl in his arms in a dream, it means in reality he will have to have a serious conversation with her parents. If the other half was present in the vision, then the prediction will definitely come true.

Seeing a baby in your arms means you will receive an unexpected task, it will be quite serious for you.

Have you lifted a heavy load? This means you will face big troubles.

What does Miller say?

Holding a baby in a dream

I dreamed of carrying a load - trouble or illness. Gustav Miller believed that the harder it was for you to walk, the more serious the trouble would be. When the disease settles in your body, you will have to spend a lot of time and money to recover.

Unlike other interpreters, Miller also viewed negatively the vision in which you were carried in your arms. The same difficulties are expected, but only fate gives you a sign: the person carrying you will help you in trouble or care for you in case of illness.

Holding a relative on your weight means trouble will befall him, and you will be forced to help him.

If a sleeping person says that in a dream I am carrying someone else’s baby in my arms, then he should think several times before taking on a new business. There will be so many obstacles waiting for him on the way to his goal that it’s time for him not to begin his plan. The dream book also says that the dreamer has little skills and knowledge in this area; it is worth learning a little more.

Carrying your adult child in your arms - soon he will need your increased attention. Give him time, otherwise he may get into big trouble.

Holding a beautifully wrapped gift in a dream

Miller also made several predictions specifically for the female half of humanity:

  • according to the dream book, the guy carries the dreamer in his arms - in reality she will face disrespect, a certain man can greatly offend her;
  • the other half carries a beautiful stranger on himself - in reality, he is preparing an unexpected gift for you;
  • a stranger with a girl in his arms - you will give up your privileges to please someone;
  • to see a person with a gift that is beautifully packaged - in reality you will be deprived of material benefits, you simply will not get them.

In many dream books there are a number of predictions depending on the burden on your hands. little child means that in real life you will cause trouble for your family. They will have to worry a lot about you. When someone else's baby was in your arms, you will have to perform additional duties and solve other people's troubles.

I dreamed of a little girl

If you suffered a girl, you will stubbornly achieve your goal, go according to the plan, but in the end you will not feel any satisfaction.

Baby in arms - pretty difficult situation. You will have to show all your qualities, such as patience, hard work, resourcefulness.

The little girl is an obstacle on the way, albeit temporary.

After dreams in which you carried your own brother in your arms, you should expect family quarrels. Relatives will add to your troubles, which cannot have a positive impact on your work or health.

A similar prediction will occur in the case when you were carrying not a brother, but a daughter. Personal troubles will haunt the dreamer.

Did you transport the animal? What does such night vision mean:

  • there is a cat in your arms - a relative needs your support, if possible, provide it;
  • dog - soon you will meet new people, you will make new friends.

Cargo transfer

For guys, carrying big heavy things in a dream has several meanings. When in a dream you had no choice, it means in reality support will arrive in time. Was it possible to hire a porter, but did the dreamer save money? This means that he will be busy with unimportant matters. The dreamer will take on all the troubles voluntarily.

If a wife sees her husband moving furniture in a dream, then they will soon acquire their own property.

Are you dreaming of porters, and are you coordinating their actions? You shouldn't take on new projects. What initially seemed attractive to you will ultimately turn out to be unpromising and difficult.

Dream Interpretation “carry in your arms” in a dream

Why do you dream of “carrying in your arms?” Dream interpretation

If in a dream you are carrying something in your arms, then it is better to interpret it taking into account the meaning of the object or thing that you were carrying. If it was very difficult for you, then in reality you will be forced to decide difficult questions. At the same time, if in a dream you were satisfied with your burden, then soon in reality you will experience a large income, an inheritance, or a profitable purchase of real estate.

If you are carrying someone in your arms, this may indicate the need to show care, attention and love to someone from your inner circle. A lot depends on who you carried. If you like this person, then the dream is usually considered auspicious sign. If they carried you in their arms, then someone will actually take care of you and provide support in a difficult matter. If they do this against your will, then in reality they will try to force you to do something with which you do not agree.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “carrying in your arms” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to carry in your arms in a dream in online dream book Miller.

See also in the dream book

Dreaming of “carrying in your arms”? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book

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Dream interpretation of carrying a person

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Interpretation of the dream of carrying in one's arms, carrying in one's arms, a burden in Miller's dream book

Carrying a heavy weight in a dream means a serious illness or grief. The heavier your burden, the more serious the illness or other blow of fate will be.

If you dream that you are being carried in their arms, the dream has the same meaning, but with an indication of the person who will look after you during illness or support you in grief.

If you dreamed that you were carrying someone close in your arms, this is a harbinger that this person will get sick, and all the burdens of caring for him will fall on your shoulders.

Carry on your hands small child(someone else's) in a dream - to the difficulties that will arise in a new endeavor; you will have many obstacles on the way to the success of this enterprise.

Carrying your grown child in your arms - such a dream warns that he will soon need all your attention, be prepared to sacrifice both time and effort.

If a girl dreams that a guy is carrying her in his arms, then in real life she will have to face a disrespectful, or even insulting, attitude from a male representative.

If you dreamed that your loved one was carrying another woman in his arms, expect a pleasant romantic surprise from him.

To see in a dream how a strange man is carrying in his arms unknown woman- to be deprived of some privileges in reality.

If someone carries some valuable item or beautiful gift wrapping past you, then in reality you will find yourself deprived in the distribution of any material goods.

Why do you dream of carrying in your arms – Hasse’s dream book

For young man Carrying a girl in your arms in a dream means the exorbitant demands of a partner or other representative of the fair sex. He will be especially puzzled if it was very difficult for him to carry this girl in his arms.

If a married woman dreams that unknown man carries her in his arms - she will be deceived, fall for someone else’s attention and cheat on her husband, after which she will experience great disappointment and repentance.

Carrying a child you don’t know in your arms is a dream about the need to prove your right to privacy.

If you dream that they are carrying you in their arms, you will get sick, and very seriously. Possible heart attack.

Dreaming of lifting someone close or relatives into your arms indicates their illness.

Why dream about carrying in your arms - esoteric dream book

A heavy burden dreams of great grief.

Carrying water in a dream means trying to forget something, erase difficult memories from your memory.

To carry a person in your arms is to intercede for someone before higher management or before the court. You may also be asked to act as a guarantor for some financial transaction. The dream suggests that this can bring you unexpected troubles and have serious consequences.

If a man carries a young wife in his arms, she will soon become pregnant.

They are carrying you in their arms - such a dream is favorable for a man; he will be helped in financial matters.

Why do you dream of carrying in your arms - a modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were carrying a girl in your arms, you would be forced to make excuses to her parents (if it was your girlfriend).

Carrying a child in your arms means new difficult responsibilities.

Lifting a heavy load on your hands means big problems.

Why is it better to dream of Carrying a living person than when you are being carried? What does it mean to see Carrying a living person on you better than when you yourself are carried in a dream according to a dream book?

just as it is better to be able to protect another than to need protection and help yourself. For the one who carries is like a helper and benefactor, and the one who is carried is like the one who benefits. And the weaker the carrier (for example, if it is a woman or a child), the worse it is for the carrier, because the help will come from small people who are less able to protect. It is only good for a slave when his master carries him, and for a poor man when he is rich, because this promises great help from carriers. See also:

Carrying a living person is better than being carried yourself

  • Artemidorus gained fame thanks to his collection of dream interpretations, Oneirocritique. This dream book describes what various events that arise in dreams mean. At the same time, the fifth volume is a collection of examples of dream interpretation.
  • An ordinary dream refers to the present, but a prophetic dream is able to predict the dreamer’s future. The author describes in detail the specifics of dream interpretation.
  • The interpretation of dreams is carried out by creating a metaphorical relationship between events occurring in a dream and in reality. Artemidorus uses specific methods to interpret dreams.

Carry in your arms according to the dream book

The dream book explains in detail and in many ways what it means to dream of carrying a person, animal or object in your arms. Often, a burden in a dream has an associative resemblance to future events and reflects the mood of the sleeper.

Miller's explanation

When interpreting why you dream of carrying something in your arms, Miller’s dream book does not recommend trying to take on too much. The severity of the load in a dream is directly proportional to the upcoming trials.

When in a dream you have to be a burden or see acquaintances in this capacity, circumstances may develop in such a way that you cannot do without outside help.

If you dreamed of a beautiful or expensive thing being carried past, someone will encroach on what belongs to you.

On the love front

If you dreamed of carrying your beloved girl in your arms, Hasse’s dream book warns that the whims of your beloved will exceed all expectations.

Rick Dillon's dream book identifies the symbol with material wealth. If you dreamed of carrying a girl, don’t let the meager start-up capital bother you - this is enough to start a big business.

The modern dream book reports that you have to carry your beloved girl in your arms shortly before a serious conversation with her parents. According to popular interpretation, the image foreshadows pregnancy.

Predictions of esotericists

You should know why in a dream you had to carry your ex-wife or a woman with whom the dreamer was previously in love. Despite the fact that this person still means a lot to you, stop trying to get her back. At best, you will get another refusal, at worst, you will turn into a henpecked person.

The interpretation of the dream, why you dream of carrying your mother in your arms, sounds much more serious. A similar plot means illness. Concerns about caring for the patient will fall on the shoulders of the sleeper.

On someone else's hump

The astrological dream book will tell you why you dream of carrying a man or a guy in your arms. If you happen to see an adult man being lifted up, the hero of the dream will have to hit the road.

Such a symbol means any type of responsibility for another person, possibly financial guarantee. Seeing a man in such an unusual situation in a dream happens to those who secretly dream of being taken care of.

I want it in my arms!

Seeing a child in your arms happens to many people in a dream, why do you dream about this common sign?

  • If in a dream you had to hold someone else’s baby, in reality someone will cause trouble;
  • If you happen to lift a surprisingly heavy baby, achieving your goal will not be easy;
  • Did you have to carry the big baby like a baby? He needs care now;
  • Picked up an unfamiliar baby? You know how to defend your interests;
  • If the baby falls asleep on the way, the dreamer should be alert;
  • Babysitting happens to creative individuals during periods of inspiration;
  • Those who dream of parenthood have to carry a child in their arms;
  • For pregnant women, the symbol promises an easy, successful birth;
  • If you are lucky enough to pick up an infant foundling in a dream, in reality you will not need anything.

Time to act

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains very positively why one dreams of carrying a boy in one's arms. The dreamer is much stronger than he used to think, so in reality there is not a single objective reason to give in to difficulties.

If you happen to see your grown-up son sitting on your lap, you risk missing a favorable moment if you don’t start acting.

Dreams in which you had to carry a girl in your arms can tell a lot about the dreamer himself. If an adult lady dreamed of picking up a crying little girl, and the baby immediately calmed down, Denise Lynn’s dream book is sure that the dreamer in real life is able to overcome fear or failure.

When in a dream you were lucky enough to carry your own daughter and rejoice at such an opportunity, in reality it is advisable to reconsider your social circle: is too much attention given to unpleasant individuals to the detriment of family and friends?

On the last journey

When you dreamed of carrying a dead person, sad and anxious moods are coming in reality. If you happened to see a deceased person carrying a coffin, there will be a lot of things to do at work.

If in a dream you managed to drop the deceased, in reality beware of injury.

Transportation of animals

The prediction in Vanga’s dream book about what it means to dream of carrying a cat promises a series of troubles. Some of the culprits will be those who like to spread rumors behind their backs. More serious problems cannot be ruled out: well-being and financial situation can sharply worsen as a result of negative magical intervention.

When you happen to pet a kitten in a dream, in reality there is a high probability of getting into a bad situation by succumbing to a tempting offer. A dream in which you had to transport or use a dog as an accessory promises major family quarrels.

Dress and books

The Universal Dream Book contains an explanation of why you dreamed of carrying books in your hands. If you dreamed that a friend gave them to you, in real life listen to his advice. If you bought them or borrowed them from the library, the upcoming visit of guests will be not only pleasant, but also educational. If on the way an unknown person took your book, the inability to keep information secret can cause great harm.

The 21st century dream book will tell you why you dream of picking up a white dress from a store. The plot may be dreamed of on the eve of a real wedding, in which case it is a reflection of the worries of the day. If a wedding is not expected in reality, the symbol portends popularity.

Dream Interpretation Wearing, carrying, dreamed of why we dream of Wearing, carrying in a dream

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Carry, carry - If you dream that you carried a weapon with you, then you do not trust unfamiliar people.

If you dream that you carried firewood or coal into the house, then you will be forced to do hard work for which you will not be paid much.

If in a dream you wore a watch on your hand, then you will be very punctual.

Wearing a ring in a dream means you will envy other people.

If you dreamed that you were wearing jewelry, then success and good luck await you.

If in a dream you wore glasses, then you will spend time with a very annoying person.

If you dreamed that you wore tight shoes, then your wages will soon be raised.

See also: why do you dream about stretchers, why do you dream about optical glasses, why do you dream about gold watches.

Why do you dream of Carrying, carrying according to the dream book:

Wear shoes - B Ancient Rome It was customary for men to wear something like modern shoes in public, called calcei; women wore sandals when leaving the house. The senators' shoes were black and reached to the ankle; Images of the month made of silver or gold were attached to the kneecap, which served as a distinctive sign of the patricians and were called luna patricia. Some ancient authors claim that senators fastened their shoes with four straps, and plebeians with one. The Roman poor wore wooden shoes; it was worn on those convicted of parricide.

In feudal Europe, ordinary nobles were required to wear boots or shoes one and a half sizes longer feet, and the barons - two. Princes and enterprising merchants could wear shoes even three sizes larger than actually required. The long toe, brought into fashion by the Count of Anjou, testified to the nobility of the nobleman - the longer it was, the more noble the owner of the shoe was. (However, unlimited length was allowed only for princes of the blood. For nobles, the length of the toe was no more than 60 centimeters, for townspeople - no more than 30 centimeters.)

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

If you dream of Carrying, carrying, what does it mean:

Wearing tight shoes means you realize that you and your spouse are complete strangers to each other. You will experience a strong desire to change your partner, to enter into a crooked relationship, where the very novelty and uncertainty of what awaits will be attractive. Wearing knee-high boots means you will soon experience severe need.