Why endometriosis develops: psychosomatics as the cause of pathology. Development of endometriosis from the point of view of psychosomatics Psychological, mental and emotional reasons for the development of the disease

Article last updated 12/07/2019

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease, the etiology of which still remains unknown to medicine. There are a number of factors that provoke the development of the disease, and the psycho-emotional state of the woman plays an important role. Psychosomatics of endometriosis is one of the causes of the disease; it is a complex set of mental and emotional states of a woman, problems with her self-identification as a woman.

Gynecological diseases, including endometriosis, are not always caused by factors such as surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system, infections and viruses, and inflammation. Older women often say that the cause of various female diseases is the lack of an organized personal life. This statement very well and succinctly explains the psychosomatics of endometriosis.

What is psychosomatics? This is a state when a woman on an emotional level does not perceive herself as a woman and denies her mission - to become a mother. At the same time, she resists this so vehemently that the brain rearranges the functioning of the organs responsible for the production of sex hormones. In fact, a woman sets herself up to block the normal development of the organs of the reproductive system, which leads to changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, impaired fertility and a decrease in the reproductive function of the female body.

Reasons for rejection

Gynecology and psychosomatics are closely interconnected. Psychosomatic causes of female diseases begin in childhood and adolescence. Causes of psychological deviations:

  • incorrect family model;
  • infertility;
  • failed relationships;
  • undergone operations.

If the family had problems in the relationship between the parents, when the father humiliated, cheated, or treated the mother poorly, the girl forms the wrong family model. As she grows up, her perception of men will be distorted. She will not be able to have a normal, strong relationship because she will constantly expect something bad from her other half, betrayal, rudeness, betrayal.

Women's psychology is structured in such a way that any emotional experiences affect the state of the reproductive system. If a woman has undergone an abortion or had an ectopic pregnancy that ended in surgery, at the subconscious level, without realizing it, she denies herself as a future mother, believing that her uterus is not capable of carrying a child normally.

It happens that, once in life, having encountered unrequited love, and even more so insults from a man, a woman begins to hate her body and tries in every possible way to suppress her feminine side. Accordingly, her possible role as a mother is denied.

Another reason that, from a psychological point of view, becomes a factor in the development of female diseases is the visualization of resentment towards the mother. Having negative emotions about the family, a woman does not want them to be repeated for herself; accordingly, she denies the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a child, because she simply does not need it.

The development of the disease may also be due to the fact that when endometriosis is discovered, a woman begins to reproach herself, thinking why she has it, what she did wrong, and what if this is a sign that she does not need to think about starting a family, that this is not her destiny in life.

A common psychosomatic cause of endometriosis is an unreasonable fear of childbirth. Hearing from her friends how painful and unpleasant it is, what complications can arise, the woman, completely immersed in her fear, gives herself the attitude that she will never have children, so as not to go through this process.

If such a thought constantly spins in your head, eventually psychosomatics will do its job - the brain will block the reproductive system from producing hormones, and a hormonal imbalance will occur, which will lead to the development of endometriosis. When the disease begins to manifest itself, and the diagnosis is confirmed by a doctor, the woman will conclude that she will not be able to have children with such a disease, and her disturbed psycho-emotional state will receive physical confirmation.

Psychosomatics is a vicious circle. Mental problems give rise to the development of endometriosis, endometriosis leads to a worsening of the abnormal mental state.

Whatever the causes of psychosomatics, this condition can and should be treated. Otherwise, endometriosis and other gynecological diseases of the reproductive system will gradually worsen, a total change in the female personality will begin to occur, psychological problems will become aggravated, and it will no longer be possible to do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Endometriosis is one of the most serious diseases of the female reproductive system, which can simultaneously arise due to psychosomatic problems, lead to their aggravation, and cause disturbances in the psycho-emotional state.


The causes of endometriosis are varied, so it can be very difficult to identify specific psychosomatic abnormalities in a patient. To understand what exactly was the provoking factor, a thorough diagnosis is carried out. When laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostic methods do not make it possible to determine the physiological causes that triggered the onset of the disease, a consultation with a psychiatrist is required.

A conversation is held with the patient, during which the specialist determines how she feels about herself, what her relationship is with the male sex, what kind of relationship her parents had in childhood, what her relationship with her mother is now.


Therapy for endometriosis caused by psychosomatics is complex and lengthy. Treatment is divided into several stages. Treatment of the disease itself plays an important role. Depending on the severity of the clinical case, drug therapy is carried out using hormonal drugs, and additional drugs are prescribed to relieve the painful and unpleasant symptoms of endometriosis. In severe cases of protracted pathology, minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery is performed to remove foci of endometriosis.

An important stage of treatment is the adjustment of the woman’s psycho-emotional background. And sometimes this is a very difficult process. Many patients do not want to admit that they have psychological problems and during consultations with a psychiatrist they behave tensely, not wanting to answer questions honestly. The doctor is faced with the task of pulling out from the female subconscious the moment that so radically affected her and became the cause of further disorders.

Often, to identify the reasons for a woman’s incorrect self-identification and why her brain began to block the normal functioning of the reproductive system, they resort to the technique of hypnosis. Only after a woman recognizes the existence of a problem and can understand what exactly caused it, the psychotherapist will begin the active phase of treatment and correction of her psycho-emotional state. Auxiliary therapy – prescribing sedatives, antidepressants.

Sometimes treatment of the psychosomatic causes of endometriosis takes several years of hard work from both the patient herself and a qualified specialist. The patient needs to be rid of her fears, taught to feel like a woman, to correctly identify and perceive her feminine side, and to forgive past grievances. If a woman is frank, both with the doctor and with herself, which is even more important, the treatment will be easier and faster.

The state of the human body directly depends on its psycho-emotional balance.

Everything that happens in the outside world leaves an imprint on the psyche and, if a person reacts sharply to certain events, can provoke the appearance of.

The female part of the population is more susceptible to similar problems than the male part, since it is more difficult for a woman to cope with emotions, she takes everything to heart, and withdraws into herself.

More often, people who keep their experiences inside themselves, without letting them out, succumb to the attacks of psychosomatic factors.

Hidden women who cannot show emotions have a high risk of developing diseases of the genital area (endometriosis, cysts, polyps) or other organs and systems.

Often the reproductive system responds negatively to emotional shocks.

The psychosomatics of endometriosis, polycystic disease or fibroids consists of a negative attitude towards pregnancy, a reluctance to give birth, due to which the body at a physiological level blocks the possibility of implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus or generally stops releasing cells from the follicles.

To cure psychosomatic pathologies, you need to find and remove the cause of the imbalance, and then take medication.

If you do not get rid of the psycho-emotional problem, the disease will not respond well to treatment and will constantly flare up again.

Psychosomatics is a branch of science that studies the influence of negative and positive psycho-emotional factors on the functioning of internal organs and the state of the body as a whole.

Changes in the emotional background, especially negative ones, affect the functioning of body systems.

During stress, a danger signal is generated that enters the brain, causing it to issue an order to produce specific hormones that protect against negative influences.

Therefore, in stressful situations, blood pressure rises and the heart begins to beat faster - this is one of the body’s protective and adaptive reactions.

Most psychologists say that a violation of psycho-emotional balance is only part of the psychosomatic influence on human health; a certain role is given to the mental perception of life and everything that happens in it, that is, the attitude towards a specific situation or person.

If a girl strongly does not want to get pregnant, she will probably develop a pathology that prevents conception. And until she is ready for motherhood and recognizes the problem, she will not be able to bear a child.


The cause of any disease to one degree or another is a psychological factor, which can be a short-term outbreak or act for a long time.

Bearing and giving birth to a healthy child is the responsibility of every girl, for which her body begins to prepare at a young age, during puberty.

The beginning of this process is indicated by menarche - the very first menstruation, after which a girl becomes able to become pregnant.

Often women face such a problem as infertility caused by psychosomatic endometriosis.

Hyperplastic growth of the endometrium occurs due to the girl’s psychological unpreparedness to become a mother, fear of the upcoming birth, or a negative attitude towards pregnancy.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis may include the following emotional manifestations:

  • defenselessness - the girl feels unprotected, constantly expects some kind of aggression, including from a man;
  • disappointment - everything spoils the mood, thoughts about the future disappoint and upset;
  • self-flagellation - a bad attitude towards oneself is one of the main causes of endometriosis, endometritis and other diseases. A girl who has not realized herself, who constantly relies on the opinions of strangers, begins to bombard herself with reproaches, hate her body and her self. All this leads to negative consequences in the form of pathologies of the genital organs (psychosomatic inflammation of the appendages, uterine bleeding).

Women's health largely depends on how a girl feels about herself, her body and even her sex life.

Old grievances, hostility towards one’s own body, negative beliefs lead to various pathologies. Therefore, it is important to love yourself and develop a positive mental framework.


The psychosomatics of fibroids originates from the purpose of any woman - to continue her family, or rather, from the inadequate perception of women's duty by most people.

If a girl has not had a child by the age of 20-25, society begins to consider her inferior, and after 30 she openly reproaches her for not having children.

As a result, a woman is attacked by many psychological problems: attacks from others, misunderstanding from loved ones, negative attitude towards herself. All this leads to the formation of psychosomatic uterine fibroids.

A similar situation develops when a girl accumulates a large amount of negativity, negative energy and disappointment in men.

Failures in communicating with the opposite sex, hidden grievances, and lack of self-confidence in the role of a wife or mother lead to the appearance of a myomatous node.

The psychosomatics of uterine fibroids in older age comes down to resentment towards one’s own children. In some cases, maternal love takes an ugly form, for example, in women with a domineering character.

When the children are out of control, the woman harbors resentment because she cannot accept all aspects of their new life. Negative emotions accumulate in the uterus, causing the development of fibroids.

Important! Daughters of domineering parents have an increased risk of developing diseases of the reproductive system, since their self-esteem is low and relationships with men do not work out.

Ovarian cyst

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is an internal conflict of the feminine principle and the desire to take an equal position with men in society, neglecting its mission.

During stressful situations, the female body, or more precisely, the adrenal glands, begins to produce male sex hormones - androgens.

If the ovaries join the adrenal glands, an excess of male hormones occurs, which leads to dysfunction of the uterine appendages.

Anatomically, a cyst of the left or right ovary is a small sac that accumulates fluid.

From a psychosomatic perspective, a cystic formation is a bag of problems, and the fluid is an accumulation of all negative emotions (dissatisfaction, stress, stress).

The psychological reasons for the development of pathology are the individual characteristics of the female psyche and emotional state. Much depends on age, relationships with loved ones (especially men), and self-realization.

Following psychosomatics, polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in response to a woman’s subconscious categorical rejection of pregnancy. Not wanting to have a child prevents the follicles from releasing eggs, preventing fertilization.

An overripe follicle turns into a cyst, and with each new menstrual cycle their number increases, which leads to the complete absorption of the ovary by neoplasms.

It is impossible to cure an ovarian cyst using psychosomatics alone, since medications or surgery are required.

But by stabilizing a woman’s psycho-emotional state, it is possible to prevent the growth of an existing formation and prevent new cysts from appearing.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding that occurs between menstruation, as well as heavy periods, are considered a sign of a lack of positive emotions in life. Bleeding is a metaphor for the passing of joy.

To reduce the amount of discharge during endometrial rejection, you need to bring more goodness into your life. For example, every morning in front of the mirror, compliment yourself, wake up and fall asleep with a smile on your face.

It is important that women experience the joy of being a woman, accept themselves as they are, and feel beautiful and loved.

Polyps in the uterus

Polyps in the uterus appear from the mucous membrane of the organ, for example, if after menstruation or improper curettage a section of the endometrium remains in the uterine cavity, it will soon turn into a polyp.

Typically, the pathology is diagnosed in women over 40 years of age, but it is increasingly beginning to occur in younger representatives of the fair sex.

Psychosomatics says that polyps are formed from self-pity, which was not washed with tears.

When a girl constantly feels sorry for herself, believes that she is unhappy, that she is the most unlucky, when she blames others for her failures, polyps appear in her uterus.

To get rid of the disease, you need to let go of all grievances, cry out self-pity and take control of your own life.


The psychological causes of endometriosis can begin in childhood, or they can develop in adulthood.

They are associated with gender identification, relationships with parents, communication with others, readiness to become pregnant, and the general psycho-emotional state. Psychological causes of endometriosis:

  • denial of one's femininity;
  • lack of mother's attention in childhood;
  • lack of paternal education;
  • strict control from parents or husband;
  • strongly negative attitude towards pregnancy.

Important! The psycho-emotional state of women greatly affects the functioning of the reproductive system, so you need to take care of yourself and avoid stressful situations.


Signs of diseases of the genital organs depend on the localization of the pathological process, as well as on the degree of its development.

All diseases are characterized by a violation of the psycho-emotional state, as well as problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Endometrial hyperplasia is manifested by severe pain during menstruation, menstrual cycle disorders, as well as metrorrhagia (bleeding during the intermenstrual period).

In addition, patients often complain of pain during sex or going to the toilet, an increase in the amount of menstrual flow and aching pain in the pelvis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by hypomenstrual syndrome, that is, periods are scanty and come rarely, sometimes amenorrhea develops - a complete absence of menstruation.

Patients experience depression, chronic pain in the lower abdomen, and endometrial hyperplasia.

With fibroids, the leading symptom is heavy periods and a feeling of heaviness in the uterus. In the case of the birth of a myomatous node, spasmodic pain occurs, and after some time a neoplasm may appear from the vagina.


To get rid of somatic diseases, it is not enough to take medications or perform an operation; an important factor is the stabilization of the woman’s psycho-emotional state.

Liz Burbo

According to psychologist Liz Burbo, endometriosis can develop due to several types of blockages - physical, mental, emotional.

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly diagnose and remove negative attitudes, otherwise they may interfere with recovery.

  • Physical.

In the event of a physical blockage, the body tries to create a copy of the uterus, spreading its mucous ball to other organs. This type develops in response to existing emotional disorders - fears, disappointments.

  • Mental.

Arises due to panic fear of the upcoming birth.

  • Emotional.

It often develops after difficult childbirth, miscarriages, and not necessarily in the woman herself, but, for example, in her close friend.

Typically, this type of blockage is encountered by successful women who are subconsciously afraid of upsetting the balance of their lives by having a child.

Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, endometriosis occurs when a girl feels unprotected and is constantly on guard against some kind of danger. Often this state is complemented by resentment towards the environment, disappointment in oneself and reproaches.

To heal, you need to set yourself the right attitude. Louise Hay recommends that women periodically repeat that they are beautiful, loved and successful.


To avoid health problems, you need to maintain your mental and emotional state normally, avoid stress, and not overwork.

In addition, every woman must convince herself that she is beautiful, desirable, successful and has a bright future and present.

Psychosomatics is a field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology and esotericism, according to which some diseases of the body, physical illnesses, may have psychological causes. Simply put, any idea, thought or emotion can cause disease in a particular organ. It is believed that endometriosis, the psychosomatics of which is discussed in the article, is no exception.

Psychosomatic reasons

Some diseases of the human body develop, according to psychosomatics, due to a certain way of thinking, a certain misconception or emotion. Most often these are negative emotions, thoughts, attitudes and blockages, such as fear, anger, aggression, despair, etc. but sometimes the reasons can be different - uncertainty, confusion, etc.

It is believed that if the patient goes deep enough into his internal state, then he himself, or with the help of a psychologist, will be able to find the reason that caused the failure. And as soon as this blockage is removed or the installation is destroyed, healing will occur. Or it will begin to happen much faster with drug therapy.

Examples of situations

The disease is diagnosed after an abortion or miscarriage. This may be due to the fact that the woman develops the attitude “I cannot bring a child into my home.” And the body reacts to this, trying to conditionally form the uterus somewhere else, for repeated attempts.

The disease often occurs in adolescents. This happens due to a feeling of loneliness when a girl does not feel comfortable in her parents' house. That is why her inner desire to furnish her home finds such expression.

Psychologists' opinion

Many psychologists working in the areas of psychosomatics consider endometriosis and its causes in their work. They give different but similar explanations for the causes of this problem.

Louise Hay

She sees the psychological causes of endometriosis as a feeling of insecurity and insecurity. If they are supplemented by chronic grievances towards others, disappointments both in others and in oneself, then the appearance of this disease is possible. This is also typical for people who internally reproach themselves and others.

The correct attitude in this case is: “I am strong and capable. I am desired. I love myself and it’s wonderful to be a woman. I am happy with everything I have achieved and know that I will achieve a lot in the future.” This mindset helps break down negative blockages and speed up recovery.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

This specialist believes that endometriosis develops as a result of a lack of a sense of security. If a woman is uncomfortable, uncomfortable with others, she feels constant disappointment and frustration, then this disease can appear and progress. Usually, the place is for the active consumption of sugar, since it is this that replaces self-love in this case.

In this case, the following attitude is considered correct: “I love myself and I am in harmony with myself. Thanks to this, I make the right decisions, and my actions bring the expected results.” As soon as the woman herself believes in these words, the healing process will begin.

Liz Burbo

This specialist gave the most complete description of this disease. She discovered the prerequisite for its occurrence in three types of blocking attitudes - physical, emotional and mental:

  • Physical blockage is expressed by the fact that the body tries to reproduce in miniature the reproductive system, spreading its mucous membranes to neighboring systems;
  • The main emotional negative attitude is the inability to conceive and bear fruit. These patients shift their own ability to “create” to other aspects of life - they constantly generate projects and ideas. Often the attitude is associated with fear of the birth process itself - fear of death, pain, etc. This fear is so strong that it blocks the ability to conceive.
  • A mental block is that fear of childbirth creates a physical obstacle to conception. Letting go of these fears will speed up your healing.

The cure for this disease takes place in several stages. First, attitudes are discovered, then they are removed independently or with the help of a psychologist. And only after this can recovery begin.

Don't take this area of ​​knowledge too seriously. Psychosomatics is a non-scientific discipline that is not supported by both most doctors and most psychologists. Therefore, it is impossible to replace drug treatment with psychotherapy in this case.

Elena Guskova

According to this specialist, with endometriosis, the endometrial cells of the uterus leave the place where they should be. Therefore, the main conflict for a woman suffering from it is: “My home is somewhere else. I have to/force/want to find another house.” Only by creating comfort around you, making your own, real home emotionally and physically comfortable, can you begin to recover from this disease.

Psychological causes of the development of endometriosis and adnomyosis

A person’s thoughts shape consciousness, create mood, and influence life in general. It has been scientifically proven that the disease has psychological roots. The psychosomatics of endometriosis, like other diseases of the gynecological spectrum, is that a woman does not accept her essence.

Endometriosis is a disease that affects women whose priorities include career growth and material wealth. Such qualities as determination, activity, and conquering new heights originally belonged to men.

Women with this character think like men. Denial of feminine qualities leads to cell proliferation and the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia.

Violation of gender identity as a cause of endometriosis

A child is born into a family and until a certain moment does not realize which gender he belongs to. With the help of his immediate environment, his parents, he begins to identify himself with a boy or a girl. Sex-role behavior is formed.

In adolescence, gender-role identification is influenced by relationships with peers and the opposite sex. A girl accepts her role when there is a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family and an adequate model of parental relationships is present.

Destructive relationships leave their mark on the personality, remain in the subconscious and lead to serious diseases such as endometriosis.

A father's caring attitude or dominance are important factors in shaping a girl's gender identity. In families where the father did not give the proper amount of affection, attention, or was physically absent, the girl experiences disturbances in the sphere of perception of her femininity.

Endometriosis suggests that the female essence is not formed, distorted or unconscious by the woman.

Psychological, mental and emotional reasons for the development of the disease

Endometriosis is a physiological expression of the absence of a “psychological” home. In a woman’s psyche, this is reflected in the thoughts: “I’m not needed,” “I need to look for my home somewhere.” The feeling of home is associated with a sense of psychological safety.

If a girl grew up in a dysfunctional family, she did not feel comfort and warmth. It happens that women were healed by creating their own family.

According to the materials described in the book by V. Zhikharentsev, lack of harmony in the soul, replacement of positive emotions with sweets, loss of control and a sense of security are the reasons that affect the reproduction of endometrial cells.

Louise Hay's theory.

Louise Hay described endometriosis as a physical expression of feelings of insecurity, disappointment and sadness. Since childhood, the girl has been reproached and displeased by her parents. The treatment lies in accepting your attractiveness, the joy of achievements.

Liz Burbo's theory.

According to Liz Burbo, the cause of all psychosomatic diseases is blockage of energy on the physical, emotional, mental level.

An emotional block occurs when a woman cannot have a child for some reason. This may be fear of responsibility, pain, death, physical and mental suffering.

Women's fears block the ability to procreate. Independent, active women direct their energy into work instead of being fulfilled in motherhood.

An emotional block can form if for a woman the idea of ​​having a baby reaches the level of an overvalued idea. The body begins to “help” by forming an additional layer of cells. Adenomyosis develops.

The fear of losing your figure, losing your job, and inability to raise a child is concentrated in the organs of the reproductive system. By getting rid of irrational ideas about motherhood, a woman gets a chance to recover. Otherwise, there is a risk of endometrial hyperplasia.

Endometriosis and relationships with men

Lack of trust in relationships, feelings of insecurity and humiliation destroy the feminine principle. The role of the victim in a relationship, disappointment in the opposite sex provokes the proliferation of cells.

Women who blame, control, and make claims against their partner often suffer from infertility due to endometriosis. They highly value moral qualities - decency, loyalty, replacing love with them.

From a psychological point of view, representatives of the fair sex who have certain characterological characteristics suffer from endometriosis:

  • Increased anxiety;
  • Perfectionism;
  • Tendency to self-aggression, dissatisfaction with oneself.

A number of psychiatrists and psychotherapists consider endometriosis and adenomyosis as a psychogenic autoimmune reaction. A focus of excitation (an expression of internal aggression) is formed in the cerebral cortex. It acts as a trigger for the growth of destructive reactions.

Psychological causes of endometriosis and related pathologies

The state of the human body directly depends on its psycho-emotional balance.

Everything that happens in the outside world leaves an imprint on the psyche and, if a person reacts sharply to certain events, can provoke the appearance of somatic pathologies.

The female part of the population is more susceptible to similar problems than the male part, since it is more difficult for a woman to cope with emotions, she takes everything to heart, and withdraws into herself.

More often, people who keep their experiences inside themselves, without letting them out, succumb to the attacks of psychosomatic factors.

Hidden women who cannot show emotions have a high risk of developing diseases of the genital area (endometriosis, cysts, polyps) or other organs and systems.

Often the reproductive system responds negatively to emotional shocks.

The psychosomatics of endometriosis, polycystic disease or fibroids consists of a negative attitude towards pregnancy, a reluctance to give birth, due to which the body at a physiological level blocks the possibility of implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus or generally stops releasing cells from the follicles.

To cure psychosomatic pathologies, you need to find and remove the cause of the imbalance, and then engage in drug treatment.

If you do not get rid of the psycho-emotional problem, the disease will not respond well to treatment and will constantly flare up again.


Psychosomatics is a branch of science that studies the influence of negative and positive psycho-emotional factors on the functioning of internal organs and the state of the body as a whole.

Changes in the emotional background, especially negative ones, affect the functioning of body systems.

During stress, a danger signal is generated that enters the brain, causing it to issue an order to produce specific hormones that protect against negative influences.

Therefore, in stressful situations, blood pressure rises and the heart begins to beat faster - this is one of the body’s protective and adaptive reactions.

Most psychologists say that a violation of psycho-emotional balance is only part of the psychosomatic influence on human health; a certain role is given to the mental perception of life and everything that happens in it, that is, the attitude towards a specific situation or person.

If a girl strongly does not want to get pregnant, she will probably develop a pathology that prevents conception. And until she is ready for motherhood and recognizes the problem, she will not be able to bear a child.


The cause of any disease to one degree or another is a psychological factor, which can be a short-term outbreak or act for a long time.

Bearing and giving birth to a healthy child is the responsibility of every girl, for which her body begins to prepare at a young age, during puberty.

The beginning of this process is indicated by menarche - the very first menstruation, after which a girl becomes able to become pregnant.

Often women face such a problem as infertility caused by psychosomatic endometriosis.

Hyperplastic growth of the endometrium occurs due to the girl’s psychological unpreparedness to become a mother, fear of the upcoming birth, or a negative attitude towards pregnancy.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis may include the following emotional manifestations:

  • defenselessness - the girl feels unprotected, constantly expects some kind of aggression, including from a man;
  • disappointment - everything spoils the mood, thoughts about the future disappoint and upset;
  • self-flagellation - a bad attitude towards oneself is one of the main causes of endometriosis, endometritis and other diseases. A girl who has not realized herself, who constantly relies on the opinions of strangers, begins to bombard herself with reproaches, hate her body and her self. All this leads to negative consequences in the form of pathologies of the genital organs (psychosomatic inflammation of the appendages, uterine bleeding).

Women's health largely depends on how a girl feels about herself, her body and even her sex life.

Old grievances, hostility towards one’s own body, negative beliefs lead to various pathologies. Therefore, it is important to love yourself and develop a positive mental framework.


The psychosomatics of fibroids originates from the purpose of any woman - to continue her family, or rather, from the inadequate perception of women's duty by most people.

If a girl has not had a child by the age of 20-25, society begins to consider her inferior, and after 30 she openly reproaches her for not having children.

As a result, a woman is attacked by many psychological problems: attacks from others, misunderstanding from loved ones, negative attitude towards herself. All this leads to the formation of psychosomatic uterine fibroids.

A similar situation develops when a girl accumulates a large amount of negativity, negative energy and disappointment in men.

Failures in communicating with the opposite sex, hidden grievances, and lack of self-confidence in the role of a wife or mother lead to the appearance of a myomatous node.

The psychosomatics of uterine fibroids in older age comes down to resentment towards one’s own children. In some cases, maternal love takes an ugly form, for example, in women with a domineering character.

When the children are out of control, the woman harbors resentment because she cannot accept all aspects of their new life. Negative emotions accumulate in the uterus, causing the development of fibroids.

Important! Daughters of domineering parents have an increased risk of developing diseases of the reproductive system, since their self-esteem is low and relationships with men do not work out.

Ovarian cyst

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is an internal conflict of the feminine principle and the desire to take an equal position with men in society, neglecting its mission.

During stressful situations, the female body, or more precisely, the adrenal glands, begins to produce male sex hormones - androgens.

If the ovaries join the adrenal glands, an excess of male hormones occurs, which leads to dysfunction of the uterine appendages.

Anatomically, a cyst of the left or right ovary is a small sac that accumulates fluid.

From a psychosomatic perspective, a cystic formation is a bag of problems, and the fluid is an accumulation of all negative emotions (dissatisfaction, stress, stress).

The psychological reasons for the development of pathology are the individual characteristics of the female psyche and emotional state. Much depends on age, relationships with loved ones (especially men), and self-realization.

Following psychosomatics, polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in response to a woman’s subconscious categorical rejection of pregnancy. Not wanting to have a child prevents the follicles from releasing eggs, preventing fertilization.

An overripe follicle turns into a cyst, and with each new menstrual cycle their number increases, which leads to the complete absorption of the ovary by neoplasms.

It is impossible to cure an ovarian cyst using psychosomatics alone, since medications or surgery are required.

But by stabilizing a woman’s psycho-emotional state, it is possible to prevent the growth of an existing formation and prevent new cysts from appearing.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding that occurs between menstruation, as well as heavy periods, are considered a sign of a lack of positive emotions in life. Bleeding is a metaphor for the passing of joy.

To reduce the amount of discharge during endometrial rejection, you need to bring more goodness into your life. For example, every morning in front of the mirror, compliment yourself, wake up and fall asleep with a smile on your face.

It is important that women experience the joy of being a woman, accept themselves as they are, and feel beautiful and loved.

Polyps in the uterus

Polyps in the uterus appear from the mucous membrane of the organ, for example, if after menstruation or improper curettage a section of the endometrium remains in the uterine cavity, it will soon turn into a polyp.

Typically, the pathology is diagnosed in women over 40 years of age, but it is increasingly beginning to occur in younger representatives of the fair sex.

Psychosomatics says that polyps are formed from self-pity, which was not washed with tears.

When a girl constantly feels sorry for herself, believes that she is unhappy, that she is the most unlucky, when she blames others for her failures, polyps appear in her uterus.

To get rid of the disease, you need to let go of all grievances, cry out self-pity and take control of your own life.


The psychological causes of endometriosis can begin in childhood, or they can develop in adulthood.

They are associated with gender identification, relationships with parents, communication with others, readiness to become pregnant, and the general psycho-emotional state. Psychological causes of endometriosis:

  • denial of one's femininity;
  • lack of mother's attention in childhood;
  • lack of paternal education;
  • strict control from parents or husband;
  • strongly negative attitude towards pregnancy.

Important! The psycho-emotional state of women greatly affects the functioning of the reproductive system, so you need to take care of yourself and avoid stressful situations.


Signs of diseases of the genital organs depend on the localization of the pathological process, as well as on the degree of its development.

All diseases are characterized by a violation of the psycho-emotional state, as well as problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Endometrial hyperplasia is manifested by severe pain during menstruation, menstrual cycle disorders, as well as metrorrhagia (bleeding during the intermenstrual period).

In addition, patients often complain of pain during sex or going to the toilet, an increase in the amount of menstrual flow and aching pain in the pelvis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by hypomenstrual syndrome, that is, periods are scanty and come rarely, sometimes amenorrhea develops - a complete absence of menstruation.

Patients experience depression, chronic pain in the lower abdomen, and endometrial hyperplasia.

With fibroids, the leading symptom is heavy periods and a feeling of heaviness in the uterus. In the case of the birth of a myomatous node, spasmodic pain occurs, and after some time a neoplasm may appear from the vagina.


To get rid of somatic diseases, it is not enough to take medications or perform an operation; an important factor is the stabilization of the woman’s psycho-emotional state.

Liz Burbo

According to psychologist Liz Burbo, endometriosis can develop due to several types of blockages - physical, mental, emotional.

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly diagnose and remove negative attitudes, otherwise they may interfere with recovery.

In the event of a physical blockage, the body tries to create a copy of the uterus, spreading its mucous ball to other organs. This type develops in response to existing emotional disorders - fears, disappointments.

Arises due to panic fear of the upcoming birth.

It often develops after difficult childbirth, miscarriages, and not necessarily in the woman herself, but, for example, in her close friend.

Typically, this type of blockage is encountered by successful women who are subconsciously afraid of upsetting the balance of their lives by having a child.

Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, endometriosis occurs when a girl feels unprotected and is constantly on guard against some kind of danger. Often this state is complemented by resentment towards the environment, disappointment in oneself and reproaches.

To heal, you need to set yourself the right attitude. Louise Hay recommends that women periodically repeat that they are beautiful, loved and successful.


To avoid health problems, you need to maintain your mental and emotional state normally, avoid stress, and not overwork.

In addition, every woman must convince herself that she is beautiful, desirable, successful and has a bright future and present.

Psychology of diseases: Endometriosis

1. ENDOMETRIOSIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Lack of security, disappointment and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar.

Love and harmony in my heart help me make the right decisions and act effectively.

2. ENDOMETRIOSIS- (Louise Hay)

Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I am strong and desirable. It's great to be a woman. I love myself, I am happy with my achievements.


Endometriosis is a very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the uterine lining are found on the genitals and other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.

The main emotional block of this disease is the woman’s inability to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability give birth, create in other areas - regarding ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.

This disease tells you that your attitude towards childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.

My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbirth itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.

Endometriosis is a gynecological pathology in which the inner mucous layer of the uterus (endometrium) grows beyond its boundaries. This could be the genitals (the outer part of the uterus, etc.), the abdominal cavity, and even the nasal mucosa. When endometrioid heterotopias spread, their functioning does not stop. Regardless of location, the endometrium continues to grow and shed cyclically during menstruation.

Psychosomatics as a science

Psychosomatics is a well-known term that is found both in medical literature and in psychology. The direction of this science is to study the influence of psycho-emotional disorders on the somatic (physical) state of the body.

It's no secret that negative changes in the emotional factor, especially their regular manifestations, negatively affect all human systems and organs. For example, the influence of mood or experiences on the cardiovascular system. Everyone knows that during stress or emotional tension, a signal of danger is sent to the brain, and it, in turn, begins to turn on protection.

In medicine, this process is called a protective-adaptive reaction. The hypothalamic-pituitary part of the brain produces hormones whose task is to protect the body at the time of psychological disorder. Therefore, under stress, blood pressure increases, which is the body’s protective reaction against psychosomatic influences.

Many psychologists argue that psycho-emotional disorders are only half of the psychosomatic effect on the body. A large role in this science is given to the mental perception of the external world. And in order to identify the cause of a particular disease, you should delve into your spiritual state and determine what exactly affected your physical situation.

Psychological reasons are present in the etiology of any disease. The reproductive system, namely its reproductive function, is no exception. The responsibility to give birth to a child lies on the shoulders of every woman. The physiology of the body begins to prepare for this during puberty at the age of 12 years. The beginning of this process is indicated by the beginning of menstruation. After the onset of menstruation, the body is capable of conceiving and bearing a fetus.

Many women experience infertility caused by endometriosis. The science of psychology explains this pathological condition as a reaction to the emotional and mental perception of the world around us. That is, due to some negative factors, a negative reaction to pregnancy and childbirth appears in the brain, and the physiological state of the body blocks the possibility of conception.

The state of women's health, in general, depends on a woman's personal attitude towards herself, her sexuality and sex. From the point of view of psychosomatics, the deep emotional causes of diseases of the genital organs are rooted in established beliefs, previously received grievances, and rejection of one’s body as feminine. Any of these mental beliefs is reflected in the physical state of the body.

As for endometriosis, psychological causes may lie in several emotional phenomena:

  • Feeling of defenselessness. The woman feels a certain insecurity, a feeling of attack is constantly manifested, and there is an expectation of bad things from the man.
  • Self-flagellation. Most women with endometriosis do not know how to realize their personality, leaning towards the opinions of others and not finding a clear balance. Because of this, they begin to castigate themselves, reproach and disrespect themselves and their body.
  • Disappointment and disappointment. Disappointment arises with any action, with the state of the body. Even thinking about the future upsets me.
  • Anger. Anger, namely unresolved negative emotions, negatively affects the body, destroys the body from the inside, provoking the development of severe gynecological pathologies.

Based on the above psychological reasons, doctors have found that women who are not able to bring emotions out are exposed to psychosomatic factors. Women who are used to keeping everything inside are at greater risk of developing endometriosis.

Valery Sinelnikov about the psychological causes of gynecological diseases

Valery Sinelnikov, a general practitioner and psychotherapist, has deeply studied the influence of psychological aspects on women's health. He states:

“Each person creates his own disease. Having repeatedly studied cases from my practice, I was convinced that such external factors as nutrition, ecology, infection, only create a favorable background for the course of pathology. There is something deep inside that determines the development of the disease. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a disease of the soul or the body.”

In his opinion, there is no system that could determine the specific impact of certain psychological disorders on the physical state. It is individual for each patient, since each person reacts differently to different situations. But among all the mental experiences that manifest themselves in patients, several typical disorders can be identified that lead to the development of gynecological pathologies.

E The best generalization about the psychological causes of endometriosis is the pathological perception of men as predators. According to his description, such women are in constant tension:

  • constantly expect bad things from a man;
  • very critical of the male sex;
  • characterized by increased roughness;
  • tend to make constant claims;
  • show strong dissatisfaction;
  • They constantly send reproaches.

The path to healing, according to Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov, lies in the ability to learn not to perceive a man as a mass, not to associate them with each other, not to be distant from your partner, to show more respect for his personality, to stop constantly being afraid of the “hidden threat.”

In his book “Love Your Illness,” Valery Sinelnikov writes that the uterus is a temple of a woman’s creativity. The somatic state of the uterus shows how a woman was able to express herself as a person, wife or mother. In case of any disappointments or sorrows associated with one’s life, the condition of the uterus is depressed, namely its reproductive function.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis – psychologist Liz Burbo

Long-term research by Canadian philosopher and psychologist Liz Burbo proves the relationship between the body's physical and emotional or mental blocking reaction to pregnancy. In her opinion, endometriosis develops due to increased fears and childbirth.

Physical blocking

Physical blocking occurs as a result of existing emotional disorders. The body's reaction to fears or disappointments is to provoke the body to develop a pathological condition that can inhibit female reproductive function.

A common disease in this situation is endometriosis. This is a gynecological disease in which the endometrium, the mucous layer of the uterus, the function of which is to form a capsule for the fetus (placenta), grows beyond its boundaries. When the adhesive process is activated, which develops in the later stages of the pathology, the ability to become pregnant is completely disabled.

It is in this way that the body is physically blocked from possible fertilization.

Emotional blockage

Liz Burbo defines emotional blockage of endometriosis as a woman’s inability to give birth to a child. Most often, this reaction is observed among successful women who work in leadership positions. Their reproductive function is manifested in the creation of a new life not for the child, but for new projects or ideas. Such a woman has a desire to have children, but also fears the consequences of childbirth.

This could be a complicated birth, possible miscarriages or fetal rejection, death, etc., especially if such a practice was observed in her mother or in her first personal experience. Such fear turns out to be much stronger than the desire to have a baby, so the body blocks the possibility of fertilization.

Mental block

Doctors have noticed that when diagnosing endometriosis, psychosomatics, namely the mental perception of the world, lies in the great fear not of children, but of the process of childbirth. In this situation, the attitude towards childbirth is as something painful and dangerous, which is a signal to protect the body.

It is interesting that the fear of childbirth and the desire to have a child are shared by the body. Fear is defined as the development of a pathological condition. The desire to have a child contributes to the formation of the so-called second uterus, since the endometrium continues to function outside the uterus. Often with pathology, ectopic pregnancy occurs.

The only way out, according to psychologist Liz Burbo, is to overcome your fear of childbirth. A patient with endometriosis should emotionally fuel her desire to have a child. It is this therapy that helps to suppress the pathological spread of endometrioid heterotopias. If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child, endometriosis goes away on its own.


Endometriosis is a serious gynecological disease, the etiology of which is not fully understood, including the psychological reasons for the development of pathology. There are many versions from different psychologists and therapists who have conducted practical research, but so far not a single exact factor has been identified that in any case negatively affects the endometrium.

Varies between fear of childbirth and negative attitudes towards men. Both can negatively affect a woman’s main function - to give birth to a child. Medical practitioners today are still trying to determine the main cause of this disease, but everyone comes to different conclusions.

One thing is certain: man and woman were created as two principles. The masculine principle is yang, the feminine principle is yin. The two energies must exist in parallel, completely dependent on each other. Neither a woman nor a man can continue their race without each other. Therefore, any omissions, grief, reproaches, etc., should be completely absent from a couple who wants to successfully not only conceive a child, but also raise him.

Everything in the world should happen as usual. Since ancient times, it was determined that a man is the breadwinner, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth. If one or another gender begins to perform a function that is not its own, this threatens with possible psycho-emotional disorders, as a result of which all sorts of pathological conditions arise and develop.

Article outline

Psychosomatics of endometriosis is one of the important reasons for the occurrence and further development of the disease. Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus. Psychosomatics implies that the cause of the disease is the unstable psycho-emotional state of a woman. All mental shocks have a serious impact on a person’s health.

The influence of psychology on endometriosis

The disease that women most often face is endometriosis. With this pathology, the process of active growth of the inner layer of its walls begins inside the uterus. A common sign of the development of pathology is bleeding that appears between the menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Depression, depressed mood, weakness are the main consequences of endometriosis. All these signs indicate that the state of women's health, in particular mental health, has deteriorated significantly.

With the help of psychosomatics, it is possible to detect the cause of the formation of pathology, especially in cases where it is impossible to find physiological factors.

Even at a young age, a woman’s personality is subject to strong external influences, which can cause a predisposition to the formation of pathology. For example, when parents subject their daughter to constant criticism and limit her freedom of action, she becomes obedient. However, when she grows up, she stops noticing the limitations set by her parents and is unable to stop in front of them. She cannot resolve conflicts, she simply closes herself and waits for everything to work out on its own.

As a result, due to the violation of boundaries, the development of endometriosis begins, and endometrial cells leave the uterus - this is a signal for help that the girl can ignore. In most cases, this disease is diagnosed in single, unmarried women who have complex, cold relationships with their parents.

Psychology believes that if endometriosis is detected in a woman during pregnancy, and she did not even plan to conceive, it is a sign of violated personality boundaries, auto-aggression. Quite often, the pathology disappears or its symptoms weaken after the birth of the child. This is explained by the fact that the woman begins to feel within herself a protector who must protect the child and ensure his well-being.

When a woman becomes confident in her abilities, her psychological state returns to normal and the disease recedes.

The manifestation of any emotion affects the body in its own way. In modern society, it is not customary to show your negative emotions to others; they are locked inside, which affects the physiological state of health.

All problems with disruption of a particular system, in most cases, have emotional causes.

The main psychosomatic causes of pathology:

  1. Feeling of insecurity, increased anxiety. Regular fear, anxiety, and a sense of threat interfere with the process of bearing a healthy child.
  2. Experiences after an abortion, miscarriage. Such experiences force a woman to look for a safe place for the child that does not extend to the uterus.
  3. Low self-esteem, complexes. A girl, on a subconscious level, considers herself ugly, unable to bear, and then give birth to and raise a child.
  4. Poor relationship with parents (especially in relation to the mother). A woman may refuse to procreate due to previously experienced negative family circumstances. When negative emotions accumulate, they are the first to disrupt the functioning of the body, provoking the development of pathologies.

Women who have not learned to express their emotions and hide them are more likely than others to develop the disease.

A woman’s attitude towards herself, her sexuality, her body is completely reflected in her physiological health. All accumulated negative emotions cause damage to the body over time. Therefore, when treating a disease, normalizing the mental state is no less important than the physical one.

Treatment for endometriosis is quite complex. When studying the overall picture, psychological reasons play an important role. Without eliminating psycho-emotional factors, the patient will not be able to recover. Most gynecologists can ignore such factors, and not every patient is ready to go for treatment to a psychotherapist or psychologist.

The work of a psychologist is aimed at assessing the emotional sphere of a woman, which helps to find the cause of the pathology. Normalization of mental state entails normalization of physiological problems. The main directions of psychotherapy in the treatment of endometriosis:

  • increase the patient's self-esteem;
  • teach a woman to accept her body, sexuality, femininity;
  • assistance in expressing and controlling negative emotions;
  • working on strong emotional reactions (fear, resentment);
  • training in various ways to relieve stress and relaxation.

Psychotherapy can take quite a long time, but its results always live up to expectations. Ultimately, the girl will definitely feel improvements in her general health and emotional background.

Possible consequences

Experts believe that all gynecological diseases originate from the relationship between a woman and a man. A woman’s self-awareness plays an extremely important role in this. If she considers herself inferior, defective, problems associated with the organs of the reproductive system will certainly appear.

Endometriosis causes menstrual irregularities, infertility, and pain during sexual intercourse. Many gynecological diseases lead to similar consequences. A girl faces great distress when any disease of the uterus is discovered, especially if it can cause infertility. The psychosomatics of endometriosis is accompanied by various complexes, feelings of guilt, fear, which in turn provokes the active development of pathology, which again leads to an unstable psycho-emotional state.

To restore, prevent and improve the quality of life, it is imperative to study psychosomatic factors. A favorably functioning emotional sphere has a positive effect on the general condition of a woman and her unborn child.