Taurus drag stone. Lucky stone for Taurus woman

Taurus are very reliable, peace-loving and calm. They love refined and interesting things, kind open people. Taurus are great at making money and will never miss a profitable opportunity. Of the negative qualities, only slight greed and selfishness should be noted. In addition, such people always consider their point of view to be correct and are not inclined to change their opinion. Today we will talk about which stone is suitable for Taurus men and women. We will find out how minerals can reveal the advantages and hide the disadvantages of a given zodiac sign.

Taurus birthstones by date of birth

  • Eye of the Tiger.

Such Taurus are protected by Mercury. It brings big money and good luck. Therefore, stones will be an excellent talisman.

For Taurus, who were born from May 2-11, the Moon will serve. She will bring in family life harmony and love. In addition, the Moon has a calming effect on Taurus. Here are the best stones to choose:

  • Crystal.

Experts advise purchasing a small pyramid of these minerals so that it brings well-being and happiness.

If Taurus was born from May 12-20, he will be patronized by the majestic Saturn. The following stones are recommended for these people:

These minerals will allow you to get rid of depression at any time and become happier. Just looking at the stone for a while will make you want to smile.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

Let's consider the most best options stones that will protect Taurus from any troubles and bestow big money, success and health.

  1. Sapphire for Taurus. The blue color of the mineral will allow you to calm down and relax at any moment. It helps to achieve spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life. Sapphire for Taurus makes it possible to always make the right decision and be firmly confident in your choice. Experts say that the stone saves from slander and evil people. Let us note that the mineral will give its positive energy only to a sincere, kind and honest person. Sapphire for the deceitful and evil Taurus will bring only troubles and misfortune.
  2. Emerald. Use a stone ring as protection from evil spirits. Also keep the amulet with you while you sleep. It is believed that it will allow you to see only good and bright dreams every night. Emerald helps maintain loyalty in the family and gives peace and comfort. The stone also understands mood and gives hope.
  3. Aventurine. An ideal stone for businessmen and heads of large companies. Every day he will bring new ideas to develop the business and increase profits. Experts have noticed that an aventurine amulet has helped many people bring a small business to a national scale.
  4. Agate. This talisman is able to protect its owner every day and give him only happiness. If you add a copper frame to the mineral, it can provide Taurus with greater calm and confidence. It is believed that daily use of the stone allows one to develop incredible intuition. You will be able to always identify lies and completely read people's emotions. Agate teaches Taurus to speak in front of a large audience and develops the gift of persuasion.
  5. . Perfect for Taurus, who often listen to other people's grief and take it too close to their hearts. The mineral will allow you to quickly get rid of negative emotions and live happily. Jasper remarkably protects the health of its owner from any illness.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women?

It is important for a girl to choose a special mineral that will preserve her health, protect her family and bring only happiness.

  • . This is a pearl agate that is ideal for a Taurus woman. It is especially recommended for girls who are already expecting a child. The mineral will improve the health of mother and baby, and will also make childbirth as easy and painless as possible. After the baby is born, the cacholong will bring financial well-being to provide the new family member with a decent education and amenities.
  • Turquoise. It is believed that a light blue stone will enable a lonely girl to meet her lover. If you wear a mineral talisman every day, it will help prevent frivolous actions and teach you to identify deceitful people. For married women, it is best to wear green turquoise. The stone will keep peace and love in the house, and will also protect against betrayal. The mineral bestows its owner with good health and great wealth.

What stones are suitable for Taurus men?

It is important for a man to have a favorite activity that will bring prosperity to his family. Now we will find out which stones will cope with this task best.

  • Amazonite. The Taurus gemstone allows you to make the right decision and achieve only success. It is perfect for indecisive Taurus who are afraid to make a specific choice. The stone brings prosperity and allows you to achieve heights in your career.
  • . He will protect every man from deception and any intrigue. The stone recognizes deceitful people and immediately informs the owner about it. Zircon will be able to take Taurus away from any disputes and quarrels that spoil the mood and harm health. However, if the owner of the stone himself likes to deceive and use people, the mineral will prevent the implementation of insidious plans. The stone will teach you to live honestly and achieve goals only on your own.
  • . It will help men easily meet the opposite sex and lead to a soul mate. The stone develops the gift of persuasion and allows you to speak at ease even when large quantities of people. For a lonely Taurus, a talisman from Sardonyx is suitable. The mineral will allow you to quickly find a wife and build an ideal marriage.
  • Black agate. The stone will reveal hidden qualities in every man that will be useful in career growth. At work, the talisman will help you concentrate as much as possible and reach incredible heights. This is an ideal stone for businessmen and executives. However, if you have just started working, it will help you quickly reach the maximum position.

What minerals are contraindicated for Taurus?

Experts believe that the most important enemy among stones is. It is absolutely not worth wearing for Taurus in any form. The mineral will bring great failures to this particular zodiac sign. As soon as you bring amber closer to you, you will feel it in a couple of days Negative influence. At first these will be minor troubles, but over time they will begin to grow. Astrologers believe that the stone should never be thrown away. Even if he was your talisman for some time, part with him with dignity and kindness. It is best to give amber to a person for whom it is ideal. Otherwise, just a thrown stone will continue to harm you and cause trouble.

Also, Taurus is not recommended to wear amethyst talismans. Sometimes there may be exceptions to this rule. For example, the mineral will help Taurus children focus on their studies and achieve incredible results. However, when the child turns 16 years old, it is better to abandon the stone. Amethyst can also save Taurus from bad habits: smoking, alcoholism. After the stone has helped you quit smoking or drinking, you need to give it up. It is best to give a mineral to a loved one rather than throwing it away.

Besides amber, there are some stones that are not very suitable for Taurus. These include:

  1. If you choose an emerald stone, be sure to choose a decent frame for it. The mineral will look great in gold. It is believed that it will bring more luck if worn in a ring. For girls, a necklace or earrings with an emerald in gold is suitable. They will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help you find your soulmate.
  2. So that turquoise can better reveal its magical properties it must be framed in silver.
  3. Opal stone, on the contrary, does not like to combine with other metals. It can be worn separately as protective amulet. It is also not recommended to wear jewelry made from other stones along with opal. Otherwise, he will reveal the negative sides of Taurus.
  4. Other stones only need to be framed in a copper frame. It is best suited for Taurus and will work in tandem with a precious mineral.
  5. By color scheme men should choose rich stones, black or emerald in color.
  6. Light minerals are best for women. Choose from white, pink or blue colors. They will emphasize femininity and will best protect health.
  7. Try to always turn to the help of your stone in difficult times. Sometimes Taurus can simply talk to a mineral, look at its beauty and come to the right decision.
  8. Taurus girls should definitely wear turquoise jewelry on a date. The stone will help you determine whether a man is right for you and whether you will be able to create happy family. In addition, turquoise makes it easy to communicate with your soul mate, reveal your best qualities and shine with feminine beauty.
  9. Don't forget to use talismans for important negotiations and meetings. They will allow you to make the right decisions, promote your best projects and earn as much as possible more money. Also, always take your stone with you when you have a difficult conversation with your superiors. The mineral will help you calm down, clearly explain your position and not panic.
  10. It is best to give a patron stone to Taurus from birth. Then the child will be able to study better, develop useful skills and successfully build his future. For teenagers, the stone will help them maintain sincerity, not withdraw into themselves, and always find reliable friends.

According to the horoscope, sapphire is considered a true amulet in the form of a stone for Taurus women. This gemstone helps you find your purpose in life and overcome fears and insecurities. Sapphire makes a person wiser, gives peace of mind and tames passions.

Taurus women are true homemakers, but this does not prevent them from being good bosses at work. Sapphire helps to take right decisions and makes you mentally flexible. This stone is suitable for women, as well as girls and children of a given zodiac sign, regardless of the decade of birth.

Gems that suit a Taurus woman


Aventurine is an incredibly positive stone that promotes prosperity in all endeavors. The mineral strengthens leadership skills and encourages persistence. This is a real talisman for those who often find themselves in risky situations. Aventurine protects against damage. The stone is suitable for all women, regardless of age. You can get a stunning necklace for 160-200 rubles.

Bloody Jasper

Blood jasper is the only mineral that can eliminate the negative energy potential accumulated by the body. Bloody jasper is an amulet for Taurus born in the first decade of the zodiac (April 21 - May 1). This stone improves tone, relieves fatigue and gives confidence. Sold on aliexpress for 220-280 rubles.

Eye of the Tiger

Tiger eye can only be worn by mature women. This rare and incredibly beautiful stone gives the owner courage, confidence in own strength and flexibility of thinking. It costs 150 rubles here on aliexpress.


Carnelian is necessary for Taurus to attract good luck in love affairs. It preserves marital happiness, has a pacifying and calming effect, and also protects against quarrels. Carnelian is an amulet that is designed to protect owners from all dangers. Sold for 130-250 rubles.


Agate is a talisman for Taurus women and girls born in the first decade. It enhances the influence of Mercury, makes a person pleasant to communicate with and helps to make the right decisions. Agate endows the owner with insight and intelligence. It is considered to be a stone of fidelity. Agate has a beneficial effect on health, protects against infections and gastrointestinal diseases. You can make a beautiful agate necklace.



The Taurus stone horoscope indicates the special benefits of chalcedony for representatives of this sign. The mineral helps prevent outbursts of anger and attacks of melancholy. Chalcedony maintains peace and happiness in the home, and this is one of the main priorities for Taurus women. May be different colors, here is an option for a blue necklace.


Onyx clears the mind and gives insight. Onyx strengthens memory and spiritual strength. This is a stone for a true fighter and a great worker. Onyx reflects part of the essence of a Taurus woman. The stone is considered useful for any person, as it concentrates bioenergy. .


Opal gives faith, drives away dark thoughts and helps to reveal talents. An excellent stone for children born under the sign of Taurus. Opal predetermines success for a person in all endeavors. It is believed that it brings balance to all body functions. An opal ring can be bought for 300 rubles.



Chrysoprase can be considered a good luck talisman. It brings success to money matters, and this is very important for representatives of all Earth signs. Chrysoprase reveals inventive abilities in a person. This is a great stone for women starting their own business.


Diamond patronizes Taurus born in the third decade (May 12-20). This stone makes a person contactable and reduces the manifestation of negativity from the outside. Diamond strengthens everything energy centers. The King of Stones promotes development best qualities person.


Pomegranate will help Taurus maintain a good mood and strengthen friendly relations. These stones can awaken love passions and increase a person’s stamina. Pomegranate cleanses the body and promotes speedy recovery after illness.


Emerald patronizes all women. It is considered an amulet for children and the whole family. Emeralds attract wealth, give peace and constancy of feelings. An ideal stone for representatives of this sign, who greatly value stability in all its manifestations.

Semi-precious stones for Taurus women

Among the semi-precious minerals, representatives of this sign are suitable for:

  • rose quartz;
  • amethyst;
  • aquamarine;
  • topaz;
  • tourmaline.

Rose quartz promotes the activation of thought processes and attracts good luck in love. It develops the imagination perfectly. It is widely believed that amethyst is not suitable for Taurus at all.

But for true leaders and risk-takers born in the first decade, this stone will help avoid stress and depression. It imparts insight and extinguishes anxiety.

Aquamarine will become a talisman in love and friendship. The stone has positive energy. It improves your mood and helps get rid of laziness. But topaz will help Taurus develop their mental abilities.

It helps the owner to quickly respond to events and make the right decisions. Rare tourmaline also has a good effect on Taurus women. This stone has a beneficial effect on the health and mind of the owner. Tourmaline brings peace and helps open creative potential fully.

We recommend purchasing necklaces and bracelets made from any of the stones presented above. Prices for all jewelry are 2-3 times less than in any store in the city, check.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

Taurus is a practical, leisurely and constant sign. He is the most stubborn and hardworking. Where Aries lacked patience, Taurus will continue the job and finish it. At the same time, he is quite peaceful. Taurus does not accept conflicts and quarrels, and you need to try very hard to piss him off.

Taurus woman - what is she like?

Taurus women are sensual and romantic. They seem to be made for love. Of course: after all, they are ruled by Venus herself! They love chic and comfort. Jewelry for them needs to be expensive and exquisite. Taurus women will definitely appreciate this.

So, what stones are suitable for Taurus? Since the energy of this zodiac sign is already at sufficient high level, astrologers do not advise choosing stones that are too active. The main task is to correctly direct this energy into the right direction. The following are suitable for solving this problem: turquoise, malachite, rose quartz, cacholong, coral, onyx, lapis lazuli.

What stones are suitable for Taurus?

Turquoise - will bring success and victory to Taurus

Turquoise is the first and best stone for a Taurus woman, who has green tint. It is more preferable if it is “old”, although a “young” stone will also work. Since ancient times, turquoise has been considered a powerful amulet, capable of protecting against any adversity. This stone was also considered a winner’s talisman. Despite the fact that turquoise sometimes makes its owner reckless, it also helps to win. Plus, turquoise attracts money and harmonizes family relationships.

Malachite - gives Taurus health

Malachite is the second most important stone for the sign of Taurus. It is better if it is light green, since such malachite is considered the most mystical. In some countries, many shamans and magicians still use it to treat certain diseases. A malachite pendant helps heal the heart and lungs. This Taurus stone is able to absorb any negativity and bring out stressful situations. And even raises the mood

Rose quartz - helps Taurus in their personal life

Rose quartz helps strengthen family relationships. For Taurus who have just experienced a breakup and are alone, rose quartz will help heal a heart wound, give them peace of mind and strength to move forward. Plus, it will increase inner attractiveness, charm, and sociability. Because Taurus simply cannot for a long time to remain alone - you will definitely find a life partner.

Minor stones that suit Taurus women

The following stones will bring good luck to Taurus - agate, cacholong, zircon, lapis lazuli and onyx.

What stones are not suitable for Taurus?

Stones such as obsidian, diamond, amethyst, and pyrite are absolutely not suitable for Taurus. We strongly discourage them for representatives of this zodiac sign, so that Taurus can easily maintain harmony in their lives.

Questions and answers about Taurus stones

My horoscope is Taurus, I study at the Institute of Economics and Law. Session is soon. Which stone to choose for good luck?

The lucky stone for Taurus is turquoise. For successful completion session, Taurus will be helped by a talisman made from this particular stone. It won’t hurt Taurus women to wear turquoise jewelry for any important events: tests, tests, exams, certifications.

This stone will give Taurus girls confidence and help them win. Do not forget that the talisman helps those who deserve it win. Therefore, prepare well for the exams. A turquoise amulet will help you get the most!

My husband and I started having problems in bed. We have been married for 11 years. According to my horoscope, I am a Taurus, my husband is a Gemini. Which stone will help a Taurus woman regain her former passion?

Harmony in the family, including sexual harmony, requires joint efforts from a man and a woman. A change of scenery, a romantic date, a joint trip, etc. helps to bring back your former passion. The love stone for a Taurus girl is quartz. Solving your problem is quite easy.

Organize a trip with your husband out of town or abroad one weekend - just for a couple of days. Prepare in advance: visit a beauty salon, buy a new sexy dress. During your trip, go to a restaurant and order champagne to your room. But that's not all: complete the look with rose quartz jewelry. Any type will do: beads, necklace, ring, earrings, pendant. Let only this talisman remain on you on a romantic night. You yourself will feel how the former spark returns to the relationship.

I'm a Taurus woman. Age - 32 years. My husband complains that I'm getting fat. Can a stone amulet help me?

In the described situation, a health stone comes to the aid of Taurus - malachite. Wear any malachite jewelry (earrings, ring, beads, necklace, bracelet) daily. You will almost immediately feel a surge of strength! The thing is that malachite has a positive effect on your aura.

It is best to put on the stone after your morning shower. Everyone knows that water perfectly washes away any negative energy. In this way, your body will be cleansed and the talisman will be able to positively influence the aura. Put on your malachite amulet, wear it until the evening, every day. After 2 weeks you will begin to feel a surge of strength and vigor. Your figure will improve. And your husband will begin to admire you again.

I regularly wear a turquoise pendant. At first everything was fine. But after 2 months I felt that I was very tired in the middle of the day. According to my horoscope, I am a Taurus. Is turquoise really a good Taurus stone?

You described a typical situation. This is most likely due to the fact that the talisman has absorbed too much negative energy. Which is not surprising, because there is always enough stress at work. You need to clean your Taurus stone: remove the talisman, wipe with a dry and soft cloth, let it sit for 1-2 days. After this, wipe the stone again, but with a new cloth, and you can safely wear the talisman again.

Perhaps after this you will feel the desire to change your activity or lifestyle. This good sign. Sometimes fatigue returns again. If the procedure for cleansing the stone of negative energy at some point stops helping, then the stone has already exhausted itself. Then you should get rid of the old stone and buy a new one.

Choose your stones for Taurus:

See what jewelry is suitable for women under the zodiac sign Taurus.

There is an opinion that since ancient times stones have served not only building material, but also carry within themselves magical power talismans.

The powerful energy of this natural material and the position of the stars at the moment of the birth of a new life leave an imprint on the fate of any person. Our good advice Will they help you decide which stone is suitable for women’s Taurus?

Born under the constellation Taurus, ladies are distinguished by their practicality and prudence. Comfort in the home, the aroma of delicious food, increased libido and excessive jealousy - these are the characteristics of this sign.

Birthday will help the Taurus lady choose a talisman

First decade representatives of the fair sex are under the protection of Mercury. The patronage of the planet endows them with unprecedented generosity, entrepreneurial abilities and luck.

The stars advise the favorites of the God of Prosperity:

  • Amazonite (source of energy, gives peace and tranquility, endowed with strong feminine energy);
  • carnelian (love talisman, has healing properties, heals wounds);
  • aventurine (gives joy and love of life);
  • amethyst (controls emotions, promotes the development of intuition);
  • agate (protects against negative currents and negativity, a symbol of fidelity of partners);
  • tiger's eye (a talisman of prosperity and an assistant in socialization, a symbol of wisdom).

Second decade

Taurus of the first ten days of May(the second zodiac phase of the sign), can be jokingly called moon people. It is the moon that illuminates them life path. The Earth's satellite gives nobility, but at the same time gives a share of indecision. Taurus, born under the influence of the Moon, is more likely than others to achieve success in his career, but is completely devoid of romanticism.

For such contradictory personalities, astrology recommends choosing the following natural minerals:

  • chalcedony (stone of love and joy, symbol of family happiness);
  • opal (symbol of love, compassion and faith, reveals the gift of clairvoyance);
  • jadeite (endows a person with wisdom and nobility, is able to influence the weather);
  • onyx (stone of rulers, source of strength and inspiration);
  • turquoise (amulet from evil eyes, brings peace and good luck);
  • chrysoprase (a talisman of enterprising innovators, brings success in business, helps to recognize negative energy);
  • coral (gives longevity, signifies purity, protects on the way).

Third decade

If a Taurus woman is lucky enough to be born from May 11 to May 20, then with a high probability she lives her days under the auspices of Saturn. The deity of destruction brings notes of pessimism to mercantile Taurus. They are hidden introverts and prefer proud loneliness to noisy companies.

The gemstones described below will help cheer up such gloomy Taurus girls:

  • Emerald (talisman of sailors, stone of motherhood, recommended as a gift to pregnant women).
  • Sapphire (powerful connection with the cosmos, brings enlightenment and wisdom).
  • Garnet (stone of heart affairs and fidelity, best gift lovers).
  • Diamond (the king among stones, a symbol of perfection and undeniable power).
  • Aquamarine (a talisman of courage, courage and wisdom, a crystal blue stone occurs only in clear weather and in the hands of a person with pure thoughts).

Stones for Taurus woman

Taurus, as true connoisseurs of material goods, wear jewelry with pleasure. Emerald is recognized as the best gem for representatives of the sign.

Having chosen this stone as a talisman, remember that it reveals all its positive qualities and brings good luck only to people with a pure soul. If your thoughts are clouded by negativity, you should beware of such an amulet, because the mineral may respond with disappointments.

Emerald will help:

  • strengthen family ties;
  • will protect family nest from evil eyes and unwanted envy;
  • will serve as an excellent amulet for all pregnant women;
  • will preserve the peace and good health of children.

Those who wear it long enough will notice an improvement in their character.

Lithotherapy recognized medicinal properties emerald:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • prevention of insomnia;
  • improved mental health;
  • helps get rid of panic attacks;
  • natural water filter.

The energetic correspondence to women born under the constellation Taurus carries sapphire.

If you are a Taurus girl, we can say with great confidence that the velvety blue of this gemstone will win you to the very heart.

At all times, the significance of the stone was discussed in different cultures and civilizations:

  • IN Ancient Greece believed in the prophetic power of this mineral(with the help of it they predicted the future, sought advice and consultations).
  • Countries professing Buddhism believed that sapphire helps gain the desire to work and strength in turning to God.
  • In the Middle Ages, stone was given as a gift as a symbol of purity and innocence.
  • The modern world advises those who like to travel to wear sapphire and those occupying positions with a certain degree of risk.

For health purposes, the mineral is used:

  • with visual impairment;
  • weakened immunity;
  • as a prevention of infections.

Along with diamond, ruby ​​is another precious talisman of Taurus, hard and equally durable.

It is rightly called a stone that gives love of life, health and energy to its owner. Ruby provides protection from black magic and ill-wishers.

The positive effect of the stone on the human body is great:

  1. Protection against paralysis and depression.
  2. Normalization of the digestive system.
  3. Prevention of asthma and bronchitis.
  4. Beneficial influence on work nervous system and blood vessels.

Row semi-precious stones We have given below the ones that most correspond to the character of a woman’s body.

Agate, which is full of different shades, can satisfy the aesthetic preferences of Taurus. The stone is classified as chalcedony. Suitable for use by Taurus farmers.

There is a legend that agate magically stimulates soil productivity. The natural element will bring you longevity. Effective in the fight against epilepsy, gastric ulcers, rubella, measles, mumps. Widely used by chiropractors.

The versatility of the color spectrum of topaz is amazing. It comes in red, yellow or transparent, soft blue, purple, pink, etc.

The stone bestows hope and gives a charge of optimism, helps in reconciliation.

Use of topaz in medicine: prevents bronchitis, bile and liver diseases, ailments of the spleen and sensory organs, helps avoid bleeding.

If you are a Taurus girl and don't mind dabbling in alcohol, amethyst is definitely your natural material. It will easily relieve a hangover.

Weight positive qualities stone:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • helps whiten skin;
  • increases zeal for study (recommended for female students and schoolgirls).

In ancient times, amethyst was used as protection against pestilence, cholera, colds, and plague.

Symbolism of the main amulets of Taurus

Amulet of family hearth and wealth– turquoise, the most powerful talisman of Taurus women. A turquoise amulet will give its owner perseverance and courage, and will save her from indecision. Representatives of the constellation Taurus are prone to excessive gullibility, and therefore are often deceived. Turquoise can avoid annoying failures and get rid of naivety. This is truly a lady's stone. He stands guard over women's health.

Symbol of optimism and hope- agate It is called the stone of luck. Amazes with a riot of shades. An agate talisman will help you advance in business, but will not forget about your personal life. Good mood and the charge of energy can be felt using green and white flowers. Black stone will support you in the professional sphere.

An ideal female amulet, a symbol of sensuality and motherhood.– cacholong. This beneficial mineral motivates a woman to be more emotionally open to her loved ones. It is believed that it helps to achieve conception and the proper course of the entire pregnancy.

Definitely not suitable for Taurus women

The Taurus sign is quite loyal to many natural minerals. However, amber is definitely contraindicated for a Taurus girl. For unknown reasons, this piece of resin does not like Taurus and brings problems and troubles soon after acquisition. Remember, when you decide to get rid of the yellow “scoundrel,” treat the process with respect! Just throwing the evil amulet in the trash won't be enough.

In Romania, they leave a stone in an open place and say: “We cannot be friends with you. Go live with someone else in your heart.” Giving it to someone who will like it will help you lose such an amulet.

Outside of the positive key can influence: pyrite, rock crystal, heliotrope, obsidian.

When choosing a stone for female Taurus, listen to your intuition. Exact date Taurus birth and the energetic power of each gem will orient you correctly. And most importantly, give stones with love! They feel everything.

Taurus is an earth sign, practical and balanced, responsible for everything related to finance and beauty. Therefore, it is better to choose precious stones for people born under this sign in warm and calm colors - minerals of yellow, green, and brown colors are suitable. However, it is advisable to select a talisman stone not only by zodiac sign, but also by date of birth. Like any other, the sign of Taurus is divided into three decades, and different stones may be suitable for its representatives.

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      What stones are suitable for Taurus?

      Taurus, born in different decades of the period from April 21 to May 21, have differences in character and destiny, but they still have something in common. The energy of strong and calm minerals suits all of them, corresponding to their patient and friendly character. Stones of all earth tones are capable of feeding the body of representatives of this sign with the necessary energy.

      • Taurus know how to create coziness in the house, they try to decorate it with beautiful objects to create an atmosphere of comfort. This requires money, and Taurus knows how to earn it better than others. And since this sign controls the money sphere, the talisman for its representatives is jewelry with minerals that help attract wealth. These are the most expensive gems:

        • diamonds;
        • sapphires;
        • emeralds;
        • grenades.

        But the most important amulet of this sign is agate. The mineral has a layered structure, different colors and degree of transparency. The stone helps you concentrate better, strengthen your spirit and show your talents.

        Also suitable according to the horoscope for people born during this period:

        • coral;
        • aquamarine;
        • opal;
        • onyx;
        • jade;
        • chrysoprase;
        • cacholong;
        • cornelian;
        • jasper;
        • tourmaline;
        • quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • rose quartz;
        • Tiger's Eye;
        • amethyst.

        If you wear these natural minerals, they will help a person gain confidence in himself and in as soon as possible achieve your goals.

        You can choose stones that match the color. Minerals in green and blue shades will help you calm down and relax. Blue and purple - find new friends or strengthen old friendships. Blue-green talismans help older people feel younger. Colorless stones, especially diamonds, are suitable for “soft-bodied” Taurus (a diamond is a symbol of hardness and strength).


        People born between April 21 and May 1 are under the influence of Venus. They have a passion for beautiful things and can be overly materialistic. The following minerals are suitable for them:

        • chalcedony;
        • onyx;
        • jade;
        • amethyst;
        • chrysoprase;
        • sapphire.

        The second decade of the sign is ruled by Mercury. People born between May 2 and May 11 are prone to melancholy, which is compensated by high intelligence and the ability to make profit from everything. The following stones are suitable for them:

        • jasper;
        • coral;
        • agate;
        • amethyst;
        • cornelian;
        • Tiger's Eye;
        • quartz.

        People whose birth date falls between May 12 and May 21, that is, the third decade of the sign Taurus, are under the protection of Saturn. They are pessimistic, like to spend time alone and fear poverty. To lift their spirits and attract money, the following will suit them:

        • sapphire;
        • emerald;
        • opal;
        • diamond;
        • tourmaline;
        • aquamarine;
        • pomegranate.

        Blue topaz is especially good for coping with feelings of anxiety and fear.

        Talismans of the Taurus woman

        A woman of this sign is a true keeper of the hearth. She is very feminine and economical. Her talisman can be stones that will give confidence, courage and determination.. Turquoise will help strengthen these qualities and contribute to achieving family happiness.

        Agate of all shades will bring success in your career. White and green stones will give energy and great mood. Black agate will help you acquire the necessary hardness and good luck in business and financial matters.

        A successful gift for a Taurus woman would be jewelry with turquoise. This talisman attracts money, improves health and brings happiness in marriage.

        Jewelry with cacholong will give its down-to-earth owner the missing lightness. Opal will help you make a romantic acquaintance, avoid deception and disappointment in love.

        By date of birth

        For a woman born from April 21 to May 1, agate, aventurine and tiger's eye are suitable.

        Ladies born between May 2 and May 11 should pay attention to opal, turquoise and coral.

        For a Taurus woman born in the third decade of the sign (12.05 - 21.05), jewelry with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds is suitable.

        Stones for a Taurus man

        The Taurus man is stubborn, assertive, reliable and strong man. Dense, opaque stones that can charge him with vital energy are suitable for him. It is desirable that they be rich yellow or light green in color. You can wear items with white or green agate as a talisman. Black agate will help improve financial affairs and rise in career ladder, will protect you from diseases.

        If a man’s work involves leadership responsibilities, then a cacholong will suit him. He will give nobility and gentleness to those who, due to duty, have become callous and tough. It will also help increase profits.

        A successful gift for a Taurus man would be jewelry with opaque agate. This talisman will attract money and help in your career.

        According to the horoscope, emerald will be a suitable stone for courageous representatives of the sign. This gemstone will make its owner more sociable and open. It will encourage creativity and prevent you from falling into melancholy. Helps overcome greed and bad habits, if they are.

        By date of birth

        For a man born from April 21 to May 1, emerald, amethyst and chrysoprase are suitable. These are minerals that help fight desires and temptations.

        For those born from 2.05 to 11.05, stones that will help overcome melancholy and improve memory will become a talisman. These are quartz, topaz and tiger's eye.

        For men whose birth date falls between May 12 and May 21, minerals that help gain confidence and attract money are suitable. They should wear jewelry with diamonds, sapphires, garnets and opals.

        Talisman by year of birth

        You can choose a talisman based on your year of birth. Then the stone will show all its magical power and will significantly increase the chances of success:

        • Taurus born in the year of the Rat will suit jewelry with sapphire. The stone will help you achieve harmony, overcome difficulties and understand the meaning of life.
        • A representative of the sign born in the year of the Ox can wear jewelry with emeralds, corals and agates. Preferably in a gold frame.
        • It will be easier for the tiger to go through life with minerals that will help overcome difficulties. These are tiger's eye, garnet and carnelian.
        • Turquoise or ruby ​​will help the rabbit. They will give you courage and confidence.
        • Opal, chrysolite and chalcedony are suitable for a self-confident Dragon. They will become a talisman against envy and gossip.
        • The snake has a refined nature and frequent mood swings. Hematite, jasper and malachite are suitable for her (you need to be careful with the latter, it is not suitable for Taurus).
        • Practical and decisive Horses will help improve health and improve financial situation garnet, aquamarine and amethyst.
        • The best talismans for the Goat are products with agate, onyx and moonstone. They will help you cope with conflicting feelings and self-doubt.
        • Multi-colored opals and agates of all shades are suitable for a monkey. They will help you get into routine work.
        • A Taurus born in the year of the Rooster will be able to improve concentration with rubies and topazes.
        • The listed minerals will direct energy in the wrong direction, weaken your health and interfere with happiness.

          When choosing an amulet, you need to listen to yourself, hold the stones in your hands and understand your feelings at this moment. Intuition will tell you which one is suitable and which one should not be worn.