Renat Ibragimov takes away the family nest from the heir. Renat Ibragimov: biography, personal life, family, wife Rinat Ibragimov biography personal life children

In today’s article I would like to talk about the Tatar singer Renata Ibragimov, about whom most Western magazines wrote as a performer who managed to be an idol of his people for many years.

During his long musical career, he managed to work in various genres of music, from opera to pop. He got close a large number listeners, which aroused love for his work in more than one generation, forcing them to listen to his songs and admire the culture and history of the Tatar people.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov

We are sure that even the singer’s fans do not remember how long the star of the Tatar people has been shining in the firmament of the stage. After all, despite his age, he looks very young, fit, and it’s unlikely that any of them will give answers to the questions of height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov?

We will try to tell as much as possible about this wonderful person, and start in order.

The singer was born in 1947 on Western Ukraine and he is already 69 years old, although hardly anyone will give a man more than 45. Height is 178 cm, and the singer’s weight is 90 kg.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov

The star of the future performer lit up in Western Ukraine in Lvov, where a boy was born into a Soviet military family at the end of November 1947, and from that moment the biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov begins.

His parents were Tatars, so he grew up in the traditions of his freedom-loving people. WITH early years the boy showed a great passion for music. He constantly sang, read poetry, and got used to being the center of attention.

Due to his father's service, Renat's family moves back to Tatarstan. There, while studying at a regular school, he simultaneously attends a music school. He is constantly the organizer of performances of the local amateur group, where he performs songs and reads poems of his own composition.

After graduating from school, he becomes a performer in the ensemble of the Volga Military District, with whom he goes on tour.

After working in the team for a year, Renat begins to think that much more more success he can achieve it if he leaves the ensemble and performs solo.

After several months of wandering, he still understands that no one needs his talent, and he submits documents to the Kazan Conservatory for the classical vocal department.

Since 1973, Ibragimov has been a soloist in Tatarsky opera house, where over the course of several years it takes place fast career from singing backup in operettas to performing the main roles in operas: “Eugene Onegin”, “Faust” and many others, which showed Renata’s real talent.

He began to be invited to perform at various events, and he gained real popularity throughout Kazan.

Universal success came to him later, after his performance in Sochi at the Scarlet Carnation competition, after which he found what he dreamed of. And it was from this moment in the artist’s life that his path to becoming a prominent figure as a popular performer on the Soviet stage began.

During his long career, he worked in various genres and sang songs in different languages. Any of his appearances on stage always evoked emotions and sold out the hall.

During its stormy time variety career he was able to achieve a lot both on stage and in his personal life, where he was married 3 times.

All that is known about his first marriage with Tamara is that he and his wife lived for 14 years, and he has a son, Sultan, who is already an adult and lives in Kazakhstan.

From his second marriage to Albina, with whom he lived for 25 years, he has 3 adult daughters: Nadya, Vera and Aya.

Today the artist appears in public less often. This is all explained by the fact that he pays great attention not to creativity, but to his last family with his wife Svetlana, who gave Renat 4 children: Asylbiku, Maryam and Atilla, Aisha.

Family and children of Renat Ibragimova

Family and children of Renata Ibragimova are his wife Svetlana Ibragimova, who is 40 years younger than her husband, and three daughters: Maryam (2017), Aisha (2010) and Asylbika (2008) and son Atilla (2013).

Ibragimov also has children from other marriages, but they are already adults - a son from his first wife Tamara, Sultan, and three daughters from his second wife Albina: Nadezhda, Vera, Aya.

It cannot be said that after marrying Svetlana, Renat immediately forgot about his wives and children. No, he constantly meets with them and supports them in all their endeavors.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla, are the heirs of the Ibragimov family, and the father, like any representative of the Tatar nation, always feels great pride when his family is replenished with men.

After all, it has always been believed that if a wife gives a son, this is the supreme gift that religion preaches.

Therefore, Renat, as a person who has followed the teachings of his ancestors all his life, honors these laws and tries with everything possible ways help in developing the personality of their sons, giving them the opportunity for self-realization and always supporting their endeavors.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

The daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam - according to the religion of Islam, are gifts that are given from above only by the most faithful sons.

The actor is very proud that these gifts were sent to him, and tries in every possible way to justify the hopes placed on him.

He helps his older daughters: Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, having bought them each an apartment in Moscow, helped them with their studies and well-paid jobs. And the daughters are grateful to their father.

And Asylbik’s daughters, Aisha, Maryam, are still small, and do not understand how lucky they are to have such a dad, how much he can teach them when they grow up.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minnekhanova

Renat Ibragimov’s wife, Svetlana Minnekhanova, is a girl who came to work for the actor as a secretary, but over time passion flared up between them.

The singer leaves his wife Albina and marries a young girl who is 40 years younger than him. Their wedding followed all the canons of a Muslim wedding.

Today, Renat Ibragimov and his young wife have four children: three girls and a son. The actor almost no longer performs on stage, but spends everything free time with his young wife and children, trying to make up for everything that was lost during his previous marriages.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Is it possible to find Renat Ibragimov’s Instagram and Wikipedia online?

You won’t find Instagram, because the actor simply doesn’t maintain it, since his Tatar roots do not allow him to show off his life. And he has nothing to brag about, since he no longer performs on stage, but spends all his free time with his family, helping his wife raise small children.

With the help of Wikipedia, anyone can go in and see how his personal life developed and creative path an actor whose songs everyone knew in the early 90s.

Singer Renat Ibragimov abandoned his two children and left his wife, with whom he lived for 25 years, for a girl 40 years younger than him!

Renat Ibragimov is a famous Tatar singer, which over the years has become one of the symbols of the musical traditions of its people. He works in a variety of genres - performs opera and pop songs. And therefore remains invariably close to a huge number of very different listeners. It was this fact that made him the main character of our article.

The outstanding singer, composer, producer declared throughout the country that he could freely support a whole harem - in life he follows his principles, however, he does not live with several wives at the same time, but changes them one after another. Renat Ibragimov's first wife Tamara lived with him for fourteen years and gave birth to two daughters - Nadezhda and Vera. They are already independent adults, living and working in Moscow.

Renat Ibragimov and his young wife Svetlana Minnekhanova photo

Ex-wife with whom People's Artist Divorced a year ago, he has not received money to support his minor son for three months. Despite the fact that the amount of alimony determined by the court is ridiculous - 4,500 rubles per month.

At 63 years old, Renat Islamovich feels at most 30, so he is not embarrassed by the 39-year age difference with his wife. He recently became the host of the new television program “Marry Me,” where he will help men and women find their soul mates.

The litigation between singer Renat Ibragimov and his ex-wife Albina. And all because of his young wife, to whom Ibragimov left. “I still can’t believe that my husband exchanged me for someone who is good enough to be his granddaughter,” sighs Albina Ibragimova.

Renat Ibragimov and his young wife age difference

Since October 2009, Renat Ibragimov has been living with his third wife, Svetlana Minnekhanova. In this context, it is worth noting that the new wife is forty years younger than the artist. Today Renat and Sveta have two daughters and a son together.

Secretary Renata Svetlana Minnekhanova, graduate of the faculty international economy State University was forty years younger than her boss, which did not stop Ibragimov from having a whirlwind romance with her. When Albina found out about Svetlana, it didn’t even occur to her that Renat would leave her and the children for the sake of this girl, but that’s exactly what happened.

After visiting a Novosibirsk healer, Renat Islamovich met a pretty waitress Svetlana Minnekhanova in a restaurant. At first, the artist hid his affair from his wife and tested the strength of his feelings for the young charmer. And when he no longer had any doubts, he opened up to his wife and offered to live together. Renat Ibragimov is a Muslim; polygamy is permitted by his faith. But Albina categorically refused, considering sharing her husband with a young girl beneath her dignity.

Renat Ibragimov and Svetlana Minnekhanova children photo

Albina, tell me, why is the amount of child support so small?

In court, I asked for 150,000 rubles to support my son, but Renat declared such a small income that I was awarded crumbs - 4,500 rubles. But I know how much Renat earns! Well, he gives 6 concerts a month. And this is a lot of money. Why doesn’t he want to support his son and only heir with dignity?

— Do you maintain a relationship with your children?

— I communicate with my daughter Aya, she is an adult and understands everything. Moreover, she lives separately from her mother and does not fall under her negative influence. But my only heir, Sultan, unfortunately, does not make contact. Doesn't even answer the phone. I came to his school several times, but my son avoids me.

The singer admitted to the guests that he dreams of another child from Svetlana.

Renat Ibragimov biography Wikipedia

Renat Ibragimov - People's Artist of Russia and Tatarstan, laureate of the State Prize of Tatarstan. Renat Ibragimov is called the “Russian Pavarotti”. Besides musical career, Renat Ibragimov appears on television: in 2014 he took part in the project “Exactly the Same”.

Renat’s parents saw his musicality and artistic talent back in early childhood. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education, he graduated from music school. In 1973, Renat Ibragimov graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory, then began working on the stage of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. M. Jalil, where he sang leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, (“Prince Igor”), Escamillo (“Carmen”), Valentin (“Faust”), Eugene Onegin (“Eugene Onegin”), Yeletsky (“The Queen of Spades”) ").

The outstanding singer, composer, producer declared throughout the country that he could freely support a whole harem - in life he follows his principles, however, he does not live with several wives at the same time, but changes them one after another. First wife of Renata Ibragimova Tamara she lived with him for fourteen years and gave birth to two daughters - Nadezhda and Vera. They are already independent adults, living and working in Moscow.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov with his second wife Albina

The “Tatar nightingale” lived with his second wife Albina for twenty-five years and also exchanged her for a young girl. Albina still cannot calmly remember her ex-husband, against whom she has many complaints. Second wife Renata Ibragimova fell in love with her future husband when she was only fourteen years old. She saw him on TV and fell in love at first sight, but never dreamed that she would ever marry him. Life itself brought them together - Albina’s family moved to the house where the Ibragimov family lived, and one day she dared to ask her idol for an autograph - from that moment their unforgettable romance began.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov and Svetlana

Then Albina was not stopped by the fact that Ibragimov was not free - he had a wife and two daughters. But her parents were categorically against her union with famous singer However, Renat packed his things and came to their house, where they lived with Albina, who was fifteen years younger than him. It so happened that she repeated the fate of Renat Ibragimov’s first wife - after living with Albina for a quarter of a century, giving birth to two children - a son and a daughter, the singer found a younger replacement for her.

Secretary Renata Svetlana Minnekhanova, a graduate of the Faculty of International Economics of the State University, was forty years younger than her boss, which did not prevent Ibragimov from having a whirlwind romance with her. When Albina found out about Svetlana, it didn’t even occur to her that Renat would leave her and the children for the sake of this girl, but that’s exactly what happened.

The young secretary became the third wife of Renat Ibragimov, with whom he not only married, but also got married according to Muslim customs. Svetlana gave birth to two more children, the last of whom was born when the singer was sixty-three years old. For a long time after the divorce from Albina, they divided the property - the abandoned wife was offended that she received only four and a half thousand rubles in alimony for her son, and when he had to study at an elite school, Ibragimov refused to pay tuition fees of twenty thousand a month, saying, what did you leave? ex-wife expensive real estate.

The famous singer Renat Ibragimov is known both in Russia and abroad. The artist, whose musical arsenal contains compositions of different genres, was the premier of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater for 16 years, performing the best roles of world classics on the stage of the monastery of the goddess Melpomene.

Childhood and youth

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov was born on November 20, 1947 in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The musician’s father was a military man and often went on business trips due to his duty. The artist’s mother did not work anywhere and, in the absence of her husband, raised her son and ran the household. A couple of years after the birth of the heir, the head of the family moved his wife and son to the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan.

From a young age, Renat gravitated toward singing. The parents, seeing the makings of a future singer in their beloved child, sent him to a vocal class. As a teenager, Ibragimov often performed at school concerts. Even then, the teaching staff predicted a great future for the talented guy.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the ambitious guy joined the song and dance ensemble of the Volga Military District. Renat spent about a year as a member of a local musical and artistic troupe (from 1967 to 1968), after which he decided to develop as a solo performer.


In 1973, Renat received a diploma from the Kazan State Conservatory and immediately after that he began working at the Tatar State Conservatory. academic theater opera and ballet named after Musa Jalil. He performed on the local stage for 16 years. During this time, Ibragimov performed the central roles of Valentin in Faust, Eugene Onegin in the same name musical performance, Yeletsky in “The Queen of Spades” and Escamillo in “Carmen”.

Thanks to these roles, the talented Tatar singer became a star in his native Kazan. He was often invited to concerts, where he sang along with other popular performers. In the fall of 1974, Ibragimov became a laureate of the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, sharing first prize with Valery Chemodanov.

Ibragimov’s real popularity came from his performance at the Sochi “Scarlet Carnation” competition. The compositions performed as part of this festival glorified Renat, opening the way for him to the world of show business.

The accumulated creative experience allowed the vocalist to create the Renat Ibragimov Song Theater at the end of 1999, on the stage of which the artist tried himself in various musical genres, creating stage miniatures that were original in style based on compositions that were popular at that time.

During his career, the musician gave fans a great many wonderful songs, among which the most famous were the compositions “Lada”, “Why is the heart so disturbed”, “In the land of magnolias”, “I feel good with you”, “Spring in love”, “Let us bow to those great years " and "The sun walks along the boulevards."

On at the moment The artist’s repertoire numbers hundreds of singles written in Russian, Tatar and Ukrainian. Ibragimov sings opera compositions, folk songs, and pop hits equally well.

Personal life

There is no information about the artist’s first wife. What is known is that in his first marriage, the singer had two daughters, whom he provided for even after 14 years of marriage, he left for new passion. The musician's second wife was called Albina. The woman who gave the performer of the song “Beauty Queen” a son and daughter saw Renata on TV in “Blue Light” when she was barely 14 years old. According to Albina herself, she fell in love with the singer at first sight.

Her parents received an apartment at that time. By a happy coincidence, the new housing was located in the house where the Ibragimov family had been living for a couple of years. Their whirlwind romance began on the day when the young lady, gathering her strength, asked Renat for an autograph.

It is worth noting that when the musician left his first wife, he left ex-lover all property. For three years, the singer lived in the apartment of Albina’s father and mother, who, by the way, were categorically against their daughter dating a divorced man.

True, as soon as Ibragimov proposed to his chosen one, the mother-in-law and father-in-law changed their anger to mercy, believing that the musician would keep his promise and would love and protect their beloved child until the end of his days.

Renat and Albina did not just sign at the registry office. The lovers held a Muslim wedding ceremony, Nikah, during which the newlyweds are traditionally asked about their consent to a second wife. Albina refused. Renat, in turn, supported his wife.

Years later, the believer Ibragimov invited the mother of his children to bring another woman into the house. Albina, not ready to share the marital bed with her husband’s new passion, gave the singer a choice: either he stays with her, or their family counter, which by that time had stopped at 25 years, is reset to zero and they file for divorce. Ibragimov chose the second option.

Today the famous singer lives in happy marriage with Svetlana Minnekhanova, with whom the artist signed in October 2009 at the Moscow registry office.

In 2017, Ibragimov became a father for the eighth time. The wife, who had previously given birth to two girls and a boy, gave her husband a daughter, Maryam, in February of this year. Not much is known about the relationship between Renat and Svetlana. In conversations with media representatives, the singer repeatedly said that he was happy in his marriage.

Svetlana devoted herself to home and raising children. She left her job during her first pregnancy. Renat admits that, despite big difference aged (his wife is 40 years younger than her husband), he and his beloved have a lot common interests. The musician has repeatedly said that Minnekhanova is an ideal hostess. She cooks deliciously and copes well with all household chores. The singer is confident that he has met his love.

Currently, the Ibragimov family reigns complete harmony. True, the idyll is overshadowed by periodic attacks ex-wife and articles written from her words, in which Albina reproaches Renat for not paying for their studies common son The Sultana does not send child support. It is known that at the beginning of the divorce proceedings, the musician wanted to bequeath the property to his son, but later abandoned his original intentions.

Renat Ibragimov now

In honor of the World women's day the performer of the song “Our City” gave a concert in the Moscow theater in March 2017 golden ring" In April of the same year, Ibragimov became the hero of the “Let Them Talk” program. In the episode “Dads or Daddies?”, along with a discussion of the main topic of late fatherhood, experts and the public present on the set tried to understand why show business stars increasingly prefer young women to the wives with whom they have lived for many years.

In addition to Renat, the program featured the actor of the film “Streets of Broken Lights” and the host of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” .

It is reliably known that the artist is not on Instagram, Twitter, or VKontakte. On the vocalist's official website, fans can find materials related to creative biography musician, photos from performances and a schedule of events planned for the near future.

At the beginning of 2018, it became known that Renat Ibragimov would become a father for the ninth (!) time. His wife appeared at a Christmas event with a rounded belly. Colleagues congratulated the artist and his wife.


  • 2014 – “Melody of Love”
  • 2013 – “Goodbye”
  • 2011 – “And life passes”
  • 2008 – “King of Rock and Roll”
  • 2005 – “I’m calling you”
  • 2002 – “Besame mucho”
  • 2002 – “Snowdrop”
  • 1999 – “Forest Girl”
  • 1997 – “The Night of Our Love”
  • 1993 – “Dark Eyes”
  • 1987 – “Old Fire”
  • 1983 – “Carousel”
  • 1978 – “Dreams”
  • 1974 – “Love has arrived”
  • 1967 – “Waltz Melody”

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov is a Tatar by nationality, born in 1947 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Since childhood, he showed a passion for creativity: he loved to recite poems, sing songs, and take part in school plays. Thanks to his perseverance, natural charm and talent, he managed to win the recognition of thousands of people.

He worked as the artistic director of his song theater. When Ibragimov went to serve in the army, he was able to find something he liked there too - he sang in a song and dance ensemble of the military district in the Volga region.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov - this information is freely available. Renat Islamovich celebrated his 70th birthday in 2017. Without knowing his year of birth, you could be mistaken about his age by 25 years, the singer looks so good. The performer weighs ninety kilograms and is 1 meter 78 centimeters tall.

The pop singer considers himself a spiritual person, a deeply religious person, therefore he does not eat meat, does not smoke, and prefers hot tea to alcohol, which he has loved since childhood; his grandmother adored this drink. Photos in her youth and now Renata Ibragimova clear example the fact that if you approach the issue of nutrition, daily routine and life in general correctly, you can look at 70 years old like you did at 50.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov

The biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov was similar to the life of a nomad. Since his father was a military man, they moved often, and his mother, due to his father's profession, was a housewife. When the boy had to go to school, they returned to Tatarstan. There Renat graduates from regular and music schools. Then he entered the State Conservatory, receiving a diploma in 1973, and performed on the stage of the Jalil Opera and Ballet Theater.

The young performer became famous throughout the country after participating in the Scarlet Carnation competition, which was held in Sochi in 1975.

Family and children of Renat Ibragimova

Renat Ibragimov’s family and children occupy an important place in the artist’s life. Ibragimov has always been popular with the fair half of humanity; during his life, he was married three times and he has eight children from different marriages. He is still on excellent terms with some of his wives; with others, the divorce proceedings lasted three years. Now the father of many children lives with his third wife, they are happy and have four children together.

Renat Ibragimov tries to help all his heirs as much as possible, current wife she doesn’t mind, on the contrary, for her part, she tries to maintain contact with the children from her lover’s previous marriages.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla - were born from different marriages of the producer. It is known that today the eldest son studies and lives in Kazakhstan, and it is too early for the youngest to think about a profession, because he is just a baby. A father with many children loves each of his children, but is still very glad that he has two sons - after all, these are the heirs, the successors of the old Ibragimov family.

According to Tatar beliefs, when a daughter is born in a family, it is a gift sent from heaven, and when a son is born, it is like a sign that the father of a newborn child did not come into this world in vain.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

Renat Ibragimov’s daughters – Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam – according to the artist, are “the flowers of his life.” The two eldest daughters from her first marriage are already quite old. They live permanently in Moscow, in apartments that their father bought for them. The remaining girls were born in the third marriage. The eldest is eight years old, the youngest is not even a year old. The famous father now spends a lot of time with his young wife and children, as he himself admits, “he wants to make up for lost time in his youth, when he spent most of his time on his career rather than his family.”

The married couple tries to raise their children together according to all the laws and traditions of Islam. At home, the children speak only their native language – Tatar.

Renat Ibragimova's ex-wife - Tamara

Renat Ibragimov's ex-wife, Tamara, categorically does not want to communicate with the press. The first wife of the People's Artist was his support and support in the days of Renat Islamovich's formation as a public figure. But, as a creative person, he always wanted variety, some changes in life.

When their children grew up, Renat announced his decision to divorce and left for a new passion, leaving all his property to his ex-wife and children.

The former father always keeps in touch with his offspring and when they need any help or just advice, he is happy to help them.

Renata Ibragimova's ex-wife - Albina

Renat Ibragimov’s ex-wife Albina, the celebrity’s second wife, fell in love with him at first sight after seeing a New Year’s performance on TV. Renat is flattered by such sincere love and he leaves his wife for a girl. They live for three years without registering their marriage, which displeases Albina’s parents. However, after some time, the couple performs the wedding ceremony according to all religious rules, and live happily in marriage for twenty-five years.

However, this family union also cracked. The People's Artist, like a boy, falls in love with a young waitress and invites Albina to become the eldest wife (according to their law, this is allowed), but she refuses and a long divorce process begins regarding the division of property.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minehannova

Renat Ibragimov’s wife, Svetlana Minehannova, is some 39 years younger than her husband. But, as they say, all ages are submissive to love. Despite the large age difference, Renat Ibragimov and his young wife are happy together.

Svetlana manages the entire household with a skillful hand, the People's Artist appears on stage less and less - helping his wife in raising children, and there are already four of them in the family, and the Ibragimovs are not going to stop there - Svetlana Minekhannova is pregnant for the fifth time. Loving father really wants another son.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Renat Ibragimov are not one hundred percent complete. The People's Artist is not registered as a user on Instagram at all.

There is an official website of Ibragimov, where it is posted short biography artist, and Wikipedia describes in more detail about the discography, awards and other regalia. After all, the Tatar artist did not just sing, he simultaneously tried himself as a producer, director and composer. At the beginning of his career he also performed opera roles. He even managed to star in several films.