MSW removal in a new way: possible problems and solutions. What is MSW and how to handle it

Under the hard household waste(commonly accepted - solid waste) mean items that are not recycled in everyday life and do not have the properties desired by the consumer.

  • codes, laws and regulations;
  • rules and regulations - construction, sanitary, departmental;
  • existing standards and technical specifications.

Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”

State policy in this industry is reflected primarily in the federal law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste” as amended by December 30, 2008 No. 309-FZ. This law defines:

  • waste ownership rights;
  • waste hazard classes;
  • the competence of the state, the powers of its citizens and local authorities;
  • standardization, state accounting and reporting;
  • economic regulation;
  • government supervision;
  • degree of liability in case of violation of the law.

In addition, the said regulatory act reserves the right of municipal authorities to organize work in the field of solid waste. Which is once again confirmed by another federal law of September 16, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles local government organizations in Russian Federation» ( latest edition dated October 14, 2014) No. 307-FZ. It turns out that the competence of local authorities includes solid waste collection, sorting and disposal.

Laws regulating solid waste disposal

  • Environmental problems are closely related to the problems of solid waste disposal. Hence the presence in the regulatory framework for solid waste of the following federal laws:
    dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On the protection environment» in the editorial office
    dated November 24, 2014 No. 361-FZ (obliges compliance with the requirements for the safe disposal of solid waste);
  • dated 04.05.1999 No. 96-FZ “On the protection atmospheric air» as amended on July 23, 2013 No. 226-FZ (regulates the rules of processing, neutralization and disposal, taking into account causing the least harm to the atmosphere by releasing harmful substances into the air);
  • dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” as amended dated June 23, 2014 No. 160-FZ (regulates the procedure, conditions, method of collection, transportation of solid waste from the point of view sanitary standards).

List of documents in the housing and communal services area

Legislative framework, which regulates activities in housing and communal services in the economic sphere, acts as an integral part of the legislative acts defining activities in the field of solid waste removal.

The following regulatory documents should be noted:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014);
  • Law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2004 No. 210-FZ “On the basis for regulating tariffs of public utility organizations” (as amended on October 4, 2014);
  • dated 02/10/1997 No. 155 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of services for the removal of solid and liquid household waste” (as amended on 05/01/2005);
  • The government of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution
    dated 08/21/2001 No. 609 “On measures to eliminate the system of cross-subsidization of consumers of water supply, sanitation, heat supply services, as well as the destruction, recycling and disposal of solid household waste” (as amended on May 23, 2006);
  • The government of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution
    dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing public services to citizens” (as amended on July 28, 2012);
  • Federal law dated 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ (as amended on 12/01/2014) “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

In accordance with the Housing Code, fees for the provision of services such as collection and are not included in the payment for utility services. It is included in the calculation structure for the maintenance and repair of residential areas in apartment buildings. This is reflected in the resolutions of the Russian government dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens” (as amended on August 27, 2012) and dated August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for maintenance and repair of residential premises in the case of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration" (as amended on March 26, 2014).

Other documents

In addition to the listed legislative acts, there are many more methodological recommendations (for example, methodological recommendations to determine temporary standards for the accumulation of solid household waste), sanitary standards (for example, SanPin 42-128-4690-88 " Sanitary rules maintenance of populated areas") and technical specifications(like “Rules and Regulations” technical operation housing stock"from 2003), defining the policy of our state in the field of solid waste.

Hazard class

Work related to the accumulation of waste of hazard categories I–V, as well as work related to the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of waste of hazard category V, does not require licensing.
If waste is transported using vehicles, this is not subject to licensing. If the company has an agreement concluded with a third party, a license is not required to dispose of waste at a landfill (collection and movement are exempt from licensing).
However, garbage that is generated in connection with human activity is not sorted in Russia and often belongs to hazard class IV–V. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the class of exported solid waste.

Therefore, a license is required for collection, transportation, storage, and disposal. Licenses are issued for:

  • export;
  • transportation;
  • recycling;
  • collection;
  • polygon;
  • disinfection.


The Law of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” as amended on 14.10.2014 No. 307-FZ requires a license when accumulating, recycling and using waste of hazard categories I–IV is carried out.

The licensing authority is represented by federal service, exercising supervision in the field of environmental management. The permit is valid for an indefinite period. Issued within 2.5–3 months. Licenses are obtained by specialized enterprises that have the appropriate technical base and the ability to comply with sanitary, epidemiological, environmental and other regulatory requirements. Most often, to obtain paper, people turn to companies that collect and submit documents to the necessary authorities.

There are Russian classifiers of economic OKVED activities(code for this type of activity 90.00.2) and OKPD (code for solid waste removal 93 190), which were updated in September 2014.


There are three groups of consumers: population, budget and others.

Each group has its own tariff system. For each person, tariffs are set according to the standards for solid waste accumulation. Tariffs are developed by local governments and are changed only after passing a special examination.
This industry needs improvement.

There is a methodology for calculating tariffs per 1 m3, which depends on the distance to the place of waste disposal, and on the make of the car in which they are removed. The initial cost calculation is the cost of work and the profit received. Cost includes:

  • waste collection and unloading;
  • delivery of solid waste to disposal sites;
  • visits to houses to collect solid waste;
  • zero runs.

Often, problems in organizing source accounting lead to excess volumes of solid waste. The result is the presence of a huge number of unauthorized landfills throughout the country. It is estimated that one representative of humanity can produce about three hundred kilograms of garbage in 365 days.

Currently, this trash contains a lot of plastic, plastic, used appliances. All this has a long period of decay, which, accordingly, greatly pollutes the environment. Many issues related to waste disposal are very pressing and affect many areas of our lives.

Tim Anastasia writes 03/06/2012:
Confusion in payment for solid waste.
Hello. Even though I’m from the Moscow region, your resource once helped me a lot in working with the management company.
And I decided to resort to help again.
The bottom line: I have been the owner of an apartment since the end of 2009. Until the current period, receipts included the line “solid waste” along with the line “maintenance”. Moreover, prices for solid waste changed 2 times a year. Since 2012, as I wrote earlier, this line has disappeared from receipts. I decided to find out why. I found the Resolution of the head of my city on tariffs, starting all the way from 2009, where it is stated in black and white that “Payment for the maintenance and repair of housing” includes:
- fees for services and work related to the management of an apartment building, maintenance and routine repairs of common property in an apartment building;
- payment for the removal of solid household waste, which includes a fee for the removal and disposal (disposal) of solid household waste, including bulky waste.
BUT, I take an agreement with the Criminal Code, there, in Appendix No. 3, there is the removal of solid waste as a separate type of service, without reference to the local Resolution of the mayor.
Question: How should we consider the solid waste service to the owner in this case? Are there any contradictions with the city ordinance in the agreement with the management company?
Thank you. Thank you in advance.

I answer:
According to:

    11. Maintenance of common property depending on the composition, design features, degree of physical wear and technical condition common property, as well as depending on geodetic and natural climatic conditions location apartment building includes:
    d) collection and removal of solid and liquid household waste, including waste generated as a result of the activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using non-residential (built-in and attached) premises in an apartment building;
On this basis, the fee for the removal of solid waste is included in the fee for the maintenance and repair of housing and is calculated based on the area of ​​the premises (per sq.m.).

Here's what else I'll say:
1. The resolution of the mayor on tariffs does not automatically apply to homeowners when managing a management company’s house. It applies only to a limited circle of persons specified in the resolution, mainly to tenants of municipal housing. Homeowners set the tariff for the maintenance and repair of housing themselves, at a general meeting.
2. Although the fee for the removal of solid waste should be included in the fee for the maintenance and repair of housing, according to common practice, it can be indicated on receipts as a separate line. This is not a violation.

By the way, according to the recommendations approved in September 2011 by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for filling out a new sample form of a payment document (they have not yet entered into force, and are currently current recommendations no), “in the column... must be listed types of services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises."

Therefore, having a separate line in the receipt for “solid waste removal” is normal. The main thing is that overall size the tariff for the maintenance and repair of housing corresponded to the value approved by the owners.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the management of municipal solid waste.

2. Approve the attached form of a standard contract for the provision of services for the management of municipal solid waste.

3. Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 No. 641 “On equipping transport, technical means and systems with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 35, Art. 4037) add the words “transportation of municipal solid waste”.

solid municipal waste management

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of municipal solid waste, as well as the grounds on which a legal entity may be deprived of the status of a regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste (hereinafter referred to as the regional operator).

2. The following concepts apply in these Rules:

"bunker" - a waste container designed for storing bulky waste;

"removal of solid municipal waste" - transportation of solid municipal waste from places of their accumulation and collection to facilities used for processing, recycling, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste;

"container" - a waste container designed for storing solid municipal waste, with the exception of bulky waste;

"container site" - a place of accumulation of solid municipal waste, equipped in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and intended for the placement of containers and bunkers;

"bulk waste" - municipal solid waste (furniture, household appliances, waste from routine repairs of residential premises, etc.), the size of which does not allow their storage in containers;

"garbage truck" - vehicle category N, used for transportation of solid municipal waste;

“consumer” - the owner of municipal solid waste or a person authorized by him who has concluded or is obliged to conclude an agreement with the regional operator for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste.

3. Collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste are carried out taking into account environmental legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

The collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste must be safe for the population and the environment.

4. Management of municipal solid waste on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is provided by regional operators in accordance with the regional program in the field of waste management, including municipal solid waste, and the territorial waste management scheme (hereinafter referred to as the waste management scheme) on the basis contracts for the provision of services for the management of municipal solid waste concluded with consumers.

The regional operator collects, transports, processes, disposes of, neutralizes, and disposes of municipal solid waste independently or with the involvement of municipal solid waste management operators.

5. An agreement for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste is concluded between the consumer and the regional operator in whose area of ​​activity solid municipal waste is generated and the places of their collection and accumulation are located, in accordance with the form of a standard contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156 “On the management of municipal solid waste and amendments to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 No. 641”.

6. The regional operator, within a month from the date of granting it the status of a regional operator, is obliged to send to all consumers at the address of an apartment building or residential building, the address specified in the Unified state register legal entities or in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a proposal to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste and a draft of such an agreement.

7. If, before the date of commencement of waste management specified in the agreement concluded by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the regional operator (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) in accordance with the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", the regional operator has not concluded agreements for provision of services for handling solid municipal waste to consumers, public service for the management of municipal solid waste turns out to be a regional operator in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

8. An agreement for the provision of services for the management of municipal solid waste is concluded for a period not exceeding the period for which the legal entity is assigned the status of a regional operator.

II. The procedure for collecting and transporting municipal solid waste

9. Consumers store solid municipal waste in the places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste, determined by the contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste, in accordance with the waste management scheme.

If the waste management scheme does not contain information about the places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste, the regional operator sends information about the identified places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that approved the waste management scheme for inclusion in it information about places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste.

10. In accordance with the contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste in places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste, storage of municipal solid waste is carried out by consumers in the following ways:

a) into containers located in garbage collection chambers (if there is an appropriate in-house engineering system);

b) into containers, bunkers located on container sites;

c) in bags or other containers provided by the regional operator.

11. In accordance with the contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste in places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste, storage of bulky waste is carried out by consumers in the following ways:

a) into bunkers located on container sites;

b) at special sites for storing bulky waste.

12. Removal of bulky waste is provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the regional operator, including at the request of consumers, or by consumers themselves by delivering bulky waste to the site for storage.

The locations of such sites are determined in accordance with waste management schemes and are specified in the contract for the provision of services for the management of municipal solid waste.

13. The regional operator is responsible for the management of municipal solid waste from the moment such waste is loaded into a garbage truck at the sites where municipal solid waste is collected and accumulated. At the same time, the burden of maintaining container sites, special sites for storing bulky waste and the territory adjacent to the loading site for solid municipal waste, located in the local area, which is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, is borne by the owners of premises in the apartment building.

14. The person responsible for the maintenance of container sites, special sites for storing bulky waste in accordance with the contract for the provision of services for the management of municipal solid waste, is obliged to ensure that information about the serviced consumer facilities and the owner of the sites is posted on such sites.

It is prohibited to store burning, glowing or hot waste, bulky waste, snow and ice, lighting fixtures and electric lamps containing mercury, batteries and accumulators in containers. medical waste, as well as other waste that may cause harm to the life and health of persons loading (unloading) containers, damage containers, garbage trucks, or disrupt the operation of facilities for processing, neutralizing, and burying solid municipal waste.

Dangerous substances classified as dangerous goods in accordance with the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road are prohibited for transportation within the framework of these Rules. The regional operator is prohibited from collecting and transporting the specified hazardous substances(cargo) as part of or under the guise of municipal solid waste.

15. Consumers are prohibited from storing municipal solid waste in places of collection and accumulation of solid municipal waste that are not specified in the contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste.

Consumers are prohibited from storing solid municipal waste outside containers or in containers not intended for such types of waste, except in cases established

16. If the regional operator discovers a storage site for municipal solid waste, the volume of which exceeds 1 cubic meter. meter, on a land plot not intended for these purposes and not specified in the agreement (hereinafter referred to as the place of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste), the regional operator is obliged within 5 working days:

a) notify in any way that allows you to obtain confirmation of the delivery of such a notice, the owner of the land plot, the local government body and the body exercising state environmental supervision of the discovery of a place of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste;

b) notify in any way that allows you to obtain confirmation of the delivery of such a notice, the owner of the land plot about the need to liquidate the site of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste within 30 days after receipt of the notification and send him a draft agreement for the provision of services for the elimination of the identified site of unauthorized disposal of solid municipal waste.

17. If the owner of the land plot, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification from the regional operator, did not ensure the liquidation of the site of unauthorized disposal of solid municipal waste independently and did not enter into an agreement with the regional operator for the provision of services for the elimination of the identified site of unauthorized disposal of solid municipal waste, the regional operator within 30 days after sending the notification to the owner of the land plot, the site of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste will be eliminated. In this case, the regional operator has the right to go to court to claim the costs incurred.

18. The owner of a land plot is obliged to independently ensure the elimination of the site of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste or enter into an agreement for the provision of services for the elimination of the identified site of unauthorized disposal of municipal solid waste with a regional operator.

19. In cases established by the legislation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, consumers are required to separate municipal solid waste by type of waste and store sorted solid municipal waste in separate containers for the corresponding types of solid municipal waste.

The implementation of such separation of solid municipal waste does not entail the need for the consumer to obtain a license to collect, transport, process, dispose of, neutralize, and dispose of waste of I-IV hazard classes.

20. Collection of waste from electronic equipment is carried out in accordance with the procedure for collecting solid municipal waste (including separate collection), approved by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

21. It is prohibited to organize waste collection sites from the use of consumer goods and packaging that have lost their consumer properties, included in solid municipal waste, on container sites and special sites for storing bulky waste without the written consent of the regional operator.

22. Collection of waste from the use of consumer goods and packaging that have lost their consumer properties, included in solid municipal waste, can be carried out by organizing stationary and mobile waste collection points, including through automatic waste collection devices.

23. In order to ensure the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste, the regional operator has the right to attract operators for the management of solid municipal waste, carrying out activities for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste, on the basis of an agreement for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste at a price determined parties to such an agreement, with the exception of cases where prices for services for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste for a regional operator are formed based on the results of tenders.

24. Under the contract for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste, the municipal solid waste operator, carrying out activities for the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste, undertakes to collect and transport municipal solid waste, and the regional operator undertakes to pay for such services.

25. The essential terms of the contract for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste are:

a) the subject of the contract;

b) the planned volume and (or) mass of transported municipal solid waste, the composition of such waste;

c) frequency and time of removal of solid municipal waste;

d) places of reception and transfer of solid municipal waste, route in accordance with the waste management scheme;

e) maximum permissible value of compaction of solid municipal waste;

f) method of commercial accounting of the amount of municipal solid waste;

g) terms and procedure for payment for services under the contract;

h) rights and obligations of the parties under the agreement;

i) the procedure for the regional operator to control the activities of the operator for handling municipal solid waste, carrying out activities for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste;

j) responsibility of the parties.

26. The municipal solid waste operator carrying out activities for transporting municipal solid waste must own garbage trucks that meet the general requirements technical requirements and safety requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

27. Transportation of municipal solid waste using garbage trucks not equipped with satellite navigation equipment is allowed until January 1, 2018.

28. The municipal solid waste management operator, who collects and transports municipal solid waste, does not have the right to transfer municipal solid waste to persons not specified in the contract for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste.

29. When transporting solid municipal waste, it is prohibited to compact it beyond the maximum permissible value compaction established by the contract for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste.

30. For each garbage truck, a route log must be kept in the form approved by the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which indicates information about the movement of the garbage truck and the loading (unloading) of solid municipal waste. Such a journal can be kept electronically. The municipal solid waste management operator transporting municipal solid waste is obliged, within one working day, to provide the regional operator, executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local authorities upon their request with a copy of the route log, as well as ensure access of these persons to information, transmitted using satellite navigation equipment in the manner prescribed by the contract for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of solid municipal waste.

III. The procedure for processing, recycling, neutralization and disposal of solid municipal waste

31. When choosing technologies for processing solid municipal waste, the priority is the technology for automated sorting of solid municipal waste.

32. When choosing technologies for processing, recycling, and neutralization of solid municipal waste, priority is given to technologies that ensure the production of a final product available for use in other technological processes as a feedstock or additive to main raw materials.

33. When processing municipal solid waste, it is necessary to ensure the extraction of waste of hazard classes I and II in order to prevent its entry into solid municipal waste disposal sites.

34. In order to ensure the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste, operators for the management of solid municipal waste, carrying out activities for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste in the area of ​​activity of the regional operator, specified in the selection documentation during the competitive selection of the regional operator, enter into contracts with a regional operator for the provision of services for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste.

35. Under an agreement for the provision of services for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste, the operator for the management of solid municipal waste, carrying out activities for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste, undertakes to carry out the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste, and the regional operator undertakes to transfer solid municipal waste to such an operator and pay for services for processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste at regulated tariffs.

36. The essential terms of the contract for the provision of services for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste are:

a) the subject of the contract;

b) requirements for the composition of municipal solid waste transferred to the solid municipal waste management operator, the method of storing municipal solid waste;

c) the planned mass of solid municipal waste sent to the facility used for processing, neutralization, and burial;

d) place of reception (transfer) of solid municipal waste;

e) method of commercial accounting of the amount of municipal solid waste;

f) terms and procedure for payment for services under the contract;

g) rights and obligations of the parties under the agreement;

h) the procedure for the regional operator to control the activities of the operator for handling municipal solid waste, carrying out activities for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste;

i) responsibility of the parties.

37. The billing period under the contract for the provision of services for the treatment, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste is one calendar month.

38. The regional operator pays for the services of operators for the management of municipal solid waste, carrying out activities for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the provision of services for the processing, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste in the following order:

a) 35 percent of the cost of services for processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste in the month for which payment is made is paid before the 18th day of the current month, 50 percent of the cost of these services in the month for which payment is made is paid before the end of the current month ;

b) payment for services actually rendered in the past month for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste, taking into account the funds previously paid by the consumer as payment for such services provided in the billing period, is carried out until the 10th day of the month following the month, for which payment is made. If the volume of services actually provided for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste for the past month is less than the volume specified in the contract for the provision of services for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of solid municipal waste, the excess amount paid is counted against the upcoming payment for the next month.

39. In order to ensure the disposal of solid municipal waste, consumers have the right to enter into contracts for the provision of services for the disposal of solid municipal waste with a regional operator, individual entrepreneur and (or) legal entity engaged in the disposal of solid municipal waste, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

IV. Grounds on which a legal entity may be deprived of the status of a regional operator

40. A legal entity may be deprived of the status of a regional operator on the following grounds:

a) during calendar year through the fault of the regional operator, there were multiple (2 times or more) violations of these Rules, and (or) the terms of contracts for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste, and (or) the terms of the agreement regarding the volume (weight) of solid municipal waste generated in the area of ​​activity of the regional operator, confirmed by acts of violation by the regional operator of obligations under the contract, drawn up in the manner prescribed by the form of a standard contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156 “On the treatment with municipal solid waste and amending the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 No. 641";

b) during the calendar year, the regional operator committed multiple (2 or more) violations of these Rules and (or) the terms of the agreement, resulting in harm to the life and (or) health of citizens;

c) the debt of the regional operator to pay for the operator’s services for the management of municipal solid waste exceeds a twelfth of the required gross revenue of the regional operator, determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out state regulation of tariffs in the field of management of municipal solid waste;

d) violation of the flow diagram of solid municipal waste from the sources of their formation to the facilities used for processing, recycling, neutralization, and disposal of waste, established by the waste management scheme.

41. A legal entity deprived of the status of a regional operator is obliged to:

a) fulfill the duties of a regional operator until the day determined by the agreement concluded by the government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the new regional operator based on the results of a competitive selection;

b) within 10 working days from the date of identifying a new regional operator, transfer to it all information and documents necessary for organizing activities for the management of municipal solid waste, including a register of contracts and copies of concluded contracts in the field of waste management.

Standard contract form
for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156)


for the provision of treatment services

with municipal solid waste

___________________________ "____" ___________ 20__

(place of conclusion of the contract)

(name of organization)

hereinafter referred to as the regional operator, represented by ________________,


(job title, last name, first name, patronymic of an individual)

indicate what you need)

on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________,

(name of organization, surname, first name,

patronymic of an individual)

hereinafter referred to as the consumer, represented by ____________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic,


passport data - in case of concluding a contract by an individual,

job title, surname, first name, patronymic - in case

conclusion of an agreement by a legal entity)

acting on the basis of _____________________________________________,

(regulations, charter, power of attorney -

indicate what you need)

on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have entered into this

agreement on the following:

I. Subject of the agreement

1. Under the contract for the provision of services for handling solid municipal waste

waste, the regional operator undertakes to accept solid municipal waste

waste in the amount and place specified in this agreement, and

ensure their collection, transportation, processing, neutralization,

burial in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and

the consumer undertakes to pay for the services of the regional operator at a price

determined within the framework of a single unit approved in accordance with the established procedure

tariff for the service of the regional operator.

2. Volume of municipal solid waste, places of collection and accumulation

solid municipal waste, including bulky waste, and

frequency of removal of solid municipal waste, as well as information in

graphical representation of the location of collection and accumulation sites for solids

municipal waste and access roads to them (except for residential

houses) are determined in accordance with the appendix to this agreement.

3. Method of storing municipal solid waste -


(garbage chutes and garbage collection chambers, into containers, bunkers,

located on container platforms, in bags or other containers

(specify which ones) provided by the regional operator -

indicate what you need)

including bulky waste -

(in bunkers located on container platforms, on

special storage areas for bulky waste -

indicate what you need)

4. Commencement date for the provision of services for handling solid municipal waste

waste "____" ____________ 20__

II. Terms and procedure for payment under the contract

5. The billing period under this agreement means one

calendar month. Payment for services under this agreement is carried out according to

price determined within the limits approved in accordance with the established procedure

single tariff for the service of the regional operator: _____________________.

(payment amount is indicated

regional operator)

6. Consumer (except for consumers in apartment buildings

and residential buildings) pays for services for handling solid utilities

waste in the following order:

35 percent of the cost of solid waste management services

waste in the month for which payment is made is due before the 18th

date of the current month, 50 percent of the cost of the specified services in the month,

for which payment is made is due before the end of the current month;

payment for services actually rendered in the past month

management of municipal solid waste, taking into account the funds previously

contributed by the consumer as payment for such services provided in

billing period, is carried out until the 10th day of the month following

month for which payment is made. If the volume

actually rendered services for handling solid municipal waste

waste for the past month is less than the volume specified herein

agreement, the overpaid amount is counted towards the upcoming

next month's payment.

The consumer in an apartment building or residential building pays

utility service for the provision of solids handling services

municipal waste in accordance with housing legislation

Russian Federation.

7. Reconciliation of settlements under this agreement is carried out between

regional operator and consumer at least once a year according to

initiative of one of the parties by drawing up and signing by the parties

the relevant act.

The party initiating the reconciliation of calculations draws up and

sends to the other party a signed statement of reconciliation of payments in 2

copies in any available way ( postal item, telegram,

fax message, telephone message, information and telecommunication network

"Internet"), allowing you to confirm receipt of such notification

addressee. The other party is obliged to sign a statement of reconciliation of payments in

within 3 working days from the date of receipt or submit

reasoned refusal to sign it with sending your own version

act of reconciliation of calculations.

If no response is received within 10 working days from the date

sending a settlement reconciliation report to the party, the sent report is considered

agreed upon and signed by both parties.

III. The burden of maintaining container sites, special

sites for storing bulky waste and areas,

adjacent to the loading site for municipal solid waste

8. Regional operator for handling municipal solids

waste management is responsible for the management of solid municipal waste from

the moment such waste is loaded into a garbage truck at collection and accumulation sites

solid municipal waste.

storage of bulky waste and the area adjacent to the site

loading of solid municipal waste located in the local area

territory included in the common property of the owners of premises in

apartment buildings, carries


(owners of premises in an apartment building, person,

attracted by the owners of premises in an apartment building

under contracts for the provision of services for the maintenance of common property

in such a house, another person specified in the agreement -

indicate what you need)

for storing bulky waste and the area adjacent to

place of loading of solid municipal waste that is not part of the general

property of owners of premises in apartment buildings, bears


(the owner of the land plot on which such

site and territory, other person specified in the agreement -

indicate what you need)

IV. Rights and obligations of the parties

11. The regional operator is obliged:

a) accept municipal solid waste in volume and location,

which are defined in the annex to this agreement;

b) ensure collection, transportation, processing, neutralization,

disposal of accepted solid municipal waste in accordance with

legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) provide the consumer with information in accordance with

standards of information disclosure in the field of solids management

municipal waste in the manner prescribed by law

Russian Federation;

d) respond to complaints and requests from consumers on issues

related to the execution of this agreement, during the period

established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for consideration

citizens' appeals;

e) take the necessary measures to timely replace damaged

containers belonging to him by right of ownership or other

on a legal basis, in the manner and within the time limits established

legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation.

12. The regional operator has the right:

a) exercise control over accounting for the volume and (or) mass of accepted

municipal solid waste;

13. The consumer is obliged:

a) carry out storage of solid municipal waste in places

collection and accumulation of municipal solid waste specified in the agreement

for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste, in

in accordance with the territorial waste management scheme;

b) ensure accounting of the volume and (or) mass of solid municipal waste

waste in accordance with the Rules for commercial accounting of volume and (or)

masses of solid municipal waste approved by resolution

approval of the Rules for commercial accounting of volume and (or) mass of solids

municipal waste";

c) make payments under this agreement in the manner, amount and

the terms determined by this agreement;

d) ensure storage of solid municipal waste in

containers or other places in accordance with the appendix to this


e) prevent damage to containers, burning of solids

municipal waste in containers, as well as on container sites,

storing prohibited waste and items in containers;

f) appoint a person responsible for interaction with the regional

operator on issues of execution of this agreement;

g) notify the regional operator in any available way

(mail, telegram, fax, telephone message,

information and telecommunications network "Internet"), allowing

confirm its receipt by the addressee, about the transfer of rights to objects

consumer specified in this agreement to the new owner.

14. The consumer has the right:

a) receive information about changes from the regional operator

established tariffs in the field of handling solid utilities


b) initiate reconciliation of settlements under this agreement.

V. Procedure for volume accounting

and (or) masses of solid municipal waste

15. The parties agreed to take into account the volume and (or) mass

municipal solid waste in accordance with the Rules for commercial

accounting for the volume and (or) mass of solid municipal waste approved

505 "On approval of the Rules for commercial accounting of volume and (or) mass

municipal solid waste" in the following way:


(calculated based on solid accumulation standards

municipal waste, quantity and volume of containers for

storage of municipal solid waste or based on

masses of solid municipal waste - indicate as required)

VI. The procedure for recording violations under the contract

16. In case of violation by the regional operator of obligations under

this agreement, the consumer with the participation of a representative of the regional

operator draws up a report on violation by the regional operator

obligations under the contract and hands it over to the representative of the regional

operator. If a representative of the regional operator fails to appear, the consumer

draws up the specified act in the presence of at least 2 disinterested

persons or using photo and (or) video recording and within 3

working days sends an act to the regional operator with the requirement

eliminate the identified violations within a reasonable period of time, determined


Regional operator within 3 working days from the date of receipt

of the act, signs it and sends it to the consumer. In case of disagreement with

with a reasoned indication of the reasons for your disagreement and send such

objection to the consumer within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the act.

If it is impossible to eliminate violations within the time limits proposed

consumer, the regional operator offers other deadlines for eliminating

detected violations.

17. If the regional operator has not sent a signed act

or objections to the act within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the act,

such an act is considered agreed upon and signed by the regional operator.

18. In case of receiving objections from the regional operator

the consumer is obliged to consider objections and in case of agreement with

objections, make appropriate changes to the act.

19. The act must contain:

a) information about the applicant (name, location, address);

b) information about the object (objects) on which solids are formed

municipal waste in relation to which there is controversy (full

name, location, authority over the object (objects) to which

possesses the party who sent the act);

c) information about violation of the relevant clauses of the contract;

d) other information at the discretion of the party, including materials

photo and video shooting.

20. The consumer sends a copy of the violation report to the regional

operator of obligations under the contract to the authorized body

executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

VII. Responsibility of the parties

21. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under

to this agreement the parties are liable in accordance with

legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. In case of non-performance or improper performance

consumer obligations to pay for this agreement regional

the operator has the right to require the consumer to pay a penalty in the amount of

1/130 of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation,

established on the day of presentation of the corresponding demand, from the amount

debt for each day of delay.

23. For violation of the rules for handling municipal solid waste

regarding the storage of solid municipal waste outside collection points and

accumulation of such waste specified in this agreement, the consumer

bears administrative responsibility in accordance with

legislation of the Russian Federation.

VIII. Force majeure circumstances

24. The parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill either

improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, if it

was a consequence of force majeure circumstances.

In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this agreement

shall be extended in proportion to the time during which such

circumstances, as well as the consequences caused by these circumstances.

25. The party subjected to force majeure

strength, must do everything necessary actions to notify another

parties by any available means without delay, no later than 24 hours

from the moment of occurrence of force majeure circumstances, about the occurrence

the specified circumstances. The notice must contain time information

the occurrence and nature of these circumstances.

The party must also without delay, no later than 24 hours from the moment

termination of force majeure circumstances, notify another

IX. Validity of the agreement

26. This agreement is concluded for a period of ________________________.

(date indicated)

27. This agreement is considered extended for the same period and for those

the same conditions, if one month before the expiration of its validity period no

of the parties does not declare its termination or change or the conclusion

a new contract on different terms.

28. This agreement may be terminated before the end of its term

actions by agreement of the parties.

X. Other conditions

29. All changes made to this agreement are considered

valid if they are in writing and signed

by authorized persons and certified by the seals of both parties (if their


30. In case of change of name, location or bank

details, the party is obliged to notify the other party about this in writing

form within 5 working days from the date of such changes by any available

ways to confirm receipt of such notification


31. When executing this agreement, the parties undertake

be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including

provisions of the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste"

and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the field

management of solid municipal waste.

32. This agreement is drawn up in 2 copies, having equal

legal force.

33. The Annex to this Agreement is an integral part of it

Regional operator Consumer

__________________________________ ___________________________________

"____" ______________ 20___ "____" ______________ 20___

to a standard contract for the provision
solids handling services
municipal waste

on the subject of the agreement

I. Volume and location of collection and accumulation of municipal solid waste

II. Information in graphical form on the location of collection and accumulation sites for solid municipal waste and access roads to them (except for residential buildings)

Document overview

Rules for the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) have been approved. It's about on the collection, transportation, processing, neutralization and disposal of waste.

The grounds have been established on which a legal entity may be deprived of the status of a regional operator for the management of solid waste.

The form of a standard contract for the provision of services for the management of solid waste has also been approved. The essential terms of such an agreement and the procedure for its conclusion are determined.

MSW management on the territory of a constituent entity of the Federation is ensured by regional operators in accordance with the regional program and territorial waste management scheme.

The regional operator, within a month from the date of granting it the corresponding status, is obliged to send to all consumers at the address of an apartment building or residential building a proposal to conclude the specified agreement and its draft.

The agreement is concluded for a period not exceeding the period for which the legal entity was assigned the status of a regional operator.

It is clarified that road and rail vehicles used for transporting solid waste must be equipped with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

Household waste dumps are attractive places for rats to carry dangerous infections. Various containers, including cans and bottles, can pose a serious threat to wildlife and insects. Many animals that fall into such containers in order to obtain food cannot get out of them, and therefore die. This is just one of several problems due to which the government has adopted several laws on the disposal and removal of household and industrial waste.

The main part of waste is consumer waste, which is divided into:

  • Household waste;
  • Biological solids.

There is no such thing as “garbage” in the waste disposal law. All legal provisions use the term "Waste".

The Government of the Russian Federation cares about the safety of the environment. To prevent the spread of infections and germs, waste goes through several stages of processing.

These are:

  1. Garbage collection in appropriate areas;
  2. Neutralization of toxic objects;
  3. Export;
  4. Storage and burial.

Export methods used government authorities, must be safe for public health and the environment. The law prohibits burning waste residues or taking them to places not intended for their storage.

The Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” controls the proper handling of production residues. Its main goal is to prevent the harmful effects of waste on the environment and human health. Legislative provisions also provide for the possibility of using recycled materials as raw materials.

Basic principles of this Federal Law:

  • Ensuring the health safety of citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Save or restore favorable conditions environment;
  • Ensuring the economic and environmental interests of society;
  • Usage modern technologies for waste recycling;
  • Recycling of materials to reduce the volume of residues and increase the production of raw materials.

The government is developing a special public policy, the main purpose of which is as follows:

  • waste prevention;
  • their removal;
  • maximum use of source materials and raw materials;
  • disposal;
  • processing;
  • neutralization of materials.

The procedure for the removal and disposal of waste in the Russian Federation

The procedure for the removal and disposal of waste in the Russian Federation was created on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the provision of removal services
solid and liquid household waste." Its main goal is to reduce waste. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities leave behind waste are required to take the waste to waste sorting facilities. Individual entrepreneurs And legal entities Those who bypass waste sorting complexes must remove and sort materials themselves.

Waste is sorted into the following subject types:

  • Waste paper;
  • Rags;
  • Plastics;
  • Polymer waste;
  • Glass;
  • Metal;
  • Old car tires.

Such residues are handed over to waste recycling organizations.

During processing of residues, specialized enterprises will receive:

  • Energy;
  • Items;
  • Materials;
  • Other raw materials suitable for reuse.

Managers of such enterprises, after receiving materials as secondary raw materials:

  • Recycle waste on their own;
  • Enter into contracts with other companies that use recycled waste as a raw material;
  • They enter into contracts with special companies that transport or sell materials under the guise of recycled materials.

Special government entities collect household and industrial waste. The collected materials are then transferred to waste recycling companies or specialized enterprises for other purposes.

The transfer and sale of materials to third parties must be properly documented. The following documents will be required:

  • Invoice;
  • Agreement;
  • Order;
  • Other supporting documents.

Disposal of solid household waste

There are several ways to dispose of waste:

  • Processing waste into secondary raw materials

One of the most productive and safe methods for removing residues. Everything is sorted according to the types described above. Then it is sent for processing to obtain the raw material.

  • Waste incineration

Garbage is disposed of using heat treatment. This is a popular and one of the most economical disposal methods.

IN modern society The following waste incineration methods are used:

  • Chamber;
  • Layered;
  • In a fluidized bed.

Heat treatment at minimum temperatures— the most dangerous waste incineration. The temperature should be within 850 degrees Celsius. Scientists have found that at such rates neutralization occurs toxic substances, which are released along with the smoke.

  • Burial

Municipal solid waste can be disposed of by landfill. This is one of the oldest and cheapest methods. The essence of the method is to bury garbage in top layer land. For this purpose, special land areas are selected. (Study and find out what the punishment is for their incorrect use).

  • Briquetting

Briquetting is one of the modern methods waste disposal. This method involves packaging homogeneous residues into defined briquettes. This approach will reduce the volume of residual materials by approximately half. And preliminary sorting of household items will allow you to set aside some of the leftovers as raw materials for recycling.

Removal of construction waste according to the law

Export construction waste is not included in the list of services regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In other words, the Federal Law on Garbage in the Russian Federation does not regulate the removal and disposal of building materials. Waste removal services are provided by commercial companies that set their own prices. Residents apartment buildings are required to remove oversized construction debris themselves. Or enter into an appropriate agreement with management company, payment for services will be included in monthly receipts.

The waste collection and recycling system should be based on the principle of maximally limiting the impact of waste on the environment. To achieve this, the following priorities are important:

Minimizing environmental pollution from unauthorized landfills;

Creation of new testing facilities of a high technical level and use of the existing volume of testing sites;

Gradual preparation of the population for separate waste collection;

Maximum use of valuable secondary resources;

Data accounting as the basis for making decisions on tariffs, as well as other management decisions;

Improving the quality of life of the population.

Organizing separate collection of solid waste directly at the places of its generation is an inevitable condition for their deep processing. The most important element in the successful implementation of large-scale solid waste collection schemes is the involvement and participation of the population. The main goal separate collection is the division of the entire volume of solid waste into three main streams:

- “dry” waste for industrial processing;

- “wet” waste for biological processing;

- “other” waste for disposal.

Experience has shown that separating waste into large number flows is impractical. Thus, any component of “dry” waste requires additional professional sorting at the MSK (waste sorting complex) by grade with the simultaneous removal of residual polluting fractions, which makes their separate removal pointless.

As the first stage of separate collection, it is recommended to organize separate collection of two streams (two containers):

- “dry” secondary resources in specialized containers;

- “other” waste into existing containers.

1) if the level of population participation in separate collection is not initially high, filling the container with secondary resources will take quite a long time - one, two weeks or even more. Such a rare removal of “dry” waste will not worsen the sanitary situation at the container site, since the proportion of fractions susceptible to rotting in these containers is minimal. Doing this with “wet” waste is unacceptable due to sanitary requirements;

2) the bulk of “dry” secondary waste has a significant market value, which means that part of the costs of separate collection can be compensated through their sale. “wet” waste has low cost and requires high processing costs;

3) “dry” secondary waste makes up about 50% by mass and 75% by volume of all waste. Thus, collecting them separately will give maximum effect.

Separate collection of “dry” waste consists of four components: PET bottles, glass, newspapers and cardboard. Thus, it is advisable to first look for sales of these types of secondary raw materials.

If a paid acceptance of aluminum cans is organized in the region, then they will be almost completely removed from the flow and you should not count on them. Products made of ferrous metal are mainly represented by large-sized materials, and it is also impractical to count on collection of them.

At first glance, it seems that in the case of a transition to two waste streams instead of one, it is necessary to double the number of special transport trips to three streams. However, this opinion is wrong. Only the operating time of a garbage truck in collecting mode can change, but the total time spent by the vehicle on delivering waste from the collection point to the unloading point (transfer station, sorting station or landfill) practically does not change, because the total amount of waste from all streams remains unchanged.

The operating time of a garbage truck in collecting mode depends on the unit capacity of the container. If (when moving from one to two streams) the container capacity at the site is doubled, then theoretically the number of garbage truck trips will not change at all: first one container will be picked up, then another. Moreover, “dry” fractions can be removed even less frequently than conventional waste due to their low organic content. Consequently, a large-capacity container can be used to collect them, and the frequency of removal can even be reduced.

At the same time, the problem of changing the waste removal schedule is due to the fact that the frequency of removal is measured in days. In other words, if with a “single-stream” system, removal was carried out once every two days, and when moving to a “double-stream” system, 10% of the waste will be subject to selective collection, then the container with ordinary waste will also have to be emptied once every two days, but filled for 90%. However, since the volume of waste is usually taken into account by the volume of the container being emptied, the effect of a “fictitious increase in waste volume” occurs, that is, 10% of waste transported separately will appear as additional waste, although in fact it is simply separated from the same stream. The transition from removing a container for mixed waste “once every three days” is possible only after 1/3 of the volume of all waste is collected in a container for separate collection.

To avoid such problems, when switching to separate collection, it is necessary to change the planning of removal and the capacity of containers not only for separately collected waste, but also for ordinary waste. It is necessary to ensure that the total capacity of containers emptied per month at the site does not change when switching to selective collection.

Another cost savings when removing “dry” separately collected waste can be their compaction during removal. Since they are devoid of moisture, they can be transported to the sorting site with compaction without loss of quality of secondary resources. In addition, practical experience has shown that the loading of a compacting garbage truck with “dry” separately collected waste can be 1/3 larger in volume than for mixed waste, due to their better compressibility.

In general, when planning waste removal under a separate collection scheme, you must try to prevent an increase in the total number of garbage truck trips, since removal is the largest cost item for waste management.

The waste collection system adopted depends on the distance settlement to the processing facility, type of housing stock (high-rise or low-rise buildings), layout (width of passages, availability of areas for turning equipment, etc.), adopted waste management strategy (the main technology is burial, selection of secondary raw materials or incineration), climatic conditions, the accepted collection technology (in one bucket, selective), the equipment used for waste removal, the presence of restrictions on the size and weight of transport for waste removal.

Basic requirements for containers:

The presence of lids to prevent the spread of bad odors, waste being carried away by animals, the spread of infections, preserving the resource potential of waste, and preventing waste watering;

Equipped with wheels, which allows the container to be rolled out for emptying when removed by rear-loading waste collection equipment;

Strength, fire resistance, retention of strength properties in cold period time;

Low adhesive properties (to prevent freezing and sticking of waste).

Options for the solid waste removal system: direct removal by collecting garbage trucks and two-stage removal with intermediate reloading at the station.

Direct removal using collecting garbage trucks:

Direct waste removal by collecting garbage trucks (with a body volume of 12 - 18 cubic meters) is applicable only if the distance to the disposal site is no more than 15 - 17 km, otherwise their use becomes economically unfeasible.

Rear loading garbage trucks allow you to:

Serve containers of various configurations (from 0.1 to 2 cubic meters);

Minimize costs for loading waste (lower container lifting height);

Provide more comfortable working conditions for workers servicing special equipment;

Reduce the amount of spilled waste.

The selection of transport for waste removal is largely determined by the adopted collection system. In addition, when selecting equipment, you should consider:

Maximum permitted loads on the road surface;

Possibility of approaching and turning around equipment (width of streets, availability of turning areas, bridges, tunnels, arches, etc.);

Quantity and quality of generated waste.

Waste is removed from container sites by waste collection trucks. According to the method of loading solid waste from a container, collecting garbage trucks are divided into two groups: rear-loading garbage trucks; side loading garbage trucks. To service a container fleet for collecting solid waste using “Eurocontainers” or GMT-type containers (60 - 240 l), it is optimal to use rear-loading garbage trucks.

Main advantages of rear loading technology:

The garbage compaction coefficient in rear-loading garbage trucks reaches 5, while in side-loading garbage trucks this coefficient does not exceed 1.5 - 2, therefore, with the same volume of the garbage container, when using the appropriate chassis, the load capacity of the garbage truck increases by 2.5 - 3 times, which makes it possible to proportionally reduce the required fleet of special equipment;

Rear loading technology allows you to solve environmental problems by eliminating spillage of garbage when loading the container, since loading is carried out within the dimensions of the garbage receptacle, and not through a small funnel on the roof of the garbage receptacle, as with side loading;

Working with the tipping mechanism on rear-loading garbage trucks is much safer for the machine operator, since the container is lifted to a height of 1.5 - 1.8 m from the ground, and not 2.5 - 4 m, as with side loading;

When rear loading with solid household waste, the garbage truck can be loaded both manually and with a front loader, which is excluded when loading from the side.

Two-stage removal with intermediate reloading at the station:

Two-stage removal with intermediate reloading at the station is used for removal distances of more than 17 - 25 km.

Waste is delivered to waste transfer stations by small collection trucks. Waste removal from the waste transfer station is carried out by garbage trucks with removable containers of 20 - 30 cubic meters. m in a compacted state.

When choosing heavy-duty garbage trucks, you should consider:

The curb weight of the vehicle (does it exceed the permissible load on the roads);

Vehicle length, turning radius, height, width;

Noise level;

Level of environmental pollution (if there are special requirements);

Possibility of working in winter.

The construction of waste transfer stations allows:

Reduce time costs for waste collection and removal;

Reduce operating costs for fuels and lubricants and repairs of the garbage truck fleet;

Enlarge processing facilities;

Accumulate transport batches of secondary raw materials and compost fractions at the waste transfer station;

Perform primary waste treatment.

All of these advantages ultimately lead to reduced costs for waste collection and disposal.

General part various options schemes of single-level MPS is the following technological process:

a) a garbage collection truck unloads solid waste onto the concreted area of ​​the reception department of the Ministry of Railways;

b) at the reception site, manual selection of bulky waste and scrap metal is carried out;

c) a forklift loads solid waste onto the recessed part of an inclined receiving plate conveyor;

d) solid waste is discharged from an inclined receiving conveyor either:

Into a heavy-duty transport (up to 25 tons) garbage truck through a storage funnel by dosed supply of solid waste with a receiving conveyor

In a press container, as well as in a buffer storage hopper with a volume of up to 30 cubic meters. m each with stationary and subsequent loading of the press container onto a heavy-duty vehicle equipped with a multi-lift mechanism, a cable or chain device. The filling of the press container or buffer storage hopper is regulated by a reversible conveyor at the end of the receiving conveyor. The implementation of the MPS scheme according to option 2 is recommended for low station productivity and a short (about 5 - 10 km) distance to the landfill;

Into a stationary baling press for solid waste with automatic tying of 4-5 rows of wire and subsequent loading of formed bales with a density of up to 1 t/cub. m using a side-grip loader on a heavy-duty vehicle (option 3).

High-power stations are distinguished by the presence of an area for temporary waste accumulation (for the accumulation of waste during peak hours, in case of breakdown and during planned equipment repairs). Equipment sent to the station goes through a control section where the vehicle is weighed and subjected to radiation and visual inspection. The waste is then sent to the unloading site.

Organization of sorting of solid household waste:

At the first stage, large-sized scrap metal and wood fractions are separated. Next, the waste enters the conveyor sorting line.

Then the waste in an open sieve is divided into two fractions (large and small). The sieve cell size is determined and optimized as part of commissioning. Initially, the sieve cell size is 20 mm.

Screened fine fraction, the components of which have the size<40 мм, очищается от содержащихся в ней металлов с помощью надленточного магнитного сепаратора. Магнит устанавливается по направлению движения ленты на месте сброса конвейера, что позволяет извлечь все железомагнитные элементы из потока отходов. После этого поток материала поступает на полигон и используется в рамках рекультивационных мер.

Valuable materials such as paper, cardboard, films, bottles, drink boxes, hard synthetic materials, and glass are selected. Sorted recyclables are dumped into the mines, after which they fall into a bunker located under the control platform. When the bin is full, the recyclables are conveyed to a central baler.

Here, valuable substances are pressed into bags and sent to the bag warehouse, where they will remain until the next stage of their processing.

The fractions remaining on the control site are cleared of metals using an over-belt magnetic separator. The remains are transported to a landfill and compacted.

Transport of the material or product to be processed is carried out while ensuring a continuous flow of material. During mechanical preparation of mixed waste, dusty exhaust air is released. It is drawn from the source and output to an industrial filter built into this line. The dust is added to the residue sent to the landfill.

Recycling of municipal solid waste:

The main options for industrial processing of municipal solid waste can be considered:

Mechanobiological processing technology;

Energy recovery technology;

Composting technology.

Mechanical sorting of solid waste and its crushing allows:

Select valuable raw materials for recycling;

Select the organic fraction of solid waste for subsequent composting;

Select raw materials that pose an environmental hazard when burned;

To improve the thermal and environmental performance of raw materials intended for combustion.

Thanks to the preparation, the lower calorific value of solid secondary fuel reaches 9 MJ/kg, and in terms of ash, moisture, sulfur and nitrogen content, the characteristics will be almost identical to those of brown coal.

Currently, in the cities of Russia, solid waste is collected, removed and stored, but environmental requirements are not met, a significant part of the territory is alienated to landfills and is in unsatisfactory sanitary condition, secondary resources are practically not used.

The amount of solid waste in Russia is increasing, and its composition is approaching the composition of solid waste in Western countries. In Russia, about 30 million tons of household waste or 200 kg of waste per capita are accumulated annually.

And although a number of cities have large processing and waste incineration enterprises, numerous and specialized personnel of workers and specialists, the problem of unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the city tends to worsen. In world practice, more than 20 methods of neutralization and disposal of solid waste are known.

Methods of neutralization and processing of solid waste are divided according to the final goal: liquidation (solving mainly sanitary and hygienic problems), recycling (solving economic problems - the use of secondary resources); according to the technological principle: biological, thermal, chemical, mechanical, mixed.

Most of these methods have not found any significant spread due to their technological complexity and the relatively high cost of processing solid waste.

The most economically and environmentally justified methods have become the most widely used in world practice: storage at a landfill; burning; aerobic biothermal composting; complex of composting and combustion (or pyrolysis) of non-compostable fractions; production of granulated fuel and compost.

A landfill - the simplest and cheapest method - is set up where the base can be clay and heavy loam. Where this is not possible, a special waterproof base has to be installed, which leads to significant additional costs, but does not fundamentally solve the problem.

The area of ​​the land plot is selected with the condition of its service life of 15-20 years. Finding an area of ​​40-200 hectares near large cities is becoming increasingly difficult, and this forces us to look for other methods of solid waste disposal. From an environmental point of view, it should be noted that the landfill, along with the filtrate that pollutes water sources, releases methane and other toxic gases into the atmosphere, which not only pollutes the air near the landfill, but, according to recent research, negatively affects the ozone layer of the earth. When buried at a landfill, all valuable substances and components of solid waste are lost. However, taking into account the low (compared to factories) capital costs, the landfill will remain the most common method of solid waste disposal for many years.