Standards for cleaning entrances by the management company. Standards for cleaning the entrance to an apartment building

Smolensk, April 23 - AiF-Smolensk. Finally, the spring that came to Smolensk exposed not only the city sidewalks and courtyards hitherto hidden under the snow, but also, perhaps, the eternal communal problems of Smolensk residents.

For example, such as leaking roofs and poorly cleaned stairwells. However, in the public utilities sector of Smolensk there are many, the relevance of which does not at all depend on the natural seasons. True, no one calls for passively accepting the blows of communal fate: fighting for your “housing and communal services rights” is not only possible, but also necessary. Well, it explains how to do it correctly to achieve maximum effect. Head of the NP “Association of Independent Lawyers of Smolensk” Oleg Rabushenko.

Scheduled cleaning

How many times a week should the entrance be cleaned? On what normative act Can I make a complaint to the housing department about insufficient cleaning?

Poor cleaning of the entrance is a violation of the rights of residents apartment buildings, who pay the management company monthly for the maintenance and repair of common property. The frequency and volume of cleaning are prescribed in the contract with the management company, but they must comply state rules and standards technical operation housing stock(Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

So, let's figure out what yours are required to do? Every day, the cleaning lady of the management company must sweep the landings and stairs of the first two floors, do wet cleaning in front of the garbage chute valves on all floors of the house, and wash the floor in the elevator car. At least once a week - clean the area in front of the entrance to the entrance, sweep all flights of stairs and landings with a damp broom if the house is equipped with elevators. If the residential building is not equipped with a garbage chute and elevators, then the cleaner must sweep the landings and stairs located above the second floor twice a week. Twice a month in houses where there are garbage chutes and elevators, wet cleaning of elevator cabins (walls, ceilings and doors) and washing of staircases and flights in the house should be carried out.

Once a month, the cleaner needs to wash all the staircases and flights in the entrances where there are elevators and. Just twice a year, the cleaner should wipe the window sills and radiators in the entrance with a damp cloth, and once a year wash the windows, wipe the walls, lampshades, doors and mailboxes.

All this constitutes general standards for cleaning entrances. Unfortunately, sometimes management companies, public health departments and housing offices save money on cleaners’ salaries by reducing their cleaning standards. Which, of course, affects the cleanliness of our entrances. Of course, there are also simply unscrupulous cleaners, because their work is rarely checked by higher-ups. So, if your entrance is constantly dirty, you need to act. And first, try contacting your management company, because if the cleaning was done improperly, the residents have the right to demand a recalculation of the maintenance fee. In order to substantiate your demands, draw up an act in any form (with the signatures of several neighbors) and indicate the period when the entrance was not cleaned.

If your appeal remains unanswered, now complain about your management company to the State Housing Inspectorate. Most likely, the management company will be attracted to, and from now on it will be much more responsible in complying with its responsibilities for the maintenance of common property.

Who should I pay?

Since the beginning of the year, we have received two receipts for payment for housing and communal services: one from OOO Management Company Teply Dom, the second from OOO ZHEO Prigorskoye (Utility Systems Prigorskoye). Moreover, the numbers in these receipts do not match. And recently an announcement appeared saying that for January, February and March 2013, we must pay “Warm House” for maintenance and repairs, and “Prigorskoye Housing Establishment” for water and heating. And then follows a note signed by the head of the administration of the Prigorsky rural settlement O.A. Goncharova: “Based on the results of an open competition for the right to lease heating and water supply networks in the village, Management Company Teply Dom LLC was declared the winner. In subsequent months, payments for the services “heating”, “hot water supply”, “cold water supply”, “sewage” should be made to LLC Management Company “Teply Dom”.

I don’t understand what’s going on and who should pay?

Judging by information on the Internet, municipal entity“Prigorsk rural settlement” of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region, in accordance with the order of the head of the Prigorsk rural settlement Oleg Anatolyevich Goncharov dated February 8, 2013 No. 17, an open competition was announced for the right to conclude a lease agreement municipal property, owned by the Prigorsky rural settlement.

On March 15, 2013, the results of this competition were announced: LLC "Management Company "Teply Dom" was declared the winner, protocol for evaluating and comparing applications for participation in open competition No. 708 dated March 15, 2013 is posted on the official website According to the results between LLC Management Company Teply Dom and Prigorsky rural settlement a lease agreement was concluded for all communications intended to provide residents of the settlement with utilities.

Thus, it can be assumed that Management Company Teply Dom LLC is now the executor utilities in full and is responsible not only for maintenance and repairs, but also for providing consumers with all utilities. In this case, payment for services must be made to this management company. If you continue to receive double receipts, you should contact the prosecutor’s office, which will investigate this fact.

And without water...

Today they called me and said that I have to pay 800 rubles for a new water meter, which costs 56,000 rubles (the amount is divided among all residents). But we already have a meter in our house, and it’s relatively new, it only stood for three years. In addition, as far as I know, according to the energy saving program, funds from the budget of almost all cities should be allocated for the replacement of metering devices. Is Smolensk not covered by this program? And do we even need to change ours after three years?

Indeed, your situation is quite ambiguous. According to the requirements of Gosstandart, the minimum service life of water metering devices is 12 years. But at the same time, during the specified period, such devices must undergo two mandatory verifications with an interval of 5-6 years, and metering devices hot water- three, that is, every four years.

The question of why it was necessary to change the metering device after three years and why this point was not agreed upon with the owners of the house should be asked to those who are responsible for the operation and safety of common house metering devices. This responsibility lies with the organization that maintains the building (for example, your management company). At the same time, the utility service provider is obliged to annually check the presence and integrity of control seals on metering devices and draw up a corresponding report. For information on this issue you need to submit a written application to the management company or HOA. If there is no response, you can submit a statement to. If the residents themselves manage the house, then they should contact the resource supplying organization directly with such a question.

According to current legislation, the costs associated with the installation of common house metering devices fall on the shoulders of the owners of premises in apartment building. It is they who must initiate a meeting of homeowners and make a decision on the installation of common house meters. From July 1, 2012, resource supply organizations are forced to install common meters in those houses where up to specified period they were not installed voluntarily. The costs in this case are again borne by the owners.

But in your particular case there was no such need. Therefore, if in the end it turns out that the metering device was replaced without an objective reason (for example, someone decided to make extra money from it), there will be a real reason to contact the prosecutor’s office or court.

Dirt in an apartment is always unpleasant, and that’s why we try to clean the house at least once a week. The entrance to a high-rise building is also a place where we often visit, and all the impurities that accumulate in the room over many days end up in the apartment along with our shoes. This state of affairs not only causes negative emotions, but can also become a real threat to the health of residents.

Today, the organization of cleaning entrances in an apartment building is regulated by 2019 standards and is the direct responsibility of the responsible body involved in maintaining the residential complex. This provision is fixed in Art. 36 Housing Code of the Russian Federation and for lately hasn't changed. In our article we will talk about what standards are established regarding the maintenance of stairwells in apartment buildings and how often the common area of ​​the house should be cleaned.

According to the law, a cleaner should not be hired for each entrance of a high-rise building. The responsible person can perform maintenance of several objects at once - from 3 to 10. If the management company or other authorized body does not provide such a service, it means that it violates the provisions of the current legislation, as well as established standards. According to the provisions of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 17 dated September 27, 2003, stairwells are required to be cleaned by employees of the management company. It is allowed to enter into agreements with specialized companies.

The new document regulating the organization and conduct of such a procedure was PP No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which stated that cleaning should be carried out by appointed persons on the basis of official documentation and with the formation of a work schedule.

What rules for performing the necessary work are in force today?

Section 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates which property is common property and is for the use of apartment building residents. Based on this, the management company is obliged to organize all necessary actions to maintain the property in good condition. If we talk specifically about the types of cleaning, then wet cleaning is mandatory for areas of the residential complex:

  • corridors and vestibules;
  • window sills, window grilles;
  • elevators;
  • electrical panel doors;
  • boxes for mail correspondence;
  • stairs and platforms.

According to these provisions, the money donated by citizens for the maintenance of the premises should be partially spent on ensuring cleanliness in the house.

How often should premises be cleaned according to GOST?

It should be noted that according to the technical conditions of GOST 51617-2000 on housing and communal services, the cleaner must carry out not only all mandatory work, but also do this with a certain frequency. In this case we're talking about about the following regulations:

Types of cleaning workFrequency
Sweep staircases and landings on the first floors of apartment buildings.Every day, except Sundays and holidays.
Execution similar actions, starting from the third floor, if the building does not have a garbage chute and elevator and if such equipment is available.At least 2 times a week, if there is only a garbage disposal and if there is no equipment. Once a week is enough, when there is an elevator.
Wet cleaning near the garbage loading valve.Daily.
Washing stairs and landingsUp to 2 times every 30 days, and if there is an elevator and a garbage chute - 1 time per month.
Elevator floor cleaning.6 times a week, except Sundays and holidays.
Wet cleaning in the elevator.2 times a month.
Wet treatment of windows, grilles, stairs to the attic, electricity meter cabinets, mailboxes, as well as sweeping away dust from the ceiling. Washing batteries and risers.At least 2 times a year.
Cleaning the grate, pit and area in front of the entrancePerformed once a week.

The listed standards and requirements must be strictly observed by responsible persons, otherwise this will lead to a violation of the rights of citizens, and possibly to legal proceedings.

Who is responsible for the cleanliness of common property?

At the beginning of the article, it was already noted that all responsibility for organizing the cleaning of entrances in accordance with current standards falls on the company that maintains the premises. At the same time, there are some subtleties here. There are a number of engineering and communication units that are prohibited from being touched, much less washed, by people who do not have a certain level of clearance. In particular, we are talking about electrical networks or other systems.

The management company is obliged to organize dry and wet cleaning of those premises that are not related to the supply of certain energy resources. Based on this, cleaning should concern only the organization and conduct of the above events.

How to resolve possible conflicts?

Today, many residents of apartment buildings complain about the poor quality of cleaning in the entrances, as well as about its complete absence. The condition of the entrances in most residential complexes is extremely negative, ranging from constant garbage on the floor to dirt and dust on the walls.

Not everyone agrees to tolerate this state of affairs and often turns to the management of the management company to resolve the situation. In addition to oral appeals, residents of the building have the right to draw up and submit a written collective complaint regarding constant dirt in the entrances of the building. In turn, representatives of the management company must take action and correct the situation.

Sometimes difficulties arise with the cleaner hired to do the job. It happens that an employee works carelessly or performs her duties in violation of the schedule. Here you should also file a complaint with the Criminal Code.

If no action has been taken by the organization, then it is necessary to submit an application to the Prosecutor's Office and Rospotrebnadzor. Such appeals are considered within a month, after which the citizen receives a written response.


Cleaning the entrance is very important event which is often ignored management company. Every tenant has the right to file a complaint with regulatory authorities and hold the management company accountable. To do this you need to have general idea about the standards in force in 2019.

We live in a five-story building, all apartments are privatized. We had a janitor, but his position was abolished. Are residents required to clean the staircases and local area themselves, or is this included in the concept of “maintenance and repair”, for which we already pay?

Indeed, according to general rule The concept of “maintenance of common property” includes cleaning the entrance and local area.

  • § Clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491

But each specific contract may establish its own set of services. Therefore, you need to carefully read your contract with the management company, which should contain a list of the services it provides.

  • § Clause 3 Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Read in detail about how to force the management company to make repairs at the entrance in our other article. Samples of complaints and claims are attached. If you don’t find cleaning services there, then you yourself will have to decide the issue of cleanliness in the entrances and around the house. There is nothing illegal about this. If the service is not specified in the contract, then the management company is not obliged to provide it.
In order to include cleaning in the list of services, you need to hold a general meeting of owners. If more than half vote for it, it will be considered that the decision has been made. Contact the management company with the minutes of the meeting, after which a cleaning clause should be included in the contract. Just keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for this work.
But if the contract with the management company stipulates cleaning, but in fact it falls entirely on the residents, then this is a violation. You need to write a claim in which you demand that cleaning begin immediately in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such a claim is made in free form. Several owners can sign up for it at once, or maybe just one, it makes no difference.
If there is no positive reaction, feel free to contact the housing inspectorate with a complaint against the management company. You can find out from the administration whether this unit exists in your area. If not, then contact the State Housing Inspectorate of your region or city.

We like to see cleanliness and order in public places, which include the entrances of residential buildings. We pass through these rooms several times a day. Keeping it clean is a necessary and important part of the overall culture, because it is the face of the house.

Not all people living in multi-storey buildings can proudly report that the cleaning staff from the management company keep their entrances clean. Much more often this function is performed by the residents themselves. Not everyone knows that there is an approved list of services that housing and communal services employees are required to provide. These include sweeping and wet cleaning in entrances and staircases.

Oddly enough, the payment for them is already included in the bill for the apartment, and their provision may not be carried out. People get out of this situation in different ways:

  1. They hire a cleaner at their own expense.
  2. Carrying out cleaning on a first-come, first-served basis on your own.

Both options have one main drawback: double payment for the same range of services. Legislation regulates the standards for performing such work. Every day, housing and communal services employees must sweep the stairs and landings of the first 2 floors with a damp broom, wash the floor in the elevator and in front of all garbage chute doors. Every week they must:

  1. Sweep all stairs and landings with a damp broom.
  2. Clean areas under the entrance canopy.
  3. Clean the metal grate and the dirt container underneath it.

In buildings without an elevator or garbage chute twice a week sweep the stairs with a damp broom and
platforms of the first 2 floors. The rest are cleaned twice a month. In buildings with an elevator and garbage chute, all stairs and landings must be cleaned monthly. Wipe the elevator car with a damp cloth once every 2 weeks.

Once every six months wipe radiators and window sills with a damp cloth. Windows, walls, lamp shades, doors, mailboxes, ceilings, window bars, stairs to the attic or roof must be washed annually. Another thing is that all this is not always observed.

If in practice these services are not provided in full, you should file a complaint with the housing and communal services department. If you are denied their provision, then the law allows you to demand a recalculation of the rent. From the total amount of payments they must exclude the amount intended to restore cleanliness and order.

You can file complaints about the lack of the listed services with the administration of the district in which you live, the prefectures of the districts, the department of housing and communal services and city improvement. If the desired result is not achieved, you have every right to file a lawsuit. But before such a step, it is worth getting a document drawn up stating that services are not provided to you. It would be better if it was signed by government officials.

Cleanliness in your stairwell

When you purchase housing on the secondary market, they already have their own rules for cleaning. You have only two options:

  1. Observe existing rules at least at first. And then, if there is a desire and opportunity, try to change them.
  2. Get into conflict with neighbors.

It is not recommended to go with your charter to a foreign monastery, so it is better to act according to the first scenario. In order to subsequently change the foundations, you will need the respect of your neighbors, patience and perseverance. In a new building, you can create the rules yourself. This will be much easier to do than replacing old ones. How to create an ideal situation where happy people live in a clean entrance?

It's a little easier to set local rules for keeping your floor clean. To organize, you just need to talk with your neighbors in the stairwell and come to a common opinion (ideal option).

It is worth starting the discussion with a specific list of work performed. This might be the most popular
option: sweeping and washing floors, wet cleaning of walls, windows and all accessories. It can be supplemented or changed at the request of the residents. If there are pots of flowers on the windowsills, they need to be watered. Plants may belong to different owners, so it is advisable to take care of them simultaneously with duty on the floor.

After this, they decide how often cleaning needs to be done. Be sure to ask about spring cleaning, held 1-2 times a year. A duty schedule is drawn up and posted in a visible place. All nuances and possible situations should be discussed, at least the most common ones:

  1. Will the owner of the apartment clean out of turn if he comes to big company, which will leave behind many traces?
  2. How will the schedule change if the residents of one of the apartments are absent for a long time?

If you discuss all the details “on the shore,” then life will become easier, because you won’t have to get together again about emergency situations. If you wish, you can organize shared equipment and cleaning products. You will need rags, a mop and various powders. Most of them are consumables that need to be purchased. It’s good if among the residents there is someone responsible for inventory and funds.

Cleaning the house on your own

There are two methods for solving this problem; the choice will be made in each case individually. The first way involves hiring a cleaner who will monitor the cleanliness. It could be one of the residents. The most important thing in this case is to decide financial issue. Residents must transfer a fixed amount of money monthly for these purposes.

In this matter, it is impossible to do without appointing a responsible person who will contact the hired worker, pay for his services and convey comments from residents. Special cleaning agencies providing a wide range of services have become widespread. They undertake to service apartments, offices and other premises. You can enter into an agreement with one of these organizations. The issue of fundraising in this case will remain the leading one.

The second way is the most difficult - to organize cleaning activities by neighbors. This is best decided at a general meeting. Then the established regulations will be valid throughout the entire territory of the residential building. You need to act according to the instructions:

  1. Organize a meeting with residents from all apartments. It is better to convince your neighbors to attend this event so that no one has any questions.
  2. Selection of the person controlling the process. It is advisable that everyone trust this person. Because he will resolve possible disputes.
  3. Resolve the issue with the list of works.
  4. Decide how often you need to clean.
  5. Create and post a duty schedule. It should be in plain sight for everyone.

Agree on responsibility for improper fulfillment of obligations. Forgetful citizens can be helped by special signs on apartment doors or comments from neighbors. But it is better to resolve all disputes peacefully, because a common cause is being accomplished and there is no point in becoming enemies because of this.

Every person wants to live in cleanliness and comfort, and therefore the sight of dirt in hallways or on staircases evokes negative emotions. At the same time, users regularly receive receipts for payment for cleaning entrances, and are required to transfer money in a timely manner.

While citizens clean up their apartments on their own, public places are under the control of management companies and homeowners associations, which are obliged to ensure high-quality cleaning. We will discuss below how often responsible organizations should clean entrances, and what to do if the management company does not fulfill its duties.

Standards for cleaning common areas, incl. entrances

The provision of housing and communal services to citizens is regulated at the highest state level. Legislators have adopted several provisions and standards according to which normal relationships are built between owners and management companies. They must comply with current rules and cannot violate moral standards.

The Government of the Russian Federation approved Resolution No. 290 dated April 3, 2013, which addresses issues of cleaning premises public use in residential buildings, hotels, and a minimum list of works in this area has been determined. This is one of the key regulations affecting the issue of cleaning apartment buildings. Current standards indicate that the management organization receives the following list of tasks:

  1. Maintaining an acceptable sanitary condition of entrances and stairwells(no dirty floors, etc.).
  2. Periodic wet cleaning of entrances, maintaining the general cleanliness of the apartment building and the surrounding area.
  3. Ensuring normal ventilation in the apartment building (each floor). Since this is often impossible, management company employees are required to regularly ventilate common areas by opening vents, windows or ventilation ducts.

The resolution is based on GOST standards relating to ensuring the maintenance of cleanliness in apartment buildings, as well as affecting other public services.

Cleaning the entrance to an apartment building and management company

Quite often the question arises as to what relationship management companies or homeowners associations with which users enter into service agreements have to do with the cleaning process.

The legislator claims that the relationship is direct, since it is the management company (HOA) that is responsible for cleaning entrances and other public areas in apartment buildings.

Should the management company or HOA clean the entrance?

Just a few years ago, many apartment owners in apartment buildings faced a problem when the task of keeping their entrances clean was placed entirely on their own shoulders. Some hired a separate cleaner, whose salary was made up of cash contributions from the owners, and some cleaned their own stairwell, or created duty schedules, etc. Then the situation changed, and cleaning responsibilities were transferred to management companies.

The law determines that entrances, staircases and adjacent areas belong to the category of common property. According to this rule The responsibility for maintaining common property rests with management companies and homeowners associations with which the owners of apartment premises enter into maintenance agreements.

It must be pointed out that in such situations, management companies (HOA) are obliged to establish and provide users with a specific list of cleaning services and their cost.

If residents are dissatisfied with the quality of services, or generally believe that cleaning is being done improperly, they have the right to hold the management company accountable.

How often should the management organization clean entrances?

A schedule for the frequency of cleaning entrances has been developed and approved at the legislative level. All rules and recommendations are specified in the job description of housing and communal services workers, and therefore all cleaning activities are carried out with an eye to accepted standards.

The law establishes a rule according to which work such as cleaning entrances must occur regularly, and specific tasks will be carried out with a certain frequency:

  1. The areas in front of the entrances must be cleared of debris daily. The cleaning lady is required to collect all garbage and leave it in specially designated collection areas.
  2. Walls are cleaned of cobwebs, dust and other contaminants as needed.
  3. It is necessary to wash the windows in the entrance twice a year - once each in the spring and autumn seasons.
  4. Washing doors, cabinets, electric meters, lampshades and mailboxes The cleaning lady should do it 2 times a year.
  5. Sweeping of staircases is carried out once every two weeks, but cleaning of staircases should occur weekly.
  6. Twice a month, cleaners clean elevator cabins and carry out wet cleaning.

Such rules are general and can be adjusted.

If you intend to find out a more detailed schedule for cleaning entrances in specific house, you need to study the service contract with the management company, or obtain up-to-date information regarding the schedule of clearing activities from representatives of the management company.

Is cleaning the entrance included in the rent?

Cleaning the entrance is integral part the amount that owners are required to pay as rent. Therefore, the cost of cleaning is included in the total rent receipt provided to the owner for payment.

If owners of residential premises are required to pay additional payment, then this is a clear violation of valid legislative norms and rules, in which case you have the right to file a complaint about unlawful actions.

Cost calculation

The cost of cleaning the entrance is determined in accordance with the accepted provisions and recommendations outlined in Decree No. 535 of December 31, 2015. It is stated here that the sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises is paid service, and each owner of an apartment in an apartment building is required to pay a certain amount of money monthly.

The law determines that all auxiliary premises are common shared ownership owners of residential premises. Consequently, their specific share will directly depend on the area of ​​the real estate they own.

It can be concluded that apartment owners with large area will pay more, since their share in the common property will be much higher.

This rule is used not only when calculating the price of cleaning services for the entrance, but also when providing some other public services, including maintenance of apartment buildings, maintenance of elevator systems, etc.

Such an approach to determining the cost of cleaning activities in entrances (including the vestibule) is directly related to the fact that when constructing an apartment building, the cost square meters Initially, costs were included for the construction of auxiliary premises, roofing, elevators and utility systems.

Job Description for Staircase Cleaner 2019

The position of a cleaner in the housing and communal services sector belongs to the category of working staff units. This is a very difficult physical activity, which not every person can cope with. When hiring an entrance cleaner, he is nominated minimum quantity requirements. Thus, the applicant must be hardworking, friendly, honest and know the key provisions of general culture.

In the housing and communal services sector, all employees are subject to certain job descriptions, according to which work is carried out and checked. According to (click to download), the employee’s responsibilities include the following tasks:

  • wet cleaning of areas in front of elevators, carried out at certain intervals;
  • sweeping steps and landings;
  • washing floors in elevator cabins and general premises (also affects situations when it comes to floors in auxiliary premises);
  • the employee must clean the wall surfaces from dust and other contaminants;
  • dry cleaning of stairs on technical floors.

All designated work is not performed daily. Job description provides for a certain time frame (cleaning frequency schedule), which is followed by housing and communal services workers. This approach makes it possible to maintain relative cleanliness in the apartment building at the proper level, and creates conditions under which the cleaner does not conflict with the residents.

Contract agreement with a janitor for cleaning the territory, sample

If you want to study a standard sample contract with a janitor for cleaning the territory, you can use the capabilities of our portal. We have it on our website, which you can study online or download. ⇐

Where to complain if they don’t clean the entrance

Since cleaning the entrances to an apartment building is the responsibility of the management company that hires people for this work, a complaint about poor quality cleaning or lack thereof should be sent to officials UK.

The effect will be much greater if the complaint is collective in nature and signed by the majority of residents of the building. Of course, most often the management company will try not to admit its guilt, but management company employees will be forced to review the written document within the 30-day period established by law.

If the answer from the utility companies is unclear or absent altogether, or if complaints have arisen not for the first time, users have the right to complain to the state housing supervision authorities. In addition to the application, they will need to prepare evidence base, in particular, take photos and videos confirming the lack of cleaning or poor quality of work.

Sample complaint to the management company about poor cleaning at the entrance

If you live in Moscow and are unhappy with the quality of poor cleaning, you can write a complaint to the management company. Available for download on our website. ⇐