Staff distribution. Staffing: we solve emergency situations

One of the types of local regulatory documents is staffing table. This type of document is used to ensure control of the quantity and composition of any property.

For this there are certain rules drawing up staffing schedules.

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Necessity of the document

Staffing represents the staffing of an organization. It is not included in the list of primary documents, so some enterprises do not practice its preparation and maintenance. Despite this, its presence provides significant assistance to management in ensuring control over the company's work. In addition, the document helps when communicating with inspection authorities.

When checking the work of an enterprise by representatives of the tax or labor inspection Having a staffing table is not necessary, but is desirable. If there is no such document, this may be interpreted as one of the types of violation of Labor Legislation or Labor Safety. This may be punishable by the imposition of penalties in the amount of 1 - 2 thousand rubles for the responsible person or up to 30 thousand rubles for.

The main function of the staffing table is to justify the reasons for the dismissal or reduction of employees of the enterprise. Its absence makes it much more difficult for management to prove the legality of these processes.

Drawing up and maintaining the HR is the responsibility of the IT or HR department employee. In most cases, this task falls on the shoulders of accountants. Since the document is signed by the director and chief accountant of the company, they are responsible for its authenticity. When drawing up a staffing schedule, the deadline does not matter. To do this, the instructions for maintaining documentation should contain the following points:

  • The document must clearly indicate the conditions for its preparation and amendments.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to draw up and sign an order on the commencement of the ShR. It must include a clause that includes a list of persons responsible for drawing up and maintaining the staffing table.
  • In addition, the employees who must be notified of any changes to the schedule must be identified.

You need to have a list of legislative and regulatory acts on the basis of which the document is drawn up, amendments are made to it and other nuances for working with this document.

Features of compilation

It is necessary to enter the following data:

  • Name of the enterprise. Must correspond to what is specified in the constituent documentation (down to abbreviations and names in a foreign language).
  • OKPO code. Consists of 8 digits.
  • Exact date of writing. It is formatted as day, month, year.
  • Validity. The period of time during which the staffing table is in force is precisely indicated.
  • Name structural unit organizations. This data is entered in accordance with the classifier. If it is missing, the information is entered in alphabetical order.
  • Department code. Data entered into the classifier or compiled by the company management is used. In the second case, any principle can be used.
  • Position, rank, category. Data is entered starting from the management level and in descending order. It should be noted that if an employee is an employee, he occupies a specific position, but if he is a worker, his profession is indicated.
  • Number of SHE. Information is carried separately for all positions and professions. If a person works part-time, you need to indicate the share, for example, 2.75; 0, 5, etc.
  • Tariff rate or salary. When entering data, the monthly average is taken into account, which depends on the OT system. It should be taken into account that the rate must be indicated in the currency of our country - rubles. In some cases it is used interest rate or coefficient. It is not recommended to use dollars or other currencies. This is not prohibited by law, but according to the country’s Labor Code, the rate in foreign currency is automatically converted into rubles according to the existing this moment course. In addition, when the case is heard in court, such practice will be classified as a violation. This is due to the fact that the exchange rate tends to change in the direction of decline. A judge may consider this situation to be the creation of unacceptable conditions of remuneration for employees of the enterprise.
  • Amount of allowances. These columns indicate compensation or incentive payments. Their size is established by law and encouraged by the head of the enterprise.
  • The last column summarizes the data indicated in columns 5, 6, 7, 8. This figure is multiplied by the number of employees, according to the staffing table.
  • It is possible that some of the information used to complete the form requires a little clarification. This information is recorded in the Notes column.
  • The document must be signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant. In addition, the document has its own number.

After the staffing table has been drawn up by the head of the enterprise, an order is drawn up, in which information is communicated that the work schedule has been drawn up, information about the total number of employees of the company is indicated, as well as the period for which the document is valid. An order certified by the manager and others responsible people, is registered. Registration data is entered into a special journal. The staffing table and the order about it are stored along with other company documents.

Making changes to the SR

It is possible that the staffing table, like any other document, will need to be amended. What document is used to make changes to the staffing table? Since the document gains force only after the order is signed, changes can also be made to it in accordance with the order for the enterprise.

As a rule, the date of signing the order and the date when the changes take effect are not the same. In cases where the changes are not large-scale, changes are made to the staffing table. Otherwise, there is a need to draw up a new staffing table. A new order is being drawn up regarding this.

Making changes to the schedule primarily affects the interests of the company's employees. This, in turn, requires compliance with changes to employment contracts. According to the law, to carry out this procedure the following conditions must be met:

  • Obtain the consent of each employee whose employment contract requires changes.
  • A representative of management or the personnel department is obliged to notify each worker that there is a need to draw up a new staffing table. By law, there are certain time frames within which notice must be given to employees.
  • There are many cases where company managers believe that the presence of an order to amend an employment contract and the employee’s consent to these amendments are one and the same thing. This is wrong. As an example, consider making changes to the size of a company's employees. It is the responsibility of the head of the company to notify employees at least 60 days in advance that their salary will be changed. Immediately after this, a corresponding order is drawn up and signed, which also indicates the need to change the staffing table. The order must include information about exactly which positions changes will be made, as well as the date of entry into force of future amendments. In addition to the signature of the manager and chief accountant, the order is also signed by an employee of the personnel department, who will be directly involved in changing employment contracts.
  • After this, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement with each of the above employees, which stipulates in detail not only the fact, but also the reason why the salary is changing. If this does not satisfy the person or is not indicated at all, he has the right to demand payment of material compensation for the period during which he received a lower salary while performing the same work. In practice, there is mainly an increase wages. But the possibility of its reduction cannot be ruled out. The reason for such a move may be changes in the organization of working conditions or technological conditions for organizing the labor process, the adoption by the company's management of a new management policy, modernization of the process, a drop in the level of profitability of the company or its reorganization. However, the position and responsibilities of employees do not change. If this cannot be avoided, management must provide compelling evidence supported by legislative framework, about the impossibility of maintaining positions.
  • When staffing is reduced, changes are also made to the staffing table. This is due to the removal of some state units from the document. Taking into account the fact that employees are notified of the upcoming reduction 60 days in advance, the changes made to the SR also come into force on given time. If there is a staffing table at the enterprise, its manager will have legal documentary evidence that these positions have been removed from the list of staffing units of the company. Otherwise, the manager’s actions may be perceived as illegal.

Any step taken by the head of the enterprise must be confirmed by the Labor Committee.

This may be important

When developing a staffing table for an enterprise, some important questions may arise that you need to know.

Among the most significant and frequently encountered are the following:

  • If an enterprise has one or more branches, it is not necessary to draw up a separate staffing table for each of them. According to the legislation of the country, branches are not employers.
  • If it is necessary to indicate in the company's staffing table employees hired for seasonal work, you can enter the Work Period column into the document, where you can indicate this type of employee. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to indicate the period during which people will work.
  • The positions of employees specified in the SR must correspond to those listed in employment contracts data people.
  • If a person is hired for a position that is not on the schedule, the manager needs to adjust the company’s local documents.
  • In the case where one position is occupied by several people, whose employment contracts indicate that they work part-time, when calculating the total number of units in the state, the exact figure must be indicated. For example, if one position is occupied by 3 people, two of whom work at 0.5 rates, and the third at 1 rate, a total of 2.0 staff units must be indicated.
  • If the enterprise practices a tariff-free or mixed payment system, a coefficient or percentage can be used to accurately indicate units of measurement.
  • If there are no current salaries in the staffing table, it has no legal force. This goes against the law.
  • The staffing table has no connection with the company's employees. In this regard, when drawing up an extract, the worker’s data is not indicated in it.
  • If it is necessary to draw up an extract from the ShR by a branch of the company or its representative office, this issue must be specified in the company's charter. In addition, they can act by proxy. If there is none, an extract is requested from the accounting department of the main enterprise.
  • If there is any error or the slightest correction in the extract, the document is not valid.
  • If an official draws up a forged document, a fine will be imposed on him.
  • The same punishment faces an official who refuses to issue an extract from the staffing table to an employee. A person does not have the right to demand any copies of documentation or a certain fee for the issuance of a document. The extract is issued free of charge.

Often individual entrepreneurs The question arises about the advisability of drawing up and maintaining a staffing table. On the one hand, the legislation states that the staffing table is drawn up for the enterprise, and not for the employee, but on the other hand, in the event of an inspection by the federal labor inspectorate, a private entrepreneur may have problems big problems, which consist of imposing a fine or closing the enterprise.

When drawing up a staffing table, you need to take into account the fact that the salaries of employees who occupy one position should not vary. There may be a difference in the amount of additional payments (allowances, bonuses, etc.). The difference is influenced by the qualifications of the employee, his length of service at a given enterprise, and the complexity of the work performed. In no case should we forget that after drawing up a new staffing table, the old one must be stored. The draft of the old ShR is stored for 5 years, the entire list of correspondence related to the preparation of the document is stored for 3 years, the staffing arrangement (addition to the staffing table) is stored for up to 75 years.

In order to avoid difficulties with independently developing a company’s staffing form, experts recommend using a ready-made T-3 form or downloading other types of forms from which you can choose the most suitable one for a particular enterprise.

You should not ignore the need to draw up and maintain a company staffing table. You need to be extremely careful about this process. This will provide significant assistance in the event that someone is assisted in applying for a specific position, when staffing is reduced or the rate is reduced.

Staffing table from “A” to “Z” - on video:

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More on this topic:

To find out what professions exist and how much employees working in them earn, you need to look at the staffing table. This document is one of the main ones at the enterprise; it fixes not only the salary, but also the number of employees necessary for the activity. Due to the importance of the document, the staffing table for 2019 is drawn up according to all the rules.

The staffing table in form T-3 is a local regulatory act that establishes the organizational structure of the enterprise.

As well as a list of professions existing in the company, indicating the number of people required for the activity. In fact, the document consists entirely of a table where the data is grouped by department.

The salary is reflected in it for a calendar month, broken down by its component parts. Based on these indicators, the company’s expenses for attracting hired labor are determined, various plans are drawn up, and decisions are made major decisions in the field of company management.

The staffing table is used to guide the entry of data into employees - this agreement must contain the name of the employee’s profession, corresponding to the strictly approved staffing table, as well as a certain salary amount.

Based on this document, a personnel specialist can also determine the availability of vacancies. To do this, they need to compare information from the staffing table with the actual number of hired workers. If there is a need at the enterprise, the personnel inspector submits an application to the employment service.

Attention! The legislation does not provide for this local act as part of the mandatory standards that every company must have. However, if the enterprise decides to carry out procedures established by the state (for example, dismissal due to staff reduction), then the staffing table must exist.

In addition, other local acts of the company may provide for its mandatory presence in the company. First of all, this applies to them. And also the need for the existence of a staffing table at the enterprise can be established by a reference to it in the employment contract with the employee.

At the same time, every manager should remember that his company can be held accountable not for the lack of a staffing table, but for its incorrect execution.

LLC and individual entrepreneur – who should make up the staff?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in terms of regulating mandatory conditions, establishes the need for compliance of the profession specified in the contract and the corresponding salary with the data of the staffing table of the business entity.

From this we can conclude that a company or entrepreneur must have a staffing table if they have employment contracts.

Thus, if an individual entrepreneur works independently without hiring employees, he should not draw up a staffing table. Engaging performers under civil contracts will also not require the execution of this local act.

LLCs and other forms of organization of a legal entity that have at least an agreement with the director of the company must already develop and use a staffing table.

The creation of a staffing table in companies is mainly entrusted to the specialists of the personnel firm, who carry out a number of activities to determine labor costs for each profession specified in this act. Based on the research obtained, the required number of employees is determined so that the enterprise can carry out its activities.

If the number of employees at the enterprise is insignificant, this responsibility can be assigned to an accountant, economist, lawyer or the manager himself.

Document requirements

The law does not require any special rules regarding the staffing schedule, except that the position or profession specified in it must correspond to the positions and professions that the employer writes in the employment agreements executed with each employee.

  • It is recommended to adhere to the staffing form established by Rosstat (form T-3).
  • The local act must be approved by order of the manager.
  • It is allowed to draw up a staffing table on several sheets, but it is not necessary to lace and seal them with a signature and seal. You can simply fasten the sheets with a paper clip.
  • In some situations, professions reflected in the staffing table must necessarily correspond to directories of professions and positions, and in addition to the name, their codes must also be reflected in the documents (For example, the presence of professions with dangerous and harmful factors).
  • The presence of a company seal on the staffing table is not mandatory.
  • When changing the staffing table, if they are minor, you can simply issue an order for these adjustments, and leave the staffing itself as is.

Download the form and example of filling out the T-3 form for 2019

Sample of filling out the staffing table

To design the staffing table, a special form T-3. However, it is not strict in its application - a company can change it based on its own needs, or develop its own, using the required details. We draw up the staffing table for 2019 in accordance with all the rules according to the instructions given below.

Entering information into the staffing table begins with indicating the name of the company, and in a special field on the right - according to its directory.

Next, enter the number of the current staffing table. It must be assigned based on the number of documents that were previously used this year. The date when this schedule was compiled is written next to it.

Next is the date from which the document comes into effect. It may be similar to the date of compilation, or may occur later. However, it is unacceptable that the start date of the action is earlier than the day the document is issued.

To the right of this field there are columns in which information is recorded about the order that approved the document (its number and date), as well as the total number of staff units in it.

The document itself looks like a large table.

Count tables "Structural division" must contain the name of the department, according to the developed organizational structure. In the case where, along with the written designation of the department, a digital designation is also entered, it must be indicated in the next column.

As a rule, the code is formed from numbers or the first letters of the department name. However, if the company has several branches or separate divisions, then the department code can also include the city designation, region code, etc.

IN column "Position" It is necessary to write down the names of the positions that are present in the company. It is very important to arrange the structure of the document in such a way that after indicating the name of the department in the previous column, the positions included in it are listed in a column.

It is recommended to use the OKPDTR directory when specifying job titles. But for commercial companies this rule is not mandatory. In the same time budgetary institutions are required to enter positions in the staffing table only from this directory, and additionally indicate the rank or class of the employee.


Important! A commercial company is obliged to indicate the rank and class of those positions that are classified as harmful or dangerous. This fact is important when establishing preferential length of service and the time of early retirement.

IN column “Number of staff units” the number of employees who must be hired for this position is entered. If it also provides for the admission of part-time workers, then their number is recorded fractional expression, corresponding to the size of the bet paid - for example, 0.5.

IN column "Salary amount" the salary that the employee will receive while working in this position is recorded. It must be remembered that exactly the same salary is written down in the employment agreement with the employee.

You should also consider:

  • If the enterprise or a given position has adopted a piece-rate form of payment, then this column records the amount of earnings obtained by multiplying the tariff rate by the volume of products created per month.
  • If hourly wages have been entered for this position, then in this column you can record the amount of wages per hour. After this, in the same line, but in the “Note” column, you must indicate “Hourly wages”, and also make a reference to the administrative document that established this feature.

What follows are several columns, united by one subheading “Additions”. Here you need to record information about various incentive payments, if any and established by the Salary Regulations, Bonus Regulations or others internal acts. The size of the premium can be written not only as a fixed amount, but also as a percentage, coefficient, etc.

The total salary fund for this position is recorded in the “Total” column. It is calculated as multiplying the salary by the number of staff positions.

IN column "Note" various explanatory notes must be entered. For example, if at the time of registration of a new staffing table there is a vacancy for any position, then this fact must be reflected in this column.

The document is completed by counting and indicating total number staffing units and the general wage fund.

After this, the fully completed document must be signed by the chief accountant and the personnel officer responsible for its execution.

The procedure for approving the staffing table

Step 1. Develop the document

First of all, it is necessary to identify all the organization’s staffing needs and draw up a staffing form proposed for consideration.

Step 2. Issue an order from the manager

The staffing table is put into effect by issuing an order, which is approved by the head of the company. There is no mandatory form for it - such an order can be drawn up on company letterhead in any form. The main thing is that the order approving the staffing table includes the date from which it begins to operate new document.

Moreover, such a date may either be the same as the date of adoption of the order, or it may occur noticeably later. However, the staffing table cannot be put into effect retroactively. It will not be possible to indicate in the order a date that has already passed at the time of its adoption.

If the company accepts that every year the numbering of all significant documents starts from the beginning, then you can number the staffing table according to the same principle. Moreover, this will be most appropriate if changes in the staffing table every year are massive - this will eliminate large document numbers in the future.

Attention! If a new staffing table is introduced, then it is advisable to include in it a clause on the cancellation of the old one, which guided the personnel service until that time.

Step 3. Familiarize company employees with the accepted document

All employees hired by the company must be familiar with the local regulations in force that affect labor activity. This document does not directly affect labor activity and, according to Rostrud, it is not necessary to familiarize employees with it.

Attention! If in the employment contract or collective agreement The salary of employees is set on the basis of the staffing table approved by the company, so it is imperative that all employees are familiarized with it. For this you can use .

The procedure for making changes to the staffing table

This document must remain current at all times. Since the staff is periodically requested by government agencies during inspections, it is necessary to make timely changes to it.

The procedure for making changes to the staffing table will directly depend on how many changes need to be reflected in the document:

  • If they a large number of, then it’s easier to completely cancel the old staffing table and put into effect a new document that takes into account all the necessary changes.
  • If the number of changes that need to be made to the staffing table is small, then it is best for the responsible employee to draw up an order to make changes to the staffing table.

Typically, you can identify the following situations in which you need to make changes to a document:

  • Creation of new departments or divisions;
  • Organization of new positions;
  • Changing the titles of existing positions;
  • Changes in salaries or rates of employees;
  • Closing a department, division, staff unit.

If a change in staffing entails a change in the employee’s working conditions (change in salary, position, etc.), then it is imperative to obtain his written consent in advance. And after the new document is put into effect, an additional agreement to the contract is drawn up with the employee, which takes into account all the changes made.

The new order must be familiarized to all those employees who will subsequently be involved in registration necessary documents. You can also add to the familiarization list those employees who will be directly affected by the changes being made.

If the order introduces new positions, then you need to indicate their name, as well as how many staff units are being organized. This document is adopted immediately if it does not affect the interests of any of the already hired employees.

Attention! If the number of units is being reduced, then in the document drawn up you need to write down the name, the number of staff units being withdrawn and the date the order came into effect. It must be remembered that the reduction process is a long process in which it is necessary to notify both the employees themselves and the competent authorities in a timely manner.

The notice period may be 2-3 months, depending on the number of people being laid off. Also, the law determines the types of employees who cannot be laid off.

Frequency of document preparation and storage periods

Usually the staffing table is drawn up for a period of one year, and is valid throughout this period. However, if the organization is small, and staff movements in it occur very rarely, this document can be adopted for several years in advance.

After changes are made to the staffing table, the previous document ceases to be valid and is lost. legal force. However, it must be stored at the enterprise for some more period, therefore, as usual, checks affect several previous periods. And this is usually up to 2-3 years.

Attention! There is a rule according to which an invalid staffing table must be kept in the archive for at least another 3 years from the date of expiration. The same rule applies to documents used to make changes in the staffing table.

State regulations determine the main list of documents, the presence of which is mandatory for every employer, regardless of the organizational and legal form. The list of these documents also includes the staffing table. Although there is no direct indication of this in the legislation, the staffing table is mentioned in several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which indirectly confirms the need for its existence.

What is staffing

The staffing table is one of the fundamental documents of all organizations. It contains information about the structure of the enterprise, positions and number of staff units.

In those organizations where the remuneration system is limited only to salaries, this is the main document for calculating wages.

On what basis is it filled in?

If the organization has just started its activities and the staffing table is being drawn up for the first time, then it would be advisable to first think through the list of required positions and draw up a document regulating wages.

Responsible for compilation

The staffing table is drawn up by any employee assigned to it. As a rule, this is a personnel department employee or an accountant.

Familiarization with this document

Since staffing is not local normative act organization (paragraph 7 of the letter of Rostrud dated May 15, 2014 N PG/4653-6-1), then the employer is not obliged to familiarize employees with the staffing table.

Primary requirements

The staffing table is in the list of unified forms, where it goes under the letter T-3. Most organizations use this form because it contains all the necessary fields and columns.

But the use of this form is not mandatory; it is only advisory, although there has been a lot of controversy about this. This issue was finally put to rest by the Letter of Rostrud dated January 23, 2013 N PG/409-6-1. It directly states that organizations have the right to develop their own forms of this document and use them, the main thing is to take into account the requirements of the law.

In particular in Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employee’s labor function is determined in accordance with the position and profession indicated in the staffing table. That is, the names of the positions must be included in this document.

How to correctly fill out the staffing table for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs


  • the full name of the organization must be indicated in full accordance with the constituent documents;
  • OKPO is an 8-digit organization code. This data is contained in information letter statistics bodies, which should be at every enterprise;
  • staffing number. There are no clear requirements here. You can use continuous numbering, you can start each year with the number 1 and indicate the year through a fraction, you can use any other numbering method.
  • Date of preparation. The actual date of compilation is indicated; it may differ from the date of entry into force of the staffing table (for example, a staffing table drawn up in December of the current year comes into force on January 1 of the next year);
  • the period of validity of the staffing table is indicated, most often 1 year, and from what date it comes into force;
  • in the upper right corner the stamp “Approved” is placed and the details of the approval order and the implementation of the staffing table are indicated. As a rule, the stamp of the organization is placed on top of the “Approved” stamp, although this is not enshrined in law.

Staffing form 2019

The form can be downloaded from any legal system, such as Consultant or Guarantor. As a rule, the format offered for download is Word or Excel; there is no fundamental difference here, but it is more convenient to maintain in a tabular form, since formulas can be entered into the appropriate cells and the document itself will calculate the number of staff units and the wage fund.

Procedure for filling out form T-3

Column 1 “Name of structural unit”

Structural divisions include branches, representative offices, workshops, departments, etc.

They usually start with senior management departments, then accounting and financial services, production, and business services.

For example: board, finance and investment department, economic department, sales department, etc.

Column 2 “Division code”

Here, coding is assigned according to the same principle that is used in the first column and indicates the subordination of structural units. For example, the finance and property department is code 02; the accounting and economic departments subordinate to it will have code 02.1 and 02.2, respectively. This column is rarely filled in, mainly at very large enterprises. And it can be excluded from the document altogether.

Column 3 “Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications”

Positions fit into nominative case And singular, in full, without abbreviations.

The employer has the right to determine the names of positions, except for those associated with difficult and harmful working conditions and receiving government benefits (early retirement). These positions must be entered in accordance with the qualification and tariff directory, or professional standards, which are currently still being developed.

Column 4 “Number of staff units”

The number of staff units for each position is indicated here; it can be either an integer or a fraction, for example 05 or 0.25 of the rate, this means that the amount of working time for such a position is reduced by two or four times.

Note: when indicating positions and staffing units, the employer has the right to indicate any number, regardless of the actual number of employees. That is, he can add 3 accountant units to the staffing table, but hire 2, and the 3rd unit can remain vacant for as long as desired.

The exception is the staffing position, which is allocated for a quota for people with disabilities. Its vacancy must be reported to the employment authorities.

Column 5 “Tariff rate (salary), etc., rub.”

It all depends on the remuneration systems adopted in the organization. This can include a salary, tariff rate, or various percentages and coefficients.

If it is not possible to enter specific numbers, then you can simply indicate the form of remuneration “piecework”, “chord”. But then in the following columns there should be a link to the Regulations on Remuneration or another document that describes the calculation of wages.

Columns 6,7,8 “Additional allowances, rub.”

Filled out in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration and other local regulatory documents. This is usually included:

  • bonus for night work;
  • cleaning of bathrooms;
  • northern allowances;
  • other additional payments and allowances.

In these lines, you can simply indicate the document in which all this is stated, especially if there are a lot of allowances. The only thing that is not indicated in these columns is the allowances that are accrued on the entire salary. For example, a bonus, which is paid in the amount of a certain percentage of all previously accrued amounts (salary or tariff rate plus allowances).

Column 9 “Total per month”

This column can be filled out only if in columns 5-10 the amounts are written in rubles and for the same period of time (rubles/day, rubles/hour), otherwise either a dash is entered or the amount of only the salary multiplied by the number of staff units.

Column 10 “Note”

Here a local regulatory act regulating wages may be indicated, the minimum wage if it is established (for example, piecework payment, and the note indicates: “not less than 10,000 rubles.”)

As mentioned above, the employer can exclude columns that are unnecessary to him.

Sample of filling out the staffing table form T-3

Things to remember

When filling out column 5 of the staffing table, you need to remember that the so-called “fork” of remuneration cannot be entered in the staffing table. Since it is legally established that for equal work there is equal pay (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

That is, if there are 2 accountant positions in one department, then the salary or tariff rate should be the same. But you can set individual surcharges and allowances.

Who signs

Form T-3 requires two signatures under the staffing table: the HR department employee and the chief accountant. If some category is missing, then you can get by with one signature, or by an appropriate order for the organization to appoint other persons.

Terms and place of storage

The original staffing table is stored in the personnel department or in the accounting department, this is determined by the document flow of a particular organization. In any case, if the original is in the personnel department, then there should be a copy in the accounting department and vice versa.

According to paragraphs. "a" art. Section 71 1.2 " Organizational Basics management" List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activity government agencies, local government bodies and organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 N 558), the staffing table is stored in the organization permanently.


The legislation does not establish the validity period of the staffing table, so it can be the only one throughout the entire life of the enterprise, and all changes and additions will be formalized in separate orders to change the staffing table.

The employer himself makes the decision to change the data in the staffing table; in this case, he is not limited in the time and number of changes. Exceptions are cases provided for by law, for example, holding events. In this case, the deadline for making the change is established by the Labor Code.


The staffing table is one of the main documents of an enterprise of any form of ownership, containing important documents. Since there are no analogues to this document in the document flow, maintaining a staffing table is not only mandatory, but also necessary for the optimal organization of the enterprise’s work.

Video - how to create a staffing table for an enterprise in the 1C program:

What a manager and accountant should know when drawing up a staffing table. What requirements must be met when filling out the unified T-3 form.

Document flow is necessary in order to track various performance indicators of the company over time. Without it, the organization of processes is quite chaotic. Since in modern world personnel is the main asset of each company, documents related to management by human resourses, must be carried out as carefully and correctly as possible.

Staffing table - allows you to establish the staffing level of the organization's departments, analyze the organizational structure and remuneration system, and also facilitates the process of selecting personnel for vacancies in the company.

What is this document for? Is it mandatory?

The staffing table is necessary so that it is possible to justify situations of dismissal of employees due to staff reduction in the event of their appeal to the court. It can also serve as a justification for refusal to hire (due to the lack of a particular position). Therefore, proper drafting of this document is the basis for the legal defense of the interests of the company.

In addition, inspection companies (in particular, labor inspectorates) often require its presence during inspections. The absence of a document falls under the violation of the Russian Federation law on labor protection. Accordingly, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 5.27), an organization that does not provide a schedule faces a fine ranging from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In addition, you will be fined executive(the amount varies from 1 to 5 thousand rubles).

Finally, without a staffing table, it is not possible to prove that at the time of the layoff the company did not have the opportunity to provide employees with alternative vacancies.

Thus, the presence of this paper is not mandatory from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in theory, the decision of the tax or labor inspectorate to levy a fine can be challenged in court. However, in practice, the document should be maintained by any company to prevent possible conflict situations. At the same time, it is important to understand that for budgetary organizations its presence is enshrined in law.

Requirements for it

Since the staffing table is a so-called local regulatory act, there are not many special requirements for it:

  • One of the main ones is the fact that the company is obliged to draw up this document according to the unified T-3 form established by federal law. It cannot be shortened (all necessary points must be present), but additional data can be entered
  • The schedule must be put into effect from the first day of the month
  • It is very important that each page is numbered
  • The document must be bound, have the seal of the organization, the signature of the manager and the person responsible for drawing up

Who does the compilation?

At the moment, the legislation does not clearly define who should develop the document.

In companies with a branched organizational structure, the responsibility for compilation may lie with employees of the following departments:

  • personnel service
  • accounting
  • legal department (least common situation)

IN small companies this can be done by the manager or any other person authorized by him. In this case, an order is issued addressed to a specific employee who will work with this document. Another option for determining who is responsible is to indicate this fact in the job description or employment contract.

To simplify the compilation procedure, it is necessary to specify its nuances in the office work instructions:

  • terms and basic rules for development/changes
  • form of order for approval of schedule and changes
  • responsible persons for document preparation and signing of orders
  • employees with whom you need to coordinate the draft schedule or its changes
  • composition of regulations that regulate all issues related to it

How is it claimed?

After drawing up the staffing table, it must be approved. Before the final form is ready for signing, it must be agreed upon with the employees specified in the instructions.

After this, approval must be made using a special order or instruction, which must be signed either by the head of the company or an authorized person. The order must indicate the dates of preparation, approval and entry into force - they may coincide or differ from each other, but the date of entry into force cannot be earlier than the date of preparation or approval.

Structure and order of filling

First of all, the unified form must contain a number of details (they are required for each accounting document):

  • name and number of the document
  • date of its composition
  • Company name
  • confirmation of the fact of carrying out activities and expression of the value of natural or monetary measurement
  • name and signature of the person responsible for the correct preparation

The table must include the following information (from left to right):

  • structural subdivision
  • department code
  • position, rank, qualification class (for example, category 1 engineer)
  • number of staff units
  • salary (indicated in rubles, units of measurement are only in the table header - for example, 20,000.00)
  • allowances (in rubles) - for example, for an academic degree. 3 columns are allocated for them
  • total, rub. – this column indicates the total amount of wages
  • note

After filling out all the columns in the table, you must fill in the “Total” line. In it, you need to sum up all the values ​​​​in the columns (salary amounts, how many staff units there will be, etc.). After this, the necessary signatures and seal are placed.

How to make a change?

As of 2017, there are 2 main ways to make changes to the staffing table:

  1. So, you can directly change this document by creating a new one, which will have the following registration number. In this case, the new option must be approved by order for the main activity.
  2. However, most often the changes made are quite minor. In this case, it is enough to formalize the changes with the appropriate order. The order can be called as follows: “On changing the staffing table” or “On making changes to the staffing table.”

However, this procedure must have a justification. These may be the following reasons:

  • the need to optimize administrative activities
  • improvement organizational structure companies
  • carrying out reorganization
  • eliminating duplication of functions and creating responsibility centers
  • changes in Russian legislation
  • the need to organize events to improve the activities of a particular department in the company
  • reduction of core activities, expansion or diversification

If an employee's position is renamed, his or her written consent must be obtained before making changes.

Storage period and frequency of compilation

There are no rules in the legislation of the Russian Federation that would regulate the frequency of drawing up the staffing table. If in company high level staff turnover, it is advisable to draw it up once a month. However, most often it is compiled once every 6 or 12 months, only making changes if necessary. This is due to the fact that such a schedule is a so-called planning document.

It is also possible to draw up a T-3 form for several years - but this can only be done by those companies that do not plan to adjust the staff, introduce new positions or remove some of the existing ones.

Therefore, this option cannot be considered as appropriate at the time of 2017 - crisis conditions force organizations to constantly change various aspects of their activities.

As for the retention period, at the moment the document must be stored in the company for 3 years. Wherein given period is calculated from the next year after the year in which the schedule ceased to be valid. Staff arrangements (which can serve as a lightweight alternative to the paper in question) must be stored for 75 years.

Are entrepreneurs required to have a staffing table?

The staffing table is a mandatory local act that is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of the organization (Article 8 Labor Code RF). Does an individual entrepreneur need to have a staffing table, how to draw it up, approve and fill it out.

To have or not to have

The staffing table is mentioned only in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the employment contract specifies the position, specialty, profession (with qualifications) in accordance with the organization's staffing table or the specific labor function of the employee.

It follows that if the employment contract defines a position, specialty or profession (as is usually the case), then the employer who entered into such an employment contract with the employee is required to have a staffing table.

And vice versa, if all employment contracts concluded with employees describe the labor function (i.e., describe the specific work that the employee is required to perform), then there is no need for a staffing table.

In addition, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation unambiguously speaks of the “staffing schedule of the organization”, and not the staffing schedule of the entrepreneur. However, officials of the Federal Labor Inspectorate may regard the lack of staffing levels for individual entrepreneurs as a violation of labor legislation and fine them under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

  • the number of your employees exceeds 3-4 people
  • the responsibilities of employees relate to the standard functions of a specific position, specialty or profession
  • You need to clearly structure your staff, distributing responsibilities between employees

Sometimes employment contracts with employees indicate that they are hired for certain positions, specialties or professions, but there is no staffing table that would confirm the presence of these positions, specialties and professions.

In this case, the lack of staffing cannot prevent the employee from exercising his labor rights. And an employment contract cannot be considered not concluded only on the grounds that the employer does not have a staffing table.

Sometimes workers are hired for positions not covered by the existing staffing table. The contradiction between the staffing table and the employment contract must be resolved in favor of the latter (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee is considered hired for the position, specialty or profession established in the employment contract.

Lack of staffing may cause some problems. An employer that does not have a staffing table is deprived of the opportunity to reduce the number or staff of employees. More precisely, the employer can reduce the number or staff of employees, but he will not be able to document the legality of his actions in the event of a dispute.

How to apply

The staffing form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. (UF T-3). Employers typically use this form. But, in principle, they can also use another, independently developed form. Why?

A little history. In accordance with Article 9 Federal Law dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” stated that primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation. And only documents whose form is not provided for in these albums can be drawn up in any form, but must necessarily contain all the details specified in Art. 9 of the Law "On Accounting". And the development and approval of albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation was entrusted by the Government to the State Statistics Committee of Russia. Hence the conclusion was drawn that if the State Statistics Committee of Russia approved any unified form, then it is subject to mandatory application.

But the staffing table was not then and is not now the primary accounting document. After all, it does not formalize any business transaction that must be reflected in accounting. Not carried out on the basis of the staffing table accounting entries(even wages for time workers are calculated not on the basis of the staffing table, but on the basis of the working time sheet).

And since 2013, non-governmental organizations have the opportunity to use independently developed forms even for primary accounting documents. But the use of these forms in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ must be approved either by order of the head of the organization or by an appendix to the accounting policy.

So, employers have the right not to use a unified form of staffing, but to develop their own.

The names of positions, professions and specialties that appear in the staffing table are established by the employer independently.

If the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of any benefits or the presence of restrictions, then these positions, specialties and professions and the qualification requirements for them must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ).

The following directories currently exist:

  • ETKS - Unified Tariff qualification directory jobs and professions of workers
  • EKS - Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees
  • OKPDTR - All-Russian classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories

If in In the indicated directories, such professions and positions are absent, then in the staffing table (and in employment contracts) the names of professions and positions must be indicated in accordance with the regulatory legal act providing benefits or imposing restrictions. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation contains a fairly large number of regulatory legal acts that provide benefits and restrictions for various categories workers. Therefore, when drawing up the staffing table, it is better for the employer to adhere to the relevant qualification directories.

Let's look at how to correctly fill out the ShR using the example of filling out the unified form T-3.

Column 4 (number of staff units)

In the event that it is planned to maintain an incomplete staff unit, the number of incomplete staff units is indicated in appropriate proportions, for example 0.25 (see Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Columns 6-8 (surcharges)

If the employer is not able to fill out these columns in rubles, for example, due to the fact that bonuses are set for the employee in percentages or coefficients, then it is allowed to indicate percentages or coefficients in the corresponding columns.

If the amount of percentages and coefficients changes, then, in our opinion, it would not be a mistake to put dashes in the corresponding columns, and in column 10 to make a link to the document that regulates the change in these percentages and coefficients. For example, the percentage bonus for workers in the Far North varies depending on the length of their “northern” work experience. Therefore, when filling out columns 6 - 8, you can put dashes (in the absence of other allowances), and in column 10 make a reference to the relevant regulatory legal act that regulates the establishment of percentage wage increases for employees of the Far North.

Incentive payments other than bonuses are not shown. That is, there is no need to reflect bonuses and other incentive payments that are not allowances in the unified staffing form. It is unclear what exactly the bonuses did to earn the right to be included in the unified form of staffing. Moreover, there is no official definition of an allowance in labor legislation.

Column 9. (total)

Calculating the total wages is possible only when tariff rates and allowances are set in the same units for the same period of time. If in the corresponding columns, in addition to rubles, percentages and coefficients are used, and the organization uses not only a time-based, but also a piece-rate wage system, then it is not possible to derive the total from columns 5 - 9 of the unified staffing table form.

How to approve

The employer independently approves the staffing schedule. Labor legislation does not provide for taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers when approving the staffing table.

The staffing table is approved by order of the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. In this order, unlike the standard form of an order for the main activity, there is no stating part, and the order can begin immediately with the words “I ORDER”, since no additional explanations are required to put the ShR into effect. Although you can indicate the reasons (if any) why the new staffing table is approved.

The issue of putting a stamp on the staffing table has not been resolved by the legislator. The unified staffing form does not provide for mandatory stamping.

The employer also independently decides on changes and additions to the SR. Changes to the staffing table can be made by the employer as often as desired. In the event of a dispute regarding the dismissal of employees due to staff reduction, the advisability of changing the staffing table is not considered by the courts.

Sample filling

How to compose?

The staffing table must include the following information:

  • Full name of the organization, in accordance with the constituent documents
  • OKPO organizations
  • Staffing number (you can use any numbering method)
  • Date of actual compilation
  • You must indicate the validity period of the staffing table (usually this date is 1 year)
  • In the upper right corner the stamp “Approved” is placed and the details of the approval order and the implementation of the staffing table are indicated
  • Name of the employee's position in accordance with the ECSD
  • Number of employees for each position
  • Tariff rates (salaries) for employees
  • Constant bonuses and extra payments
  • If the list of positions, the number of employees, salaries and bonuses changes at the enterprise, then these changes must be made to the staffing table

If this is not done, problems may arise with the inspection authorities.

Order of approval

The staffing table must be approved by the heads of all structural divisions or individual employees leadership positions. After this, the staffing table is sent for review to the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. After the staffing table is approved by the accountant and the head of the personnel department, the manager issues an order to approve the new schedule. When the order is issued, the date and number are entered in the staffing table.

Who is responsible?

Typically, the staffing table is drawn up by a human resources employee or an accountant. But its compilation can be entrusted to any employee of the enterprise. Familiarization The staffing table is not a local regulatory act of the organization, so the employer is not obliged to familiarize employees with it.

Order for amendments

The order to make changes is drawn up in free form and the following details must be indicated in it:

  • Name of the organization
  • Document type
  • Registration date and number
  • Stamp with the inscription "Approved"
  • Executive visas
  • The order is agreed upon with the chief accountant and manager

Change due to elimination of positions

It is possible to exclude a position from the staffing table only if there is a reduction in personnel. To do this, an order to make changes is issued, the position is deleted and a new staffing table is approved.

You can exclude a certain position only if certain conditions arise, such as:

  • A crisis
  • Change of working conditions and more

When reducing staff, the dismissed employee is given two months' notice before the reduction.

Procedure for reducing staff and changing the staffing table:

  • Drawing up an order (it indicates the reason for its issuance, and states the name of the position that is being excluded)
  • The document is certified
  • Changes are made to the current staffing table without deleting job codes and structural units
  • An order is drawn up on measures to reduce personnel. The order is certified and the laid-off employees are familiarized with it

In order to introduce a new position into the staffing table you must:

  • Draw up an order for changes to the schedule
  • Make changes to the staffing table
  • Compose job description for a new employee

Shelf life of the staffing table

The staffing table must be kept at the enterprise for three years, starting from the year in which the provision ceased to be in force.

Fines for incorrect staffing

According to Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an official may be fined in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles; on legal entities- from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Based on materials:,

Who is responsible for drawing up the staffing table at the enterprise?

The staffing table (SH) is one of the primary documents used for the purpose of paying recruited personnel and maintaining accounting at the enterprise. In addition, ShR is indispensable in personnel records management. Therefore, the answer to the question of who draws up the staffing table at an enterprise depends on the scale and organizational structure of the enterprise.

Filling out and maintaining the SR may be assigned to:

  • the inspector of the personnel department, if one functions, or the employee who is entrusted with maintaining personnel records (the latter may be a lawyer, secretary, office manager, etc.);
  • chief accountant or accounting employee when such a unit is created;
  • the general director of the enterprise when the chief accountant is absent from the company's staff.

In the first case, all 3 levels participate in the adoption of the schedule (the personnel officer draws it up, the chief accountant checks and endorses it, the manager approves it by issuing the appropriate order). In the latter case, all actions are carried out directly by the head of the legal entity.

How often do you need to fill out a staffing table?

When asked how often you need to draw up a staffing schedule, you should answer that the schedule is drawn up once and is subsequently adjusted as necessary. The initial SR is drawn up when the enterprise is created and the management is determined with the number of employees in certain positions and specialties necessary for its functioning. For convenience, they try to correlate this moment with the beginning calendar year or the first day of the month to avoid payroll issues.

If the data changes, the SR must be brought into compliance with them by making changes. For information on how to do this correctly, read our article How to properly make changes to the staffing table? .

How to make a staffing schedule correctly: we draw up an example for 2018 - 2019

Often, managers of small legal entities ask themselves the question: how to fill out the staffing table and where can I see a sample of its design? In this section we will tell you how to properly create a staffing table.

There is a unified ShR form (form T-3, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated 01/05/2004 No. 1), however, from 01/01/2013, the date of entry into force of the Law “On Accounting” dated 12/06/2011 No. 402-FZ, apply this form not necessary. You can develop your own template.

Let's analyze a sample of filling out the staffing table using the approved form as an example. It is recommended to write in it:

  1. Common data:
    • name of the enterprise;
    • number and date of registration, period of validity of the staffing table;
    • details of the order by which the document was approved.
  2. The schedule itself is in tabular form with the following columns:
    • name of the structural unit and its code (if available);
    • the name of the required specialties and personnel positions;
    • the number of staff units, and the number can be either an integer (1, 2) or a fraction (0.5 or 0.25), when the presence of a particular employee is not required for the whole working day;
    • official salary;
    • allowances (if any);
    • the amount of payments for each position and the entire enterprise (determined by adding the salary and allowances for each position and multiplying by the number of staff units).
  3. Signatures:
    • HR department inspector (head of department if available);
    • the chief accountant or the person performing his duties at the enterprise.

An example of filling out the staffing table can be downloaded from the link: Sample of filling out the staffing table for 2018 - 2019.

We looked at how to create a staffing table. To draw up this document, you can use the approved form or compose it in any form. From the ShR you can learn about the structure of the enterprise, the number of employees and the monthly amount Money required to pay staff.