A responsible person is an example from life. Essays on Russian language and literature

Responsibility is an important link in the formation and development of any personality. Responsibility is understood as the conscious fulfillment of the requirements placed on a person. The implementation of specific tasks occurs through volitional effort, deliberate concentration on the result of a particular activity. A responsible person always worries about the consequences of decisions made and is guided in his activities rational approach. No matter how things turn out external conditions, a person who takes full responsibility for what is happening will always act for the benefit of the situation and the people around him, without forgetting himself.

Concept of responsibility

The concept of responsibility is familiar to each of us from childhood. Parents always strive to teach their child proper behavior in society, so they try from the very beginning early age instill in him the rules of decent behavior. We live in society, and whether we like it or not, we are forced to contact it every day. Other people are not always polite and do not always understand us. The responsibility that is assigned to each of the participants in the interaction is individual and specific in its own way. For example, if a student at school did not prepare homework, he must understand that the consequence of his action may be a bad grade. If an adult commits a rash act that is contrary to public morality and his own moral values, then he will answer both to people and to his own conscience. The concept of responsibility includes the following components.

Personal responsibility

It implies following individual guidelines, implementing plans and aspirations. In this case, the individual himself determines what he will be responsible for, what exactly his task is. Personal responsibility can also be expressed in the fact that a person takes on a certain role in society and sets a goal that he intends to achieve within a set time frame. In this case, he bears personal responsibility for taking actions to improve or develop a specific situation. A person gives his word and remains true to it. Otherwise, he may lose his positive reputation.

Collective responsibility

It implies that an individual is included in the social system in advance. He is a link in a huge chain that creates movement towards the chosen goal. Collective responsibility imposes equal rights and responsibilities on every member of society. A specific person becomes an active mechanism in such a system, although he can lead it in individual cases. Here it is possible to “blur” the boundaries between the individuality of its participants, since the effectiveness of the efforts made for a socially useful cause comes to the fore.

How responsibility is formed

Each person joins the team quite early. From childhood we are taught that we cannot live outside of society. Sometimes it becomes especially dangerous to have own opinion, if it goes against the principles of public morality and guidelines for what a person should be. A person, entering society, from the very beginning learns to live by its rules, gradually learning what is good and what is bad. Accordingly, the behavior of the individual changes: he can no longer behave as freely as he did before, but is forced to adapt to the requirements of the collective and take on the appropriate role. The responsibility in this case is to fit adequately into society and not lose your individuality.

The problem of responsibility

The problem of responsibility occupies an extremely important position in personality psychology. In terms of significance, it affects the deep aspects of the formation and development of an individual. This problem includes several structural components.

Why doesn't everyone take responsibility?

If we consider responsibility as a conscious desire to fulfill one’s obligations to society and oneself, then it turns out that first an individual needs to cultivate a strong will. Only that person can not deviate from responsibility who knows and understands its true price. It is much easier to try to avoid imposing any obligations than to bear the burden of responsibility. This character quality brings additional worries and obligations to the individual. However, at the same time, responsibility helps to become a disciplined person, to cultivate firmness and the right qualities of character.

If the child is still to some extent excusable for not fulfilling given promise, then an adult will be asked much more severely for his offense, and the consequences of such a mistake may be more serious. A person who does not want to take responsibility cannot be considered fully mature and independent in society. Such people are more often than others subject to condemnation from others, rejection of actions and actions. There is an unspoken rule in society that those who make mistakes must certainly come to the realization of their wrongness.

What is the true responsibility of the individual?

People often confuse blind adherence to someone else’s will, complete submission to the team, and loss of one’s opinion with responsibility. This is an absolute fallacy. A responsible person will never commit an act that is contrary to social norms, but he himself will not suffer any damage. Responsibility presupposes the assumption of certain obligations and the subsequent preservation of oneself, one’s essence in these circumstances. There are such concepts as freedom of choice, responsibility to oneself and other people. The first includes the ability to act according to one's internal attitudes and beliefs. The second concept is based on being able to make decisions that would help develop and improve one’s own personality. Finally, the third concept is associated with the ability to make decisions regarding interaction with others and adjust one’s actions. True responsibility always presupposes a sound mind and the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations.

How is responsibility related to freedom?

Many philosophers have wondered about this since ancient times. difficult question. They thought about what freedom is, can a person be free to the end or is this just the deepest delusion, an appearance?

Responsibility helps develop discipline. Anyone who is aimed at achieving any result, as a rule, does not retreat from difficulties and does not look for easy ways. Freedom in this case acts as a kind of motivating link, an attitude that helps to act in accordance with a given direction. A person takes the necessary steps of his own free will, and realizes the importance and significance of this decision. Even if in at the moment he doesn’t feel like doing anything at all, he will take his will into his fist and concentrate on the task at hand. There are often cases when people with high temperature or showing up at work feeling unwell because they were unable to take sick leave. They realized greater degree responsibility to society and strived to be useful. If a person decides to develop his best qualities character, talents and abilities - this can also be called freedom and responsibility. Any responsibility presupposes the presence of a conscious desire for any activity, the formation of motivation and an attitude towards its implementation.

How to develop responsibility

There is no need to prove why responsibility is so important in life. No specialist can do without responsibility if he considers his activities at least somewhat serious and intends to engage in it long time. What steps need to be taken in order to cultivate enormous willpower in oneself, to train the desire to be useful to oneself and society as a whole? The recommendations below will help you create responsibility for a certain time period.

Awareness of a strong need

Nothing motivates you more than knowing that no one else will take responsibility for you. You are responsible for your life yourself and you can either waste it or make it as useful as possible in all respects. Things will not get done on their own if you don’t put any effort into it. When a clear understanding comes that we ourselves are responsible for our actions and partly for the events that take place, we don’t want to look for someone to blame. A mature person will not shirk responsibility. Usually, someone who has realized the need for something is already ready to go all the way to victorious achievements. At this stage, the formation of individuality, personality development and self-improvement take place.

Activity planning

Whatever you do, any activity requires a responsible and disciplined approach. You can’t work carelessly just to get rid of an unpleasant responsibility. Every activity must be carefully planned. If the amount of work is too large, then it is necessary to break it down into smaller components. It is much easier to do voluminous work in parts than in whole. But for this you need to approach the planning process competently.

Try to immediately clearly define the time frame within which you are going to work. If the boundaries are too short, then you will have to work harder every day. It is better that you have two to three additional free days. If unforeseen circumstances arise (and they can happen at the most unexpected moment), you will know that you have time for everything. And this is important, believe me, especially when it comes to urgent and serious work.

Never put everything off until the last day. Believe me, in three days or even a week you will not be in the mood to complete the project you started. Plus it will be added to everything nervous tension and you will worry that you don’t have time. Leaving the most difficult thing for the last day is the same as putting yourself in an awkward position, and even making it an intention. Such experiences take a lot of strength and energy from a person, after which it will take time to recover from mental stress. Do everything in advance and you won’t have to worry anymore.

Predicting results

Responsibility presupposes the ability to build a future perspective in activities. A disciplined person, one way or another, foresees certain results of his work. Therefore, calculating the amount of activity for each day is not very difficult. The ability to foresee the final goal helps prevent possible mistakes that may occur if a person relies on a favorable opportunity. Forecasting the results will help you gather yourself at the moment when fatigue overcomes you, and will free up the forces that are in reserve to put them to use. By accepting responsibility for everything that happens, a person learns to analyze his work and improve.

Don't give up on your goal

Sometimes it happens that some task causes numerous difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to study all existing aspects as soon as possible in order to prevent a possible error. If you have started an activity with which you have certain obligations, never back down. In the most difficult situations, ask for help, but do not shy away from solving the problem. Your behavior depends on what behavior you choose. further activities. The feeling of victory brings with it confidence in one's own capabilities.

Thus, responsibility is closely related to the individual’s self-awareness, the ability to overcome difficulties, and determination. Reaching certain heights in this or that matter, a person trains his will.

In this article we will look at material that can be used as an example of an essay on the topic “Responsibility”. The first thing you need to highlight for yourself is: what is it? What is the problem of responsibility and what consequences can result from evading it? Does it bring benefit or harm to society and at what point do you need to understand what the right thing to do is?

What is responsibility?

Responsibility can be different: administrative, criminal, legal. But today we will talk about a completely different type - ethical responsibility, about how a person should act if unacceptable events occurred through his fault. The most important thing is to be able to answer for what is done. As life goes on, the degree of responsibility carries different character. In an essay on the topic “Responsibility” we will roughly highlight three stages in a person’s life.

Stage one - childhood. In childhood, a child is irresponsible; he is just beginning to learn to speak, walk, read, and make friends. Great value has the child’s family and his environment. The second stage is the periods of adolescence and the beginning of adolescence, when part of the foundation has already been laid, and the child begins to understand and distinguish between good and bad. Returning to our essay on the topic “Responsibility,” we note that at this age certain kinds of responsibilities appear, which are defined by the concept we are describing.

Let's draw an analogy between duty and responsibility. For example, the simplest and most understandable example for every child is caring for a pet. You need to walk your dog two to three times a day. And, for example, this responsibility is assigned to a child, say, who has reached ten or eleven years of age, who must understand that the health of his pet depends on himself. That is, in any weather, be it rain or bad weather, a weekday or a weekend morning, when you really want to sleep longer, he must take him for a walk, that is, he must take responsibility. And the older a person gets, the more responsibility he takes on.

The third stage is the period of maturity. In our essay-reasoning on the topic “Responsibility” we would like to draw the following conclusion that this is, first of all, an understanding of what can happen if a number of rules or responsibilities are violated or not fulfilled.

The problem of responsibility: good or bad?

An essay on the topic “The Problem of Responsibility” addresses the following question: how will people use the achievements of progress - for their own benefit or harm? The splitting of the atom, the invention of the bomb is scientific discoveries, which seemingly made a breakthrough in the technical development of mankind, but subsequently caused irreparable damage.

The development of chemistry affected food industry: dyes, stabilizers, preservatives appeared in products on store shelves. The issue has been resolved from an economic point of view, but the question healthy eating remained open.

Examples from literature

This question is relevant at all times. There are many examples of this problem in the literature. One of the most striking classical examples is Rodion Raskolnikov, main character works "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. The young man experienced pangs of conscience after the murder he committed. He, realizing all the responsibility for his action, admits to what he did.

A wonderful literary example can be cited from Bulgakov’s work “The Heart of a Dog,” where one of the main characters, Professor Preobrazhensky Philip Filippovich, finds courage and takes responsibility, correcting the mistake and realizing the damage he caused to the people around him. The professor’s action is a real example for an essay on the topic “Responsibility for actions.”

The professor’s last name was not chosen by chance by the author; he was transforming this world, but was faced with a problem from an unexpected side. Making a decision that cost him so much was going to change people in better side, but he was forced to hide his work and his discovery from the whole world.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the essay on the topic “Responsibility” touches on this problem not only in literature, but also in real life. Professions such as lawyer, doctor, rescuer, scientist are most often associated with this concept, because not only the well-being, but also the lives of more than a dozen people depend on the decisions they make.


An essay on the topic “Responsibility” should have a thoughtful beginning that would instantly set the reader in a certain mood. Often, authors begin an essay with a question, upon seeing which a person begins to think automatically. This technique is quite simple, but effective. In addition, this kind of introduction very successfully helps to outline the topic. You could write something like this: “We often say the word “responsibility.” But do we think about what it means? And are we ourselves responsible? It’s unlikely that each of us thinks about this often. And it should. Perhaps we would become a little more attentive, more serious and more mature.” This - good start for work such as an essay on the topic “Responsibility”. The main thing is that the introduction should not be voluminous, but meaningful. And the main part is intended for thoughts and reasoning.

An essay on the topic “Responsibility” should be written in the style of reasoning and reflection. If this were an essay called “View from the Window,” we could do some description. But this is not the case.

It is important to show the course of your thoughts, as well as justify them, support them with facts and statements that could convince the reader of something. This can be done as follows: “Every person, whether he knows it or not, has a certain responsibility. At least for your life. But in reality, everything is more global. Take, for example, responsibility for animals. Every person who has pet, is responsible for him. Animals are defenseless creatures created to be loved and cared for. Many people forget about this. They rarely feed, do not pay attention to the pet, and do not communicate with it. Such people should be deprived of the right to have animals altogether. After all, they are creatures just like us, who need food, a comfortable place to sleep, cleanliness and, of course, communication and affection. All this is the responsibility of the person who, having taken the animal into his household, essentially obliged to provide it with all this. Perhaps if everyone understood this, there would be more healthy pets in the world, and fewer homeless ones sent to the street by so-called “owners” who are simply tired of the poor animal. But most importantly, by communicating with them, we become better, kinder.”

Main part options

Above is one of the possible options development of the plot of a work such as an essay on the topic “Human Responsibility”. In this case, it concerned pets, and, I must say, this topic is very relevant for our time, unfortunately. You can touch others too social problems. For example, the responsibility of young mothers or older children. Or drivers who do not always understand that they are driving a vehicle increased danger, and even if they are alone in the car, they could cause injury to a pedestrian or another motorist. In general, there are a lot of options, and which one to choose depends only on the preferences and interests of the student.


An essay-reasoning on the topic “Responsibility” must be completed with appropriate words. And if an essay usually begins with a question, it ends with quotes. Naturally, relevant to the topic. Well, in this case, you can write something like this: “In conclusion, I would like to say that it would do well for every person to think about their responsibility. Perhaps life would be better. After all, as G. Simanovich said, “to bear responsibility, you need reason, and not just strong hands and shoulders.”

A category of ethics that characterizes a person from the point of view of fulfilling his moral requirements imposed by society, expressing the degree of participation of the individual and social groups both in their own moral improvement and in the improvement of social relations.

What is a person responsible for? For everything that happens on earth? Or for something very small?

Eat good book Roni "Fight for Fire" It tells about prehistoric people as we can imagine them: after all, the information that has reached us is very, very scarce. Those who have read this book remember the content: the boy was assigned to guard the fire. Then people did not know how to make fire, they supported it, not letting it go out. And so the boy fell asleep, and the fire went out. And this meant that the entire tribe was doomed to cold, hunger, and perhaps death...

By entrusting the boy to guard the fire, the tribe entrusted themselves and their lives to him. He doomed them to death. For this, according to the concepts of that time, he himself was worthy of death.

Already in this example, you can at least be convinced that being responsible for others means being able to be responsible for yourself. Only a person who controls himself in any circumstances, capable of sacrificing his own interests, only such a person is worthy of the high right to be responsible for others.

But in distant times, the mistake or irresponsibility of one person did not have such dire consequences as today. There were few people; they lived in separate tribes on a land that seemed endless to them. Now we know that we live on a small planet. From space we have already seen our Earth through the eyes of astronauts. She's small. And the people on it are connected to each other, even if they don’t understand it. In essence, our Earth is also spacecraft, and we all together are his team. It is quite clear how much depends on the coordinated work of the ship’s crew.

When they talk about responsibility, they often take examples from front-line life. Indeed, at the front, in emergency circumstances, Life and the death of many depends on the action of one person. At a critical moment, you were able to lead people, captivate them with your courage - victory! He ran from the battlefield, creating panic - defeat, death. But are feats accomplished only at the front? Is it only at the front that they save?

Pasteur was a peaceful man, and perhaps he would not have shown examples of courage on the battlefield. But he had the courage of a scientist. He won a victory that is much more important for humanity than all the combined victories of Napoleon, his compatriot. Napoleon's victories, which ultimately ended in defeat, took lives. Pasteur made a discovery that saved the lives of millions and millions. Many of us live on earth today because the vaccination method he discovered gave people the opportunity to defeat the plague and smallpox. After all, these diseases claimed more lives than wars.

Is it only great talent that makes it possible to make great discoveries? Great discoveries also require a great sense of responsibility. For the people? Yes. But also for myself. Great scientist great writer- is always a great worker. He is endowed with a huge sense of responsibility for what is given to him by nature. He does not squander his abilities, but increases them with work. It is known that abilities, like muscles, grow with training.

Pasteur's discovery was distant in time from his practical application. But there are discoveries that from the very beginning pose the question to scientists: what are you you bring it to people- benefit or destruction? Physicists who worked on splitting the atom and creating a uranium boiler understood that one of the first results of their work would be an atomic bomb. What would an atomic bomb mean in the hands of Hitler? It would mean the death of humanity, the transformation of people into monsters, into slaves. Realizing their responsibility, not all German physicists agreed to give atomic bomb into the hands of Hitler. And although this reason was not the main one, not the main one at all, it was still one of the reasons why in fascist Germany They never managed to create an atomic bomb.

Today man, he alone is responsible for everything on earth. For thousands of years he fought nature as an enemy. Now he is responsible for her as the eldest. He is responsible for the air surrounding our planet, for the oceans, for forests and rivers, for everything that lives in them. A person cannot transfer this responsibility to anyone, because he alone is endowed with higher power- the power of the mind. This means that his actions must be reasonable and humane.

Who is this man? This is all of us together and each of us individually.

All future statesmen who are destined to take responsibility for the destinies of peoples, all the great scientists, writers, philosophers, whose names are not yet known to anyone - all of them are sitting at school desks today. One should not think that responsibility will come to them in the future along with the assigned task. Anyone who has not cultivated a sense of responsibility in his youth will not learn this in his adult years.

Responsibility is a thing that does not exist in itself, but is always considered in a certain context. Some views of responsibility in our society are so broad that it is quite difficult to determine correct human behavior. The greater the responsibility, the less people able to change something and influence what he is responsible for. Sometimes, precisely in order to reduce their responsibility, people deliberately increase the scale of the case in such a way that it is then almost impossible to find those who are responsible for certain events.

A person can be called a true and full-fledged member of society only when he is able to be responsible for what he does. A person must always be responsible for his behavior, his actions, hold his destiny firmly in his hands, be ready for any challenges, and constantly strive for victories in his personal life.

Responsibility is a person’s duty to someone or something. For example, public duty, conscience and honor, life position and attitude towards others in accordance with public moral norms and principles is a measure of our responsibility to society. In addition, everyone normal person must be able to manage oneself and one’s behavior. Self-education is also a manifestation of responsibility; it indicates that a person is already a fairly mature and spiritually stable person.

Many generations of our ancestors lived and acted according to the motto “I am responsible for everything!” Focusing on this slogan, they became real people, capable of feats for the sake of other people, for the sake of the Motherland. During the Great Patriotic War our compatriots, having lost their legs, fought with the enemy, learned to fly airplanes, and after the war - cars and tractors, and having lost their hands they did not lose heart and became outstanding writers, artists and other famous people.

It should be said that fulfilling one’s duty to family, friends, people around us, and to the Motherland is quite difficult. There are quite a few reasons for avoiding responsibility and fulfilling duties. Sometimes you don’t want to get up early because you went to bed late yesterday, you’re not in the mood to respect your parents, you don’t want to do your homework because your head hurts, you don’t want to do anything because there are no appropriate conditions for it, and so on. Those who hold such views and live by such rules, unfortunately, do not understand that they themselves must create decent conditions for their lives and this is their responsibility, this determines the level of their responsibility. And it depends only on the person himself whether he can fulfill his dreams and achieve his goal.

A person is called to live in such a way that her life is not only for personal benefit, but for the benefit of those around her, for the benefit of her native people, her Motherland. A person is called to answer for her actions not only to herself, but to those whom she loves and respects. And in order to feel like a Person with capital letters, you need to bring it as much as possible more joy and happiness in the lives of other people and at the same time feel responsible for all your actions and behavior.