The husband of Evgeniy Kochergin’s deceased daughter made his last promise to his wife. Evgeny Kochergin was rescued from the elevator of the building where his daughter Irina Volodina, daughter of Evgeny Kochergin, died

Thursday at a luxury residential complex “Scarlet Sails”, located in Moscow on Aviatsionnaya Street, a tragedy occurred. Daughter died in elevator famous TV presenter Evgenia Kochergina Irina Volodina. Actress Alla Dovlatova lives in the same residential complex. In her opinion, Irina Volodina was a tactful and caring person.

- I didn’t even know that Irina and I were neighbors, - Alla Alexandrovna told Metro. - This is drama! The man lost his life, and the children lost their mother.

Irina Volodina is survived by two daughters. The eldest is eight years old, and the youngest is two years old.

Alla Dovlatova saw Irina Volodina only once - on a TV show on Channel One. And then Irina made a strong impression on her.

Last year we participated in the program “Let them talk”, where he (Evgeny Kochergin - editor's note) was, Irina and his illegitimate daughter Milana, who came from Yakutsk, recalls Alla Dovlatova. - Irina made a very favorable impression on me! She is such an intelligent, well-mannered, pretty woman, with a good education and good speech. Very seasoned, delicate. Although the topic was very sensitive back then. And I remembered how restrained, tolerant and intelligent Irina behaved. She was a very well-mannered person. I also thought: “If I were in her place, I wouldn’t be able to be so persistent when your father is offended.”. Her father raised her with love and gave her so much of his heart. It was clear that they had a very warm relationship. IN extreme situation she showed herself to be a highly cultured person. Plus good education, good family. I really feel sorry for her.

Having learned that Irina Volodina was aware of the problems with elevators and even tried to somehow deal with it together with the residents, Alla Dovlatova was not at all surprised.

A caring person! - she exclaimed. - Our residents complain, talk about the ugly management company. The residents are very unhappy with her!

It is known that elevators in residential complexes “Scarlet Sails” the organization is engaged in Liftgarant”. So far, its specialists have not communicated with the press.

As Metro previously wrote, the tragedy occurred on Aviatsionnaya Street, at 79 (building B). Irina Volodina was descending in the elevator, and at that moment dramatic events began to occur. According to the RF Investigative Committee for Moscow, the cable broke, resulting in the collapse of the elevator. There are also unofficial versions what happened - for example, some experts believe that the floor of the elevator collapsed.

An electrician who, shortly before the tragedy, was performing maintenance work on the elevator and elevator equipment has already been detained. The Investigative Committee continues to conduct its investigation. So far, some have been made available to the public technical specifications elevator

/ Friday, January 15, 2016 /

KVN player, Russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter and showman Pavel Kabanov lives in “Scarlet Sails”, where Irina Volodina died last Thursday while going down the elevator. He lives in building 5, and the tragedy occurred in building B. A Metro reporter talked to Kabanov and learned about his attitude to what happened.

Kabanov adheres to the version he read on one of the forums.

The forum says that two people died! - he says. - They write that the elevator was under repair. By someone's mistake, they managed to call him, and a woman entered. The brakes worked on one of the floors, but apparently the speed of free fall was so high that the floor in the elevator continued to fly along with the woman, and at that moment there was a person in the elevator shaft who was repairing the elevator. So he was covered along with the woman. This is what I can tell you.

Kabanov has just arrived from a business trip and learns all the news from the Internet. He himself lives in building 5, and the tragedy occurred in building B. According to the actor, he did not notice any system that could lead to the tragedy.

Experts should figure it out, he believes. - This situation requires a powerful check of both the management company that maintains the complex and the company that maintains the elevators. This is, of course, a terrible incident. This is not a plane in the sky that has disappeared from radar. This is what we use every day. How can something like this be allowed to happen in the 21st century, in a complex that is considered one of the most modern in the city? This is a blow to authority “Scarlet Sails”, “Donstroy", “VTB". And the complete disarmament of the people living here! And a lot of them live here.

Kabanov noted that he himself did not use the elevators of building B.

- God had mercy on me - apparently, we’ll already say that, he said. - I happy man that I wasn't there.

A resident of building B, Marusya Nazarova, previously told a Metro correspondent that she would now never use the elevator, although she lives on the 15th floor.

It’s difficult for a normal person to climb to the sixth floor on a regular basis,” Kabanov commented on her statement. - This is a matter for everyone personally. My mother is 79 years old. She may need to leave and enter the house. But she can neither go down nor go up to the 22nd floor. It's like water, electricity. It should work flawlessly! Everyone is incredibly depressed.

Kabanov noted that the company “ Donstroy” does not allow competition.

It was impossible for Internet providers to get here,” he recalls. - The Internet was only from “ Donstroy", there were no alternatives. And so in everything! Use what we give you.

I know that the deceased girl was part of an initiative group that fought and ensured that the residential complex was open to other companies providing services. Not everyone was happy with everything with us. This, apparently, is the result.

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Another resident “Scarlet Sails” Alla Dovlatova shared her impressions of her brief acquaintance with Irina Volodina, calling her a persistent, intelligent woman.

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In Moscow, law enforcement officers detained an electrician who was responsible for the maintenance of an elevator in a building belonging to a residential complex “Scarlet Sails”, the agency reports “ Moscow " with reference to the senior assistant to the head of the GSU Investigative Committee(IC) of the Russian Federation in Moscow to Yulia Ivanov.

“As part of the criminal case, searches were carried out at the management and operating companies responsible for operating the elevator. . . . . .

She also noted that investigators are now carefully studying all documents, as well as various technical regulations, to establish whether the company is involved in the fall of the elevator in the residential complex “Scarlet Sails” and, accordingly, to the death of the daughter of TV presenter Evgeny Kochergin, Irina Volodina.

Let us recall that previously very controversial information appeared in the media regarding the incident in the house on the street. Aviation. In particular, some journalists wrote that in the elevator shaft of the residential complex “Scarlet Sails” a second body was discovered, and actress Irina Voldina died due to the floor collapse in the elevator. Later in law enforcement agencies denied this information.

In an elite residential complex Scarlet Sails the elevator broke down: the general public continues to discuss this news for the second day. Elevator in “Scarlet Sails” collapsed - and, according to media reports, took the life of Irina Volodina. This is the daughter of the famous announcer and TV presenter Evgeniy Kochergin.

Later the agency “ Interfax" with reference to the metropolitan police, issued a message that in the elevator shaft of the residential complex “Scarlet Sails” The body of another victim was found. However, this information has not been confirmed.

There is an active discussion on the Internet about possible versions of what happened. Internet users think "why did the elevator fall in “Scarlet Sails”. According to official information from the capital's investigators, the cable broke. The Lifenews portal reported that a woman died in an elevator shaft because the bottom of the cabin fell off. The investigation into the incident will continue.

A Metro correspondent contacted the press service representative "Rostechnadzor". Today the department made its first statement.

The incident was considered an accident that resulted in the death of a woman. We are not yet ready to voice our version of what happened. A special commission is finding out why the cable broke: either the counterweight fell, or the cable broke, and only then the counterweight fell and destroyed the cabin. In addition, there will be an unscheduled inspection of the owner of this elevator. It is known that the elevator is indeed an OTIS brand; it is not yet clear where it was assembled. The elevator has been in operation since 2001.

An elevator engineer who wished to remain anonymous told Metro that a broken cable was unlikely to have caused the woman's death.

All OTIS brand elevators have a very strict security system. And if the speed of the elevator’s fall exceeds the nominal speed of its movement, the elevator simply stops hard, or rather, falls on the so-called “ catcher". The catcher is located on the cabin and on the counterweight. As a result of this stop, the person in the cabin can only receive severe bruises. So, most likely, the woman died as a result of severe stress or shock. She died on the afternoon of January 14 in the elevator of a residential complex on Aviatsionnaya Street. She turned out to be a resident of the house, Irina Volodina.

As Kochergin said, his daughter was part of the initiative group of the house, repeatedly drew attention to the poor condition of the elevators in the building and demanded their replacement.

It was initially reported that the floor of the elevator had caved in. Later, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow clarified that the cabin fell due to a broken cable.

In connection with the emergency, investigators opened a criminal case under article "Providing work that does not meet safety requirements".

Premium residential complex “Scarlet Sails” located on the banks of the Moscow River. It consists of five buildings ranging from 27 to 48 floors in height. The first of the buildings was built in 2003.

Electromechanic Alexander Belousov, who worked in a company servicing residential complexes “Scarlet Sails”, where a woman died due to an elevator breakdown, does not admit her guilt, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the Khoroshevsky courtroom in Moscow.

“I don’t agree with the accusation. The technical inspection was carried out as planned. All problems were eliminated.”, - Belousov said at a court hearing, which is considering the issue of his arrest.

The case was initiated under article "providing work that does not meet safety requirements"(Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the maximum penalty for which is up to 6 years in prison.

In one of the buildings of the residential complex “Scarlet Sails” in Moscow on January 14, due to a fracture in the elevator cabin, Irina Volodina (daughter of the famous TV presenter Evgeny Kochergin) fell into the shaft from the height of the 7th floor. The 36-year-old woman died on the spot from her injuries. . . . . .

There is now a pathetic story in the Russian news feed: The daughter of TV presenter Evgeniy Kochergin died in the elevator in the Scarlet Sails residential complex.

I don’t know who Kochergin is, since I don’t watch much TV.
The deceased, Irina Volodina, was the wife of the deputy general director of VTB Insurance, Alexey Volodin, graduated from MGIMO and also worked in insurance.

Residents of Shchukino, not allowed into the world of the “Others,” express deep gratitude for the embankment stolen from them, painting “Sails” outside:

In connection with the tragic incident, I became interested: what did Irina Volodina, who died in the residential complex, think about it?

The media briefly reported that Volodina “fought the management company for two years.” Maybe, I thought, she was fighting to enforce the Water Code to open the embankment to the public?

Volodina Irina Evgenievna is listed there as the second among the members of the initiative group of residents.

Upon further reading, it turned out that Irina Volodina was not at all worried about the violation of the Water Code, but quite the opposite.
The first item on the agenda reads:
1. Issues of organizing the security work of the Complex:
On the first issue of the meeting agenda, residents of the Complex spoke and outlined the current problems of ensuring the safety and security of the Complex, namely: unauthorized persons continue to enter the territory of the Complex and cars without a pass.

And then follows a list of measures that the angry initiative group demanded from the negligent management company: to repair and install digital video cameras on the territory of the Complex, to “restore order” to visitors non-residential premises- introduce “data scanning and automatic registration of visitors”, “strengthen control” over access to the territory of workers, allocate a separate checkpoint No. 2 for the passage of the mob, legalize the fence around the territory of the Complex (previously it, it turns out, was not entirely legal), eliminate weak points in the fence (it turns out that it is not high enough), install Egoza barriers and perimeter sensors, introduce regular patrolling of the territory by police officers (in addition to the private security company), etc. etc.

Only the second item on the agenda is elevators (aesthetics and inoperability), and the third is general questions about parking, “bricks falling from the facades,” about the “ugly state of the embankment,” etc.
The fourth point again brought up “security” (as they understood it): residents complain about large number offices on the territory - "explanatory work is underway with office workers and visitors regarding the ban on walking around the territory."

Nothing about Water Code not in the protocol.

Maybe, I thought, this is just Irina Volodina?
I looked into other forum threads, where the owners of the residential complex are discussing the embankment:

And another forum thread with severe criticism of the management company - for the Moscow government’s demolition of what turned out to be an illegal checkpoint:

I think this is all you need to know about the dear residents of the Scarlet Sails residential complex and deceased Irina Volodin.

If they had not spent so much effort and money on “social security” and the fight against “high traffic flow of service personnel,” then more resources would have been left for repairing elevators, and perhaps the deceased would have been alive. "He who does not look forward ends up behind."

I am sincerely sorry for the man from the service staff who died with her.

P.S. For those who do not understand: I did not and do not express any joy over this tragedy; I'm concerned about the Water Code and fences.

The country learned about Irina Volodina thanks to tragic event– her death after falling into an elevator shaft in the elite Moscow residential complex “Scarlet Sails”, and only then it became known that she was the daughter of the famous TV presenter Evgeny Kochergin from his second marriage. After the death of his wife, Irina Volodina’s husband Alexey was left alone with two children – daughters two and eight years old.

By a lucky chance, the Volodin children managed to avoid the fate of their mother - the nanny and the girls left a little earlier and went down on another elevator - if they had all gone together, they would all have died.

For all Irina's relatives, the news of her death became a terrible blow. A few days before this, the Volodin family returned from Italy, where they spent the New Year holidays - at least once every six months they went to some resort to spend time together.

In the photo - Irina with her family

Irina Volodina, as part of an initiative group of residents of the building, more than once raised the issue of malfunctioning elevators, warning that a tragedy could happen at any moment, and it happened to her.

Irina Volodina’s husband said in his farewell words that he would devote his life to his daughters and would raise them as he and Irina dreamed of. Alexey Volodin works as a deputy general director, Director of the Corporate Risk Insurance Department at VTB Insurance. His responsibilities include working with corporate clients on property insurance, liability for construction and installation risks, cargo, transport, and so on. He graduated from the Faculty of International economic relations Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the specialty “International foreign currency loan and financial relations." Labor activity He started at Medstar Holding, where he headed the regional unit, then moved to the Basic Element company, and a year later became deputy head of the comprehensive financial services department for corporate clients of Ingosstrakh, and later - head of the company’s corporate services department.

In the photo - Irina Volodina’s husband

The death of his wife was an irreparable loss for Alexei Volodin, because the relationships in their family were ideal. All friends and acquaintances spoke of Irina as a reserved, intelligent person who can calmly resolve all issues and tries to achieve her goals. This is probably why she became part of the initiative group of residents of the Scarlet Sails residential complex, but this time her example became tragic, which may make those responsible for the safety of residents think.

A verdict has been rendered in the case of the death of Irina Volodina (Kochergina) during the collapse of the elevator in the Scarlet Sails complex.

In January 2016, in the elevator of a residential building on Aviatsionnaya Street (by her husband - Volodin). Irina died when a cabin collapsed into an elevator shaft from a height of the seventh floor.

The tragedy could have been more widespread. Irina was returning home with two small children. But they were lucky to survive because the nanny took them to another elevator.

The Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow found electrician Alexey Belousov guilty in the case. He was accused of providing services that did not meet the life safety requirements of consumers, resulting in the death of a person through negligence. The man was sentenced to 3.5 years in a general regime colony.

Journalists report that the prosecution is satisfied with the mechanic's punishment. Evgeny Kochergin noted that just sentencing Alexey Belousov is not enough.

« Social justice did not completely triumph. One of the organizers - the director of the service company - must be punished. He has been charged, the investigation continues,” the TV presenter commented.

Irina Volodina - daughter of Evgeny Kochergin

At the same time, the defendant himself does not consider himself guilty. He stated this before the verdict was announced.

Previously, the prosecution asked to sentence Belousov to four years in a general regime colony, and the lawyers of the injured party estimated the claims for a total amount of three million rubles. The investigation established that as a result of the specialist’s provision of services that did not meet accepted requirements, the elevator collapsed, resulting in the death of a close relative of TV presenter Evgeniy Kochergin.

Irina left behind two small daughters, who are now being raised by their father, Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance Alexey Volodin. Friends of Evgeniy Alexandrovich said that he was grieving the loss loved one. The TV presenter's entourage did everything possible to distract him from sad thoughts.

According to some reports, it was Belousov who signed the permit to operate the elevator. At the same time, the defendant’s lawyer, Viktor Badanyan, said that his client had not seen any documents.

“We are accused of providing low-quality services, but they cannot explain which services. The complaint about this has been accepted and will be checked. Lesha is an ordinary guy, he practiced taekwondo and was going to get married,” the lawyer said.

Representatives of Alexei Belousov plan to appeal the court verdict: “We intend to file an appeal; the verdict has nothing to do with justice. 11 months before the investigation prepared the indictment, my client had already been found guilty.”

The day before, a tragedy occurred in the family of the famous TV presenter Evgeny Kochergin. The elevator cabin in the Scarlet Sails residential complex turned out to be faulty, and the daughter of the Soviet announcer Irina Volodina fell into the shaft from the height of the seventh floor. The news of the terrible death of a young woman shook the entire public and became one of the most discussed in recent times.

Irina had wonderful familyloving husband and two daughters. The tragic death was a terrible blow for all Volodina’s relatives and friends. Relatives considered Irina a very bright and sincere person. On the page in social network the husband of the TV presenter's daughter Alexei Volodin gave last promise deceased wife.

“Friends, today my wife died tragically,” said Alexey. - A person without whom life ceased to have meaning. But we still have two daughters, whom I will raise the way I wanted with my beloved. Thank you for your grief and condolences."

The terrible news shocked friends and family acquaintances to the core. Just a few days ago, Irina returned from Italy, where she was vacationing with her family. From the photographs you can see how happy she was to spend the holidays with her family. Many still cannot believe what tragedy will happen a few days later. Nevertheless, Irina’s colleagues, classmates and friends are trying to support the husband and parents of the deceased woman with words of sympathy.

“I never thought that the day would come and I would write this post. Today our friend, Ira Kochergina, tragically died. We will always remember her beautiful, smart, honest, true friend! Cheerful, responsive. Irka, Irochka, Irishka. I will always pray for you, my good girl,” “It’s impossible to believe and accept. Pain, devastation, very bitter. Irish is beautiful, bright, sparkling, impetuous and cheerful! We remember, we mourn. Alexey, deep condolences to you and your family. Irisha, blessed memory!”, “What a terrible and absurd death. Young, energetic, smart and beautiful girl. What an injustice that such people suddenly pass away. Sick, tearful, scared. Condolences to the family and strength to get through this test of life. Hold on,” close friends of Irina’s family responded.

I must say that the circumstances are now being clarified terrible tragedy. There are currently several versions of what happened. At first, information appeared that the floor of the cabin had simply fallen off. Then they suggested that the elevator cables had broken. An investigation is currently underway, and Irina’s family hopes that a discovery will be made soon. the real reason tragedy.

By the way, it was Irina who was part of the initiative group that sought to replace the elevators in the residential complex. She repeatedly reported a malfunction that could be dangerous to the health of residents. Thus, activists claimed that the elevator doors did not close completely and demanded the replacement of some cabins in their building. For a long time The owners of apartments in an elite complex sought from the management company a solution to the problems that had arisen. But representatives of the service company did not consider themselves responsible for this. Evgeny Kochergin bitterly notes that his daughter, at the cost of her own life, exposed the problem with elevators in the residential complex.