Irina Bezrukova and new lover. Irina Bezrukova told how her only son died

Today one of the brightest and beautiful women Our country is turning 51 years old. But Irina Bezrukova With age it only increases its attractiveness. For a long time acting career Irina played in more than 30 films and earned love and devotion huge number fans. For the star's birthday PEOPLETALK offers you interesting facts from her biography.

Irina Bezrukova born in Rostov-on-Don, where she graduated from the Rostov College of Arts with a degree in theater and film actress.

Already from her second year, Irina showed great acting talent, starting work at the Rostov Academic Drama Theater (1986−1988), and then continued to play in Tula Drama Theater(1988−1989) and the Moscow Theater under the direction Oleg Tabakov (1990).

Father Bezrukova was a musician, my mother worked in the medical field. Irina also has sister Olga.

The actress’s childhood can hardly be called cloudless. Her parents were divorced, and at the age of 11, Irina lost her mother, who passed away due to a serious illness. After this, the grandmother took over the upbringing of the girl.

According to the actress, in school age she was not a bright and sociable girl. Rather, on the contrary, it was difficult to get along with peers.

The actress's talent on the theater stage was noticed by critics, and soon Irina began receiving invitations to screen tests.One of the first film works was a small role in the film "Mascot". Other proposals followed. Appearing more and more often on screen, Irina won the favor of directors and critics.

Real success came to Irina in 1997 after his role in the famous TV series "Countess de Monsoreau", where Bezrukova played Queen Louise.

In 1999, Irina became the host of a TV show "Shop on the Couch" on the channel RTR. She also hosted the program "The very best" on STS.

Irina met her first love at the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. The actor became her chosen one Igor Livanov (62). At that time, Livanov was experiencing a great tragedy, in a terrible train accident he lost his wife and eight-year-old daughter. Love for Irina became Livanov’s salvation.

Soon Irina and Igor got married, and the actress took her husband's last name. In 1989, the couple had a son Andrey. And in 2015, the actress’s fans were literally stunned by the news of Andrei’s death at the age of 26.

In 1998, Irina left Livanov for another actor and favorite of women - Sergei Bezrukov (42). They met on film set film "Crusaders". A whirlwind romance instantly began between Irina and Sergei. And the divorce from Igor resulted in a real scandal. The actress was condemned by many colleagues and the public, but this did not stop her.

In 2000 Irina And Sergey got married, and the actress changed her last name again. Over the years of marriage, they never had any children together, but Sergei was able to become an excellent stepfather to Irina’s son Andrei.

Irina Bezrukova's maiden name is Bakhtur. Her father was an oboist, her mother was a doctor. In Rostov-on-Don, the family lived in a theater hostel, which was inhabited by people of creative professions, musicians and actors.

My father had to work a lot. During the day he played in the orchestra of the Musical Comedy Theater, and in the evening he played in the “shell” in the park. In addition, he often toured. However, her father instilled in Irina and her sister a love of music. The girls grew up in a creative atmosphere and read a lot.

Their lives changed dramatically when their parents divorced. Mom became seriously ill and died when Irina was only eleven years old. The sisters grew up under the tutelage of their grandmother.

One day, Irina walked past the House of Pioneers and noticed an advertisement that spoke of an upcoming recruitment to a theater club. As she herself says now, then she felt like a real ugly duckling, who for the first time in her life approached white swans. However, the girl overcame her shyness and took a step towards her dream, but did not enter. The main thing is that she did not give up, the decision to become an actress did not leave her. Thanks to all her efforts, Irina entered the Rostov School of Arts. In 1986, she received a diploma in dramatic actress.


Since her second year, Irina has already performed on the stage of the Rostov academic theater dramas named after M. Gorky. As she herself recalls, she had to play in almost amateur performances, acting either as bad Komsomol members, or conformist majors, or bohemian youth. When the artistic director of Irina’s course at the Rostov School was transferred to Tula, he called his students to follow him.

Irina worked at the Tula Drama Theater for two years, and in 1989 she and her husband moved to Moscow. At first, the actress had no work. On the advice of a friend, she went to audition for the Moscow Theater. Famous director I immediately hired the girl. But after Irina married, she left the theater.

When Sergei Bezrukov headed the Moscow Provincial Theater, Irina returned to her profession. In 2014, she played one of the central roles in the play based on the play “Endless April” by Yaroslava Pulinovich. The actress still plays this role. “As spouses, we separated, but we continue to work together. Over 15 years of marriage, we have become truly close people and associates, and our separation cannot cancel this,” Irina said in an interview with Hello!


Since 1991, Irina Livanova began acting in films. Her debut role was in diploma work young cameraman "The Girl and the Wind". But the actress became recognizable after the release of Vitaly Makarov’s domestic comedy “When You’re Late for the Registry Office” on the big screen. The picture turned out to be thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the times of perestroika and was released in 1991. “The first eight films in which I starred gave me a fever,” she recalls. “Seeing myself on the screen, I thought that I looked the worst. But time passed - a year or two - and I already looked at my work without unnecessary emotions and I saw that a lot of things were really good.”

Irina’s most famous works in the 90s were her roles in the historical film series “Richard the Lionheart” and “Knight Kenneth”, the melodrama “Obsession”, and in the television series “Countess de Monsoreau”.

Later she was involved in the projects “Office”, “Lyubov.Ru”, “Plot”, “Yesenin”, “ Real fairy tale". In addition, Irina Bezrukova voiced several animated films: “Prince Vladimir”, “Capital Souvenir” and “About Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow.” Some of the actress’s last films were the films “Full Contract” and “Gift with Character”.


For two years (1999-2001) Irina hosted the “Shop on the Sofa” program on RTR and the “Most-Most” show program on the STS channel. Bezrukova could also be seen in the “Keys to Fort Boyard” program.

She recently launched her own program “Conversation on Stage” on the Moscow region channel “360”. The first guest of the program was Sergei Bezrukov.

Personal life

Irina met her first husband, Igor Livanov, when she joined the troupe of the Rostov Drama Theater. Igor was Irina's teacher. The lovers did not hide their romance. When the actor became a widower, Irina married him and gave birth to a son, Andrei.

In 1988, on the set of the film “Crusader 2”, Irina met Sergei Bezrukov. It was a whirlwind romance. The personal life of Irina and Sergei became main theme tabloids. The relationship developed rapidly, it was impossible to hide it. In 2000, Irina divorced Igor Livanov and married Sergei Bezrukov and took his last name.

Sergei and Irina were considered one of the most beautiful couples Russian cinema. Their marriage lasted 15 years. Sergei Bezrukov admitted more than once in interviews that when he saw Irina, he did everything to win her love.

In 2012, Sergei Bezrukov had children - twins Ivan and Alexandra. Their mother was not his wife, but another woman. According to rumors, actress Kristina Smirnova gave birth to them. After this, gossip spread about the Bezrukovs’ possible divorce, which was confirmed in 2015.

It is worth saying that after breaking up, Irina and Sergei maintained a good relationship.

In the spring of the same year, a tragedy occurred in the family of Irina Bezrukova: on March 14, her son Andrei Livanov was found dead. In an interview with Hello magazine, the artist told how everything really happened. “An accident happened to my son. It was an absolutely sudden tragedy, and this should not have happened. He was alone in the apartment, hit his temple, and death occurred instantly,” Irina said. The actress admitted that she still cannot come to terms with what happened. "I've had moments when I wouldn't mind if my life ended on its own. If I just fell asleep and didn't wake up, that would have been fine with me. Despair and heartache. Andrey was not just a son to me, but spiritually and mentally a very dear person to me. The most unconditional love in my life. Love for a man can be enormous, all-consuming, but it is never unconditional,” says the actress.

After all the shocks, Irina gradually returns to life. In 2015, at the invitation of Oleg Taktarov, she was an honorary guest of the 1st international motivational film festival "Bridge of Arts", which was held in her native Rostov-on-Don. There she then became friends with Ekaterina Arkharova. Soon Irina plans to visit her native place again.

Based on materials from the sites:,,,, 7 Days,,, RIA Novosti.

Filmography: Actress

  • Temporarily unavailable (2015)
  • Family relationships (2015)
  • A Gift with Character (2014)
  • Full Contact (2012)
  • Real fairy tale (201)
  • MUR. Third Front (2011)
  • Yesenin (2005)
  • Dasha Vasilyeva 4. A lover of private investigation. (2005)
  • Moscow Saga (2004)
  • Love and Truth by Fyodor Tyutchev (2003)
  • Plot (2003)
  • (2001)
  • Alien Feeling (2001)
  • A Knight's Romance (2000)
  • Maroseyka, 12. Operation "Green Ice" (2004)
  • Chinese service (1999)
  • Stranger Weapons, or Crusader 2 (1998)
  • Countess de Monsoreau (1997)
  • Magic Portrait (1997)
  • Kolya (1996)
  • Train to Brooklyn (1994)
  • Obsession (1994)
  • Knight Kenneth (1993)
  • Golden Mist (1993)
  • Richard the Lionheart (1992)
  • Your way out, girls (1992)
  • When they are late at the registry office (1991)
  • Showboy (1991)
  • Putana, or Glass Rose (1991)
  • Moscow beauties (1990)

Voice acting

  • About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow (2008)
  • Prince Vladimir (2006)
  • The Queen Anne Mystery, or The Musketeers Thirty Years Later (1993)

How actress Irina Bezrukova lives now, news about her personal life, new husband, latest photos– You can get acquainted with all this in detail by reading our article.


The future actress of Russian cinema was born on April 11, 1965 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The family in which Irina Bezrukova (nee Bakhtura) was raised had nothing to do with cinema or theater. True, her father was a musician, and her mother worked in a hospital. Irina has a sister Olga. The girls' father considered it very important that his daughters not only receive music education, but also truly fell in love amazing world music. Irina graduated from music school in violin class.

Childhood of Irina Bezrukova

The parents' family life did not last long. They divorced when the girls were very young. After this, my mother became very seriously ill and passed away when eldest daughter, Irina, was barely 11 years old.

The girls were raised by their grandmother. These years, the actress recalls, were very difficult; they barely made ends meet. But their innate resilience and perseverance helped them survive.

Irina was sick quite a lot as a child, was very shy, and, accordingly, had no friends. To learn to communicate and get rid of her childhood complexes, the girl decided to join the theater club at the city Palace of Pioneers. But she was not accepted there, and they offered the pretty girl to try her hand at the Rostov School of Culture.

The beginning of Irina Bezrukova’s career

Having become a student at the Rostov College of Arts in 1984, Irina finally chose her future professional destiny. Already in her second year, the talented student was invited to join the troupe of the Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky. By the end of college, the actress’s track record already included many roles in theater productions.

After studying, Irina served for four years in the Drama Theater of the city of Tula.

In 1990, the actress married actor Igor Livanov and continued her career with Oleg Tabakov at the Moscow Theater Studio.

In parallel with her work in the theater, Irina actively acted in films and was the host of the TV shows “Shop on the Sofa” and “The Best.”

Irina Bezrukova has a very beautiful voice timbre. Therefore, a significant part of her career is devoted to scoring films and audiobooks.

Films and cartoons in which the heroines spoke in Bezrukova’s voice: “The Secret of Queen Anne or The Musketeers 30 Years Later”, “Jackpot for Cinderella”, “Capital Souvenir”, “Prince Vladimir”, “About Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow”, "Khutorok"

Her spectacular appearance allowed her to work for some time not only as a fashion model, but also to collaborate with Sergei Zverev, advertising the famous WELLA brand.

Irina Bezrukova's film career

Successful theatrical career allowed the actress in the early 90s to receive invitations from directors to participate in screen tests. The actress’s spectacular, memorable appearance allowed her to get roles in several films simultaneously. This is how her film career began. The actress's filmography includes more than 30 works. Among them there are very few main roles, but her supporting roles do not leave the audience indifferent.


1990 – “Moscow Beauties”

1991 - “Show Boy”, “Confused”, “When they are late for the registry office...”

1992-“Richard Lionheart", "Your way out, girls", "Talisman"

1993- “Knight Kenneth”, “Golden Mist”

1994- “Train to Brooklyn”, “Advancement”

1996- “Kolya”, “Strawberry”

1997- “Countess de Monsoreau - Louise of Lorraine”, “Magic Portrait”

1998- “Stranger Weapons, or Crusader 2”

1999- “Chinese service”

2000- “Maroseyka, 12”, “”

2002 – “Ice Age”

2003- “Plot”, “Love and Truth of Fyodor Tyutchev”

2004- “Moscow Saga”

2005- “Yesenin”

2011- “Real Fairy Tale”, “Moore”, “Full Contact”

2014- “Gift with character”

2015- “Temporarily unavailable”

2016- « Family circumstances", "Earthquake", "Ray"

2018 - “He who reads thoughts (Mentalist)”, “Unforgiven”

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

Irina Bakhtura was married several times. Her first husband was famous actor Igor Livanov. He older than wife for 8 years. They met at the Rostov Gorky Theater, where Irina’s career started. Livanov was already there then famous actor and taught acting at one of the theater universities. Igor was going through a very difficult period in his life - he lost his wife and eight-year-old daughter in a terrible train accident. Meetings with a student who was in love with him were an attempt to distract himself from terrible grief.

Soon the relationship between the teacher and the student began to develop very rapidly and rapidly and ended in an official marriage. Irina took her husband's surname. In 1989, their son Andrei Livanov was born. Their relationship was quite stable, and there was no sign of a breakup.

The reason for leaving her first husband was new love Irina – People's Artist Russian Federation Sergey Bezrukov. This acquaintance took place in 1998 on the set of the film “Crusader”. This union was exaggerated by various media for a very long time, because new chosen one was not only a real “star”, but also much younger than Irina herself. But there was no limit to the outburst of emotions, and Irina Livanova decisively left her husband, not even taking into account the fact that at that time Igor, for health reasons, really needed outside help.

Bezrukov very popularly paid attention to his wife, and all the time tried to emphasize his love and worship of Irina. They were even named couple of the year according to one of the popular magazines. The couple officially formalized their relationship in 2000. Irina changed her last name to Bezrukov and took her son to a new family.

Their joint photos very often decorated spreads and covers of the most popular glossy publications. Together with Sergei Bezrukov, they became organizers and participants of various charity events and events. But behind external well-being, as often happens, very unpleasant and not always predictable events are hidden.

And in 2015, the couple unexpectedly separated. This happened almost simultaneously with terrible tragedy in the Bezrukov family. But the crack in the relationship appeared a little earlier. In 2014, his wife found out that Sergei had two children, whom singer Kristina Smirnova gave birth to. However, the actress calls the reason for the divorce not Bezrukov’s illegitimate children, but his new relationship with director Anna Matison. In 2016, Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison formalized their relationship.

Death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

The departure of the spouse coincided with tragic death Irina's son. In March 2015, Andrei Livanov died suddenly in his apartment. The cause of death was a blow to the head on the tiles in the bathroom. According to experts, Andrei could have slipped during a diabetic coma. After all, the actress’s son suffered diabetes mellitus. Irina Bezrukova was so shocked by the death of her son that she did not immediately realize the situation in which she found herself.

At the funeral, in addition to Irina, his father, Igor Livanov, and his youngest son, Andrey's friends and colleagues, numerous acquaintances. Sergei Bezrukov was not among them.

Irina Bezrukova today

Irina Bezrukova was awarded the Badge St. Sergius Radonezh. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, where he is responsible for the quality of life of citizens, healthcare and social policy.

After her divorce from Bezrukov and the death of her son, Irina decided not to close herself off. She has mastered another language, continues to actively act in film, and participates in charity events and projects.

In 2018, the actress starred in the popular television project “Perfect Renovation.”

Now the actress is 53 years old, she looks great, adheres to healthy eating. She constantly receives offers to participate in various photo shoots and television projects. Two releases are planned for 2018 feature films, in which Irina Bezrukova starred.

At the funeral of Oleg Tabakov, the actress expressed gratitude to her Teacher for successful start her career in Moscow, emphasized the importance human relations and the ability to provide timely support and guidance.

Irina Bezrukova shows with all her behavior that she does not give up and is able to maintain her active life position. News about any significant changes not yet in my personal life or about my new husband.

Are you celebrating this day?

is a popular and sought-after theater and film actress, whose personal life was not always smooth. Fate brought her together with two enviable men: Igor Livanov and Sergei Bezrukov, but she failed to save the family with either spouse.

Now Irina, at 52 years old, can outshine many younger actresses. The celebrity takes care of herself and looks amazing!

Publication from Irina Bezrukova(@irina_bezrukova_official) Dec 27, 2017 at 7:03 PST

Personal life - 2017

After her divorce from Sergei Bezrukov, various media outlets attributed ridiculous rumors to the actress. At first, journalists were interested in the star’s new beau, who accompanies her during official events. Later, information appeared online that Irina Bezrukova was pregnant.

To dispel press speculation about the novel, on its own personal page On Instagram, Irina Bezrukova gave ✍️ an official explanation. As it turned out, during the presentation of the film “Despite All Odds” in February 2017, she actually appeared in public in the company young man . The satellite attracted the attention of reporters, as Irina did not leave his side all evening and looked very attractive.

The celebrity claims that she attended the premiere together with her new press secretary Stanislav. She speaks about her companion with a smile on her face. Answering questions from journalists, Bezrukova noted that she now has “everything new.”

About pregnancy ⛹️ Irina information in the media appeared in October 2017 after the premiere of the acclaimed film “Matilda”. The TV presenter chose a not very suitable style of dress for her appearance, which, as it seemed to others, emphasized her rounded belly. A laconic light-cut black dress with a high waist and translucent fabric produced a provocative effect.
However, loyal fans stood up for the artist and expressed their opinion about the dress under the photo published on Instagram:

“You look amazing! The dress is super,” “You are, as always, gorgeous! Tenderness, grace, charm”, “Unmatched image! Just a sight for sore eyes!”

In November 2017, Irina was suspected of another affair.✨ This time the reason for discussion was photographs from social network. During the program “Perfect Repair,” the actress admitted that in the photos published on Instagram, she is posing in the company of good friend- artist ✏️Paul Vaan. They have been friends for 17 years, and she is a muse for him - an inspiration in creativity. Irina is in no hurry to make plans, but she also does not exclude the possibility of falling in love and getting married again.

ABOUT important events The celebrity regularly tells subscribers about her life on the social network Instagram. New photos of Irina Bezrukova can be found on her personal page.

Family - husbands and children of Irina Bezrukova

The actress's first husband is Igor Livanov. Irina met him in student years, sitting in the audience of the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky. Igor taught one of the disciplines and was already a successful, sought-after artist, but not everything was so smooth in his personal life. Livanov was grieving the tragedy that had occurred the day before: he lost his wife Tatyana and 8-year-old daughter as a result of an accident at railway.

Due to these circumstances, he did not immediately pay attention to the student who was in love with him. However, after taking a closer look at the girl, their romance began to develop rapidly. In 1989, Igor Livanov and Irina Bezrukova got married. In the winter of the same year, the couple became parents. Their first child was born - a boy, who was named Andrei.
Read also:

Second spouse - . The couple met in 1998 on the set of the film Crusader 2. Irina charmed the handsome actor, who was rapidly gaining popularity, because she did not experience a barrier when talking to him. She perceived Sergei as ordinary person, not a star. As it turned out later, the actress had not previously watched films with his participation.

After filming, Bezrukov wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to Irina, and their communication stopped. After a while, the artist finally phoned Sergei and received reciprocity in return. She broke up with Igor Livanov in 2000 and immediately entered into a second marriage with a famous actor.

The celebrity spent 15 years together with Sergei Bezrukov. The actor accepted her son Andrei and raised him as his own. But the spouses had no common heirs.

In 2014, information appeared in the media about Bezrukov’s children, born from singer Kristina Smirnova. Later, the actor himself acknowledged the birth of his son and daughter. In 2015, journalists noticed that Sergei began to appear in public without wedding ring.

Bezrukova’s husbands played a significant role in her life, but thanks to her character and willpower, the actress does not lose heart and does not lose hope of becoming happy again.

Work in theater and cinema


After graduating from the art school in Rostov, where the celebrity is from, Irina, together with her first husband Igor Livanov, moved to Moscow, where she was accepted into the Tabakerka theater studio by Oleg Tabakov.

Having proven herself in the theater, Bezrukova began to be increasingly considered by directors for film auditions.

Film roles

  • In 1992, the star took part in the filming of a film about crusade called "Talisman". Later, Irina starred in more than 30 films, but the audience remembered the chivalric romance as the actress’s first success.
  • In 1994, the film “Obsession” was released - a story about the crazy romance of a married woman.
  • In 1997 she played main role in the film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' story "The Countess de Monsoreau".
  • In 1998, the theater and film actress appeared as the general’s daughter in the fateful film “Crusader 2.”
  • In 1999, Irina played a significant role in the comedy film “Chinese Service,” which was widely popular among viewers.
  • In addition, Irina took part in several historical films. The most famous films were: “Moscow Saga” and “A Knight’s Romance”. On the set of the series “Yesenin”, she played the role of one of the muses of the main character, a poet played by Sergei Bezrukov.
  • In 2016, the celebrity took part in the entertainment show “Dancing with the Stars,” where she looked great paired with Maxim Petrov.

Today, the actress continues to work in the theater⛩️, and also has a beautiful appearance, takes part in shows, and tries herself as a model.

Tragedy in Irina's family

Died in the spring of 2015 only son actresses. Livanov’s son, Andrei, was found dead in his own apartment in Moscow.

The death of my son became serious shock for the artist. At the time of the incident, she was on tour in another city. Having received the news, she took the first flight to Moscow.

Andrei was only 25 years old, he worked as a senior administrator at the Provincial Theater.

There were many assumptions about what happened, some media said that everything happened due to heart failure against the backdrop of a sudden rise in temperature, others blamed drugs. Stepsister young man believes that the cause of death of Irina Bezrukova’s son was an accident. Andrey fell in the bathroom on a slippery floor and probably hit his head hard on the tiles.

His own father, Igor Livanov, came to say goodbye to his son. Sergei Bezrukov was not present at the funeral.

Plastic surgery

In one of the interviews, the actress expressed her loyal attitude towards plastic surgery. She admitted that she personally knows the famous doctor Yannis Alexandridis from London, who is widely popular among Russian stars.

But, despite this, Irina Bezrukova claims that she has never resorted to plastic surgery. She considers her impeccable appearance to be her own merit. And after plastic surgery there are also side effects. From a young age, she takes care of herself and adheres to certain rules.

The actress's secret of youth

  1. Smile more often, as negative emotions leave wrinkles on the face.
  2. Refusal ⛔️from smoking and alcohol.
  3. Drink enough ☕️ liquid.
  4. ☝️Get enough sleep.
  5. Walk ⛷️ in the fresh air.

The artist considers her life successful, she had many happy moments and much more to come.

Sergei Bezrukov today is one of the most popular artists in Russia and a real favorite of the public. He has the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. And for good reason. There are many roles that Sergei Vitalievich Bezrukov brought to life in theater and cinema. And his ability to get used to the character can only be envied. For a long time the actor was married to actress Irina Bezrukova, but this union never brought him happiness. Now Sergei Bezrukov has new wife. Does he have children? How do they live in 2017? Let's find out.

The actor's biography is very rich and interesting. Born, whose children and new wife we ​​are talking about, on October 18, 1973, in a very creative family. His father, a theater and film artist, idolized the poet Sergei Yesenin and named his son after him. That's why Yesenin for an actor - special person, which played a significant role in his fate.

However, Vitaly Bezrukov did not want his son to become an artist. But Seryozha grew up very talented, and dad shared his most intimate things with him. Even in school productions, he taught Seryozha to live the role and invest one hundred percent in it. At the age of fourteen, Bezrukov Jr. played in the play “My Poor Marat,” which was a success.

In addition to the fact that the young man played in the theater, he was also an excellent student - he graduated from school with honors and completed his studies at the Moscow Art Theater with honors. Here he studied on the course of Oleg Tabakov. As a student, he played on the theater stage, and then continued this activity. Bezrukov’s talented performance has been awarded with prizes more than once. But the main reward for him was, without a doubt, the love of the audience.

Sergei Yesenin is one of the most bright roles artist, which he embodied in cinema.

In addition, he often appeared on the stage of other theaters and was offered the most best roles- Mozart, Pushkin, Bruno, Figaro. Bezrukov’s activities were perceived ambiguously by critics. Many considered work young artist far from generally accepted theatrical canons. But the theater audience was pleasantly shocked by Bezrukov’s performances. He soon became incredibly popular.

In 2013, Bezrukov began social activity. He co-founded the Sergei Bezrukov Foundation for Support of Sociocultural Projects together with his first wife, Irina. In addition, he began working as the artistic director of the Kuzminki Theater. And in 2014 - artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater.

Sergey Bezrukov: growth

According to official data, Sergei’s height is 1 meter 74 centimeters.

Activities on television

Bezrukov’s creative path on television is also bright. At first he voiced cartoons. And then, from 1994 to 1999, he hosted the satirical program “Dolls,” where he parodied many political characters. The project addressed pressing social issues and was quite popular.

In 2001, Bezrukov received a role that became iconic in his film career. This was the role of Sasha Bely in the television series “Brigada”. The audience liked the tragic series so much that Bezrukov instantly became the audience's favorite. Sergei Bezrukov and his partners won the hearts of television viewers. The young actor began to receive many invitations for work and accepted some of them with pleasure. Interestingly, while filming this film, Sergei suffered a micro-infarction. He has an amazing ability to survive difficult life situations along with his film characters. And, unfortunately, sometimes this leads to sad consequences.

Stills from the film "Brigada"

In addition, one cannot fail to note his role in the biographical series dedicated to the life and death of Sergei Yesenin. The film's script was written by the artist's father, Vitaly Bezrukov. The picture completely refutes the fact of Yesenin’s suicide and emphasizes that the poet became a victim of political intrigue. He was killed. Such a plot, of course, caused a resonance both in society and among critics. But no matter how we feel about the film, Bezrukov’s talented performance cannot be ignored. He enthusiastically read the poet’s poems and sang songs. It was as if he lived on the screen, as always.

The actor is very talented at transforming himself. Proof of this is the role of Vladimir Vysotsky, which he played in a big movie. Nobody talked about who would play the main character - they kept the intrigue. And after the film was released, it became clear that this was Bezrukov, made up beyond recognition.

But Bezrukov played not only celebrities, but also ordinary people. In 2008, he received a role in the film “In June '41.” She talks about the brave Soviet officer, forced to fight off both German troops and the Poles.

Bezrukov in the film "In June '41"

In 2009, the multifaceted Bezrukov played a charming escaped prisoner in the comedy “High Security Vacation.” This good comedy was a success. And the artist’s partners in the film were Dmitry Dyuzhev and Alena Babenko.

Another role of the artist is Yeshua in the TV series “The Master and Margarita”. This project has become a landmark for many actors who are no longer alive. Vladislav Galkin has passed away, Alexander Abdulov and Valery Zolotukhin are no longer here. Kirill Lavrov died. But the evil fate that the press wrote about did not affect Sergei Bezrukov, who played a brilliant role in this series. He is still alive, healthy and happy, now with his new wife.

On New Year's Eve 2016, the comedy " Milky Way", in which Bezrukov played the main role. His hero was going to divorce his wife, but miraculous circumstances kept him from taking an irreparable step.

Irina Bezrukova: biography, personal life, children

Sergei Bezrukov has always enjoyed women's attention. He is credited with many extramarital affairs. However, for fifteen years he was married to Irina Bezrukova.

They met on the set of the film “Crusader 2”; Bezrukov was single at that time, but Irina was the actor’s wife. Sergei wrote the woman a note with his phone number, and one day she decided to call him.

Bezrukov in the film “Crusader 2”

They legalized their relationship in 2000, just during the filming of the cult TV series “Brigada”. Irina had a son, Andrei, from her first marriage, but for some reason they did not have children with Sergei.

Sergei Bezrukov: children

On the set of the series “Yesenin,” the artist met actress Kristina Smirnova. A relationship blossomed between them. And soon Sergei and Christina had children, Alexandra and Ivan.

On the set of the film "Yesenin"

This fact became known in 2014. Journalists once simply caught Vitaly Bezrukov, the “star grandfather,” on a walk with these children. Media representatives responded that the children are very similar to their dad.

But this relationship never developed into an official one, despite the fact that Bezrukov’s marriage fell apart in 2015. The relationship between the Bezrukov couple was also negatively affected by the fact that Irina’s only son died in an accident in the fall of this year. The guy fell unsuccessfully and hit his temple. Later, a family friend opened the apartment and found him dead. The actress took the loss very hard, especially since her husband was carried away at that time new passion and could not support her properly.

Friends of Irina and Sergei say that the reason for the separation is that they were completely different people. Sergei, by nature, was a romantic - he loved a wild lifestyle, sometimes he was not averse to eating well or even drinking. Irina Bezrukova, on the contrary, tries to lead a healthy and restrained lifestyle. In addition, Sergei feeds on romantic emotions. He needs to fall in love periodically. For some time, Irina put up with her husband’s lifestyle. And perhaps she would have put up with it to this day if Sergei had not decided to leave.

After the breakup with his wife, Bezrukov did not grieve for long. He often began to appear in the company of director and screenwriter Anna Matison - this is the new wife of Sergei Bezrukov, who gave birth to his daughter. They met in 2014 on the set of the film “Milky Way”. The girl was the director of this film. Bezrukov played the main role. Anna is eighteen years younger than the first wife of Sergei Bezrukov, and ten years younger than the artist himself. Colleagues on the set recall that the special relationship between them was noticeable from the very beginning. Anna blossomed next to the actors, calling him “Seryozha”. She behaved much more reservedly with other members of the film crew.

Stills from the film "Milky Way"

The artist asked fans not to judge him harshly for what happened. He explained his actions by saying that his love with Irina Bezrukova had ended. And so he decided to continue looking for love and met... “his director.”

Irina also does not publicly blame ex-husband in what happened. She found the strength to ask for forgiveness from Igor Livanov, whom she left at one time. And she forgave Sergei for deciding to leave her.

Now they are connected collaboration. In 2015, she interviewed Bezrukov in her author’s program; as a sign of reconciliation, she handed him a blank sheet of paper. A symbol that she has let go of this relationship and now they can both start with a clean slate. Even if not together.