Reading a bunch of similar topics on this (and other) forums, and clearly seeing two sides - those who served and their sympathizers (relatives) and those who did not, I have long concluded that the majority of those who served in the army in the current, zero years, not quite full-fledged people. The reasons are banal, they lie on the surface, not particularly different from the reasons why in the old days vocational school students enjoyed the reputation of not being the best class of society.

This material is not intended to be an insult or a defense of anyone or anything. This is just my understanding of the situation in the country, my view on typical mistakes the vast majority of young guys. Perhaps the material will be useful to someone and help them draw certain conclusions. Any additions and criticism are welcome!

Let's start with the fact that everyone who joins the army with the goal of shaping himself, repaying his debt to his homeland, gaining development, strengthening his character, as a rule, does not think with his own head, does not try to understand how society works, where all the flows come from and where they go. He just heard somewhere from someone that the army will help a lot in life, and that means serving enough to become a man.
As a result, we get thousands of questions: “Where can a guy go to work immediately after the army?” with the same type of answers: “into the secret police or the mentor for ordinary positions.” Only a few come to their senses and continue to develop the army field.

Thesis No. 1 - more than half of the soldiers conscript service- these are people without education who were unable to continue their education after school. They don’t know where or who they can get a job, they don’t know how to do anything and don’t want to do anything. Therefore, the only way out for them is to go to the army. We will also include among them those who did not complete their studies and were expelled from educational institutions. Closing our row are still educated people who were raked after graduation or who did not find a job and a meaning for which it is not worth joining the army. There are cases when parents themselves send their sons to the army, just so as not to feed them for a year and not pay utilities.
Thus, the army becomes a lifesaver for the crowd of idlers who find good reason their worthlessness (in the eyes of relatives and friends) by joining the army, but simply, they are taking a one-year head start before entering the surrounding reality, where their military ID can only be wiped clean.

I deliberately do not include in this category those who specifically joined the army for the sake of specific purpose! If a person has chosen a military career or he needs service for promotion, or for some personal goals, to prove to himself what he is worth, etc. I am all for and support these people! But there are very few of them, about a tenth of the total number of conscript soldiers.

IN Soviet times a guy who did not serve was considered unhealthy and inferior. In modern times, a guy who joined the army only to lose a year is strange. And all this is coupled with a colossal level of tyranny and excesses at the local level - they may not hire a person who has not served in a private office, while the civil services are still full of people who have not served legally"Although there is no fundamental difference between a simple mower and a medical mower: neither of them served.

Now society is divided into 2 categories: those who have served and those who have retired. Why are those who served so aggressive towards those who did not serve? “I didn’t serve, I’m not a man,” say the serving women. This is anger that is vented by remembering their humiliations in the service. This is a Russian principle - “Let my cow die, as long as my neighbor doesn’t have two!”

Public approval is a separate category - a bunch of stupid people begin to condemn those who do not serve. Conscription is an antisocial act, but the people approve of it. This is all simply explained - the Russian person is a slave, he needs constant humiliation and insults. Serfdom, collectivization, Stalin's purges and totalitarianism over the centuries created a new type of person - homo sovetikus - who thinks like an oak tree and psychologically needs to be infringed. It is this desire to receive a dose of humiliation that draws people to stand in lines at social security services, clinics, Sberbank, the Russian post office and drives crowds into the army. For society, spending time in prison or joining the army is in the order of things, a school of life. They have no personal victories, so they rejoice at the dubious victories of the country and the Olympics.

And now I want to make the main throw:

During the time someone was in the army, I earned as much money as many of the servicemen would not earn in a decade, received an education and took a high-ranking position in a serious organization, developed physical fitness to a level higher than what can be obtained in the army in ordinary units.
Why don't I want to join the army? Because no one there cares who I was in civilian life. A bunch of flawed people, incapable of anything other than subordination and serving hours, choose the army as their own life path, where their worthlessness will be claimed.

I don't need an army. I have a higher responsibility than many commanders. I am disciplined and responsible. I am responsible for my words, show punctuality and military restraint. And without any hesitation I will punch the tyrant commander in the face, who will insult and cover me with a three-story obscenity for nothing, for educational purposes, when there is no problem.

In general, as a conclusion. The army has completely discredited itself and is completely unnecessary. In modern times, it is a “sink” for people who have not realized themselves in civilian life, and simply bad people who are used to scratching their fists and using their physical strength. This same swamp is guarded by “goblins” - relatives who sympathize with their stupid sons serving in the army, and people who have served and who have not found themselves in civilian life. If you want to become normal person– have clear conscience and heart, think with your own head, look for opportunities where others see only problems, do not engage in stupid imitation, do not listen to your enemies and trust only yourself!