Danila Kozlovsky - biography. Danila Kozlovsky: biography, personal life, photos and best roles Kozlovsky where he lives

Danila Valerievich Kozlovsky born in the spring of 1985 in Moscow. WITH early childhood he was fond of music and choreography, played football and grew up in the company of two brothers - the elder Yegor and the younger Ivan.

In 1996 Danila Kozlovsky ended up in the Kronstadt naval cadet corps, where he entered after his brothers, who were not distinguished by exemplary behavior. He was preparing to enter Military Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to obtain the profession of military attaché, but at the last moment he realized that his vocation was dramatic art.

In 2002 Danila Kozlovsky He graduated from the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, but does not at all consider the years spent at the school to be lost:

On the contrary, they are found. There I learned to be demanding of myself, to fight with myself. After all, an actor needs this - to conquer himself, his body, to control it. The drill came in handy. Although military bearing and acting bearing are not at all the same thing.

Danila Kozlovsky. Creative path

On the advice of his mother, the future actor became a student at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy, an acting and directing course led by Lev Dodin. Danila Kozlovsky I really respected in my teacher the desire to see in an actor a personality, and not a blank sheet.

An opportunity to speak out. About life, about myself. Do you know why Lev Abramovich’s school is remarkable? His actor is not an executor of someone else’s will, but always a personality. He must know languages, he must read a lot, he must have the habit of thinking. What do you bring to the stage or to the frame? Myself.

He still consults Lev Dodin in matters of filming and listens to his opinion.

In 2006 Danila Kozlovsky joined the acting troupe of the Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe. He appeared in the plays “Lorenzaccio”, “Whim”, “Life and Fate”, “Warsaw Melody” and played the role of Edgar in the production of “King Lear”.

Made its television debut in 1999 Danila Kozlovsky in a youth series "Simple Truths". Fame came to him after the release of the historical drama by Alexei German Jr. “ Harpastum».

Football here is a metaphor for the passion, the revolutionary energy that gripped the country at the beginning of the twentieth century. What energy there was! Take the state with its foundations and chop everything to hell for the sake of the great idea of ​​communism and absolute happiness. What kind of absolute happiness can there be in a state? It can't exist. But there was passion. This, it seems to me, is what “Garpastum” is about.

Danila Kozlovsky often plays military personnel; in 2008, he played a role in the drama We Are From the Future. Despite the all-Russian popularity of the film, the actor refused to star in its sequel due to, in his opinion, an unsuccessful script.

Matilda (2017), role: Vorontsov

Dovlatov (2017)

#SELFIE (2017)

Hardcore | Hardcore Henry (2016), role: Akan

Friday (2016), role: Mike Bondar

Crew (2016), role: Alexey Gushchin

Viking (2016), role: Vladimir Prince of Novgorod

Status: available (2015), role: Nikita Kolesnikov

A recognized sex symbol, Danila Kozlovsky became actor of the year in 2016. In-demand artist successful man and simply a handsome man with an officer's bearing, officially in at the moment not married. However, the “free” status of one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia is relative. The artist, of course, has a personal life.

Student years

Courageous and beautiful, Danila Kozlovsky was already married. Marriage happened while studying. In his fifth year, Kozlovsky was cast in the lead role in the play “Warsaw Melody,” with Polish-born actress Urszula Malka as his partner. At that time, Danila was 23 years old, and Urshula was 29, but the age difference did not become an obstacle to the whirlwind romance that began.

In 2008, Danila Kozlovsky married Urszula Malka; the wedding was hasty and hasty. There were rumors that Danila married to spite Elizaveta Boyarskaya. She also studied in the same course as Danila, and their romance was prevented by her father, the legendary Mikhail Boyarsky.

Danila himself does not comment on these rumors, and Elizaveta sharply rejects them, claiming that she has only friendly relations with the “Dukhless” star.

Urszula Malka confirmed this information: “ Yes, they had an affair. I don't see the point in hiding it»

Danila's first marriage lasted three years, and Urszula remembers these years as bright and happy.

At the moment, Urszula Malka serves in the MDT, permanently lives in St. Petersburg, and still plays in “Warsaw Melody” with her ex-husband.

“We tried to remain friends. In the early years we still maintained this illusion. But later his views on life changed. Although it is difficult to find common ground.”

Life after divorce from first wife

Danila does not comment on his personal life; in interviews, questions on this topic are strictly taboo. After divorce the actor preferred to go out with his mother, by the way, a very young and impressive woman.

Any appearance of him with a girl immediately became a reason for discussion. He was credited with novels with Yulia Snigir, Anna Chipkova and Zoey Deutch. At the same time, the question was always whether it happened or not, whether it was PR or just rumors.

Only in 2015 it became known that the actor is dating model and actress Olga Zueva. The seriousness of the relationship is evidenced by the fact that at the end of 2016 the girl moved to live with Danila.

Olga herself mostly lived and worked in New York. Originally from Vladivostok, the girl ended up in modeling business accidentally. A casting took place in her hometown. Having successfully completed it, Olga dropped out of her studies at the Far Eastern Federal University and went to work in Europe and then in the USA.

Interesting notes:

Stop at successful career Olga Zueva did not become a model and entered the acting department in New York. Afterwards she graduated from New York The New School as a screenwriter and director. According to Olga herself, What interests her most is making films.

Olga starred in episodic roles in films:

  • "Salt"
  • "Love is a strange thing"
  • in the series "Orange is the New Black".

The actress received her first role in Anna Melikyan’s short film “Such a Mood,” Bach’s Adagio and a small fragment from the life of the girl Lena. In the film, she had to participate in explicit scenes together with actor Maxim Matveev.

Neither Olga nor Danila comment on their personal lives. It is known that the couple was first noticed on February 14, 2015 at the ballet “Giselle” in Bolshoi Theater, and later the paparazzi caught them on a joint vacation in the Maldives.

Olga mainly lives and works in America, where Danila often comes to visit her. However, in Russia the model and actress is being seen more and more often. On large quantities Young people appear together at social events.

Moreover, in the fall of 2016, filming of the film “On the Area” started in Moscow. This is the directorial debut of Olga Zueva, and Danila Kozlovsky is the producer.. Apparently, Danila Kozlovsky’s heart is taken seriously and for a long time. Today permanent place The couple's residence is considered to be an apartment in St. Petersburg, not far from the Small Drama Theater, where Danila plays today.

Judging by the actor’s interview and the great work that journalists put into searching for hot facts, Danila Kozlovsky is a serious and modest person. For example, he doesn't like nightlife with the excesses that accompany it and does not consider himself handsome at all. His memory still flashes back to the fat-cheeked child he was as a child, with the inevitable red allergy spots. “You need to marry for love, but I don’t want to waste money” - this is his position in life.

Kozlovsky Danila Valerievich is a young promising Russian actor, born on May 3, 1985 in Moscow. He actively acts in films and commercials, plays on stage and even sings! You could see him in the films “Duhless”, “We are from the future”, “Crew”, “Hardcore”, “Legend No. 17”, “Viking” and many others. Most film critics and people from the film world unanimously admit young artist the best actor of the new generation in Russian cinema. Danila Kozlovsky is the most popular actor in Russian cinema

Childhood and early years of the future actor

Danila Kozlovsky was born on May 3, 1985 in Moscow in creative family. His father, Valery Ivanovich Kozlovsky, is an Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, professor at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography (formerly MGUKI) and Doctor of Philosophy. He made a great contribution to the development of the advertising department at MGUKI, and also took part in the creation of the first in Russia High school advertising. Provided assistance during the first Russian Student Festival social advertising. Mom, Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, an actress by training, devoted herself to raising her sons. Danila was the middle brother, the eldest is Egor, now works in the healthcare sector. The youngest, Ivan, is engaged in cargo transportation and lives in Vladimir.
Little Danila with his mother and brothers Unfortunately, Danila’s parents separated when he was still little. Nadezhda had to carry the burden of being a mother of many children alone. The relationship with his father did not end, but he took little part in raising the children. All three grew up as tomboys, but Danila was always the ringleader. That is why the restless and disobedient Dani often had problems in schools, which he was forced to change one after another. In one of the interviews, Kozlovsky himself spoke about his childhood antics as follows:

My brothers and I generally did the devil knows what: they broke windows in the entrances, smashed stalls, bullied passers-by, and if they came across foreigners, they did not miss the opportunity to defraud

Correction path

Naturally, the parents did not like this behavior of their sons. They ended up in the police room, were expelled from several schools, and simply behaved like hooligans. However, according to the brothers' stories, Danila, despite the fact that he was a notorious ringleader, had the strongest inner rod. He is one of three brothers sent by his mother to the casting of the series “Simple Truths”; he spent money to get to the casting. The brothers preferred to buy ice cream. By the way, Danil passed the casting and was approved for the role of a sixth-grader - the brother of one of the main characters, played by Nastya Zadorozhnaya.
The plump, harmful boy from “Simple Truths” - the future handsome Kozlovsky Egor about his younger brother Danil:

He is all like that, in everything. Even as a small child, he knew how to make decisions. And love was inherent in him by nature since childhood. I can say that Danya for a long time was my older brother, despite being younger than me. And the balance was restored only a couple of years ago.

In order to influence the character and fate of the boys, the parents decide to enroll them in a cadet school. The choice fell on the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. However, even there, Danila’s brothers could not hold out for long, but he himself followed this path to the end and graduated with honors in 2002. It was in the cadet corps that Danila’s fighting and persistent character was formed, where he understood the meaning of the word “must”.
Danila is on the far right general photo Despite the fact that the officers, pleased with Kozlovosky’s successes, insisted on continuing his military career, persuading him to apply to the military academy, Danila still decided to follow his childhood dream and become an actor.

Theater and acting career of Kozlovsky


Contrary to the entreaties of the military leadership of the cadet corps, after graduation Danila entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts for a directing course under the guidance of people's artist Russian Federation Lev Dodin. Starting from his second year, Kozlovsky began to take part in filming on a regular basis. Starting with TV series and passing roles, Danila reaches leading role in the reputable project "Garpastum". The director of the project is the talented Alexey German Junior. In this wonderful drama about sports and courage, Danila managed to create a harmonious image of one of the brothers who is sincerely passionate about football.
Danila Kozlovsky and Evgeny Pronin in “Garpastum” The course leader, Dodin, recognized the acting talent in the young student. He invited him to his production of King Lear for the role of Edgar. The first role on the theatrical stage brought the first award - “Golden Spotlight”. For his first serious role in a big film, Danila became the winner of the White Elephant award from Russian film critics and the film press. Later, during his studies, Kozlovsky played in several more performances: “Whim,” “Life and Fate,” “Warsaw Melody.” The latter brought the young artist together with future wife Urszula Malka.

The slow path to the top of the acting Olympus

Contrary to expectations, after filming with the famous master Herman Jr., new offers did not begin to pour in as if from a cornucopia. And even the presence of leading roles on the theatrical stage, awards and rave reviews from critics did not affect the success of Kozlovsky’s career. By 2007, Danila’s track record included only ten film roles. Most of them were serials. But a fighting spirit, perseverance and determination always bear fruit. In 2008, Kozlovsky starred in the big-budget blockbuster “We are from the Future” by Andrei Malyukov.
A still from the film “We are from the Future” Danila was accompanied on the set by future and current stars of Russian cinema. Among them: Vladimir Yaglych, Ekaterina Klimova, Boris Galkin, Daniil Strakhov, Sergei Makhovikov and others. Acting young actor was appreciated, and the film itself was successful at the box office. The audience greeted the patriotic film very warmly and remembered the charming main characters. Flywheel successful acting career Kozlovsky was promoted. After “We are from the Future” and the courageous role of Borman, Danila starred in the company of the famous Finn Ville Haapasalo and the charming Alexei Klimushkin in the eccentric comedy “Veselchaki”. The film tells about the difficult fate of five men performing in a drag show. A very unusual role with dressing up in women's clothing was played brilliantly by Danila.

Recognition and a sharp rise in career

After three such diverse roles, no one doubted Danila’s talent. Next role Kozlovsky became the image of a taxi driver elite service taxi from the movie almanac “Moscow, I love you!” The entire color of Russian cinema was involved in the filming: Evgeny Mironov, Evgeny Stychkin, Maxim Sukhanov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Dmitry Dyuzhev and many other stars of the first magnitude.
still from the film “Moscow, I love you!” Each subsequent role made the actor more recognizable and popular. However, the real explosion occurred after the release of the film “Duhless”, based on the bestseller of the same name by Sergei Minaev. Kozlovsky played the role of a wealthy top manager of a bank, Max's playmaker. Despite the fact that it seemed to Max that he owned everything he might need in life, doubts creep into his head about the correctness of what is happening. After this, everything goes downhill and his life collapses like a house of cards.
Max is a rich playmaker from the film “Duhless”. Despite the fact that the film was received ambiguously, it still made a resonance. They wrote and talked a lot about it, compared it with the original source, looked for inaccuracies and inconsistencies. At the same time, Kozlovsky always counted among the positives of the film - there is no fault with his acting, he did everything that the director and screenwriter would have wanted from him. The film's receipts significantly exceeded its costs - a rather rare phenomenon in Russian cinema. Kozlovsky’s role in the epic sports drama about the great “Red Car” helped Kozlovsky to finally gain a foothold on the acting Olympus. The role of the legendary Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov helped Danila rise to heights unattainable for other young actors. A high-quality drama with excellent filming and an excellent cast did not leave Russian viewers indifferent. The film collected a huge box office and positive reviews from critics and ordinary viewers.
Kharlamov (Kozlovsky) and coach Tarasov (Menshikov). Still from the film The film certainly took one of the first places among best films modern Russian cinema.

Notable film roles

In the same year as “Legend No. 17,” the television film “It All Started in Khabrin” was released. In the mini-series, Kozlovsky's company on film set compiled by the beautiful Anna Chipovskaya. Based on real events The drama series became another high-quality work in which the young actor took part, confirming his high level skill. The television film was warmly received by the audience, and the on-screen duet of Anna and Danila was named the most beautiful acting team. Danila Kozlovsky and Anna Chipovskaya Then there was a role in the comedy melodrama “The Habit of Parting,” in which the actor played together with his student love Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Another notable appearance was the role of Prince Dmitry in the historical film “Rasputin”. But, unfortunately, despite the presence of such high-profile names as Khabensky and Depardieu on the list of actors, the film was not of very high quality and was not very warmly received by the audience. In 2014, Kozlovsky conquered the next stage of his acting career - he starred in Hollywood. Vampire Academy is a film based on a series of best-selling books for teenagers written by Richel Mead. Unfortunately, the first experience of filming in Hollywood was a failure - the film turned out to be weak, aimed more at young fans of the book than at a serious viewer. However, as you know, any experience is useful.
A still from the film “Vampire Academy” After the debut in Hollywood, the commercially successful and well-received domestic “Dubrovsky” and the continuation of the resonant “Duhless” followed, where Kozlovsky again played former top manager bank, the matured and matured Max.

Personal life

As his older brother Yegor said about Danil, he is different from them younger brother Ivan, who chose his life partner a long time ago and lives with her to this day. A creative nature, Kozlovsky devoted himself with all passion to love and relationships. His first serious, but, alas, short-lived love was Elizaveta Boyarskaya. They met as students. However, Lisa’s stern father, Mikhail Boyarsky, intervened in the relationship. He forbade his daughter to have a relationship with an “infantile, not yet fledgling youth.” It's a pity, the couple would be beautiful!
Kozlovsky and Boyarskaya at the premiere of “Status: Single” In 2008, suddenly it became known about Danila’s wedding with the Polish actress Urszula Malka. They met when they played together in the play “Warsaw Melody”. There were rumors that Kozlovsky’s wedding with Urshula was more out of spite for Boyarskaya than out of mutual love. It is not known whether this is true, however, the marriage turned out to be unstable. After 3 years, the family broke up. In 2013 new darling Danila became the beautiful actress Yulia Snigir. However, this beautiful couple did not last long. At the beginning of 2014, it became known about their separation. As Danila’s older brother Yegor said in an interview: “Bullfinches fly and fly away, but Danya remains.”
Yulia Snigir and Danila at a social event In 2015, the actor began new romantic relationship. He began dating model Olga Zueva. It’s too early to say what this relationship will lead to, but in the spring of 2016, the girl moved to Danila’s St. Petersburg apartment. At all social events lovers appear together and with all their appearance demonstrate the seriousness and romance of their relationship.

Danila Kozlovsky 2016

2016 was the most productive year for the actor. At the beginning of the year, the premiere of an experimental film from producer Timur Bekmambetov “Hardcore” took place. The crazy action thriller, shot entirely from the first person, became Kozlovsky’s second Hollywood experience. A low-budget action film by Hollywood standards, a joint Russian-American production, collected a good box office and surprised audiences all over the world. Some people really liked the film, others were not delighted, however, the resonance was colossal. The image turned out to be spectacular. Kozlovsky tried on an unusual image of a villain. Together with him in the film, in addition to Russian actors, starring Sharlto Copley (District 9, Chappie, Maleficent) and Haley Bennett (The Great Equalizer, The Girl on the Train, Marley and Me). The next grandiose project that touched the audience was the remake of the Soviet disaster film “Crew”. The film received high marks from both viewers and film critics. A clear confirmation good welcome was the colossal box office collected by the film. Made on a Hollywood scale, the film remained a drama with a Russian soul. The duet for Kozlovsky was composed by the magnificent actor Vladimir Mashkov. The parents of the talented pilot played by Danila were portrayed on screen by Sergei Shakurov and Elena Yakovleva. “Crew” rightfully stands on a par with “Legend No. 17” among the best films of post-Soviet cinema.
Actors of the “Crew” at the presentation of the film at the Oktyabrsky cinema. At the end of December 2016, the epoch-making work “Viking” was presented to the audience, a film that was shot over 6 years. The film's budget exceeds 1 billion rubles. Excellent cinematography and acting, unfortunately, were blurred by unsatisfactory direction and script. The film was shot superbly, the picture is mesmerizing, but the viewer was left dissatisfied. The film's box office revenues paid for the production costs, but viewers noted some historical inaccuracies and excessive cruelty in the film. There were those who liked everything. But who definitely has no complaints is the cast. The entire casting worked perfectly, smoothing out the overall impression of the film.
Still from the movie "Viking"

Danila Kozlovsky now

In 2017, several films with Danila’s participation will be released, including “On the Area”, produced by Kozlovsky himself, the script for which was written by his girlfriend Olga Zueva. He will also appear on screens in the films “Dovlatov”, “Matilda” and “Decorator”. In the latter he will try on the image of Erast Fandorin. In addition to filming films and acting at the St. Petersburg Maly Academic Drama Theater, Kozlovsky plans to continue the development of his musical career. In 2015, as an experiment, he gave a solo concert show “Big Dream an ordinary person", produced by Philip Kirkorov. At the concert, Kozlovsky performed hits of classics of American pop-jazz vocals from the 40s to the 60s.
Show “The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man” In addition to all this, the man-orchestra Danila Kozlovsky is known for his work in the field of charity. It supports several charitable foundations and their number is growing every year. Danila is a real example for other artists; he has been repeatedly noted with the warmest words from representatives of healthcare, hospitals and children's foundations. Charity dinners with a star, performances and performances, the income from which goes to various foundations, direct financial donations and visits to sick children and adults - this is not the entire list of Kozlovsky’s good deeds.

Facts about the actor

  • Height and weight of Danila Kozlovsky: 184 cm/85 kg
  • Number of films and TV series with his participation (as of February 2017): 38
  • Eastern horoscope: Zodiac sign Taurus, year of birth Ox
  • Was married for 3 years to Polish actress Urszula Malka
  • Plays the saxophone and viola, sings and dances well
  • Winner of two Golden Eagle awards for Best Actor
  • In 2014 he became the face of the international advertising company"Coco Medemoiselle" with Keira Knightley


  • Loves red wine, Mad Men and Downton Abbey, home cooking and Italian Tuscany
  • Doesn't like parties, nightclubs, himself as a child when he was chubby, and lack of discipline


“I love my family, my brothers very much. I love my mother very much. I think if we turn around and look at the whole history of our family, we will never understand how much our mother did for us. But, unfortunately, we see each other extremely rarely.”

Danila Kozlovsky

Danila’s mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Zvenigorodskaya, an actress by profession, - main man in Danila's life. Nadezhda Nikolaevna graduated from the Shchukin School, worked at the Mosconcert and toured a lot. But then she had to make a choice: motherhood or a career. Nadezhda chose the first, becoming a mother at the age of 34 - the main role in her life. In 2014, she made her film debut, playing the role of the mother of Danila Kozlovsky’s hero Nikita in “Status: Single.” Immediately after this work, she began filming in a larger project - the film “Crew”.

It was Nadezhda Nikolaevna who saw the talent in her son and infected him with the acting virus. Danila treats her with reverence. Never skimp on the most kind words to her address. In almost every interview there is a small declaration of love:

"My mom main advisor and assistant. She personally prepared me for entering the theater academy, and it was she who helped me choose the right workshop. My mom still always supports me.”

From an interview with Vogue Russia (January 2016):
“Without mom nothing would have happened. I could not imagine that acting could become a profession. I roughly imagined: I want to do this further, but what in my mind was “this”? Read poetry and take part in amateur performances, act as a buffoon in kaveens? One day my mother sat me down in front of her: “The competition in this profession is fierce. There are thousands like you all over Russia. And even among the lucky ones who ended up in theater troupes, there are only a few real actors. You can become one of the shadows of the stage, get lost in the crowd.” I ask: “What about the famous, beloved idols?” - “And they worked like convicts. Are you ready? I swore with enthusiasm, not suspecting how true her words were. But my mother felt that I had the strength to cope with the wall that I would have to break through with my own forehead in order to become a real actor.”

Danila with her grandmother Avietta Ivanovna Dolgintseva, a physics teacher at school No. 20 in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg. The photographs were taken at a meeting with students from school No. 20 in St. Petersburg on April 25, 2008.

With mother - Nadezhda Nikolaevna - September 18, 2012 at the Moscow premiere of "SpiritLess"

Younger brother Ivan with his wife. (Lives and works in Vladimir, works in the communications system).

Elder brother Egor. (Previously held a management position in an automobile company. Currently works in a healthcare system.)

Egor Kozlovsky says (from an interview with Antenna - October 2015):

Danila with his mother and brothers.

Since 2013, Olga Zueva, a model, actress, and director, appeared in Danila’s life. The couple not only lives together, but also does joint projects. So, in 2016 they made the film “On the Block”, then there was “Coach”, and now they are working on the series “Officially Beautiful”.

Olga about her first meeting with Danila:

“I wasn't excited the first time we met. I didn’t have this trail of Danila Kozlovsky’s personality. The first thing I thought was that he was very handsome boy. But within ten minutes everything changed. I quickly realized that this is very special person, a real man. Danya deeply touched me with his kindness, sincerity and some kind of inner purity, which is usually not characteristic of beautiful, successful, and especially famous people. Sometimes I want to pinch him and ask: “Are you real?”

. Olya Zueva talks about herself and Danil

Danila with Olga Zueva:

WITH ex-wife Urszula Malka

Kozlovsky Danila Valerievich - famous actor theater and cinema, who entered the world of cinema completely by accident, but never regretted it. The young man was repeatedly called by critics rising star, the most best actor a new generation, which is always on the crest of a wave of popularity.

Kozlovsky is the first womanizer of Russian cinema, he was and is the most eligible bachelor, who is simply adored by fans and actresses. Many directors point out that Danila’s appearance in the frame already brings success to the film and its creator.

Height, weight, age of Danila Kozlovsky

Fans of the actor’s incredible talent, charisma and attractive appearance are eager to find out about Danila Kozlovsky’s height, weight, and age. However, not all physical data young man are static because weight and age are constantly changing.

Danila was born on May 3, 1985, which means he was only thirty-four years old. At the same time, the zodiac circle gave the talented guy the sign of a stubborn, stable, hardworking, ambitious and creative Taurus.

And the eastern horoscope endowed him with the character traits inherent in the Ox, namely tenacity, perseverance, straightforwardness, fearlessness, and intelligence.

Danila Kozlovsky: photo in his youth and now - practically the same face. However, in childhood and adolescence the guy was very round and plump, because he suffered from excess weight and loved to eat. In later photos, Kozlovsky went in for sports and went on a diet, so he lost weight and became simply irresistible handsome.

At the same time, evil tongues say that Danila received Botox injections and liposuction. Kozlovsky does not prove anything to anyone, he simply asks to pay attention to his mother, who at sixty-six years old looks twenty years younger. The actor claims that he was given the genes of his mother, so he is not in danger of plastic surgery.

Danila’s height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is set at eighty-five kilograms.

Biography of Danila Kozlovsky

The biography of Danila Kozlovsky is the story of how an ordinary boy could become a great actor simply by being at the right time and in the right place. The fact is that his parents had something to do with creativity, although his mother was most worried about the future of her son and his brothers.

Father - Valery Kozlovsky - was a worker in the field of culture, and a very distinguished one. He was the dean and creator of a unique advertising department at the prestigious Moscow state institute culture, where he still teaches today.

Mother - Nadezhda Kozlovskaya-Zvenigorodskaya - is a famous artist who sang her songs under the auspices of the Mosconcert, so she was constantly on tour. She managed to raise three difficult sons and even starred in a movie.

Brother - Yegor Kozlovsky - also studied in the cadet corps, then graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, becoming an advertiser, as well as a philologist. The most interesting thing is that he began to work in the healthcare system, and at the same time conduct a program on the Internet, where he talks about the treatment of children. Lives in perfect marriage, and is the father of two kids - Kolya and Lyuba.

Brother - Ivan Kozlovsky - works in the communications system, he lives in Vladimir and is also married. By the way, the youngest of the brothers had the best life; he is stable and self-confident.

The boy was born in the capital of the USSR, so he had a huge chance for development, however, he often spoiled everything with my own hands. Danila was the first bully and hooligan at school and in the yard, while he suffered from arrogance and self-confidence. They could not accept or love him in any of the dozens of educational institutions where the boy came to study. The director of each school called his mother and expelled the unwanted problem guy. Kozlovsky lasted the longest in high school with in-depth study of Spanish.

Parents did not allow the hyperactive boy to wander idly down the street. Danila was involved in martial arts and football, he studied vocals and played the piano. He even studied at a ballet school, but was expelled from it due to complete absence talent.

Young Kozlovsky completely changed after he entered the theater studio, because he realized that he had found his life’s work. The boy diligently rehearsed and attended castings, so he soon received a small role in the youth series “Simple Truths.”

Despite his popularity, Danila was in no hurry to change, so he ended up in the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps, where his parents sent him for company with his hooligan brothers. At the same time, the rest of the Kozlovskys were expelled from the educational institution in disgrace, but our hero took root here.

Filmography: films starring Danila Kozlovsky

The officers fell in love with him and gave him recommendations for enrollment in the Military Academy, however, the guy ended up at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Danila enjoyed performing in plays, receiving awards while still a student, for example, for the plays “King Lear” and “The Warsaw Melody.”

After roles in episodes, the young man’s filmography began to be replenished with such films and TV series as: “Alka”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Viking”, “Garpastum”, “We are from the Future”, “Crew”, “Spiritless”, “Vampire Academy” ", "Matilda", "Spy". He tried himself as a director, filming the full-length film “Coach,” produced the film “On the Block,” and also actively became involved in charity work, helping children.

There are often rumors that Danila Kozlovsky gay. It’s worth telling right away that the young man simply expressed himself incorrectly in an interview about the film “Merry Men.” He told reporters that dressing up as a woman was fun, easy and interesting, but he would never want to remain a representative of the fairer sex forever. The man said several times that he was loyal to representatives of sexual minorities, but he never intended to be one of them.

Personal life of Danila Kozlovsky

The personal life of Danila Kozlovsky has always been incredibly bright, since a charismatic and incredibly talented young man invariably attracts the attention of the first beauties of Russian cinema and theater. At the same time, many people continue to accuse the handsome man of having a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Kozlovsky had an unhappy first love, because while still studying at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg, he seriously fell in love with the young and bright Liza Boyarskaya. The guys constantly spent time together, they were even planning to get married, and Danila said that he would like children from the girl. However, the girl’s father unceremoniously intervened in the personal life of Lisa and Danila - legendary musketeer Mikhail Boyarsky, who said that a penniless and unemployed student is not a match for his beloved daughter. At the same time, Elizabeth could not contradict her dad, so Kozlovsky left her and suddenly married someone else.

Although in 2013, Yulia Snegir appeared on the horizon of the first heartthrob of Russian cinema, who, although much older than Danila, looked simply luxurious. Everything was just wonderful, but a relationship without love could not last longer than a year.

Two years later, the guy was already spotted with leggy model Olga Zueva. The guys tried to live together, but constant filming and travel ruined life, so after a few months they broke up.

Danila Kozlovsky’s most high-profile romance was his relationship with Zoey Deutch, whom he met on the set of the film “Vampire Academy.” The girl and the guy not only masterfully played sincere love on the screen, but also began dating in real life. At the same time, Zoe decided to break up for the sake of the handsome man with her boyfriend Avan Jogia, whom she began dating as soon as she turned seventeen. This relationship did not last long, since it later turned out that this was just a skillful PR move by the producers of the film.

Danila’s affair with Oksana Akinshina, who not only starred with him in a commercial, but had also been friends since childhood, was also not confirmed.

The most incredible rumor was the news with the tag “Danila Kozlovsky and Philip Kirkorov romance” that appeared on the Internet. The fact is that the guy and the pop king were often seen together; Kirkorov even became the producer of the aspiring singer’s concert.

This novel turned out to be complete nonsense, but the guy lifted the veil of secrecy and clarified that Philip Bedrosovich showed signs of attention to his mother and even went on vacation with her to Israel, constantly posting photos and videos from the trip on his own Instagram.

Family of Danila Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky’s family was quite difficult, since it raised three difficult boys. Head large family there was a mother - Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, since my father left the family when Danila was still little.

At the same time, all the sons were incredibly attached to their mother; he tells her all the secrets and asks for advice, and also unquestioningly obeys a loved one and often arranges surprises for her.

It’s worth clarifying right away that Danila Kozlovsky never officially came out as gay. He has a good attitude towards sexual minorities, believing that unusual orientation is their personal matter, in which no one should interfere.

Children of Danila Kozlovsky

The children of Danila Kozlovsky have not yet been born into this world, since the guy has not yet found his beloved girl, from whom he is ready to father children. He says that he perfect wife and the mother had to be feminine and weak. And all because Kozlovsky could feel like a real man with her, who is ready to protect, protect and pamper.

The mother of his future children should be long-legged and smiling, wear a bob haircut, and sometimes smoke menthol cigarettes. Kozlovsky clarified that he cannot stand self-sufficient, always busy women who pay their own restaurant bill and do not find time for their husbands and raising children.

Danila never ceases to amaze admirers by the fact that he is ready to become a father of many children to several boys and girls. At the same time, he is angry about rumors that in all countries former USSR he has several dozen children born from colleagues and fans.

Kozlovsky does not confirm rumors about his pregnancy ex-girlfriend Yulia Snegir. She has not lived with him for a long time, and when the couple separated, there were no signs of pregnancy. Danila says that if a girl is going to become a mother, then he is sincerely happy for her, but the relationship with interesting situation Yulia does not have one.

The ex-wife of Danila Kozlovsky - Urszula Magdalena Malka

Danila Kozlovsky's ex-wife, Urszula Magdalena Malka, appeared in his life back in student years. She became a real balm for the soul of the aspiring actor after a painful break with Elizaveta Boyarskaya. The guy could not calm down and endure the terrible injustice. He withdrew into himself, became depressed and did not want to leave the room.

At the same time, Danila knew perfectly well that his beloved Lisa was also suffering and was on the verge of nervous breakdown, but will never dare to contradict his influential father. Kozlovsky asked her if their couple had a future, and when the girl refused, he unexpectedly got married.

It is worth noting that none of the colleagues on the theater stage ever believed in the love of Urszula and Danila. The fact is that the spectacular Polish woman was 5 years older than her future husband, they were considered colleagues and were friends. Kozlovsky said that he fell in love with his wife because he spent a long time with her during the rehearsal of the production “Warsaw Melody”.

In 2008, the young people entered into a legal marriage, but continued to rent housing in half. Already in the second year family life Urszula and her husband began to disagree due to the unstable financial situation, and also the fact that Malka wanted to become a mother as soon as possible, although Danila did not want children from her. Kozlovsky also wanted to make a career, and Urshula was constantly jealous of his stage partners.

The marriage broke up three years later, but the guys separated easily and remained friends and colleagues on the theater stage. They don't talk about why they broke up, but they still tell each other news from their personal lives over a cup of coffee and ask for advice.

Instagram and Wikipedia Danila Kozlovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Danila Kozlovsky have been available for several years now, because he is a magnificent and talented actor who has a huge army of fans. Wikipedia contains only up-to-date and reliable data about childhood, education, parents, filmography, theatrical performances, personal and family life.

No less than 1,000,000 people have already subscribed to Kozlovsky’s Instagram profile, who can admire high-quality photos and videos from the personal and creative archive of the actor and singer. He often posts posts related to travel around the world, as well as requests to raise money for the treatment of butterfly children, whom Danila constantly helps. Article found on alabanza.ru